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"Life Goes On" Sequel to A New Life by TheEggman Chapter Fifteen 23,772 words Back to Chapter Fourteen On to Chapter Sixteen Chapter Index ![]() Drew Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Wednesday afternoon, while Drew and Corey were making love in the tent, Keith, Derrick, Mike and I were beginning to get a set list together for our Labor Day concert. Taking into consideration everyone's work schedules, we would only have Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings to get our act together. Since we had less than two months to make this happen, we decided to go with songs we had already learned. Only if we had time, would we try to learn a new cover tune or two.
This was also the topic of conversation Thursday afternoon, while we were helping Ben clean up his house. Our band would only be able to play for an hour and fifteen minutes. A few songs were already on the set list, such as; Scuttle Buttin', The Road, Open Arms, Every Breath You Take, and at least two songs that would feature Sean's vocals like; Fire and Rain, and Sister Golden Hair.
When the five of us got back to Doug and Brian's, there was a message on the answering machine. It was confirmation that we would have an audition for the concert on August twenty-second. We would only have twenty minutes maximum to play our best four songs. Mike immediately called Jessie. She definitely wanted to sing at least one song. She recommended Wonderful Tonight, for her backup vocals, and Give Me One Reason, for her lead vocals. While Derrick and Mike took a shower, Keith and I began writing out a set list. Keith wanted me to sing Hold My Hand and the No, No Song. We chose two songs for Derrick to sing lead vocals on and verified them when the shower turned off. Derrick would sing As Tears Go By and Mary Jane's Last Dance.
For each of us, this concert was a big deal. The audience would be at least as large as the Frolics and we could play for almost as long as we had on the last day of school. Keith was more excited for us than he was for himself. My lover still considered us the musicians with futures to make in music while he was only a vocalist, shaking maracas, tambourine and his ultra-fine tush around. When Derrick and Mike left for work, I began getting my lover's thoughts aligned by quizzing him on some of the music theory we had talked about. As a teacher, I obviously did a good job. As soon as Drew and Corey left the house, I was attacked. We had just taken a shower and I playfully tried to get Keith to slow down, but we still had the tastiest oral sex and intercourse too. And he calls me 'sex-machine'? Harrumph!
By the time we finished making love and cleaned up, John was already home, watching rugby on TV, when we walked out of the bathroom. Rugby was new for John. In our towels, we went to the living room. "These dudes are friggin' crazy!" John smirked. "This game is every bit as rough as American football, but are they wearing any protective gear at all? Hell no! Tommy and I were lookin' through a Sports Illustrated magazine." Shaking his head sadly, John grinned, "Some of these dudes ain't even wearing a cup! I couldn't imagine!"
Keith smiled, "You still want to go out for football?"
John nodded, "Definitely." Shifting his eyes to and fro, John smirked, "I'll tell mom that I want to play rugby." Keith and I began laughing. John chuckled, "She'll feel much better about football after she sees a rugby game."
I teased, "Your mom will lock you in your room before she lets you play rugby."
John grinned, "I know it. But if I don't start in seventh grade, I won't have a chance of playing in eighth or ninth grade. Then I can forget about high school too."
Keith sighed, "I dunno, bro. Why not baseball or soccer?"
"Or lacrosse?" I added, "That's a real rough game too, ya know?"
Shaking his head and appearing disgusted, John said, "Forget baseball. I like watching but don't like playing. Soccer is okay though. I don't know about lacrosse. It's a spring time game and might be good after football season ends." John shrugged, "We'll see how it goes."
I told John, "My aunt and her family are planning on coming for dinner tomorrow night. Are you planning on being around? I'd like them to meet the whole family."
John nodded, "I'll be around for dinner. I was planning on taking Kim to a movie tomorrow night though."
"Which flick?" Keith wondered.
John said, "We both wanna see The X-Files. It's PG-13 so it should be very cool."
I grinned, "You're hoping she gets scared and climbs all over you."
Rapidly nodding, John chuckled, "Bonus!" Rolling his eyes, Keith took my hand and led me back to our room to get dressed.
I closed the door behind me and softly chuckled, "It's Hundser men, I'm certain of it. Gay or straight, makes no never mind."
Dropping his towel and pulling mine away, Keith smirked, "It takes the right partner to bring out our best."
As if it had a chance of delaying the inevitable, I helplessly laughed, "I've got to call my aunt."
"She won't stop me to save your sexy ass," Keith mischievously gleamed. He pushed me back on the bed and crawled over me. The next thing I knew, my dick was in Keith's mouth. He stopped rather quickly, before I had a stiffy, and grinned, "Tastes kind o' soapy."
I chuckled, "Which is better, before a shower or after?"
"It doesn't matter," Keith softly answered. Lying on top of me, we kissed and began rolling around the bed. Hearing the front door open and Keith's dad talking with John, we decided to postpone our lusts until after dinner so we got dressed.
Out in the living room, we both welcomed dad home. Then I asked, "Dad, do you think mom would mind if I handled dinner tomorrow night?"
Dad wondered, "You want to cook?"
I nodded and clarified, "When I went to my aunt's house, she had butterfly shrimp and steaks for me. I'd like to go to the grocery store and do something just as nice. I'll pick up the main courses and some kind of cake for dessert."
Dad hummed then said, "You can count on her helping in the kitchen, Preston."
Keith asked, "Have you figured out what we'll be eating yet, baby?"
Shaking my head, I chuckled, "Not a clue." John cracked up. I shrugged, "I was thinking ham and cabbage only because I know she likes it. That's hours in the oven and stove top prep though. And I don't know if my uncle or cousins would like it."
"I would suggest barbequing," Dad smiled. "That way you could have a variety for everybody and we could relax outdoors before dinner."
I nodded, "Let me call her and see what she'd like," and then went to the kitchen.
Dad called, "Keith?" and asked, "How are Drew and Corey?"
While I dialed, Keith answered, "They're good, Dad. The rest of the night was great. Park rangers stopped by twice, around ten and again around one in the morning. Drew's spending the night at Corey's tonight. They'll be back here tomorrow afternoon."
My Aunt Eileen answered her phone, sounding a bit frazzled, she explained, "We've only been home about an hour. Robby and Sheila went out to visit friends before they even unpacked. Five days and six nights flew by so fast."Did you have a good time?"
She answered, "I think we all did. Sheila's at that age where she'd rather be with her friends than with us. Through the first night and into the next day, she focused more on them than on what she could do in Vegas. Finally, she started to enjoy herself the second day. I think she met a boy she likes."
"Where did you stay?" I wondered.
"The Polo Towers," she replied. "It's one of the best family hotels and centrally located on the strip." She then quickly asked, "How has your summer vacation been?"
"Really great, so far," I smiled. "Last night, we went camping at the Angeles Forest. Keith and I went with our friends, Mike and Derrick. We brought along Keith's brother Drew and his friend, Corey." Mrs. Hundser walked in while I was talking and I told my Aunt Eileen that she had. I then continued, "Are we still on for dinner here tomorrow night?"
Answering with a bit of a chuckle, "Yes. After a week of being pampered, I'm not looking forward to even cooking dinner tonight. We're considering going out to eat. Your Uncle John actually won money; a five hundred dollar hit on a one armed bandit." She then giggled, "It took him hours!"
"Excellent!" I chuckled. "Well, go out to eat tonight and plan on dinner here tomorrow night. Should I expect all of you?"
She hummed uncertainly for a few moments then softly said, "Probably not Sheila. If that changes, I'll call back later tonight to let you know."
"Is there anything special you might like? I'm going shopping for at least a cake tomorrow afternoon."
"We're going there to visit you, Preston," she reminded, "After a week of restaurant food, I'd actually prefer something simple so we can spend time together."
"That sounds very good."
"When should I expect you?" as Mrs. Hundser walked by then into her bedroom.
"We're both off tomorrow so we could be there at five, if that's alright?"
Keith came into the kitchen, stood behind me and began mouthing my neck. Cringing at the onslaught, I giggled, "That sounds great. I can't wait."
Obviously, my aunt figured out what was going on and laughed, "I'll call later if Sheila decides to join us."
"Sounds good," I sniggered. "I'll see you all tomorrow."
"Until then," my aunt giggled. "Good bye."
"Buh-bye," I said, and then turned to face Keith. I laughed, "You couldn't wait until I was off the phone?"
Humming negatively and provocatively, Keith grabbed a quick kiss. He then asked, "All set for tomorrow?"
Hanging up the phone, I nodded, "Plus three for dinner. My cousin Sheila probably won't come. She's John's age."
Entering the kitchen with his dad, John asked, "You have a cousin my age?"
I answered, "Starting junior high in September."
"What's she look like?" John wondered. Dad opened the refrigerator and began placing salad fixings on the counter.
Keith rolled his eyes and I grinned, "I haven't seen her recently."
Keith teased his brother. "I thought you were going out with Kim?"
Beginning to wash his hands in the sink, John nodded and smirked, "It was just a question."
Turning slightly to his father, Keith asked, "Do you need help with anything, dad?"
Shaking his head no, "We should be fine."
Taking my hand in his, Keith led me back to our room. He turned on the receiver to his favorite station then took me in his arms to slow dance until dinner was ready.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Across town, Corey and Drew were lying on the living room floor together. Bill Seaver sat on the sofa watching the Dodgers baseball game, saying nothing about why Corey couldn't stop looking at Drew or why Drew was running his fingers through Corey's hair. A similar day the prior week, all three sat on the sofa together watching the ball game together. Now, to Drew and Corey, the game was just sound in the background. Passing from the kitchen to the dining room and seeing her son, partially draped over Drew, Lanna Seaver pleasantly called, "Dinner's ready men."
Mrs. Seaver had made a simple meatloaf, using ground turkey, with whipped potatoes, green beans and side salads. On the table were oil and vinegar for Corey, French and Ranch dressings. Lanna and Bill sat at the ends of the table. For the first time, Corey and Drew sat across from each other instead of side-by-side. Corey simply passed Drew his glass, plates and silverware.
"What's this?" Lanna queried. "Has something happened?"
Drew grinned and shook his head, "Everything's fine, mom."
"We thought of trying it this way, for a change," Corey giggled. While pouring oil and vinegar onto his salad, Corey nonchalantly moved his right leg and let his foot rest upon Drew's left foot. Putting the bottle down, Corey shifted glances between his parents and wondered, "You've both talked about our chat on Tuesday?"
Serving himself potatoes, Bill nodded, "We have."
Passing Drew the bowl of green beans, Lanna said, "Last night, I called and spoke with your parents, Drew. Mostly to apologize, but we have discussed the change in your relationship."
Bill offered, "Your mother and I decided to monitor the situation for a while, before continuing on with who would live where, when and for how long."
Corey carefully asked, "You don't think it's going to change, do you?"
Drew smiled, "If anything, we've gotten closer in the last two days."
Bill nodded and grinned, "I didn't hear any conversation in the living room."
Blushing, Corey began giggling and nodded. Drew said, "We're already talking better about stuff. I'm hearing Corey and I know Corey's listening to me too."
Bill hummed while chewing. Once he swallowed, he pondered, "Not even about the ball game? An ump made a highly questionable call."
Batting his eyelashes, Corey impishly asked, "There was ball game on?" Lanna shook her head when Drew began laughing and quickly covered his mouth with his napkin.
Drew giggled, "We heard the game. It just wasn't too important."
Serving himself a smaller piece of the meatloaf, Corey said, "After the doctor appointment, we'd like to play tennis tomorrow morning for a little while. Then we'll come back here and go swimming for a while. Tomorrow night, I'd like to stay at Drew's." Noticing his parent's confused expressions, Corey squeaked, "What?"
Blinking fast, Lanna said, "I'm not sure what to mention first, tennis or the meatloaf you just put on your plate."
Drew smiled, "Cor had a turkey frank last night too. No lie. You can confirm that with Keith or Prez."
Corey impatiently huffed, "I'm starting to feel weird, like I have to watch myself."
Putting his fork down, Drew quickly reached his hand across the table. Corey took Drew's hand then Drew looked at Bill and Lanna saying, "Corey's been great every day this week, don't you think?" When they nodded, Drew confidently said, "Corey ate without any argument at my house Tuesday night. He did again last night and he's doing it now. It's only been four days, but they've been four good days. I've got Corey's back. I promised him I would watch for things just like this. I expected it from Corey though, not you. The best thing to do is say nothing about it. When he's hungry, he eats; even if it's one extra apple, banana or a hot dog, it's something. You've got to trust him and me to take care of it." Locking eyes with Corey, Drew confirmed, "I can tell if you're too skinny or too fat. I'm helping, Cor."
Corey smiled and nodded then released Drew's hand. Both boys continued eating. Lanna sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were so self conscious about it, not to that extreme."
Corey shrugged, swallowed then softly said, "Don't make a big deal about it, mom. For me and everybody, I want to get better. I want to spend the rest of this summer with Drew. I'm looking forward to Christmas too. If I'm here with him or he comes to the east coast with us, I'm happy."
Bill nodded and said, "I'll call your grandparents tonight or over the weekend. We'll have them here this year."
Corey then started telling his parents about some of what Keith and Prez had said the prior night. Corey finished by saying, "I matter to Drew. Drew matters to me. You want to know when there's a problem? When Drew's cranky or I am."
Drew nodded, "That means we've had a fight. If he wants to sleep alone or I do, it's really bad. I don't see that happening though. During the walk here this afternoon, we had a great talk. Did I prompt him? Nope. Corey offered stuff that's important to him and me."
Corey repeated, "It's not puppy love anymore. We want to be together, all the time. Mom talked to us like adults. Keith and Prez did the same last night."
Drew softly chuckled, "Derrick and Mike, not so much." Corey cracked up then began playing footsie under the table with Drew during the remainder of their dinner.
Finished eating, Bill leaned back saying, "We can't simply not be parents after fourteen years. It's not for lack of trust, it's simply habit." His leg brushed against two other legs under the table. He grinned at his son. Corey howled laughing. Blushing bright red, Drew softly sniggered.
Lanna tried to ignore the boys and changed the subject. "What about tennis?"
Drew smiled, "We'll take it easy and just play. Whether it's a game, a set or best of three sets, I'm there watching Corey."
Corey nodded, "That's part of the deal we made, mom. When Drew thinks I'm looking too tired, he stops me. I may not like it, but I promised. For me, the best part is, Drew's here and willing to come to the doctor's with us tomorrow then again on Monday so Doc Folsom can meet him. I can't ask for more."
Standing to clear the table, Lanna nodded and pleaded, "Please be careful. Another hospital visit is not how I'd like to spend another weekend." While she gathered Drew's plates and silverware, she leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.
Drew smiled, "We'll bring a liter each of ice water with us. When the water's gone, so are we. How's that?"
