An Albemarle Tale by The White Water Kid    "An Albemarle Tale"
by The Whitewater Kid
A Young Man's Coming of Age on the Tidewater
Chapter Four

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An Albemarle Tale by The Whitewater Kid - Jeremy and David
Jeremy and David
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Teen Drama
Explicit Sex
Rated 18+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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Saturday morning the alarm went off at five, and I don't know why I was so surprised since I was the one who set it. Dave groaned and rolled over towards me, and threw the back of his arm over my chest. He stretched and elbowed me in the ribs. I returned the favor. We elbowed each other a few times, traded a few raunchy insults as best friends do, then got up and got dressed. I was first out of the bathroom, and went down to start coffee. He came down a few minutes later.

"Who's car?" he asked.

"Where?" I wanted to know.

"Some strange car in the driveway man," Dave said.

I looked, and saw the hospital parking sticker on the bumper and thought "Oh Beth, you little thing you, spending the night with the doctor while Momma and Daddy are away!"

Sure enough, the smell of coffee brought both sisters down, and Beth was followed by this Indian dude who looked terrific. I mean, this guy was really studly good looking.

Beth looked at me. "Not one word twerp, not one word!" she said.

I smiled, and put out my hand to the guy, and said, "Hey, I'm Beth's brother Jeremy, and this is my best friend David."

We all introduced ourselves and we all three shook hands, and Beth was looking at me like "Who are you and what have you done with my nerd like brother?"

We talked for a few minutes, and the guy seemed really cool. In fact he seemed so cool that we invited him to go fishing with us, but it turns out Hindu guys are vegetarians so fishing was right out. He eats butter, cheese and milk though, and sometimes eggs because it's the only way to get certain proteins. But he doesn't like to eat them because eggs are actually unborn life. Beats me, I don't believe in much of anything except just God, but if it makes him happy, I'm all for it. David and I had already finished breakfast, and we just filled the thermos with coffee, and filled the three water bottles, and after a little more conversation to be polite, we left.

There's something about the river that draws me to it. In all its moods, and all weathers, I get captivated by it, and once I see it or get near to it, I can't wait to be out kayaking or sailing. That Saturday morning was no exception. The early morning sunlight was slanting through the trees on the opposite shore, and making the patterns of light and shade on the surface of the river, and every so often the breeze that was rustling in the tree-tops dipped down and sent a shiver of ripples across the surface, and the sunlight seemed to dance. There was a light haze just above the water, and here and there a rising fish made an ever-widening circle. Upriver the whine of an outboard motor broke the silence, and as the boat rounded the point a white egret rose up out of the reeds just across from our pier, and flew towards the Sound. I could smell the marsh, and the breeze whispered through the tall rushes, and my heart quickened with excitement.

Dave and I walked down the pier, and loaded up Miss Betty Lou with our gear, and got the fishing tackle out of the little shed. I lifted the minnow trap out of the river, and we had enough bait for the day, and I thought if not, we'll catch a few more. I straightened up, and passed the bucket to Davey and watched as he carefully hung it from the cleat on her stern.

I looked out across the river again, and wondered yet again how many generations of the boys in my family had put out from this dock, or the docks that were here long before my grandfather built this one. I wondered, too, how many boys had sailed from our dock with a friend, perhaps a special friend like David. Had any of the boys in my family before me been as confused as I was about what they felt towards that special friend, the friend of their heart? Had my Grandfather or Father been torn with this secret longing for that something, that as yet undiscovered something, we thought only another boy could give?

Then I looked back at David, and the breeze caught his hair at that moment, and his face was flushed with the chill of the morning, and maybe, like mine, with just the simple joy of being in each other's company. "How can it be," I thought, "that this boy holds my heart in his hands without even knowing it?" I found myself wondering if a boy in colonial knee breeches and hose, with his hair tied back in a queue, had stood where I was standing, and did he look over at his best friend and wonder what it would be like to make love to another male, to surrender yourself completely to the yearning in your heart, and the fire burning in your loins, all those secret desires that were sometimes so unbearable? Had they lain together in an old fashioned feather bed, exploring each other's bodies as I longed to explore Davey's? Had they kissed one another like I wanted to kiss Davey? Had they experienced together the amazing transition that boys go through, that I was still going through? The physical change from being a little boy to being a young man? Had they kept track of the changes in each other's bodies like Davey and I had done?

