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Storm Front by SF Writer (Tyrel "Rock" Wolf) Season 5: The End of Innocence 'The end of innocence is realization' Chapter 5.13 - Ever Hopeful - Part 3 7,765 words Back to Chapter 5.13 Part 2 "Ever Hopeful - Part 2" On to Chapter 5.13 Part 4 "Ever Hopeful - Part 4" Chapter Index ![]() Drama Angst Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"No, no, no!" Brad screamed, staring up at his father before he received a stiff punch to the jaw.
Brad lurched backwards, making a sick, gurgling sound. He let out a low groan before his hair was grabbed and his head punched repeatedly.
"Dad, I did what you wanted!" Brad cried, before he received a kick to the face, knocking him backward.
"Don't answer me back, Boy! Do you think this is even good enough?"
Brad held his bloody nose, crying as he stared up from the ground, "I'm sorry! Please! No more!"
"Listen to you! You sound like a little bitch! Where's the man in you, Boy!?"
"Leave him alone!" Billy yelled, running out and kicking his father's leg, "Don't hit him!"
For his trouble, Billy received a backhand to the face, knocking him to the ground instantly. As Brad's father removed his belt, Brad quickly jumped to his feet. With wide eyes and desperation running through him, Brad grabbed his father's arm.
"Don't! I'll take it. I'll take it! Leave him alone."
Take it Brad did, receiving a closed fist to the face, before he was grabbed by his hair. Brad screamed as he was jerked by the head and his face was slammed against the wall repeatedly. Gasping, he finally found respite as his head was held against the ground and his shirt torn off. He let out a pained scream as the belt came down on his back with brutal force. Even when he could feel his own blood trickling down his back, it continued. Again, again, again, and again.
Brad sat up in a flash, letting out a loud gasp as he sobbed, waking from his nightmare. Sarah was next to him in an instant, wrapping her arms around him as he sobbed against her chest. More and more the nightmares were coming back. His sense of being alone, as if abandoned by Josh, grew day by day. He had another reason for the nightmares of his past coming back more and more, but he wasn't the type to complain or talk about his problems. He just got on with it. It was hard to do so however, when his nightmares were driving him to such despair.
"It's okay, Baby. It's okay." Sarah said, frowning with concern as she kissed his hair.
She didn't have to ask what the nightmares were about. She'd heard him having them more and more of late. He was more withdrawn, quiet, sad, almost resigned. Just as her husband had been when he too had been struggling with the same Brad struggled with now.
Brad sobbed quietly, his cries filled with emptiness and a melancholy despair. He clutched his hands against her back, holding her tightly as he cried against her chest. In some of his past fantasies, he'd have been in Heaven right now. Yet Heaven was the furthest thing from his mind.
"You don't have to say anything." Sarah whispered, rubbing his back, "You don't. I understand. I understand."
* * * * * * *
"Wow." I gasped, sweaty and exhausted.
I caught my breath, face pressed against Marcel's as we came down from a very, very happy place. I kissed his cheek and snuggled up against him. Closing my eyes, I let him wrap his arms around me. We weren't in my room, feeling we should be a little bit more discrete. Instead we were making use of his rather palatial home.
I guess it was our little sanctuary, away from prying eyes. Corey wasn't pleased to get the brush off, but Marcel and I had a little bit of lost time to make up for. And I didn't want to make up for that in front of anyone else, especially Lucas.
I stole a few kisses, stroking his cheek and staring him in the eyes. Instinctively our hands met over his chest. I leaned over and stole two more kisses before I leaned my head against his.
"I know what you're going to say." I said with a groan.
"It's so strange doing it in Merlow?" Marcel asked, chuckling slightly, before he turned and smiled at me, "It does feel strange though, doesn't it?"
"Like you're my fucking mistress." I sighed, "Should've seen the dirty look Sarah gave me when I left. But you're my boyfriend. Everyone else, including Lucas, will just have to deal."
"Yeah but ... after everything he's been through? I didn't come back here to hurt him, Storm."
"Anyone would think you care." I said, jokingly of course.
Marcel looked at me intently, "Storm. I do."
"I know." I sighed, kissing his temple gratefully, "I do too. I know we have to be careful around him."
"I shouldn't have come, I just ... I wanted to be with you if you wanted to be with me, before you go back to school."
"No, you should have come. I love Lucas to pieces. I'll always love him. But I love you too. It's not right that you have to hide. I'll just ... do my best to make sure Lucas is okay."
"He still loves you. He's still in love with you."
"I know, but I'm not what he needs. He's too dependent. He needs to be free of me." I said thoughtfully, "It's for the best."
"And where exactly do I fit into all of this?"
I gave a cheeky smirk, "Usually with your legs wrapped around my hips."
