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"Journey into Obilivion" by Taylor Quest Chapter One Book 6 in The Story in Your Eyes Series On to Chapter Two Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Incomplete Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Will sighed as he made his way to The Surf, a nice little restaurant, just around the corner from his condo. Daphne had loved this place. He smiled remembering when Daph used to worry about her band and complain that she was fat and ugly. Now everywhere you went there was some guy or girl talking about how gorgeous she was. Of course soon his thoughts of Daphne drifted to Zac and then inevitably to Taylor and ... That One.
"Will," the beautiful voice rang out. Will froze. He hadn't heard that voice since the movie had wrapped up a week and a half ago. He gulped and turned around. Sure enough there standing before him was one of the most beautiful people in the world.
"Love ... " he whispered.
"You look great," Jennifer Love Hewitt said with her warm smile, "Were you going to get something to eat?"
"Yeah, how about you," he asked.
"Yeah, I was actually."
She giggled.
"What?" he asked.
"Oh, I was just thinking that it was - It's really nice to see you again."
"It's nice to see you, too."
Love commented, "You know it's funny, I was so sure that I wasn't going to get to see you until we started doing press for the film."
"Same here," Will agreed, adding, "You know you were the last person that I had on my mind, but now that you're here before me I don't know why you weren't the first," Will said.
"How come?" Love asked.
"Because just seeing you smile, hearing your voice, your laugh ... It makes me feel a lot better than I've been feeling lately," Will confided.
"Really," she replied with her signature smile.
"Yeah, you look great."
"Too bad I don't feel it," Love retorted.
"What's wrong," Will asked concerned.
"Oh, nothing just broke up with Mike. You know how that is ... " she whispered her eyes looking a little sad.
"Yeah, unfortunately," Will muttered, "but hey, if my opinion means anything the guy was a total jerk and he definitely didn't deserve you, and heck, I would know a lot about not deserving someone ... "
Love put her hand on Will's shoulder and whispered, "You know for what it's worth after seeing the way you both held on to each other after the Big One, I really thought that you guys were going to be together forever."
"Yeah, well, everything changes," Will replied.
"Yes, but love lasts forever. Sure it changes, but not in a bad way ... It keeps on growing until it's just - He was a fool to let you go," Love whispered.
"Thanks," Will told her as they embraced a tear squeezing from his eye as his mind flashed back the first time he had ever seen her in person.
The vague blurry memory of pulling her out of the rubble of the Beverly Hills Hotel, Taylor beside him, it all gave him a lump in the throat. He swallowed.
Daphne sprung up in bed sweat glistening over her naked body. She threw on her robe and ran out of the room. Cristin and Amber just stared at her funny as she ran down the staircase and into the living room. Daphne began to search the room.
"Are you -" Amber started, adjusting her shirt.
"Yes, yes. I'm naked under this robe," Daph informed them, "But you can't see anything so don't freak."
"No one's freaking," Amber exclaimed a little too eagerly.
"When did you start sleeping naked?" Cristin asked curiously, edging away from Amber on the couch.
Daphne ignored the question not wanting to tell her band mates that she became used to sleeping naked with Zac, and now that they weren't together, well, sleeping naked was the only way Daph could get to sleep.
"Get up," Daph commanded.
"Ooo, demanding," Amber giggled.
"Huh," Daphne asked, "are you feeling alright?"
"She's been drinking," Cristin laughed, smacking Amber in the arm.
"Rrrriiiiiigggghhhhtttt," Daph replied as she began to tear apart the couch.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Amber questioned, as Daphne bent over the back of the couch.
"Where's my cell phone?" Daph asked frantically.
"Uh, I don't know," Cristin replied reaching for the phone beside her, "But calm down, Daph. We can just call it and find it."
"No, no. Someone's already calling it," Daphne sobbed frantically trying to think as she pushed her fingers halfway through her hair.
"What?" Amber asked confused.
Cristin jumped up and whispered, "Don't ask. Just find it."
The two of them started looking around them exchanging looks that clearly said, 'We need to get Daph some psychiatric help.' Daphne's eyes landed on the door to the garage and basement. She threw open the door and ran downstairs past their cars and through the next door. She raced down the hallway and into the studio. Sure enough right by her new drums was her cell. Daph picked it up. The face read, '3 Missed Calls.' It started ringing again. It read 'ANONYMOUS' on the caller ID, but Daphne knew who it was.
"Zac," Daphne whispered as she answered the phone.
"Daphy ... I tried calling the apartment in New York, and your aunt said that you had moved back with your parents, so I called there, but the number was disconnected."
