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"I Once was Lost" by The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny) Chapter Ten Back to Chapter Nine On to Chapter Eleven Chapter Listing Carolina Scribbler Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Drama College Suicide Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005 Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
I was awake but not fully, "Good morning sleepyhead," Will said softly.
I felt his warm hand rubbing my chest.
"Mmhmm," I moaned as I felt my lips form a little smile.
I opened my eyes and looked at him lying next to me, looking so perfect. Maybe Will wasn't perfect but to me he was. We didn't move or say a word. Each of us lost in our own thoughts.
After a few moments Will broke the silence.
"What's on your mind, Jesse?"
"I'm just thinking of how lucky I am."
"How do you mean?"
"I never thought I'd see this part of my life take shape. I have you to thank for that, Will."
"I'm lucky too," he said, "I have my life back and I have you."
We cuddled awhile and it might have gone further but our moment was interrupted by the sound of one door opening, several barefoot steps on the wooden hall floor and a second door closing rather forcefully.
"Was that Lin?" I asked.
"Probably, I wonder if he's ok," Will replied.
"Maybe you should check on him."
"Me? Why me?" he said with a puzzled look.
"Well, you're the nurse," I giggled.
"Oh, I see. I'm the nurse. What do you want me to do, take his temperature or hey, I got it. I can start an i.v." he teased.
"I'll go check on him then."
I started to get up but Will pushed me back down onto the bed.
He tapped his chest and said in his best he-man voice, "I am the nurse and I will check on him."
He was such an idiot. I stood and watched as he stepped into the hallway and tapped lightly on the bathroom door. He turned, made a face and shook his head and then came back into my room. I closed the door quietly.
"Is he sick?"
"Oh yeah, he's ralphing bigtime."
"Poor guy," I said with a chuckle.
Will nodded.
"Let's get dressed and make breakfast."
"That's a good idea but I don't think Lin will be eating much," he said.
"You're probably right but it'll be there in case he wants some."
We dressed and stepped into the hallway where we met Lin coming out of the bathroom with his hand against his stomach. He was still in his birthday suit and normally I wouldn't let an opportunity like that pass without a comment or several but he looked well...pitiful.
"Oh man, I feel awful," he groaned, "I know better than to drink so much."
"You were certainly having a good time last night," Will said.
"I remember getting into Charles' truck at the bowling alley and that's it man. I must have passed out I guess."
"You did and he carried you into the house and up here. We helped him undress you and put you in bed."
Lin blushed slightly. That was cute.
"Don't worry about it man. We've all been there," Will said.
"Yeah, but I feel bad ya'll had to do that. Sorry men."
"Hey, don't worry about it," I said.
"I thank ya'll for doing it though. Shit, ya'll barely even know me and already havin' to help Moose put my drunk butt in bed. He said you were cool Jesse. He was right too and so are you Will. Both of ya'll are alright."
He grinned and went back into the bedroom.
"I want him, Jesse. I could eat that boy up," Will whispered.
"He's pretty cute ain't he?"
"He's adorable. Now let's go get breakfast ready."
We went downstairs to the kitchen. On the way, we passed the sofa where Charles was still knocked out. That boy was really sawing some logs. We could even hear it in the kitchen and we laughed about it too.
It was only about 7:30, which was early for getting up on a Saturday morning. We knew that most people probably slept in that day so we decided to make a pot of coffee to kill some time. We stepped out back while the coffee was brewing.
"You know what would be good?" Will asked.
"What?" I replied.
"Doughnuts would be the bomb!" I exclaimed.
Will laughed.
"You must really like `em then."
"I love `em. But they have to be Krispy Kremes. I grew up on those and they're definitely the best," I said excitedly.
"They're my favorite too. Why don't I run pick up a dozen?"
I didn't answer, instead I stared blankly at him.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Aren't you back yet?" I teased.
He popped my chest with the back of his hand. "You shit!"