"Isn't that your job?"
I grinned, blushing slightly, "Maybe. Sometimes."
"It's okay, I won't tell."
I gave a bit of a girlish giggle at that, worrying my lip as I leaned in and gave him an affectionate peck on the lips. I closed my eyes, sighing contently. This was what I liked about my relationship with Marcel. It was easy. Easy as in we barely even had to talk and we were still happy. We still understood each other.
I snuggled a bit closer and began to doze off a little. After all the fun we'd been up to, a little nap wouldn't do any harm. Just a little one ...
* * * * * * *
Corey sat on the sofa, arms folded over his chest, grumbling as he glared at the television. He kicked his bare feet grumpily, not noticing as Mike sat down beside him. He turned to Mike, hmphing loudly.
"He left me."
"A huh." Mike smiled, "Why, are you jealous?"
"No! I just ... who am I supposed to cuddle tonight!?"
"Teddy bear?"
"Stupid Marcel." Corey complained, changing the channel, "At least Lucas lets me sleep in the same bed!"
"Yeah, you should worry about that. Lucas is a bit dodgy." Mike teased.
"I like him." Corey laughed, "You're being mean to him!"
"Love him." Mike said, smiling brighter as he tapped the tip of Corey's nose, "Made you smile."
Corey gave him a sideways glance, smirking, "I like you too. You wanna dance?"
"Nah." Mike said, playing hard to get, "I'm good."
"Come on!" Corey insisted, getting up.
He moved to the stereo, turning it on but being mindful of the fact Brad was already fast asleep. Once he'd found a suitable song to listen to, a little bit of Motown history, he started tapping his feet. He turned to Mike, giving him a look as he started moving into the centre of the lounge.
He started jiving and moving to the beat, completely absorbed by it. He clapped his hands, starting to feel the vibe a little more. He was rather surprised when he realized a pair of feet were moving beside him. Mike was displaying a bit of soul, grinning as he moved in time with Corey, dancing effortlessly.
"Haha, you got groove!"
"Kid, I got groove you don't even know exists." Mike smirked at him, "You want a milkshake, Little Boy?"
"Yeah!" Corey said, giving Mike a wry smirk, "I only look young. I'm probably not much younger than you, Grandpa."
"I remember when you were such a nice kid!"
The two danced their way from the lounge and through the hallway toward the dining room. As they did so, Mike looked up the stairs to see Sarah coming down. He gave her a smile, noting the worried look on her face.
"What's wrong, Baby?" He asked her, "Is something the matter?"
"Brad. This shit with Josh. It's getting to him. He goes to bed early. I can hear him crying. He's still having his nightmares. I just gave him a little hug."
"You sure that isn't just his way to get close to your marvellous breasts?"
"Mike!" She blushed, slapping his arm, "That is not nice. You should know more than anyone else what he's going through."
"Yeah but I don't think he'd like hugging my breasts as much."
"You're an evil, evil man. That's not drool, Baby." Sarah said to him, pointing to her wet top, "One day you're going to fall off a cliff and hit your head on a giant clown balloon."
"And bounce harmlessly into the ocean?"
"Mike, come on. He's having a hard time." Sarah said seriously, "Why don't you go beat Josh up for me?"
"Because that will help?"
"Yes, it's clinically proven that beating the source of a broken heart to a pulp can cure herpes."
"Sarah." Mike deadpanned, "I'm not beating Josh up."
"He's making Brad miserable. Brad's one of us now, and if Josh is ruining his calm, his nuts need to be removed."
"My goodness you are a scary woman." Mike said, wrapping her arms around him, "He's a hard one, Babe. Because he doesn't complain or talk about what's really wrong. Kinda like someone else I know ..."
Sarah giggled and shoved him away, "Weren't you making milkshakes?"
"Storm still hasn't told us how old he is." Mike whispered to Sarah, "But he looks twelve."
"You know he isn't. He must be like sixteen. Maybe fourteen."
"Think Storm's misbehaving and having some cherry pie?"
"Yes, right now, with Marcel." Sarah groaned, "Talk about fail."
"Oh come on, they're good for each other." Mike frowned, "Cut it out. Stop being mean to them. Marcel's good for Storm."
"I'm sure some bitch would be good for you if I wasn't around too, but she still wouldn't be me. I'm the whole fucking show right here." Sarah said, leading Mike into the kitchen.
"Sarah ..." Mike said, no hint of a joke on his face, "If you weren't around, nobody would be good for me."
Sarah turned to him, "Come on, don't be so serious."
Mike sighed, looking slightly hurt at her brush off. She was always brushing him off when he was trying to be sincere. Most of the time it was fine, but sometimes, he wanted to hear how she felt.
Sensing his hurt, Sarah took his chin in her hand and turned his face to hers, "No one else is good for you but me."
