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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.04 - We Can't Go Back 8,899 words Back to Chapter 5.03 "Marcel's the Best" On to Chapter 5.05a "Rise Forgotten, Your Time Has Come" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Claire sat in class, trying to ignore the feeling there was a giant spotlight on her. She was so heavily and obviously pregnant now that she felt like the school freak. She still wasn't talking to her father as he was still incredibly disappointed in her. Part of the reason she refused to give up on school was so she could show him she wasn't a lost cause. Also because she was simply the kind of person who wouldn't give up without a fight.
To her, it didn't matter that everyone was casting glances of contempt her way. It didn't matter that she'd gone from one of the school's most bankable role models to the school's top reasons to practice safe sex. She'd chided herself enough times to the point that anyone else's condemnation simply didn't matter as much.
At least that's what she tried to tell herself. But it seemed the bigger her stomach got, the more she felt like people were staring at her every day. Dade tried to help out, but they weren't in many classes together. So she couldn't count on his moral support to get her through.
On the bright side, it did force her to focus even more on her studies. Her grades were still amongst the highest in her year, so no one could accuse her of falling behind. The school counselor even suggested she leave school and go to a community college. Needless to say, Claire has not been back to see the counselor since.
Being pregnant in high school had made her feel incredibly self-conscious. Today was no different. For some reason, it even felt a little worse than usual. Maybe it was simply because her hormones were increasingly out of control, causing her to have hot flushes, cravings and all manner of things she'd rather not have happen. Whatever the reason, that all changed when she was joined by a familiar face.
"Hey, Princess ..." Carl smiled warmly as he sat down beside her, "… you look down."
"Only when I tilt my head that way." Claire said in a deadpan voice.
Carl smirked at her and opened his books, "Such a shame for a pretty girl like you to sit alone."
Claire smiled back, grateful for the company. Carl had always spoken kindly to her since their breakup, even when she frankly believed she didn't deserve his kindness anymore. Today however, she was grateful for his unending warmth.
"You need to stop being so nice to me." Claire smiled, rubbing his arm gratefully.
Carl shrugged and had to fight the urge then and there to kiss her cheek. He missed the intimacy they used to share. He missed her. Part of him still believed that she would never have the same chemistry with Dade that she had with him. Yet he respected her decision and would never do anything to betray her trust in him.
"I could stop being nice to you, but then I'd be an asshole." Carl smirked, "I never really figured out asshole."
"You're not wrong there." Claire smiled warmly.
She couldn't pick a moment when Carl had been petty or malicious. He was simple, and she liked that. At least she did before she realized they couldn't be together. She rubbed her basketball shaped stomach and sighed. Carl seemed to pick up her mood and rubbed her back supportively, smiling at her.
"Hey. No frowns, Princess." He smiled, nudging her chin lightly with his finger, "Everything happens for a reason."
"Or because you didn't have enough foresight to prevent something from happening."
"Hey now." Carl said, mock sternly, "No regrets."
He prodded her stomach playfully and gave it a little rub. All the while he smiled at Claire with that usual open smile he had. It made Claire feel better and worse all at once, but mostly better. He always had the effect of making her days brighter.
Oblivious to them, Dade leaned against the doorframe, looking into the class at the two of them. He smiled thoughtfully, feeling regret for the pain he'd caused both of them. Even he was man enough to admit that they really did have something special. He was also realistic enough to know that for all involved it was better to leave the past just where it was.
He headed to his own class and sat down next to Marty Lee. They would never admit that they liked each other, because they really didn't. But they were used to each other and had a strange relationship.
"I like Carl." Dade said randomly, "He's impossible to hate."
Marty Lee turned to Dade with a raised eyebrow. It wasn't exactly something he expected to hear out of Dade's mouth. He felt compelled to reply the only way he could see fit for the moment.
"Marcel's back." Marty Lee said bluntly.
"I'm sorry, what?" Dade asked, turning in surprise to face Marty Lee, "What do you mean?"
"I didn't tell you last night because I didn't want to ruin my evening by having you get upset." He said in a dry toneless voice.
"You bloody asshole." Dade said, shocked and perhaps a little more interested than he should have been, "Where did you see him?"
"You're right. Carl really is a nice guy." Marty Lee said, humming to himself as he returned to his schoolwork.
Dade groaned and stared at Marty Lee in annoyance, "Bloody asshole."
"Yep." Marty Lee agreed with a nod, keeping his attention focused on his work, "That's me."
* * * * * * *
Lucas skipped school today. He didn't feel like seeing anyone or facing the team after being dumped by them, and then deciding to leave completely himself. Besides, he had more important things to do today.
"Dude, I'm so glad you're here." Lucas said honestly as he sat on his bed with his head resting on his knees.
Marcel sat at the end of the bed, nodding softly. "It's good to be here."
Lucas hadn't been up long, and couldn't really remember much of the night before. He felt incredibly sick with a mighty hangover. A shower, breakfast, and three cups of coffee had done little to shake the headache he had, but then again he'd become used to it by now.
"You drink too much." Marcel said honestly.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Lucas chuckled softly, before he sighed somberly, "I do drink too much. I don't really care anymore."
"Lots of other people do. Marty Lee cares, and we both know that's a miracle in itself." Marcel smirked.
"He's a good guy." Lucas said, "Difficult to understand, but underneath it all, he's a good guy."
"I wouldn't go that far." Marcel shrugged, "But I'll give him this much. He does what he says."
