An Albemarle Tale by The White Water Kid    "An Albemarle Tale"
by The Whitewater Kid
A Young Man's Coming of Age on the Tidewater
Chapter Six

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An Albemarle Tale by The Whitewater Kid - Jeremy and David
Jeremy and David
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Teen Drama
Explicit Sex
Rated 18+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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We slept the night through. At least I did. If David got up to pee or anything I didn't wake up. I've read enough gay stories on the Web to know this is where the Patented Cliché appears of the two guys awaking in each other's arms, or one guy holding onto the others morning wood. Actually, Dave and me drifted apart during the night, and he was lying sort of diagonally in the bed with our feet together at the bottom. Not that waking up with his cock in my hand wouldn't have been totally fantastic, it just didn't happen.

That Sunday was Palm Sunday, and the sisters knocked on the bedroom door wanting to know if I was going to go to church with them. Dave nudged me awake enough to answer.

"What?" I shouted through the closed door. I sat up and the covers fell off my chest.

Beth opened the door, and looked right at Dave and me in the bed, with me sitting up, with nothing on, and the covers around my waist. "Great," I thought, "Just great." Her eyes just went a little wide, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Church?" she asked.

"Nah. Me going to church would give the Rector heart failure," I said.

"Mom and Dad might be pissed," she said. "Y'all know they want you to go to church."

"I'm a terrible sinner, I know Beth, but I'm not a hypocrite. You know I think it's all superstition," I said. "Don't worry, okay? I'll deal with Mom and Dad when they get home, you won't have to cover for me."

"I thought David was supposed to be a good influence on you!" Beth laughed.

"Who? Him!?" I jerked my thumb towards Dave. "He's teaching me some wonderful new bad habits."

Dave kicked me under the covers. "No, don't believe him! He's the bad influence on me Beth," he said.

"You guys going back out on the boat today?" Beth asked.

"Nope. We need to finish homework, and get most of the history paper finished, and I need to do my French essay," I said.

"Alright. Leave the kitchen clean, y'hear!? There's pancake batter in the frigidaire. If it's thick add a little milk, a little at a time until it looks right. There's enough to feed you two and then some," Beth said, and started to close the door.

"Hey Beth!" I hollered. "Think Sharon would go out with me?"

Beth looked at me like I had grown another nose.

"Are you on drugs?" she asked. And Davey snorted and kicked me again.

"Hey! It was a thought!" I said.

"Don't even think it!" Beth said and shut the door.

I lay back down on my back and brought the covers up to my chin. Dave rolled over to face me.

"Dude, if it's going to cause grief for you, maybe I should go and you can go to church," he said.

"No," I said.

"Jeremy..." he started to say.

"NO!" I said loudly. "If I believed in all that bullshit it would be one thing, but you know what I think about it David," I said.

"But I thought this was like a really important day for you guys at church!" Dave said.

"Yea, maybe is, not like NEXT Sunday though. They'll totally freak out if I stay home on Easter," I told him.

"Sometimes you have to give a little, y'know? Sometimes just go with the flow!" Dave said.

"No," I said, and David stopped. Like I said, we know each other pretty well. He knows where and when to push me, and where and when not too.

"Well. So. You aren't going to your own church today, are you still coming over for the Seder tomorrow night at my house?" he asked

"Wouldn't miss it," I said. "The way your Mom cooks I'd be nuts to miss a chance at dinner."

"Jeremy, listen, this isn't just 'dinner at my house,' it's the start of Passover. I know you're not religious, and I'm not either, and neither are my Mom or Dad. I mean fuckin' hell! We're Jews who eat bacon and crab cakes! But a Seder is special, Jer, y'know? You can't joke about it tomorrow, alright?" he said.

I turned my head towards him. He had he head propped up on his hand and he was looking down at me. I held his eyes.

"Bud, d'you think I would disrespect your parents and you like that?" I asked him in a low voice.