"Dude, guess what!" he whispered breathlessly in the hallway in middle school.

"What?" I couldn't imagine what would cause this level of excitement in David.

"I've got some!" he whispered.

"What," I asked. "What are you talking about? Some of what?"

"Hair!" he said a bit louder. I must have looked blank because he said, "You know, down here!" He looked down at his crotch and grinned.

"No way!" I said. I was blown away! We had been skinny dipping in the river together one day barely a month earlier, and he didn't have any hair then, I'm sure I would have noticed, or he would have told me. Then we hadn't seen each other for a few weeks or so after that, because of vacations. "Really?" I asked, "You really have some hair?"

"Yeah man! Just a little, but I got some!" he smirked. "You got any yet?"

"No," I said, and I must have looked as crestfallen as I sounded because his smirk disappeared.

"Look, don't worry. Remember what they told us in Heath last year. It happens at different ages for different guys," he said.

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "How long have you had it?"

"Not long," he replied. "It seemed to grow overnight! One day I just noticed there was some dark fuzz there, ya know?"

"The hair on my legs is gettin' longer," I said, "but it's not dark."

"Yeah, mine's gettin' longer too. On my lower legs," he said. "I think I'm gettin' some under my arms too."

"I don't have any there either," I replied. I wondered if I would ever get hair. I had seen two other guys who were our year at school in the locker room at the golf club, and both of them had hair on their legs and above their cocks. One of the guys was really hairy.

"Well, don't worry! It'll happen dude," Dave said.

About a week after that conversation Dave was over at my house for the day and, as so often happened in the past, it turned into a sleepover after our moms exchanged phone calls. We were up in my bedroom getting ready for showers, and were walking around in just our boxers.

"So, lemme see 'em," I said.

"What?" he said.

"The hairs you got," I said. Dave grinned.

"Sure!" he said, and he dropped his boxers and stepped out of them. "Look!" he said, and thrust his pelvis forward.

I sat on the bed, and he moved forward a bit to get closer. I looked above the base of his cock, and sure enough there were some fine silken black hairs there.

"Can I feel 'em?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Dave said. I reached up and brushed my finger tips through the small dusting of hair. They weren't coarse yet, or thick, just very soft and silken. My touch made David start getting hard. Seeing each other naked was a common thing and never seemed to cause any problems for us. In those days we probably swam together naked more than with our suits on. Sometimes we got hard, and usually played the 'who-has-the-biggest game' that all guys play. David giggled.

"Tickles!" he said.

Still growing, his cock lifted up and I couldn't help but notice he seemed bigger than I remembered the last time we had played the 'let's compare' game. He raised his leg and put his foot on the edge of the bed next to me.

"Look at these!" he said. And I looked at the fine black hair that was growing on the base of his calves. I wrapped my hand around his leg and gently felt the downy crop.

"God, that's so cool!" I said. "I can't wait to get mine started. I wish it would hurry up and start growing." The semi-sexual talk, and touching him, had got me hard too, and my boxers were tented up.

"Got a problem?" he asked and giggled again.

"Same problem you got!" I said.

"So, you don't have any hair at all yet?" he asked.

"I don't think so. Check it out, okay?" I said, and I stood up and pulled down my shorts and threw them on the bed. We exchanged places, with me standing in front of Dave and him sitting on the edge of the bed. I held my boner down so he could see my belly. He brought his face fairly close, and then brushed his fingers across the part of me right above my cock.

"Ya know, I think you're startin' to grow stuff too!" he said. I couldn't believe it! Cool!

"Really?" I said, and looked over as far as I could. Sure enough, there was a light dusting of very fine hairs, not yet brown like the hair on my head, but not blond like the other little hairs on my body. It really did look like faint feathery dust. As if someone had taken a few cobwebs and put them there. How could I have not seen or felt these? I raised my leg as he had done. "How about down there?"

