A Smokey Mountain Chrismas by Carolina Scribbler   
A Smokey Mountain Christmas

by The Carolina Scribbler

Christmas Theme

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

Tarheel Home Page

The snow had been falling for almost an hour so I knew I had to get home soon. It wasn't easy driving up Cowee Mountain in the snow either. Luckily I did have a 4wd. My Jeep was my baby. She was all I had except my dog Gypsy, a tan 2 year old Golden Retriever. No matter what kind of mood I was in or how I felt, Gypsy would greet me with a low guttural sound the instant I walked through the doorway. It sounded like a growl if you didn't know better but it was her way of "speaking". She could "smile" too. She was really cute when she did that.

I closed up the general store I owned and decided to fill up my gas tank and pick up some things from the market before I headed home. I called in an order to the pizza place too. A guy has to eat you know.

Before I continue, I have to apologize for being so rude. Hi, my name is Drew Simmons. I'm 24 years old and I live in Franklin, North Carolina in a cabin I had custom built. I own Simmons' General Store in town. It's right on Main Street near the drugstore. I inherited it after my Mama died last year. Daddy had a stroke and passed away during my senior year at Western Carolina in Cullowhee. Until that time he, Mama and I were the only employees. When Daddy died, my mother hired a high school boy named David Ross. He was a scrawny little guy but he eventually filled out and he was a real go getter. Once I graduated from college and moved to Charlotte, Mama hired another boy, named Adam Bradley. I'd try to get back home as often as I could and when I did I'd work at the store too.

Both boys came from what most people would describe as "lower class" families. I had always hated using labels like that because of the connotations, white trash, redneck, you know? These boys came from poor families but I remember being impressed by their good manners and hard work ethic, especially David's.

They weren't that much younger than me and looked up to me as sort of an older brother I guess so I always treated them with respect. Oh, we teased each other and joked around too but it was always in fun. We became close.

When my mother passed away, both of those boys were pallbearers and they were also the last two to leave our house after everyone congregated there after the service. I had no immediate family so it was basically left up to me to set Mama's affairs in order. I left my job in Charlotte as a computer software engineer to run my family's business. Most of my colleagues thought I was making a huge mistake but I needed a change. I didn't care for the attitudes of city people and that never-ending road construction always drove me nuts. Besides that, I was homesick for Franklin.

I never really knew how lucrative selling boots, knives, leather goods and such was until I checked the books. Mama had never revealed the businesses' finances to me so I didn't know what kind of financial shape the store was in. She left a large sum in a couple of bank accounts as well. She wasn't really "tight" with money but she was pretty darned smart with it.

A few months later I decided to sell our home place. It was nothing fancy I assure you, an old farmhouse and a few acres of land but a wealthy retired couple from up north loved the location and made a full priced offer. I accepted it and bought my spot up on the mountain.

Time passed and I really enjoyed running the business. I found all aspects of it were both challenging and rewarding. Adam and David had both graduated high school. Adam worked for me full time while he "chilled" as he jokingly put it. He was a pretty smart guy but he wasn't sure about college. David on the other hand was a full time second year student at the local community college. He was working on a four year program from UNC-Asheville and was taking a full course load as well as working full time. He was ambitious, that was for sure. I admired that.

I ran into Food Lion and stocked up on the necessities; sodas, snacks and some frozen dinners. I quickly made my way through the check out line and stopped by the pizza place to grab my order. It was snowing hard now.

"Hi Drew, Merry Christmas honey," said Becky Ammons. She was a cute 20-something gal with long dark brown hair, still single and forever with a smile on her face. Her parents owned the restaurant and she usually worked the register and front end.

"Hey Becky, Merry Christmas to you too," I replied cheerfully.

"Got big plans?"

I chuckled. "This is it. I'm picking up supper now and I stopped by the grocery store for some things and then I'm heading home. Looks like it might get bad later," I said as I turned my head and glanced outside.

"Haven't you heard? A big winter storm is moving in. The weather guy on channel 11 said it was shaping up to be the biggest snowfall in at least the last 10 years."

"Wow, I'm afraid I haven't watched the weather forecast lately. I didn't know. It's a good thing I stocked up I guess. I doubt I'll be able to come down from Cowee if we get much snow."

"Oh honey, I know. Please be careful going home, ok? C'mere."

I moved closer and she leaned over the counter and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I laughed.

"That was for luck and it was to say again, Merry Christmas Drew."

