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"Discovering Love" by Rick Beck Chapter Twenty-One "Wanderer" Back to Chapter Twenty On to Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Index Rick Beck Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama Sexual Situations Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
My center had become hopelessly out of balance. My brain kept flashing on Greg's angry words. Why? He was screwing everyone and I was only screwing Doug. That didn't seem fair. I did feel bad that he caught us, but caught wasn't the right word. He came to catch us and if he hadn't caught us on that path, he'd have caught us somewhere else, sooner or later.
I was happy when I was with Doug but I had no understanding of what he expected or what he wanted. Doug's words never matched up with his actions. Now, with Greg's new vendetta, it was going to be more difficult for Doug and I to get together. I could wait for him once I got out of school and we could walk and talk, but even walking with Doug was hazardous when he made up his mind he wanted to do something.
I wanted to do something all the time but not in places that were going to get us caught. I could wait when I knew there was something at the end of the wait. That wasn't the case with Doug. Today he might want sex every hour on the hour and tomorrow he might decide he wasn't having sex this week. How could all of us be so different and yet end up wanting each other.
When I first saw Greg all those weeks ago, I never imagined the complications this would bring into my life. I was far better off knowing there were other boys who were no more or less sexual than I was but I wish I knew more about the way they thought and what made them like what they liked. We all seemed to think in similar ways about sex and relationships but there was nothing similar about how we went about meeting our needs.
I was still too new to try to assert my brand of desire onto the more experienced boys. I wanted to do what I did and do it well, and I knew that would get me where I wanted to be. I didn't want anyone doing anything they didn't want to do but I wanted a steady supply of what other boys were willing to give up. The uncertainty between wanting and getting, seemed never ending. The conflicts it aroused in each of us seemed insurmountable at times.
Each time I thought of Greg, those twinkling blue eyes, his cocky smile, and his self-assured demeanor, he looked better than a double-dip hot fudge sundae. I felt like I was having a heart attack. I wanted to cry. I wanted to go home. Now, I wanted my brain to just stop already. How could one of the best things in my life, Doug, cause such conflict with one of the other best things in my life?
As big an asshole as I knew Greg was, I couldn't shake the idea that he and I had some unfinished business. How could we ever finish it if he wouldn't see me or speak to me? How could he not speak to me? I might not have been a Herbie or Alfred, but I had become part of his harem. There was no doubt he wanted what he wanted from me. It's just that I never had any idea what the fuck he wanted or when he wanted it.
Doug was the super nice guy but in the end Doug and I weren't going to end up together. Doug had other things on his mind. I was one of his pit crew and I rotated his tires and gave him a good lube job when he thought he needed one, but when he drove away, I never saw myself in the car beside him. Doug had a plan. I don't think he knew what it was yet, but he did know that his days of dallying with the horny boys were numbered. It's not where he wanted to be and he was strong enough, and smart enough to be where ever he wanted to be when he wanted to be there.
Whenever I pictured Greg in my mind. I was there with him. I couldn't see myself with him when I was with him, but when I wasn't with him, I saw myself right beside him. How do you see yourself with someone when it's impossible to see it. You can see the guy you're with and you know you are with him, but you can't see yourself with him unless someone takes a picture. No one had taken picture but the picture was in my head. I was beside Greg each time I saw him in my mind.
Perhaps it was the river water or too much sun, or maybe it was too much sex because any was more than I was used to. There was sex all around me since I arrived in the mountains. Everything and everyone gave off the promise of sex. When we took a walk we encountered it by the boathouse. When we ate we ate with it standing and leaning around the patio. When we came out the door it was chopping wood. When we walked to the river it was there. Even walking on a path or after falling down a hill, sex was waiting there for us.
For most of my life sex was a word I knew nothing about. Since I met a boy up the street from my house, it was everywhere. I knew even less about sex. There was no way for me to know what was enough or too much. I had found no limits that weren't artificially applied by someone else. You stopped when you might get caught or you had to go home.
Not much slowed the onslaught that began on Schultz Road with a new boy in tight jeans. I could just have finished and thinking of nothing but rest, and then a word, a smell, someone's erect penis would start it all over again. I could be in a dead sleep, and one touch of someone's hand was all the invitation I needed. There were few objections and fewer complaints. We may not have known what we were doing, but that didn't stop us.