Dave looked carefully, and ran his finger tips up and down my leg. "Yep!" he said. "They're not too long man, but you got 'em started just like mine started."

"Wicked!" I exclaimed.

"Totally!" he said. "Is your dick growin' too?"

"I think so. It feels like it is. I know my balls are bigger," I told him.

"Yeah, everything's happenin' at once," he said. "Just like the book said it would." He brushed his fingers across my belly a few more times, then stood up.

"Let's see how big we are," he said, and we stood together, and moved so our dicks were next to each other's. He was very obviously bigger than me, and then we lifted up or cocks and his balls were bigger too. Not only that, but they hung down more than mine did. He didn't tease me about it like I was afraid he might.

"Things'll even out, you'll catch up soon and we'll be the same like always," he said.

"Yeah, I hope the soon comes soon!" I said and we giggled about it.

"Do know...?" he asked as he made the motions of jacking himself off.

"No," I lied. "Well.... ya know.... just sometimes....nothin' comes out,"" I said sheepishly. I felt so embarrassed and self-conscious. It was bad enough I didn't have any hair, but now I had to admit I didn't even have semen yet.

"Nothin' comes outta mine either," he said. "Can I go first in the shower?"

"Sure!" I said, and he went into the bathroom and closed the door. I thought that was strange because we hardly ever shut the door before, I mean not unless one of us was dumping. Then I thought he might be doing that thing we had just been talking about. They called it masturbation in health, but the guys called it jacking off. I had tried it, and it felt great but I didn't have ejaculations like the book said I would. I wondered what it would be like to have semen.

Dave showered while I played Nintendo, and came out of the bathroom without a hard-on, and by then mine had gone soft too.....

"Hey!" I heard, "Earth to Jeremy!?"

"What?" I said.

"Where do you go when you do that man? It's freakin' me out!" he said. "You just stare at me, and don't say anything, and just stand there."

"Sorry," I said. "Lost in thought."

"You do it a lot lately man," he said. "Just stare at me like that."

"Sorry dude, spaced out I guess," I answered.

" 'S okay man, weirds me out sometimes though," he said. "Like last night, tellin' me I had lights on inside my body!"

"Yeah, look, I'm sorry, okay? Let's get moving," I said.

The nicest thing about sailing with David is that he knows boats, and knows what to do, and sometimes more importantly what not to do, aboard a boat. We got her mainsail cover off and mainstays taut without saying anything since we had done it together so often, either on this boat or aboard his father's. We moved around each other in a kind of dance, each knowing just when the other would need a line tightened or eased, and in no time it seemed we were ready. I took the boat hook out of its mounts and gave us a shove away from the dock, and the current took her and we got the mainsail up and sheeted home, and suddenly the magic was back, and I was doing the thing I loved best in the world.

We went down river tacking every so often even though we probably really didn't need to, and conversation was limited to just things we needed to say to handle her. "Ready about!" and "Channel buoy to port." It was a little breezy, out in the more open waters, and there was a chop on the Sound once we rounded the point. I was really high on life that morning. My sisters had been nice to me, I had acted like an adult meeting Prakesh, and what David and I had done together the previous night was very fresh on my mind. I was more confused than ever about what I felt for him. Those thoughts on the dock a bit earlier, and looking at him had made me horny again, and I could feel my manhood coming awake.

"He's my best friend for gosh sakes!...guys don't think this way about their best friends...what's the matter with me?" I thought. Then a mental picture of him sitting in the chair last night, with that little puddle of sperm in his belly button came into my head, and I boned full up. "Get a grip Jeremy!..." I thought.

We tacked a few times rounding the point and sat together on the weather side for balance, even though Miss Betty Lou is usually a perfect lady in just about any sea. Once I could hardly bear the happiness I was feeling and put my arm around Davey's shoulders, and hugged him into my side.

"It doesn't get any better than this bud, it just doesn't!" I said, and he grinned back at me.

