Bricks and Musings   
Bricks & Musings 2018
General Writer Spouting off

    There is always something to comment about and nothing is off the table. Sometimes, I just gotta get up on my little soapbox and pour my heart out. It is always interesting to look back at what I've written in the past. Feel free to comment.

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

Tarheel Home Page

1 November 2018
Hello Fall!
    Hello Fall!

11 October 2018
National Coming Out Day 2018
    Today is National Coming Out Day. Whether you're lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or not, be proud of who you are and support LGBTQ+ equality this Coming Out Day!

22 April 2018
Earth Day
Earth Day 2018
    While the government of my country continues to roll back legislation that protects our planet, the true date of Earth Day is November 6th - election day - protect our country at the poll - Vote!

23 March 2018
March For Our Lives - Click here to visit the website!

1 March 2018
Good to be in the Florida Keys
    Hanging out in the Florida Keys looking at catamarans. 80's daytime and 70's at night is very comfortable. Kinda nice to get a tan when it's cold as hell back home! Full moon in the background.

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