Taylor Quest Book 1 The Day the Earth Moved    "The Day the Earth Moved"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Twelve
Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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The Day the Earth Moved
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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I slowly awoke with a heavy feeling on my chest. It was slightly hard to breath and the sun was making my eyes scream in pain. I turned my head away from the window and glanced downward to see Tay sprawled directly on top of me fast asleep. His blond tresses a mess, a slight string of drool hanging out of his barely open mouth. Even in sleep he was just as angelic, if not more. His light blond lashes, his pale skin, that cute bear nose and those lovely lips. Not to mention the feeling of his naked body pressed against mine. Soft warm and sweet. I closed my eyes briefly my mind drifting in and out of that foggy area between sleep and consciousness. My mind didn't register the key in the door and the retracting of the bolt.

I my head lolled over toward the door and I opened my eyes. The door slowly swung open and Zac peered in. His eyes scanned across the sitting area of the room and in through the connecting door of the bed room. His eyes met mine and he smiled quietly. He closed the door and tip toed into the room.

"Look at you two, this is a Kodak moment," he giggled quietly.

Taylor stirred and rolled off of me and down beside me on the bed.

Where he then threw both right arm and leg across me squeezing me tightly against him. His eyes squinted and furrowed and then slightly opened. He focused and then smiled and nuzzled my shoulder.

"What time is it," he asked quietly.

"About nine in the morning," I replied.

"Yeah, breakfast is ready," Zac chimed in.

Taylor's eyes crossed and he curled his lip.

"Zac, don't you recognize the significance of separate rooms," he snipped.

"Yeah so," Zac smiled back.

"I've had to wake up to your nagging butt for nearly eighteen years now, don't you think I'd," Tay continued as Zac cut him off.

"What, so now you wanna wake up to Wills nagging butt," he kackled back.

"Actually yes, it's a hell of a lot more appealing," Tay said as he smiled and wiggled against me.

"That's cool dude, I just thought I'd let you know we have to head back to MTV today, they wanted us to make another appearance with Britney and the Backdoor Boys," Zac said hopping up off the edge of the bed and heading to the other room.

I started to sit up, but before I knew what was happening Tay rolled on top of me and in an MmmBop he had me pinned under his gorgeous grip.

"Just where do you think you're going," he smiled down at me, as the covers slid off the foot of the bed.

"No where it seems," I said realizing that he really did have me pinned.

"I chee waa-waa," Ike exclaimed as he turned heel and walked right back out of the bed room just as he had come in. The door clicked shut behind him.

Taylor's gorgeous bottom pressed down on my groin as he sat back a little bit.

"You know, you're treading on dangerous ground," I giggled at him.

He looked a bit confused at first until he felt me stir under him.

"Yeah it seems that way," he said as he slid backward and forward slightly with a very wicked little grin on his face.

"It looks like you're enjoying it too," I chuckled at him noticing his penile affliction.

"Oh, yeah well duh, but, not yet, is that ok," he asked suddenly serious.

"Oh yeah babe, totally I'm in no hurry," I replied with total honesty.

"Good, I just, well I'm actually moving a bit faster than I thought I ever would," he said as he slid off of me and sat down cross legged beside me on the bed.

"Is something wrong," I asked.

"Well, you know, so many of those fans think I'm a certain way, we talked about that before," he replied quietly staring off into nothing.

"Well they have their own idea of you, yeah I mean that's natural," I replied.

"It's just that, well you know on the internet there is all this fan fiction and stuff, and all these teeny boppers write me like some kind of sick nymphomaniac," he started.

"Well yeah."

"And while I enjoy a good porn story like the next guy, it's those realistic stories that have me meeting, kissing and bedding the girl in the first chapter, and that isn't my style at all."

"Well no, it's not obviously."

"I just don't want you to get any kind of wrong impressions about me I mean that stuff is just fiction," he replied.