The weather was supposed to be rainy, but it was only partly overcast and actually mostly sunny, but it was cold. We fished a little in the inlet to the river, but didn't have any luck. We ran up the North Coast of the Sound to the highway bridge, because that's where the sea bass feed around the pilings. It used to be a railroad bridge I think, way before I was born, but got converted to a state highway bridge. The wind had picked up, and the swells were fairly frequent and steep. Fortunately, Dave and me are both good sailors, so it didn't bother us any. Neither one of us are big talkers while we're out fishing. Just stuff like "Little suckers keep nibblin' all the bait and not bitin'," or "Let's try over there a ways."

Sometimes you just don't need to talk, you know? Just being with somebody is enough. Like when Dave and I are together, it's like we have this silent communication thing going on sometimes. We go places together, and sometimes hardly say ten words to each other, but those few are better than having an entire conversation with somebody else. I hope Dave feels the same. I think he does. I think he must like my company as much as I like his, since he's always ready do to stuff with me, or suggest that I do stuff with him.

We fished all morning and caught a couple of decent sized flounder and three middling sea bass. Nothing spectacular. We had to throw back most of the ones we caught because they were under the size limit. Dave was using his special "flounder catcher" rig which is a small hook on a long leader, and the leader attached to a swivel with three split shot around the line a bit farther up. The shot weight the line to keep it on the bottom where the flounder feed and the swivels and long leader let the bait move around and wiggle. It works too. At least mostly.

The NC Marine Fisheries Police came by checking our licenses, and they did a check of the boat. Dave said they were disappointed not to find beer aboard. Or weed. We decided to eat some lunch and work back into the eastern parts of the Sound for a while since the bridge piers didn't seem all that interesting to the fish that day. We were drifting with the sails down, eating boloney sandwiches and swilling cokes, and just enjoying the day.

"It's great your Dad lets you use the boat," Dave said.

"Yeah," I said. "Trust me man, he would never let me out alone, not without you aboard."

"Really? Why?" Dave asked

"Because my parents think you are a good influence on me. You get better grades than me, and don't seem to catch the shit I catch from my parents," I told him.

"Oh, I get rations of shit from the parents, and you know it too. Never fear," he said, and then was quiet for a while. "My parents think just the opposite. They think you're a good influence on me!"

We laughed at the general craziness of parents. Then Dave said, in a much lower voice, "We weren't very good influences on each other last night!"

I looked over and he was doing that right into my eyes look he does when he's serious about stuff.

"I didn't do anything I didn't want to do last night," I said. "Nothing," I said sort of forcefully. "I'm not ashamed of anything we did. Like I told you man, you and me, we got NO secrets from each other."

"Me neither man," Dave said. "I mean, I'm not ashamed either. was just us right... nobody else needs to know right?" He was still looking at me.

"I swore didn't I? I swore it was just for us. Our business and nobody else's," I replied. "Look, Davey. Don't worry about what we did last night man. You know me man, and I know you. We're not gay Dave, it was just something that happened," I said.

I looked over at him and he was still doing the Radar Eyes thing like right into my skull. "You and me were horny to start with, and watching the fuck flick got us even hotter, and it just happened, okay?" I said.

"Remember what we said in your bedroom man? About what happens in the room stays there?" he asked.

"Yep. What happens in the room stays there," I promised.

"So, same for the boat? What we talk about here stays here man? I mean it Jeremy," he said, and I could tell he was serious, and I replied just as seriously.

"Same... I swear... I mean same for the boat. Whatever is said or done aboard stays aboard," I told him.

I was wondering where all this was coming from and where we were going with it. I also felt a little dopey sitting there with my cock as hard as a rock in my jeans, and holding a half eaten boloney sandwich.

"When you... last night when you... y'know... when you pulled your boxers down... and started jackin' off right in front of me.... . . man! Oh, man... that was way wicked hot.... I mean seein' another guy boned up shouldn't get me hot right?" he sounded puzzled.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"'Cause we're guys, we see each other naked all the time man..... y'know... after practice. Even in our rooms we see each other naked sometimes..... but last night..... last night was like....oh man..... I just don't know man..." his voice sort or trailed off. "It was like watching a live porn show," he said. His face was all red again, like he was majorly embarrassed.

"Look, we see each other and the other guys naked. So what? It's the locker rooms. It's not sexual," I said.

