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"The Watchers" by Jevic The Tarheel Writer Part One Chapter Ten "Showdown" Back to Chapter Nine "Aces" On to Chapter Eleven "Thumbs Up" Chapter Index Jevic's Story Page ![]() Click the picture of Jevic for a larger view Science Fiction Action Adventure Violence Sexual Situations Rated Mature 18+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Shane was just about to win a free game
on the pinball machine when the alarm sounded. Checking the monitor, he knew that he needed to get home as quickly as possible. His father would need his help. Shane's father worked as a supervisor in damage control. After the last attack he had helped his father for many hours. Even at the young age of sixteen, he had already developed many skills. His father had come to rely on him quite a bit and fancied, like many fathers, his son taking his place upon retirement.With his
wiry frame carrying him at top speed, Shane made his way quickly down
corridor after corridor. He dodged other running people with ease. And
there were a lot of them. The sound of the wailing alarm turned
everybody's adrenalin up a notch or three. He was just about to round
the last corner before reaching his family's quarters when a huge
explosion knocked him back. The rapidly expanding cloud of dust and
debris hit him headlong and slapped him up against the wall. He
collapsed into a crumpled heap on the floor. The Talon soldiers took
him for dead and passed swiftly by.
Many levels
above where Shane lay unconscious, Paulik and Joel manned the command
center. Officers all around the room were screaming. Joel looked down
at his command console in disbelief. It was blank, like someone had
pulled the power cord. Every console in the room was blank. Joel looked
up at his partner of sixteen years.
"We've got a
major problem." Paulik was almost in a panic. He took a moment,
regained his composure, and then looked back at Joel.
"I think I
have a plan of action." Joel nodded for him to continue. "Let's use
mobile communicators and contact all guards and security personnel.
Have them converge on the engineering section. The command center is
just a remote point of operation. The real point of operation is in
engineering. We have to move fast before the Talons get there. Once its
secured, we can run everything from there."
"Good plan
Paulik," Joel said in agreement. "I'll take care of the communications.
You get our command people together, but I don't think it would be a
good idea to move them there until we have engineering secured."
"Good point," said Paulik. Joel started toward the mobile communicators, then paused.
"Paulik, what about Jevic and Cameron, and their human friends?"
just have to fend for themselves. Between Jevic's and Cameron's powers,
I know they'll be fine." Joel smiled, then hurriedly turned to
communicate with his forces.
Shane slowly
regained consciousness. He blinked his eyes open, pushed his long black
hair out of his eyes and looked around. All he could see was rubble. He
eased up into a sitting position. He felt no pain, so he assumed that
he wasn't seriously hurt. Struggling, he stood up. Looking left and
then right, he saw no one. Then Shane saw where the entrance to his
family's home had been. The explosion had apparently been right at his
front door. Shane stood looking at the destruction for a moment and
then a realization hit him with more force than the explosion had.
he screamed and ran toward the entrance. Shane pushed his way through.
The scene unfolding before him didn't look good. The living room was in
a shambles. Debris was everywhere. He ran toward his parent's study,
but the entrance was blocked. 'MOM! DAD!" he screamed, but still no
answer. He frantically turned toward the hall and the bedrooms. Turning
the corner, he stopped cold in his tracks. There at his feet were his
parents. They were obviously dead. Shane dropped to his knees, his
emotion building up inside him. 'NOOOO!" he screamed.
"Shit, what are
we gonna do?" I yelled over the sound of the alarm. Jevic looked at me,
then at Scott and Brandon, and then back at me. I could see his
indecision. Scott and Brandon were scared to death. They clung to each
other tightly, the fright clearly showing in their eyes.
"You take care of them and let me think," he finally blurted out.
"Why don't I just mind travel them back?"
"NO! Its
entirely too dangerous. With all the weapons fire, you could easily be
hit. Just because you're traveling by mind, does not protect you from
things in your path. It's just too dangerous." I thought about what he
had said. That consideration had never crossed my mind, but somehow, it
made sense. I walked over to the couch where my friends were sitting
and knelt down.