He melted at that, giving her a sheepish smile and nodding, "I love you."
"I love only you." She said sincerely, staring right into his eyes so he knew, "Now, shall we make the twelve year old a milkshake?"
"I'm not twelve!" Corey laughed, shaking his head as he came in to help, "You people just act old for your age because you're all mental cases with emotional baggage up the wahzoo."
"Wahzoo?" Mike asked.
"Wahzoooooooo!" Corey sang.
"I think he's got us there, Babe." Mike said to Sarah.
"Tis true, my love, tis true. As mental cases, shall we kill the twelve year old?"
"Oh, yes. Let's."
"Someone save me!" Corey cried, flailing his arms dramatically as he ran away.
* * * * * * *
Sarah yawned, smiling at the sight of her Adonis in the morning light. He was such a beautiful man and he hid it so well. Didn't flaunt it. Always modest. She loved that about him. He had so much about himself to be proud of, and yet he barely gave himself a mention.
Sarah was about to touch him when she heard a soft breathing noise. She turned to see Corey on the floor, sleeping close to her side of the bed. She frowned, reaching down to stroke his hair. He was such a little sweetheart, and yet she wondered how much she didn't know about him. She knew enough that his heart was bright and bursting, and all he wanted was to share a little joy with those around him. He was hard not to love, but she could sense he was hiding something. She could feel his insecurity, particularly when Storm wasn't around. He was extremely uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping alone, or in particular, without Storm. She wondered if she'd ever know why. She had no suspicion that there was anything inappropriate going on, but she could tell Corey had deep fears that Storm seemed to allay in him.
"Mike." She whispered, nudging Mike awake, "Baby."
"Sarah, you're already pregnant, I'm tired." He moaned.
"You asshole." She said, punching him in the arm, "That's my line! Wake up!"
He mumbled sleepily, instinctively moving an arm around her. Stirring slowly, he nestled his chin on her shoulder and looked over the edge of the bed. He gave a little smile, staring half lidded eyes down at Corey.
"Let's adopt him." He sighed, "He loves it here."
"Think he's okay?"
"Think he doesn't like being alone. Think he doesn't like being without Storm." Mike said softly, "Scoot over, my love."
He moved over the top of Sarah, so he could reach over the edge of the bed. Effortlessly, his chiselled arms picked Corey up and onto the bed. He settled him gently in between them. Without waking, Corey instinctively curled against Mike's chest and reached behind to squeeze Sarah's arm. Mike gave Sarah a little surprised smile, not quite expecting that as he wasn't quite used to Corey just yet. Perhaps Corey thought they were Storm and Lucas.
"Fuck Storm." Sarah whispered, "I'm keeping him."
"We've got our own on the way, Love?" Mike chuckled quietly, "We're just keeping this one warm for Storm."
They heard the front door slam downstairs and a rush of footsteps and heavy breathing before Storm's door swung open. Sarah gave Mike a look. She knew it was Storm.
"He must have fallen off to sleep at Marcel's and now he knows he's in the shit." Sarah said quietly.
"It'll be okay. He's fine." Mike said, patting Corey's arm, "This house is meant for strays and extras. It's what Mum wants. It's what this place is for."
"Where is he!?" A voice gasped as the door swung open, before a sigh of relief came.
Sarah raised her eyebrow and said with a drone, "Boy, you are in big trouble. Triple babysitting fees."
* * * * * * *
"I'm not talking to you!" Corey said, walking ahead of me.
"Cor ... come on."
"You left me."
"With Mike and Sarah."
"You left me!"
"Corey ..." I sighed, "It was my first night with Marcel in ages. Come on. I fell asleep."
Corey frowned, turning to me, "I could do what he does."
"Don't you ever say that to me." I said instantly, "No. Just no. Alright? No, never, and ever."
"Why not? You do it! I'll do it and then everyone else can go away and I don't have to share anymore!"
"I'm not having this conversation with you, Corey. I said no. You agreed to come here as long as you did what I said. I said no, never, and ever. If you're uncomfortable here, we'll go home. Today."
Corey glared at me, hurt in his eyes, "You said you wouldn't leave me on my own while we were here! Not like this! You know why!"
"I know." I said, biting my tongue and holding back my usual defensive tirade, "And I'm sorry. I fell off to sleep. It was my first night with Marcel in ages. I know this place is new for you, and I'm sorry."
"You promised me." He sulked, "You lied."
So much for calm and collected, "It was one fucking night! I'm not your Dad! I'm not your brother! I'm not your babysitter!"
The moment I said those words I regretted them. Corey was already crying, but when I tried to comfort him he shoved me and ran away. I ran after him, knowing if I let him out of my sight, he'd run right back to the streets and disappear without a trace.