Lucas feigned a smile, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Marcel was here. Marcel was his connection to Storm. If anyone knew where Storm was, it was Marcel.
"I have to speak to him." Lucas said softly, almost afraid of what Marcel would say, "Please. I just need to talk to him."
"And say what?" Marcel asked curiously, knowing instantly just who Lucas meant by 'him'.
"Come home." Lucas said feebly, eyes watering, "Come home."
Marcel sighed. Either Lucas was deluding himself or the alcohol hadn't worn off. Surely he knew Storm wouldn't just 'come home' like that.
"Look at what I am without him. I've done things I wish I hadn't. I've become an angry alcoholic. I fuck girls I don't' even know or remember the next morning."
"You better check that." Marcel said, "These days it's not just uncool, it's risky. I would've thought you'd learned your lesson with Ashley."
"I know." Lucas said, feeling quite sick at the realization of some of the things he'd done in his drunken states, "I know."
"I know you miss him, but Storm's gone. You can't keep living in the past. You have to accept he's moved on now." Marcel said, rubbing Lucas's feet supportively, "Don't live just for him. Live for yourself."
"Fuck that." Lucas cried in frustration, "Seriously. Fuck that. I've lived enough for myself and it's never made me feel anything like when I'm with him. I just ... I wish I could fix this. I can make him happy. I can make us happy. I'm the one for him. I know it. I know it."
Lucas seemed to be trying to convince himself more than Marcel. Marcel wasn't sure exactly whether he wanted to agree or disagree. So instead he simply remained silent.
"I screwed up. Ok? I screwed up. But I didn't mean to. I didn't set out to hurt him. I didn't know what I was doing at the time. It just ... it just all happened and I just ... fuck, Dude, I ..." Lucas said despondently, "I just need to speak to him. Make him see that I'd give everything I have just to be with him. I fucking die inside just thinking that right now he's out there starting a new life ... maybe even a new love that doesn't involve me."
"I don't know. Storm's not really like that. I get the feeling he might be steering away from it right now." Marcel shrugged, "Either way, thinking about him isn't going to help you any. He made a choice. Don't let it be what defines you."
Lucas's eyes began to water as he held a photo of himself and Storm from back when they first met and were just friends, "He is what defines me."
"Yeah, that's just kinda gay." Marcel smirked softly, "But then you've always worn your heart on your sleeve, haven't you?"
"I'm such a loser, Dude." Lucas said, frowning miserably.
"Yes, you kinda are right now." Marcel agreed, standing up, "So get up off your ass and let's go do something that doesn't involve moping or alcohol, alright?"
Lucas looked up at Marcel, contemplating his offer, "Do you know where he is?"
"Lucas." Marcel said firmly, "Let's just go, ok?"
Lucas nodded and sighed, taking Marcel's hand to pull himself up, "Ok then. Let's go."
* * * * * * *
"Come on, Josh. Please." Brad said, running up to Josh after class, "You can't keep me from trying out. You know I'm a good player. I wasn't VC for nothing, you know."
Josh frowned and turned back to Brad, for once wishing they wouldn't bump into each other today. He pulled Brad to the side and made sure no one else was within earshot.
"I'm not letting you play." Josh said, "I'm captain and I get to choose who gets to try out. I'm sorry, Brad, but just try to understand."
"You try to understand!" Brad said, frustrated, "You've at least got to give me a shot!"
"Brad, if something happens to you, I ..." Josh began to say before Brad interrupted him.
"It's my problem, not yours. Look, I know why you're doing this, ok? But that's not fair." Brad said emphatically, "It's not fair! Josh, I don't have any money. I don't have any way to go to college. This is my future we're talking about here. This is my one shot to make it. You know how long I've been trying to get back onto the field. Do you know what it's like to finally have the chance but you realize your best friend is holding you back?"
"Look. You've been VC, so you know what it's like when you have to make tough calls." Josh said, quite at pains over this whole issue, "It's my call. I can't let you play."
"Damn you, Josh." Brad said bitterly, visibly upset with Josh, "You can't do this to me."
Josh sighed in frustration and remorse as he stepped back and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Brad. I can't do it." He said before he turned and quickly moved away.
Brad shoved the wall angrily, cursing and quite hurt by Josh's refusal to let him play. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth in anger. This wasn't over for him. It wasn't over by a longshot.
* * * * * * *
Marcel and Lucas sat in the middle of Lake Herren on a small yacht that belonged to Marcel's parents. He figured this was as good a place as any to get some fresh air and get Lucas away from things for a while. Lucas looked around to the northern end of the lake, to a small bay that was inaccessible except by foot through a rough trek or by boat.
"Storm and I went there a few times." He sighed, smiling softly, "Could we go there?"
"No." Marcel chuckled, "Because you'll just mope. Storm, Storm, Storm. Change the channel, please?"
"I can't help it. You remind me of him."
Marcel wasn't really sure how to take that, but he shrugged and smiled anyway as he pulled out two fishing rods, "Let's catch our dinner, shall we?"
"Dude, totally." Lucas smiled, taking one of the rods, "So we'll be out here a while huh?"
"At least till dark, maybe overnight. Marty Lee's a big boy. He can take care of himself."
"Hey ..." Lucas said softly, "Thanks for ... spending time with me."
"What else are friends for, huh?"
"Yeah." Lucas smiled, "So are you planning on being in town a while?"
"Well ..." Marcel said, taking a deep breath, "Let's just talk about you, shall we?"