"I know this
is a lot to take in," I started looking back and forth between them.
"Listen carefully and try to keep up. You are in an underwater complex,
deep below the Atlantic Ocean. Good people live here that watch out
over planet earth. They came from space millions of years ago." Scott's
mouth dropped open and Brandon still had a blank look.
"What was it we saw that night in the parking lot?" asked Scott.
question should be who, and the answer is Jevic. He had just dropped me
off. I didn't know then what I know now, but he healed my wounds from
that night. Scott, I almost died in that parking lot. Jevic saved me
and I owe him my life."
"That explains a lot," he said.
"That's just
the tip of the iceberg Scott. Turns out that I'm half Watcher. My
parents adopted me, but they had no idea about my birth parents. But
the fact of the matter is that my birth father was human and my birth
mother was a Watcher. My ancestors come from outer space." With that
comment and all that was going on around us, Brandon fainted. He just
fell right over into Scott's lap. Scott was so sweet. I could sense,
visually and telepathically, that Scott really cared for Brandon. I
wasn't absolutely sure, but the feeling that I was sensing was almost
strong enough to be love. Scott held Brandon in his arms, obviously
concerned. "I'm sorry Scott. I'm putting a lot on you both in a very
short period of time, but you need to know what's going on." Scott was
wide eyed, but nodded all the same, acknowledging the information that
I had shared with him.
Watchers were left here to keep a check on the planet. They are only to
intervene if something really bad happens that threatens the long term
evolution of the planet itself. The people that are attacking us are
Watchers too, but they call themselves Talons. They are a different
faction from main stream Watchers. They believe that the humans are out
of control and are bringing the planet to the brink of destruction.
They want to eliminate the human race." Scott openly gasped.
"They want to kill us?"
The Watchers believe in the human race and are trying to stop the
Talons. Apparently, the Talons have attacked. That's what's going on.
Can you understand any of what I have told you?" Scott slowly nodded.
"I think so,
but what do we do now?" He had me there. I turned to Jevic for the
answer. Jevic was pacing back and forth. Without notice, I suddenly was
assaulted with a scream in my head. "NOOOO," came the scream. I fell
back on to the floor clutching my head. Jevic rushed to my side.
"What is it Cameron?"
"Someone just screamed in my head."
"Who was it?" he asked, obviously thinking of his father or Joel.
"I-I don't
know. Let me try to make contact." I concentrated on the voice and the
'emotion' to see if I could communicate with whoever it was that
screamed. At first, there was nothing, but suddenly my mind was flooded
with sadness. Scenes came to my mind like a slide show. I saw
destruction. Then I saw two bodies. Then I was like sucked back into
his head ... it was ... "Shane!" I cried out. Jevic grabbed my arm.
"What's wrong?"
"H-his parents. They've been killed," I stammered.
"No!" cried
Jevic. I was literally shaking from the emotions that I had felt from
Shane. My heart went out to him. He was so alone.
"I've got to go to him," I told Jevic.
"No, you can't. The Talons!"
"I've got to."
"I'll be OK. His hurt has touched me. I can feel it. I'll be back Jevic."
"No, please don't," he protested. But it was too late. I had already made up my mind.
"It'll be
OK. I'll just be a moment," I said as I put my hand on Jevic's
shoulder. "I'll be fine." And with that, I closed my eyes. The cloak of
darkness greeted me. The usually blackness was filled with screams and
bright flashes of light. For just a moment, I thought that maybe I had
made the wrong decision. Then I felt Shane's sadness pulling me toward
him. I pushed through the muck and appeared next to him. He was on his
knees with his parent's bodies laid out before him. I gently put my
hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me. Tears were streaming down his
face. Anger was coursing through his veins. I could feel it. I could
literally smell the anger that was welling up within him.