"Corey! I'm sorry! Wait!"
I caught him, grabbing his arm. He didn't fight, he just tried to keep facing away from me. He was such a sensitive kid and usually I was really careful around him. I think being back in Merlow is starting to make me change. Maybe it's time I started reining myself back in. Maybe it's time this holiday ended.
"I want to go home." Corey said, still sulking, "I want to go home today."
"No." I said softly, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said those things."
"It's true. Everything you said." Corey protested, "Just leave me alone! I don't need anyone! I don't need you!"
"I need you!"
He looked at me, frowning miserably as tears streamed down his cheeks, "I don't have anyone else. I don't want you to leave me. You're going to leave me now, because you're happy, and you won't let me come back with you when you move back here."
I pulled him into my arms, rubbing his back firmly, "I'll never leave you. I love you, Cor. You're my friend. You're special. One night away doesn't mean I'm going to leave. It means I'm really horny and I want to have sex with my boyfriend. You wouldn't really want that with me, would you?"
"Well ... you are kinda ugly." He giggled, "And you smell."
"You're horrible."
"I love you, Dan." Corey said, clinging to me, "I'm sorry. I'll try harder. I just ... you know why I don't like being alone, especially not here. I don't know this place. I don't know your friends. I'm trying to, but they're still not you. I trust you, Dan. I trust you."
He had his reasons for that, and it wasn't anything people might expect. He just knew as long as I was holding him, he was safe. He really had a way of getting anxious in new places, despite his best efforts to hide it. Nobody else would understand, because he didn't want anyone else to understand, or to know, and I'd never do anything to make him feel ashamed or uncomfortable. He was mine to take care of. Just mine.
* * * * * * *
"Hello, Son." Colin said, looking up from his desk.
"Hello, Sir." Brad said, standing awkwardly at the doorway, "I was just wondering ... is Josh here?"
"I'm afraid he's out for the day."
"I see."
"You could have just called. Saved yourself a trip." Colin said curiously, "My son is taking the day off so he can help with the function you all have this evening to celebrate your coming graduation."
"Oh ... I see."
"He didn't tell you?"
"Uhh ... no." Brad said softly, "Well ... thank you for seeing me, Sir."
"Bradley." Colin said, stopping Brad in his tracks, "Is everything alright, Son?"
Brad turned back to Colin, regarding the man for a moment. He frowned a little and nodded his head. The Barretts did so much for his brother, he didn't feel it was right to burden them with his own problems.
"Yes, Sir."
"Is it my son?" Colin asked, pausing before he spoke again, "Or is it your father?"
Brad frowned even more, "How did you know?"
"Your brother is in my care. I make it my business to know these things now." Colin said, "He's out, and you're afraid."
Brad blinked rapidly, but kept his composure as he confessed, "Terrified, Sir."
"You know he can't come near you or your brother without supervision."
"I know, Sir. I just ..."
"If anything happens, anything at all, you know to call me immediately." Colin said, "Don't even hesitate, Bradley."
Brad nodded in thanks, though it didn't quite comfort him as much as he hoped. He could still feel the blows and rage inflicted upon him in a brutal attack that left him near dead. To say he was traumatized would be an understatement. As much as he appreciated the support of Mr. Barrett, he knew if his father wanted to hurt him again, he could, and no one could really stop him. If his father came after him again, would Brad be able to take another beating like the last?
* * * * * * *
All this time back home was making me think about things, especially with Corey. I'd already visited Mum's grave, but now I was visiting somewhere else that I'd stayed away from lately. Dade's bedroom.
I sat on the fluffy beanbag chair he had in the corner of his room, curled up rather comfortably. Being in his room reminded me so much of our life growing up as kids. It wasn't really that long ago, but it felt like a lifetime. So much had changed since, and yet being in this room, seeing reflections of him at different ages doing different things, reminded me that we are brothers.
Despite our falling out. Despite the small, insignificant little fact that he isn't my full blood brother, he is still my baby brother. Nothing can take away our history together, our lives growing up in this house.
I can still see him in this room, lying on his bed, studying at his desk, working out, playing his guitar. It was as if he was still here. It still smelled like him, even though he'd been gone for so long.
Gone for so long. Just thinking that makes me sad. Maybe Claire had a point. Maybe I did miss too much and stay away too long. I still don't think it was her place to comment. She isn't my family. Well, I suppose she is by association, but right now I wasn't feeling any warm fuzzies toward her. I guess I'd have to rectify that someday, for my niece's sake.
But she's not who I'm thinking about now. It's Dade. It's my little brother. I'd sort of give anything right now to give him a hug. Rub his back and just hold him.
Mike poked his head in the door and gave me a smile. Just what I needed. He came in and sat on the bed. From where I was sitting on the beanbag chair, I could put my feet in his lap, and did just that.