"Yeah, we had to change our number because too many fans were calling, and my family was beginning to get annoyed."
"So you are living with your parents," Zac interrupted.
"Well, yes, but not at the house you're probably thinking of. Our company actually set Freezer Burn up with our own house, so that we could put the finishing touches on the album, and be away from the house that the public knew of. Unfortunately, my family decided that was a great idea for ALL of us, so they came with us to the new place. So as if I don't have enough stress to deal with, I have to deal with my lovely and supportive family."
Zac groaned asking, "Your whole family?"
"My mom, my two brothers, and my dad ... oh, not to mention, the tons of people that are always over here because they invited them over to meet us. I swear it's like Osbournes only it's more sad than funny, and we're unfortunately not getting paid."
"I - I'm sorry to hear that, Daph. I wish there was something I could do," Zac whispered.
"Are you okay, Zac?"
"You know the answer to that, Daph."
"Well I'm here to talk."
"We're in New York," he informed her.
"Oh? That's great," Daph replied trying to hide her enthusiasm.
"I was hoping we could get together."
"Sure, when?"
"Zac ... I don't know. It's late."
"Daphne, I'm having nightmares. I can't sleep. My family is falling apart. I have no one to talk to. You've got to understand that."
Daphne sighed and then began to tell Zac that they could meet at the park down the street from her old house. She gave him detailed directions.
"Why can't I just come over?" Zac asked.
"Because it's not just my place, I share it with Amber, Cristin, and my family. It's late, and they'll probably all be asleep by the time you get here. Plus I don't want anyone spying on us. Trust me, the old park will be empty."
"Okay, that's fine. I'm on my way, ok, Daph?"
"I'll see you soon, Daph."
"Can't wait, Zac."
"Will, don't look now," Love whispered, "but those people over there are staring at us."
"Love," Will replied in a low voice as he leaned towards her, "Everyone is staring at us."
"Oh, goodness. Do you think that it's because we're famous," Love questioned.
"That or perhaps they've seen those lovely pictures of me in my underwear and wonder if I'm really that hung," Will whispered.
Love smiled, replying, "Ooo, and I'm hanging out with you. You know what they're thinking? That's Jennifer Love Hewitt with that sexy underwear model; he's probably her booty call. That Jennifer Love Hewitt, she's so nasty!!"
"What am I doing?" Daphne asked herself as she threw on some clothes.
"Daph," Cristin called out from behind her.
"Yeah," Daph replied not turning around as she pulled on her leather coat.
"Where are you off too?" Amber asked crossing her arms.
"I'm going to see a friend," she answered adjusting the coat's collar.
"At eleven o'clock?" Amber continued.
"Yes, at eleven o'clock. Forgive me for not wanting to bring anyone over here. I didn't want anyone to interrupt your ... drinking."
Cristin rubbed her eyes and calmly questioned in a soft voice, "When will you be back?"
"I won't be gone long," Daphne assured them applying some lip gloss.
"Wait," Amber shrieked, "she's applying makeup!"
"Um, it's just foundation and lip gloss, and 'she,' as you so kindly put, is still in the room," Daphne snapped.
"YOU'RE GOING TO SEE ZAC," Amber almost screamed.
"Uh, yeah," Daph replied pushing by them.
Cristin and Amber rushed after her.
"DAPHNE," Cristin cried out.
Daphne stopped and turned towards them.
"Don't do anything stupid," Cristin began.
"Like make-out with his lame-ass," Amber snapped.
Cristin rolled her eyes and continued, "He hurt you, Daphne. He's not worth it. I can't even begin to understand why you are going out of your way to see him."
Daphne stared at her friends and sighed.
"I know you want to protect me, but I'm not a little girl ... compared to you guys, I never was. Cris, you're only older than me by a couple of months, and you are the oldest member, so for once, will the two of you just chill out?"
Daphne swiveled around trying hard to hide the grin that was forming at the corners of her mouth after seeing their mouths drop open.
"Will, Tay, Zac ... hell, everyone who was not in love with those two would be so proud of me," Daph thought as she marched out of the house.
"Great night," Will whispered as they strolled the beach.
"Yeah, I love beaches ... " Love stated.
"Me too," Will whispered.
"The sound of the water is just so calming, especially at night when you don't have to worry about the -"
"Loud birds," Will interrupted her.
Love giggled pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, replying, "Actually I was thinking about all the noisy, nosey people, but birds work."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, you probably think I'm an idiot."
"No, not at all Will. I've always thought you were a sweetheart ... In fact, out of all the people I've worked with, you're, really one of my favorites," Love whispered.