He looked into my eyes for a moment, then lowered his.

"No," he said. "No, I don't think that."

I looked at him, and saw his eyelashes resting on his cheeks, and just then I wanted in the worst way to kiss another guy. "What in the Hell is the matter with me!?" I thought. I got up and dragged on the boxers I'd abandoned last night, and walked over to the highboy I have for a dresser. I reached into one of the little top drawers and got out a silk bag. I sat on the edge of the bed next to David, and brought my leg up to sit.

I opened the bag and took out the prayer shawl and yarmulke I got from David's grandparents when I went to his Bar Mitzvah in Richmond. That's where his family is from, since the Revolution. Most people don't know it but there are lots of Jewish families with English names that go back to Colonial times. Especially in cities like Richmond and Charleston. The shawl was pure linen I think, I don't know one fabric from another, but the yarmulke was white silk, and lined, and decorated with little pearls. They have always been like super precious to me because they remind me of a day that was so special in David's life. He says he isn't religious and he isn't, but his Bar Mitzvah was really special. I was so proud of him that day, hearing him speaking in Hebrew and reading from the scrolls. He also got the most wicked fine presents! I looked up at him, and he was looking at me.

"You kept these? All this time... three years kept these?" he was totally blown away.

I just nodded. Words just didn't seem to be needed. We handled and looked at the things a little while.

"Can I wear these tomorrow?" I asked.

"Absolutely!" David said, and grinned this huge grin.

"Ready for pancakes?" I asked

"Is there molasses in the house?" he wanted to know.

"When isn't there? I laughed.

"Then I am most definitely ready for pancakes," Dave said.

So we got up and got dressed. We both had major pillow hair going on and probably looked like crazy people but we didn't care. The batter was in the frigidaire like Beth promised, and it did look a little thick. I poured in some milk and beat it around. If you've ever done this, like pour milk onto a semisolid bowl of stuff like batter, then tried to mix it in, you know most of the milk ends up splashed out on the counter. Davey laughed.

"Is that what those instructions mean....when they say 'beat vigorously?'" he said. He had that look on his face that he gets when he's getting ready to act up and wants to joke around

I looked at him, "There's only one thing I beat vigorously, and you've watched me do it," I said. And we laughed.

"And you've watched me!" he said.

"With vigor!" I said.

More milk splashed out of the bowl, and David went "Here, gimme that and you get the griddle and the other stuff."

So, eventually, we sat down to scrambled eggs, some of the very thickest and densest pancakes you ever saw, orange juice and coffee. Yes, we found the molasses and yes, we two Southern boys eat butter and molasses on pancakes. One thing Dave and me have in common is that we don't care for maple flavor syrup.

We finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen, even washed all the coffee maker parts and wiped the counters and everything. I was determined not to give Susie or Beth a reason to yell at me anymore. I thought Beth and me need to be allies if we are going to be keeping each other's secrets. God only knew what she thought about seeing Davey and me in the same bed.

I asked David if he wanted a shower before we started the school work we had planned on doing. He said sure, so we went upstairs to my room. Dave and I have always been interested in the Civil War and we are in the same American History class. When our teacher assigned the class a term paper Dave and I both submitted the topic of Stonewall Jackson. She told us that one of us would need to pick a new subject to write about, so we asked if we could do one as a collaboration about the General. We had to do some arguing to get her to agree to our idea, but she eventually came around. We each had to write a letter saying that the effort would be equally divided, and we agreed to accept the grade given as if one person had written the paper. We had been working on the research for a month or so, and I had done some awesome maps using my dad's topographic mapping CD's. You can print out just the terrain and then add stuff over it. Really, they looked great. I had been doing the outline for writing the military parts, and Davey had been doing the outline of the written biography parts, so this Sunday we were going to put everything together and write the text together. Dave had got a color portrait off the Internet of Stonewall and had done some white lettering over the top so that it looked like a real book jacket. I mean, it was awesome! Truth man, between the cover Dave made and my maps, if we could get the text to be just as good we would totally blow everybody else out of the water.

