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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Fifteen Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Fourteen On to Chapter Sixteen Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
I tried the sliding glass door in the back of the small condo. It was open, surprisingly. I slowly slid it open. The sun had just begun to set, and the house had been quiet for quite a while now. The air conditioner must have been blasting, because it was ice cold inside. Which was a nice break from the moist heat I had suffered for the past nine hours outside waiting in my car.
He hadn't gone out, he hadn't left his house since he left the hotel. I was pretty sure he wasn't expecting company. I slowly slid the door shut. The small kitchen was immaculate. The lights were out in the living room. I slowly walked around the side of the room and pulled the stun gun out of my pocket.
I began down the hallway. Up ahead the bedroom was dark, except the dim blue glow from what I believed to be the television set. The door was open and I could see the foot of a bed.
"This won't be too hard," I reassured myself. True, Will was a big guy, pretty damn tall, skinny, but I was sure like most tall skinny guys he had that wiry strength that could surprise a person. Sort of like Taylor.
I leaned into the room slowly. He was asleep on the bed. The covers pulled up to his chin. The sound was almost totally down on the television set. But it caught my attention. I looked over and saw what appeared to be concert footage. I stopped, and watched. I began to realize none of what I was seeing had been released by the group or by Island. I knew it must have been bootleg video footage he made or bought. Taylor was on stage singing, covered in sweat as usual. The sound, as I had originally thought totally silent was up a bit, and you could hear Taylor singing.
A smug smile crossed my lips. This guy was in it bad. I walked over to the bed and looked down at him. He slept. I knew just by looking at him that he had been crying. I smiled. Knowing that it was all due to Taylor, and what had happened earlier. The phone was lying beside him. I guessed he had been waiting for a phone call that never came. I stifled a low chuckle. Having his phone line cut earlier in the day, I'm sure Will was upset and confused as to why Taylor had not called him.
I clicked the tazer on and squeezed the trigger slightly. The blue spark flashed and the almost loud cracking sound came out. I glanced over at Will in the sparking light. He remained asleep.
"At least there won't be a struggle," I thought to myself just as his cellular phone began to ring.
He turned over and then sat straight up in bed facing the other way, groping in the dark for his phone. I squeezed the trigger of the tazer again and lunged for him.
"Is he answering," I asked watching Taylor hold the phone to his ear. He shook his head 'no.'
"Good thing I remembered where I put it," I said as Ike walked past.
"Still no word from Will," he whispered to me.
"No, he hasn't answered his house line, and it looks like he's not answering his cell line either," I said quietly as Taylor continued to look out the window.
His eyes were swelled, his face was pale and he looked like he had just gotten back from a funeral. Deep down inside I knew he was in more pain that I thought I could ever imagine. I was pissed, pissed at Jammer, pissed at mom and dad for allowing all this to happen.
As I reached for the phone I saw the room suddenly flash with bright blue light from behind me. My ears were filled with the sound of arching electricity. I spun around in the bed to see that Jammer guy lunging towards me with one of those stung guns in his hand.
"Fuck," I screamed throwing my foot up kicking the tazer from his grasp. It flew across the room and hit the floor with a thump.
"What the hell," I yelled as he dove across the bed towards me.
Jumping back I slid out of bed and grabbed the bedpost swinging around to the other side as he slid across the bed and nearly crashed into the bedside table.
I tore out of the room, running down the hall. I didn't have a gun, or any kind of weapon. I heard him scrambling in the bedroom, stumbling towards the hallway. I jumped from left to right and dove into the kitchen. I jerked open the first drawer and saw a meat cleaver and snatched it up.
As I spun around with it in my hand. I saw his hand swing through the air slapping my wrist. The pain was shocking and my muscle released, the knife flew to the floor and slid under the stove.
I jumped forward and threw my fist into his stomach. He was fat, and the thick layer covering his stomach absorbed the impact. I heard him grunt slightly as he threw the back of his hand against my cheek. I fell back and smacked my head on the counter.
Stunned I felt myself sprawl out on the floor. I saw him press the trigger on the tazer as he stepped closer. Without thinking as he bent closer to me I took my foot and flung the refrigerator door open, it connected with his forehead sending him backwards to the floor. I had just enough time to jump up. I jumped over him and headed for the front door. I didn't care if I was naked, I had to get out of there. As I leapt over him I felt his hand catch my ankle as I crashed to the floor.
"What the fuck are you doing," I yelled ramming my heel into his face.
He didn't respond, he simply kept struggling with my right ankle. I kicked free and grabbed the front door. It was locked. I frantically yanked the chain off, turned the latch and threw it open.
Suddenly I felt a stunning sensation shoot through me. My brain seemed to scream. White spots sparkled through my vision as I felt my legs give out from under me.
I felt an arm catch me from behind. As my eyes slowly dropped closed, I saw the front door close as everything went dark.