"Would I lie to you?" she asked in mock shock.
"I don't see what it would get you," Will commented.
"Well, maybe a smile, but I don't need to lie to you to see you smile. You are so incredibly talented. You are going to be an extremely huge star one day, not just a pretty face."
"I hope so. Not that I'm complaining about being a CK model, but people don't associate brains or pure talent with models. Models to people are just brainless people who get paid to look good, and I'm more than that or at least I'd like to think so."
"Well this new movie will definitely prove to the world that you can act too," Love assured him. "Oh, you know who I heard was in town?!"
"Who?" Will asked.
"ASHTON KUTCHER," Love exclaimed.
"Really? Cool."
"Yeah," Love asked, "Ashton and you are friends, aren't you?"
"We're pretty close," Will replied with a smirk.
"Oh, he is just so - ah - well ... Now look who's the idiot," she giggled putting a hand to her forehead.
Will looked at Love and how she was simply glowing. He smiled a knowing smile.
"Wait, you don't have a thing for Ashton, do you?"
"No," Love answered smiling, "well ... yeah, a little crush I guess you could say. He is so cute."
"Yeah, he is pretty cute," Will agreed.
"You know who else is cute?" she asked.
Will's eyes felt like they were about to pop out of his head. He blushed and looked away.
"Wow, um, I, the moon is beautiful tonight," Will mumbled.
The two of them stared up at the night sky in an awkward silence admiring the beautiful full moon.
"Will, did I say something wrong?" she asked.
"No, Love, I ... "
Will paused. He didn't know what to say, but he was sick of living alone just because he was afraid, afraid that he would love and get hurt yet again. Afraid that Taylor would one day come back and find that he had moved on. He looked at Jennifer Love Hewitt. What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn't the one who knocked some girl up and left without even an explanation. For the past five months he hadn't sat there feeling like his life was a living nightmare.
"I'm sorry, Will," Love began.
Her apology was quickly silenced by Will's kiss. The moonlight shone brilliantly down on the young brunette couple; the same moon light, that at the same time was shining brilliantly over New York, Freezer Burn, and the Hansons.
Taylor walked away from the window. Staring at the moon at the moment was making him ill, and he didn't know why. He glanced around the room. He used to love staying at this hotel, and now he wished he could be anywhere but here. The fans knew about this hotel, and he didn't want to run into any fans. He didn't want to run into any of his friends in New York, either. He didn't want to run into anyone. Taylor wanted to crawl under a rock and just shrivel away. Why couldn't he be just a regular guy? It would make all of this so much easier, especially the getting out of it part, if he even had the guts to get out of it now. He took off his shirt and noticed the moon shining in the mirror in front of him. Taylor frowned again and threw his shirt over the mirror.
"That's better," he thought to himself.
Yet, even though the moon was hidden for the moment, the ill feeling kept growing.
Zac watched in awe as Daphne got out of her SUV and made her way over to his van. He couldn't believe how incredibly beautiful she looked in the moonlight. Zac opened the door and jumped out the van.
"DC ... " Zac whispered as they stood before each other.
"Space boy ... " Daph replied.
Zac smiled as he brought her into his arms for a hug.
Will and Love found themselves rolling around and making out in the sand.
Love moved her hands all over Will. She had wanted to touch him like this ever since she first saw him. He was so gorgeous with his dark hair, green eyes, and amazing body. His hands brushed over her chest, and she let out a moan. A moan that was quickly silenced by a penetrating kiss.
"I don't usually do this," she whispered, "in fact I've never done anything quite like this except for in a few movies, but they are just ... movies, so it wasn't like ... I, um, um ... oh my ... "
'Oh gosh, she rambles like Daphne," Will thought as he sucked on her neck.
Taylor sighed laying his head back against the headboard.
"What's the matter, sweetie?" he heard Anthea ask. He glanced over and smiled a weak smile.
"I guess I'm just nervous," he commented.
"Nervous?" she questioned.
"Yeah," Tay said scratching his head.
"About our appearance at the award show tomorrow? Because if that's the case - don't worry, I can look extremely happy with you, and you can just feed off my energy."
"How romantic, Thea, but actually that's not what has me so nervous and ill-feeling ... "
"Mind if I ask what has you so nervous?" Anthea pried.
"Well I'm not really sure. I guess it's because we're in New York, and ... TRL is right down the street, and never mind."
"If this is about him again then just stop right there. Taylor, you are married to me. Do you understand that? God, you make me so angry! Face it, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life whether you like it or not ... unless of course you want to go against your family, your religion and God. What will your younger siblings think? They've always looked up to you, and then you do one of the things they've heard is so wrong - get a divorce."
