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Bricks & Musings 2012
General Writer Spouting off

    There is always something to comment about and nothing is off the table. Sometimes, I just gotta get up on my little soapbox and pour my heart out. It is always interesting to look back at what I've written in the past. Feel free to comment.

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

Tarheel Home Page

22 December 2012

    Happy Holidays! This can be a difficult time of year for a lot of people. Please remember those less fortunate than us and do something special for them. Most of the time it just takes something simple that makes a huge difference in someone's life. The gift of kindness to a stranger, time volunteered or money generously given goes a long way to make difference. Thank you for remembering that this is the season of giving. Happy Holidays to each and every one of you!

10 December 2012

Richard Pryor 1 Dec 1940 - 10 Dec 2005
    Has it really been 12 years ago that Rich passed away? Time is passing entirely too quickly!

1 December 2012
World AIDS Day
    It's World AIDS Day. Remember those who were taken by this terrible disease and hope for a cure! I miss you Bob and Van! You both were terribly important in my life!

22 November 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
    Thank you for authors and writers that provide hours and hours of entertainment. Thank you for fans that encourage those authors and writers to continue telling us stories. Thank you for the inspiration that feeds the imagination of authors and writers everywhere. And, thank you for the visitors to this site that make all the time and effort worth every minute!

3 November 2012

    OK you folks on Daylight Savings Time, turn your clocks back tonight!

28 October 2012

    Time to batten down the hatches.

5 May 2012

    Supermoon! The biggest full moon of 2012 happens tonight at 11:35PM EDT. It's perigee, that time when the moon is at its shortest distance from earth. Supermoons only occur about every 412 days. Head out and do a litle howling!

2 May 2012

    The wonderful thing about art is that everyone has their own interpretation of what it means. "The Scream" by Edvard Munch was sold at auction today. I think JK Rowling saw this painting and said to herself "Now that's a dementor!"

26 April 2012

    Bad Hair ... hehehe ... really bad hair :D

15 April 2012
    10 April 1912 the RMS Titanic leaves on her maiden voyage from Southampton. The "unsinkable" ship strikes an iceberg at 11:40PM on 14 April 1912 and slips below the surface of the North Atlantic with 1,514 souls on board at 2:20AM 15 April 1912.

Titanic at rest
    100 years later, almost to the day, the great ship lies two and a half miles below the waves of the North Atlantic and still piques our interest today. May those who went down with Her rest in peace.

8 February 2012
    I am systamatically going through all of my recommended stories and archiving them. Too many times in the past, stories have just gone away and I want to make sure that I have them saved. Having recommended stories for over 9 years, I have learned that some authors just fade into the sunset and some stories get pulled. Regardless, every story I recommend, I truly enjoyed and would like to read again. In the process, I'm finding some new stories (sequels) that I am adding to the Suggested Reading List. This is a painstakenly slow process, but the site will be much better in the long run. Do be sure to check the Rec'd List from time to time as I have been updating it almost daily.

2 January 2012
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! It has been some months since I've been very active with the site. I am now the General Manager of a 111 room hotel and it has been taking 110% of my time to get it up and running. Now that things have "settled in" I will have more time to spend on the site. Thanks to you all for your many emails expressing concerning over my health. Rest assured, I am just fine and updates will now be coming on a more regular basis.

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