He laughed when he did it and I loved it, teasing him and Charles was pretty fun. He was still grinning at me when he pulled away. I stepped back inside and although the coffee wasn't quite done I made myself a cup anyway. Normally I didn't drink coffee. I just didn't like it but I decided to give it a go. I poured lots of milk and sugar in it. I went back outside and smoked, sipping my coffee and waiting on Will.
He returned in about 15 minutes or so and we went inside, placing the box of hot, glazed treats on the counter. I sat down at the table.
"Mmm, the coffee smells great. I think I'll grab a cup," Will said.
He took a mug from the cabinet and filled it, taking a small sip as he joined me at the table. Will asked me again about my relatives coming down.
"I'm really curious as to what the good news might be. Uncle Bert was all hush-hush about it, like he really wanted it to be a surprise," I said.
"At least you know it's good news so you know it's not something to worry about," Will replied.
"Still, I wonder what it could be."
"Did he give you a clue, any hint at all?"
"Not a one."
Will took a sip from his mug.
"What time did they say they'd be here?"
"He said they'd be here just after lunchtime."
"Aren't they doing some road construction up on 501?" Will asked.
"Damn, I forgot all about that. I need to let him know. What would be the easiest way to detour all that?"
I called Uncle Bert on his mobile and told him about the construction on 501. At Will's suggestion, I gave him an alternate route and told him we meet him once they reached Myrtle Beach and they could follow us back here.
"Well that's done, how about some breakfast? I'm starved," I said.
We started cooking. In a few minutes we saw Lin again. This time he had on his pants and I grinned to myself thinking of how he looked earlier.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Will said teasing him.
Lin smiled as he stretched.
"Feeling better?" I asked.
"A little, I took two Alka-Seltzers after I got...um after I went to the bathroom," he said sheepishly.
"Think you could eat a little something?"
"Yeah but right now this coffee smells good."
He poured himself a cup of java and stirred in a little cream and sugar. He spotted the doughnuts on the counter and asked if he could have one. Will told him he could and then Will grabbed one for himself.
"If ya'll are then I am too," I said laughing. I grabbed one and it was tempting not to get two of them. I don't care what anybody says, Krispy Kreme makes the best doughnuts.
Charles finally woke up and stepped into the kitchen. He was a damn site. His hair was all messed up and well it just looked funny. He stood there in his underwear with his arms folded across his chest. He smiled with a sleepy look on his face and commented on how good the food smelled then he turned and disappeared up the stairs.
"Ya'll need some help, men?" Lin asked.
He sounded a little more awake than he has a few minutes ago.
"Yeah, let's set the table," I replied.
He washed and dried his hands as I grabbed some clean plates and utensils from the dish washer. We set the table and then some time. In a few minutes Charles returned. It looked like he had just showered, his hair was still damp. He poured himself a cup of coffee and stepped over to the stove, sort of looking over Will's shoulder with a silly expression on his face.
"What's wrong?" Will asked.
"Nothing" Charles replied, still looking over Will's shoulder. Charles was playing with Will. I knew it and so did Will.
"Then what are you looking at?" Will said.
"I'm just inspecting the cooking area," Charles replied.
"You better get back boy or I'll give you something to inspect."
Charles grinned like a fool.
"I'd need a microscope to see something that tiny," he deadpanned.
We laughed but nobody laughed harder than Will did.
"I didn't know you liked sausage, Charles."
"Sure I like sausage, just not that kind," Charles said still chuckling.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah we know differently don't we Charlie?" Will said.
"I will drink Corona all I want and it will not make me turn gay."
We all laughed but Lin cracked up.
He turned to Charles and said, "I don't know it'll make you turn gay but it might make you..." He was cut off by Charles.
"Don't you tell `em, man. Don't do it," he said grinning.
Lin laughed again.
"Oh I bet this is good, tell us Lin," Will said excitedly.
Charles hung his head down and laughed hard.
"Our senior year, I wrestled and Moose played basketball. The athletic boosters held a big fund raiser every year and it was always a big to do. That year they wanted to do something different so they decided to have a fashion show, with a catch."