"ANTHEA, IF YOU WEREN'T PREGNANT," Taylor began to yell.
"OW," Anthea screamed clutching her stomach.
"What's the matter?" Taylor said his tone of voice changing.
"My stomach it hurts ... "
"Do we have to go to the hospital?" Tay asked.
"No, no. It's calming down. I just think ... I don't think the baby likes to hear us argue," Anthea whispered.
"I'm sorry, Anthea," Taylor cried hugging her.
"It's alright, Taylor. I forgive you," Anthea replied.
Taylor hugged her as he began to cry. Tay didn't want to hate anyone, especially not the woman who was possibly carrying his child. He held her closer. Anthea smiled a chilling smile, as Taylor buried his head into her shoulder and sobbed.
'My plan worked better than I could have imagined,' she thought to herself, 'I guess I should fake pain more often.'
Taylor closed his eyes and felt his brain searching for ways out. Deep down he knew the person he was holding right now was the very person who was making his life hell. He had to get out, some how. Even if it meant destroying his own image. It had gotten to the point where he didn't care anymore, he couldn't imagine what else he could do that would let his fans down anymore than they already were.
Will stopped kissing Love and rolled off of her into the cool sand.
"What? What is it?" she asked sitting up.
"I just feel like I want to cry right now," Will whispered confused.
"Did I do something wrong?" Love asked concerned.
"No, no. Please don't think that. You're fine. It's just me. I guess I'm still a bit down about Tay ... "
"Well in that case," Love said with a cute, yet devilish grin, "I'll just have to help your mind focus on other things."
"No," Will whispered closing his eyes.
"William," she whispered softly as he opened his eyes.
She knew what was going through his mind, and she knew that if he wasn't pushed over the line he would never cross it.
Love began to remove the little black dress she was wearing to reveal sexy, lacy pale pink lingerie. Will's mouth began to water. Love climbed on top and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Will breathed in and out slowly, his mind frantically trying to process the scene.
"How far am I going to let this go?" he asked himself over and over again.
"WOOHOO," Daph cried out as she climbed into the back, "I missed this old van."
"Yep, it missed you too. That's why I insisted I drive it all the way up to New York instead of flying. My parents were less than thrilled until Ike convinced them that it would probably allow me to burn off some steam before it was time for me to go on TV and pretend that I am so happy for Tay and That One. I don't think it even crossed their minds that I may go and see you. They think you and I are ancient history."
"Yeah, well, that's good, I guess," Daph said with a forced weak smile before asking, "How are Ike and Shiye doing?"
"Well at least they're still married," Zac mumbled.
Daph's eyes grew wide as she shrieked, "Eeek, not too good, huh?"
"They've just both been under a lot of strain, but don't get me wrong or anything - they are both very much in love. Though I heard that they haven't had sex in a while ... "
"I'm sure that won't last very long though," she assured him.
"Yeah, hopefully not. Not that I really enjoyed hearing about them making love or anything, but ... I want my older brothers to be happy, you know? I want all of my siblings to be happy, well, except for That One, but she's not a part of the family as far as I'm concerned."
"I know," Daph replied blowing air slowly out of her mouth.
"Enough about that though, so what's it like being signed - finally?!"
"I don't know. It's weird not having a part-time job anymore. You know back when we had to have jobs on top of our band in order to pay bills and get things."
"Yeah, I never had to do that," he teased.
"You may soon if your next album flunks," Daph joked.
"Oooo, you're harsh."
"You know I'm just kidding. If I have to buy all the copies of your new album I can find in order to keep you guys afloat during this tough time, I will."
"Well don't get your wallet out too soon because our next album isn't coming out for a while," Zac grumbled.
"Why's that? You guys were nearly finished before all of this happened!"
"Exactly, and I for one do not want that stupid bitch to have any claims on the money we are going to make from the album. It's one thing to have Shiye split Ike's share of the cash, but that's Shiye. She rocks. She's Ike's goddess, not his succubus," he snapped.
"So what are you guys going to do then?! You are going to release the album, right," Daph cried in disbelief.
"Yeah, but not for another," Zac grew quiet. Then he continued. "Tay's going to try to get out of this marriage. Taylor WILL get out of this marriage."
"Well I hope so if that will make all of you happy ... "
"It's hard for all of us to be happy right now," Zac confessed.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Daph whispered.
"So what else is new?" Zac asked, trying to change the subject.
"Um, as I was saying earlier our company set us up with a new house in New York, so that we could be alone to focus on our music while we record. Unfortunately, my family doesn't know the meaning of the word 'alone.'"