"Hmm." Lucas said thoughtfully.
He knew something was up. Marcel had never been one to talk much about what he was doing, but Lucas could still sense that maybe he was back for a reason. He shifted over so he and Marcel were sitting right next to each other. He smiled at the man known affectionately as 'Blondie' by the other members of the Pack.
"I'm really glad you're here." Lucas said sincerely, unable to help how happy he felt.
"You've been saying that all day." Marcel smiled back, casting his line into the water, "Be careful or it'll go to my head."
"Like that would be something new." Lucas laughed, shaking his head as he cast his own line out.
"Don't hate me because I'm awesome." Marcel laughed, "I'm only here to share the love."
The two shared a laugh and happily set out to catch their dinner. The minutes turned to hours and the heat of the sun bore down on their bare backs. Even when they didn't speak, there was no awkward silence. When they did speak, it was with genuine affection for having the other's company. As far as Lucas was concerned, this was the best day he could remember having for a long time.
"So come on, Dude." Lucas urged several hours later, when the afternoon sky was just starting to cool, "Tell me what's going on with you. Do you have anyone special in your life?"
"Besides myself?" Marcel smirked.
"Besides yourself." Lucas said dryly.
"I'm all the special I need."
"Like special ed kinda special?" Lucas laughed.
"Quiet or I'll send you back to alcoholism!" Marcel laughed, pulling out a bottle of wine, "I don't know if you're an alcoholic. I think you just need to learn how to say 'when'. I don't drink very often to be honest, but tonight I want to have a few glasses of wine with you. I haven't seen you in ages. I've been worried about you."
"I don't know why." Lucas said, smiling gratefully, "I'd think you'd be the last person to speak to me. You're so loyal to Storm."
"I'm not being disloyal to him by talking to you. Besides, I'm loyal to you too. The Pack never takes sides against each other."
"You guys are awesome." Lucas said as he gave Marcel an unexpected hug, "You. Mike and Sarah. They've got their own problems but Mike still calls and gives their love. He tries to help me and he does, but then I get lonely again and well ... you've seen."
Marcel rubbed Lucas's back and sighed contently. He knew all Lucas really needed was a friend. Someone from the past to tell him that things weren't as bad as he thought. Lucas couldn't help but deepen the hug, feeling as though Marcel's steadfast confidence was infecting him.
* * * * * * *
"I need somewhere to stay tonight." Marty Lee said to Dade as they stood in front of their martial arts class, watching them do their kata sessions, "So I'll be coming back with you, alright?"
Dade chuckled and shook his head, "Marty Lee, I forgot to tell you that I hate you very much."
"Great." Marty Lee smirked, "It's always nice to know I'm appreciated."
"Why aren't you going home?" Dade asked, his eyes still watching the class and making suggestions to those whose form or posture wasn't up to scratch.
"I ..." Marty Lee sighed, "You know why. Lucas is just ... too much right now. I tried to help him. Maybe Marcel can make a difference. I just don't want to go back until Lucas is ready for me to go back."
"That doesn't sound promising for me." Dade frowned, "You may never go back."
"And you say you're unlucky in life." Marty Lee said, slapping Dade's back before he walked off to lead the Juniors in their evening training.
Dade shook his head and cursed before he started the senior class in their training session with Sensei Takada. During the class he noticed Brad training a little harder than usual. He already trained hard, but today his face seemed a little more intent than usual. He pulled Brad aside, wondering if anything was wrong with him.
"Brad, are you alright?" Dade asked.
"I'm doing fine, aren't I?" Brad asked, catching his breath.
"Of course you are."
"Josh told me there's a spot on the team but he won't let me try out." Brad said in frustration, "It's not fair. I deserve to at least try!"
Dade frowned at this revelation. He knew there was a spot, but he didn't know Brad would be this interested in it. Surely Josh must have had a reason for denying Brad.
"Look, I'm sure Josh has his reasons. He probably doesn't want to risk you getting hurt again."
"Shouldn't that be my decision?" Brad asked, visibly upset with the whole ordeal, "He's supposed to be my friend."
"He is, Brad." Dade assured, "He is."
"Can you talk to him, please?"
"I'll have a word with him at training in the morning." Dade promised, "But look, would you mind getting a ride home with Marty Lee? There's something I have to do."
"Marty Lee?" Brad asked, surprised, "Is he staying over again? Why?"
"Because we love him?" Dade replied with a chuckle.
"No really, why?" Brad asked seriously, not quite getting the joke.
"He's ... he's quite attracted to you, Brad." Dade said in a low, seductive voice, rubbing Brad's arms, "He has ... feelings. Deep ... feelings."
"Dade!" Brad laughed, shoving him away, "Stop it!"
"I'll see you at home, ok?"
"Ok." Brad smiled, "See you at home, Dade."
Dade smiled and spent the rest of the class in good spirits. But as the end of the evening session drew near, he felt an increasing sense of anxiety. He knew he was going to try and find Marcel.
After showering and packing his gear, Dade made his way out to the jeep and set out for Marcel's house. When he arrived, he found an empty house. His parents were obviously not around, perhaps not even in town.
The rain was buffeting down on him tonight. An unexpected storm had rolled into Merlow, which meant Dade had to quickly put the top up on the jeep in order to protect it from the rain. It almost meant he himself was getting quite wet.