"I mean, while I want to do everything there is to do with you, and I do plan on it, I just don't want to just yet, you know? I mean, well I just didn't want you to think of me as either someone who wants to fuck all the time. I mean I do, but, well I don't want you thinking on the other hand that I'm too afraid to tell you no," he finished.

"Tay, I'm here because I love you, sex is only a small part of that. While sex is a physical manifestation of love, it's not the end all and be all of love. Granted I'd love to ravish you right here and now, and then let you do the same to me. But I'm very happy with the arrangement as it is now. I'm in no rush to get in your pants. I'm not going anywhere, and I feel the longer we wait the better it will be, it will be special and memorable. Tay I've not done anything with anyone yet and I'd be very happy for you to be the first," I replied.

"You're also forgetting something, that's all fiction, everyone knows that, none of it's real. People write stuff all the time. I'd never base my ideas of you on someone elses fantasies," I added.

"Oh I know, God, I don't wanna rush into it," he replied.

"I just want you to know that sometimes I get carried away with things, and not to get upset if I change my mind at the last second," Tay said looking over at me.

"I'm here for you dude, no one else, you are the commander of this ship, you sit in the captains chair. What you say, goes," I said leaning over kissing him gently on the cheek.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that," he said turning towards me kissing me deeply.

We fell back on the bed and held each other. The feeling was awesome, the sun beamed down on our naked bodies. The white sheets reflected a bright glow around us. Almost as if we were wrapped in light. My long dark locks intertwined in his long golden hair. Our arms and legs wrapped around each other. Our fingers trailing little trails up and down each others spine from the neck to that ticklish spot in the small of our back just above our butts.

We kissed again. Slowly, drinking in the feeling of being together. Being as close as we would ever become on earth. My head swam in the pool of sensations that had surrounded us. I opened my eyes and looked at his gorgeous face. Slowly his soft lids lifted, the sun glinted on the delicate folds and creases in the gorgeous blue iris of his eye. I felt dizzy as I stared deeply into the darkness of his pupil looking directly into his soul.

All I felt was love, and the most unadulterated flow of acceptance. I was welcome, I was desired, I was needed. My feelings reflected perfectly. I knew from this moment on, that Tay and I were meant for one another, that nothing would ever again come between us.

The silence was shattered by a knocking on the door.

"Come on you guys, we are going to be late if you don't get up now," Ike pleaded from outside the door.

"Ok, ok we're coming," Tay called back.

"Yeah but are you going to be done soon," Ike asked seriously.

Tay and myself both burst into a fit of laughter.

"No man, I mean we're going to be ready in just a second," Tay laughed.

"Oh, ok," Ike replied.

"We had better get up and get ready, otherwise Ike's gonna have a conniption fit," Tay said as he slid off the bed and walked over to his suit case.

"You know, I don't even care if I never see another day, just so long as I can look at your gorgeous butt from now on," I exclaimed as he bent over to get something.

Tay peered from around his shoulder with the most lustful and erotic grin on his face I had ever seen. He slowly wiggled his butt around and then without warning he reached back and loudly smacked his right cheek with his hand. My head snapped back and I panted heavily.

"Oh my God," I gasped.

Tay giggled at me.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me," I whimpered.

"I've got a good idea," he said as he winked and slipped on a pair of boxers.

"Now put these on, we've gotta hurry," he said tossing me a pair of his underwear.

I pulled them on, and started laughing hysterically.

"What the hell is so funny," Tay said leaning out of the bathroom while brushing his hair.

"Um, I think we've gone a little too fast, um, Tay but looks like I finally got in your pants," I laughed at him falling down on the floor.

"Oh God, you are such a dork," he yelled as he busted out laughing.

"What can I wear in this bag," I asked.

"Oh, just anything that fits," he replied through a mouth full of toothpaste.

I pulled out a pair of jeans and squeezed into them. They fortunately were the right length but they were tight as hell.