Bill nodded and stood to help clear the table. He asked, "What's on tonight's agenda?"
Also standing, Corey said, "TV, swimming, then bed. We have to be up by seven-thirty for a nine o'clock appointment."
Drew grabbed the glass he was using and the two empty bowls off the table then followed Bill and Corey to the kitchen. Once the table was cleared, Drew and Corey went back to Corey's room. Corey closed his bedroom door and Drew turned the TV on. Stepping behind Drew, Corey wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and sighed, "Thanks, Drew."
Holding onto Corey's arms and looking over his shoulder, Drew wondered, "For what?"
"For sticking up for me," Corey began. "For getting my folks to back off."
Drew grinned, "No problem. The turkey meatloaf was pretty good, wasn't it?"
Corey shrugged, "It was okay. I'd still rather have only veggies but that won't get the job done."
Turning in Corey's arms, Drew said, "It made your parents happy and, more importantly, it made me happy. You know what that means?" Corey barely had time to think before Drew untied his boyfriend's boardies and pushed them down smiling, "Pay back time!"
Corey briefly giggled then Drew knelt down. With a rerun of Cheers on in the background, Drew took his time enjoying Corey's uncut dick. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Drew spit out Corey's cock and looked up, wide-eyed at him. Through the closed door, Bill asked, "Would anyone like strawberries and cream?"
Corey quickly answered, "Maybe later, dad."
"There's plenty when you're ready," Bill said, and then returned to the kitchen.
"Whew!" Drew grinned, "That was a close one!"
Corey nodded and giggled, "It's okay, I locked the door."
"Cool," Drew said, and then evilly smirked, "First I'll get my cream then the strawberries." Drew went back to work but sped up slightly so they wouldn't get interrupted again. Corey guided one of Drew's hands from his ass cheek and into the crack. Drew got the hint and teased his boyfriend's hole. That's what Corey needed. In less than a minute, Corey lost it. Drew stood, pulling Corey's boardies up with him. Flinging himself at Drew, Corey kissed him repeatedly.
Still holding on to Drew, Corey giggled, "Ready for strawberries."
Drew nodded and wondered, "Are you having some?"
Corey grinned, "Yep, no cream for me though, until later."
Stepping back, Drew asked, "Do you have a cloth measuring tape?"
"I'm not sure," Corey answered. "I don't think so."
"We'll take care of that minor question tomorrow then," Drew offered. "Keith's got one in his room. If I have to, I'll ask him."
Corey asked, "Does it really matter that much, Drew?"
Drew shrugged, "What really matters is we make each other feel good. It's just one of them curiosities. Will we still be the same size next year or when we're eighteen? I'd doubt it, but dunno really."
They went out to the kitchen and began their dessert. Thankfully, Corey's parents had finished their dessert and were in the living room when Drew started getting silly with the can of whipped cream. Whipped cream was sprayed on Corey's nose, each nipple and belly button then lapped up. All Corey's parents heard was giggling and laughter from the kitchen.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After our dinner, Prez and my mom went through some cookbooks together. Prez really wanted to make something special for his Aunt's family. They found a grilled salmon recipe consisting of soy sauce, brown sugar, lemon pepper and garlic. They also found a new way of preparing potatoes on the grill using olive oil and bacon strips. We already had olive oil, bacon, brown sugar and garlic powder in the house. Enthused, Prez made up a small list for a trip to the supermarket the next day. For the adults, Prez would get salmon steaks. For us, Drew, Corey and Kim, he would get a package of split chicken breasts. For John and Robby, there were already hamburgers and hot dogs in the house.
Completely happy, Prez led me back to our room. He was all over me the moment the door closed. Prez rimmed my ass good until I was demanding intercourse. While I was totally spent and exhausted, my sexy red-head was still on top of the world. Prez took out his classical guitar and reviewed his previous lessons then popped in the VHS tape and moved on to the next. He was getting very good, very quickly, with what I considered minimal effort. For two hours he practiced naked before me. When he finally put the guitar away around midnight, I was randy as hell again. Once I had him on the bed and on his back, I lifted his white ass, bent him in half and gave him the same as he gave me. Around one in the morning, we fell asleep.
Without the alarm set, Prez woke me up by grinding his morning wood against my ass at six minutes after nine Friday morning. He chuckled, "The hound's been fed and is out back. We could conceivably make it to the beach before Mike and Derrick? Alternatively, I could show you how much I love you; your choice."
Smiling widely and uncertainly humming, I soon croaked, "They can wait and I can't," then lifted my left leg to give him access.
There was no doubt about it; I would hate it when school started again. Making love within minutes of opening my eyes was the best way to start the day.
We got a little carried away too. Once Prez finished inside me, he wanted to go for a ride to finish me off. Afterward, we padded across the hall to shower. Upon returning to the bedroom, Prez started spraying air freshener before getting dressed. For the second time that week, we had to wash our bed sheets, and we weren't even sleeping in that bed for three of the five days. Realizing that, we were hysterical in the kitchen while we had our breakfasts.
Smirking as I finished up my cereal, I reminded Prez, "Ben washed the other sheets."
Almost spitting out his juice, Prez coughed then hollered, "Oh my God! The whole living room probably reeked by the time he got back from the hospital! Ben wasn't simply being nice; he had to wash those sheets!" Nodding maniacally, I cracked up and Prez loudly laughed, "Part of me thinks we should apologize."
Shaking my head, I chuckled, "Sorry we left cum soaked, stinky sheets for you to wash, dude."
Grabbing his belly, Prez roared. As he began to calm down, he giggled, "Okay, not the best idea I've ever had."
"Which is why we wash our own sheets," I reminded. It was after ten by the time we left the kitchen. We let Rush back inside then went back to our bedroom. Prez grabbed the new bottle of sun block and a tin of zinc oxide. I grabbed towels and both hats then put one on and the other on Prez.
John walked out of his room in his boxers and looked in our room, sleepily wondering, "What was so funny?"
Shaking my head but grinning, I told my brother, "Ya had to be there."
Prez asked, "We didn't wake you, did we?"
John nodded and yawned, "It's no biggie though, this time."
I told John, "We're headin' to the beach, bro."
Prez added, "We'll be back by four, the latest." He then asked, "Is Kim coming over tonight?"
John shrugged, "I'll ask."
"I'll include her in dinner plans," Prez said.
We started out of our room and John nodded, "Cool," then went into the bathroom.
Prez and I left the house and got in his 4Runner. The windshield sunscreen was removed and we soon started down the road. I found some descent tunes on the radio and Prez turned to me smiling, "Seemed to me you were floating this morning."
I cackled, "You are going to be so sorry when I get a camera! Yep, I was feeling pretty light."
Prez asked, "What do you think about our dreams?"
The light changed and Prez began moving slowly forward. I hummed, "I don't know really. Is destiny real? I mean, any given decision can change destiny. Brian's and Pete's decision to come here was chance. Meeting Derrick and Mike was chance too. It just happened to work out well, primarily for Brian and Corey. Would John believe it was that good after Brian confronted him?"
Concentrating on the road and traffic, Prez shook his head, answering, "Prob'ly not. So coincidence versus destiny depends upon perspective. From my perspective, a chance meeting at a street corner became destiny. Yeah, my mom's accident was bad and I'd really prefer to not think of it as having to happen, but with all the good that's happened since then, I have to wonder." Pausing to accelerate onto the 101, Prez then said, "What about your dream and the invisible connections becoming visible in your dream?"
I shrugged, "I was seeing my relationships a different way. It's like the way we are together, you give to me and I'm happy to receive the gift, except when it's money, because that's nothing compared to making love before my brain even powers up." Prez nodded and softly chuckled. I added, "Another idea from just last night; I watched you with my mom going through the cookbooks. You discussed it at dinner then put your heads together to come up with a great menu. You would've spent as much money as necessary. Mom said that how much you spent didn't matter as much as the experiences shared and you agreed. She gave, you received and when you gave, she received."
"Maybe that's what caused your dream," Prez said, and then began moving over to the Malibu Canyon exit lane. Prez then asked, "Doesn't everybody do a certain amount of giving and receiving?"
"Generally, yeah, at least within our circle of friends and family," I answered. Then I posed questions. "Was Drew receiving what Corey was giving last Friday? Was Corey receiving what Drew was giving? Better yet, what was Jake trying to give you and Mike? In both cases, confrontations occurred. Corey and Drew are doing great now, but how great did they feel at the time? Jake's forcing his views on you led to him winding up in juvenile detention."
Starting down Malibu Canyon, Prez nodded, "Drew wasn't accepting Corey's perception of what had been said and done. Jake wasn't giving anything. He was pushing himself at me with the intent to injure and kill; two different versions of two disagreements, one less physical and dangerous, the other much more so."
I nodded, "So giving and receiving abundantly doesn't always happen. Putting myself in Drew's shoes, I can easily see how he felt threatened on many levels. Not only was he sticking up for us, he was telling Corey, 'I don't want to lose you'. Jake, on the other hand, didn't think of the consequences of his actions, or maybe he just didn't care. Kill the fags, no matter what the cost. Instead of seeing the peaceful visions of connections flowing back and forth, that same dream might've been for like fields of energy being forced in one direction and repulsed in the other direction."
Prez offered, "A nightmare; defensive mode versus offensive mode. Where, what we have is no sides; no defense, no offense. Here ya go, what do you think, instead of, here's the situation, take it or leave it, backing people into a corner."
"Corey backed Drew into a corner. Jake had you in a completely defensive mode. Corey could've decided to leave, no matter what Drew said. He might've been so intent on defending himself and his anorexia, that he just thought, 'Ya know what? This isn't worth the effort; not for Drew's sake or any other reason'. That's when friendships, partnerships, relationships of any sort, fall apart."
Prez grinned, "It's so weird how things said and done invade our dreams. It may take a little time, but they're always getting rehashed in the middle of the night." The Beatles, Ticket to Ride began on the radio. Prez cranked it and we sang the whole song before he turned it down again.
I cheered, "That's such a wicked guitar sound."
Prez nodded, "It's a Rickenbacker electric twelve-string."
I laughed, "Is there anything guitar related you don't know?"
Prez chuckled and nodded, "Probably a lot, but my mom loved The Beatles and I've seen that guitar in pictures somewhere. The same sound is in lots of songs by The Byrds. It's the same guitar."
A thought came to mind and I carefully asked, "Prez, when was the last time you had a flashback?"
Prez actually had to think a while to answer, "When I took Rush to the vet."
I nodded, "The same day you went to your Aunt's house. It's been a month, baby."
Prez hummed then softly said, "That's the last big one I can recall." He then huffed, "Thank goodness! They were so freaky."
I reached for his hand on the gear shifter and smiled, "I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, baby. In addition, to get you out of our house, let's plan on spending next Tuesday and Wednesday with Mike and Derrick."
Turning onto Pacific Coast Highway, Prez nodded, "We'll mention it to them in a few minutes."
Soon we were at Russ' shop. Waves were two to four feet so we both got short boards. Water temperatures weren't so cold that we bothered getting wetsuits. The boards were stuffed inside the 4Runner and Prez drove the remainder of the way to Zuma. I grabbed two bucks from my wallet then handed it to Prez as he pulled into the parking lot.
He warmly smiled and softly said, "Thanks, babe." We slowly rolled forward, paid the parking lot attendant then parked.
Once we had the sunscreen back against the windshield and were out of the car, I asked, "Are you keeping your T-shirt on, baby?"
Opening the rear gate, Prez nodded, "I think I should, to keep your mom from losing control."
Before taking the surfboards out of the truck, I covered Prez's neck with sunblock lotion and he did the same for his arms. Once he put some zinc oxide on his nose, we grabbed the boards and started for the sand. Mike and Derrick were already out riding waves. We paddled out and took some rides then began chatting about the end of summer concert while sitting on our boards sixty or so yards from shore.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Corey's doctor appointment went almost as well as Monday's psychologist visit. The doctor was a little taken aback when Corey entered the room with Drew. Lanna Seaver usually entered the exam room with her son. Drew sat on the only available chair. Corey introduced Drew to the doctor as his boyfriend then easily repeated, "I can't tell if I'm too skinny or too fat." Pointing at Drew, Corey smiled, "He can tell though." Without prompting, Corey took off his sandals, T-shirt and boardies then stood on the scale wearing only his boxers. Corey slid the larger counterweight to one hundred pounds and watched the doctor slide the smaller counterweight to one hundred and fourteen pounds then back off a quarter of a pound. Not believing it, the doctor reset both counterweights then set them both himself.
"One hundred thirteen and three quarter pounds," the doctor proclaimed. "You gained almost two pounds." He jotted down Corey's weight on his chart. "This is a good beginning. Go ahead and get dressed, Corey." He stepped out of the room to tell Lanna Seaver.
Drew stood and went to Corey teasing, "I think it went between your legs," then kissed Corey passionately. Drew broke the kiss and hugged Corey tightly.
With his head still over Drew's shoulder, Corey tearfully whispered, "For both of us, Drew."
Noticing the slight quiver in Corey's voice, Drew worried, "What's the matter?"
Stepping back and wiping his eyes, Corey picked up his shirt and explained, "It's good and I know it, but that part of me is still saying that I'm too fat, that now I've got more pounds to lose."
Drew stopped Corey from dressing and pulled him before the full length mirror then locked the exam room door. Drew pushed Corey's boxers to the floor then stripped too. He stood beside Corey, with his right arm over Corey's shoulder. "Take a good long look, Cor," Drew softly prompted. "I'm right about in the middle of where I need to be, according to the book. Tell me what you see, dude."
Corey sighed, "I'm a little shorter. I can see more muscle on you than on me. I can see both our collar bones, but mine more. I can see all my ribs, but barely any of yours. Your arms are bigger than mine. My hips are way more visible than yours, your thighs and legs are way more muscular than mine."
Drew nodded, "That part of you telling you that you're fat is lying, Cor. Don't listen; tell it to shut the fuck up."
Corey squealed, "Really?" and Drew nodded. Not fully convinced and sounding so, Corey looked at himself in the mirror, saying, "Shut the fuck up."
Accepting that as a good enough start, Drew tenderly kissed Corey then said, "When we get back home, I wanna hear it again. We're both gonna tell that bad part of you telling lies to shut the fuck up." Drew was ready to get dressed again, but Corey didn't give him the chance. He flung himself against Drew and sobbed. Drew held and comforted Corey softly saying, "I've got ya, dude. For all our tomorrow's, I'm gonna help you fight that prickly little anorexia demon that's fuckin' with my boyfriend. It's not you and I know it, Cor. My boyfriend is trying so hard, every day." The locked doorknob rattled then there was a knock at the door. Drew said, "Sorry, we'll be just another minute." They stepped back from each other and Drew wiped the tears off of Corey's face. They quickly dressed then Drew led the way out of the exam room.