His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows when he said `with a catch'.
"All the male athletes dressed up as women. We had women's names too. Moose was `Charlene' and I was `Linda'. It was so funny too. Everybody was laughing and having a great time but the funniest part was when the dudes on the basketball team modeled their evening gowns."
"Charles, in an evening gown?" I asked.
"Yeah, you should have seen `ol Moose decked out in his high heels and wig and one of his Mama's dresses. Oh man, you would have laughed your asses off," Lin replied.
Will and I both were laughing hard. I was trying to picture this in my head. I knew he was too. Lin was pretty tickled and he had to wipe his eyes before he could continue.
"Everybody used balloons for titties too and one boy had his all lopsided and everybody laughed when he came out on stage. When Moose came out everybody went crazy, they were laughing so hard and pointing too. He got the most applause of anybody. We couldn't figure out why until he turned around, then we saw why. Tell `em Moose."
Charles was giggling and had to compose himself first.
"There I was ok? I'm in an old wig, an evening gown, a very tight evening gown at that, high heels, I even had on makeup and...leave it to me...I got a boner."
We practically rolled in the floor.
"Man, you couldn't help but see his thing sticking out too. It looked like a tent in front. Moose acted like nothing was wrong and he did his thing out there and came back behind the curtain then he hightailed it to the toilet," Lin said.
"Why, what happened?" Will asked.
"About an hour before the thing started, I was nervous as hell so I went with Randy Watkins and a couple of other guys out to Randy's car. He had some beer in a cooler in there and we all drank a couple of beers, ok I had three. Yes they were Coronas too. I hadn't eaten since that morning so, having an empty stomach allowed the beer to go straight to my bladder," Charles said.
"You poor thing," Will said as he patted Charles on the back, "You want me to go get you some beer?"
Charles nearly busted a gut.
"Tell `em what happened to you," Charles said to Lin.
Lin grinned big.
"The wrestlers' had a swimsuit competition and we used balloons too because we were wearing girls bathing suits. Anyway, I had to use a safety pin to hold up one of my straps since I had big `ol jugs. Just as I stepped on the stage, my right boob popped and everybody laughed and I had to model my swimsuit with just one boob."
We cracked up again.
"Good Lord, ya'll ain't right," Will teased.
When we had finished eating, Charles and Lin shooed Will and me out of the kitchen while they cleaned everything up. In a few minutes they joined us at the picnic table out back.
"So Jesse, you're getting ready for your Aunt and Uncle to visit with you today?" Lin asked once he and Charles were seated.
"Yeah, my Uncle Bert called yesterday and said they were going to bring my stuff instead of my Dad."
"Are they from North Carolina too?"
"Yeah, they live in Statesville, that's about 30-35 miles north of Charlotte."
He nodded his head.
"Moose, can I get some ice water?" he asked.
"Sure man but you know you don't have to ask," Charles replied.
Once Lin was in the house Charles said, "He's really paying for last night, that boy is hung over."
"Think he'll be able to help us today?" Will asked.
"He'll be fine. He might have to keep breaking for water but he'll be alright. We'll work his ass off and make him wish he'd never drunk a thing last night," Charles said with a wink.
We were chuckling when Lin came back out.
"Alright Moose, what did you tell them big guy?"
"I didn't say a word, did I fellas?" he said looking at me and Will.
"We're innocent," Will stated as he looked away and started whistling.
"What!" Charles laughed, "I can't believe you'd abandon me in my time of need.
"Moose, you realize I could get some mileage out of that but I won't," Will teased.
Charles grinned and shook his head.
"So men, what are we going to do until Jesse's people get here?" Lin asked.
We looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.
"You have plans or something?" Charles asked.
"Nah man but I'd like to run home and change into some shorts. It's gonna be hot today. I think I need a shower too," he replied.
"Ok, I can run you home. I need to stop by the grocery store anyway."