"Shane," I
said as gently as possible. "Come with me." He looked back at his
parents and then back up at me. "Please come with me Shane." He looked
back at his parents and then ever so slowly raised his hand to meet
mine. I met it with a gentle grasp, but then tightened my grip. Our
quiet moment was suddenly interrupted by a sound to my left. I glanced
up and looked directly into the face of a Talon solider.
"Now you
die," he said hatefully. I watched as he raised his weapon and pointed
it at us. My tingling quickly rose on its own. I looked the soldier
directly in the eyes while my tingling rose even further. I narrowed my
eyes. The anger inside me boiled over and before the soldier had time
to even think about firing his weapon, he vaporized into thin air. Had
I done that? I mean, had my tingling done that? Jeez! I pulled Shane to
his feet and embraced him tightly. He continued to sob on my shoulder
as we entered the cloak of darkness. A bright flash accompanied by a
crackling sound just missed us, apparently a Quantum Laser Pulse. I
quickly decided that it was too dangerous to mind travel with all the
weapons fire, so we came back out of the darkness. I held Shane by his
shoulders and looked directly into his usually beautiful hazel eyes,
now reddened and filled with tears.
we've got to get out of here, but we can't mind travel. We'll have to
walk. Do you understand?" He looked at me and his grief flooded my very
soul. "Shane, please try to pull yourself together. We have to get out
of here." He turned and looked down at his parents. I could feel his
anger still rising, slowly overtaking his grief. He looked back at me.
"I'm ready to go now," he said softly.
"Good, let me contact Jevic and tell him what we're doing." He nodded and I called out to Jevic telepathically.
"Cameron! Are you OK?" asked Jevic.
"Yes, I'm fine, but we're going to have to walk back. I can't travel through all the weapons fire."
you're on just about the lowest level of the complex. You'll have to
climb almost to the top. You're going to run into a lot of Talon
soldiers on the way. Why don't you just stay there?"
"I can't stay here Jevic. A Talon solider just tried to kill us."
"It's OK. I took care of him, but we can't stay here."
"Then go down to engineering. You should be safe there. It's heavily guarded."
"OK, we'll go there. I'll contact you later."
"Please be careful Cameron. I love you!"
"I love you too Jevic. I'll contact you when we get there."
"OK." I turned to Shane and put my arm around his shoulder.
"Jevic suggests that we go to engineering."
"He's right. It should be safe there and I know a short cut," said Shane.
"OK, let's
go." He took one last look at his parents and then we turned to go.
Once we were out in the corridor, Shane took the lead. I followed him
around the corner where he pulled open an access panel.
"In here,"
he directed. We climbed in and closed the panel behind us. "This is a
service access passageway that leads directly to engineering," he
explained. I nodded and we moved on. The passageway was small and
twisted and turned along the way. We moved along at a pretty good pace,
passing other passageways leading off to the left and to the right and
soon we came to the end. Shane started to open the hatch, but I sensed
something and stopped him.
"Wait," I
said quietly. He turned and looked at me. "I sense something's not
right. Just ease the hatch open and look around first. Be real quiet
too." Shane nodded and unlocked the hatch. Light poured in as he eased
it gently open.
Suddenly the
hatch was jerked open. Arms reached inside and grabbing us, they pulled
us roughly into the room. We were indeed in the engineering section,
but we were also surrounded by at least a dozen Talon soldiers. They
pushed us up against the wall and held us still. There were way too
many to start a fight with, but my tingling was at full force.
"Kill 'em,"
the Talon officer said. Weapons were immediately drawn and aimed at our
heads. My tingling quickly took on a new feel. It expanded from my head
and quickly got larger and larger. The soldiers that were holding us
started screaming out in pain and let us go. I reached over and grabbed
Shane's hand. He was looking at me in bewilderment. Then the soldiers
opened fire at point blank range. The Pulsar blasts bounced off what
appeared to be some type of shield that had surrounded us. The blasts
ricocheted and some of them bounced back and killed several of the
fire!" screamed the Talon officer. "Cease fire!" The firing stopped.