He tried Lucas's house next, which might have seemed strange considering how little he and Lucas interacted since Storm's departure. When he arrived he found another empty house. He cursed in frustration. He didn't even know why he wanted to see Marcel so much, but he did. He was about to leave when Marcel pulled up with Lucas.
Dade suddenly felt nervous about seeing Marcel and wondered if he was doing the right thing by even being here. Yet the look he received as Marcel stepped out of his car made him realize he was right to come. Marcel gave Dade a warm smile and rushed up to him in the rain, giving him a fierce hug.
"You might be a little shit, but I've still missed you!" Marcel laughed above the sound of heavy rainfall.
Lucas gave Dade a smile and a nod before he rushed past to open up the front door, "Come inside!"
Dade turned to the front door and then back to Marcel, not sure what to do. Marcel led Dade by the hand to the cover of the porch and smiled at him. The two shared a glance, a smile, and for a few moments Dade almost thought he'd burst into tears and smash his lips against Marcel's. There was still so much between them. So much about Marcel that made Dade feel light and giddy. Yet he knew he wasn't supposed to have these feelings.
"I've missed you!" Marcel said, speaking up over the loud rain, "We were out on the lake. We were going to stay out there for the night but then we got the weather reports and I brought us in."
"This isn't exactly what I had in mind for our ... reunion." Dade said, not sure whether to laugh or cry, "I think I'm screwed!"
"Why is that?" Marcel asked curiously, leaning in to try and hear Dade above the storm.
"Because I'm supposed to be over you. And I think I needed to prove it to myself tonight." Dade said, unable to help but smile, "But you're here and suddenly I remember what it feels like to have butterflies in my stomach when I see someone. I'm definitely screwed!"
Marcel smiled and cupped Dade's face, before he leaned forward and kissed Dade's temple, "Another time, Dade. Another lifetime."
Dade sighed, closing his eyes and covering Marcel's hands with his own. He knew Marcel was right. He knew they could never have what they had before. Dade would have to put Marcel out of his heart. Yet it was so hard, and Dade did not believe it possible. In fact, he felt tears stinging his eyes just as he realized just how impossible it would be.
"I want to do the right thing." Dade croaked, his tears falling silently down his cheeks, "But is it really the right thing?"
"It's not my place to answer." Marcel whispered, "I can't do this with you. We can't even think about it."
"I've made such a mess of things." Dade cried, more vocally now, "You. Claire. Storm."
Marcel hugged Dade tight, sighing sadly. As angry as he had been with Dade, he couldn't bring himself to show that anger now. He knew June wouldn't want her son to feel so alone.
"Go home, Dade. Go to sleep and think about what it is you want. Then think about what it is you need. Think about what it is Claire needs and your baby needs. I can't interfere here. You have to do this." Marcel said softly, "I am always here if you need me, but I can't interfere."
Dade nodded, still sobbing as he held Marcel, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Be happy."
"I want my brother back." Dade cried, "I want someone to tell me what to do. Mom, Storm, they're all gone. Dad ... he hasn't been the same since she died. I just ... I want him back. I want to say sorry. I want to have a big brother again. I'm going to have a baby. I need him here."
Dade buried his head in Marcel's shirt as he cried, his hands gripping to Marcel's back. It seemed for the first time since Mike had last visited Merlow, Dade could lean on someone else. Otherwise he was the one everyone else turned to. At the dojo, in the household. From his students, to Claire, Brad, and anyone else who now considered Dade to be upright and of good standing because he was taking care of his girlfriend and their future baby.
Sometimes Dade wanted to be the one being taken care of. Marcel had always made him feel secure, safe, loved. Even before they were a couple, he could always turn to Marcel.
"I should go." Dade said finally, pulling away and smiling softly at Marcel, "I've missed you too."
Marcel rested his hand against Dade's cheek, returning his smile, "You'll be ok, Dade."
"I made the right choice?" Dade asked, eyes a little anxious.
"Goodbye, Dade." Marcel said softly, kissing Dade's cheek, "You've made a good choice."
Dade nodded, sighing as he turned and walked back out into the rain. The right choice was open to interpretation, he knew. He also knew however that it was indeed a good choice as Marcel had said.
"A good choice." Dade agreed as he stood beside his jeep, looking back at Marcel who gave him a small nod and went inside, "The right choice."
* * * * * * *
"Everything ok, Dude?" Lucas asked when Marcel returned inside.
Marcel nodded softly, taking a deep breath as he headed inside. Lucas offered him a beer and he took it. He took a drink and gave Lucas a questioning glance.
"I thought we were getting you away from the alcohol."
"Look, I'm not an alcoholic, ok? I just like to drink sometimes. I know I've been overdoing it lately, so I'll cut back. I've just been depressed. But you know, you coming here has helped me realize a few things." Lucas sighed as he sat down in the lounge next to Marcel, "I can't let Storm's departure destroy me. He had every right to leave. I made a mistake and I have to live with it."
"You have to forgive yourself, Lucas." Marcel said honestly, "You're not some devil spawn. You're not some evil Dude Prince."
"Pity. That sounds like it would be kinda cool."
"Not really, because I imagine you and I would have to showdown since I would of course be some bad-ass warrior and you'd be the evil Prince I have to destroy in order to save the universe." Marcel grinned.
"Then what would Storm be?"
"Oh psh. I'd be the star! Sure, maybe Storm could be some hot Prince as well, but you know, I'd be the loyal sidekick warrior. I'd be a super soldier sworn to protect the hot Prince!" Marcel laughed, "It would be like some huge battle between galactic Empires."