"Footrub?" I asked.
Mike gave me a cheeky, suspicious look, "Footrub. That's all."
"Wouldn't ask you for head anyway." I chuckled, "You'd be too good at it."
He started rubbing one of my feet, almost hurting it with how strong his hands were, "Years of practice, Bro. Lucas never complained."
"Oh no ..." I said, gasping in surprise, "You did not suck his dick!"
"What goes on at camp, stays at camp." Mike grinned.
"Mike! MIKE!"
"Storm, why do you care so much? You're not with him anymore."
"You're not supposed to touch cock!"
Mike laughed, shaking his head, "You're so easy. No, did not and have not sucked any cocks in my life. But I have absolutely no problem at all with you crappily sucking Marcel's."
"I'm great." I said, affronted, "I'm awesome at it. I'm so awesome, drop your pants!"
"Sarah, Storm's trying to molest me!"
Barely moments later, Sarah poked her head in, holding a knife, "I will cut your tiny little dick off if you look at my hunk of a man. HBIC right here, Nancy Boy."
I laughed at her, "You two are so cute."
"Lunch is ready in ten, my loves."
"Thank you, Baby." Mike said, not stopping his incredible handiwork, "We'll be down soon."
Sarah disappeared again and I smiled as I turned my attention back to Mike, "You two have made this place a home again."
"I don't think I've ever been happier." Mike said, "Well, I suppose I have, but ... I'm really happy right now. I think Mum would be happy too."
"She'd be so happy. The only thing she'd want is for Dade to be here. Oh, I guess Dad and Abs, but ... you know, they kinda moved on ages ago. But Dade ..."
"He's still special to you. No matter what happens, you still adore him."
"Eh. Maybe a bit." I said, grabbing the phone handset and smiling at Mike as I dialled Dade's number.
'Hi, you've reached Dade Marcus. I'm currently alone and miserable so I hope whoever is calling is related to me or my baby girl and planning to visit me real soon. Claire, if that's you, I've got two tickets ready and waiting so I can see my baby girl. I'm unavailable to take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Dade out.'
I smiled softly, but sadly at the message, "Hey, Bro. Just me. Sitting in your room with Mike getting all emo. Hope you're okay. Call soon? Miss you. And I ... I love you. Not much, but still, love you. Thinking about you lots. Bye, Bro."
I gave Mike a little sad smile, which he returned, giving my foot a little peck before he opened his arms. I grinned and moved into lap, chuckling a little.
"Aren't I too big for this?"
"You're never too big for this." Mike said, kissing my cheek and holding me gently, "I'll always hold you, whenever you want me to."
"You're so fantastic, Mike. You've never changed in all this time."
"I am constant as the Northern Star." He quoted dramatically.
"Wow, you read?"
He dropped me like a hot potato, right on the floor. I laughed, wincing at the same time as he stood up and promptly walked for the door. I got up, rubbing my ass and following after him.
"Ow! That hurt! I thought you were nice!"
Mike held the door open, smirking, "Lunchtime, Sweetheart."
"I'm gonna kick your ass later."
"Your foot will break."
I giggled at that, bounding down the stairs, "Yeah, it probably will."
* * * * * * *
"I'm sure it's what I want." Lucas said, sitting in his lounge, phone pressed between his shoulder and ear.
He was trying to fold some clothes while he talked to his mother. It was obvious to him now that he still harboured feelings for his former mate, and that staying in Merlow would only exacerbate his tenuous recovery. Having both Storm and Marcel in front of him, together, was nothing less than stomach turning for Lucas.
All his valiant cries of being able to handle it were quickly proving to be false. He wasn't exactly falling apart, but he could feel a pull back in Storm's direction and knew right now that just wasn't good for him. Not yet. Not now.
"Not soon." Lucas said, "After graduation. Give enough time to get the house on the market. I can show people around for you."
"Are you sure, Sweetheart?" Mira asked, concern in her voice, "You love that town."
"I love this town." Lucas agreed, "I just need to. This house is too big for just me, and I don't like being alone. I just need to come back and figure out what I'm going to do with my life."
Lucas was about to speak again when he looked up and realized Mike was in the room with him. Lucas smiled gratefully, quickly ending his conversation with his mother so he could get up and give Mike a hug. Sitting down next to each other, Mike helped Lucas continue folding his clothes.
"So ..." Mike said, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but ..."
"It's not for a while, Dude." Lucas said, "And it won't be forever. I'll be back one day, better than ever. I just need to do this. You understand, don't you?"
"Of course I do. But do you really think you'll come back?"
Lucas shifted a little closer, turning to smile at Mike softly, "I want to. Storm's not the only thing I love about this place. I just need some time. But I'll come back."