Corey's mom had already paid the bill and was the closest person to the door. Her eyes were red from crying more happy tears. Gathering both her boys in her arms, she proudly led them out of the doctor's office. Once outside, she sighed, "I am so happy with both of you. I only heard some of what was said, but it was enough."
As they walked across the parking lot, Drew reaffirmed, "I've got this, mom. Sooner or later, I'm gonna get that skinny anorexia demon out of Corey and kick its skinny pathetic ass."
Looking beyond his mother, Corey smirked at Drew, "You really hate it, don't you?"
Drew nodded firmly only once and said, "Anything that makes you feel bad over something this good has got to go. I don't care how long it takes, its going."
The resolve in Drew's voice obvious, Lanna quickly reached into her purse for a hanky and started crying again. His mom's tears set Corey off crying and Drew had to lead them both back to the car. Finally, after many minutes sitting in the car with the air conditioner running, Lanna felt composed enough to drive safely. They were quiet almost the entire way back to the Seaver's home. Rounding the final corner, she asked, "Is tennis still on the plan today?"
Drew shrugged, "We'll see. Corey and me have some demon ass to kick first."
Corey giggled at Drew's explanation then added, "Probably not, mom. Swimming in the pool is probably as much as we'll get to." When the car pulled in front of the house and stopped, Corey asked, "Can I stay at Drew's tonight?"
Lanna nodded, "Of course. Your father and I will want to see you both for a while tomorrow."
Corey nodded, "No problem. Tomorrow afternoon," then leaned forward and kissed his mom's cheek. Corey opened the back door and got out, but waited for Drew.
Drew slid across the seat and softly explained, "He's telling me when it's bothering him. That matters so much, at least to me."
Lanna smiled, "To me too. Thank you, Drew."
Drew giggled then leaned forward and planted a kiss on Lanna's cheek. He grinned, "See ya tomorrow," then slid the rest of the way across the seat and got out of the car.
Corey closed the car door behind his boyfriend and wondered, "How're we gonna kick this demon's ass?"
Walking towards the front door, Drew answered, "Just the way I said in the doctor's office. You tell me what it's saying to you, then I tell it to shut the fuck up, and then you tell it to shut the fuck up." Dancing and dodging imaginary punches, like a boxer would, across the Seaver's lawn, Drew took jabs at a virtual anorexia demon and taunted, "Come on, pussy. Take your best shot."
Stopping short and laughing at his boyfriend, Corey howled, "Omigod! You have gone completely insane!"
Stopping his boxing, Drew smiled, "Ya know what we're gonna do after that?"
Reaching into his shorts for the house key, Corey uncertainly answered, "Swimming?"
Drew rapidly nodded and smiled, "Eat and swim and eat and swim."
Corey smirked, "There's something else in that twisted brain of yours, I can feel it." Drew only shrugged. Corey unlocked the door, opened it, then he and Drew waved at Lanna Seaver. She waved back then drove off to work. Corey closed the door. Drew immediately reached for Corey and pulled him close.
"You gained almost two pounds in a week!" Drew excitedly cheered.
Giggling at Drew's pleasure, Corey nodded, "But that demon's a bitch, Drew."
Drew reminded "Don't listen to it. Remember, you say what it's saying and we'll both put that demon bitch back in its place. I hate the demon, but I really do love you, Cor."
Corey tested the waters. "I'm not really hungry. I need to lose those two pounds plus one."
Letting go of Corey, Drew turned his back on him then shouted, "Shut the fuck up, demon! If I'm a little hungry then Corey is too. Go back to hell and let my boyfriend eat!"
A little concerned, Corey softly wondered, "Why'd you turn your back on me?"
Turning around again, Drew grinned, "I'm yelling at the demon, not you, Cor."
"Oh!" Corey grunted. That made perfect sense and Corey actually didn't want to see Drew hollering at him. Corey spun around and loudly repeated, "Shut the fuck up, demon! I am hungry! Go back to hell and let me eat!"
Drew asked, "Are you hungry, Cor?"
Spinning around again, Corey replied, "A little, yeah."
"Do you want an apple or wait a while for lunch?" Drew wondered.
Corey answered, "I can wait."
Suspiciously, Drew asked, "Do you want to wait or is the demon telling you to wait?"
Thinking for several moments, Corey softly admitted, "The demon's telling me to wait."
Turning only partly away, Drew screamed, "You conniving demon bitch, shut the fuck up! Corey's heart, body and mind are mine! I'm not sharing him with you!" Drew turned only his head towards Corey and playfully bounced his eyebrows.
Corey inhaled deeply and hollered, "Shut the fuck up, you conniving demon bitch! I belong to Drew, heart, body and mind! I want him, not you!"
Drew softly kissed Corey's left cheek then his right and then tenderly kissed his top lip before opening up and taking Corey's breath away. Feeling Corey wilt everywhere except in his boardies, Drew pulled back and giggled, "First real food then we're gonna gobble each other up. Then we'll go swimming." Stepping back and watching Corey slowly open his eyes, Drew turned and started for the kitchen, laughing, "What would you like to eat, Cor?"
Following Drew into the kitchen, Corey giggled, "You, ya stud!"
Without even looking at Corey, Drew sniggered, "With or without mayo?"
Corey groaned then pushed Drew away from the fridge and kissed him hard. Drew completely accepted Corey's advances and only giggled into the kiss when Corey began blindly fumbling with the drawstring on Drew's boardies. Quickly undressing each other, they dropped to the cool kitchen floor and gobbled each other up. Corey stopped when he felt himself getting close and softly asked, "Do you want more than this, Drew?"
Drew had also stopped when Corey did. He honestly answered, "I want to taste you, Cor. Stopping now, to move into the bedroom, isn't what I need. Doin' it here, in the kitchen, is so wrong and so right. Intercourse here would leave messes to be cleaned up." Without waiting for an answer, Drew ravenously went down on Corey again. Corey whimpered and watched Drew for a few seconds then went down on Drew. Only about two minutes later, Drew began to buck his hips and deliriously hum on Corey's cock. As soon as Drew lost it, Corey did too. Moving to lay face-to-face with Corey, Drew kissed him tenderly, then playfully, and finally passionately. They remained on the floor, catching their breath for several more minutes.
When the nearby clock chimed, indicating it was noon; they stood and washed their hands in the kitchen sink then began making lunch. Leaving their clothes where they fell on the floor, they made themselves small salads. For the first time in many months, Corey put croutons and cheese on his salad. Two garden burgers were put in the microwave to cook while they worked on the salads. They went to the dining room and sat across from each other again to eat their salads. Noticing Drew grinning at him while he ate, Corey giggled, "What?"
Swallowing his food, Drew then softly replied, "A turkey frank last night, croutons and cheese today. What next, Cor?"
Corey answered, "These are wheat bread croutons. No white bread for me, at least as little as possible. Minimal cow's milk too; skim or soy milk only. Dairy for me will be cheeses mostly; maybe an egg or two a week. No soda, only water or juices. I'll meet everybody halfway and include what's better for me, but no pork or beef products, only poultry and fish. If there's still a problem in a couple of months, there's gonna be more decisions to be made."
Drew asked, "Instead of ice cream, would you consider sherbet?"
Corey nodded and finished what he was chewing then said, "It's virtually fat free, but a lot of sugars. I'll have that too, on occasion."
Widely smiling, Drew admitted, "Your making shivers race up and down my spine."
Corey suspiciously giggled, "Are you getting a boner at the table?"
Looking down at himself to check, Drew grinned then briefly stood. He did have a chubby goin', Corey happily noticed. Another game of footsies began under the table. The microwave beeped. They finished their salads then went to the kitchen. Drew put the salad plates and forks in the dishwasher. Corey put ketchup and pickles on both burgers, knowing Drew liked only two or three small dill slices and lots of ketchup, where he liked more pickles and less ketchup. They returned to the dining room.
Drew reminded, "Prez's family will be at my house tonight."
Corey nodded, "I remember. That means no foolin' around until later, huh?"
"Prob'ly not," Drew replied. "If I see Keith and Prez kissing around them, then I'll know its cool and I'll be a little affectionate with you too." He then grinned, "We'll get the rest out of the way here."
Corey giggled, and then suggested, "Half an hour in the pool, half an hour on my bed. We could do it about six more times. That might hold me until tonight."
Drew began laughing before he swallowed and covered his mouth. Once he swallowed, Drew sneered, "You horny blond angel. We'll see how it actually works out."
They finished their burgers and Drew reached a hand across the table. Corey took his hand and sweetly smiled, "I love you. What you were saying about the demon before, that was so awesome. Where'd you get the demon idea from?"
Drew chuckled, "Keith and Prez, earlier this week. Monday, they woke up acting goofy. From the living room, I could hear them. For whatever reason and I'm sure I really don't want to know, Keith was exorcising demons from Prez. I was worrying about you and the psychologist. You became possessed, in my mind, with an anorexia demon."
Shaking his head but widely smiling, Corey giggled, "You've gone insane."
Drew nodded and chuckled, "You ain't seen nothin' yet."
Rolling his eyes and wondering what more Drew might do or say in the future, Corey asked, "Ready to go outside?"
Drew said, "Yeah, and to get the clothes off the kitchen floor." They stood and gathered their plates then started for the kitchen.
Leading the way, Corey joked, "You've got other clothes. Leave them there for my parents to find. Let 'em figure out we're being good and very bad too."
Humming at the idea through his giggles, Drew watched Corey's ass. It was nice and round, like most of his boyfriend's weight was where he sat. Corey's shoulders were very wide though compared to his thin waist. The dishwasher was loaded then they put on their boardies. Lastly, they took their boxers and T-shirts back to Corey's room. They hugged and kissed then walked through the house to the sliding glass doors and went outside.
The morning marine layer haze had completely burned off. It was sunny and much warmer than it had been when they arrived at the house. Releasing Corey's hand, Drew ran to the pool and dove, feet first, into the deep end of the pool. Smiling at his boyfriend, Corey jogged over to the diving board. He did a pretty good jack-knife then landed in the water. When he rose to the surface, Corey was suddenly hit in the face by a wet cloth. Before him, floating lazily just below the surface of the water, were Drew's boardies.
Wide-eyed, Corey tread water and laughed, "I thought you said ... "
"For you, dude," Drew interrupted. "I'll stay underwater where helicopters can't see me and pull them back on when we get out." Corey sank then pulled his own boardies off. Rising to the surface, Corey tossed his boardies at Drew. Catching them, Drew chuckled, "Is this what you wanted?"
"Any chance to see you naked works for me!" Corey cheered, and then swam underwater towards Drew and the shallower end of the pool. Laughing hysterically, Drew slowly backed away to the edge, where it was only three feet of water, but Drew's naughty bits were still out of sight from neighbors and helicopters. As expected, Corey went right for Drew's dick and took it in his mouth for only ten or fifteen seconds. Even underwater, Corey could hear Drew's muffled laughter. Rising to the surface, past the water dripping off his face and hair, Corey sputtered, "I really love you."
Wrapping his boyfriend in a warm embrace, Drew assured, "I love you too, Cor. When you make me happy, you'll get treats like this, just for incentive and to remind you that I do love you."
Hugging Drew tighter for a moment, Corey giggled, "For incentive like this, I might gain five pounds a week."
"Any improvements at all, Cor," Drew softly said. "Don't over-do it and get sick in the process, okay?"
Corey nodded then began sucking and nibbling on Drew's ear. A while later, when he felt Drew's erection, Corey whispered, "Let's make love."
Drew softly replied, "We are now. We'll go inside in a little while. Right now, I like how I feel in your arms and with you in mine." Corey only nodded agreement. They remained virtually silent and attached to each other for many minutes. Corey stepped back with a wicked gleam in his eyes. He climbed out of the pool, giving Drew a full view of his ass, then jogged over to the diving board. Drew moved forward to deeper water. Seeing Corey up on the diving board with full wood, Drew groaned, "Oh dude, you are so friggin' hot!"
Covering his blushing face, Corey giggled, "Meet me underwater, stud." Drew took a deep breath and submerged. Corey dove in and the two lovers began swapping breaths underwater. It was the first time they had done it. Dizzily, they rose to the surface then Corey swam to the nearest ladder. Drew searched the pool for his boardies while Corey began toweling off. Corey's boardies were found by Drew first and tossed out of the pool. Corey laughed, "Next time, leave your boardies on the concrete edge so you can find them quicker."
Drew nodded and smiled, "I did come out here with them on, right?"
"You really forgot?" Corey howled.
Drew shook his head then began looking underwater by the shallower end of the pool. He soon found his boardies and pulled them up saying, "I need to wear something other than blue or green boardies here so I can find them faster." Before Drew could reach for the other towel, Corey used the towel he had in his hands to begin drying his boyfriend off. He took his time, started at Drew's hair and worked his way down. Afterward, they went inside. Drew noticed the time and softly chortled, "We were out there twenty minutes, tops."
Leading the way to his bedroom, Corey nodded, saying, "And this will take way more than thirty minutes." Once in the room, Corey went to take Drew's boardies off then hung them on the back of his desk chair. "This is what I've always wanted with you, Drew," Corey softly admitted.
Taking Corey into his arms, Drew nodded, "I know, Cor. It's the best now. Maybe everything had to happen this last year. Guess I needed to realize just how much I care first."
Corey agreed, "I learned that too. I wanted intercourse with you before we understood what we really needed emotionally. It would've been fun and all, but it's so much more than intense now." He led Drew onto his bed. Drew lay down on top of Corey. While they were making out, Drew occasionally whispered encouraging words, telling Corey he was being less selfish and more selfless, how proud he had been every day since Monday, how thrilled he was that a little weight was already gained, and lastly, that he really wanted to be one in body, mind and spirit. With that said, Corey shivered, "Me too. Take me to heaven, Drew."
Pushing up off Corey and reaching for the lube on the night table, Drew shared, "I feel so weak; probably from breathing so fast for so long. My heart's racing too."
"When you're tired, let me know," Corey softly said, "I can take over for a while."
They made love for over an hour, flip-flopping and trying various positions for the first time, reaching orgasm four times each. Before going back out to the pool, they even cleaned each other in the bathroom, making certain nothing would leak out of them and into the pool. Even that was the best experience for them. Corey got to clean Drew's ass and got completely carried away doing so, kissing each cheek and getting in a light nibble before standing up. Drew got to clean Corey's ass and, for the very first time, he washed Corey's uncut dick. It was almost two-thirty, according to the kitchen clock, when they passed by and went back outside.