Lin and Charles left so Will and I decided to run some errands too. Actually, Will needed to run some errands. I just went along for the ride. We hopped in his two-seater, put the top down and went to town, literally.
We were back in about an hour and Charles was already home so we helped him move some of the furniture in the living room out of the way so we'd have plenty of room to move my stuff upstairs. About 12:30 we got the call from Uncle Bert.
We met them at a truck stop north of town on King's Highway. Uncle Bert and Aunt Maxine were in one of those big orange rental trucks and my cousin Scott was driving Aunt Maxine's minivan. That's where I got the first surprise, my brother was with him. He said very little to me and in turn said very little to him. I was still hurt and angry. My Uncle noticed it right away.
"I need to talk to you about that when we get the chance to be alone," Uncle Bert said. He leaned into me and said it softly.
I nodded to Uncle Bert then shot a look to Jared. He hung his head. I wanted him to feel embarrassed, shunned. I introduced Will to everyone as my friend. I didn't know how much they knew about my situation and before anything was said I at least wanted my stuff unloaded from the truck.
We left and they followed us back to the house. As we pulled up the driveway Charles stepped out onto the front porch and guided Uncle Bert. He backed the big truck right up to the steps. Lin was there too grinning his head off. God bless that boy. He was wearing a Duke hat and I was going to have to give him hell over that later.
My Uncle introduced himself to Charles and Lin before I could. I helped Aunt Maxine out of the truck and then I introduced them to her. We began unloading and we all worked up a good sweat, including my Uncle. Like I told the guys yesterday, Uncle Bert worked hard and never took advantage of the fact he was crippled. Aunt Maxine sort of guided us into the house and she carried a couple of smaller boxes up the steps too. I repeatedly told her she didn't have to do that but she insisted. One thing about Maxine, when she made up her mind to do something she did it or would bust hell wide open trying.
She and Uncle Bert were amazing to me. They were in there early 50's and had been in that horrible crash but they both went back to work as soon as they were able and they never complained. Actually Aunt Maxine was a homemaker and Uncle Bert had always been the breadwinner but while he was laid up, my Aunt worked to help pay the bills. As soon as my Uncle was able to return to work, Aunt Maxine quit. A lot of people think he makes her stay at home but he doesn't. That's just the arrangement they've always had and she has always taken great pride in their home and looking out for her family. Her cooking is out of this world too! I'll say this about her, she doesn't look her age and she still has a nice figure. She's a little shorter than me and I'm 5'9" and she's a little spitfire, even now.
Uncle Bert has slowed a little bit but that's because of his leg, not his age. He's still a real go-getter too just like he was when I was a kid. He's a fairly big man, about 6 ft. tall and not really overweight maybe a few pounds but I give him that. He's doing well.
Scott, what can I say about that guy? He's a nut just like his old man. Scott is 17 and a jock, almost as tall as I am too. He plays every kind of sport imaginable and he's good. He's one of the most likable people I've ever known as well. I'm not just saying that because he's my cousin, he is a good guy.
"Jesse, I love your Aunt and Uncle," Will whispered, "Scott too, they're so nice."
"I told you they were great," I said proudly.
We finished unloading my stuff and everyone sat down on the porch. Charles brought out some ice tea and soft drinks. Uncle Bert and Aunt Maxine complimented Charles on his home and he thanked them. He and my Uncle spoke about vinyl siding for a bit before Uncle Bert asked if he could talk to me privately. We excused ourselves and walked around to the side, he placed his arm around my shoulder and we eventually found ourselves in the back under the big oak at the picnic table. We sat down and I lit a cigarette. I placed the pack and my lighter on the table, between me and my Uncle.
"You're still smoking I see," he said with a sly grin.
"How did you know that?" I asked.
He chuckled, "Your Mama and Daddy told us. They've known for about a year now."
"Parents really do know everything, don't they?" I teased.
"Uh huh...pretty much everything."
"Uncle Bert?"
"Yes son?"