"Yeah, like anyone would read that shit." Lucas laughed.
"I'm sure some people would!" Marcel said with a broad grin, "But anyway, we're talking about you here, not me. I'm awesome. I have no problems at all."
"Ego still works, I see." Lucas laughed again, resting his head in Marcel's lap so he could look up at him, "It's a good thing you and I don't find each other attractive or we could get really drunk and have hot bunny sex!"
"You wish." Marcel chuckled, taking another drink of his beer, "But you know, if I have enough of these things and close one eye, you could start looking good to me."
"Asshole!" Lucas laughed riotously, playfully punching Marcel's chest.
"Yes, I do like them, but I haven't really sampled many." Marcel grinned, "Just two in fact, and both from the ..."
He decided continuing that sentence would not be good right now, so he quickly distracted Lucas by tipping a little beer over his face. He grinned as Lucas spluttered and laughed, before returning the favour by spilling some beer over Marcel's hair. Marcel, horrified by this, shifted out from under Lucas and stood up, gasping.
"My hair!"
Lucas almost shrieked with laughter, "Dude, you're so freaking vain!"
"With good reason!" Marcel laughed, shaking the beer from his hair, "I'm Marcel Lewis!"
"Come on, Marcel Lewis." Lucas chuckled, jumping up and leading Marcel to the bathroom, "Let's wash that out of your hair before it gets drunk and decides to pass out on you."
Marcel took his shirt off and leaned under the showerhead while Lucas rinsed his hair out. Lucas nodded approvingly at the site of Marcel's upper torso. He grinned and slapped Marcel's ass.
"You're right, you do have a reason to be vain." Lucas chuckled, "Why Storm chose me over you all those years ago is beyond me."
Marcel stood up at this, staring seriously at Lucas. It was almost as if Marcel were wondering that same thing still. He half frowned in contemplation before he finally spoke.
"Well ... he's not perfect."
"Dude, you suck!" Lucas laughed, gritting his teeth at Marcel, "Meanie!"
Marcel could only grin and shrug, winking at Lucas, "Forget the rest!"
* * * * * * *
"I can tell you're ecstatic to have me staying with you again." Marty Lee said as he sat in the lounge with Brad doing homework.
A lot of time had passed since Marty Lee had brutalized Brad, and though they had at least reached a workable truce, Brad didn't enjoy being alone with him. He didn't trust Marty Lee. How could he?
Brad raised his eyes to Marty Lee and frowned, "I still think you're an asshole, yes."
"Great." Marty Lee smirked, "I'm quite fond of you now myself."
"I don't know why Dade lets you stay."
"Same reason he let you, I imagine." Marty Lee shrugged, "Haven't I redeemed myself to you yet?"
"Is that a trick question?" Brad asked, wishing Dade would hurry up and come home.
Claire was upstairs, no doubt resting. Her energy levels were quite low of late, which was understandable given her condition. That meant Brad didn't have an ally to keep Marty Lee in check. He didn't expect Marty Lee to do anything, but the unpredictable nature of him made Brad nervous.
"I promised you I wouldn't touch you again, and no matter what you think of me, I always keep my promises."
"I'm not scared of you anyway." Brad said defiantly, "You're not as tough as you used to be."
"I'm glad you think that."
Brad shuddered at that statement, "Freak."
Brad threw a cushion at Marty Lee, "Why can't you just be normal!? You act like a damn psycho half the time. I know it's an act, but it's a seriously bad one if you're actually trying to get people to think you're worth talking to."
Marty Lee raised his eyebrow at Brad. Brad was growing increasingly confident in his own point of view, and his ability to convey them. In the past he would have been surprised to see Brad even make a peep, but the former school bully was growing a bit of spine. It was something Marty Lee was increasingly impressed by. However, it also made Marty Lee feel quite self conscious.
"Look. You're not as bad as you used to be, but you're still creepy." Brad said honestly, "And quite frankly, I wish you weren't staying here tonight because one night was bad enough. I half expect you to sneak into my room and fucking molest me or something."
"I thought that was Josh's gig." Marty Lee said smugly.
Brad growled and suddenly lunged over the coffee table at Marty Lee. The two collided as Marty Lee tried unsuccessfully to dodge Brad. If there was one thing Brad could do as well, if not better than anyone else, it was tackle. Marty Lee had barely risen to defend himself when Brad speared him to the floor. Marty Lee wasn't sure whether to laugh in surprise or cry out in agony. He could do neither in fact because he was quite winded by the stiff tackle.
Brad flipped Marty Lee onto his stomach and pressed his forearm against Marty Lee's neck. Though Marty Lee was quite confident in his ability to turn the situation and cause Brad some serious damage, he felt Brad deserved this mild retribution.
"You shut up about him, you hear me?" Brad gasped, pumped with adrenaline.
"Scared you'll catch his fag disease?" Marty Lee taunted.
"You mean the one you have?" Brad growled, thrusting his groin against Marty Lee's ass, "Don't think I forgot how much you fancied Storm."
"Fuck you." Marty Lee growled, taken by surprise by Brad's comment.
"Now, now, boys, play nicely." Dade said as he walked through the front door.
Brad was about to say something but he could tell Dade had been crying. He shifted back off of Marty Lee and sat back on the chair. Marty Lee sat up, catching his breath and looking up at Dade. They were like two children who had been caught by their parents misbehaving.