David showered while I got the bedroom straightened up, and got the research notes arranged on my desk. Then he walked out of the bathroom naked, and my breath caught in my throat I thought he looked so excellent.

"Your turn!" he said and started to get dressed.

I couldn't take my eyes off him; I don't know what the matter with me was. I saw how the sunlight was coming in my bedroom windows, and highlighting the hair on his legs, and then he pulled on his boxers, and straightened up and the hair trail came into view and I wanted to...God, I can hardly write this...I wanted to do what I had done to Katie; to lick his navel and trail my tongue down his belly into that thick bush he has, and suck him off. I felt my cock stirring and decided I better get into the bathroom before it betrayed what I was thinking. I looked up and he was watching me.

"Dude, you're starin' at me again. You're startin' to weird me out Jeremy," he said.

"Sorry man, I must've been day dreamin' or somethin'," I said and went past him and closed the bathroom door.

I actually leaned against it and tried to get my breathing under control. I was hard a brick, and half of me wanted David and the other half was screaming "NO" into my head. "I've got to stop this...Oh, God he's so freakin' hot... I've got to stop thinking about him like that... lookin' at him naked drives me nuts... he's my best friend for chrissakes!....Oh, God, I want him so bad..." I thought about Meghan, and I thought about Katie and Allison, and I thought about every girl I ever knew, and still the images of Davey standing there naked wouldn't leave my head.

A colder than normal shower helped. And I had to concentrate on shaving, and that helped, and by the time I was finished in the bathroom I was soft enough again. I came out of the bathroom, and I looked over at the computer and David was sitting in front of it, and the fuck flick was playing!

"Oh, shit!" I said. "I forgot we left it in the drive!"

David grinned. "Yeah, and lucky for you it was me that turned the computer on and not your Mom. Doesn't she use this one sometimes?"

"Truth," I said. "She never touches my laptop and never touches the little portable hard drives, but she does use the PC for the Internet. That's why I clear my tracks and delete all the 'Recent Docs' files after I finish."

We looked at the movie for a few seconds and I said "Okay, I need to get dressed and we need to get to work. We have t'get this thing written." And I pointed to the pile of notes and stuff we had for our term paper.

"Yeah, I guess," he said. "But this is way more entertainin' than Civil War history."

"Agreed. But we've seen it a hundred times, and we need to get started man, this fuckin' thing's due the day after spring break," I said. I pulled on a pair of boxers and walked over to the computer and sat down next to him. I reached for the mouse and was moving the cursor up to the "X" button, and Dave grabbed my wrist.

"Jer, let's just relax, okay?" he said, and looked at me. "We'll get the paper finished, y'know we will, let's just watch a while.... I feel horny as a'ol' dawg this morning"'

I sighed. Beat. I tried, I really tried for once to focus on something other than masturbation and now I was getting the strongest signals from Dave that that was exactly what he was aiming towards. I sighed again.

"Shit, I didn't know I was twistin' your arm so hard!" David was laughing. "Usually you're so hot to watch this thing smoke comes off you."

"Dave... it's not's... y'know how this gets me goin' Dave... y'know how fast I get hard when we watch it... I just thought...I's more important to get this school shit done and over with.... and ... jeeze man... I don't want you to think sex is all I think about... sex isn't the only thing on my mind, y'know?" I said, even as I felt my cock growing in my shorts.

David laughed, and he pointed right at my crotch and said, "Yeah, sex might not be the only thing on your mind but it sure as shit is the only thing on HIS mind!"

"OH, NO!" I squeaked in a high falsetto voice. "You've woke up One-Eye!!" I reached into my fly and got my stiff cock out, and made sniffing noises, waving it towards him like my cock was sniffing for a scent. I leaned closer to him.

