Adam Conquers Earth by Chris James    "Adam Conquers Earth"
by Chris James
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Adam Conquers Earth by Chris James
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Sexual Situations
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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The ride on the low trailer was smooth thanks to all the heavy equipment that rode along with the car. The cameras, all four of them, were stuck in various places to give different views of the same scene. It was a luxury Alan wouldn't have very often; he could chose his shots when they went back to edit.

Rick and Vera were getting their first moment on camera, and they looked ready. Adam was sitting in the back seat, the flow of cold air from hoses rising up from the floor around him. This first run was for the early shots of Adam caught by the camera over his shoulder, and another through the car window to his right.

The shot of the Vernon's and the windshield was taken from the rear deck of the car where the glass had been removed to facilitate the camera. It was this one that looked forward and caught Adam reaching out to lay hands on the Earth family he had 'captured.' The moment was followed by a close up of Adam's face, eyes closed as he concentrated on bringing these humans under his control.

The forward left camera caught the moment when the Vernon's went from the happy young couple to Adam's mind puppets. The three of them had met with Alan and discussed the scene several times, the jist being they didn't want it to look like a horror film scene. Adam was not creating zombies here, just altering their minds on his behalf. His ability to do so would be explained in later episodes.

Alan was sitting on a crate at the back of the trailer looking at monitor screens and staring intently. "Cut," he yelled. "Frank, I need a bit more angle on Rick's face to catch that expression."

Frank moved back the length of the trailer and shook his head. "Got all I can get unless we take out the front windshield too, but that creates air flow problems. Can Rick turn his head a bit, he's not actually driving."

"I know that," Alan laughed. "Yeah, we don't need the wind blowing in their faces." Alan got up and yelled out. "Rick move your head towards the center of the car as Adam touches you. We'll make do with that." And so they did.

They broke for lunch and reset the trailer. Now the cameras were up front and on the sides, the one in back taken away. Again the same scene, giving Alan more angles to work with, and then it was done. The last shot they made was a front-on view of the car with Adam's head out the window, his tongue out in the breeze like a cocker spaniel. The boy hammed it up. It was hysterical.

The McDonalds shots were next, and to facilitate the transition Frank took his camera on a little ride. He filmed a long slow approach to the McDonalds they'd chosen before the cops shut the access down and people would clutter the street wondering what was happening. The pristine scene looked great and Frank smiled as they pulled into the lot.

The cast arrived for the scene in a convoy, along with the cops and several hundred onlookers who were kept at bay. The vans brought the equipment and crew. Adam and the Vernon's arrived by limo. The corporate suits had been there since noon to assure the place sparkled. The manager and his staff had been there since dawn.

The crowd of people had no idea who was in the limo or what was going on as the publicity had just begun to trickle out. The first real thirty-second commercial was due to hit the network the following week, after Triton presented the final pilot to the sponsors. The deadlines were all rushing towards them and they still had three more days of shooting back in town on the neighborhood streets.

Mark bounced out of the limo wearing the silver space suit and waved at the crowd before walking into the restaurant. Tina was standing there and she applauded as Mark entered, and so did the twenty people she had chosen to sit around during the scenes. These weren't actors, just lucky customers who had been corralled that afternoon and asked to join the fun.

Mark smiled at all the faces sitting at the tables and standing at the counter amidst the quickly assembled camera dollies and cables. He immediately turned into Mr. Showman.

"Hi folks ... so glad you joined us today," Mark said to those smiling faces. "You're all going to be in a television show, did Tina tell you all about it?"

As heads nodded Mark picked up the pace, moving around the room and shaking hands. "My name is Mark Harrison, but for the next hour you must think of me as Adam. Can you do that?" More heads nodding, the people were a little stunned at all the attention.

"Okay, here's what's going on ... " And Mark proceeded to tell the crowd who he was supposed to be and why Adam was here on Earth. Brian took one look and saw they were all captivated by the shear energy of this young boy. The Triton photographer was moving around capturing the reactions and Mark's speech. It was better than anything they could have planned.

"So you all be sure to watch next month when Adam Conquers Earth hits the airwaves! Are you with me?" The crowd rose to their feet and applauded; Mark had brought them all together.

"Let's make television," Alan yelled, and his assistants moved through the crowd to make sure people took their rightful places. As Mark came back towards Brian, he could see the zeal in the boy's eyes. He was pumped for this.

"We're going to call the sequel to this 'Adam Conquers the White House,' are you running for President?" Brian laughed.

Mark laughed with him. "That was fun, did I get carried away?"

"No, not at all. You made them a part of all this. It was awesome."