It could have been something I worried about, but I saw Doug and how he handled it and that was cool. I could do what he did, swear off from time to time. Ponder my options, my feelings, and what I'd learned. It didn't bother me that Doug was probably beyond wanting to be my lover when he said he wasn't ready yet. What he meant was, it didn't feel right to him.
Doug needed to be happy as I needed to be happy, and I didn't want to be with him if my being with him made him unhappy. I could have sex with him and be in love with him and not be his lover. As long as it was okay with him I wouldn't deny myself because I'd rather have it my way. What is, is and what isn't sometimes can never be and that was okay, but then there was Greg.
* * * * * * * * *
Doug and I sat with our hamburgers up on the hill. Augie and Greg stood on either side of Greg's father. They joked and laughed and seemed to love life. Augie glanced our way and flashed us a knowing approving grin. Greg glared at us when Doug put his head next to mine to comment on how hot Augie's ass was.
"You okay?" Doug asked.
"Great," I said.
"You look awful pale. You want to lie down?"
"No. I'm fine."
"I'll lay with you," he giggled. "Just to keep you company. I'll be nice."
"I think we've got to be more careful. Anyone can look right into the basement."
"I'm sorry," Doug said.
"It's my fault. That's why I think I'm crazy. Who in their right mind would decide to do it in the middle of a path?"
"Do what, dear?" Greg's mother said, as she brought out a plate of slice tomatoes, onions, and pickles.
"Nothing, mom. Just talking."
"You boys don't be doing anything dangerous. I'm responsible for Martin."
"I know, mom. Like a book you checked out of the library. Got to get it back safe and sound. Don't worry."
"That's right, dear," she said, mussing my hair as she went back into the house.
"It didn't take much persuading," I said ruefully. "I might have had some part in the decision, Doug."
"You're so easy, Martin."
"I don't want to be. I can't stop myself."
"You seen Timmy?" Doug asked.
"Augie's here. He must be up to something to be missing out."
"He was pissed off when Augie and Greg started getting together," I said.
"Yeah, that's Timmy. He gets crushes on guys easy. He's stupid about it. He's going to get his ass kicked one day."
"How so?" I asked.
"Well, all guys don't do that shit. If he likes a guy he asks them."
"At least he's honest," I said.
"That meaning I'm not?" Doug asked, sounding seriously offended by my comment.
"I didn't say that."
"Yes, you did. It was exactly what you said. I'm honest. I'm as honest as I can be. I'm just not always sure, that's all."
"I never said you weren't. God, don't you start. I'm sorry, okay."
"Just don't be saying that about me."
I didn't know what I had said, but it put Doug off. I wandered up to the gravel road and stood above the property, thinking about taking a walk. I looked back toward the patio and Greg and Augie were wrestling again, shirts off, chests rubbing, laughing as they swore at one another. It was more playful now but I didn't want to see them together. Augie had turned everyone's temperature up a few degrees. Him and Greg together stoke every appetite I had.
I started walking down toward the clubhouse. My feet felt like lead and my mind just rambling along like a ten ton truck. A car came whizzing past and I ate the gritty dust for the next five minutes. I'd felt so good about everything that morning, and now the world seemed to be closing back in on me. I was ready to go home. Life was easier at home, predictable if boring.
I'd stay out until dinner and maybe things would cool off by then. Life sure sucked sometimes. It was easier on me when I touched no one and no one touched me. Love wasn't what it was cracked out to be but I didn't even know what love was. It had to be all the feelings churning up inside of me every time I caught a glimpse of Greg or Doug. I couldn't imagine what else that could be.
As I closed in on the clubhouse I saw people all over the place. Where the camping spaces had been empty the night before, there were cars, tents, and vans all over the place. Guys were pitching horseshoes, kids were playing badminton, and some older men were tossing the football around. I looked at the table by the boathouse and there were three people sitting there. I was sure one was Timmy. I strolled up trying to look like I didn't have a care in the world, but I guess I was wearing my grief.
"What's wrong?" Timmy asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"Look like you lost your last friend," the other kid said.
"This is Beatrice Walton and Ryan Best," Timmy said. "This is my good friend, Martin."
That made me feel better for some reason. I didn't picture Timmy and I as good friends, but I'd take what I could get just then. Beatrice looked closer to my age in the daylight. She'd looked much younger in the dark. She was small.
"You can sit by me... if you want," Beatrice said in a voice that sounded as though it came from an angel.
I was quickly informed I was mistaken again.
