A quick word from Jevic
These are stories that include and/or star the next generation of the kids in Harry Potter. You'll have fun and adventure with James, Albus, Scorpius, Rose, Hugo and more. Hang on, this generation gets up to a lot!
NOTES! ->"Link Verified" Link verification date. stories added in the last 12 months. (archived) an electronic copy of the work has been saved. Fiction Ratings are displayed with specific warnings. All Time Favorite Classic stories are MUST reads. Story recommendations are presented in alphabetical order. Use the quick links below to navigate the page.
"19 Years"
by shilo1364 Link verified to FanFiction.net/shilo1364 on 4 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Angst, Astoria and Ginny, Scorpius and Albus and Neville channels Dumbledore
53 Chapters (93,039 words)
Completed 28 October 2016
Added 17 September 2018 (archived-pdf)
Inspired by Drarry: Unspoken video on Youtube. Draco obliviates Harry's memory of their relationship. 19 years later, they meet again at Hogwarts. Great story!
"A Tale of Two Tents"
by who_la_hoop Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
who_la_hoop on 13 July 2023
Story notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Generation
1 Chapter (10,287 words)
Completed 30 March 2009
Added 9 February 2017 (archived-pdf)
When Scorpius and Al take their parent's rivalry to a whole new level, Hogwarts is forced to intervene. Or, how Harry and Draco went camping, encountered mud, and managed to survive with all their limbs intact.
This is the most entertaining and funny story I've read in quite some time. Read it and be ready to laugh yer arse off!
who-la-hoop is also the author of "The Pottor-Malfoy Problem," "101 Ways to Heal Your Wizarding Woes" and "The Rabbit and the God" all of which are on this list.
"Dance By the Light of the Moon"
by Writcraft Link verified to FanFiction.net/Writcraft on 13 July 2023
Story notes: Post Hogwarts
1 Chapter (13,821 words)
Completed 27 July 2012
Added 7 January 2016 (archived-html)
Harry is miserable and living like a recluse in Grimmauld Place and Draco retired from wizarding society after his divorce. One day a misdirected owl from Scorpius Malfoy finds itself in Harry's hands. Harry hasn't lost his desire to save people but Draco has a secret and it is one he isn't willing to share.
"Fate is a Four Letter Word"
by Philo Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Philo on 10 March 2021
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Generation, Angst, Tragedy, Romance, Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Action Adventure, Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Non-con (rape), Character Death, Threesome, Contains Het Sex, Contains Slash Sex, Pairings: Harry Potter & Severus Snape & Kingsly Shacklebolt
105 Chapters (550,401 words)
Completed 4 December 2010
Added 6 November 2009 (archived)
Harry‘s only aim has been to create a safe and happy life for his family, but his efforts are destroyed one spring afternoon. Harry meets new friends and old enemies, old friends and new enemies, whilst trying to find a path through a changing world.
This is a well written story. Hehe, yes there's good Snape and a little Lucious bashing. But that's to be expected in a good HP story. Be warned though, some of the descriptions are not for the faint at heart.
"King's Cross"
by Mystwriter This work is no longer available online but I have a sharable copy.
Story notes: Post Hogwarts
1 Chapter (48,369 words)
Completed 2005
Added 7 March 2019 (archived-word)
Harry sees Draco at King’s Cross while sending off their sons to Hogwarts. But what is it about Draco Malfoy that seems to intrigue Harry so late in life?
King's Cross SEQUEL
by Mystwriter This work is no longer available online but I have a sharable copy.
Story notes: Post Hogwarts, 2nd gen
1 Chapter (11,229 words)
Completed 2005
Added 7 March 2019 (archived-word)
It’s Scorpius’ first summer at home with Draco and Harry. What is it like for all of them in their new lives? And then there is something about a wedding ...
"In Loco Parentis"
by phoenixstrike Link verified to FanFiction.net/phoenixstrike on 11 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Generation and Non-Epilogue Compliant
9 Chapters with a prologue and an epilogue (46,911 words)
Completed 20 November 2012
Added 3 February 2013 (archived-html)
It is five years since Draco Malfoy and his wife were kidnapped. Nothing has been heard from Malfoy since and he's presumed dead. Harry Potter dotes on Draco's son Scorpius, with whom the boy has been living. But when it turns out Draco isn't quite as dead as everyone thought, it turns Harry's life upside down.
"Like Glass"
by Penguin Link verified to FanFiction.net/Penguin on 13 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Harry in distress
12 Chapters (25,728 words)
Completed 27 November 2004
Added 13 July 2013 (archived-html)
The war is over and Voldemort has been defeated; Harry has been used and thrown away. He lives in Muggle London, lost, confused and destroyed. But Lupin and others want him to return to the wizarding world, and Draco Malfoy is sent out to find him.
Scorpius certainly is his father's son when it comes to appearance, but that's where the similarities end. I enjoyed this story very much.
"Lonely Moon"
by eleventy7 Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy.