"The One-Eyed Trouser Mouse smells sex.... he smells David!....oh, no...OH NO.... 'Ruuunnnn Davey ruuuunnnn,'" I said in my Forrest Gump movie voice.

I leaned closer to Dave and rubbed my cock on his leg! I kept making the sniffing noises, and Dave was laughing, and squeaking shit like "Oh, no!" and "Back monster, I'm a virgin!" and then he smacked my dick really lightly and said, "Down One-Eye! Down boy!"

I sat back in my chair, and sighed again. I read something in a book once. I can't remember which one, but the phrase "his mind was a seething vortex of conflicting emotions" came back to me just then. "What now?" I thought. "Is David coming on to me?" Then something dawned on me. We usually sit at the PC with me on the right of David. Last night we changed seats so we could touch each other easier, and now David was in that same seat, the one I usually sat in.

I looked over at him, and he was watching me. I stood up, and pulled down my boxers, and threw them on the bed behind us. I cupped my hands over my mouth and whispered loudly, "And suddenly, Jeremy noticed he was the only naked person in the room!"

David laughed, and then pulled off his tee shirt and raised his hips and shucked down his shorts and boxers in one movement. He threw them over his shoulder too.

I sat back down, and spread my legs a little, but didn't let my leg touch his. I thought I would let him control what happened, and I would see what he would push and what he wouldn't.

"Can I put my leg over yours again?" he asked.

I nodded. I was actually sort of slumped down in my chair, and had my legs stretched out under the computer table. He lifted his leg, and put it over mine. Because they were stretched out, the contact was along a longer section of skin, and felt good. At least to me it felt good. I was determined that he was going to make the first moves of anything we did together. I started jacking off with my left hand, and had the right one laying on my belly. David was slowly stroking off with his right hand, and I looked over into his face, and he was watching my hand! Not the screen where the dude was fucking the shit out of the girl, but he was watching me jack off. I decided I wasn't going to touch him on his leg, and I sure as shit wasn't going to hold his balls unless I got a hell of a lot stronger signal than I was getting, so we just sat there, and stroked.

The lube and the kleenex box were still on the table, so I asked him to pass me the bottle. He had to let go of his cock to reach it, and it rested against the hair trail on his belly, and left a smear of precum in the dark hairs there. I could see the veins on the shaft, and the tube underneath, and the hair on the underside where his balls started. Talk about hot! Man!

He gave me the bottle of stuff, and I squeezed some onto my cock, and swirled my hand around to lube myself up. I must have moaned or something because Davey said "Feels good, huh?"

"Yeah! Fuckin' great!" I whispered.

"Hey," he said, "put some of it on me, okay?" And he held his cock up in the air.

I held the bottle over him, and told him to let the shaft go, so the lotion would go on the underside of his cock. He did, and I dribbled a little stream of stuff up his dick. He smeared it around like I had done, and said, "I see what y'mean, this feels excellent!"

We stroked a little more, and he nudged my right arm with his left.

"What?" I asked. I looked up into his eyes, and he was blushing.

"Hold my balls again Jeremy, okay?" he said.

I held his eyes with my own. "You gonna hold mine Davey?"

He blushed deeper, and took a breath. His eyes fell.

"Jeremy...." he said, and took another breath. "Jeremy... it's...part of me wants to Jer.... and then part of me...part of me..." he stopped and turned his head to look at the screen. "Jesus, Jeremy! I'm not gay...I'm not.... but...oh, shit..."

"So, that's what this is about, huh?" I said. "You think what we do is gay because I lost control of myself one time, and because I wanted my friend to feel great, I held his balls while he cummed??"

He looked at me once, then away again. "You think I'm gay, don't you? I asked.

He didn't say anything.

"That's it, isn't it David, you think I'm gay. You think I'm a faggot, and that's why I touched you like that!" I took a deep breath to calm down.