"Yeah, I guess," he said

"No, there's no 'I guess' about it man. It's not sexual. But last night when we were hard together, that was sexual. We got turned on just by seeing each other turned on," I said.

"Yeah," he said.

"I mean look David, nobody wants to watch a porn movie with guys who aren't hard, right?" I asked him. "I mean, guys who are soft aren't sexual but guys who are hard, well they are sexual, you understand?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorta," he said.

"Okay, look at it this way then.... when y'look at the fuck flick, would it still be as hot if the guy wasn't hard?" I asked.

"Hell no," he said.

"So, what's the difference then? What's the difference if you're seein' some guy you don't know get hard in a movie, and fuck some chick, or if y'see me get hard jerking off?" I asked again.

I was trying my best to explain what I was thinking. "Boners are boners Dave, and its just hot seein' another guy with a hard-on. It just is Dave," I said.

"Well it was sure as shit hot seein' you hard last night," he said.

"Yeah, and once you got into it, it was totally hot seein' you too dude," I told him. "You had like, wood of death!"

He laughed and said. "Yeah, that's me alright. Baseball bat dick."

I didn't say anything. I tossed my sandwich overboard and looked at him. I leaned back and my cock was tenting up my jeans. I just sat there for a minute. I could see him staring at me down there.

"Well," I said real low, "You wanna?"

He looked up into my eyes again, and flushed. God, he was hot.

"Wanna what?" he asked me.

"Jack off," I said.

He blushed even more. "Are y'hard?" he asked.

I looked down at myself, then up at him and smiled and said in my best gangster voice, "Waddayathink?"

"Me too," he said, and he stood up for me to see. His shaft was off to the side and hanging down. He rubbed his thumb up and down it a couple of times.

"So, answer the question!" I said. I was like grinning from ear to ear! "Oh my God! It was gonna happen again! We're gonna be jacking off together AGAIN!!" I thought.

"What?" he asked, he looked blank, and then blushed again. "Oh, y'mean jack off, huh?"

"Well duh, what have we been talkin' about?" I was teasing him.

"Sure, but... y'know... maybe we can go below and do it... not out here," he said. He looked around the Sound like we were the center of attention for a hundred boats. He got up and walked over to the hatch that leads down into the cuddy.

I got up and threw over the anchor, and then followed him down, and I swear I never had my pants opened that fast in my life. He turned around and I already had mine around my ankles and was starting to play with my balls. I had my hands flat and was running the forefingers up and down in the creases between my balls, and the palms of my hands were rubbing the insides of my thighs. It felt great. I love doing that to myself. I lifted my balls up with my thumbs and my cock came up too.

"Damn!" He exclaimed. He was starting at my cock. "D'you?... I mean does it?... the precum stuff, y'know?...I mean d'you always make so much of it?" he asked.

I looked at myself, and darn if there wasn't a drop of the shit hanging off the end of my cock.

"Yeah," I said, "I'm usually pretty wet." I ran my fingers up the shaft and pressed on the tube on the bottom, and more came out and the drop fell off onto the cabin sole.

"God! That's so cool!" he said. He was grinning. "I have t'be hard for a while before my stuff starts to flow like that," he said.

"So," I said, "you gonna stand there all day lookin' at my package or we gonna get some work done?"

The boat was rocking in the swell and we are both tall enough we have to duck when we're below. He unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, and the boat lurched and he fell onto one of the bunks that are on either side of the cabin. He got his jeans the rest of the way open, and then pushed his pants and boxers down to his ankles too. It was way too cold to take off our shirts, and I thought my ass would freeze when it hit the plastic seat cover. But all I could focus on right then was that guy with the sheepish grin on his face and his bone waving the air.

I sat opposite to him on the other bunk. We started jacking off, and we were watching each other do it.

"Your balls are bouncin' again," I joked with him.

"Yours are up tight again. Like always," he said. "Like a tennis ball that needs a shave!" And we laughed together.

We jacked off for a while, watching each other.

"D'you like watchin' me?" he asked a little shyly.

"Shit! Are you kidding!? It's like watchin' a fuck flick in person," I said. "In fact it's way better!"

I stroked a little and asked, "You like watchin' me?"