"If I didn't know you two better, I'd think you were starting some aggressive mating ritual." Dade said flatly, "Unfortunately, I do know you two better. Keep it down, Claire's resting."
"Da ..." Brad began to say, but Dade had already turned to make his way upstairs.
Brad frowned, wondering why Dade was so upset. The recent fracas with Marty Lee now seemed unimportant. Both of them shared a glance as they caught their breath.
"Sorry." Brad said simply.
"I started it." Marty Lee replied in a conciliatory tone.
The two nodded and reached their hands out to shake. It was probably the most genuine Brad had seen Marty Lee be in some time. Perhaps there was hope for him yet.
"He looked upset." Brad said, biting his lip with worry, "I wonder what's wrong."
"I have a pretty good idea." Marty Lee said, nodding softly.
"I think he misses Storm." Brad frowned, "He kinda seems lonely a lot lately. I don't know."
"You always this interested in how he's feeling?" Marty Lee asked curiously.
"Yes, because I care how people feel." Brad said dryly, standing to his feet, "I'm going to bed. Turn the lights out and lock the front door before you go to sleep."
"Goodnight, Brad." Marty Lee said, nodding at Brad.
Brad turned to Marty Lee and nodded back, "Goodnight, Marty Lee."
Brad headed up to his room and closed the door behind him. He stepped into the adjoining bathroom and stripped down to his boxers before he brushed his teeth and prepared for bed. When he returned to the room he sat down at his computer and began typing an email.
Marty Lee is staying here again. I really wish he wasn't. I have this terrible feeling that he could become a regular fixture. I know you think he's changed but I'll always have my reservations. Things with Josh are the worst they've been since we became friends again. I don't know what to do about him. Why's he doing this? I just want to play. I'm also worried about Dade. Are you sure there's nothing you can do to help? Please think about it.
Brad hit the send button and jumped into bed. He wasn't expecting a reply to his email tonight. So when he heard the small chime signaling a response, he almost jumped in surprise. He sat back at his desk, opening p his email.
Josh is in love with you. That's why he's doing this. Don't hate him for that. I'll see Dade soon enough.
* * * * * * *
The next morning saw Dade in the kitchen making breakfast for the household. He let out a yawn and served up the oatmeal and toast with some juice for everyone. Though Claire tried to wake up before him because she didn't want him to feel like she couldn't help, Dade was always up before her.
Dade banged a few pots together to let everyone know breakfast was ready and Marty Lee wandered in from the lounge, dressed in only his boxers. He stretched and tried to make himself useful, but succeeded only in annoying Dade so he took a seat at the table instead. Brad was next into the dining room, but unlike Marty Lee he was already showered, dressed and ready for school. Claire was last in, and she looked as though she would truly prefer to go right back to bed.
Dade kissed Claire good morning, smiling as he held the chair out for her and served up some breakfast. He did the same for the other two before taking a seat himself. Before he could get a spoonful to his lips the phone rang and he groaned.
"I'll get it." Brad said, jumping up.
Brad answered the phone and gave a cordial greeting before his face broke out in a grin. He held the phone out to Dade who promptly stood up curiously and took the phone from Brad.
"Hello?" Dade asked, wondering just who had given Brad his grin.
"Hey, Spunky."
Dade instantly recognized the voice and grinned as bright as day. He did a few jumps and let out a few screams of surprise while Claire and Marty Lee watched on with puzzled expressions. No doubt both thought Dade had gone a little stir crazy. Yet when he spoke the next word with a crazed excitement in his voice, they both knew why.
"SARAH!" Dade shrieked, grinning stupidly.
Getting these random reconnections to his past somehow gave Dade hope for his future. Even seeing Marcel had somehow made him realize he wasn't a lost cause. He might have made some mistakes, but that didn't mean he wasn't able to make up for them. Realizing that some of the people he most cared about still cared about him, particularly now since he'd been so lonely of late, made him feel positively bright.
"I think he's going to have a good day." Brad grinned happily, sighing before he settled in to have his breakfast while Dade talked, "A very good day."
* * * * * * *
Marty Lee walked into the cafeteria to get some lunch, nodding cordially to Carl as he passed him. He was about to turn back and ask Carl if he'd eaten already when he felt an arm around his shoulder. He turned in surprise to see it was Lucas. Lucas kissed Marty Lee's cheek stupidly and smiled at him.
"Coming home today?" Lucas asked, looking much brighter than when Marty Lee last saw him.
"Maybe." Marty Lee said, trying to be as toneless as possible, but he always found it hard to put up a front with Lucas.
"Missed you."
"Nobody misses me." Marty Lee said, almost pouting and definitely frowning.
"I do." Lucas said honestly, walking with Marty Lee along the lunch line, "And I'm sorry I've been an ass."
"You look better sober." Marty Lee said bluntly, "How come Marcel can sort you out but I couldn't?"
"Sorry." Lucas sighed, fawning over Marty Lee as though they were brothers, "I promise it'll be different. I'll try harder. I've just been depressed, that's all."
"I hate it when you drink. You go overboard." Marty Lee said, still annoyed and a little upset with Lucas, "You and alcohol equals lower IQ."
Lucas chuckled at this and nodded his head, "Can't have that, can we?"
"It's not funny." Marty Lee snapped, "All the shit you do when you're drunk is the reason you get more drunk because you drink! Moral of the story? Don't drink!"
"Just come home, ok?" Lucas asked, rubbing Marty Lee's arms, "Please?"