I think I blushed but I kissed her back and wished her happy holidays too. I paid for my pizza and left.

I flicked my radio on and found a station playing all Christmas music. It put me in the holiday spirit even though I had no family or close friends to buy for. I still felt happy. The snowflakes looked bigger than silver dollar coins as the fell and just before I started up Bryson City rd. I turned into the Methodist church parking lot. It was up on a hill and from that vantage point I had a postcard view of practically the whole town. I could see smoke rising from some of the chimneys of the homes and practically every house was lit up with holiday lights too. Even the town had put up lighted decorations on the utility poles down Main street.

I rolled my window down slightly and watched my breath as the warm air hit the cold. Just then a holiday favorite of mine came on the radio, 'White Christmas' by Bing Crosby. I loved that song and if I was going to be of good cheer then that tune pushed me right over the top. 'Breathtaking' I thought. From my perch, I looked at the town and watched the snow falling silently for several minutes. I began singing along with the radio and I felt ok, there was a kind of emptiness too. I had felt this way many times before but I had never dealt with it except to deny it's existence. I looked skyward and made a wish, a request to the heavens to someday have someone to hold and love who would love me back. It was just a simple request, one I figured would probably be passed on because the BIG MAN has more important things to attend to.

I rolled the window back up and began singing to myself as I pulled away from the little church. I hadn't gone far when I saw a sign for Red's Christmas Trees up ahead.

"What the heck," I muttered to myself with a chuckle.

I didn't have a tree last year because it just didn't seem much like Christmas and I hadn't really thought of putting one up this year until now. Better late than never I guess.

I pulled into the lot and stopped with a short skid and jumped out my Jeep still singing. An old man, the owner I figured, came right out of the little trailer which served as an office. I was his only customer of course it was late on the 23rd of December too. There probably wasn't a great demand at this late date for a Christmas tree.

"Howdy son, looking for a tree?" he asked.

"Yes sir, it's kind of late but I decided to get one after all. It's just me but why not?"

He laughed.

"Well, I don't have much to choose from right now but I'll give you a good deal."

There were only about a dozen trees left, the best had long since found warm homes but I eyed what was there and finally picked one. It wasn't a pretty tree but it was a tree and once I threw some lights and decorations on it everything would be great. I paid the old man, wished him a Merry Christmas and headed up the road with my little Scotch pine.

I slipped and slid and spun all the way up the mountain until I reached my house. I unloaded everything and Gypsy had a ball running around in the snow while I made a couple of trips from the driveway to the house.

'I need a garage,' I thought.

I cranked up the heat a few notches to get it nice and toasty inside. I searched for and found some boxes of old decorations. I set them in the floor next to the tree then I remembered my pizza. I washed my hands and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I flipped on the radio and tuned in the same station I was listening to in my Jeep earlier. It was feeling more and more like Christmas.

I finished supper and there was about half a pizza left. I didn't put it away though. I decided the tree wplacedy enough so I place it in the stand. I had to step back and eye it from several different angles to make sure it was straight. Gypsy was lying in front of the fireplace even though I hadn't built a fire yet.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller id first. It wasn't a number I recognized but I answered it. Nobody on the other line said anything so I said 'hello' again. There was still no answer, so I hung up. I went back to decorating the tree and humming to myself. Just as I was finishing up the phone rang again. It was Adam.

"Jus' callin' to wish my favorite boss in the whole widest world a very Merry Christmas," he said gleefully.

I laughed. He sounded like he had been drinking a little.

"Thanks man and the same to you and your family. You guys having a party tonight?"

"Yeah, it's some of my aunts and uncles and a couple of little cousins. That's all. He-he, that's why I'm calling you from the bathroom, I'm hiding," he said in a hushed tone.

'Yep, he's been drinking,' I thought.

"Why are you hiding?" I asked chuckling quietly.

"I'm hiding from my aunt Carol, she always wants to peench my sheecks dude. Hey, hey Drew?"

"Yeah Adam"

"I'm a man, you know? I don't want my aunt Carol to peench me. You know my girlfriend, Kayla right?"

"Yeah, she's a nice girl," I responded.

"Well, Kayla can peench me all she wants to man."

Adam started laughing at his own comment and it made me laugh too. That guy was funny sometimes and this was the first time I had spoken to him when he had been drinking. He was a trip. I knew he wouldn't be driving but I made him promise me he wouldn't.

"I swear it Drewsky, you are my boss and you are my friend. I will not drive sir, huh uh."

