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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Thirty-Six Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Thirty-Five On the Book Five Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"As you know we can't explain why this was done, or what the anticipated outcome was," Fox started.
I glanced over at Taylor. I had so many things to say to him. I just didn't know how to go about it yet.
"The point of this final meeting is this," Dana said turning to me and Taylor.
"Apparently you two were the main focus of this entire mess," she started.
For some reason I felt bad.
"Which is entirely not your fault, in fact you two have proven something that poets and dreamers have tried to say for centuries, I'm not about to give it away. I'll leave it to you two to figure out, however I have good news," she smiled.
We all glanced at one another then back at her.
"The MAST is under preparations to be deconstructed today, but first, Taylor, Will, I have to ask you one final question."
Tay glanced at me, then at Dana.
"As of now, the world does not know you two exist as a couple. 'Taylor and Will' are strangers to everyone except those whom were allowed to know in the past three months."
I nodded glancing at Taylor.
"Yes, we know," he replied.
"As you both now realize you have memory of both the original past between you, and the alternate past created by the MAST."
I sat, confused trying to figure out where this was going.
"This is my question, do you wish the rest of the world, to once again know about your union?"
"Meaning," Taylor started and then paused to look at Dana.
"Meaning, if you wish, you two can continue privately, without public knowledge," she replied.
"You mean, we can choose to go back to living the life we had before, where everyone knew we were a couple, or continue forward from here, knowing that we still have a choice on how we wish to present ourselves," I asked.
"Yes, you have the ability to recapture something so many people can't, privacy."
I glanced at Taylor, looking into his eyes I knew we needed to think this out.
"Can you give us a few moments?" I asked.
"Of course," she smiled.
"Well," he asked as we sat down on the roof.
I looked at him. So many things were bubbling through me. So many emotions, so many thoughts and things I felt I needed to say. He smiled, his beautiful green, honey tinged eyes sparkling at me. I leaned in and kissed him.
"You've got your ambiguity back," he smiled.
I blushed and looked down.
"I know that was always something you were known for," he grinned.
"You've got back the 'are you a cousin,' line at all the concerts in the future," I laughed leaning against him.
"Yeah, but no one remembers us on TRL, no one remembers," he started.
"Will," I said quietly cutting him off.
"Yes," he sighed quietly looking at me.
"We do."
"That's all that matters," I smiled at him.
"You're right," he grinned.
"So we keep it this way, until we decide how we want people to know," he asked.
"Right, on our terms," I smiled.
I leaned in and kissed him. My mind spun, my heart raced, my soul sang.
"Clarke Caleb Hanson," Ike smiled at me.
"It sounds so sweet," I smiled.
"I'm surprised you're not fighting me on it," he grinned.
"Well, it feels right, he looks like a Clarke Caleb," I smiled.
"He looks more like a bald swollen puppy," Ike chuckled.
"Aww, but he's our bald swollen puppy," I cooed rubbing my nose on Caleb's head.
"Yup," he smiled.
"Do you feel like an old fogy?" I asked realizing how we were acting.
"Naw, you never saw mom and dad when Zoë was born; they were real fogies," he laughed.
"Hey, I got a question," I asked.
"How did Patricia remember Will when none of us did when we first saw him?"
"Yeah, I wondered that too, I found out, Jammer fired her and changed management companies, she left to work with a group in England and hadn't watched any American television, she got back only three days ago," he explained.
"And she heard we were gonna be at the White House ... "
"Yeah, and wanted to stop by and see us for a little bit."
"Thank God for her, otherwise," I started.
"Let's not think about what might have happened," he cut me off.
"Yeah, so, do you think they'll decide to let everyone know again?"
"Nope, I know Taylor, this is his chance to get Will back to himself again," he smiled.
"You know, all this explains why we all accepted Will so easily, our subconscious minds already knew him."
"Listen to you, Miss Psychology 101," he laughed.
"Uh oh, I think someone needs a diaper change," I exclaimed as one of the most foul odors seemed to rise up from underneath the bundle of blankets.
"Good God," Ike yelped as he jerked his head back.
"Aww," I laughed.
"How could something so sweet make something so ... " he searched for the word.
"Just get the diaper bag ok," I shook my head.
He sat there for a moment, it looked like he was still trying to find something funny to say.
"Hey, nerd, it's over, and the smell is getting worse. Get the diaper bag," I laughed swatting at him.
He laughed and got up. I watched him retrieve the bag. My heart raced, I knew this was going to be something special. My Isaac, my Caleb, my own little family.
"So, when are you leaving?"
"Sometime tomorrow, we, well, they decided to go with 'N Sync," I replied.
"That's great, it will be good exposure for you," he muttered quietly.
"Zac, come on you know," I started.
"Naw, it's just I wish you could stay longer," he lied.
"Zac, I know you better than that, you don't have to worry," I tried to say again.
"Finally everything makes sense and you're going to be gone again," he sighed.
"Come here," I smiled pulling him against me.
"We're only opening for ten shows, I'll be finished just before Christmas."
He didn't reply. He just stared off at the sky.
"Zac, I'm yours ok, if you'll have me," I smiled.
"You know how difficult it will be," he started.
"It's all worth it."
"People will hound you, and ask you questions."
"And I'll tell them whatever you want me to tell them."
"What if I don't want you to tell anyone?"
I got quiet. I understood the entire image level of the situation. But I felt, if he wanted me to be his exclusively...
"I'm not saying I don't want you too," he replied to my silence.
"What are you saying then," I asked him as he turned to me.
"Lets keep it on the 'no comment' line, that always pisses people off."
I grinned. That was my Zac, always trying to find a way to keep people annoyed.
"If that's what you want," I grinned.
"Actually what I want," he laughed as he leaned in close.
"You're horrible," I laughed out loud.
I pushed him back and looked at him.
"I," I stuttered.
"I know, I do too," he smiled sweetly.
As we kissed I was sure the angels in heaven were giving each other high fives.
After all this time we finally were committing. I never thought commitment would feel this good.
"Will, did you get what Dana was talking about?" I asked sitting back.
"You know how she said we've proven something poets and dreamers have been trying to say for centuries," I sighed quietly.
"Oh, yeah, I got it," he smiled at me.
"That true love prevails and beats all odds, right?"
"Yup, and you know something, another thing that we used to ask ourselves has been answered."
"What's that?" I asked as it dawned on me.
"We now have proof, that we would have fallen in love even if we had been brought together on non-disastrous terms," he smiled.
My eyes grew wide as I realized finally.
Tears welled up in my eyes as my heart jumped into my throat. I hugged him close, it was amazing, finally understanding everything we had from the start. No more confusion, the flashes were gone. A constant solid memory of everything we ever had was in it's place.
Understanding that love, could never be broken, never be stopped and never be ignored. I held his face, and looked into his beautiful green eyes and truly began to cherish what we had now. Living in a world, where we had each other. To ourselves, yet again the secret lovers we once were.
Living in a world where our lives could continue unchanged. Experiencing each other all over again, with nothing to hold us back as the rest of the world moved on unknowing. Where our future had endless possibilities, unbounded love and beaming happiness. All because of the memories, the memories of a forgotten past...
The End
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