Stories by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer   
Stories by Jevic
The Tarheel Writer
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    This page houses stories written by me, Jevic, The Tarheel Writer. These works are the reason this website exists. I started The Tarheel Writer website as I posted the last chapter of "The Watchers" on Nifty way back in 2003. Over two decades later the site has evolved, grown, expanded and changed. Thank you for visiting and for reading my stories.

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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New Story by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer"Ocean"New Story by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
Completed 12 September 2023
Fifteen chapters (128,422 words)

Ocean by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
    After the death of his parents, Ian finds himself in foster care with a horrible family. It is so bad that he runs away from his foster home and stumbles into a campsite where he meets a lovely long haired blond boy by the name of Ocean, who is immediately smitten with Ian. This one also drips in explict sexual content alomg with some drug use. Anyone that would name their kid Ocean would probably have an open mind when it comes to partaking in the natural plants that nature provides. You might call them modern day hippies.
Warning, heavy sexual content

Completed 11 January 2023
Eleven chapters (89,934 words)

Neo by Jevic, The Tarhel Writer
    Neo works for his father in the landscaping business. He falls in love with Collier, son of a billionaire ... a la Prince and the Pauper. Their summer romance burns bright, but there are troubled waters ahead. Neo finds himself homeless and resorts to what street kids do. But there is a shining star in Neo's future. Aiden comes to Neo's rescue in more ways than one. This one drips in sex.
Warning, heavy sexual content

Completed 5 December 2022
One Chapter (11,321 words)

Logan by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
    When Logan's fundamentalist Christan parents find him sucking his best friend's dick, they throw him out of the house. He turns to his best friend and get's the door slammed in his face. Now Logan is facing a life on the streets.
Warning, heavy sexual content

Hunter at Sea
Completed 21 November 2022
Seven Chapters (35,191 words)

Hunter at Sea by Jevic
    Hunter, a high school junior, falls in love with his best friend Jesse and after agonizing over it, finally tells him. Jesse punches Hunter in the face and a lifelong friendship evaporates in the blink of an eye. Hunter escapes by leaving to help move a sailboat from Jacksonville to Key West and ends up in a horrific storm. Follow Hunter was he battles Mother Nature and the loss of his friend. And follow Jesse as he battles his feelings for Hunter.

Favorite Scenes
Scenes from my stories I liked the best
Favorite Scenes by Jevic
    OK, there are some scenes you write as an author that are what you consider your best. These are those. At the time I wrote them, the words didn't need to be thought about, they just flowed. Read along and enjoy.

The Watchers
Completed 24 February 2003
Nineteen Chapters (115,309 words)

The Watchers by Jevic
    Cameron is the school fag. He deals with the insults and occasional physical violence. One day the violence goes too far. When Cameron wakes up he learns that he is adopted and his real parents came from outerspace. He is starting to develop strange powers and finds out there is a whole army out to kill him.

The Nineteenth Year
Completed 30 March 2008
Eighteen Chapters (109,725 words)

The Nineteenth Year by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
    The horrid things that can happen to innocent children is truly appalling. This story deals with child pornography and one of its victims. Follow Daniel Simon as he deals with a past that just won't go away. Be prepared for a fast paced story that literally jets across the globe.

The Party Girl
Completed 17 November 2007
One Chapter (7,585 words)

The Party Girl by Jevic
    Your best friend is straight, but he still lets you suck his cock. Then one day you both come up with a plan for you to suck off the whole football team without any of them knowing who you are.
Warning, heavy sexual content

Completed 9 Febraruy 2004
One chapter (9,068 words)

Craig by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
    Summer time 1975, cut off shorts, the lake, some really killer pot, a cooler of beer and two best friends with unquenchable libidos all combine for a fun adventure.
Warning, heavy sexual content

Magic Behind the Magic
WIP - on indefinate hold
Chapter fifteen posted (34,602 words so far)

The Magic Behind the Magic by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
    So Dan and Tom (Harry and Draco) are really real wizards performing in the Harry Potter movies. They get up to some strange stuff with bad guys, not the bad guys in the movies, but the bad guys in the real wizarding world,.

Halloween Reunion
Completed 1 November 2003
One Chapter (3,876 words)

Halloween Reunion by Jevic
    Jayme and Kyle were best friends, lovers, soulmates. Kyle was killed in a horrible car wreck on Halloween night. A year later, strange things happen to Jayme.

That's What Christmas is All About
Completed in 2005
One Chapter (1,832 words)

That's What Christmas is All About by Jevic
    A Christmas story. Have a hanky ready cuz yer gonna cry.

A Christmas Poem
Complete in One Chapter
A Christmas Poem
    A Christmas poem.

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