"He didn't answer," Tay sighed as he hung up the phone.
"I'm sure there's a reason bro," I consoled him.
Fact was I couldn't imagine what it could be.
"I'm going to go find Daphne," I said standing up.
Tay didn't respond.
"You want to come," I asked hoping to tear his mind away for a moment.
"No, I'm gonna wait here," he muttered quietly.
I frowned.
"Ok dude, I'll ask her if she's heard from him," I said as I walked toward the door.
"You'll be ok right," I asked glancing back as he sat still staring out the balcony.
He didn't answer.
"Yeah ... I'll be ok," he said quietly.
I closed the door and walked down the hallway. Before I knew it I was standing in front of her hotel room door.
I raised my hand to knock, just as I did the door opened and Cristin walked right towards me. When her eyes met my hand she screamed covering her face.
"Oh my God," she yelped falling back.
"What," I heard Daphne yelling as she rushed up.
"Zac," she almost yelled when she saw me.
"He was going to hit me," Cristin whimpered.
Daphne and I both rolled our eyes.
"No, I think he was about to knock," Daph smiled.
"Her out," I muttered as she walked out and followed me down the hall.
"What's up babe," she smiled wrapping her arm around my waist. It felt so comforting. My heart swelled, but the knot in my throat lurched upward as I remembered that Taylor was once again in that gut wrenching depression again. I couldn't be happy, not with Taylor like this.
"Got bad news," I said quietly not looking at her.
"Ok," she whispered.
"We can't see each other anymore," I said my voice almost cracking..
"Come on Zac hold it together," I thought to myself.
"Huh," she muttered looking at me.
"We managed to trick Jammer, but, well he some how managed to convince mom and dad that you and Will were interfering with our work, that you were a distraction."
"I'll show him a distraction," I heard her mutter as she looked out through the window in front of us.
"There's more, Daph, like I mean I," I tried to say it, I couldn't yet.
"Zac, I know," she said quietly.
"There's another thing," I said trying to ignore the urge to wrap my arms around her. Right now wasn't the time.
"Uh, ok."
"Have you heard from Will," I asked. She seemed confused.
"Uh, no, should I?"
"Taylor has been trying to reach him all day, on the house line, on the cell phone, there's no answer."
"Does Taylor have a block on his cell, like a private listing," she asked.
"Yeah," I said quietly.
"Then he couldn't have called Will's house, Will has an anonymous call rejection thing, you have to unblock your number to call him."
"Oh, yeah, Tay said that, I forgot."
"Then Will's caller ID would have said," she asked waiting.
"Uh, Taylor Hanson, I guess, or our Dads name, I think," I thought to myself.
"Then something is wrong," she said suddenly.
"What," I asked slightly caught off guard.
"If Taylor called Will's house, and his cell phone, and the ID wasn't blocked, and
Will had seen his ID he would have picked up," Daph said as we walked quickly back to her room.
"Meaning," I asked worried.
"Will isn't home, and he doesn't have his cell."
"That's not unusual, sometimes," I started.
"No, Will never leaves without his cell phone, it's like a third leg, an eleventh finger, he never leaves home without it."
I tried not to snicker, but for some reason that comment struck me as funny.
She opened the door and I followed her in.
"Hi Zac," Amber said as I followed Daphne in.
"Hey Amber," I said quietly trying to make it appear I didn't want to talk.
"So," she started.
I winced, "Great here comes commentary from the worlds smartest girl," I thought to myself.
"Not now Amber," I said quietly.
"Oh, ok," she said meekly as she sat back against the headboard.
Daph picked up her cell phone and punched a few buttons.
For a skinny stick of a guy he was heavy. I drug him into the living room and flopped him down on the sofa. I glanced at his naked body and wondered what Taylor saw in him. I wasn't gay, and I wasn't even slightly curious. Looking at him naked, I couldn't even begin to understand what it was about him that had Taylor in such awe of him.
I walked back to the bedroom to grab some cloths. I rummaged through his dresser and grabbed some socks. I snatched a shirt off the rack in his closet. I stopped momentarily. The way he had his wardrobe hung and situated it almost gave me the chills. It was like being in Taylor's closet.
I grabbed a pair of shorts off the back of the top shelf in the closet and a long sleeve shirt.
I heard the cell phone ringing on the floor beside the bed and picked it up.
"Ah, Daphne," I muttered as I saw the ID.
I clicked the end button, turned the phone off and slid it in my pocket.
"Ok, time to get you dressed," I said out loud as I rolled him onto his back.
"Whoa, ok," I hadn't noticed that before. It made me think.
"Maybe Tay is a size queen," I laughed out loud as I pulled the shorts up over and snapped them.
I threw him up over my shoulder and pulled the back door open. After turning the lock I slid it shut.
"Walker," I said as I pulled out into the street. I glanced over Will was still fast asleep. The tazer shock had really sent him for a loop. The longer the better.