"What the hell's going on here?" he asked as he walked over toward us.
"Me, that's what's going on," I said hatefully. "Deal with me Talon."
"You little
shit. I'll kill you with my bare hands," he said with a sneer, and then
started toward me. My tingling made a slight adjustment and then seemed
to grab him by his outstretched hands. He stopped dead in his tracks
and looked down at his hands, not knowing what was going on. I narrowed
my eyes and my tingling started to squeeze down, crushing the officer's
hands. He screamed out in agony and fell to his knees. The other
soldiers just stood and watched as my tingling squeezed down so hard on
the officer's hands that they become nothing more than flaccid masses
of flesh, blood and crushed bone. I narrowed my eyes even more and the
officer was vaporized. Nothing but dust and charred cinders remained
where he once was. The soldiers immediately moved back and started
firing again. The ricochets bounced around the room and in seconds
flat, they were all dead, by their own hands. My tingling relaxed and I
felt tired. Not exhausted, but tired. That had taken quite a bit of
"C-Cameron?" asked Shane. "I've never seen anything like that before," he said looking at me inquisitively.
"Neither have I," I told him truthfully. "Sometimes my tingling amazes me."
"Your tingling?"
"Yeah, my powers."
"Thank God you were here. If I had been alone, I'd be dead now." He gently squeezed my hand. I smiled at him and nodded.
"Where exactly are we?" I asked.
"We're in
the engineering section, but this is the damage control section. The
main engineering section is through that door," he said pointing to a
door across the room.
"Shane, I'm
tired. Using my powers like that really took a lot out of me. I don't
know if I'm ready for another confrontation. Is there some way we can
look into the main section without opening that door?" Shane thought
for a second, then his faced brightened.
"There's an
observation deck up above. It's not used very much and the service
access is through another passageway that we passed just before we got
"Good, let's
go back and make our way up there so we can see just what the hell's
going on. There shouldn't be any Talons in engineering."
right. There's controls here for the whole complex including command,
and Cameron," he paused for a second. "There's access to the planet
harmonizer too." The gravity of the situation just took on new
Joel finished
directing the majority of the Watcher forces toward engineering, which
had now become the most important strategic piece of the battle's
puzzle. He, Paulik and the rest of the command center staff started to
make their way down toward the engineering level. Most of the Watcher
citizens had moved quickly and were locked away in either their
quarters or in heavily protected shelters located throughout the
complex. Joel led the group with a half dozen security personnel;
weapons drawn in anticipation.
"I'm going to try and contact Jevic," Paulik told Joel. Joel nodded. Paulik concentrated and called out to his son.
"Dad! Are you OK?"
"Yes son, I'm fine. We're making our way down to engineering."
"Good, Cameron is down there now."
"He went to help Shane. Dad, the Talons killed Shane's parents."
"Oh no," said Paulik. Shane's father had been a good man and a good friend. "Jevic, when did you last talk with Cameron?"
"It's been some time ago dad, and I'm starting to get worried."
"OK, where are the human boys?"
"They're here with me in the suite. What do you want us to do?"
"Stay put. We'll be in engineering soon and I'll find out what's going on."
"OK dad, please be careful."
"I will
son." Paulik turned to Joel after finishing his telepathic
conversation. "Joel, Cameron is in engineering." Joel was shocked.
"What's Cameron doing there?"
"He went to help Shane. I'm afraid the Talons have killed Peter and Jolie."
"Argh! I want this to end!" cried out a frustrated Joel.
Peter's quarters are just above the engineering level. That means the
Talons could already be in engineering." Joel shot a quick look of
panic at Paulik.
"If they
are, we're all walking into a trap." Joel quickly grabbed a portable
communicator and notified all the field commands of the possibility.
They all acknowledged him and said they were just about in position.
Joel directed them to hold fast until he and Paulik arrived. Paulik's
mind was in overdrive and suddenly he remembered his conversation with
Jevic. Paulik concentrated hard and tried to make contact.