"Places, please," Tina yelled.

Rick and Vera took their seats as Mark took up his spot at the counter. This was an important scene-it would be the first time Adam spoke a whole sentence. There were two ambient microphones overhead for the background noise and Mark was wearing a wireless under the suit.

The young man behind the counter was the assistant manager of the place. Tina had selected him for his big brown eyes and clean face. The guy was just a big boy, barely nineteen. He knew his lines, having spoken them at least a hundred times already that day.

"Camera run," Frank said. And the two minute scene began in rehearsal mode so the cameras could practice tracking.

"Action," Alan yelled.

Adam smiled and the young counterman smiled back. "Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?"

Adam scanned the pictures across the big overhead board. "Hamburger Meal number one," he said.

"That's one Big Mac meal. What would you like to drink with that?"

And then Adam began: "Hamburger Meal two ... three ... four ... five ... six ... seven."

"Um ... you want those all as meals?"

"Fries and Coke," Adam said. "Things go better with Coke."

"That's seven meals and seven cokes, would you like to super size that?"

"No, I will come back for more if I am still hungry," Adam said.

"You have enough here to feed an army," the counterman said.

"Be Army Strong," Adam said.

"Oh yeah, you eat all this and you will be strong."

Several different hands placed the food out on three trays and Adam's eyes got real big.

"That will be thirty-five-seventy-nine," the counterman said.

Adam looked down at the food and looked up. "I'll be back," he said in his best Terminator imitation. He turned towards the table where the Vernon's sat and walked over.

"Thirty-five-seventy-nine, please," Adam said.

"What did you buy, son?" Rick asked.

"Hamburgers ... enough for an army," Adam said.

"That's nice dear, you must be hungry," Vera said.

Rick pulled out his wallet and handed over two twenty-dollar bills. Adam took the money and went back to the counter. He stuck out his hand and the counterman took the money, then handed Adam his change.

"Would you like some help with that?" The counter man asked.

"No, I can eat it all myself," Adam said.

"Cut," Alan yelled. "Get what you need, Frank?"

"Smooth," Frank replied. "Adam, when you take the money from Rick will you turn your body a bit more to the right, the dolly is awfully close to that table."

"Done deal," Mark said.

"Okay, reset," Tina yelled.

Props gave Rick his money back, and cleared the counter of the food. The McDonalds' employee wiped the stainless counter and then looked up expectantly.

"You did that real well," Mark said, looking at the guy's nametag for the first time. "I'm glad they chose you, Robbie."

"I've never acted before, was it okay?" Robbie asked.

"Top notch. Now we do it for real ... you nervous?"

"Yes, my knees are shaking," Robbie admitted.

"Set up," Frank called out.

"Places," Tina yelled.

Mark smiled at Robbie. "Take a deep breath and let it out slowly."

They both did it together and the guy relaxed as Mark became Adam once again.


Adam gave Robbie a wink and he smiled.

"Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?"

The scene ran flawlessly and when Alan yelled cut there was applause from the crowd. Mark walked around the counter and gave Robbie a hug.

"Thanks, we did it," Mark said.

"That's it?" Robbie asked.

"Not quite, we have another scene at the table and then we're done," Mark said. "But tell your friends to watch your big debut as an actor next month, you rock." And then they shook hands.

"Set up," Frank yelled and Mark hurried over to his seat at the table. The plastic top was littered with hamburger boxes, French fries and empty soda cups, assorted napkins and straws. The make up lady appeared and smeared a bit of red makeup on Adam's mouth at the corners. Props came next and sprinkled crumbs on the front of the space suit.

"Places," Tina yelled and the room became silent. "Don't forget to talk people," she added, and the background chatter resumed.

"Action," Alan yelled.

"Did you get enough to eat, dear?" Vera asked.

Adam burped into his fist and then smiled. "The hamburgers were good, thank you."

"Would you like some dessert?" Rick asked.

"Dessert?" And Adam rubbed his stomach. "There's always room for Jell-o ... but can we go home now?"

"Cut," Alan yelled, "That's it folks."

The crowd applauded and Mark stood up, walking around the room shaking hands until he came to the management people in their suits. Alan and Brian walked over just in time to hear Mark say: "That was lots of fun, now can I please have a hamburger?" Mark playing the kid once again.

They all laughed and Mark stepped up to the counter and ordered a Big Mac to go. They waved at the crowd outside as the crew hustled the camera equipment out the side doors. Brian opened the limo doors and the cast piled in, leaving him the last seat.

"Anyone want this hamburger?" Mark asked.

"But you ordered it," Vera said.