"You think I'm queer," I whispered looking right at him, "You think I'm queer, and you think if you touch me the same way that makes you queer too, right?" "God, why does this hurt so much?" I thought. I saw a ten year friendship dissolving in front of my eyes.

"Let me tell you something David, YOU LIKED IT!" I said. "If I'm gay for touching you, what's that make you?? For chrissakes you just asked me to do it again!!"

I got up and reached for my boxers on the bed, and almost at the same moment, Dave reached up and grabbed my arm. He's bigger and stronger than me, and it felt like my arm was in a vise.

"Jeremy, please...please...sit back down...Oh, man... God Jeremy, I swear...God you're my best friend Jer...I swear I don't think you're gay's's just..." his voice trailed off.

"What man?" I asked softly. "God, Dave! JUST TALK TO ME," I said

"I feel like I'm standing on the edge of this cliff Jeremy. I feel like...I feel like I don't know WHAT I want anymore!" he said.

I thought for a minute.

"Davey," I said. "If I was screwin' Meghan, or you were screwin' Joselyn, we wouldn't be here like this. None o'this would have happened. But is has David. It has happened, and we can't just forget about it and walk off and pretend anything else."

He was sitting forward in the chair, and I nudged him back. I turned sideways and faced him, and put my left hand between his legs, and cupped his balls. Actually, we had both gone pretty soft, and I cupped the whole package. I moved my fingers, and felt his balls move around in their bag, and his cock started to swell a bit.

"Think this is gay?" I asked in a soft voice again.

He looked into my eyes, then looked away. He shrugged. "I just don't give a fuck anymore if it is or not," he said. "Turn around man."

I let go of him, and turned facing the computer again, and felt his left hand slide over my leg, and his hand touch me on my balls. My cock pumped up, and I was fully hard in no time. I reached between his legs again, and held him too. We started jacking off again.

"Jeremy, you swear what we's just between you and me, right....what goes down in the room, stays in the room?" he asked.

"On my life Davey, I swear on my life," I promised.

We jacked off, nothing spectacular, just jacking off and saying the usual stuff while we did it. We moved our legs together a little every so often, and I felt his hair rubbing against mine, He moved has fingers over my balls and I did the same for him, I cummed first that morning and then a little bit later, he shot. We used kleenex and dirty tee shirts to wipe up.

When we had calmed down a little, he faced me. "Do you think I'm gay Jeremy, because I liked doing that?"

"Jesus! Will you just stop?" I said. "We're not gay!....I'm not gay and you're not gay. ....We found a way to give each other some pleasure! More than we got jackin' off by ourselves. So what?"

"But..." he started.

"DAVID! Stop it!" I said "D'you like what we just did, and what we did last night, and what we did on the boat, and what we did Friday night?"

"Yeah, but..." he started again.

"Did anybody get hurt because we helped each other to cum?" I asked.

"No," he said, and shook his head a little.

"Did you like it?" I asked

"Yes," he said.

"Then it's okay Davey, it's okay," I said.

"Okay," he said, and sighed.

I got up and pulled on my boxers, and threw his clothes to him. We got fully dressed, at least as fully dressed as we were going to get in tees, boxers and shorts.

"Listen up," I said. "Listen good. I'm gonna say this once. If what we do when we're alone together makes us gay, so what? Nobody needs to know but us. I'm not taking an ad out in the 'Pilot' tellin' everybody what we do with each other. What you and I do with each other Davey is only our business and nobody else's, and like I tol' y'man, I'm not ashamed of anything"

"Okay!" He said, and grinned, "Fuck it then, I'm not ashamed of it either!" And it seemed a crisis had been averted in our friendship, and I was unbelievably glad and relieved. "Okay!" he said again, "Now, let's get to work."

On to Chapter Seven

Back to Chapter Five

Chapter Index

An Albemarle Tale is Copyright © 2007 by The Whitewater Kid
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise,
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply.
All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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