"I'll miss you." Mike said, moving his hand over Lucas's to squeeze it, "I'll really miss you."
"Don't make me cry, Dude."
"You know where I am, if you ever need me." Mike said, handing Lucas a pile of towels, "Now, Sarah sent me to make sure you come tonight. We can't let Stacey down now, can we?"
Lucas smirked, "Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff? Yeah, we can't let her down, can we?"
"So ... not for a while, right? We still have lots of bro time left?"
"Dude!" Lucas said excitedly, "We have oodles of bro time left. Let's have a good night tonight, okay?"
"Let's have a great night tonight."
* * * * * * *
"I'm nervous." I said, taking a deep breath as I looked myself over in the mirror.
Corey and I were at Marcel's, getting ready for tonight's festivities. The others were due over soon. Driven over, no less. Marcel had arranged for our night, figuring it might be our last bash together for a while. A light supper before we head over to the school, and if anyone was up for it, a party afterwards, right here.
"You look okay for an ugly guy." Corey said, shrugging as he stood beside me.
"You look okay for a penguin." I smirked at him, "You scrub up pretty good, Cor."
"Yeah, you look hot too, Dan."
"They're here." Marcel said, entering the room.
I turned to Marcel, patting his chest as Corey rushed out and downstairs to greet the others. I ran my hands down Marcel's arms and clutched his hands. I was extremely nervous about tonight, particularly because of Lucas. And because it was one of the first times Marcel and I would be on display with each other.
"I wish you didn't make such a fuss about tonight. How much did you spend? It's just Stacey's dog gathering for crying out loud. We don't need a big pre and after party for it."
"It's our night. We're still family to each other. We're still the Pack."
"I know, but chauffeurs? Caterers?" I asked, frowning a little, "Couldn't just keep it simple?"
"We do simple a lot. I didn't want to do simple tonight. I wanted all of us to get dressed up, to have a great time, and to be treated for once. You can sulk and pout or you can deal with it. Like it or not, everyone I love is having a great night."
"You're one of the few people who can lay down the law with me." I said, wrapping my arms around him and leaning my head against his shoulder, "Just tell me we're going to be okay tonight."
"We're going to be okay tonight." He whispered in my ear, kissing it, "Now let's go downstairs."
We did just that, hand in hand. When we arrived downstairs, everyone was already there and my goodness I had one hell of a flashback. I remembered when Lucas and I made the same walk, only there weren't this many eyes on us back then. Just Claire if I remembered correctly. But this time, it felt like a lot more because it was all people whose opinion I cared about. Mike, Sarah, Lucas. Awkward.
Marcel, continuing to prove his dominant role in our relationship, took charge by giving a slight nod to everyone and inviting them to partake in whatever they wanted to eat or drink. It was quite a fancy spread for just our small group. Corey thought it was Christmas, not used to this sort of treatment.
"I'm going to eat the whole table! And then the other table!" He gasped excitedly, grabbing a mouthful of salmon bites, "Can we eat now?"
"Eat." Marcel smiled, "Now. Don't drink too much wine either."
"What he means is, don't drink any wine." I added.
"Yes, Dad." Corey smirked, digging in.
Bless him, but the little guy could eat and was clearly not used to this sort of occasion. That was part of his charm though. Marcel let go of my hand to go and greet Mike and Sarah. I knew why he did it. I understood what he was doing. He was giving me the space I needed to talk to Lucas.
"Dude." Lucas said, taking the initiative and stepping up to me, "You look ... amazing."
"You look beautiful too." I said softly, avoiding his eyes, "Look, I ..."
"I'm leaving Merlow. I just wanted you to know that ... I made my own mistakes. Some of them were made for me. But right now, I think, it's for the best, if I'm just ... away. Just away."
I looked at him the moment he said that, taken by complete surprise. He just threw that right out of nowhere. Conversation had barely started. He's leaving? I did not expect this to be the case at all. I was about to speak up, when he stopped me, wanting to continue.
"Come on." He said, pulling me aside, "I gotta get this out before I lose my nerve."
I glanced in Marcel's direction, and he nodded at me to continue. No, I don't need his permission. I don't even know why I looked. But I did, nonetheless.
"I'm such a mess right now." I confessed to Lucas as he pulled me out onto the deck.
"I'm being responsible tonight, okay?" Lucas said, taking a glass of wine to have a sip before he put it down.
"I'm not your boss." I said to him, "But I am your friend. I just ... I want you to be okay, and I ..."
"No, it's my turn." Lucas said to me, clutching my hands as he smiled, "Dude, do you remember when this felt ... right? Right for us?"
"Nah." I said, blinking a little quickly, "Of course not."
"It's okay. I understand, Dude."