"Yes Cameron, it's me. Where are you?"
"Shane and I
are in the service access passageway from damage control to the
observation deck. We had quite a run in with a Talon squad. We're going
up to check out the main engineering section."
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah, we're fine. My tingling protected us."
"Good, now
listen to me carefully. Most of our forces are converging on
engineering. What you see there will be vitally important to our plan.
Be very careful Cameron."
"OK, we're being careful. Shane really knows his way around here. We're taking all kinds of secret passageways."
"Good, just be very careful. Once you've seen what's going on in the main engineering section, contact me. OK?"
"No problem
Paulik. You be careful too." Paulik turned to Joel and nudged him in
the arm. Joel turned to listen. "Cameron is headed toward the
observation deck to check out the main engineering section. He's going
to let us know what he sees."
"That's great!"
"Joel," Paulik started. Joel looked at him intently. "Cameron said they had a run in with a Talon squad in damage control."
"That means ..."
"I know. This could get ugly." The men hurried down he passageway toward engineering.
Jevic continued
to pace back and forth across the living room floor. Scott and Brandon
sat on the couch and watched him. A huge explosion rocked the complex.
It came from deep down and rumbled throughout. The complex shook so
violently that Jevic had to grab onto the couch to keep from falling.
"That's it!"
he yelled. "I can't take it anymore. Scott! Brandon! Come on. We're
going to see what the hell's going on." He started for the door, but
Scott and Brandon stayed on the couch, huddled together. "Listen guys,
I just can't stay here and I can't leave you here either. Come with me
and at least we can find out what's going on." Scott and Brandon looked
at each other and slowly stood up.
"OK Jevic, but promise we'll be real careful. We don't want to be Talon prisoners again," said Scott.
"Neither do
I. We'll be careful. Now come on. Let's find out what's going on,"
Jevic said and started back for the door, this time with Scott and
Brandon following. The boys carefully worked their way down the
corridor. Looking out into the main area of the complex, Jevic saw no
people. No one. It was deserted. He motioned for Scott and Cameron to
follow. Jevic cautiously led the boys down through several corridors
until they reached the main level. They walked out into the large open
space. Scott and Brandon looked around in amazement. Through the clear
domed ceiling, they could see beautifully colored fish swimming. It was
quite a sight for the human boys and they gazed upward.
"Hold it right there," came the unexpected voice. All three boys turned to face a squad of Talon soldiers.
Shane and I
finally reached the hatch that opens to the observation deck. We both
looked at each other for a moment. I could see the fear in his eyes, as
I'm sure that he could see it in mine. My strength had renewed and I
felt full and complete again. I knew that I would need to be at my
absolute best for what was on the other side of the door. This was the
showdown ... the decisive battle of this war. The fate of the human
race was riding on the outcome. Of course, humans had no idea such a
battle was raging, but in the next few moments, victory for one side
would go unnoticed by the world's population; however, victory for the
other side would spell extinction for the human race. The human half of
me fought to save my people. The Watcher half fought to protect my
people. Together, with my tingling, I intended to do everything
possible to ensure the longevity of the humans.
Ever so
carefully, Shane and I eased the hatch door open just a crack. We could
see no one on the deck. The hatch was opened little by little and
finally, we crawled out onto a deserted observation deck strategically
located high above the main engineering section. I motioned for Shane
to follow and we quietly moved over to the edge to look down. I don't
think any Watcher could have been prepared for the scene below us.
Hundreds of Talon soldiers had taken up posts at all the entrances.
Dozens more were working diligently in the center of the room. I
watched intently, studying their work. When I realized what they were
doing, my heart started pounding in my chest. The planet harmonizer
control panel had been opened and they were trying to crack the
security code. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Paulik.
"Paulik!" I cried out.
"Cameron?" he answered.
hundreds of Talon soldiers in main engineering and they've accessed the
planet harmonizer control panel. They're trying to crack the code!"