"Hell yeah," he said. "Can I come over there with you man? It was so cool last night... y'know...when we were next to each other."

"Then get over here man. Better viewing," I told him. I was so hot I thought I would cum right then.

Dave got up and sort of staggered across the deck, and I know he was having trouble because of his pants being around his feet and the pitching of the Miss Betty Lou. If he wasn't so hot looking it would have been funny. He sort of sat and sort of fell onto the seat right next to me, and his right leg caught on my left knee, and when he sat his right leg was over my left one.

"Oh, sorry man," he said, and started to lift his leg off.

"Dude, leave it," I said, and I put my left hand right on the top of his thigh. "It feels good."

"Really?" he wanted to know, "You're nice and warm!"

"Glad you approve!" I said. I opened and closed my fingers on his leg a few times, and felt the curly hair he has all over them. "You really are one hairy motherfucker," I told him.

"Glad you approve!" he said. He looked at me and we both laughed.

We were stroking ourselves pretty fast, because it was cold in the cabin, and my ass was numb from the cold seat. It was almost a medicinal jerk off rather than passionate!

"You wanna watch the fuck flick again tonight?" he asked me.

"Again?" I panted. "After this? Christ in tennis shoes, don't y'ever get enough?" I pretended to be amazed.

"No. Never. I love jackin' off," he said, "So, can we?"

"Fuck yeah! We'll watch the flick so much we'll wear our cocks off jerkin' 'em so much," I told him.

"Be fun to try," Dave said.

I just grunted, because I was starting to get the feeling in my gut that tells me my cum is close.

I rubbed his thigh with my hand and opened and closed my fingers a few more times. What I really wanted to do was reach over and hold his package, and play with him, and feel his cum shoot out and get all over my fingers. But I didn't.

"Feels good Jer, you doin' that," he whispered, and his breath was sort of raggedy.

"Like that huh?" I asked.

"Yeah man, totally turns me on," he said.

I brought my hand up closer to his crotch, but couldn't bring it all the way because my elbow hit the back of the bunk, and we were sitting too close together. I rubbed his thigh some more.

"Oh yeah! Oh fuck yeah! YEAH!" he said, and started to cum. I gripped his thigh.

"Oh yeah stud, get rid of that load," I said. I kept my hand on his leg, rubbing the hair and then I was there too. God, just touching his leg hair got me off. I didn't shoot as far as last night. It only went up onto my belly. I brought my right leg over and rubbed it against his leg that was between mine. God, it felt so fine! I love how he is so hairy. With his black hair and dark eyes, he is totally good looking.

When we were done cumming and squeezing the rest of our sperm out of our cocks I bounced his leg off mine, and with my clean hand I reached down and sort of pulled my pants up a little, and hobbled over to the little galley. I got some paper towels, and we spent some time cleaning up, not saying much, just stuff like "Way excellent" and "Felt great."

I hate it when sperm gets into my cock hair. It is hard as shit to get out and beads up and you never get it all. I told Dave this, and he agreed.

Then out of the blue, Davey says; "Wonder why sperm smells like this?"

I couldn't think of anything intelligent to say, so I said, "'Cause the smell of a guy turns girls on, and it makes 'em wanna mate with us."

"Dude, guys don't walk around smellin' like cum!" Dave said.

"No shit," I replied, "but when we were naturally naked, y'know, and runnin' around with just hair on us, I bet the males had cum in their hair and on their cocks, and smelled funky."

"Yeah?" Dave sounded totally skeptical.

"Yeah," I said. "I bet that's how the females knew the boys were old enough to mate, 'cause the females knew what sperm smelled like, and when they smelled it on a boy they knew he was old enough." I thought about it for a while. "I bet somethin' else too," I said. "I bet the females had their juice and stuff on 'em and that's how the males knew they were ready for fucking. Like dogs smell each other, humans prob'ly stuck their noses up each other's crotches, " I said.

"No shit! If it would make Joselyn let me fuck her, I'd stop showering and rub jism all over me!" Dave said. We laughed at that one for a while. He sniffed his pits. "I smell like a guy, and Joselyn won't mate with me!" he said.