"Tay, these jeans, are-" I started.

"Perfect," he gasped as he looked out at me.

"Are you kidding, if I sit down my nuts are going to shoot out of my pockets," I winced.

"But it fits your ass perfectly," he said as he motioned for me to turn around.

"Feels like I fell off a building and landed straddling a tight rope," I sneered as I desperately tried to pick at the pants which had sliced up between my butt cheeks.

"Go get Ike's leather pants they should fit better," Tay replied.

I walked out the door only to be greeted with a roar of laughter from both Ike and Zac.

"Dude you look like packed sausage in those pants," Ike roared.

"Yeah, imagine how it feels, Tay said to ask you if I could wear your leather pants," I asked in pain.

"Yeah, anything is better than those, I don't see how you even got them on," Ike said getting up and leaving me with Zac who was staring at me and winking dramatically.

"Oh knock if off you dork," I laughed.

"You know, in some countries those pants wouldn't be legal," Zac snickered.

"You sure are interested in them though," I shot back at him.

"Right," Zac said raising his eyebrow while putting his pinky to his mouth.

Ike returned to the room.

"Here you go, I've only worn them a few times, Tay convinced me to get them, but I just don't dig the feeling of sweat running down my stomach and on my nads, these pants don't breath worth a shit," Ike replied as he tossed them at me.

"Sweaty nads," Zac giggled holding up two grapes.

"Ike, you know you're brother here is just one big pile of orgasm just waiting to go off," I said as I headed back to the bed room.

"Yeah, I know that's why I've got safety goggles packed at all times," he laughed.

I returned to the room and put them on. Definitely they were much more comfortable. Tay even thought they were good on me.

"I had my doubts, but you pull them off better than Ike does."

"I'll pull them off better than that other pair, literally, I think I swelled up in your pants," I smiled.

"I know, I saw that," Tay grinned at me wickedly.

I put on a black T-shirt and then pulled on a white button up over it.

"Here roll up the sleeves," Tay said as he saw how the shirt was just a tad too small for me in the arms.

I pulled on the boots and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. There were two bottles of cologne. CK1 and CK Be.

"Tay, which cologne should I wear," I asked.

"Wear CK1, I've got Be on and I don't want you to smell like me."


Fifteen minutes later we were all in the other room finishing up a quick bite of some fruit.

"Ok guys, first we have to go down to Hard Rock and sign some autographs," Ike started.

"Aw man for how long," Zac almost complained.

"Three hours, or until two p.m., which ever comes first," Ike replied without looking up from a fax he was holding.

"Then what," Tay asked through a mouthful of strawberry.

"Then we go to MTV and sing two songs and answer more questions and do some live stuff with Britney and the Boys."

"That's cool," I replied.

"Oh yeah, and MTV wants you there too Will," Ike replied looking up.

"Me," I almost choked.

"Yeah," Ike smiled.

"Why me?!"

"You seem to have attracted your own little following, and they want to ask you some more questions," Ike replied with a smirk.

"Aww man, I have no idea how to act on camera," I replied.

"You did ok last night," Tay said as he rubbed my back.

"Yeah, but I was like all wrapped up in seeing you that it just kinda didn't faze me."

"Well I'm gonna be there with you today," he replied with a smile.

"Ok, just so long as you don't leave my side or let me sit there and look dumb."

"Don't worry, if you freeze up or don't know what to say, just cross your legs," Tay said with a smile.

"Ok, I can do that," I relaxed.

"Do you have any idea how many people would kill to be on MTV, heck on MTV with us and all the other people," Zac asked.

"I guess you're right," I replied feeling kind of bad.

"The key is to be yourself, just act like Will, you've got this way of charming the pants off of everyone we've seen you talk to," Tay said with a smile.

"Well I don't know about the last part, I've not felt the need to disrobe at all," Ike said smiling.

"Dweeb," Tay said popping Ike in the forehead with a grape.