"Show me the meaning of being a-lone," Zac sang mocking the Backstreet Boy's old hit.
Daphne laughed making Zac's heart skip a beat. He smiled.
"I know what it's like to have the family there. It's not so bad at first. Hell, at first it's even comforting, but then -" Zac said.
"It all goes downhill," Daph finished.
"Yeah, soon your once supportive family becomes the very thing that in many aspects is holding you back," Zac commented.
"At least it's just my family," Daph whispered.
"Rrriiiggghhhttt, 'cause your family is so much better than the other girls' families."
"Hey, we all have dysfunctional families that's for sure, but I at least know how to deal with mine," Daph told him.
"Well I'm glad that someone knows how to deal with their dysfunctional family," Zac mumbled.
"Yeah ... Oh, and then I'm going to be in a movie."
"A movie? Seriously," Zac asked, so ready to see Daph on the big screen.
"Yeah, it's just a little cameo that this director guy put in his film for Freezer Burn."
"Oh, how the heck are you going to be able to act like yourself," Zac kidded.
"Well, Zac, you know I'm an amazing actress."
"Of course. You know I've been doing a lot of amazing things lately too ... " Zac said his voice trailing off.
"Really," Daphne asked as her bangs fell into her eyes.
"No, not really. I've pretty much spent these past few months missing you - a lot," Zac whispered pushing her bangs back out of her eyes. Zac couldn't believe he just had the nerve to say that, but the look on her face was reward enough.
"I've missed you too," Daph confessed, breaking the slightly awkward silence, as she put her hand on his knee.
Shiye couldn't believe it. Isaac and her were actually alone in a bedroom, a hotel bedroom. Shiye was relieved that Mom (Mrs. Hanson) had agreed to watch Caleb for the night. She searched through her luggage and found the light pink bag. She opened it a smile appearing on her face. Shiye pulled out the sexy hunter green bra and crotchless panties. Shiye couldn't wait to see her Kermie's eyes pop out of his head.
She changed quietly watching Isaac sleeping in the big comfy hotel room bed. Shiye quickly checked herself in the mirror, and after tousling her hair a bit she made her way over to him.
"Isaac," Shiye whispered into his ear.
"Hmm," Ike mumbled sleepily turning over to face her.
"I have a present for you."
Isaac's vision cleared as he focused on Shiye. He couldn't believe his eyes.
"SHIYE, WHA - WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?! ARE YOU COLD? HERE ... " Ike said getting up to wrap some blankets around her.
"Isaac, what the hell is WRONG WITH YOU?" Shiye snapped moving away.
"What do you mean?"
"Shiye -" Isaac whispered reaching out for her.
"Do you still find me attractive?" Shiye asked.
"Of course, I do. Shiye you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and known. I love you so much. Just right now things are crazy because of ... "
"Because of Taylor, Zac, Daphne, Will, and your parents," Shiye finished.
"Yeah," Isaac mumbled running his fingers through his hair.
"Well I knew you would always be the older brother even to Will and Daph who aren't even your siblings, but I also thought you would be a man," Shiye replied.
"You heard me. You have a freakin' ten o'clock curfew now thanks to your parents, Isaac. That's not normal for a married man or even a single man at your age!!"
"Honey, I'm just trying to be respectful. They've been worried lately."
"Worried about what?! That you're going to go out and knock up some girl!? If that were really the case then you'd think they'd want to keep you away from home and me, THE GIRL YOU KNOCKED UP!"
"Shiye ... "
"No, listen to me, Ike. What your parents are doing is wrong - it's more than wrong! They let Tay be forced into marrying that stupid bitch; they have all of us pretending that everything is just fine! They have us under twenty-four-hour surveillance. They won't let Zac see Daphne. They won't let Daphne see Zac. They won't let Taylor even try to explain things to Will or any of his friends that they don't have under their control. They've sent out press kits containing false information about the wedding and Taylor and Anthea's relationship. We all know that you NEVER introduced them, and we all know that they were not dating secretly for a few years before they decided to tie the knot. What your parents are doing is a bigger sin than any one of ours combined, and for once in my life I am truly sad that I ever married into this hypocritical, two-faced family. Your family isn't overly religious, Isaac; they are overly evil!!!!"
Shiye was fuming. Isaac sighed.
"Shiye, you don't really mean that."
"Oh, I mean it!"
"Not all of it, honey, especially not the last part," Isaac continued, "I know that my family is not perfect, trust me, but my parents truly believe that what they are doing is right, and I am not one to go against them. Plus, they're unhappy with this situation as well; it's not like when you and I got together."