Corey had left his boardies outside and was naked already when he hurried to the diving board and dove in. Drew quickly followed and had his boardies off before surfacing. They were tossed to the concrete edge, as Corey had suggested. Although they did separate more often, they were attached at the hands or mouths quite often. They even tried Keith's and Prez's "open scissor" swimming, which they had witnessed at Mike's birthday party more than a month earlier. They soon realized that they were spinning themselves too fast and getting dizzy in the process. That only made them wonder how fast they could spin and roared hysterically going round-and-round until they eventually bounced against the side of the pool.
Draping his arms over the edge, Drew giggled, "We're getting just like Keith and Prez."
Corey moved close to Drew saying, "This is not a bad thing," and wrapped his legs around Drew's hips.
Drew felt his hard cock occasionally brushing against Corey's ass cheeks and could see Corey's erection. After a few silent moments, he asked, "How're you feeling, Cor?"
"Awesome," Corey cheered, "better than ever." He then wondered, "How about you?"
Drew honestly relayed, "I felt some new stuff this time."
"Like doggie style; each time you ground against me, I could feel your fuzzy nads," Drew giggled, "That's what set me off, big time!"
Corey laughed and nodded, "I love that feeling too! Anything else?"
"It's as much something I noticed as it is a question." When Corey nodded, Drew explained, "When you're inside me and going at a reasonable pace, I can loosen up when you drive in and tighten up when you back out. Did it feel good to you?"
"I felt it too. It's awesome!" Corey enthusiastically nodded. "I can feel your dick throbbing inside me too. That's totally amazing to me."
"Isn't it?" Drew cackled. "When you were pounding away fast, I wanted to loosen up for you. At first, I relaxed, but then involuntarily tightened up while you were still goin' fast. Both ways, it was totally great."
"I felt that too," Corey shared. "I liked tighter better but loose wasn't a problem at all. You looked so peaceful and content when I was sitting between your spread legs."
Drew nodded, "Missionary is okay, but for me, kneeling or sitting between your legs seems much more comfortable for both of us."
"I think so too," Corey admitted, "but haven't had any problem with any position yet. Missionary, doggie, on our sides, me riding you or you riding me; it's all great."
Drew hummed thoughtfully for a few moments then asked, "What would you think about talking with Keith and Prez about this stuff? They might give us some ideas?"
Corey shrugged, "I could. It'd be a hell of a lot easier than admitting we missed the goal, that's for sure."
Proudly, Drew cheered, "Four orgasms each in about seventy-five minutes. That's every nine minutes, on average. We lost it together twice! We've never done anything like this before."
"I wanna do it again and again," Corey laughed.
"Now?" Drew incredulously giggled.
Corey howled, "Well not right this minute! Later."
Drew chuckled, "Thank goodness. If we went home, tugging at our shorts because our dicks hurt," Corey roared laughing, but Drew loudly continued, "everyone would know, especially Keith and Prez. They wouldn't be able to face us without cracking up."
Separating himself from Drew, Corey then swam closer. Placing his hands on either side of Drew, on the edge of the pool, he warmly smiled, "There is no one, anywhere, anything like you. We'll take it easy next time, okay?"
Drew nodded and smirked, "Blow jobs only?"
Corey smiled, "Drew, anything. Holding each other naked, like the other day, blow jobs or intercourse. Being like this now is so awesome. Our erections went down for what; ten or fifteen minutes while we were in the bathroom? They went back up in there and we've been hard ever since."
"I love you, Cor."
"I know it," Corey nodded. "I'll always love you. Even if I do fuck up, saying or doing something wrong, I am trying to be everything you need me to be. This whole week, I've learned more than I did all school year; from you, from Brian and Pete, from Prez and Keith, even our parents got in a dose or two."
Contentedly sighing, Drew muttered, "That does it." Pulling himself up on the edge of the pool, Drew then stood up, naked, with his erection pointing skyward. Wide-eyed and his mouth agape, Corey looked up at Drew, stunned beyond words. Beckoning Corey with his index finger, Drew called, "Let's go, you sexy blond. We can't do what we want in the pool." Corey almost flew out of the pool and into Drew's arms. With the one remaining previously unused towel, they dried each other off then went back inside. They didn't even comment on the clock, which read three-twelve, passing through the kitchen on their way to Corey's room. Until four o'clock, they held each other and made love. They would've kept going too, but they were expected at the Hundsers' house. They showered, put on clean clothes then went outside to retrieve their now dry boardies. Corey wrote his parents a note. Carrying their backpacks, they walked out of the Seavers' house and across town.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Prez and I stayed at the beach with Mike and Derrick until about one o'clock. By the time we grabbed lunches and got back to Doug and Brian's place, it was quarter after two. We wolfed down our food then went back to the studio to practice what we could for our end of summer concert. Prez, Mike and Derrick played Scuttle Buttin' then Every Breath You Take while I watched. Derrick wasn't sure he was hitting the high notes in the latter tune right. We ran through the section that concerned him, six times total, three times with me singing and three with Derrick singing. Somewhat more satisfied, we all told Derrick he did perfectly fine or very good then moved on. The Rover was next, just to compare Derrick's lead vocals to mine. I thought Derrick trumped me and Derrick believed my voice was better, but Prez and Mike thought both of us were great. If we even played that tune at the concert, it might wind up being both of us singing. Helplessly Hoping was a ballad we all agreed had to be played that day. Mike switched to acoustic guitar and we all gathered around one microphone to sing. Prez sang the lowest pitch, baritone part with me singing the higher notes. Mike and Derrick had the middle vocal parts, which were closest together. Three times we ran through that tune before Mike and Derrick had to get ready for work.
While all the equipment was being powered down, I asked, "Want some company next week, dudes?"
Derrick and Mike nodded and almost simultaneously answered, "Sure do."
Prez said, "Definitely Tuesday and Wednesday."
Taking Prez's hand in mine and starting for the door, I wondered, "The plan is to rehearse Saturday, Sunday and Monday, ten until three, right?" Once they all nodded agreement, I said, "Monday too then. Prez hasn't had a flashback in about a month. I want it to stay that way too."
Derrick went to Prez and hugged him, enthusiastically cheering, "That's great, bro!"
Mike smiled at me and nodded, as if I had anything to do with it. Returning the hug, Prez giggled, "We just realized it earlier today."
When I shrugged at Mike, he came and hugged me, whispering, "If it happens again, it's not anybody's fault, not even Prez's."
Understanding his meaning, I hugged Mike tighter and whispered, "I'll always take care of Prez. For now, I want him to have a good summer."
Derrick smirked, "They're whispering plans for more shower blow-jobs next week."
Shaking his head and backing away from me, Mike joked, "Nope! Next week it's full-on shower butt play!" He went to Prez for a hug and Derrick embraced me while we all groaned and chuckled at Mike's "plan".
We said goodbye then left them to prepare for work at Black Angus. Driving back to Woodland Hills, we reviewed the shopping list that Prez had in his wallet, still stowed away in the glove box. There was a great tune on the radio, obviously titled Tell Me What You Want, but neither of us had a clue who the band was and it wasn't mentioned by the D.J. Prez complained, "It must be a one-hit-wonder." Without stopping at home, we pulled into our local Ralph's supermarket. Quick work was made of most things on the list. We had a rough time finding the lemon pepper required and took even longer at the fresh fish counter getting the salmon.
Home again by four-fifteen, Prez went right to work in the kitchen. Meats were stowed in the fridge. Baked potatoes were first on the list and Prez had me douse them in olive oil while he began preparing the barbeque sauce for the salmon. Once the potatoes were doused and wrapped in bacon, Prez asked me to wrap them in aluminum foil then get them on the grill. They were large and would take about two hours to cook. I came back inside as Prez was finishing his barbeque sauce. He placed the fish fillets in the bowl and covered it with plastic wrap. We tasted the sauce from the same spoon he had mixed it with and thought it was great; a perfect compliment for the fish. Drew and Corey walked into the kitchen. They tasted it too, from the same spoon.
Drew asked, "What're we havin' tonight, Chef Prez?"
Shoving the bowl of barbeque sauce into the fridge, Prez smiled, "We've got six salmon fillets, six chicken tits, hamburgers and hot dogs."
"With big baked potatoes and corn on the cob," I added.
Corey hummed hungrily then asked, "Could I try the salmon?"
We were both pleasantly surprised by the question. Pulling Corey close, Drew explained, "Corey gained almost two pounds since last Friday," then planted a kiss before Corey was anywhere near ready for it.
With raised eyebrows, Prez and I glanced at each other probably wondering the same thing - where are the real Drew and Corey, you imposters? They were still kissing and Corey hanging off Drew when Prez answered, "Sure, Corey. There's plenty of everything."
They still hadn't broken the kiss when I smirked, "We've gotta jump in the shower real quick. Prez's Aunt and family will be here in fifteen or twenty minutes." I wasn't sure if they had heard either of us until I noticed Drew's thumbs-up gesture.
Leaving the kitchen and heading to the bathroom, Prez remarked, "The Olympic tongue wrestling lessons seem to have worked."
I grinned, "I guess so! That is not my brother, that's for sure!"
We went into the bathroom and were soon in the shower together. Prez was anxious and hurrying, dropping the soap twice in his haste. I giggled, "Prez! Slow down, baby. We're set and it's gonna be great." Prez only whined uncertainly. Shaking my head, I took hold of him with one arm and, with my other hand, started slowly playing with his dick. Prez's blue eyes bore into mine, begging for relief from his anxiety. I relieved him alright. And he relieved me too. We kissed deeply then got out of the shower. My baby had slowed down some and seemed more relaxed until we got in our bedroom to get dressed. He wore the new clothes I got him for our anniversary and looked totally edible to me, but he complained about his hair doing its own thing. Neither of us were the mousse or hair spray type.
"Derrick certainly doesn't need to worry about his hair, it's always perfect," he growled, "Whether he's working his ass off or kickin' back, longer or shorter, no difference."
I went to him and softly begged, "Relax, please? I know you want everything perfect, we all do." I took his hand in mine and kissed it, then took his index finger into my mouth.
Prez finally smiled and deliriously hummed. "You're the very best, babe."
I smiled and let the index finger go assuring, "I'm always here for you, Prez. Whatever you need tonight, let me know, okay?"
He nodded, "Thanks, Keith. Stick close by me, please; especially at the grill. Those salmon fillets cost serious bucks and this is a brand new recipe."
I led him by the hand back to the kitchen. The cookbook had a full color photo of how the salmon should look. We both studied the photo. I read from the page, "Sixteen minutes over medium heat on a greased grill. We'll spray the grill with Pam and take the kitchen timer outside."
Prez nodded, "First the chicken breasts. They'll take about forty minutes of almost constant flipping. Then the salmon, burgers and hot dogs." He then pursed his lips and wondered, "When did the potatoes go on the grill?"
"About half past four," I easily answered.
Prez figured, "Two hours minus forty minutes minus another sixteen minutes. We start the chicken at five-forty and we'll be sitting down to eat about six-thirty-ish."
I nodded and smiled, "We're set, sex-machine." The doorbell rang and Prez visibly jumped. I got him back under control then took his hand to answer the door. It was seven minutes after five, "Fashionably on time," I joked. Arriving from the hallway, Drew and Corey waited for Prez to open the door.
He pushed his hair down, took a deep breath then reached for the doorknob and opened the door. Little Robby was standing before his parents. "Hi!" Prez pleasantly cheered, "I'm so glad you're here!" He reached for his cousin and welcomed him inside. Stepping aside, Prez said, "Come on in, Rob." He then reached for his Aunt Eileen and hugged her tight as she also stepped inside. Finally, he took his Uncle John's hand and welcomed him too. Uncle John was carrying a paper sack in his left hand.
I was already greeting Rob and introducing Drew and Corey as Prez closed the door. Prez asked, "Was traffic alright?"
"The usual L.A. rush," Uncle John half laughed.
Leading the pack out of the entryway, I asked, "Can we get you anything? Something cold to drink, maybe?"
Rob asked, "Can I have a soda or somethin'?
"Sure cousin," Prez answered. "We've got Pepsi and 7-Up. Which would you like?"
"Pepsi, please," Rob answered.
I asked, "Anybody else?"
Aunt Eileen said, "Ice water would be nice."
Heading toward the kitchen, Prez said, "We could relax in here for a little while. I'll need to be outside to cook in about half an hour." While I passed a can of Pepsi to Rob, Prez asked his uncle, "What's in the sack?"
"Wine for dinner," Uncle John smiled, and then passed the bag to Prez. Without looking inside the sack, Prez placed it on the counter by the fridge.
Aunt Eileen offered, "We weren't sure what was being served so we got two bottles of chardonnay and two of Merlot."
Prez offered, "We're barbequing salmon, chicken breasts, burgers and hot dogs." Looking down at Rob, Prez asked, "Would you like burgers, chicken or hot dogs, cousin?"
Already drinking from the can, Rob quickly swallowed then answered, "Burgers and hot dogs are cool." Aunt Eileen smirked and rolled her eyes.
I poured a glass of ice water from the fridge and handed it to Aunt Eileen. She warmly smiled, "Thank you, Keith." It was uncanny how much she looked like Prez's mother. Aunt Eileen had shorter red hair and was slightly younger than Prez's mom, but they were definitely sisters.
"Uncle John, can I get you anything?" Uncle John was about as tall as Prez and I, maybe an inch taller, but I could easily look in his brown eyes.
He shrugged, "I can wait until your parents arrive."
I nodded, "Dad will be home in about twenty minutes, usually around five-thirty. Mom will be home between then and six."
Glancing around at each of his family members, Prez asked, "Would you like to sit indoors or out?"
Aunt Eileen wordlessly checked with her husband then smiled, "Outside would be fine."
Heading for the sliding glass doors, Prez chuckled, "Awlrighty then. Be prepared for Rush. He's about nine months old; a puppy in a full size dog's body. Prez fully opened the vertical blinds.
Everybody looked out at Rush and Uncle John sniggered, "He's big." Prez opened the door and led us outside. Uncle John followed Prez, then Aunt Eileen followed with Rob held close to her side. As usual, Rush came bounding across the lawn towards us.
Holding his arm and hand up in the "stay" command, Prez bellowed "Rush! Stay!" The dog slammed on the brakes, stopped and sat before Prez. He turned his head to tell his family, "He's generally well behaved, but goes into play mode at the drop of a hat." He noticed Rob standing very close to his mother and asked, "Are you afraid of dogs, Rob." Prez's cousin mutely shrugged. With that, Prez faced Rush and commanded, "Rush! Flat!" With a groan, Rush obeyed and dropped to his side, lying flat on the grass. Uncle John moved forward beside Prez. Prez assured, "He's really a good dog, just a little bit wired."