Zac started to add something when Tay cut him off.

"Don't even go there you!"

We all laughed for a second and got up.

"Well, let's get going, by the way guys, no more decoys we've gotta be in the public eye from now on, so Will you'll need these," Ike said tossing me a pair of sunglasses.

"Oh come on dude, sunglasses," I asked with a laugh.

"Trust me, and these too," he said as he tossed me a little plastic box, in it were two neon green earplugs.

"Ok, well I can understand the earplugs, but why the sun glasses," I asked.

"It's not because of the sun, it's for the flash bulbs, the glasses will help keep them from blinding you," Ike replied as we walked out of the room and toward the elevator.

"But camera flashes don't bother me," I replied.

"Dude, try fifty or so cameras all going off at the same time every two seconds, trust me it hurts," Zac exclaimed.

"He's right, I've gotten where I wear them now, it seems so clichéd but it helps," Tay said as the elevator doors rolled shut.

"If you say so."

The ride down seemed to last only a few seconds. The doors rolled open and the lobby was relatively normal. I had been expecting a mob of people.

"Where is everyone, do they think we are somewhere else," I asked.

"No, the hotel won't let them in the lobby, they are all outside," Tay replied.

Out of no where to large men in black shirts and pants with ear sets came up on both sides of us. I nearly flinched when I saw them.

"Oh, no man, they are the good guys, they are on our side," Zac said with a grin.

"It's about that time, gear on guys," the tall built black dude on my left said.

Ike, Tay and Zac all stuck their earplugs in, I rushed and got mine in and put on my sunglasses. Tay tapped me on the shoulder and grabbed a hold of my hand. I pulled my right plug out slightly.

"Wait till we are in the limo before you try to talk to me," he replied. I nodded pushed in my ear plug. He winked and kissed me. Then it hit us.

The screams were even audible through the plugs. Not at a shattering level, but as if it was on a TV in the next room. I could only imagine what it must have been like with out them. The cameras flashed faster than I expected, five or six at a time right after another. Hands reached out for us, everything was nearly a blur as we rushed forward. I felt finger tips brushing my arms. I glanced around and saw girls open mouthed either smiling or crying. Holding out photos and pens. Some holding out cameras and banners.

I wrapped my free arm around Tay and pulled him close to me. It felt like I was in some silent movie. Then just as it had started it was all over and the limo door was closing behind us. The limo pulled away and we all pulled out our earplugs.

"That was insane," I nearly yelled.

"That was nothing," Ike replied.

"Yeah, you should have seen it over in Asia, it was ten times worse and ten times louder, it almost was like you didn't have the plugs in and there they could actually wrap their fingers around your sleeves," Zac said.

"Damn, I mean they were barely touching me just then," I replied.

"Yeah, well try getting your hair pulled, or your shoe stolen," Ike said.

"Or your shirt ripped open," Tay added.

"That's kind of scary," I replied.

"No dude it's down right horrifying, do you realize if we got mobbed like that in real life without protection we'd get killed, I mean literally they would pull us limb from limb. I mean love us to death, just go insane and start pulling at our hair and clothes and just kill us," Ike said with a serious look on his face.

"Yeah, I mean I've had a chunk of hair ripped right out of my scalp,"Tay said.

"Yeah that's why we try to pull our hair back so it's not easily grab'able," Zac exclaimed letting his hair down.

"That's bad, I mean don't they realize what they are doing," I asked.

"Dude, I'm sure they are really nice people, and that they really do care for us, and wouldn't hurt us intentionally, but they just kind of loose it when we come out, then the screaming starts and it's like wildfire, they all start screaming, and clawing and crying, they just loose it," Tay replied.

"I'm glad we've got protection," I exclaimed.

About fifteen or so minutes later the limo rolled up in a back alley way. Two police officers were standing out side the door. Then a black van pulled up behind us and the two security guys got out and came up to the limo and opened the door.