Isaac sighed before continuing, "Shiye, I will stand by my family no matter what, just like I would stand by you even if I knew you were wrong."
"Then why aren't you standing by your brothers?! I know you love your parents, but how would you feel if they turned around and said that you could no longer be with me."
"Well, well, I, I," Ike stuttered.
"Would you listen to them?"
"No, of course not!"
"Would you expect Taylor and Zac, at least, to stand by you?"
Isaac froze.
"Yes," he finally answered.
"So what about you, the band, and your family? How's all that doing?"
"It really sucks. I don't like to talk about it. Taylor is just ... My parents are just ... It's hell on earth. Even Ike and Shiye are strained ... Shiye isn't happy about Ike being like my parents' little puppet. He does whatever they ask him to do, and my parents ... I just wish they'd stop all of this. Things have just gotten worse since everyone learned about Tay and Anthea's marriage, and they are trying to get Taylor to say things like, 'This wedding was everything we ever dreamed of. It was so romantic.' Romantic, my ass! All of the guests at that wedding had twenty-four hours to get there, and as for Taylor's friends - ha, Tay didn't want any of his friends at that wedding. The wedding wasn't in Tulsa, and Tay made sure to only invite the friends that he knew couldn't afford a twenty-four hour notice plane ticket, and didn't invite any of his friends with either the dough or that lived in the area. You see everyone hates Anthea, especially Taylor's friends, and they would have stood up and screamed, 'I OBJECT' or 'STOP' anything ... They wouldn't have just stood there ... like me."
"You can't blame yourself, Zac. Everything happens for a reason ... "
"You know I'm sick of hearing that bullshit! There isn't any reason to anything that's been happening; how could there be?! My family is falling apart. My band is about to crumble, and our fan base is deteriorating because they feel betrayed - LIKE WE CAN ACTUALLY TELL THEM WHAT HAPPENED," Zac yelled.
"Right," Daph snapped, "so you just leave it up to your clueless friends to try to explain, and your fans to speculate - ha, as always."
"Our friends are trying to explain, huh? I never heard you even speak my name since my parents told you the 'No comment' rule. If you feel so passionate about everything then maybe you should go on TV and open that mouth about me. What are you afraid of? My parents breaking us up?!"
There was an awkward silence as they both bit their lips. Neither of them wanted to fight.
"So you've been having a lot of nightmares, huh?" Daph said breaking the silence.
"Yeah," Zac replied fidgeting a bit as they sat in the back of his van.
"Do you want to talk about them?" she asked.
"I've been dreaming a lot about the wedding, and how I should have done something. I've also had the usual dreams about losing everyone and just being alone. Those dreams are a lot harder now," Zac confessed looking into Daphne's eyes, "because now it looks like I may really end up alone."
"That's not true, Zac," Daph whispered looking away.
"Oh really, Daph? Do you promise that? Do you? As much as you promised that my parents wouldn't break us up?!"
"Zac, I -"
Zac cut her off, "I still care for you, Daphne. I'll always care for you."
Daphne looked at the tears in Zac's eyes.
"You were the one who just walked away," she reminded him.
"You were the one who broke it off in the first place - AFTER YOU PROMISED ME THAT THEY WOULDN'T TEAR US APART!!"
"I KNOW, but all parents are a little ... What I don't understand is how they could so quickly turn on me. I thought your parents liked me, and if they didn't like how I acted, I would have changed to make things easier for you ... "
"Daphne, no. I couldn't ask you to change."
"If it would have made things easier for you I would hav ... "
"Daph, shhh ... I just want you to be yourself. I love you because you are yourself."
"I want you to be yourself too, Zac."
"That's kind of hard for me right now, unfortunately."
"Well if you could be yourself right now, what would you do," Daphne asked, agitated.
Zac leaned in and kissed her. His hands reaching underneath her shirt, unhooking her bra. Daph pressed herself up against him. She had missed his gentle touch. Zac hid a grin as he planted a trail of kisses up and down her neck and chin. He grazed his teeth against her ear. She moaned.
"You don't have to," Love panted.
"Shhh ... " Will whispered as he finished taking off her panties.
He admired her completely naked creamy body.
"You are so beautiful," Will told her as he began to kiss the inside of her thigh.
Love moaned as his tongue licked her lips playfully.
"Yes," Love exclaimed as Will spread her open and began to explore her with his tongue.
She reached her hands down, pushing his face into her.
"More," she screamed.
"Naughty girl," Will thought to himself as he reached his thumb up to rub her.