"I appreciate ya'll bringing my stuff. Ya'll didn't have to do that."
"Don't think a thing about it son, we were coming down anyway and when we found out you had moved here we talked you folks into letting us bring your things."
"Did Mom and Dad tell you and Aunt Maxine everything?" I asked nervously.
He nodded slowly.
"I'm sorry Uncle Bert, I really am. I never meant for things to happen the way they did."
"Can I ask you a serious Jesse?"
"What happened with you and that other boy back home, were you just fooling around or is this something you feel strongly about?"
"Uncle Bert, I'm gay and I've known it for a long time. I felt empty inside but when Jared caught me and Tyler I went psycho on him and he really didn't deserve it and then all that other shit happened."
"You mean trying to kill yourself?"
"Yeah" I replied.
He leaned over and rubbed by shoulder.
"I'm sorry Jesse. I know you and Jared didn't mean to do and say those things to one another and I hope you didn't really want to kill yourself. Before you ever get that emotional again do me on favor."
"What's that?" I asked.
"Call me."
"I will Uncle Bert, I promise."
He grinned.
"After we told your folks that we'd bring your stuff down, we left. When we got home we decided to tell Scott and you know what? He acted like it was no big deal. He just sort of said, `Ok' and that was that. He told us there had been a few gay and lesbian kids in his school and he was cool with it."
"We told him what your Daddy said had happened between you and Jared too so Scott wanted to talk to him. Scott pretty well set him straight on that. After their talk, Jared asked me if he could come down with us. I really think he wants to apologize to you but he's afraid right now. He knows it was a bad moment for the both of you but he wants to make amends."
I sighed out loud.
"Do you think he'd accept an apology from me?"
"I know he would son" Uncle Bert said with a smile.
After that, my Uncle told me the good news. He and Aunt Maxine had received a large settlement from the accident they had been in several years earlier. "That's not all Jesse, we're moving to Myrtle Beach. I'm going to start my own business too," he said.
"That's great, awesome even!" I replied, "What kind of business?"
He cleared his throat and puffed out his chest.
"Crazy Bert's Beachwear"
I laughed hard.
"No shit?"
"No shit!" he laughed with me.
"That's great Uncle Bert. I'm really excited for ya'll."
"Well, that isn't all Jesse. It isn't just one store...it's three stores. Two of `em are just empty buildings but the third is an existing business. The owners are retiring and moving to Florida."
"When does all this take place, I mean are you buying the buildings or just the business or what?"
"Lock, stock and barrel, my work is going to be cut out for me son but I'm really looking forward to it. My business degree is finally working for me."
I had forgotten that Uncle Bert had a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.
"Jesse, I want to talk to you more about this and about your future but let's get back to the others," he said.
We walked around to the front porch but everyone had moved inside. We joined them. Almost as soon as we stepped inside my Aunt pulled Uncle Bert off into the kitchen for a "private talk". When they returned he was grinning his ass off. My Aunt walked up to me.
"Boy, Uncle Bert sure is happy," I said quietly to her.
"I just told him about your boyfriend," she replied.
My jaw hit the floor.
"No you didn't. I mean, how did you know?" I was surprised to say the least.
"Oh honey, don't get upset. I know what happened and how you wound up here. I can also see how you and Will have interacted with one another. It's love dear. I simply put two and two together and decided to use the bold approach. I came right out and asked him."
"What, he said `Yes, I'm Jesse's boyfriend' just like that?"
"No, it wasn't quite like that," she chuckled, "He blushed a little and sort of hem-hawed around a bit but finally he said yes. I guess he didn't know what to think with some crazy lady asking him if her nephew was his boyfriend."
"You're not mad or disappointed are you?" I asked.
She looked up and smiled a warm smile. "No Jesse, I'm not angry or disappointed in you. We love for who you are but you do need to get back in school," she said.
I smiled and then we embraced. I held onto her for a long time.
"Are you ok, hon?" she asked.
"Yeah, I am now. Everything's going to be great."