"Ok buddy, you have fun at the party and be safe, ok?"

"I will man, I promise and hey Drew?"


"I love you man and have a good Christmas."

I laughed and replied, "I love you too man."

"Ok and hey Drew?"

"Yeah Adam"

I gotta go man. I think I really need to use the toilet now."


I started laughing and shaking my head then I just cracked up.

'That Adam, I swear' I thought to myself.

I laid the phone down and checked out the tree one more time. It looked good. I went into the kitchen and grabbed another beer and slice of pizza. My phone rang again. 'Man, I've got a hotline tonight' I thought as I picked it up. Again the caller id showed a number I didn't recognize but I answered it. There was silence on the other end for a moment and I almost hung up.

"Drew?" asked a muffled voice. It sounded vaguely familiar but there was a lot of static on the line.

"Yeah, this is Drew. Who is this?" I asked.

"It's …vid. I'm coming up the …ountain. I'll … there as …oon as I …an."

"David? David, is that you?" I yelled into the phone.

Whoever it was, hung up. I couldn't be positive but it sounded like David and the caller said his name was David when I asked, at least I thought he did. Why would he be coming to see me this late and in this weather on top of everything? Maybe something was wrong. I thought I should call his house to let his parents know but then I thought I'd wait just a few minutes and give him time to get here then I'd make him call.

In about 15 minutes, I saw headlights so I flipped on my porch light and I stepped outside with Gypsy right beside me. It WAS David. The wind howled and the snow whirled about as he got out of his truck. He ran up onto the porch and kicked the top step, knocking the snow off his boots. I motioned him inside and closed the door behind him.

"First off David I have to ask is everything alright because this isn't like you man," I said with a mixture of sternness and concern.

He took off his heavy camouflage jacket and I hung it on the coat rack beside the front door.

"Yeah, I'm ok," he finally answered half-heartedly.

"Do your folks know where you are?"

"My grandma in Rock Hill had a heart attack. Mama and Kenny left this afternoon to go down there. Dad didn't want to go so he stayed home…and got drunk like he usually does at Christmas. It's the same story every holiday Drew," he said.

I felt sorry for David. His mother was a good woman no-she was a saint for putting up with David's father. His dad was basically a sorry man and although I'd never tell David that, it was true. His mother worked damn hard to try and make some kind of life for her, David and his younger brother Kenny while her husband just lay around drunk.

David was 20, just 4 years younger than me but I watched him grow up literally before my eyes. He was a skinny, kind of quiet kid when he first started working at the store but he grew taller and put on some muscle too. He looked really good now and had several friends. He was usually upbeat so this was unusual.

"Come here little brother," I said.

He walked over and I hugged him. I was at a loss for words so I just hugged him.

"Shit," he said as we broke our embrace.

He turned his head quickly but I saw him wipe a tear from his eye.

"Drew, could I use your bathroom?" he asked trying to mask his emotion.

"Sure, you know where it's at."

He walked quietly down the short hallway and closed the bathroom door behind him. I glanced over at Gypsy and she cocked her head sideways as she stared back at me. I squatted down on one knee and she came over and sat directly in front of me. I held her head, just under her chin in my palms.

"Our buddy is hurting, you know that don't you," I said softly to her.

She whined a little bit and placed a paw on my thigh. She tried so hard to answer me.

"Will you help me try to make him feel better?" I asked her.

She whined again then she 'spoke', giving that low guttural sound she makes.

"Good girl," I said.

She rooted my hand with her nose so I scratched the top of her head and behind her ears. She really liked that kind of attention.

I had to find out if the David's father was the only thing bothering him. I knew his dad drank but David always seemed to handle it ok. Maybe he'd just had enough of it and needed to get away for a while. I'm sure he was worried about his grandmother too.

I stood and walked into the kitchen, washed my hands and poured myself some tea. I called out to David and asked if he wanted some too. He did so I poured another glass full. I sat at the table and waited for him.

In a minute he came up the hallway and joined me at the table. He picked up his glass and took a few sips. There was a pensive look on his face.

"David, I'm sorry about your grandmother and your dad too but please tell me you told someone where you were going. It's bad out tonight, really bad."

He gave a slight grin.

"Yeah, I told mom I was going to stay with a friend. I didn't say who though. I spoke to her on the phone this evening. She was at the hospital and called to tell me that my grandma was stable and the doctors said her prognosis was good. Dad was passed out and I just didn't want to deal with him so I wrote a note telling him I was going to stay with you tonight and not to worry, I'd be ok."