"Yes, yes, yes," Love screamed as Will darted his tongue in and out faster and faster.
"Do you like that?" Will asked as he stopped rubbing and started to gently pull on her.
"Oh my, yes. Oh geez, I, I, listen to me - I sound like one of those old Herbal Essence commercials," Love babbled.
She glanced down at Will's face in between her legs. She moaned, pushing his face down more.
"Oh, Will, I'm about to - you - you - yes! YES! YES," Love exclaimed as her body began to shake as the waves of pleasure rippled through her.
"Oh, goshb ... that feels so good," Isaac groaned as Shiye gave him his full body massage. Shiye rubbed Isaac's hip and smiled as something came up.
"Excited, baby," Shiye whispered seductively into his ear.
"Shiye," Ike exclaimed as she wrapped her hand around it.
"You know I don't know why I spent money on this little seductive number when my touch was really what put you in the mood," Shiye said as she teasingly ran her finger across the tip. All Isaac could do was pant.
Shiye moved away from Ike. She sat on the bed pulling her legs up, wrapping her gorgeous arms around them as she placed her chin on her knees. Shiye watched Isaac panting in amusement knowing he was scrambling to find something 'mature' to say but was unable to. Once again Shiye had left him speechless.
Zac and Daphne panted laying beside each other in shock. Neither of them knowing what to say. The windows of the van were all completely fogged.
"Daph -"
"Zac -"
"That was -" Zac began.
"Intense," Daph finished.
"Definitely, uh, Daphy, I - I never thought that you'd -"
"Did I do something wrong?" Daph asked.
"No, but I had called you because I had wa-want-ed to, no, I had, have to tell you something ... "
"I'm listening," Daph whispered.
"I can't say it, er, ask it. It's," Zac trailed off.
"What? It's what?" Daphne pried.
"I've wanted to, well, I've known I was going to since the day I ... Damn-it," Zac exclaimed.
"Since damn-it ... geeze, that's been a while," Daph teased.
"Yeah, yeah. Daphy I want to be with you, and there is only one way I know of that will allow us too. Um ... I always figured I would one day after meeting the right person, but it always seemed so far off. As I got older I didn't even think I'd be able to have the nerve to let some girl see me drop my pants let alone do that. I mean I - I never thought I would ever want to as bad as I do when I see you."
"Zac, you know I want to wait un-" she began.
"Daph, it's not that," Zac interrupted a little annoyed realizing that she may have assumed he was talking about sex from his vague speech.
"Oh," Daph mumbled feeling a bit embarrassed.
"NO, don't do that," Zac whispered running his finger down her cheek, "Trust me Daph. I think about making love to you a lot, okay? Trust me. Just that's really not what I'm trying to get at right now."
"Okay, I'm sorry it just sounded like you were asking me -"
"Yeah, I realize that now. You don't have to explain," he comforted her.
"Zac, really quick question," Daph whispered.
"What?" Zac asked.
"You said 'making love,' not 'fucking' or ... "
"Daph, with you I'd be making love ... "
"Zac-" Daph started.
He smiled placing a finger against her lip to silence her.
"Shh, let me finish. Daph, as I watched everyone around me find someone or be with someone I started to feel alone. I was desperate to have that, but I just couldn't find anyone to connect with. I began to fear that I would never find someone that I could truly care for and, as a result, be alone forever. My nightmares didn't help, neither did the fact that whenever I tried to get close to anyone they just ... but then there was you. I never stopped thinking about you after I met you. I used to fantasize about what kind of person you were, but as I was able to get to know you better I realized - you were even better than my fantasy. Daph, my dream girl was nothing in comparison to you. You were perfect for me. You could handle me, all of me. I fell in love with every part of you, and I felt you inside of me. You're a part of me, Daphy, whether we're together or apart. I always feel you, need you, care for you ... Daphne Grace Catinelli ... I, you ... "
Zac groaned sitting up and began to write on the glass. When he laid back down Daphne read the question. Everything suddenly stopped. Silence. Daph felt all of the air depart her lungs. She felt dizzy. This couldn't be happening. Zac bit his lip looking away for a second. He was amazed he had actually gotten up the nerve. Daphne thought over everything she currently had accomplished. This used to be at the top of her list, but now ... she felt ... odd.
"Shiye," Ike began as his mind cleared a bit and he was able to focus.
"Ike, before you say anything ... You know I was just thinking to myself, and perhaps I should just return this lingerie right now. I'll be back later," she teased.
"No," Ike almost yelled.
"Oh, you like it, huh?" Shiye whispered.