Uncle John softly said, "He could knock Rob over without even trying. That's what happened when Rob was about three. Since then, he's wary of big dogs."
"Watch this," Prez sniggered. He then put Rush through all his commands, in quick succession. So that his young cousin could come forward and meet Rush, Prez finished by having the dog return to lying flat on his side. "It's okay," Prez softly assured his Uncle and then squatted down. Giving Rush belly rubs, Prez called, "Come on over, Rob." Rob looked up at his mother. When she nodded, he put the can of soda down on the table then cautiously moved beside Prez. Aunt Eileen took a seat at the table, intently watching her son and nephew with Rush.
Soon, Rob was giving Rush belly rubs with Prez. Rush rolled onto his back so his entire belly could be rubbed. Rob began giggling. Behind us, the sliding door opened. Drew came out with two lawn chairs followed by Corey and two more chairs. I smiled at my brother, "Thanks, bro," then reached for Corey and patted his back. Prez was showing Rob how to command Rush with the various hand signals focusing on sit, stay and down.
Prez then said, "Rush! Where's your ball? Get the ball, Rush." The dog bounded up then went out to the lawn. Rush passed his rope toy and a rawhide then spied the old hard rubber ball and dove for it. Returning with it in his mouth, Rush proudly galloped to Prez. Prez praised his dog then told Rush, "Drop it." Lowering his head, Rush let the ball fall from his mouth. Prez wiped the slobber off the ball then handed it to Rob saying, "Go ahead and throw it for him to retrieve, cousin." Rob threw the ball and Rush tore after it. Prez said, "When he comes back, put your hand up like a traffic-cop and he'll stop." By this time, Drew and Corey had opened the chairs and were near Prez and Rob, watching Rush. Relieved of concerns, Uncle John joined his wife at the table and sat down.
I sat with Aunt Eileen and Uncle John, softly explaining, "Prez spent most of the winter and part of the spring training Rush. Having a puppy to care for really was the best medicine for Prez. My dad's really great with dogs. He showed Prez and Prez did the rest."
Aunt Eileen smiled, "Did you know he'd get so big?"
I nodded, "He was a little white fur ball on Christmas morning. We never had much of a problem training Rush. Generally, when we're out, at school or anywhere else, Rush stays in his crate in our room."
Obviously overhearing me, Prez left Rob with Drew and Corey to play with Rush. Shaking his head, he wondered, "How did you know how to get here?"
Uncle John and Aunt Eileen briefly glanced at each other. I gently reminded, "They were here, baby, after the funeral."
Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Prez grinned, "Where the hell was I?"
I chuckled, "Around; in the kitchen, in the living room, in our room."
Drew turned and sniggered, "Where ever Prez was, Keith was sure to follow."
Corey reminded, "I didn't go to the funeral, but I was here too, Prez."
Aunt Eileen offered, "It was an overcast day. After the cemetery, we came here for a few hours. We did talk that afternoon, Preston."
Prez sighed, "The lights were on but nobody was home." More cheerfully, he said, "Let me check the taters real quick. I'll be right back," and then went to the grill.
While Prez turned the potatoes, I softly told his Aunt and Uncle that Prez was out of it for two whole weeks, returning a little at a time, but then phasing out again. He went back to school when my mom thought he was ready. "By Thanksgiving, he was pretty much back to normal. Since school ended and he visited you guys, he's been great. We realized today that he hasn't had a flashback in weeks." While I spoke, Drew and Corey were showing Rob how to play tug-of-war with Rush, using his rope toy.
Prez returned to the table and sat beside me. He offered, "I'm sorry. Late October and early November are mostly blank."
Aunt Eileen said, "I wasn't much different, Preston. That kind of shock preoccupies the mind. It takes a while to process. We went out for our Thanksgiving dinner. I simply wasn't ready to deal with it. Keith told us you haven't been having any more flashbacks since our visit last month."
Prez nodded and smiled. Reaching for my hand, he said, "I'm glad those days are over. Our summer vacation has been really great. We went to Disneyland last week. Earlier this week, we spent a few days with our friends who are house-sitting. We went camping Wednesday night and even brought Rush along. We signed up for our band to play at a concert. It's Labor Day weekend, Saturday, September fifth in Agoura Hills. I'd love it if you could come."
Aunt Eileen reached into her purse and pulled out a small calendar. She flipped pages then turned to her husband saying, "I've got nothing else planned that day."
Uncle John said, "I can't think of anything else more important. We'll be there."
I grinned at Prez, "There are auditions, baby."
Prez chuckled, "It's in the bag. The only question now is when we'll be performing." Returning his attention to his Aunt and Uncle, Prez explained, "It's from noon until eight at Chumash Park." Again, he chuckled, "I'll let Keith give you directions or God knows where you'll wind up." I helplessly cracked up. Prez laughed, "Did I tell you that's how Keith and I met? My first trip out on my bike, I got lost."
Aunt Eileen giggled, "I knew that last summer, from Mags."
The sliding glass door opened behind me. John stepped outside with Kim and said, "Hi, how's it goin'?"
Aunt Eileen and Uncle John greeted John. John then introduced his "girlfriend, Kim". While Kim was greeting Prez's Aunt and Uncle, Rush came running to John with the dirty white rubber ball in his mouth. When John tried to take the ball, Rush galloped away. Obviously feeling more secure, Rob came over to the table, waved at John and Kim then grabbed his can of Pepsi. Aunt Eileen introduced her son to John and Kim. When the introductions were done, John excused himself to change out of his damp boardies then went inside with Kim. I gave directions to Chumash Park to Aunt Eileen and Uncle John. Rob whispered to his father.
Uncle John smiled, "Prez is Preston's nickname, like your name is Robert but we call you Rob."
Blushing at Prez, Rob smiled, "Cool. Can I call you Prez too?"
"I'd like it if you did," Prez warmly said.
The sliding door opened again. This time my dad stepped outside still wearing his suit. Again, greetings traveled around the patio. My dad shook Uncle John's hand. Dad checked with Prez, "Would you like me to toss a salad for dinner?"
Prez nodded, "I can give you a hand, Dad."
"No," dad softly insisted. "Stay with our guests. I'll conscript John and Kim."
I wondered, "Where are they?"
"Kim's in the living room," Dad replied. "I think I heard John washing up in the bathroom. It must've been him since everyone else is accounted for out here."
Knowing his expected response, I grinned, "He went inside with Kim to get changed."
Suspiciously glaring at everyone around the table, dad playfully complained, "Teenagers turning me gray. I've got four for a real low price?"
We all began chuckling and snickering. Uncle John teased, "We've got one female teenager. I'll trade you, even-Steven, one girl for four boys?"
Dad chuckled, "Uh ... never mind, no deal," and waved him off. Aunt Eileen heartily laughed. She had a similar laugh as Prez and Prez's mom; infectious as hell. After the laughter had died down, my dad excused himself to get changed out of his suit. Stepping inside, he loudly called, "John?" and closed the sliding glass door.
I giggled, "John's in trouble again."
Shaking his head, Prez grinned, "He's better off with dad than Brian." He then explained to his Aunt and Uncle how we brought two friends home the previous week and how John played the tough guy with the wrong person.
Facing her husband, Aunt Eileen hummed then asked, "You'd still rather four boys than one girl?"
"I think I'll count my blessings," Uncle John grinned.
I smiled, "John's over-compensating for two gay brothers," then kissed my baby's hand.
Aunt Eileen softly wondered, "And Drew?"
Believing it would be better for Drew to speak for himself, I called, "Drew, come here a sec, please, bro?" Walking across the yard, Drew's hand slipped into Corey's, making the answer obvious. Again, I helplessly chuckled.
Drew painted a suspicious smirk on his face, making me laugh harder. I was starting to sweat, I was laughing so hard. Prez had to explain our conversation.
Corey grinned, "John's not so bad. There's far worse than him out there."
Prez agreed and added, "He's acting bigger than his britches sometimes though."
Aunt Eileen turned to Drew and Corey then offered, "I had only asked if you two were a couple." She then glanced at their clasped hands. I stopped laughing and watched my brother carefully. Drew turned red and nodded.
Prez quickly said, "It's cool, Drew. My Aunt and Uncle are cool with me and Keith."
Corey noticed Drew's blush and quickly turned to face him then guided Drew's head onto his shoulder. Drew went with it. Although he was still glowing pink, Drew said, "We're boyfriends now. I can't deny how much I feel for Corey."
Corey smiled, "I love Drew and he loves me. I'll tell you more later, if you'd like to hear it?"
Uncle John nodded and softly said, "We'd like that very much. It wasn't quite like this last October."
Drew said, "Nope. We were friends then. The important change happened earlier this week."
I called, "Drew?" When he turned to me, I said, "It gets easier, bro. What you're feeling is exactly what I felt when I came out to our family. Believe it or not, this was easy. For you and Corey, it just feels rougher because it's the first time you admitted it outside of our circle. Chill, bro."
Aunt Eileen said, "It was only a question. I had no idea really and I'm very sorry we embarrassed you, Drew."
Smiling and nodding, Drew said, "It's alright. It had to happen sometime," then kissed Corey's cheek.
I knew it was a thank you kiss. Overacting, I jumped up and hollered, "Alright, who are you and where's my brother?" Wide-eyed, Drew and Corey began laughing at me.
Shaking his head but smiling widely, Prez told his Aunt and Uncle, "I'm so glad you're here to witness this. No one would ever believe it."
Still holding my brother in his arms, Corey giggled, "This is the insane Drew. He cracked a little last Friday; a little more Saturday then went completely nuts by Monday afternoon."
Pulling back slightly, Drew softly told Corey, "Wednesday, while we were camping, remember?" Corey nodded then tenderly kissed Drew on the mouth.
"WOW!" Rob hollered from across the yard. He ran to the patio and Rush trotted along, following his new, young friend. Rob excitedly gushed, "Prez and Keith and Drew and Corey too?" Wrapping his arms around his belly, Prez roared laughing.
Uncle John reached for his son and gently explained, "When you grow up, you'll know if you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Whatever you decide makes you happy, will make me and Mommy very happy too."
Rob grimaced, "Who wants sloppy wet kisses? Not me, not now, not ever!" He then threw the ball for Rush to chase and hurried after the dog.
Uncle John chuckled, "About what I expected."
"Thank God!" Aunt Eileen huffed. She then lifted her glass of water and downed it. She grinned at her husband, "Is it time for wine?" Uncle John nodded and stood.
Corey cracked up and Prez laughed harder. "What is this?" Drew playfully wondered, "We turned Corey's mom into a drunk Monday now Prez's Aunt too?"
Uncle John opened the sliding glass door. Stepping inside, he said, "Jim, we brought wine for dinner," and then closed the door.
Done laughing but still smiling, Prez leaned back in his chair. Bouncing his red eyebrows at me, he asked, "What time is it, babe?"
"Time to start the chicken," then offered, "I'll get it, baby." I went inside to find my dad and Uncle John chuckling. Sliding the door closed, I grinned, "Over Rob, Drew and Corey?"
Dad nodded and Uncle John explained, "Rob's getting his sexual education in doses; a little last summer, more in the autumn, and more these last few weeks. With our daughter getting interested in boys too, everything's working out nicely."
While I got the chicken from the fridge, Dad added, "The first time, with you, was the most difficult. We talked about everything over the course of a few nights. Then you started talking to Drew. Trying to explain the birds and the bees to nine-year-old Drew happened over the next two years. Trying to explain to you, at eleven, not to talk about it with your brothers yet, or at the dining room table, was another challenge."
Heading for the door, I sniggered with increasing disgust; "Boys kiss girls? Boys kiss boys? Girls kissing girls? EWWWWW!" Leaving the two adults to chuckle, I went back outside. Drew and Corey were now sitting at the table with Prez and Aunt Eileen. Locking eyes with Prez, I nodded towards the grill. Excusing himself, Prez followed me toward the grill. "It's five-forty-five exactly," I softly told him.
Prez smiled, "Right on schedule. Thanks, babe." Prez moved the potatoes up to the top shelf and I began placing chicken on the grill. I heard my mom's voice and turned to find her greeting Aunt Eileen. John and Kim came outside, followed by Prez's Uncle John and my dad.
My youngest brother went out to the grass where Rob was playing with Rush. Not knowing better, John started enticing Rush to play rough. Rush was ready for it too. He lowered his front to the ground, but kept his rear end in the air with his white tail practically spinning. I quickly warned Prez about what was happening. Rush growled, starting at a low tone and growing higher in pitch. Rob stepped back from John and Rush. I finished with the chicken just as Rush leaped up onto John. Hurrying over there, I moved to protect Prez's little cousin and glared at my brother. John was oblivious at first and wrestling with Rush.
Finally noticing me, but still wrestling with Rush, John laughed, "What?"
I sighed, "You didn't know, but Rob's afraid of big dogs. You're freakin' the kid out, bro."
Looking down at Rob, who was mostly hidden behind me, John pushed Rush away, commanded the dog to sit then sincerely apologized to Rob. "He's really a fun dog to play with," John smiled. He knelt down saying, "I'll show you," and then lay on the grass, calling Rush over. Ready to play rough some more, Rush went to John and began nudging John in the belly with his nose. John grabbed Rush around the neck and they kept rough-housing. Kim came over by me to softly comfort Rob.
Looking down at Rob, I asked, "Are you okay?"
Rob looked up and shrugged, "He's a big dog. Playin' tug with him, he wins ev'ry time."
I nodded and smiled, "Rush and John are two big goofballs. Don't be scared of either of them; their barks are worse than their bites."
Finished at the grill, Prez came over and asked, "Is everything okay, Rob?"
Rob nodded, "It just scared me when Rush growled."
Prez nodded, "He'll speak on command most of the time too. Do you want me to show you?" Rob nodded and giggled. Prez called, "John, take a break, bro. Let me show my cousin how well trained Rush is."
Curled into a fetal position, protecting himself from Rush, John loudly laughed, "Tell Rush, not me!"
Prez bellowed, "Rush! Heel!" Rush looked up at Prez, then down at John, and then trotted to Prez's side. He sat down and Prez said, "Good boy, Rush." Prez looked at his cousin and showed him how to make a fist and show it to Rush. Drew and Corey came over and joined us. First Prez showed Rush his fist and commanded, "Rush! Speak!" Wagging his tail and bouncing up, Rush growled again then barked. I did the same routine, then so did Drew and Corey. Each time, Rush barked. John commanded Rush to speak the same way as each of us had, but Rush ran to his rope and returned then dropped it in front of John. Rob and Kim were the first to giggle then we all began laughing.
Shaking his head, John smiled at the dog. "Why don't you bark for me, Rush?"
Rush picked up his rope and tossed it in the air.
Prez chuckled, "I think he sees you as the human that plays like a dog would, John."