"I know you're not a kid, man but I'm glad you let them know so they won't worry," I replied.

He nodded his head.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

He sighed and just sat there. I didn't say anything either. Gypsy walked up and lowered her head onto his leg. She sighed. He rubbed her head slowly.

"A lot of things are on my mind right now Drew," he finally answered, "I'm just not sure I can talk about it though."

"I'm here man. I've always told you and Adam that you can trust me, I won't repeat anything you tell me in confidence and I won't laugh or make fun of it," I said to reassure him.

"You won't get mad will you?" he asked nervously.

"No, why would I get mad?"

He blinked nervously and then glanced away for a moment.

"Drew, this is…" his voice trailed off.

"You aren't in trouble are you, David?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Did you get a girl pregnant?"

He smiled but it vanished quickly.

"No, I wish it were that simple," he replied.

"Drew, what do you do when you like someone but are afraid to tell them."

"You just have to muster up the courage and tell them, I mean if you want them to know how you feel."

This was it, this was the problem. He's got a crush on a girl and he's too shy to let her know he likes her. Any girl would be lucky to have David, he's a great guy.

"What if you just can't though? What if it's wrong to love this person?"

"How can it be wrong to love someone?" I asked.

"I don't know why. It just is because society says it's wrong," he replied sounding almost hurt.

"I don't follow, David. Is this girl someone unobtainable because of her status or her age or what?"

He thought long before answering.

"Drew, we're friends and you know I love you, right?"

"Sure man, you and Adam are my buds and my brothers. I love you too."

I wasn't sure where this was going now. All the vagueness made it hard to decipher.

"I might lose your friendship and my job but you said I could trust you so, here goes…it's not a girl I'm in love with, it's a guy I've known for a few years."

Whoah…I didn't see that one coming. I mean, if David is gay I'm cool with that but damn! I never suspected he was gay.

"You're in love with a guy?" I responded weakly.

He blushed, "Yeah".

"Does anyone know?"

"Hell no! I can't tell anyone about this. I had to tell somebody though and you're so cool with everything, that's why I told you. I hope you're not angry," he said with almost desperation in his voice.

"I'll never tell anyone, David. It's not anyone's business except your own and the other guy's," I said the last part with a crooked grin. It made David smile too.

"Thanks Drew," he said looking around the room, "Your tree looks nice."

"Thanks man. I didn't have one last year but I decided on my way home from work this evening to get one. We always had a Christmas tree every year when I was growing up and I missed that. It just makes it seem more like Christmas," I answered.

"Yeah, it does. I bet we had a Christmas tree only 3 or 4 times when I was growing up. Daddy doesn't like them. He says they're a waste of money. That just means less money for him to spend on liquor. Mama wanted to get one again this year and he got mad at her the other night and punched a hole in the living room wall. If I had a wife and kids, I'd never act like my father," he said.

I damn near lost it. Thankfully he was still looking at the tree and he couldn't see my face. I cleared my throat, turned my head as I wiped my eyes and stood up.

"Uh ... David, you want some hot chocolate, dude." I asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks," he answered.

"It's that instant kind, hope you don't mind."

"That's cool."

I grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and emptied the packets of mix into them, stirred it with some hot tap water and we were set.

"Want to move to the living room," I asked as I handed a mug to him.

"Sure" he replied.

We sat down at opposite ends of my sofa, Gypsy followed us but she lay down in the floor in front of the tree. All was silent for several moments as we sipped our hot chocolate and listened to the holiday tunes on the radio.

"We need a fire," I said suddenly.

I grabbed a handful of kindling, some paper and matches and in a few moments we had ourselves a nice little fire going in the fireplace. I threw on a couple of dry pieces of wood then some green and we were good to go.

We continued sitting in silence as the flames grew. It got hot pretty fast. I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt. I noticed David as he wiped his brow.

"Get comfortable man. It's just us and it's late. We won't be going anywhere tonight," I chuckled.

He laughed as he removed his shirt. He took off his shoes and socks too.

He sat back down as I finished off my hot chocolate.

"Would you like another one," I asked as I raised my mug.

He picked his up, peered inside and turned it up, momentarily leaving a slight ring above his upper lip until he licked it off. I think I blushed and I grabbed his mug, quickly turning to the kitchen.

'Shit, why did I get embarrassed at that? All he did was lick his damn lip. He didn't even do it seductively,' I chastised myself as I made two more cups of hot chocolate.