"Are you going to come back to the team?" Marty Lee asked, hoping Lucas would say yes, "Josh is a good captain, but we need you."
"I don't think so." Lucas said, shaking his head, "I need to put my priorities somewhere else. Besides, nobody likes me there anymore anyway."
"So? Welcome to my life." Marty Lee laughed before he smiled at Lucas, "Ok. I'll come home."
"Good." Lucas smiled contently, hugging Marty Lee.
"Careful, you'll damage my reputation as an unhuggable asshole."
Lucas laughed, "Oh, I don't think there's much chance of that happening!"
* * * * * * *
"I just can't believe they'd even recommend that, you know?" Claire said as she walked home from school with Dade, the pair holding hands.
Normally he'd drive Claire around but she insisted he let her walk more, for the exercise. He agreed but only if she agreed to wait for him to walk her home. Though they were bound together by the baby they'd both made, they were slowly becoming something more.
There were days however when it was painfully obvious that they were perhaps not the other's first choice. Dade knew that Carl was Claire's first choice, while his would no doubt have been Marcel.
"Are you listening, Dade?" Claire asked, jerking on his hand, "Where are you? You've barely listened to a word I've said the whole way home."
"Sorry." Dade said, snapping out of his reverie, "What did you say?"
"Dade? Are you alright?" Claire asked, "This isn't about Carl, is it? We're just friends."
"Of course it isn't." Dade said quickly, pulling her in for an impromptu hug.
"Then what is it?"
"It's nothing." Dade assured, rubbing her back, "I'm sorry."
"Dade." Claire said firmly, "What is it?"
Dade sighed, realizing he couldn't hold things back from Claire if they were going to be a family. He kissed her forehead and rubbed her arms warmly.
"Marcel's back." Dade sighed, "I saw him last night."
Claire frowned, before she nodded and hugged Dade, "Well that explains the preoccupation."
"I'm sorry." Dade sighed, "I guess he just ... brings back a lot of old memories."
"I'm not stupid, Dade." Claire said as they resumed walking home hand in hand, "I know how you felt about him. I know he reminds you of ... when things were different."
"He kinda reminds me of the old days." Dade said with a small smile, "Mom, Storm, Mike, Sarah. It feels like a lifetime ago now."
"Is that all he reminds you of?" Claire asked curiously.
"He reminds me of when I used to like doing the vertical mambo with other guys." Dade laughed.
"And now?" Claire asked, "Do you still wish you could do the ... vertical mambo with him?"
Dade thought about Claire's question as they walked up into their front yard. He sat down on the front steps and pulled her down onto his lap. He nuzzled her neck and took a breath.
"I don't think so. At least not as much as I used to. Part of me will always care for him, because he was my first love." Dade said honestly, "Look. I know you and I didn't exactly plan for this to happen, but it has. We've been happy, haven't we? I've taken care of you?"
"Dade, you've been wonderful." Claire said honestly, giving him a small kiss, "Look. We're honest with each other and that's important. I still think about Carl. I'll be honest with you there. But I know we can't be together. I'm sure part of you still loves Marcel as well, but you won't leave me and the baby. We won't leave each other. It's not the most ideal situation, but it's what we have. And we do love each other, and I think we make a great team. I want to give our baby the family they deserve. And I know you want the same thing. Not everyone gets the fairytale, but they can still have the happily ever after."
"It's a good thing you're hot." Dade smirked cheekily, "It makes this a whole lot easier."
"Hey!" Claire laughed, blushing, "And I'm not hot. I'm fat!"
"You're gorgeous." Dade grinned, kissing her neck, "So gorgeous I want some after school playtime!"
"Dade!" Claire screamed, laughing as she swatted his hands away, "You're incorrigible!"
"Whatever that means, it sounds kinky."
Claire stood up off of him, laughing as she pushed him down and ran into the house as if to save herself. Dade grinned and stood up, running in after her and chasing her up the stairs. Neither of them noticed the fact that they weren't the first ones home. Brad was already in the basement using the gym that Mike had built himself a while back.
He was letting loose a flurry of hits against the punching bag. All his anger and frustration was being set loose. He punched the bag relentlessly, until his muscles began to ache. He had to get onto that team. He just had to.
* * * * * * *
Doing homework was usually something Josh found easy to concentrate on. Not today. Today was an entirely different exercise altogether. Today he had guilt and confusion running rampant throughout him. Today had been yet another day when he and Brad were offside with each other.
Why was he so adamant on holding Brad back from playing? Why wouldn't he even let Brad trial for the new team? Was it really for Brad's own benefit or because Josh was serving his own interests?
He felt an ache in his chest when he thought about Brad. An ache that had grown ever since their friendship had resumed after Brad's dethroning as the school bully. They'd been friends most of their lives, but it had only been since Brad's humbling that their friendship had strengthened. Now he felt as though all the progress, the closeness they'd achieved was all about to be thrown into disarray.
Josh knew he was in love with Brad, but he was doing his very best to keep himself in check. Was he acting unreasonably by refusing Brad a tryout with the team? Was he acting as a friend, or as someone in love? Even acknowledging that love in his own mind made Josh queasy, because he knew deep down that Brad could never return his love. What they had now was as close as they would get, and now even that closeness was in jeopardy.
"Josh? Your mother would like to know if you want something to drink?" Billy asked as he stood in the doorway.
"No thank you, Billy." Josh said, raising his head to smile at Billy, "How was school today?"
"It was good, thank you."