"I remember." I said quickly, looking at him, "I remember it like it was yesterday."
I looked out over the waters of Lake Herren, squeezing Lucas's hands. In a different time we'd have been in this same spot, together, as a couple. I shouldn't be feeling this way. It feels disrespectful to Marcel.
"I don't want to forget any of it." Lucas said, turning my attention back to him, "I just wanted you to know, that I might be leaving because of you, because I still love you and I know that I have to let that go. I can't do that here. And you can't keep going around with Marcel acting like you're doing something wrong, because you aren't. He's great, Dude. You're great. You're both great. Maybe it's just what was always meant to be."
"I used to believe you and I were meant to be." I said, taking a deep breath and not bothering to hide that I was tearing up a little, "I left you once, and now ... you're the one leaving me. And I understand why. I do. I just ... I'm so sorry that it's because of me. I'm so sorry."
Lucas sniffled, but still tried to smile, kissing my hands and holding them against his cheeks, "I remember when these used to be mine. And when you left, I'd think about them, I'd think about you, so much. And that's why I'm leaving. I don't want to be like this anymore. I want to be me. I want to be strong. I want you to be happy. I think it's best for everyone, especially me, if I go. So ... my parents are going to sell our house and I'm going to live with them in San Diego. It won't be straight away. I don't do sudden disappearing acts like you."
"Ouch." I chuckled good naturedly, knowing I deserved that.
"Well, it's the truth, Dude." He shrugged, "Anyway, don't hide, okay? Don't hide you and Marcel being together. He deserves to be front and centre. I had my turn. Now it's his. Make it good for him. Make it the best he's ever known. He deserves that."
I nodded at him, still quite emotional, "I'm sorry if I've hurt you."
Lucas leaned in and kissed my cheek, "I'm not. I've never felt more than I've ever felt with you. Thank you."
With that he let me go and headed back inside, taking his wine with him. I turned and gripped the deck railings, fearing if I didn't, I'd go after him. How the heck could he still do this to me in minutes? I was fine and now this?
I let go of the deck, turning around in a heartbeat, "Lucas, wait!"
"No, Storm." Lucas said, pausing at the glass door, "Just ... no."
I nodded my head in understanding, and I suppose, acceptance. He needed to do this. To put himself apart from me, for his own sake. In a way, I appreciated his forthrightness. Maybe he will be okay after all.
* * * * * * *
"Storm?" Marcel asked, his hand on my shoulder, "Is everything okay?"
"You really need to think about dumping me." I said, wiping my eyes, "Because if he can still do that to me, there must be something wrong. I'm so sorry."
"I don't have to dump you. If that's where you want to go, then that's where you'll go."
"I can't help that I still love him. That I still feel." I was so confused, "It's just because we're here. Here in Merlow."
"Is it?"
"I don't know. I don't know. Blondie, I don't know what to do." I cried, "I love you. I love him. And I'm so angry that I blew it all because of that fucking whore and my stupid, stupid, stupid believing him. We should've gotten to end it on our terms, but she took it away from us. And now he's leaving and I'll never see him again."
"So stop him."
"I don't want to!" I gasped, sobbing now, "I don't want to. He's doing what's best for him for once. Who am I to stop that? We belong together in a different place, a different time. That time is over, but it doesn't mean I'm not still angry about it. I can't have this conversation with you anymore because you're my boyfriend and this isn't right. It's not right."
"I'm also not stupid." Marcel said, "You must think I'm a fool not to see you still love him. Not to see that part of you still wants him. There's part of you that wants me too, but I always knew coming back here would test you. That it would test us."
"Consider me tested then, because I thought about stopping him." I said, wiping my eyes again, "But know it's just old emotions coming up. We're not right for each other anymore. We mess each other up. I like who I am when I'm with you. I want him to like who he is without thinking about me. I'm sorry for all of this, but this is still where I want to be. With you."
Marcel took a deep breath, rubbing my arms and kissing my temple and then my nose, "Storm, I won't always be so willing to let you go. But I'll give you until he leaves. After that, you have to choose."
"I'd choose you." I said, pulling his arms around me as I began to cry, "I'm gonna mess up your suit."
"It's okay, I have more."
"You're too good to me."
"Because I love you." He said softly, cupping my cheeks, "I've always loved you."
"Even when I'm like this?"
"Especially when you're like this." He kissed me gently on the lips, once, twice, and a third time more insistently, "I'm going inside now, so you can have some time alone."
"Times like this I wish I drank or did drugs."
"Well, you can't drink, and if you did do drugs, I'd dump you. Just so we're clear."
I giggled softly at that, "I'll be in soon."
"Take your time, Babe." He said, stroking a tear from my cheek with his thumb, "Take your time. I'll let you know when it's time to head to the dance."