I returned to the living room and sat down. David took his mug and thanked me. Those feelings I had were creeping back. I was beginning to really notice my employee in a way which I probably shouldn't. I was longing and I felt guilty too.

"So David, are you going to tell me who this mystery guy is?" I asked curiously.

His face and body tensed slightly and then slowly relaxed. I could tell by the way his stomach flexed. His jaw muscle even tensed up. He wasn't too muscular but had nice definition.

"I want to Drew, honest I do but I can't right now. I'm trying to work out some things in my head first," he replied with raw honesty.

I had to respect that so I nodded my head.

We didn't say anything for a while after that. I figured he had a lot on his mind so I left him to his thoughts.

After a time he spoke. "Drew, could I take a shower? I'm tired." he asked.

"Yeah, sure man. Fresh towels and washcloths are in the closet just inside the bathroom," I replied.


When he stood I noticed he was tented in his 'nether regions' and I smiled to myself. Gypsy looked at me, wagging her tail. Once David was out of earshot I spoke to her.

"Don't you say a word, either. I know what you're thinking."

She jumped onto the sofa, sniffed the spot where David had been sitting, turned and laid her head on my lap. I scratched her back along her spine vigorously and she raised her head almost straight up and squinted her eyes. She loved it when somebody did that.

"Do you like him, girl? I do. It's weird but I've never looked at David or really any guy in a sexual way before," I said to my dog.

She turned her head and looked at me while I spoke.

"I wonder? Do you think David is the answer to my wish? Oh that's right, you don't know about that do you? Well, this evening, on my way home from work I pulled off into the parking lot of the Methodist church and I was looking out across the town, just enjoying the moment when I made a wish. I wished for someone to come into my life I could love and they would love me too. I just wonder if David is that person. I know it's stupid to think that, hell it's stupid to be talking to a dog too but here I am."

I heard a creak above and behind me so I turned. There was no one there. I thought for a second maybe it was David coming back down the stairs. Oh well.

Gypsy whined and placed a paw on my belly.

"Oh girl, I'm sorry about that last comment. You know you're my best girl in the world and I love you too," I said in a baby voice.

She jumped off the sofa, looked up and barked. I glanced over my shoulder and saw David coming down the stairs in his underwear. He looked good.

"You don't mind this do you?" he asked.

"I told you man, make yourself at home. I'm usually in just my skivvies by this time too," I laughed.

He smiled.

"I need to shower too. I'll be back in a few," I said.


I dropped my jeans and underwear onto my bed and went into the bathroom. It was still warm in there. I turned on the water, adjusted the temperature and stepped into the shower. The spray was relaxing and soon my mind began to wander again. I was thinking of David, wondering if he could really be the answer, wondering who his mystery guy was. Maybe it was Adam. Maybe it was some guy he met at school. Whoever it was I hoped things would work out for them.

I finished up my shower after a short 'fantasy session' and I joined David in the living room. I wore just underwear too.

"Welcome back, I was beginning to think you got lost up there," he teased.

"Nah, the water felt good, very relaxing," I replied but I made a jacking motion with my hand.

He cracked up.

"I really didn't need to know that about my boss," he said chuckling.

"It's universal man, if there is a way and a couple of free moments, we'll seize the opportunity."

We both laughed.

I made us each a third hot chocolate and again it was pretty quiet as we slowly downed them. I yawned as I set my mug on the end table beside me.

"What time is it, Drew? I know it's gotta be late."

I glanced at my watch. "It's almost 2."

"Sorry to keep you up so late, man. Can I sleep on the sofa?" he asked.

"David, you can sleep in one of the spare bedrooms if you want."

"I appreciate the offer but if it's ok I'd like to sleep here and look at the tree for a while."

I looked at the tree and its twinkling lights and garland and the angel on top and then I looked back at David.

"Sure," I said with a smile. I'll get you a pillow and some blankets.

He smiled a grateful smile and I went upstairs. I returned shortly tucked in one blanket around the cushions and laid the other on the back of the sofa for him to cover up with. I turned off the kitchen light but flipped on a nightlight. Aside from that the only other illumination came from the dying fire and the Christmas tree. I told him to sleep well and he bade me a good night as well. I went upstairs with Gypsy on my heels. I crawled into bed and she lay down in the floor.