I grinned at John, "Only you can teach him that you're human, not a dog. The resemblance is remarkable though." John smirked and shot daggers at me from his eyes.
Squatting down behind Rob, Prez showed his cousin how to get Rush to bark. Rob held his fist before Rush and ordered, "Rush, speak!" Again, Rush barked.
Shaking his head, but softly chuckling, John went to Kim. He took her by the hand and playfully complained, "Silly dog never listens to me."
Walking to the patio with John, Kim giggled, "Prez is probably right. You get down on the ground with the dog. Rush is confused; are you a human or another dog?"
Shocked that Kim said that, John's mouth fell open and he came to an abrupt halt. Kim laughed as hard as I've ever seen.
Turning to Drew and Corey, Prez asked, "Keep an eye on Rush and Rob, please?"
I nodded and added, "We need to keep an eye on our dinner."
Drew nodded and teased, "Yeah, please watch our dinner. I'm hungry and so is Corey."
Locking eyes with Corey, I asked, "The barbeque sauce was pretty good, huh?"
Corey nodded and smiled, "Yeah, and fish is cool. I tasted the salmon my folks had at Olive Garden Monday night. This should be really good." As I had promised Drew, I gave Corey a quick hug then went to the grill with Prez.
"The heat's really on now," Prez remarked. "Now I have to impress my Aunt, Uncle and Corey."
I softly assured, "Everybody's gonna be blown away, Prez. Everything's goin' great. The adults are talking, probably about you."
Prez nodded, "I know, babe. I just wanna get dinner finished and eaten. Then I'll relax so much that you'll be carrying me around."
I sighed then moved closer so I could whisper; "Prez, you're stressin' too much. Another worry and I'm gonna ask my mom to take over."
He searched my eyes. Seeing I was serious, Prez huffed, "I'm taking the fun out of this for both of us. I'm really sorry, babe."
Once the grill lid was closed, I pulled him to me and whispered, "I know you, baby. You want to make your Aunt the kind of meal she made for you. You want to show her our family and that you're really happy here with us. The latter point is already complete, as far as I can tell. Dinner is going to be great. Now, are you going to relax and breathe normally or do I have to breathe for you?"
Pulling back with a wide smile to look in my eyes, Prez shrugged then dove in for a deep, passionate kiss. As I had threatened, I forced air into his mouth and lungs. He began running his fingers around my ears and through my hair. In seconds, I felt him relax in my arms. Pulling back from each other because we heard giggling, we turned to find Rob turning pink. Not far beyond Rob, Drew and Corey were smiling and shaking their heads.
Chuckling softly, Prez said that all four adults, John and Kim, all of whom were behind me at the patio table, were also smiling and watching us. He then grunted, "Uh oh! Here comes mom." Still holding each other close, we turned slightly so we could both see her approach.
My mom said, "Drew, Corey, John, Kim and Robby will be eating outside. The rest of us can easily gather around the table inside."
Prez groaned, "I didn't even think of that."
My mom assured, "It's really not a problem, Preston. We'll only be separated for thirty minutes or so while we eat. It allows us to have a more adult conversation without embarrassing John, Kim or Robby."
Prez smiled, "That's cool, mom. I was so involved with dinner, I hadn't considered where we would all sit."
"I have an idea," I offered. Prez and my mom waited anxiously. I said, "Let's bring Rush inside." Prez began chuckling and my mom sighed. "What?" I giggled, "Aunt Eileen and Uncle John will see that he's a good dog. Rush always lays in the living room, watching and waiting while we eat."
My mom smirked, "And the younger humans can think that they're less than a dog, eating outside while even Rush is allowed inside?"
I laughed, "I did not say that!" Resting his forehead on my shoulder, Prez began laughing.
Shaking her head, my mom asked, "You went to the beach today?"
Since Prez was still chuckling, I answered, "Yep. Prez kept a T-shirt on. We used the SPF45 sunblock on his neck and arms; zinc oxide on his nose and over his eyebrows.
Visually inspecting Prez, she wondered, "How long were you there?"
"Two and a half hours," I replied.
Satisfied, she nodded then asked, "Is there anything I can do to help with dinner?"
Prez smiled, "Could you handle the corn-on-the-cob, please, mom? That way we're not running in and out. The salmon needs to be watched closely, six to eight minutes per side."
I said, "Dad made a salad. We're thinking everything on the grill will be ready by six-thirty. Maybe we could start with the salad soon?"
"Good idea," Prez chirped. He then asked, "Mom, the recipe says we need to grease the grill. Would Pam spray work alright?"
She nodded and smiled, "That should be fine. Be careful with the can around open flames though." After a brief pause, she added, "Your Aunt and Uncle brought good wines, chardonnay from Cupcake Vineyards in Napa, and Merlot from Mill Creek in Sonoma."
"Is that what you're drinking now?" Prez wondered.
"Yes," she answered. "The Merlot is very good. Would you like a taste?"
I said, "Sure," but Prez shook his head.
Explaining, "I don't want to second guess myself while I'm cooking," Prez then asked, "Could I have a glass with dinner?"
"Inside, we'll all have wine with dinner," my mom said. She then gestured for me to follow her back to the table. Prez and I released each other then I went with my mom. I'm no wine connoisseur, that's for sure. The Merlot tasted alright, but it left my mouth feeling dry. It was a dry wine, not a sweet wine, my dad explained. Aunt Eileen and Uncle John added that white wines were best served with chicken or fish while red wines were best served with beef. For pork, blush wines were often best. I asked, "What was the wine we had back on Memorial Day?"
My mom answered, "A Merlot, from Looking Glass vineyards in Lodi, California."
My dad said, "That's a medium bodied wine, not very sweet and not very dry. Over time, you'll get to know which wines you prefer with what types of food. For instance, your mother and I used to like very dry red wines with pasta, since tomato sauces are generally sweet." Prez joined us at the table and listened as my dad continued, "You may also find that certain vineyards have good years where both their red and white wines are excellent. Then weather patterns vary and one or the other tend to become less enjoyable."
I grinned, "So, is price really an issue or can you spend a lot for something you won't really like?"
Aunt Eileen excitedly stated, "Oh, yes. You'll pay more for imported wines, regardless of their quality."
Uncle John added, "You can get very good wines from California. The Charles Shaw wines have been getting progressively better every year. They're as little as two bucks a bottle at Trader Joe's."
My mom smiled, "Are they really that good?" Aunt Eileen and Uncle John nodded.
Aunt Eileen added, "I've spent much more, twenty or more dollars, and been far less pleased with other wines."
Prez and I glanced at each other. Prez grinned, "I'd be a little annoyed about that."
"So was I," Aunt Eileen smirked.
My dad remarked, "That's one reason why I'm less picky about name brands. Another reason goes back to when you were both babies. In the early eighties, designer jeans were the rage. We'd pay up to a hundred bucks a pair for denim cloth with fancy stitching. Did the jeans last longer? No. Often they wouldn't last long at all before that fancy stitching frayed."
Mom added, "This week, Pepsi and 7-Up were on sale. Last week, it was Coke and Sprite. Both are very much the same and only serve to quench your thirst. Soda is generally unhealthy anyway, but the prices keep going up on all the brand names. Don't be surprised if someday I come home from the market with store brands."
"Let the buyer beware," Uncle John said. "Investigate what you're paying for."
Prez responded, "I did that when I bought my new bass guitar and amp. Carvin is a custom manufacturer, right here in California. I got quality gear for less than I would've paid for name brands at Guitar Center."
Aunt Eileen prompted, "Don't forget to show me before I leave tonight, Preston."
Prez nodded and smiled, "After dinner. The bass is light and easy to move around, but the amp is a back breaker."
"Is it that big?" Aunt Eileen wondered.
"Not too big, just heavy," Prez replied, and then showed her the approximate height of the amp.
Mom asked, "How's the chicken coming along?"
"Almost done," Prez answered, "it's ready for barbeque sauce."
I offered, "I'll get it, baby," and then hurried inside. Grabbing a tray, I gathered bottled barbeque sauce for the chicken, a package of hamburgers, a package of hot dogs, the bowl of salmon soaking in the homemade sauce, the Pam spray and packages of rolls then went back outside. Everything barely fit on the large tray. My mom followed me to the grill, where Prez was already standing. Not far away, Rush had his nose high in the air, sniffing the smells of our cooking dinner.
Mom helped Prez get everything organized on the grill. I forgot the brush for the bottled barbeque sauce and hurried back inside to rummage through the drawer to find it. When I got back outside, Aunt Eileen, Drew and Corey were with my mom and Prez near the grill. I could understand Aunt Eileen, but teased Drew and Corey. "Are we getting a little hungry?"
"I'm starvin'!" Drew chuckled.
Corey asked, "How'd you make the sauce for the salmon, Prez?"
Concentrating on what he was doing at the grill, Prez answered, "A third of a cup of brown sugar, water and soy sauce. A quarter of a cup of vegetable oil; lemon pepper, garlic powder and salt to taste." Aunt Eileen hummed hungrily. Prez chuckled, "Since the soy sauce is kind o' salty, I didn't think it needed more than a pinch of salt."
"I got dibs on that smaller piece of salmon," Corey giggled.
Drew smiled at his boyfriend then gently turned Corey's head toward him. Corey's eyebrows rose. Hand-in-hand, they walked away from the grill then went inside the house.
My mom explained to Aunt Eileen, "Corey's anorexic. It's been driving Drew crazy since school ended. About two weeks later, Corey collapsed while playing tennis. Thank goodness Keith and Preston were there when it happened." Aunt Eileen proudly smiled at Prez. Mom continued, "Corey spent a weekend in the hospital. That event led to a chain of events where Drew and Corey argued over the anorexia. Corey has finally admitted he has a disease. Now, they're very much committed to each other."
Aunt Eileen softly said, "So that's what happened. They had only said they became a couple this past week. Corey offered to explain more later."
Stepping back from the grill, my mom smiled and nodded, "If Corey offers, it would be good for him to talk about it."
Believing I knew something that my mom didn't, I softly said, "We talked about it while camping too. While everybody's proud of Drew, he's really not very happy about what he said during those arguments." Mom's eyebrows now rose. "What Prez and I learned about last Saturday's argument really upsets Drew. Corey's fine with it, but not Drew."
Mom sighed, "Let me talk with Drew," and then turned, as if she were about to go inside that very moment.
Holding her shoulder and causing her to turn around again, I chuckled, "Not right now, mom." Catching my meaning, she smirked and rolled her eyes. Paying attention to the food on the grill and without even seeing my mom, Prez softly snickered. I helplessly cracked up.
Smiling, mom continued, "I need to get the water boiling for the corn-on-the-cob." She and Aunt Eileen stepped away from the grill. They stopped at the patio table for their glasses of wine then went in the house. Uncle John and my dad followed the women inside.
Turning to me, Prez softly chuckled, "Do you think Drew and Corey went to the bedroom?"
"I hope so," I giggled. On the grill, were the salmon and the burgers. The upper warming shelf had the potatoes and chicken. I offered, "I'll get serving platters and bowls, baby. Be right back." As I was heading inside, Drew and Corey came outside with plates and silverware for the patio table. Inside, Aunt Eileen was setting the dining room table. Dad was preparing plates of salad. For those last few minutes our food was cooking, everybody was busily preparing to sit down and eat.
Only a few minutes later, platters and bowls were filled, both tables were set and Prez turned off the gas grill. We went inside with the final platter of chicken and salmon and the bowl of baked potatoes. It was six-thirty-five when Prez and I sat down in our usual chairs, across from Aunt Eileen and Uncle John. It wasn't obvious to everyone, but I know Prez was anxious to taste the salmon himself and waited for someone to comment on it. Unfortunately for Prez, the one spare piece went to Corey. He watched as my dad, his Aunt and Uncle sliced pieces of salmon and chewed.
Aunt Eileen was first to proclaim, "Excellent, Preston. It's cooked perfectly, nice and flaky. I'll have to try the marinade sometime."
Uncle John nodded and smiled, "I'll be honest, I was concerned."
Relieved, Prez giggled, "So was I!"
Mom offered, "Preston has cooked for us on more than a few occasions."
Prez blushed, "Mostly pasta and burgers. This was more complicated."
Shaking my head, I smirked, "Come on, Prez. Your pasta sauce is excellent. No one has ever complained or not eaten it. And those shrimp you made a few weeks ago were great."
Prez grinned, "A bit too spicy, maybe. Drew almost caught fire."
Dad offered, "I was surprised the first time I saw a cinnamon stick in a pot of sauce. It adds the sharp tang you might expect, but is far better than adding hot pepper."
Aunt Eileen asked Prez, "How do you make your tomato sauce?"
Prez swallowed then answered, "I don't use tomato paste. My mom said it was what caused her and my dad indigestion. So I only use stewed tomatoes and puree it myself in a blender, just like she did."
Aunt Eileen mutely checked with Uncle John. He soon said, "Let's try it."
The remainder of dinner passed smoothly. At no time, did Prez or his Aunt Eileen become emotional even though Mrs. O'Brian had been mentioned a few more times. Prez and I both thought the white wine was great. Once everyone had finished eating, Prez and I began clearing the table. Carefully carrying his plate, Rob came in with Rush saying, "I'm full, mom."
Looking at her son's plate, Aunt Eileen asked, "What did you eat?"
Rob put the plate on the counter near the sink answering, "A cheeseburger, two hot dogs, all the corn and most of the potato. It was way big."
Prez said, "There's chocolate cake for later, cousin."
Holding his belly, Rob giggled and groaned. When Prez walked by, Rob tugged on his T-shirt. Prez leaned over and Rob whispered in his ear. "Right this way," Prez said, and then detoured into the living room, towards the bathroom with Rob tagging along. It was too cute. While starting to load the dishwasher, I grinned at both my sexy re-head and his far younger red-headed cousin. Drew, Corey, John and Kim came inside. Each were carry items from the patio table; Drew had all the plates, Corey had the bowl, platter and all the silverware, John was carrying four glasses and Kim had butter, mustard and ketchup. After leaving their items on the counter, Drew and Corey went back out to gather whatever remained.
John went to dad asking, "Can we get a ride to the movie theater?"
Dad nodded and softly asked, "When is the next showing?"
"Seven-forty," John answered. Prez returned and began rinsing plates in the sink.
Noticing it was only ten minutes after, Dad asked, "You'll hang out at the mall before?"
Drew and Corey came back inside with salt, pepper, pickles, relish and a bottle of barbeque sauce. Together, they began reloading the refrigerator. Prez softly asked Corey, "How was the salmon?"
Answering my dad, John nodded, "And get in line early. It's over two hours long and Kim's supposed to be home by ten."
"Really good," Corey answered Prez. "I ate every bit and wanted more."