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts and Professor Potter
15 Chapters with an Epilogue (66,874 words)
Completed 15 January 2010
Added 13 July 2013 (archived-html)
More than a decade after the Battle, Harry returns to Hogwarts as a professor and discovers a student with a familiar face and an unexpected past. Compliant with everything except DH epilogue.
Scorpius certainly is his father's son when it comes to appearance, but that's where the similarities end. I enjoyed this story very much.
9 April 2020 - Just read this story again. Gotta love the way Scorpius was written! LOL! Good story!
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to FanFiction.net/Lomonaaeren on 14 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Post War, Auror Harry and Epilogue Compliant
57 Chapters (181,026 words)
Completed 31 May 2014
Added 7 February 2015 (archived-html)
Harry's life has become an endurance run, through the remnants of his stressful divorce, his strained relationships with his children, and his increasingly complicated job. But what might make things more complicated than the rest of it is what happens when he saves Scorpius Malfoy's life, and Draco Malfoy insists on assuming the life debt.
Another awesome story from Lomonaaeren, who has written well over 500 Potterverse stories! She is God's gift to HP Fanfiction! Read anything by her and you will be totally blown away!
"Mine Enemy (Original)"
by Ethan_SN (formally Xx_Astrid_xX) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
users/Ethan_SN on 14 June 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Gen, Dad Harry, Dad Draco, Scorpius and Albus
9 Chapters (10,506 words)
Complete 18 January 2018
Added 5 February 2018 (archived-pdf)
One late night, by an odd, chance meeting, the divorced Harry Potter followed one Draco Malfoy home, and they had an impromptu one-night-stand. Eight years later, they're in a situation neither one of them would have expected to have ever found themselves in- both lonely, single dads with school-age children whom they have recently gained full custody of, they're forced to mingle when their sons, Albus and Scorpius, become fast friends. How will Harry and Draco react to the feelings that keep surging up between them, and the feelings that are growing between their sons?
"The Only Final Path"
by Celandine Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Celandine on 16 July 2023
Story notes: Post War, Accidential Lordship
1 Chapter (17,532 words)
Completed 8 December 2007
Added 1 March 2019 (archived-pdf)
Friendship between his son and Draco's son gradually brings Harry to a realisation of what he really wants.
That's the author's summary for a very well thoughtout drama. Perfect! You'll enjoy it! Celandine has written well over 300 stories in the HP Universe! Here's a snippet. Dear Mum and Dad,
James said he was going to write you but I hope he didn't, because if he did I expect it was to make fun of me. I hope you're not too disappointed to hear that I was Sorted into Ravenclaw. I know you expected me to be a Gryffindor like you both were, but at least it wasn't Slytherin. Although one of the other new boys in Ravenclaw wanted to be in Slytherin, can you believe that? His bed is next to mine in the dormitory and he has an unusual name too. Scorpius. I think I've spelled that right. Anyway, I like Hogwarts so far. I said hello to Professor Longbottom, like you told me to, and he was very nice, although we already have homework in Herbology. I'll write you again soon.
Love, Al
by Lomonaaeren (pronounced low-moan-ah-AYER-en) Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/
Lomonaaeren on 26 June 2023
Check out the Lomonaaeren Page on Tarheel Writer
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Gen, Scorpius and Teddy Lupin
50 Chapters (196,581 words)
Completed 11 May 2015
Added 9 November 2015 (archived-pdf)
When the truth about a seemingly minor Dark hex Harry has suffered leads to the dissolution of his marriage with Ginny, Harry spins into a downward spiral. His private consolation is creating a fantasy life for himself in his journal as Ethan Starfall, a normal wizard with a big family. When he receives a random owl Draco Malfoy has cast into the void as a plea for help with his son Scorpius, Harry replies—as Ethan. There’s no reason, he thinks, for an epistolary friendship with Draco to go further. But Draco might have different ideas about that
It's a story by Lomonaaeren. I don't need to say anymore. She's awesome!
"Unfinished Business"
by kcstories Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/KCStories on 18 July 2023
Story notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Gen, Professor Potter
1 Chapter (20,767 words)
Completed 3 October 2008
Added 17 September 2014 (archived-pdf)
Scorpius is found unconscious in the dungeons. A worried Draco comes to Hogwarts, DADA Professor Harry Potter tries to figure out what happened, and Hugo, Rose, Albus and Lily do some secret investigating of their own.
"Walking With a Ghost"
by kcstories Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/kcstories on 2 July 2023
Story Notes: Post Hogwarts, Next Gen, Drama and some AU
29 Chapters (83,573 words)
Completed 7 October 2010
Added 31 August 2014 (archived-pdf)
It's Albus and Scorpius' third year at Hogwarts. Life isn't going too well for their respective fathers, but Albus intends to change that. Soon unexpected help arrives in the shape of a ginger-haired ghost and a man who's been presumed dead for over two decades.
kcstories has written over 150 stories in Potterverse, two of which are on this page ... with more to come!
5 November 2017 - I just re-read this story and am pleased to say it is still on my recommended list. Awesome story and highly recommended!