Taylor Quest Book 1 The Day the Earth Moved    "The Day the Earth Moved"
by Taylor Quest
Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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The Day the Earth Moved
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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A few comments from Taylor Quest

Here is an explanation of why this story is public again. Thanks to the Tarheel Writer for taking the time and granting me the space for the absolute and final revision of 'The Day the Earth Moved.' Otherwise it wouldn't be online anymore.

For some of you, this may be absolutely new. For some of you who have 'been around' for a while, it has not only been revised, it has been heavily rewritten. A few years back I decided to rewrite it after going back and rereading it. I normally never read my work more than once. I write a chapter, read what I wrote, edit and then format it for the internet. After seeing how I wrote when I first started this story I felt it was in desperate need of a rewrite in many areas. My development as a writer has progressed (IMHO) beyond how it was reflected in those first chapters.

Now onto the current question people have asked me:

'Why bring the story back?'

Why not? Back in the day Hanson fan fiction was a huge deal. Now? Not so much, all the more reason to reassert myself. Besides, if it was a hit then, maybe it will be a hit now. Stranger things have happened.

As for the new version, it's fun, it's a little raunchy in areas and finally, it's fiction. If you have a beef with it, get over yourself.


The following story is of an 'alternative' nature. It depicts a homo/bi-sexual story line between Taylor Hanson and another guy (myself). It is not graphic to the general reader. I in no way claim that Jordan Taylor Hanson is gay, bisexual, straight or anything of that nature. This is merely fiction and it should only be taken that way. If you're here because you thought the story was about something else I'm sorry. My writing is about love and tragedy. If you're not comfortable with literature showing Taylor and another guy in love then don't read it. No one is forcing you too. If you read the story it is by your own choice. So don't send me any bitchy letters because you hated the story. ALL FLAMES will continue to be ignored from now on!!


In the slip chance that you Jordan Taylor Hanson, are reading this I can only ask that you see that my feelings are true. That above all else I hope you will be flattered by my story and feelings. And that someone feels this way about you, beyond the 'fan' level. My writing is not graphic or 'gross' by any means. As opposed to all those 'harmless' 'straight' stories out there mine could easily be rated PG-13. While most others are rated with hardcore tags and comments.

If anything else please know you've touched my life. You've made it easier and brightened some of my darkest moments. I thank God you exist, write and sing the beautiful songs that you have sung. They too have been a shining light for me and lifted me up when I needed the strength to go on. I used to only know what the media and books have made available but after finally meeting you, you met every expectation I've ever had. That, and you were everything I ever imagined and more. Thank you. I love what I know about you, even more now, than anything.

Prologue - Intro

This page is more of an explanation of the story you are about to read. Firstly, it has not only been rewritten. I have also added some parts that were originally omitted from the original version which has been on this site since the early summer of 1999. I decided to rewrite it after going back and rereading it just a month or so ago. I normally never read my work more than once. I write a chapter, read what I wrote, edit and then format it for the internet. After seeing how I wrote when I first started this story I felt it was in desperate need of a rewrite in many areas. My development as a writer has progressed (IMHO) beyond how it is reflected in the first chapters.

Now onto the question some people have asked me.

'Why write a story like this?'

I began writing simple 'erotica' on the internet a little over two years ago. I had read a few on a site many erotica readers are frequenters of www.nifty.org The Nifty Archives, it's too big to describe so you'll have to see for yourself. Only I wouldn't recommend it to the younger readers.

Back to the topic. I had begun writing 'non hanson' erotica a while back and the idea had crossed my mind to write one. My feelings for Taylor were however preventing me from successfully completing a paragraph. I guess you could say I was feeling 'bad' for writing about someone I care so much for. Simply because it could be read in a negative way. It wasn't until I spoke with some fellow writers, and placed the first few chapters on the internet that I saw what an impact I had made.

"They like me! They really really like me!"

I was shocked and amazed at just how many Hanson, and more pointedly Taylor fans enjoyed my writing. What amazed me even more was this writing was depicting 'our' Taylor in a light not many fans had imagined him in. Other than the writings by Dean Lidster, Steven Davenport and Jaxsper Finn and most recently Aspen and Violet Pretty has anyone ever read a story portraying Taylor as either gay or bisexual. Now add my name to those ranks and it still is a small handful of 'alternative' erotica writers.