"He made do with some of my chicken," Drew proudly smiled.
Dad nodded, "I'll call Kim's parents after I drop you off at the mall."
John smiled, "Thanks, dad. We'll be ready in a few minutes."
"So will I," dad confirmed. John took Kim's hand and led her down the hallway.
Uncle John softly asked, "Setting and testing boundaries?"
Dad nodded, "With John, the boundaries are tested more with other males. He showed Kim his new room earlier. That was it, no nonsense. Kim waited in the living room while John changed clothes." He then picked up the phone to call the theater.
"This is John's first movie date alone with her," mom offered. "Kim's parents are rather strict, which is actually very good for John."
Hanging up the phone, dad grinned, "It's two hours and one minute long. For a second there, I thought it was two and half hours and Kim might be ten or fifteen minutes late. I don't even see a need to call Kim's parents, but I will only because I said I would." Noticing curious glances from Prez and me, dad explained, "John's on the ball and so are we. It can only help relieve Kim's parents' fears."
Aunt Eileen smiled at Prez, "With girls, dating and relationships are handled differently. We're not strict, or at least we're trying not to be. We only briefly met the boy Sheila met in Vegas. She said he was nice and cute, but he was on vacation there too."
"From Portland, I think," Uncle John added. He sighed, "She wants to call him occasionally."
Aunt Eileen giggled, "There goes our telephone bill." Rob returned to the room and stood between his parents.
"At least until he moves on or she does," Uncle John nodded.
Glancing between me and Prez, Drew asked, "You dudes are cool?"
I nodded. Prez did also and reminded, "Chocolate cake in a little while."
Corey shook his head saying, "Sorry, that I won't budge on."
Drew softly asked Corey, "Have an apple or a piece of fruit?" Corey nodded and smiled. Drew said, "Shout when you're ready." Prez grinned and nodded. Drew and Corey left the room. John and Kim returned. John had a different shirt on. I silently wondered, three shirts in a day? Is the goal to run out of shirts so he could show off his manly chest?
John said, "We're ready, dad."
Standing from the table, dad said to John, "Let's go." Glancing around the table, he added, "I'll be back in a few minutes."
Finished with the majority of the kitchen clean-up, Prez dried his hands with a towel and asked, "Coffee anyone?"
Before anyone could respond, mom stood and offered, "I'll get the coffee, Preston."
"I can do it!" Prez giggled.
Entering the kitchen, mom smiled and instructed, "Sit."
We returned to the table. I grinned, "Prez hasn't gotten the knack of making coffee and neither have I. For whatever reason, it's either too weak or way too strong." Rob began giggling.
Prez shrugged and smirked, "Counting scoops isn't that difficult. It's never right though." Rob cracked up.
Aunt Eileen giggled, "We all have our strengths and weaknesses."
Uncle John wondered, "What else is planned this summer?"
Prez answered, "The only major trip is Yosemite, the twentieth through the twenty-second. Have you ever been?"
Uncle John nodded, "Many years ago, while your Aunt and I were still dating."
"It's beautiful, Preston," Aunt Eileen gushed. "Once you're away from the central valley floor, it's like going back in time a thousand years."
Uncle John warned, "It is wilderness. That means coyotes bigger than Rush and thieving bears. Don't leave anything that smells like food in your car or suffer the consequences. A bear will break the windows or tear off a door to get at a slice of bread. Always be aware of where you are and what's around you. Two years ago, there was a terrible rock slide. One hiker was killed and a dozen injured."
Aunt Eileen stressed, "Please be safe and return home well."
Leaning against the counter while the coffee brewed, mom just had to add, "That's exactly why I'm so concerned about it. A momentary lapse of concentration could be devastating."
"We'll be safe, mom," I assured. "Brian and Pete will be coming with us too. We're thinking day hikes up around Vernal Falls, checking out Half Dome, El Capitan, the Giant Redwoods, stuff like that. Then it's back to the valley for dinner. We'll use the pool in the evenings then probably call it bedtime."
Aunt Eileen innocently asked, "Do you have cameras?"
Glancing at me, Prez then shook his head and chuckled, "Not yet!"
Aunt Eileen and Uncle John hummed suspiciously. I put my imaginary halo over my head, smiled and wisely chose to remain silent. "The vistas are beautiful," Aunt Eileen smiled. "Three days could easily load up three rolls of film."
Prez said, "Guess I'll go shopping for one of the new digital cameras. Keith's thinking of a Polaroid." I thought, yeah, to snap pictures of your pubes, you sex-machine! And if you get a digital camera, we're in big trouble! As it just so happens, Uncle John was an amateur photographer. While he and Prez discussed cameras available and prices, my mind wandered, directly into the gutter. The 'vistas' I wanted pictures of lay beside me every night. The most awesome sight on the planet was my lover's bubble butt, as far as I was concerned anyway. Mom returned to the table with cups of coffee for Aunt Eileen and Uncle John. I'm certain she noticed me daydreaming when she sat down with her own cup. I avoided her eyes and tried to concentrate on the camera conversation.
From the living room, Rush came into the kitchen. Rob paid attention to the dog, but Rush had a purpose. He went to the pantry and sat there. Realizing that neither Prez nor I had fed Rush, I softly excused myself from the table then went to take care of the dog. Rob watched me and Rush with great interest. Rush would always sit and wait until he was told to 'go eat'. Prez's cousin was very impressed with Rush. With luck, Rob wouldn't be afraid of big dogs after this visit. Since I was already roaming around, I went to the bathroom to relieve my bladder.
Exiting the bathroom, I hadn't intended to hear or eavesdrop, but from Drew's room, I could hear the TV and Corey, excitedly telling Drew how much he loved him. From our camping trip, I already knew that Drew intended to give Corey all the 'incentive' necessary to get well. The problem was, I knew Prez would be on-top of the world as soon as his family left for home. My sex-machine would be racing and I would happily be on the receiving end. It wasn't even eight o'clock and I was becoming exceptionally horny.
Dad was back home and having a cup of coffee at the table when I returned to the dining room. Since the adults were chatting, I coaxed Prez to join me in the living room. He got up and as soon as he was near enough, he warmly smiled, "Thanks for feeding the hound, babe. I completely forgot." Pulling him out of sight from the dining room, I kissed him deeply. He held me close afterward and cooed, "Me too, babe. Drew may want to move out completely after tonight."
Wanting to lead him back to our room, I suggested, "Wanna get your new guitars to show your Aunt?"
"Good idea," he smiled. I led him down the hall and closed our bedroom door. I hadn't even turned around before he had his arms wrapped around my waist. He whispered, "You realize how happy I am?" I giggled and nodded. "You also realize we're gonna be two hurtin' buckaroos in the morning?"
"And walking oddly into work by the afternoon," I snickered.
"Soon lover," Prez promised, and then made an all too brief snack out of my neck before releasing me. He went to the bed and knelt down on the floor. Naturally, I rubbed his ass while he reached under the bed for his acoustic bass. He giggled, "We're both gonna be in trouble with your parents if you don't be good."
I innocently asked, "Was I not good?"
Prez stood up, took my hand in his and pressed my palm against the front of his shorts. "Does that answer the question?"
I nodded and leered, "All mine!"
There was a knock at the wall then two voices evilly laughed, "Muahahaha! Mine, all mine!"
I softly prompted Prez then together we loudly laughed, "You'll be sorry!"
Laughing harder, they assured, "No we won't!" We could hear them fall to the bed in hysterics.
Prez chuckled, "Grab the classical guitar please, babe?" Starting for the door with his bass, Prez loudly threatened, "No cake for you!" Drew and Corey howled laughing. We returned to the living room. I put down the classical guitar. Prez lay the acoustic bass case down then took it out and strapped it across his shoulders. Entering the dining room, with his Aunt and Uncle watching, Prez began playing a familiar riff. I soon realized it was The Rover. They obviously hadn't ever heard Prez play before.
Turning slightly in his chair, my dad began telling Aunt Eileen and Uncle John how Prez "turned unidentifiable noise into music in about two months." Mom told them about the frolics then prompted me to get the video tape. Aunt Eileen and Uncle John didn't want to wait until they got home to watch the tape though. In a minute, we were all gathered in the living room. The stereo was turned on and they saw our entire performance from that Friday night. It was the first time I had actually seen the tape too. You'd never know that I was literally quaking at that time by watching and listening to the tape. Drew and Corey joined us in the living room. Prez's family was enthusiastically congratulating me for my vocals on Open Arms when Prez stepped forward to sing and play The Joker.
Glaring at Prez, Aunt Eileen screeched, "You can sing too?"
I proudly smiled, "You should hear him sing the Hootie and The Blowfish tune, Hold My Hand."
Prez blushed, "I've got the deepest voice; a baritone." To take attention away from himself, Prez said, "Drew and Corey run our sound system for us." He pointed at the bottom of the screen where the back of Drew's and Corey's heads were visible.
Our families watched and listened to the whole tape. Our band played The Boys Of Summer then the curtains closed. We listened to Will's remarks and the audience cheering when we were called to play an encore. The stage curtains reopened. We were all in hysterics watching Prez prompting me to sing one more song and watching Mike reach the limit his guitar cable would allow then drop to his knees, begging me to sing. The audience cracked up when I clearly shouted, "Oh, alright!" and I could be seen shaking my head sadly. The band began playing Addicted To Love and I bopped along then started singing. Prez's family was very happy with our frolics performances. Prez and I told them about the Saturday night show, where we played seven songs and won a dinner out prize.
Afterward, Prez asked if everybody was ready for cake. Everybody, but Corey, replied affirmatively. I went with Prez into the kitchen to help carry plates of cake back to the living room. Corey and Drew followed us. Grabbing an apple, Corey softly giggled, "Fun times later tonight!"
Sniggering, Prez opened the cake box. I playfully warned, "You can forget about waking early."
Grinning widely, Drew blushed, "We're going bed shopping tomorrow, Cor."
"Being tired is good then," Corey teased.
Beginning to slice the cake, Prez offered, "Beds and sleeping bags are only one example of where and how you can get some."
Drew giggled, "Hold that thought for later, Prez."
Pausing and turning around, Prez smirked, "Later, we'll be busy holding more than thoughts."
Corey almost choked on his apple then howled laughing. Prez returned to slicing the cake.
Suspiciously, I asked my brother, "You've gone through all our suggestions already?"
Turning even redder, Drew laughed and rapidly nodded.
"Already?" Prez and I exclaimed. Corey nodded, put his apple down on the counter, then slid to Drew sighing, "It's way more than I ever dreamed." Corey wrapped his arms around Drew and rested his head on Drew's shoulder. Drew took a deep breath and exhaled, obviously relieved that Corey was being affectionate. Drew's eyes locked with mine.
I honestly didn't know what to say or do. Most of me was very happy for Drew and Corey, but this new version of my brother was so different, I couldn't help feeling a little sad realizing that we weren't kids anymore. Instead of standing there mute and struck dumb, I grabbed two plates of cake and took them to the living room. During the walk there and back, I put myself in Drew's shoes last summer. He had probably had similar thoughts too when Prez and I were falling in love. Back in the kitchen, I showed Drew and Corey how I felt by wrapping my arms around both of them and squeezing tight.
When I stepped back from them, Drew softly smiled, "Thanks, bro."
Nodding rapidly, Corey smiled, "Yeah, thanks."
Lifting the next two plates of cake, I grinned, "It's great," and repeated what Corey said, "Fun times later tonight." After passing out two more plates, I returned to the kitchen and watched Drew, with his plate of cake in one hand, wipe a little frosting from the cake onto Corey's nose then lap it up. I cracked up because Corey just stood there, as if expecting this from Drew. Still giggling, I told Prez, "Just you, me, and dad left, baby."
"And that's the whole cake," Prez replied. In the box there was only the Styrofoam plate the cake had been sitting on and the knife used to slice the cake. We went back to the living room, leaving the two new love birds alone in the kitchen.
I whispered to Prez, "Were we like that?"
Shaking his head, Prez grinned, "Worse, I'm sure."
As soon as we sat down on the loveseat, Rob, who had finished his cake and set the plate by the coffee table, came to us. He sweetly asked, "Prez, would you teach me guitar?"
With cake in his mouth, Prez stopped chewing, obviously shocked. He soon swallowed and answered, "Sure, Rob. I can teach you as much as I know and get you started." Prez then wondered, "Do you have a guitar?"
Rob nodded and grunted affirmatively then added, "Got it for my birthday, in April. It came with a book, but ... " He trailed off; obviously not understanding what was presented in the lesson book.
Prez nodded, "It's okay, let me finish my cake and I'll give you your first lesson; what Mike, our band's guitar player showed me."
"Cool!" Rob excitedly cheered.
Uncle John offered, "It's an Applause guitar, Preston."
Prez nodded and swallowed then said, "They're made by Ovation, an inexpensive model of a very good brand."
Aunt Eileen smiled, "We were lucky then."
Rob giggled, "It's blue with real skinny strings that hurt my fingers."
Finished with another mouthful of cake, Prez smiled, "Building calluses on your fingertips is the difficult part." Putting his fork down, Prez then showed Rob his fingertips and prompted, "Go ahead and feel the ends."
Rob did so and grimaced, "They're rough, like sandpaper. Does it hurt?"
Shaking his head, Prez assured, "Nope. It only hurts a little when you first start learning. Then you don't feel it at all anymore."
"How long does it hurt?" Rob wondered.
Prez answered, "That depends on how much you practice. If you start slow, like fifteen minutes a day the first week, then maybe thirty minutes a day the second week, it won't hurt too much at all." Seeing that his young cousin appeared uncertain, Prez said, "Ya know what it's like? It's like when you're playing ball and skin your knee. It's no big deal, right?" Rob enthusiastically nodded. "Same thing with learning to play guitar," Prez gently assured, "your fingertips tingle a little bit at first. Suddenly, it doesn't hurt at all anymore, like the day after you skin your knee. The important part is not playing too long at first, like trying to bend your skinned knee that first night, it just feels weird."
Drew and Corey came in with two dining room chairs to sit on. Rob nodded, "I'd really like to play, as long as it don't hurt."
Uncle John reminded, "You've got to be determined, Rob. Like when you first got your PlayStation, you played for hours until you got good at the games. Your wrists hurt and you had blisters on your thumbs."
"That's an excellent example," Prez cheered. "If you play guitar too long, you'll get blisters on your fingertips. Playing with blisters hurts even more so, by playing only a little while and then gradually increasing that time, you'll get better and better. At the same time, it'll hurt less and less."
Rob frowned, "Like I couldn't play my games for two whole days cos my thumbs hurt too much?"
