Ocean by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer    Ocean

by Jevic
The Tarheel Writer
128,422 words

Ocean by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer

Explicit Sexual Situations
Mild drug use
Rated X Explicit
Now complete (12 September 2023)

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

Tarheel Home Page

    After the death of his parents, Ian finds himself in foster care with a horrible family. It is so bad that he runs away from his foster home and stumbles into a campsite where he meets a lovely long haired blond boy by the name of Ocean, who is immediately smitten with Ian.
    Anyone that would name their kid Ocean would probably have an open mind when it comes to partaking in the natural plants that nature provides. You might call them modern day hippies. This one drips in explict sexual content alomg with some mild drug use.

Chapter One
 8,363 words

Chapter Two
"Getting to Know You"
 10,368 words

Chapter Three
"Mellow Weed or Sex Weed"
 9,155 words

Chapter Four
"A Viral Start to School"
 10,482 words

Chapter Five
"Speedo Boys Go Camping"
 9,332 words

Chapter Six
"Luke's Fantasy"
 8,589 words

Chapter Seven
 8,607 words

Chapter Eight
"Tanner Gets Lessons"
 8,168 words

Chapter Nine
"Trouble in Paradise"
 8,118 words

Chapter Ten
"Uncle Blake"
 8,051 words

Chapter Eleven
"Orgies and Waterfalls"
 8,628 words

Chapter Twelve
 8,078 words

Chapter Thirteen
"Repercussions and Reconciliations"
 7,619 words

Chapter Fourteen
"Porn Stars"
 6,994 words

Chapter Fifteen
 7,727 words

Jevic's Story Page

Ocean is Copyright © 2023 by The Tarheel Writer.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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