'Han-otica'(han-ahh-tik-ah):A genre of HanFic that contains all layers of human sexuality dumped onto the three brothers from Tulsa, straight, gay, bi and undecided. Han-otica anything sexual that can, will inevitably happen without prejudice to the character.

Basically, as a starting point I tried not to depict Tay, or any of the family in a way that I felt was 'out of character.' Now that is not saying that any of the Hanson family, or real life people portrayed in the following chapters act in real life, as I have written them. I simply tried to stay away from things that didn't seem probable. As some stories have depicted Walker and Diana (Mr. Mrs. Hanson) as horrible raving slave drivers, or Ike as a snide, rude authoritarian figure. Or Zac as a snotty rude obnoxious... hmmm well I'll give them that. (just kiddin' Zac) Or Taylor as a (pardon the term) fuck happy player who beds and comes within the first chapter. (Tay you know you're not so quit pretending)

I don't see them that way. Not only that, but after meeting them and visiting them in a less than public way I was not only satisfied with how I wrote them but even slightly startled. Which was why I closed the site down at one time. I felt I had come too close to the real thing, and it scared me. But as a close friend of mine reminded me.

"You didn't write this story knowing them personally, you didn't plan on it being that close to life so don't feel bad! It's not something you planned and you're not 'ratting' anyone out or anything like that. It's fiction, have fun!"

So after that I placed the site back up. Since then I've not added much. I've been busy with this rewrite.

Some of you may be asking yourselves.

"Why did he choose himself as a partner with Taylor in this story? Doesn't that seem a lil 'cheap' of him?"

Well obviously, hello I'd love to be in the kind of relationship portrayed in this story. Especially with Taylor. But I know the odds of that are slim. So why not write a story? We (I hope you do) know it's fiction, it didn't happen, so why not? I know girls who write trashy erotica that depict themselves with Taylor. So many of the readers write dribbly little notes to them in guestbooks.

"Oh that was so sweet, you two were so cute I loved it!"

When the actual story in fact portrayed Tay as the classic "fuck 'em and leave 'em" kind of guy. What on earth is there to be proud of there? Some adolescent, oversexed teenie, writes a story that has her bedding (or more correctly put, has Taylor bedding her)backstage or on the bus. Or something else just as clichéd and everyone raves. If you ask me, there's nothing cheaper than that. At least my writing shows real love. Not some sweaty after thought, during a smoke in a night of torrid sex with a 'crush of the moment.'

Note: There are some very very good adolescent writers out there. My comment was only directed at the lower I.Q.'ed teenies we so strongly despise.

It's these teenies that somehow have confused an orgasm with love. Who feel a meaningful relationship starts and ends with sex.

I'll probably be the first to break it to some of you that sex is only a small fraction of a true 'love' relationship. You can be in love with a person and never have had any physical contact with them. Sex is simply a physical manifestation of the nonstop flow of emotion within a person who is in love. It may be hard to understand, but I'll to make it as simple as possible...

Imagine being with someone who makes everything around you, wether you hate it or not amazing and tolerable. Anywhere on earth is heaven if they are there. They could do nothing wrong. Those are only a few things that can be described as 'love.' When you get two people who feel that way about each other you've got something.

It starts with the feelings, and at some point you're going to have sexual breaking point where all the pent up feelings and emotions take control of the couple and nothing but a full out 'roll in the hay' will do. Afterwards, it's that same undying desire to be by their side. So in perfect essence love does not start with sex and end with it. Sex is a small side dish to the main course.

In my writing I try to make that abundantly clear. Therefore you will find less 'sexual' scenes throughout the story than most Han-otica. Possibly less as the story progresses. But don't worry, for all you 'horn-dogs' out there in cyberland there will be some sweaty shagging going on now and then.

Finally, this story is about love. Two people in love, and the obstacles thrown in their path. Try to forget what you think you know about the Hansons, retain only their looks, jobs, and names. Once you've finished compare the image this story creates and then ask yourself how far off it really seems. I think you'll see how this story differs from many of the other erotic HanFics on the internet.

I'll borrow and edit something Taylor said to me and most likely many other fans...


Taylor Quest

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The Day the Earth Moved is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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