"She's a whore," Ryan said, "don't pay her no mind unless you're horny."
"So, you're a fag," Beatrice shot back, sounding like anything but an angel.
"I'm Timmy, whore and fag," Timmy said, laughing as he cocked his head and looked up at me. "Who do you want to sit next to little boy?"
I sat next to Timmy, feeling safer there.
"I'm with the fags," I said in an uncharacteristic confession that got a laugh.
"Fuck, ain't there any men left for Christ sake," Beatrice lamented.
"Yeah, there's a cute guy over there throwing the football. Man does he have a cock on him. I'll see him later," Timmy said. "I like my men to sweat."
Ryan laughed, Beatrice shook her head, plopping it down on her crossed arms in defeat, and I looked for the guy with the football.
"Timmy, you should be careful," I said.
"I'm careful. I been here before. He's cool. He'd rather have a date with me than her."
"He might not be cool if he knows what you want," I advised in my most cautious tone.
"Last time he told me I gave better head than any of his girlfriends," Timmy bragged. "He doesn't get horny that often, but he knows who to come to for what he wants."
"Jesus!" Beatrice said. "I got to get out a here before I turn dyke."
The girl limped through the grass pulling down the legs of her swimsuit as she waddled away. She wasn't unattractive but I didn't know what made a girl attractive. She looked like a girl and she seemed to have all the equipment. It simply didn't do anything for me.
"You could introduce me," Ryan said, looking at the guy playing football.
"What's in it for me?" Timmy asked, sounding like Greg.
"Have you ever done it with three?"
"Four," Timmy said, looking at me. "Can't leave out my best bud."
His hand dropped across my shoulder as he looked at me and then Ryan. Timmy was okay, but right then, it made me feel good to hear someone say something nice to me. I smiled but I felt like I wanted to cry. God was I fucked up.
They talked about nothing and everyone for a few minutes while my brain did its usual circumnavigation, wandering willy-nilly from one random thought to another while there conversation drifted just beyond my reach.
"Where's Augie?" Timmy asked.
"What?" I said, knowing the question was for me.
"Augie, tall handsome guy with black hair."
"They were having lunch, when I left."
"Where's Doug?"
"Lunch," I said.
"That's a man," Ryan said.
"Augie? Maybe," Timmy said.
"You seen his dick?" Ryan asked. "Fucker gets hard."
"Felt it," Timmy said. "He'd have let me blow him but we'd only just met and all. I know he wants a crack at your sister."
"I introduced them. Told him I could make arrangements if we could be friends."
"Friends?" Timmy asked.
"It's how it works?" Ryan bragged.
"How it works?" I asked.
"I got three brothers and two sisters. Half aren't related, you know. My old man's been married three times. B's the daughter of the current lady of the house. She was screwing all my brothers within two days of moving in with us. When I'd wake up in the morning, they'd be lined up in front of her door with their peckers poked out of their underwear."
"Damn," Timmy said. "Works fast, huh?"
"One day, maybe a year ago, Bruce, my best friend was over the house. B said I should set her up. I told Bruce and he was all for it. After he left she says I should introduce her to my friends. I asked her what was in it for me and she said, guys'll do anything for pussy. Use your imagination."
"Did you?"
"I did. I introduced her to guys I didn't hang with but wanted to know her better, like sixteen and seventeen years old. Right up her alley. They all had friends they brought over. Some couldn't wait around for B, so I offered to take care of them if they wanted to come back to see her another time. After the first time, some came to see me. They didn't like waiting."
"They went for that?" I asked. "What did you say?"
"I would look at the way their pants were poking out and sympathize. They'd pull and rub and check their watches. Then I'd tell them I could make it go away in about five minutes if they were in a hurry. Some wanted to see if I could. Some laughed and waited for B. It was cool."
"What was that?" Timmy asked, listening intently. "They let you...? Straight guys let you.... It doesn't make sense."
"They get what they want from B and I get what I want from them. Best arrangement I ever had. When a guys horny and looking to get relief, he'll do what's required," Ryan explained.
The boys green eyes flashed as he smiled real big like a cat that ate the cannery. He was a regular entrepreneur, a commodity dealer extraordinaire, giving customers what they wanted.
"Guys go for that?" Timmy asked suspiciously. "High school guys let you do them?"
"Absolutely and positively."
"What's this, butt buddies ice cream social," Greg said, easing up behind us.