"Exactly," Prez smiled. "Just don't over-do it." Now finished with his cake, Prez put the plate down on the coffee table. He took his classical guitar out and sat cross-legged on the floor. Rob was introduced to all the parts of the guitar then Prez gave his cousin a slowed down, child-paced beginner's version of the lesson Mike had given him weeks earlier. After only fifteen minutes, Prez smiled, "That's it for now. You work on knowing the names of the parts and walking your fingers across the strings. In two weeks, I'll come by your house and see how you're doing. If you're ready, then we'll move on, okay?"
Rob nodded and wondered, "How long 'til I'm as good as you?"
Prez grinned, "You're nine, right?" Rob nodded again. Prez said, "I started when I was thirteen and I'm sixteen now. Our band started last summer when I was still fifteen. So, if you're really determined to play, then in two years or less you'll be really good too."
"Oh," Rob groaned. "That's a long time."
Uncle John again reminded, "Determination, Rob. Preston is saying you could possibly take two years. If you really want it bad, it could take less time. If you don't want to play as much as you thought, then you won't practice and it will take longer. Your cousin will help you as much as he can, but ultimately, the decision is yours."
Prez nodded, "You don't have to be like me and want to become a professional musician. Maybe you'll be happy just learning a few songs to play for your friends and family at parties. How far you decide to go is your choice. People that want to be pros, like me, practice hours every day. That's my choice to spend time practicing."
Understanding, Rob offered, "Like big league baseball players, they have to want to play in the big leagues." Glancing around the room from Prez to his father, Rob saw everybody, even Drew and Corey nodding their heads.
Aunt Eileen softly reminded her family, "It's almost nine o'clock, Rob. Are you about ready to go home?"
Shaking his head, Rob giggled, "No." Drew and Corey began laughing.
"I'm afraid it's time though," Aunt Eileen grinned.
Begrudgingly, Rob groaned, "Okay," and stood up. He went back down the hall to the bathroom.
Smiling widely at Preston, Aunt Eileen giggled, "You've got a new little brother, nephew. Between last year and tonight, with Rush and the guitar lesson, Rob would follow you to the stars and back."
Prez blushed and chuckled, "He's a good kid. I can only help with what I know. If he suddenly changes interests, he'll have to find a new mentor." Corey whispered to Drew then they both began snickering. Smirking at them, I believe I had a good idea what they were whispering. As soon as Prez's family left, I would try to find out for certain. Prez promised, "For as long as Rob's interested, I'll make Friday trips to your house, every two weeks, for guitar lessons."
Aunt Eileen nodded, "If the schedule needs to be adjusted, just let us know."
Prez nodded and smiled, "Anytime Rob needs to, he can change the plan too."
Uncle John chuckled, "That's not very likely."
Aunt Eileen stood saying, "Thank you for a wonderful dinner and a very enjoyable evening." My parents stood and almost at once everyone began warmly saying goodbye. Dad and Uncle Jim shook hands, then he shook hands with Drew, Corey, me and Prez. Finally, Aunt Eileen made her way to Prez and they hugged for at least a minute, whispering to each other. Rob had made his way back from the bathroom while they were still embracing then went around to everyone saying good night. Even Rush got special notice from Rob. Finally, Rob flung himself at Prez, forcing my lover to catch him. Rob whispered to Prez.
Prez chuckled, "You're very welcome. Let me know if you need help or pointers. I'll bring Rush and Keith with me, okay?"
Rob rapidly nodded then Prez put him down. Prez and I walked Aunt Eileen, Uncle John and Rob out to their car. Taking my hand in his as the family got in the car, Prez said, "Drive carefully. I'll call again soon."
After glancing in the back seat at her son, Aunt Eileen smiled, "You might hear from us sooner. Be good, Preston." The headlights turned on and they pulled away from the curb, waving.
Before they were out of sight, Prez hugged me and seemed to wither in my arms.
I softly asked, "Tired, baby?"
He nodded and sighed, "Relieved too. Not a single major issue or argument all night. That's not how I remember family gatherings being in Texas. Somehow, someone was always upset, even leaving early because of it."
"We had some very minor issues," I gently reminded, "a little cousin afraid of dogs, Drew and Corey taking their first step coming out, you freaking out over dinner, which turned out incredible, by the way."
Prez chuckled, "What I don't understand is, why Rob thinks so much of me? He's my cousin! Should I treat him like he's not important because he's half my age?"
I shrugged, "Some people might, baby. All you did was show him that he matters to you."
Seductively, Prez whispered, "Speaking of showing someone that they matter, someone special is getting treats for helping out so much tonight."
I giggled, "I'll tell Drew right away!" Prez pulled back, squinting at me then began tickling me. He chased me all the way back into the house. There was still a little bit to be cleaned up in the backyard and kitchen, but that was done quickly with all of us pitching in. By the time my dad left to pickup John and Kim, the dishwasher was running and everything was done. Drew and Corey went back to Drew's room. Mom went to change clothes in her room. Prez and I went back to our room with Rush.
The lava lamp was turned on and so was the stereo. Prez and I took our T-shirts off then began slow dancing. We weren't alone more than ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. Neither of us needed to ask who was at the door. I said, "Come on in, bro. The door's unlocked."
Opening the door slightly, Drew stuck only his head in and grinned, "How'd you know it was me?"
Still swaying with me, Prez smiled, "You did warn us that you wanted to chat."
Checking out the mostly dark room lit only by the lava lamp, Corey poked his head in and mooed then pulled Drew in the room saying, "We can talk and dance, dance and talk, or just dance for a while."
Giggling his ass off, Drew closed the door. Corey took Drew in his arms and audibly sighed.
A few moments later, Drew softly said, "This is real nice. What station is this?"
Prez answered, "Ninety-four-point-seven, The Wave."
Corey admitted, "I'd never listen to this in a million years, but now, it's perfect."
"We listen to KROQ a lot," Drew said.
I smiled, "That's cool too, at the right time. K-Earth 101 is Prez's favorite most of the time."
Prez wondered, "What did you want to chat about, besides radio stations?"
Corey giggled, "It escapes me now, for some reason." Drew whispered in Corey's ear. Corey laughed, "Oh, yeah! Later."
For another minute or two, the four of us danced without interruption. Then Rush got up and went to the bedroom door, sniffing at the bottom. Still cheek-to-cheek with Prez, I softly said, "Dad's home with John." A few moments later, we heard the door open. We didn't hear anything else until John's bedroom door across the hall closed.
At the next commercial break, Drew whispered to Corey. They separated, took their T-shirts off and tossed them on our bed. They both glanced at us, still slow dancing through the commercials. Grinning, they shrugged then moved closer together. They both began laughing then Corey softly and slowly counted, "One, two three, four, one, two, three, four."
Prez whispered to me, "They're getting a tempo to dance to."
Not too long later, the music started again.
In the middle of the second song, Drew softly asked, "We're just wonderin', what other things we can do alone together? Ya know, making love?"
Prez hummed then said, "Just about anything you both might like."
Corey prompted, "Like?"
I offered, "Standing works face-to-face and front-to-back."
We noticed they both seemed a bit uncertain about that thought. Prez said, "Corey, watch me and do the same to Drew." Prez only turned in my arms so his back was to my front. Corey turned in Drew's arms so his back was to Drew's front. Drew held Corey's chest, just like I was holding Prez's chest. Prez then starting sliding his butt against the front of my shorts, and said, "Dirty dancin', Cor."
"Yeah," Corey evilly grinned.
"Now it's our turn, bro," I instructed. "Our lovers are giving themselves to us. We need to return the favor, right?"
Drew giggled, "Right!" Without instruction from me, Drew closed his eyes, snacked on Corey's neck and ground himself against Corey. Corey whimpered and closed his eyes, but only for a few moments. When he opened his eyes again, Corey noticed Prez sliding down and up against me. Corey repeated the process for Drew, causing my brother's eyes to open and making him groan into Corey's neck.
I grinned, "This can work with clothes on or not," and then demonstrated further for my brother by moving one arm off Prez's chest and down the front of his shorts. I moved past my baby's erection and down to his leg as far as I could reach. Slowly and firmly, I worked the hand back up again to Prez's chest. Seeing Drew repeat the process on Corey, I reminded, "Don't forget to switch hands, bro." Then I repeated the same actions using my other arm and down Prez's other leg.
Drew smirked, "So cool!"
Corey gasped, "Omigod, Drew! It's hot, not cool at all!"
Prez chuckled, "Now, a versatile partner can play either role at any given time." He looked over his shoulder at me and prompted, "Right, babe?"
I nodded and made a deliberately rhythmic slide to Prez's side, grinding my cloth covered woody against his hip and thigh before pressing my ass against his boner. Far less awkwardly than I expected, Drew repeated my movements until he was grinding against Corey.
We could all hear Corey breathing fast. More loudly, but certainly not shouting, Prez called, "Corey? Not yet. Love him, touch him, concentrate completely on him."
Catching his breath and nodding fast, Corey began running one arm down and up Drew's front. He then switched arms as Prez was doing to me. Drew and I weren't looking directly at each other, but were at a slight angle, still able to see each other. I bounced my eyebrows several times, clearly showing my brother that this was more than I could've ever expected from him and, that the best part was, we were completely doing this for our partner's pleasure. I knew he had gotten the message loud and clear when he briefly giggled and nodded.
I turned to face Prez. Drew turned to face Corey. Carefully, as we had done several times before, Prez gave me a leg to hold. Corey repeated the same for Drew. I softly warned my brother, "Our partners are climbing us. Keep your balance and hold his ass tight. Clasp your fingers together if you have to." Drew nodded. Soon, Prez was hanging from my shoulders with his legs around my hips. This was not an easy move at all. My first times with Prez like this were close to the bed so if he fell, he would land on the soft mattress. Drew and Corey did very well, probably because Corey was thin and very light. Prez reached close for a kiss that I enthusiastically provided. Corey even copied Prez in that. Prez began sliding down and I helped him land gracefully.
Once we had returned to slow dancing again, I explained, "Anything means just that; if you can think it, you can find a way to do it. I've thought of stuff that Prez has willingly tried with me. Prez has thought of stuff that I've willingly tried with him."
Smiling widely, Drew nodded, "That was so intense. My stereo's radio station will be getting changed lots more from now on."
Prez grinned, "Do you really want to know intense?" Corey and Drew nodded. With a fire burning in his eyes, Prez softly said, "'Scuse me for a minute, babe." I nodded and Prez stepped away from me then took Corey's hand and led him from the room.
Slightly suspicious, Drew wondered, "What are they doing, bro?"
I cackled, "Prez is giving Corey ideas for use on you!"
"Omigod!" Drew giggled, "Should I be scared?"
Shaking my head, I answered, "Not scared, bro. Curious and thrilled of what Corey might do and when."
Drew absorbed that then laughed, "I'm getting scared anyway!"
I gently reminded, "Love has nothing to do with fear. If or when Corey tries something new and unexpected, what he's really saying is, 'hey, I thought you might like this and I'm pretty sure I would like it too'. There's really not a whole hell of a lot more we can possibly teach you and Corey. Tonight's little lesson was really as far as we can go without actually having sex in front of each other. I can't go there, Drew; not with you."
Drew nodded understandingly and smirked, "I know, that would be too weird." After a brief pause, he wondered, "Have you and Prez ... made love before, around Derrick and Mike ... in the same room, like while we were camping?"
I admitted, "Yeah, a few times now. There's something unique about the way the four of us are together. The love is there, but it's like, I have no sexual interest in Mike or Derrick. I know Mike has no sexual desire for me or Prez. Prez has made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want Mike or Derrick. And Derrick wants only Mike. We trust each other and do stuff as couples. It's really not that much more than making out together or what the four of us just finished doing."
Drew giggled, "I know. It was so great too. Thanks bro, from me and Corey. Tell Prez that I said thanks too."
The bedroom door opened as I nodded and said, "I will." With that same mischievous spark in his eyes, Prez came directly to me with is arms open. We returned to slow dancing.
Drew asked Corey, "Ya wanna dance some more, Cor?"
Taking Drew's hands, Corey slowly nodded, "Always with you, Drew." Corey then said, "Thanks, dudes. We'll see ya in the morning." He led Drew out of our room then closed the door.
I wondered, "What did you say to Corey, baby?"
"There's one very important trait we share," Prez softly replied, "We're both from single child families. That means something to us that you, Drew and John can't fully grasp as brothers. So I directly asked Corey what he wants. The answer I got was more than anything sexual. The important thing is that Drew is already aware of what Corey wants too. For Corey, that dirty dancing lesson was way more than sharing sexual excitement with Drew." Hugging me tight, Prez sighed, "Corey feels more included, part of our family, with Drew's other brothers, me and even my Aunt, Uncle and cousin. He almost lost it in his shorts because of that idea as much as what he and Drew were feeling and sharing." Prez danced us nearer to the receiver then lowered the volume. As our volume went down, we could hear the same music from Drew's room. Turning the volume back up to it's original level again, Prez smiled, "Drew saved Corey's life and Corey is fully aware of it. Corey's been wanting so much. Now he knows to break down his own barriers and give to be able to receive. Drew did something today. When Corey told me, my mouth dropped open in shock. The same happened to Corey when it happened."
Almost afraid to ask, I wondered, "And that was?"
"First, Drew was skinny dippin' in the pool, but staying under water. It was Drew's way of showing Corey how proud and happy he was about today's doctor appointment. As if that wasn't thrilling enough, later today, Corey told Drew how much he had learned recently. Even happier, Drew did something that will make your mouth drop just like it did mine and Corey's." Searching his eyes, I waited for Prez to smile, "Drew got out of the pool, naked as a jaybird, hard as a rock and didn't even blush in the slightest." My mouth did drop open. Prez chuckled, "Drew only called Corey out of the pool so they could go inside and make love."
Returning to my senses, I gasped, "Omigod!"
"Being the cool big brother I learned to be from you, I only made small suggestions."
I grinned, "What did you say, baby?"
"Simple stuff to us," Prez giggled. "Drew's as ticklish as you are. So Corey's gonna lick his feet and suck on his toes when they have intercourse."
Quickly, I buried my mouth on Prez's shoulder and laughed. My brain oozes out of my ears when Prez does that to me. It could conceivably kill Drew, but if he survives, he would be a very different person. Regaining some composure, I chuckled, "You're evil, baby."
Prez nodded and laughed, "I warned Corey about the tables being turned on him someday. As long as he was the first to do it to Drew, he didn't care."
Considering the need to get my brother a straight-jacket for his birthday, I shook my head and grinned, "I need my sex machine now."
Smiling and nodding, Prez stepped back and untied my boardies. We were naked on the bed in under a minute. My lover went for my feet and toes first. With fists full of sheets and struggling to not kick my legs, I laughed myself into oblivion.
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