"We're right
outside the door Cameron. Can you give us a distraction so we can
surprise them?" The wheels were turning in my mind and a plan came to
the surface.
"OK, get ready!"
"Let us know when to attack!"
know," I said. Shane pulled at my arm and pointed down below. I eased
back to the edge and looked. Garen was standing in the middle of it
all, hands on his hips, smiling, and looking directly at us. Without
hesitation, my tingling heated up and I threw a powerful burst directly
at the exterior bulkhead. I made sure that it was a pointed burst and
not a broad burst. I wanted damage, but not a lot. The force hit and
shook the room. Water burst through the two-foot hole in a strong
stream that fell onto the Talon soldiers, knocking them to the floor.
Garen grabbed a couple of men, pointed in our direction and they
prepared to fire. Suddenly one of the entrances to the main section
exploded, then another and another. Watcher forces streamed through the
blasted openings and Pulsar blasts filled the air.
This is it!
The battle has begun. I charged up my tingling and started hurling down
balls of force at the Talons that were working on the planet harmonizer
control panel. They scattered, but Garen ordered them back. As soon as
they started getting close, I pounded them with another round from my
tingling. I hit two or three with direct hits and they fell to the
floor writhing in agony. Looking over the entire area, Pulsar fire was
everywhere. I watched as Talons and Watchers fell to the ground. It was
horrid. Dozens of men were being brutally killed in front of my eyes.
Joel and Paulik were in the middle of it all trying to make their way
toward the harmonizer control. I tried to help by sending out blasts
with my tingling to clear their path. Shane lay beside me on the floor
of the observation deck in total awe.
"Shane, keep
a sharp eye on the harmonizer and let me know if any Talons get close.
I'm trying to concentrate on helping Joel and Paulik," I told him. He
nodded and turned his attention in that direction. Then I saw Garen
again. I concentrated on Joel. "Joel, Garen is about fifteen feet
directly in front of you!"
Cameron!" he called back. I saw him turn to Paulik and then to the
small squad of men that was with him. They renewed their efforts to get
toward the harmonizer. Garen and his squad of elite soldiers lay
directly in their path. Shane and I kept ducking from Pulsar blasts
directed our way. The railing above us had been blown to bits, but the
platform itself was too thick to be damaged by small arms fire. I
spotted Garen again and directed a tingling blast straight toward him,
but one of his men suddenly jumped in the way and went down hard from
the blast. Garen looked up at me with a hateful look. I fired another
round at him, but he must have been expecting it. He quickly grabbed
one of his men and put him in the line of fire. He too went down in
agony. Garen sneered up at me and then disappeared into a sea of Talon
soldiers. I wanted to send a huge blast directly into the mob below me,
but there were too many Watcher forces intermingled. It was more
effective for me to direct smaller blasts directly at Talon soldiers.
The smaller blasts required much less energy and I felt I could keep it
up for some time.
they're back at the harmonizer!" called out Shane. I looked and saw a
dozen Talon men around the control panel. Immediately I started pelting
them with blasts. Half of their dozen fell to the floor dead. The other
half ran for their lives.
With a huge
blast, the hatch behind us blew open. Shane and I quickly ran to the
far side of the deck and crouched down waiting for the smoke the clear.
Two Talon soldiers emerged and I hit them with tingling blasts. They
immediately fell to the floor. Then I saw two more figures come through
the smoke. My tingling was charged up and ready.
came a voice. "I'd think long and hard before you do anything." The
smoke continued to clear and there in front of me stood Kibbeth. He was
holding a Pulsar pistol. He had it pointed at the head of the person he
was holding, but the person had a black sack over their head.
"Why should I listen to you Kibbeth?" I shouted back in anger.
"Because of this," he said calmly and he pulled the black sack off. It was Jevic!
On to Chapter Eleven
"Thumbs Up"
Back to Chapter Nine
Chapter Index
Jevic's Story Page
I'd love to hear what you think!
Email me at jevic@tarheelwriter.com