Welcome to The Tarheel Writer
Damn glad you're here!

    Hi, I'm Jevic, The Tarheel Writer. Thanks for visiting my site! First time here, wow! There is so much to explore. For over two decades I have been posting my own works, my friends' works and I have been recommending stories that I really, really liked. You'll find links and resources, authors that call Tarheel Writer home, there's romance, action/adventure. You'll find a ton of shit.
    Fact of the matter is, whether you've been gay for 50 years or just figured it out last week or if you're just looking to find some really hot stories, you my friend, have come to the right place.
    New to or questioning your gayness? Check out our Links and Resources Page. Been around the block a few times? Head on over to, ahem, my stories, Rick Beck's stories, Cole Parker's stories, Chris James' stories or any of the over one thousand suggested reading titles or the hundreds of viewing suggestions.
    What are we? We used to be known as queers, homos, limp wristed fudge packers, carpet munching dykes, lesbos, trannys, fags, flaming faggots, sods, twinks, bears, chickens and even chicken hawks. Now we're LGBTQ2S+? ... The fuck? ... Yeah, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Two-Spirit. (Those damn lesbians always get in the front of the line!)
    REGARDLESS, we're damn glad you're here! Have a look around. There's the nerd and the jock, there's action/adventure, there's car chases, there's guns, there's friends falling in love with friends, there's truckers, there's the awkward high school years, there's sports, there's college, there's science fiction, there's camping, there's short stories and million word plus epics, there's love, there's real life and there's even Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy buttfucking on Snape's desk for crying out loud. Come on in and let's have some fun!
    Jevic, The Tarheel Writer

Welcome to The Tarheel Writer!    Welcome!
To the Tarheel Writer!


Stories by Jevic
The Tarheel Writer

Authors Updated!
Chris James, Rick Beck, Cole Parker and more!

Suggested Reading
Drama, Adventure, FanFiction - it's all here

Suggested Viewing
Well over a hundred to choose from!

Links/Resources Updated!
All kinds of cool stuff!

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One ringy-dingy (snort) two ringy-dingy! (Lilly Tomlin)

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

Tarheel Home Page

This site last updated Date and Time Site Updated Sunday 2 February 2025 4:28 PM EST


    Jevic is currently reading ...
Reading and Writing currently reading

   by CJames
   158 chapters (1,077,421 words)
      Trevor, through little fault of his own, finds himself with few choices. Desperate and hunted, he decides that his best chance is to head out to sea on his boat, for a circumnavigation of the Earth. His boat, Atlantis, is a fifty-five foot cruising catamaran, bequeathed to him by his mother prior to her mysterious disappearance. Come along for the ride and explore with Trevor, as he discovers many things, not the least of which is himself.
      This is an Epic Read with over a hundred chapters and over a million words. You'll be sucked in with all the twists and turns. This is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES!

    And Jevic just finished

Fifteen Chapters (128,422 words)
    After the death of his parents, Ian finds himself in foster care with a horrible family. It is so bad that he runs away from his foster home and stumbles into a campsite where he meets a lovely long haired blond boy by the name of Ocean, who is immediately smitten with Ian. This one also drips in explict sexual content along with some drug use. A warning of character death and violence as well. Anyone that would name their kid Ocean would probably have an open mind when it comes to partaking in the natural plants that nature provides. You might call them modern day hippies. Now complete (12 September 2023).

Be sure to let us know!
All comments, suggestions, pats on the back, rants and criticisms are welcome. And I genuinely thank you for your interest!
Email us at jevic@tarheelwriter.com

This story needs some extra attention ... because it is really good and you will enjoy it!
Tarheel Writer - Story Highlight Highlighted on 9 December 2024

"Desert Dropping"
by DomLuka
Link verified to GayAuthors.org/DomLuka on 9 December 2024
Not Rated
High School
36 Chapters (368,980 words)
Completed 27 December 2010
Added 29 Sept 2012 (archived-html/word)
    Rory's mom just died and soon after the funeral his life is turned upside down when he finds out that his mom has contacted the father that he never knew. Now, he's forced to live in the desert with a family he doesn't know, a father he doesn't want to know, and to top it all off, Rory's gay and no longer has anyone to confide in. Friends will be made and the meaning of family will be found as Rory discovers that everything isn't so bad in the desert.

Just so you know
    Every single story recommendation on this site has been personally read by me. I make recommendations according to my own criteria. I do, however, accept recommendations from you, but before they are considered for addition to the recommendations on this site, I will read them first. It has taken almost two decades to gather the stories I recommend. There are a lot and they vary quite a bit too. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. Some will make you think. And some will do all that and more. I enjoyed every single one of them and have read some multiple times.
    Please feel free to suggest a story or stories that you enjoyed. My short list is getting longer and I am slowly working my way through it, but there is always room for more. Thank you in advance for sharing!

External Links
     I am proud to suggest good reading and I do that by providing links to other sites. Even though I have written stories myself, I am not so egotistical as to think you are here just to read my works (but I'd like it if you did, wink, wink). I learned early on that there are many, many talented writers, no authors actually, "out there" that need to be recognized and suggested. That's why you will find an extensive list of stories on this site that I found to be profound, entertaining, exhilarating and down right good reading. So feel free to look around and find something to your liking.
    DO TAKE NOTE though, some sites will require you to register before allowing you access. I have tried to indicate these sites on my recommended reading pages, but there are probably a whole lot of exceptions ... which means, don't be surprised if you suddenly find you have to register on a site to read a story. I have not had a problem with any of these sites.

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