Before he could comment, Shiye unwrapped her arms from around her legs and leaning back on her arms, spread her legs wide open. Isaac's eyes focused on the hole in her crotchless panties. He began to mutter incoherently.
"What was that, Kermie?" Shiye asked innocently.
"You do that - this on purpose," Ike finally got out.
"So what if I do, you enjoy it. Don't you?" Shiye questioned moving one hand between her legs.
Anthea stared at Taylor resting beside her. She was so proud of her new trophy.
"Taylor, are you awake?" she asked.
He didn't reply. She smiled. Anthea slipped out of bed, grabbing her cell phone and made her way into the bathroom. She left the door open a crack and dialed.
"Hey," the masculine voice rang out over her phone.
"Hey, sweetie, I miss you," she cooed.
"I miss you too," he replied.
Isaac watched intrigued as Shiye played with herself, eyes closed, and moaning his name. He watched her back arc as she began to orgasm. He held himself back even though he wanted to as well. Heck, she was so damn hot all he had to do was think about her touching herself ... seeing her and hearing her was almost too much. He had to have her.
"Oh, Shiye, please ... "
"Please what," Shiye whispered in a low, sultry voice as she straddled his legs and slowly slid off his boxers.
"Oh geeze ... " Ike exclaimed as Shiye began to suck on him, taking all of him easily into her mouth. He locked eyes with her for a second as she moved up and down.
"Oh, Shiye, oh, I'm going to ... I'm going ... "
Isaac yelled her name over and over as his whole body rocked with waves of pleasure.
Daphne darted her eyes away from the back window. She choked up. Tears stung her eyes. Zac watched her, his heart caught in his throat. He desperately tried to make eye contact with her, so he could know exactly what was going on in her head. Finally, their eyes locked for a split second. Suddenly, Zac didn't feel too great.
"Zac, I can't - we can't ... not now. I - I ... "
Zac felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach. He couldn't breathe.
'No,' his mind screamed, 'please don't say no.'
Daph bit her lip. The longer she was here, the harder it would be for her to get away. She had to get away from him, from that whole family. Daphne fixed her clothes and threw open the backdoor to the van. Zac sprung up as Daphne jumped out.
'Think of something - DO SOMETHING,' Zac's mind screamed, 'Don't let her leave!'
"DAPHNE, I LOVE YOU," Zac yelled fighting back tears.
She spun around, her dark hair shining in the moonlight. Daphne looked straight into his eyes.
"I love you too. I love you more than anything or anyone ... BUT I CAN'T!. I - I - I want to - I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!!! ... . When we were together things started out great because no one had a frickin' clue of who I was, but once I started to get more attention -you changed. You became this obsessive, overbearing guy, and you scared me, Zac. You didn't trust me, and it made me wonder why you thought you couldn't. What were you doing that made you so suspicious of me?! I grew up in a family of lies, suspicion, and cheating. I don't ever want to be in that situation again. 'Cause it's hard to avoid parents, but it's even harder to avoid a - I CAN'T!"
"Daphne, I'm sorry about the way I acted, but don't compare me to your family. I would never hurt you like they did, LIKE THEY STILL DO! Daph, I'm sorry about the past; it just killed me to be away from you. I was afraid to lose you. Now you have to understand why; you have to see how much you mean to me. I was afraid that my parents had scared you off."
"Scared me off?!?! Listen to just how stupid you sound! I would have never - you were the one who said - Why am I explaining myself to you? I don't hear from or see you for months, and I hear all this about Taylor and Anthea being peachy keen and having dated for like two years. Now I know that there is no friggin' way unless he was majorly cheating on her with Will and God only knows who else during the time of the MAST! Your mom tells people that I was a bit of a slut, when we never even had sex, and when I've never done anything past hugging with anyone but you ... and you ... you don't return my calls or tell me you can't talk. Amber and Cristin received 'Congratulations!' cards from you and your family when Freezer Burn was signed, but I didn't. You're seen with other girls, and I am just expected to ... I miss you so much that every song I find myself writing in some way relates back to you, and I don't know what I want or who I am anymore ... I - I, I just need to go."
"DAPHNE," Zac cried out as she raced back to her SUV and sped off.
He began to cry as the question 'MARRY ME?' vanished off the back window of his van leaving nothing but a '?'. Zac closed the door and spotted Daphne's bra. He grabbed it and looked down at it in his hands. The material was soft, but not as soft as Daphne. Zac closed his eyes and bit his lip, holding in a sob. He was now officially living his worst nightmare. He was going to be alone for the rest of his life. He had lost his princess.
On to Chapter Two
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