Taylor Quest Book 1 The Day the Earth Moved    "The Day the Earth Moved"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Five
Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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The Day the Earth Moved
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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The ominous crack ran through my ears. But as it tapered off it seemed to sound more metallic. I looked into Taylor's eyes just as everything started to shimmer. His face looked confused and then suddenly bright light was beaming at me.

I looked around, trying to focus. All I could see was a bright bluish light. Slowly I saw a ceiling above me. Then my vision cleared and I looked around me. I was in a hospital bed. I couldn't focus much further than two feet on all sides. I heard a scuffle and I saw a figure coming close to me. At first I thought it was Taylor, then I saw that it was merely a blonde nurse. She checked me over.

"You're finally awake," she said with a smile.

"What, where's Taylor, what happened," I asked confused.

"After you pulled him and Geri from the helicopter you collapsed and you struck your head on something, knocked you out, you've been out for nearly twelve hours," she finished.

"Where am I," I asked. But she walked out of the room. I suddenly realized that much of what I thought had happened had been a dream. The realization of this was mind shattering. I didn't know what had and had not happened. The door to the room opened and someone looked in. I still couldn't see that far away. Then they ran in, by the way they moved I knew exactly who it was.

"Oh thank God, you're awake, I didn't know what I was going to do," Taylor said as he rushed over to me.

"Taylor, I'll be fine, just tell me, please tell me one thing," I said as I started to cry.

"What, what's the matter, Geri's fine," Tay started, then he looked at me with a new expression.

"I love you," he said as he collapsed into my arms sobbing.

I cried, harder than I thought I ever had in my entire life. Suddenly nothing seemed to matter anymore. The disaster I had dreamt turned out to be less than what I had thought. Geri was still alive, and Taylor did, truly love me.

"Oh thank God, I was so scared, Taylor, I dreamt that all of California fell into the ocean, and that Geri died," I cried into his neck.

"I dreamt that you, and I had finally told each other how we felt and, oh God when I realized just a moment ago I had dreamt it I thought I was going to die," I cried.

"Oh no, no I do love you, more than I think I could ever express," he cried.

Slowly he lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes were a bit blood shot. Watery and red, the blue beamed out at me. His hair was in a mess and he looked very, very tired. But through it all his eyes shined. That inner light that had captivated me in the dream was now shining right at me in real living color. He leaned in slowly, hesitantly glancing from my eyes to my mouth. I began to tremble, this would be our first kiss, in real life.

He leaned closer. His beautiful face filling my vision. I could smell his scent, sweet and gentle. Everything around me lost significance as his mouth touched mine. So very afraid that it was a dream I dared not close my eyes. Strangely enough Tay's eyes remained open too. The softness of his lips were so much more intoxicating in real life. No dream could match this feeling. Our lips pressed together, the tip of my nose brushing beside his.

His blonde locks dropped and tickled my cheekbones. My entire body was filled with a burst of heat. Sweat beaded on my forehead, my body trembled. His tongue lightly touched my lips then retreated. It returned and I shyly opened my mouth slightly allowing him access. The feeling of his soft silky tongue touching mine made me whimper out loud. My heart raced. The monitor beside the bed picked up speed. Within seconds the door to the room blew open and two nurses rushed in, behind them in the door were Walker and Diana, Taylor's parents.

My eyes fluttered shut, my body suddenly sapped of all it's energy. Taylor's kiss, while it had invigorated and made me feel happier than I had ever felt also drained me of the energy I had regained. I was suddenly very tired. He slowly pulled away, his lips separating from mine. My body ached for them to return, but something in the back of my mind told me the separation would not be for long. My mind reeled, I was very sleepy, before I knew it the last thing I saw was Taylor's smiling face as everything went dark.

Everything felt dark and fuzzy. I saw nothing, no dreams. I felt like I was down deep inside myself. I knew I was asleep, I could hear the whir and beep of the heart monitor beside me. The occasional drip in the sink near my bed. Every now and then I hear the squeaking made by a body on a vinyl covered chair. The chirruping of a computer game and the occasional deep breath. Slowly I felt my consciousness rising, from the deep dark quiet depths of my brain. Rising to the surface of reality. My eyes fluttered and struggled to focus.

The room was dark, save for a small dim amber light over the equipment beside the bed. I noticed that there was much less beside me now. Simply the heart monitor. Beyond the bright green line that leaped up and sank down with each thump of my heart the room seemed still. Then my eyes focused and I caught illumination near the foot of my bed. There lit in the electronic light of a hand held computer game was Taylor's face.

His skin was a light green pallor, the screen must have been two tone. Even in the green light he was beautiful. His brows furrowed together with an expression of sheer concentration. Lightly biting and releasing his lower lip. Now and then the expression of determination was briefly replaced with a controlled excitement. This last expression was suddenly replaced by pure annoyed sneer. Obviously he had been beaten or messed up. He pulled the head set from his ears and clicked off the screen. With the screen off I was barely able to catch movement. I heard him stand and I slowly closed my eyes.

I heard the sound of bare feet on the floor. Then the ever so slightly shifting of my bed, as if he had lightly bumped against it. Then silence. I stayed relaxed, eyes still and closed. Then I felt his hand on mine. He lifted my hand and held it.

"What am I getting myself into," he whispered quietly.

"Taylor William Quest, what have you done to me," he asked quietly.

He must have read my wrist band or something to have known my middle name. I remained quiet, I wanted to hear what he was saying, pure honesty.

"Every dream I ever had, pales in comparison to the love you show toward me, I can't let you go, ever. You've touched a part of me, I thank God I met you," he whimpered.

I felt a tear drop onto my hand. He pulled my hand up and placed it on his chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of his heart. His body ever so slightly quaked, I could feel him crying. I slowly opened my eyes. By now I had gotten groggy again. I looked up at him, he looked down and saw me looking at him with sleep in my eyes. I shifted and slid over away from him on the bed and pulled on his arm. His eyes looked at me in question. I smiled dreamily at him and held my other arm open toward him. I simply wanted to be closer to him. This was conveyed, because he hiked his leg up over the guard rail and climbed into the bed.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. He slid down and pushed his head down under my chin. Burying his face in my neck my brown hair falling over his shoulder. I felt so complete, there was no need for sexual contact. The simple presence of him made me content. He knew this, I knew this, and it made it so much more special. We both snuggled against one another, the cool air from the vent above chilled us and I pulled up the heavier blanket from my legs and covered over us. Wrapping my arms around him holding him closer

I drifted into sleep.

"I love you Tay," I whispered.

"I love you too," he replied, no further words were spoken as we drifted to sleep. Together, two in one.

On to Chapter Six

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The Day the Earth Moved is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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