I tossed and turned for an eternity. I simply couldn't sleep so I got up and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. I crept quietly past David on my way to and back from the kitchen. I reached the top of the steps and I turned, looking down at the room. It was awash with the warm glow of the lights on the tree. I noticed David too. He looked peaceful with one hand behind his head and the other draped across his stomach. I stood there a long time, thinking of how he grew up. I never really knew much about his home life. I knew his family but I didn't really know what went on day to day. His life couldn't be easy. I just knew he was a great guy and was trying hard to make a better life. I smiled and then I turned, heading back to bed where I finally drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and there were two things which always had to be done. I had to drain my bladder then I had to let Gypsy out so she could do the same. I took care of myself then I went downstairs to let her out. I opened the door and…

"Holy shit, it's cold!" I exclaimed. I quickly shut the door after I helped needle Gypsy out with my foot.

"What the?" David asked as he rose straight up from his slumber.

Yeah, nothing like a sudden blast of arctic chill on a North Carolina mountaintop to wake your butt right up.

"Hey buddy, good morning," I said to David.

He was still half asleep, standing there with his arms folded across his chest.

"Mmhmm, morning Drew, back in a minute I gotta pee," he said as he shuffled off.

I chuckled to myself.

I cranked up the thermostat a couple of notches and started a pot of coffee before heading upstairs to dress. I came back down and the coffee was done. Drew was dressed too and Gypsy was back inside. I poured two cups. I knew he sometimes drank coffee.

"Thanks man," he said as he took the cup I offered to him.

"Happy day before Christmas," I exclaimed.

David chuckled, "Yeah, happy day before Christmas. I almost forgot that."

I took a sip from my mug and then I suggested we make breakfast.

I scrambled up some eggs and made the toast. David set the table and fried up some bacon. Once everything was ready we sat down and had an enjoyable meal. Gypsy didn't usually beg, that's one thing I disliked about untrained dogs, begging and it took a while for me to get her to stop it too but every now and then, out of the corner of my eye I'd see David toss her a bit of bacon. One gulp and it'd be gone then she'd lick her mouth like it was the best thing in the world. He'd snicker softly to himself as he watched her do that and I'd snicker to myself watching him.

We cleared off the table and cleaned the dishes. Afterwards, we chilled watching tv. Actually we cat napped off and on most of the day munching on junkfood. We couldn't go out so there we were.

Around 5 or so I started getting a little stir crazy, cabin fever if you will. I noticed David zonked out at the other end of the sofa, snoozing away. I reached behind me and pulled out a pillow. I let it fly and it hit him right in the gut. I quickly looked back at the tv, pretending as if nothing happened. He awoke with a start.

"What was that?" he said wide-eyed.

"What was what?" I asked innocently.

"I felt something man. Something hit my side."

"Nothing hit your side. You were sleeping and I was watching tv."

He looked unconvinced.

"Maybe I was dreaming, I guess."

"Yeah, you must have been dreaming," I quickly added.

He settled back onto the sofa again, adjusting himself. Pretty soon his eyelids got heavy and then he went back to sleep. I carefully reached behind me again and pulled out another pillow. I was slow and calculating as I targeted my innocent victim. I glanced at him and he was sound asleep. Perfect. My radar locked onto his stomach. I took the pillow from my right hand and gripped it solidly with my left. Oh this was going to be good.

I made one little mistake though. As I was shifting hands I saw Gypsy move out of the corner of my eye. When I did that I looked up and over to my right, which was away from David. The little weasel was faking all along.

'WHAM!' he got me with a pillow right up side the head. All I could hear was wicked laughter coming from his direction. We played like that a few minutes, throwing pillows and 'goosing' one another until we called a truce. We were both breathing hard and Gypsy was beside herself with all the commotion we were making.

My stomach growled and I realized we hadn't eaten supper yet. I suggested David go out and pick us up some Chinese which made him laugh hard. For just an instant I actually did forget about the weather. When I realized he thought I was joking, I laughed along. Geez I was a butter-head sometimes.

I decided to make hamburger steaks with grilled onions, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables. It was good too and I knew David enjoyed it. A loud burp as he patted his stomach told me so. We laughed over that. We told me to sit while he cleaned up. I tried to help but every time I did, he'd sit me down again so, I stayed put and talked to him while he did the dishes and straightened up.

I found out he played the harmonica. It was funny but I never knew that about him before. He said he learned it when he was a kid but didn't play usually except when he was by himself or if someone requested it. His father didn't allow him to play in the house either.