Josh smiled warmly and nodded. Billy Sisto had not been someone Josh imagined would ever live in their household, but his parents would not let him be taken away from Merlow to be placed in foster care. If Jeremiah Sisto had performed one redeeming act, it was to grant Colin and Petra Barrett guardian custody of Billy.
The changes in the last few months had been immense. Billy was still at an impressionable age and though there were some reservations about having him in the same house as Carly, Billy had proven himself to be completely respectful. His style of dress, the way he spoke and carried himself, his manners, had all seen significant improvement. Gone was the tough talk, the ragged gangster clothing, and the cocky sneer.
Josh didn't think Jeremiah was an evil man, but he was a single parent who didn't have the time or resources to give his youngest son the attention and stability he needed. Josh's parents were able to give it, and the difference it made in Billy's life was incredible. Colin and Petra ran a very disciplined household and though Billy had some initial teething problems with discipline, he soon figured out how things worked and adapted himself accordingly. Wearing a pressed school uniform and straight cut hair, Billy would have given the impression of a well mannered, responsible young man.
Billy had been moved to an all boys, private catholic school just on the border between Merlow and White Swan districts. He wasn't keen on the idea, but he did not protest it. Josh himself had asked his parents not to place him in that same school when he was Billy's age. At that time, he didn't think he wanted to hang out with just boys. Looking back, he realized that was a particular error in judgment.
"How do you like your new school?" Josh asked curiously.
"It is a little strange." Billy conceded, smiling shyly, "I find it difficult to ... fit in. Everyone else is so well behaved and straight acting."
Josh raised his eyebrow at that comment and suppressed a hearty laugh. Billy realized how his comment might have sounded and blushed.
"I didn't mean straight acting like that." Billy quickly added.
"I know what you meant." Josh smiled.
Billy was a weekly boarder, which meant from Monday to Friday he stayed on campus. This also meant that in the weekends Billy would come home to stay with the Barretts. It was also when Brad would come over to spend time with Billy.
Having Billy as a weekly boarder was a compromise to Petra who had reservations about taking in someone else's child. While she cared for Billy's welfare, she did not want to lose the sense of family she'd built with her husband. Having the week just for her family worked out for her, as much as Billy staying at the school worked out for his sense of independence.
Today being Friday, Petra had traveled out to pick Billy up and bring him home for the weekend. He was always eager to come home during the weekends as it was obvious he was quite lonely through the week. His lack of discipline and his fractured upbringing had caused problems when it came to forging relationships with strangers. Acting like he was a hard man no longer got anyone's attention. His lack of self worth made him shy away from other contact unless forced.
"Do you like being here with us, Billy?" Josh asked as he motioned for Billy to sit down and relax.
Billy was always trying to be proper and well mannered; almost as if he was afraid he'd be discarded if he wasn't. Josh always tried to make him feel comfortable, but it usually took a little while for Billy to truly relax around him.
"Of course, Josh." Billy said, nodding.
"Brad should be here soon." Josh smiled, "Do you have any interesting stories to tell him this week?"
"No. It wasn't a very interesting week. I don't think I did anything of particular interest."
"Of particular interest?" Josh asked with a soft chuckle, "And I thought I was well spoken."
"The masters are very disciplined on diction and use of vocabulary." Billy said, "I'm certain you can appreciate this was a difficult concept for me to grasp upon first entering the school system myself."
"Oh ... quite certain." Josh said, raising an eyebrow and smirking, "I think as a rule of thumb, you should intentionally try to be less disciplined in the use of diction and vocabulary, alright?"
Billy thought about this for a moment and remained silent for a time. He tapped his knees with his fingers and finally answered Josh.
"I don't think that is a very wise idea. It takes an incredible amount of concentration and effort to speak with any amount of clarity, Josh." Billy said, "I fear if I let my old ways of mongrel speaking surface again, my brain will be incapable of recovering in time for my return to school."
"I have a feeling you're being cheeky." Josh said, half grinning, "Shame on you."
Billy stood up, straightening his blazer, "Would you like that drink then, Josh? Your mother is making some afternoon tea now."
Josh sighed and decided it would be a good idea after all to have a drink and break for some afternoon tea. It would get his mind away from Brad and the growing tension Josh shared with him. He knew this issue with Brad was not settled yet, but for a little while at least, he could focus on something else.
"I'd like that, Billy."
* * * * * * *
Carl sat at the lakeside, staring out over the water. He was still in love with Claire, and sometimes he wondered how he'd ever get over her. Months after they'd broken up, he still thought about her. She obviously thought about him too. He could see it in her eyes. Yet here he still sat alone on a cold Friday afternoon.
That changed when Brad sat down next to him. Brad had obviously been running and Carl could see he was quite exhausted. He nodded in greeting as Brad pulled off his running shirt and wiped his brow with it.
The two shared a glance of acknowledgment before Brad turned his attention out to the lake. Carl buried his head in his knees and sighed. For a time the two remained silent, before Carl spoke.
"You haven't told him, have you?" Carl said.
Brad contemplated this question, not quite understanding it at first. This was until he looked at Carl and realized instantly just what he meant. He was taken aback, processing the implications of Carl's statement.
"No." Brad said simply.
"He won't be happy when he finds out."
"I know." Brad sighed, closing his eyes, "I know."
On to Chapter 5.05a
"Rise Forgotten, Your Time Has Come"
Back to Chapter 5.03
"Marcel's the Best"
Chapter Index