I kept my back to him. Augie stood at the other corner of the table as Greg stood close behind me. I could feel the heat from his body. They'd arrived together. Two bulls hanging out together. Speaking of not making sense. Augie was everyone's favorite.
"Hey, Augie," Timmy said. "We were just talking about you."
"Saying nice things, I hope," Augie said.
"What about me?" Greg asked.
"What's your name again," Timmy teased. "You'll be glad to know that we endeavor to make everyone feel welcome here at Funny Farms."
"Where's B?" Augie asked Ryan. "She said she'd be here. In fact she said I should come at this time so we could... talk."
"She's ... talking to someone else at the moment," Ryan said, his hand coming to rest on Augie's leg an inch below his crotch as he turned to enjoy Augie's face.
"She going to come up to my tent?" Augie asked, watching but not moving the hand.
"We might could come up in a spell," Ryan said.
"You mind if I tag along," Greg said, moving to Augie's side, pulling down on the front of his jeans as he stood in front of Ryan with his rather visible production running down his leg.
"I don't care but I got to stay with my sister. That's all. I got to keep an eye on her, so she don't get... in no trouble, you might say. She don't know how to tell guys no. I'm supposed to help."
"You aren't staying with her now," Augie said.
"She's not with guys wanting to get into her pants right now. I'm supposed to discourage them. I do what I can."
"Yeah, whatever," Augie said. "Greg's my bud and he might hang around too."
"What a waste," Timmy said, distraught about Greg and Augie being together. "I'm not busy," Timmy said to Greg."
"You fart or something," Greg growled across the table at Timmy.
"Wouldn't you know. I'd know if somebody farted on my dick."
"This the guy that fucks you?" Ryan asked. "That would qualify as a dangerous weapon."
"You better ask him," Timmy said shyly. "I can't see who it is."
Greg and Augie were walking up toward the meadows when I turned to follow them with my eyes. All three of us were doing the same thing at exactly the same time.
"Fucker's got a big dick. How do you take one like that?" Ryan asked.
"No big thing. I like it. He knows how to handle it."
"I can't do that. I'll suck one but I don't want it up my shit hole. I might want to use it again."
"What do you get out of it?" I said.
"What?" Ryan asked.
"Sucking a lot of dicks? Why not find one and stick with it?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?"
"I'm fairly new at all this. I like what I've tried. I like a couple of guys quite a bit," I explain.
"Me! Me!" Timmy said, raising his hand while lying his head on the table and looking up at me.
"Cut it out. You like Augie and Greg and everyone else," I said, unsure if he was making a joke or not.
"Augie and Greg and you," Timmy said, putting his hand on my knee. "You're nice. You don't look at me like I'm a cockroach."
"Or cock sucker," Ryan said.
"Why would I?" I asked confused. "You aren't doing anything the rest of us aren't doing."
"Because you've seen me with a lot of guys. I'm a whore."
"That's not my business as long as it's what you want. I don't understand what you get out of it. Five, ten, twenty ... but why? I mean if I could be with one guy for the rest of my life, that's what I'd do," I reasoned.
"Do it. I wish I could. Guys aren't easy to pin down that way. They love you as long as they're hard and you're working on it for them. Once they've finished, they love beer, and baseball, and getting away from you," Timmy said. "I'm not alone when some guy is holding my face down on his dick. Don't matter which guy as long as he's halfway clean. That last instant before he shoots, I'm the most important person in his life. He shoves it into my throat, moaning and shivering. He's helpless and would cry if I stopped. That's why I do it."
"Which one?" Ryan asked me, and my eyes were immediately on Greg's skin tight jeans. "I could tell by the way you looked at him when he came up. You ignored him and never took your eyes off him. You in love with him? He is hot."
"I don't know. What's love. I like him. He acts tough but underneath that hard exterior, well, I'm not sure, but I sense there is something there."
"A nine inch dick and a desire to get someone to work on it," Timmy said.
"Same old story. Where there are boys ...," Ryan said.
"They aren't all like that," I protested.
"Greg's exactly like that," Timmy said.
"You'd never shit again he got that shoved up you," Ryan said.
"Bet me," Timmy said.
"You're serious?"
"As a heart attack."
"You're a better man than me. He shove that all the way in me he'd hit my tonsils. No thank you," Ryan said. "I've had plenty try to choke me but I wouldn't want my ass done that way."
"You just relax and pretend you're a pony giving rides," Timmy said.