Once he was finished, he dried his hands and sat down at the table with me. He asked me to tell him again about the time I worked in Charlotte and the company sent me and another guy to Miami for a seminar/training class on a new program. He had heard that story a dozen times already but he enjoyed it. I enjoyed telling it too.

"I want to visit a big city someday," he said.

"Maybe you will, David. You never know," I replied.

"Is Miami the biggest city you've ever been too," he asked.

"Yeah, I think it is."

"What's Charlotte like? Is it fun?"

He sure was inquisitive tonight.

"Charlotte's nice, the people are ok I guess. It's nice like here where everybody knows your name, ya know? The traffic sucks too. They are always doing road construction, I mean always."

He laughed.

"Do you really like Franklin?" he asked with sincerity in his voice.

"I love it David, I love the closeness. I guess it's just the small town feeling, it's hard to describe but it's nice to walk down the street and people call out your name or wave hello to you and you know they mean it. It's not a fake hello or good morning, it's real."

"I guess you're right. I just haven't been anywhere is all."

He looked a little glum.

"Don't worry, you'll travel someday. You've got a couple of years until you graduate, then you'll get a good job and the next thing you know you'll be traveling all over the place," I said with a grin, hoping to lift his spirits.

"I'd love to travel, Drew. I want to see so much but I like it here too. I-I…the mystery guy is someone you know very well. You see him all the time in fact. Everyone knows him and he's well respected in the community too. I can't say anymore right now, I'm sorry. Excuse me please."

David rose from his chair and went to the bathroom. I wanted to tell him it would be ok but I didn't. I didn't say a damn word. I beat myself up until finally I walked down the hall to the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"David, are you alright?" I asked sternly.

I heard a muffled sob. "Yeah"

"No you're not. If you're not taking a shit you better open this door."

I heard some movement on the other side of the door then the sound of the lock being slid back. I turned the doorknob and opened the door.

"I'm sorry Drew, I just don't like crying in front of people, I'm sorry man."

"Even people who care for you?" I asked.

"They're the worst because they'll use it against you someday," he sobbed.

"I've never done that, David. Who's done that to you?" I demanded.

"My father, when I was a kid, sometimes I cried when he was drunk and he'd get into a fight with Mama. I couldn't help it, Drew. I was a kid and I was scared. Ever since then, I just can't do it. If I think I might, I leave the room or go outside."

"David, you're father has messed you up so fucking bad," I said as I knelt down in front of him, "I don't really know him so maybe I should say this but he doesn't deserve a wife like he has and he doesn't deserve sons like you and Kenny."

He sobbed some more.

"I know it Drew. You're right."

My blood boiled thinking of the psychological damage Mr. Ross had inflicted upon his family.

"Come on man, let's get you cleaned up," I said.

We stood together and I grabbed a washcloth for the closet and wet it under the faucet. I handed it to David. He held it on his face for several seconds before wetting it again and repeating. I took the cloth, when he was done and laid it on the edge of the sink. David grabbed some toilet paper and blew his nose. We went back into the kitchen.

He sat down and immediately Gypsy had her head on his lap, she whined. David reached down and petted her. I stepped into the living room and turn the radio on and the tv off. I turned the lights on the tree back on too. We listened in silence.

Gypsy trotted off and I remembered David saying earlier he played the harmonica.

"Hey David, do you have your harmonica with you?"

"Yeah, it's in my jacket pocket, you want to see it? He replied.


He walked over to the coat rack and retrieved the instrument from an inside pocket. I asked him to turn the radio down too. He handed it too me as he sat back down. I carefully inspected it and asked a few questions before I asked him to play a song.

"Do you really want to hear me play?"

"Absolutely, can you play any Christmas carols?"

His eyes brightened.

"I only know one but I'll play it," he said.

He warmed up a minute and then he started. I recognized it immediately. It was 'Silent Night'. I listened to the song and closed my eyes. I'd bet that there had never been a more beautiful sound to echo down the mountain than the one made by David playing his mouth harp that evening. He played a few more songs that one and when he was done, I clapped for him. He blushed and thanked me with a hug.

We talked a little while and played some rummy and a few hands of poker with some cards I forgot I had. I won several hands but David did too. Later on as we grew tired, we shucked our clothes again and got comfortable on the sofa.

"Drew, you want to hear some more about the mystery guy?" David asked out of the blue.


"He's a little taller than me and he's got a warm personality. He's very friendly and he likes animals too."

I thought for a minute.

"I'm at a loss. I just don't know," I replied and shook my head.

He smiled.

"You aren't going to tell me are you?" I grinned back.