* * * * * * *
"Come on, Bitches!" Sarah yelled, "Limo's here!"
"Wow, a limo!" Corey gasped, still stuffing his face with hors d'oeuvres, "This is so cool!"
"Corey don't eat with your mouth full." I said, patting his back as I walked past him.
"Shut up, you're not my dad!" He laughed, rushing after me to grab my arm, "I wanna sit next to you. Are we coming back later?"
"Yes, my little man."
"Come on, Dudes, let's mount up and make a grand entrance." Lucas said, holding the front door open for everyone, "Pack style. Might be the last time."
"Let's hope not." I said, giving Lucas a nod as if to let him know that comment was directed at him.
Marcel was already outside, waiting outside the limo. I suppose you had to let him have his fun, even though I wouldn't have done quite this much. I'm sure he wanted to outdo Stacey and her inner circle.
Sarah got in first, followed by Mike and then Corey. I got in next and sat just in time to catch Lucas and Marcel bump fists, before Lucas got in next. It was a quick, barely there gesture, but it made me happy. Things might be crazy weird between us right now, but it's nice to know that loyalty is still there between those two.
On one end Sarah sat between Mike and Lucas. While on my end, I sat between Corey and Marcel. It was quite nice and roomy, while Corey seemed to be having a bit of fun looking around the inside of the limo.
"Let's go." Marcel said to the driver.
"Quick toast." Sarah said, as the limo started to move.
We were going the long route, taking the esplanade route around the lake edge to get a bit of a view. Sarah pulled out one of the bottles of champagne from the mini-bar. She poured one for Lucas, Marcel, and even that mischievous little Corey. Mike, Sarah, and I, all settled for juice and water respectively.
"I propose a toast." Sarah said, "As the power behind this show now, I have decided that we must all continue to be awesome, and uber, and generally kickass. Anyone not feeling that can have a nice can of shut the fuck up."
"Here, here!" Mike said.
"I'm not done, Dear."
"Really? That's a shame."
"Shut up!" She laughed at him, "I'm not done. I'm not done! Now, it's so rare when we all get to be together these days and I just want to say, it's so lovely to have you here in the flesh, Marcel. And it's somewhat okay to have you here, Storm. Corey, you need to move to Merlow, Sweetheart. As for us locals, Mike, Lucas, and God, well, we're just all glad you guys came back and that we're all here tonight. Thank you, Marcel, for putting on this bit of star treatment for us."
"Is this a toast or a loaf of bread?" I asked, laughing, "Just kidding! Carry on, carry on."
"Shut up! This is my moment, our moment! Before we have to mingle with Dogface and be sociable when all we want to really do is hang out with each other. Anyway, my toast is ... to love." Sarah smiled, raising her glass, "No matter what happens to any of us, we can always say we had that, in whatever form it took. The Pack always had that. To love."
I was waiting for one of us to say that it was corny, but I think all of us were actually quite moved by the sentiment and agreed wholeheartedly. No matter what we all were to each other. Boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, we were all love to each other. Even Lucas and Marcel.
"To love." Mike said, "May we always have it for one another."
"To love." Marcel agreed, "May it be something we always appreciate in one another."
"To love." Sarah said, "I couldn't have anymore of it than I already do, for each and every one of my boys."
"To love!" Corey gasped, "I shouldn't even be in this limo, but I love that I am! Woo hoo!"
"Oh god, you are such a nerd!" I snapped at him, "To love! I have nothing really awesome and really wise to say, I'm sorry I suck, but Marcel and Lucas both love it when I do!"
Lucas and Marcel both almost spilled their drinks laughing at that and had to take a bit of time to compose themselves. Lucas smiled, and as usual, a little emo, a little wearing his heart on his sleeve as usual. He looked at each of us and sighed, recognizing it was his turn next.
"To love." He said softly, "I never really knew how deep it was and far it could spread, until I met each and every one of you. For that, I will always be grateful."
We all shared a glance to one another. Some smiles, some slightly wet eyes. This really was our moment. Who knew if it might be our last moment like this, but it was certainly one I would never forget. We tapped our glasses together and in my mind and heart, I couldn't help but think Sarah's toast said it all. To love.
* * * * * * *
To Be Continued
In Part 4
The party to end all parties. Stacey Peters brings together Merlow High students, past and present, for one last hurrah. The Pack get to strut their stuff together for what is looking like the last time. Brad confronts Josh about his recent absence. Claire makes a choice about her future for June and with Carl. White Swan comes looking for trouble. The fate of Storm Front is sealed.
On to Chapter 5.13 Part 4
"Ever Hopeful - Part 4"
Back to Chapter 5.13 Part 2
"Ever Hopeful - Part 2"
Chapter Index
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All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.