"Yeah," he replied over the static on the phone.
"I've been called out until sometime tomorrow night or the next morning, make sure the guys are on schedule, I'll call in the afternoon to check up, they've got an interview and they have to be in the studio supervising the mixing by three in the afternoon," I said.
"I know this," I heard Walker reply with a weary voice. I almost asked what the problem was, but knew better. Otherwise I'd actually have to hear his answer, and I wasn't in the mood. I hung up the phone and pulled out onto the freeway.
"This is so odd," Daph said quietly looking at her phone.
"Huh," I asked sitting down beside her.
"Ok, the first call, it rang about three times, then it went to his voice mail, the second call went directly to voice mail."
"Which means," I asked.
"His voice mail picks up on five rings, it picked up on three, and then went right to it when I called back, which means he's avoiding me."
"Has he done that before," I asked.
"Never," she said looking worried.
"Tell Cristin I'll be back," Daph said as we stood up.
"Daphne, no, listen wait ok, you know we have lots to do tomorrow," Amber started.
Cristin walked out of the bathroom.
"You're not going out," she half asked, half told.
"Yes, I am," Daph said stopping short.
"No," Cristin said suddenly.
"Pardon me," Daph said looking over at her.
I glanced over. Amber had jumped up behind Cristin and crossed her arms.
"Something is wrong," Daph said as she walked toward the door.
"Yeah, you're ditching us, again," Amber said.
"Why don't you just shut the hell up," Daphne snapped.
"Uh, ok you just," Cristin started as she walked across the room.
"Why can't you just lay off of her? I swear! You know I'd almost think you were jealous because she has a friend and you two don't," I snapped.
"What is that supposed to mean," Cristin said giving me the most evil look I think I had ever seen.
"Nothing just lay off ok, I'll be back in a little bit," Daph said pulling me out the door before I could reply.
"I swear, sometimes I could just deck both of them and go solo," Daph said as we walked down the hallway.
"Sometimes," I asked with a laugh.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so they can both be bitches, but," Daphne started.
"But nothing! You shouldn't have to take shit off of them; I don't care how good they sound when they sing. That sure as hell doesn't excuse their bad attitudes," I growled as we got on the elevator.
"I know, but, hey ... Okay, let's focus on what the problem is," Daph said suddenly.
"Uh," I stuttered suddenly confused.
"Hello, the problem is Will. What's happened to him," she said reminding me.
"Oh yeah," I said remembering as the elevator doors rolled open.
"Zac," Ike yelled as he ran up, the hall was full of our people rushing back and forth.
"Whoa, yeah, what," I asked suddenly.
"Tay is gone," he said out of breath.
"Gone, gone where," I asked suddenly very nervous.
"I don't know, mom and dad don't know, he left his cell phone here, he didn't pack anything," Ike said looking frantic.
"Where is Jammer?" I asked, really not wanting to know.
"Dad said he had to leave that he'd be back tomorrow or something, Zac listen do you have any idea where Taylor might have gone?"
"Dude, no clue, I left just a little while ago to tell Daph what was up and why we couldn't hang out anymore," I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist.
"This is deep man, Taylor's run off before, but he's never just left, like this," Ike said as we walked into the room.
He wasn't kidding either. Taylor had packed no cloths, his jacket was still draped over the chair. His cell phone was on the table. I started to mention that Will was missing too but something told me to stay quiet. I looked at Daphne. She glanced at me and had this strange look in her eye. Then she winked and nudged me to the corner of the room.
"I think I know where he is," she said quietly.
"Where," I asked, yet as I asked the look in her eyes told me.
"Do you have a car?" I asked.
"We can take the rental Amber reserved," she whispered.
"Ike, we're gonna go out and look for Tay outside, I've got my cell if you need me call me," I yelled as we walked out the door into the hallway.
"Zac, I, er, hello Daphne," Dad said walking up.
"Dad," I started to defend her.
"It's ok, we need all the help we can get," he said suddenly.
"We're gonna go look outside," I said.
"Good, I already checked the roof, he's not their either," Dad said with a tired look on his face.
"Dad, it's gonna be ok, we'll find him," I said giving him a hug.
"I know, it's just so much seems so out of place, it's like pieces are missing," he said rubbing his forehead.
Deep inside I knew exactly what he meant.
"You'll drive, I can't remember all the directions to get to Wills house," I said as we approached the car.
She smiled at me as we got in.
"You're pretty sure of yourself," I smiled as she started the car.
"Yup, if there's one thing I know, is Will, and Will is almost identical to Taylor, and if Will were in Tay's place, he'd be at Tay's house," she smiled.
"I hope you're right," I said looking out the window.
"I think we'll walk in and find them both snuggled up asleep on the sofa," she grinned.
"Again, I hope you're right," I replied. Somewhere though, I knew, I just knew it wasn't going to be that easy.
On to Chapter Sixteen
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