"I'll tell you, sometime."

"You little devil," I chuckled.

He laughed at that.

"Hey, we need a fire. Don't you think?" I asked him.

"That'd be great."

He helped me carry some wood into the living room and I built us a nice cozy fire. As we sat there listening to the radio and looking at the fire in the fireplace and lights on the tree I felt really content. It was a peaceful feeling which I hadn't had in a long time.

I did something next which was truly an involuntary action but once I did it, it felt so natural and so right. I glanced over at David and then grasped his hand in mine. He seemed nervous at first but then he relaxed, just as I did.

"Tell me more about your mystery guy," I asked.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Well, he's generous with his time. He likes to have fun but he can be serious too."

I shook my head.

"Boy, you're being awfully vague about this," I said with a grin, "How about some hot chocolate?"

"Sounds good," he answered.

I went into the kitchen and made two of my wildly popular hot chocolates.

I glanced at my watch, it was just after 11pm.

I returned with our beverage.

"Thanks," he said.

I nodded.

We drank about half our hot chocolates before either of us spoke again.



"He has a business in town. He's a little older than me," David said softly.

I thought about it and slowly I began to put 2 and 2 together.

"By chance does he own a Jeep and live on Cowee Mountain with his dog, Gypsy?"

David blushed hard.

"Yeah" he finally said.

I set my mug on the table and turn my body to face him. He tensed up again so I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"David, you have no idea how happy this makes me," I choked through tear-filled eyes.

He moved closer to me.

"Drew, I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you," he said equally emotional. His blue eyes glistened in the light.

I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace. We held onto one another like our lives depended on it. We remained locked in a love embrace for a long, long time.

"I'm sorry Drew, it looks like I'm crying again," he said.

"Yeah, but this time they're happy tears," I said.

"Yeah, they are happy tears," he said with a sniffle and a crooked grin.

I reached up and wiped his tears away, he did the same for me. I leaned in and kissed him. He smiled widely. I chuckled at him.

"Did you like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was nice," he said shyly.

"It was JUST NICE? That was my best lip action," I teased.

"Well, that WAS my first kiss," he replied, "Ok, it was great."

We chuckled together.

He moved around on the sofa until I was lying down. David was on top of me and we lay in that position until we heard the radio announcer come on with 'a Santa Claus bulletin'. We listened and laughed with each other as the guy described how Santa was being tracked by NORAD and was just seen entering eastern North Carolina near the Virginia border.

"I couldn't be any happier if Santa dropped a bag of gold at my feet this very second," I said.

"That's sweet, Drew. I feel the same way but…" he didn't finish.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know. What are we supposed to do next?" he asked.

"If you mean like sex, I don't know. I've never had sex," I answered. It was my turn to blush.

"That's cool Drew, I mean that you waited. I've never had sex either. I'm a total virgin," he admitted.


There was a brief almost awkward pause.

"Let's go upstairs," I said.


We got up and walked with clasped hands up to my bedroom. I flipped on my reading lamp, which I never used since I didn't read in bed, and tossed the blankets back. We dropped the last garments we were wearing and crawled into bed.

We entered my room as two virgins, unsure of what to do and how to do it but after much exploration and discovery we had a newfound confidence and pride in ourselves. Once we had rested a moment we took a quick shower together and then went back downstairs. We drank a glass of iced tea to celebrate.

I finished and set my glass in the sink and then walked over to the sofa and stretched out. David did the same and stretched out in front of me. I spooned him and draped an arm over his shoulder. The radio guy came on again and said Santa was seen moving across the western mountains of North Carolina about to head south into South Carolina. He said it was 12:01am and it was officially Christmas day.

"I love you and Merry Christmas, David," I said as I squeezed him.

"Merry Christmas, Drew and I love you too. This is the best Christmas I've ever had."

"Me too," I added.

I fell asleep but woke up during the night having to pee. My arm was tingly too from the weight of David's head resting on it. I didn't want to disturb him but I had to get up. I peed and came back quietly into the living room. He looked angelic lying there. I walked over to the window and peeked outside. It had stopped snowing. I bet we had at least two feet on lying on the ground though. It didn't matter, I had fuel to stay warm, food to eat and someone I loved who would love me back. I scanned the sky and saw a single star. I looked back at David and then back at the star. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Thank you," I said, "Thank you for answering my prayer."


"A Smokey Mountain Christmas" Copyright © 2004 by The Carolina Scribbler All rights reserved.

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