I sniffed my own pits. "Yeah, well Meghan won't mate with me either Dave, and I smell like a guy too," I replied.

"Oh dude, no. You smell WAY worse than a guy. You reek," David looked at me, and we both broke up again.

" I love this guy...he's easy to be with...he's fun...he's sexy as hell...oh, man...where did that come from?... but he is....he's sexy....and built...and hairy..." I thought.

"Really?" he asked. "You really don't get any off Meghan?"

"Nothing," I told him. "Not a thing except some heavy make out sessions that leave me with a steel hard cock, wet boxers and jackin' off twice before I can get to sleep," I said.

I would never tell this to anybody but Dave. I don't think I could ever lie about Meghan and me to make myself look like a stud or anything in front of the other guys, but I would never volunteer information. I mean, Meghan and me might not be having sex together but I would never just spread shit around about her.

Dave was quiet while we finished wiping ourselves off and getting our pants back up and buckled. We went back up on deck and started fishing again. Davey caught two more flounder and then we turned for home. We trolled all the way, but didn't catch another thing.

"You asked me about Meghan," I said after a while fishing.

"Yeah?" Dave asked.

"Friday, her and me, we're going to movies and pizza. I'm goin' to try and get off first base," I told Dave.

"So, I mean, what's that exactly? You never did more than make out you told me, so now you want to do more stuff?" Dave wanted to know.

"Yeah. You know, we've been going together for a while. One time, she sort of asked to see my cock. She said she never saw one before. She just played with me a little bit, you know? Nothing else," I told Dave.

"Whoa! She touched you dude?! No shit!?" he said. He sounded like he just discovered there really is a Santa Claus.

"Yeah, she was just curious about what guys look like and she wanted to see how balls felt and moved around in the bag and stuff," I said.

"Jesus man! That's totally more than I ever got!" Dave was shaking his head.

"Yeah, but she wouldn't do anything else Dave! Nothing! She felt me up and then nothing! She told me I was disgusting for letting my cum get on her hand, and I didn't! It was the precum stuff!" I told him.

"She thought that clear stuff was cum?" Dave asked me.

"I guess so, yeah. She's never seen cum I guess. But you know how I leak when I get hard man!" I said.

"Ya think?" Dave laughed and said, "Fucking water hose man, fucking water hose!"

"She makes out great, and gets me totally hot and turned on, then shuts it off the second I try to touch her tits or anything else," I said.

"Like Joselyn," was all Dave replied.

"Trouble is I really like her," I confessed. And I do to. I really like Meghan. "If she would just loosen up a little it would be great," I said.

"Freakin' girls. I hate 'em," Dave said.

"No ya don't," I said. "You liked the hell out of Allison and Katie!"

"Yeah, I know. There must be girls like that around here. We just need t'find us a pair of 'em," Dave said.

"But the girls we know who are like that are the ones everybody else has fucked too. Least, they say they've fucked 'em," I told him.

"I bet some guys we know get laid," Dave said.

"Ya know, I'm not getting' any, and you're not getting' any, and I bet none of our friends are gettin' any either. I bet all their stories are just bullshit," I said.

"Think?" he asked.

"Think," I said. "Most definitely. Lyin' out their asses."

We talked about more stuff, but nothing about jacking off or what had just gone down in the cabin. It is like, he gets horny and hot, and doesn't mind messing around and jacking off, but once he has his cum, he's ready to forget all about it until he gets horny again.

We tied up at our dock and unloaded the gear. There is a little hand pump there that pumps the river water up from below the dock and we use it for cleaning the fish. We just wash down the dock when we're done. It's kind of a tradition in our family that the fishermen catch and clean and the ladies cook. I grabbed the bucket of fish, and we started walking up to the house. We had talked it over while we were cleaning them, and decided we'd wrap them up and freeze them, and let my Mom know they were there. When we got to the back porch, we heard lots of chatter and girl laughter from the kitchen, and when we opened the door we saw that both Beth and Susie were there with some friends.

On to Chapter Five

Back to Chapter Three

Chapter Index

An Albemarle Tale is Copyright © 2007 by The Whitewater Kid
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise,
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply.
All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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