"The Hard Rock is having us enter through the back, and exit out the front," the black man told us.

"Sounds good to us," Ike replied.

"Chris wants Will to," the man started.

"Sly, he's coming with me, and sitting beside me," Tay cut him off.

"Ok dude, you've got it, it's you're thing, I'm not gonna stop ya," he smiled.

We went in and were escorted through the back delivery hallway past a few stores. Some of the employees were standing by their back doors watching. A slender blond girl about twenty or so years old stepped out of the door in front of the police officers.

"Mam, I'm sorry but you're going to have to return to your store," they exclaimed.

"I just wanted to get a photo with Tay and Will, is that ok," she asked peering over their shoulders.

"Yeah that's fine with me," Tay exclaimed nudging me with his elbow.

"Oh sure, no problem," I replied.

"Ok, but very quickly," the officer to our left replied.

"You guys are so cool, and so hot together, and Tay it doesn't make one difference to me if you are in love with Will, he's cute, you're both cool and I love your music, oh my name is Jessica," she smiled extending her hand.

"Thank you so much Jessica, it really makes my day to hear that," Tay said smiling back shaking her hand.

Jessica handed the camera to the cop and stood between me and Tay, Ike and Zac on either side of us. The photo was taken and she smiled and went back into the doorway.

We walked a bit further, no one else had the nerve to step out or say anything, they all just smiled. Then we came to the back door of The Hard Rock Cafe. It was open and we saw the back of the kitchen. We were ushered through the bustling kitchen and around and out into the restaurant.

"Do we need our ear plugs," I asked.

"No, usually Hard Rock tells the fans if they scream they will be removed from the restaurant," Tay whispered.

People eating at the tables around us smiled and stared wide eyed at us as we passed.

We came around a corner to a type of riser with a long table covered in a black cloth. Behind it were four chairs. Hanging behind the chairs was a backdrop of sorts with the album covers of all of their records and then group photos and the Hanson logo. There was a controlled explosion from the fans as they saw us go up the steps to the table. They all squealed and giggled and waved at us. We smiled as we sat down. Ike was seated first then Zac, then Taylor and myself. All three leaned forward on the table, I felt slightly out of place so I sat back in the chair trying to give of the feel that I wasn't trying to take any kind of spotlight with them.

"Hey you guys, how are ya doin," Ike asked them all with the mic he was handed.

They all cheered and clapped and waved.

"We're gonna be here until," Ike said as he looked down at his watch.

"One o'clock," he finished.

"I thought we said two o'clock," I leaned back and whispered to Tay as Ike and Zac continued to talk to the crowd.

"Yeah, we are, but we say one so when we stay till two they are happy that we stayed longer," Tay replied quietly with a wink.

"Clever boys," I giggled.

Sly appeared behind Tay and leaned down, whispered something in Tay's ear and then returned to the other end of the table.

"What did he say," I asked.

"He said that the line of people goes out of the restaurant down the street and for two more blocks," Tay replied.

"Two whole blocks," I almost yelled.

"Yeah, but we're leaving at two so we can make it to MTV," Tay replied.

"Oh Tay, by the way, if I haven't said it enough today, I love you," I smiled at him.

"I love you too," he said as he leaned over and kissed me on the mouth.

The fans all cheered and waved. Ike glanced over and rolled his eyes. Zac started giggling.

"You guys are gonna have to bear with us, they've been like this all morning," Ike said.

The crowd burst into laughter. Tay and I looked at one another and smiled. It was wonderful. To be together in public and have acceptance. Something so many people dreamed of, and we had it.

"What time is it any ways," I asked Tay.

"Eleven on the nose," he replied.

"Three hours here," I asked slightly surprised.

"Yeah, but I've got a feeling it's going to fly by," he smiled at me.

Some how I knew he was right.

On to Chapter Thirteen

Back to Chapter Eleven

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The Day the Earth Moved is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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