"The guys who claimed to be my friends only come around when they get horny or want to see a show," Ryan said. "I don't mind. They do come over to see me and there is that final minute when I own them and they love me more than they've ever loved before. It's not for everyone, but for a guy who comes from a family like mine, it's fun knowing how to make the boys squirm. No, they may not love me tomorrow, but they sure do love me today."
"Yes they do," Timmy agreed.
"You ever watched a guy's face when he's about to cum?" Ryan asked. "He's helpless."
"Sure," I said, not sure what he was getting to.
"Bliss," Timmy said. "Pure Bliss. You took them there."
"They come to me so I'll do that to them. After I do them the first time, I can do anything as long as I do that. Bite it. Shove a finger up their butt. Squeeze their balls until they yell. As long as I get them back to where I took them before."
"What's that prove?" I asked.
"The longer I keep them there the longer I'm not alone. I guess they're company and the only way to have their company is to give 'em what they're after."
"Do you enjoy it?"
"You bet your ass I enjoy it," Ryan smiled, leaning around Timmy's head so I'd be sure to see.
"What about you, Timmy?"
"I don't know. I can't stop myself. It's like he says you aren't alone and they're giving you something only a few people will ever get from them. I might be the only boy they ever fuck. I want them to remember it."
"Because I can and I never could before. Because I know guys that will and I never knew them before. I want to like someone a lot. I want to stay with them and do what they like. It's just that no one seems to want to be with me for long," I said.
"See!" Ryan said. "Why worry about it? Sex is good and everyone does it."
"I think I love someone. I don't really want to be with anyone else but I can't be with him. So I want to be with everyone else. It's fucked up."
"Greg or Doug?" Timmy asked point blank, looking way into my eyes.
"I didn't say who. Not them," I lied.
"Greg," Timmy said. "You wouldn't look at him and you never took your eyes off him. It's Greg all right."
"You're in love with Greg," Ryan swooned. "I'd love to get my hands on him."
"You'll get your chance," I said. "Just catch him alone and smile at him."
"When?" Ryan demanded. "Where?"
"When you get B up there to fuck Augie. Greg's going to distract you so they can be alone. I heard them talking before. How to get the kid brother off the scent. Greg'll make it easy for you."
"Cool," Ryan said. "Two for the price of one. Works for me. I should go freshen up."
"I thought you couldn't leave her alone," Timmy said.
"She's in good hands with Augie. I trust him to respect my sister."
"Yeah, he'll give her that eight inches of respect," Timmy said.
"Not quite," Ryan said.
"How'd you get him?" Timmy asked.
"Offered him my sister. Works every time. Why do you think he's bringing Greg along to run interference. Those boys are birds of a feather. Sex is sex."
"He's not gay," I said. "No way."
"Well, he ain't very straight," Ryan said. "He was hard before I touched him and he had it out for me to take care of before I made a move on him. He knew what he wanted and he knew B'd be there when he wanted that."
"Men," Timmy said.
"Do you need to touch every single one?" I objected.
"Jealous?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, I am. He's hot," I said.
"What am I, chopped liver?" Timmy asked.
"No, Timmy. You're nice too."
"Kiss of death. Nice guy. Thanks," Timmy said. "I might be good but I'm never nice."
I remembered Greg and Augie at each other all morning. I looked up the hill and wondered what was going on up in the meadows. Those two didn't seem to be able to stay clear of each other. Neither one was going to give in to the other but they were going to torment each other for as long as possible. They were two bulls drawn to each other and repulsed at the same time.
"Hey, where'd you go?" Timmy yelled in my ear.
"We're goin' over to play with Van's balls. You coming?"
"Nah," I said. "Don't want to kill the man. Two of you are enough."
"You sure? They broke up the game and Ryan wants to meet him. We won't stay long. Come with us. We'll try not to embarrass you."
"No, you two be careful," I said. "Everyone doesn't do it."
I wanted to walk up to where Greg and Augie disappeared. I knew if he caught me hanging around him, he'd go ballistic. I didn't need any more complications just then. I was curious.
I wondered if Doug had cooled down. I saw him sitting with his mother near the picture window, holding the yarn for her as she rolled it into a tight ball. It was blue yarn today. The day before it had been green. I wondered why my mind had changed the color.
Greg's father would be down in the garden, finishing his work.
I was alone once again and I knew why Timmy and Ryan preferred the comings and goings of other boys. It was something.
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