Aunt Maxine stood beside me as we listened to Uncle Bert tell us another one of his stories. After a bit I motioned for Jared to follow me and we stepped out back. He and I had a long conversation and I think we both felt better afterwards, I knew I did. We apologized to one another and hugged. He understood that this was who I was, the real me. I asked him about Mom and Dad too. He said they weren't happy with the situation but he thought they'd come around eventually.
"Boys, I'm sorry to interrupt but could you come back inside for a moment?" Aunt Maxine asked as she poked her head out the door.
"Sure" we said.
"Jesse, I like for you and your friends to have dinner with us this evening," Uncle Bert said once we were all huddled in the living room.
I quickly glanced around and Will was nodding his head excitedly. Charles and Lin both said yes so I told my Uncle we'd love too. Plans were made for everyone to meet back here at 7:00 pm and we'd caravan over to a place called Loyal Thai. Aunt Maxine had read a review and said it sounded wonderful. Most of us had never eaten Thai food before but it sounded good.
Uncle Bert called me over again to speak in private as we walked them out. He said they had come down a week ago in his RV and left it at Lakeside Campground. That was where they were going to stay until they could find a house. He apologized again for not coming to visit me while I was in the hospital. I told him he shouldn't worry because, at the time, he didn't know I was there. He said he still felt bad about it. That was my Uncle Bert, thoughtful, caring, and concerned. He and my Dad were polar opposites.
They left and we moved the furniture in the living room back the way it was. Charles and Lin found a Bush Series race on tv and settled onto the sofa to watch. Although I enjoyed the races, I found out Will did too, I had other plans for me and my guy. My brain was still in a whirl from everything but I wanted a certain something and quickly too.
We went upstairs to my room which was still cluttered with empty and half-empty boxes. I locked the door once we were inside and immediately stripped off all my clothes, not saying a word to Will.
"Mmm nice," he said seductively.
"Right here, right now," I barked back.
He seemed a bit surprised at my newly found assertiveness. He undressed without hesitation though and we fell onto the bed locked in one another's arms.
Up until this time whenever we had sex, it was making love, slow and tender but this time we fucked. There was no foreplay or sweetness, it was rough but that's how I wanted it. Will was VERY accommodating. When we were done, we collapsed in a heap of panting flesh.
"What the hell got into you, Jesse?" Will asked once his breathing had slowed.
"Why?" I teased.
"We were like two wild animals that's why."
He grinned widely.
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Hell yeah!" he said.
"Wanna go again?" I asked.
"Shit, in about 10 minutes."
He looked a little flushed in fact, he was sweating. So was I even though the ac was on in my room.
"I'll be right back," I said as I slipped on some denim shorts and exited the room.
I went to the kitchen and poured two tall glassed of ice water. Charles and Lin never even noticed when I walked by. I tapped on the door with my foot and Will let me in. I handed a glass to him and he took a big gulp. I did the same as I locked the door again. I sat down on the bed. Will was stretched out but propped up on his elbow. I took another gulp from my glass and set it on the floor, next to the bed. Will finished his and handed the empty vessel to me. I placed it next to mine.
"Lie back," he said casually.
I did and he began stroking me slowly, almost teasingly and then when I was fully hard, picked up the pace. In minutes I shot a load. He reached over me and into the floor where my tee shirt was. He cleaned me up with it. I was too numb to move, even speak really. I basked in the moment but finally was able to croak a hoarse thanks to him. He smiled.
After several moments I raised myself up and reached for his half hard member but he said no.
Concerned, I asked, "Why not?"
"That was just for you," he replied.
I put my head on his arm.
"I've still got a lot to learn about love don't I?"
"Jesse, everybody has to learn about love but you know what?"
"You're great," he said.
"No, you're great."
"Together, we're great," he said.
"The best"
I knew we had plans for dinner but I thought I'd `rest my eyes' for a moment. I went right off to sleep cuddled with my guy.
On to Chapter Eleven
Back to Chapter Nine
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