"Brian won't let me eat this stuff, I did it for show," Mark laughed, and gave Brian a wink.

"What a schemer," Vera said.

"Well, at least we get to go home now," Rick said.

"Yeah," Mark sighed. "Are we there yet?" And they all laughed.

The flight back was full of happy people. Everyone knew the pilot episode would be wrapping up in a few days and then the real work would begin. Mapping out the first six episodes had been going on the whole time they were in Nevada. The costumers had done their fittings, the house they would use for the interior scenes was rearranged, and the location neighborhood was all ready to go.

By using a real neighborhood and its streets they gained a financial savings by not having to build the darn place on some lot. The problem was that each and every real person on the street had to agree, and that gave them some issues. So, without a great deal of financial burden, the studio took over the careful grooming of the yards and homes. It was hardly a subtle bribe, but it worked.

Most of these very real people would be off at work when the scenes were shot, but some would still be there and Alan intended to use them his advantage. A woman walking her dog, a man going to the mailbox, even the real mail delivery folks would brought into the scheme. Everything worked to make the neighborhood look real.

Brian had already placed a call into his friend, Tim Real, about the possible security needs and had arranged for him to stop by and talk to Rosie the evening they got back. Convincing her that Mark would need some extra protection once the fans became aware of his existence was fairly easy. Tim would seal the deal.

Of course that tied Rosie up, so Mark told her he had to spend the evening with Brian to go over the lines for the following day's shoot, and she agreed. The boy was naked within two minutes of walking through the door, and he stared at all the boxes stacked around the walls.

"You are moving! You got the condo?" Mark asked.

"Yup, the movers will be here Thursday. Then I'll be less than a mile from your place," Brian replied. "We can ride in to work together."

"I thought we'd have such different schedules," Mark said.

"Not any more. I have meetings, workups and the shoot to attend, and you have school, shooting and scripting calls to make. It will be twelve hour days for both of us, I'm afraid."

Mark groaned and fell back on the bed. "This is really happening. I just hope all the fun doesn't go out of it."

Brian sat down and stroked Mark's leg. "It will be hard work, but we're playing in the big time now so the rewards will be greater. Let's just suppose the show takes off and runs until you're eighteen or nineteen, what would you like to do then? Once you get established you'll be able to write your own ticket."

"I want to do films. Do you think there will be parts for me?" Mark asked.

Brian chuckled. "Sweetie, by then people will be writing scripts just so you can star in them. Television will only keep you busy for less than half the year, so you can work outside the industry. Let the show get out there and watch the offers come rolling in. Everyone will want Mark Harrison's name on their film."

Mark smiled. "You always know how to make me happy."

"Not always, but I try," Brian said.

Mark sat up and slid Brian's shirt off, running his hand over the hairs of that muscular chest. "I wonder when I'm gonna grow some hairs like you?" Mark said.

"When Mother Nature says you're ready. I just hope she lets you stay like you are for a while so I can enjoy every inch of that smooth skin."

Mark giggled as he reached for Brian's belt. "Oh yeah ... let's go shower."

They were covered in suds when Mark looked up and fixed his gaze on Brian. "It's been weeks and weeks ... so when are you going to fuck me?"

"I really hate that word," Brian said.

"Fine ... when are we going to have anal sex?"

"What makes you think you're ready?" Brian asked.

"Hmm ... here I am with the man I love, I feel sexy and willing. I know you won't hurt me. What I don't know is what I'm missing. You've f ... uh, had anal intercourse with guys before, why am I different?"

"You aren't any different, but our situation is very different. It's not the act, it's the aftermath of that kind of sex. A doctor could tell something has penetrated you, and at some point you will be examined. The studio makes all the contract people have physicals."

Mark nodded. "But nothing points to you, there's no way they could tell who did it unless I tell them ... and that is not about to happen."

"How would you explain it to Rosie?"

"I'm a gay boy. Once she finds out, don't you think she'll expect I have some sort of experience?"

They dried off and walked back into the bedroom. Brian looked at his bed and wondered if Mark saw this as the altar where he would sacrifice his virginity?

"The bottom line: I don't want you to get hurt, not now, not ever," Brian said.

"I understand, and believe me, I don't even know if you will fit, but I want to try," Mark said.

Brian understood the need. He had said pretty much those same words."Okay, let me tell you about my own experience," Brian said. "I was pretty much your age, perhaps a few months older. Brad Nelson was my first real love affair."

"The football player ... that was tragic," Mark said.

"Yes, it was. But I was determined to please him without even knowing what I was getting into. For one thing, the size difference was a problem. Brad had a large cock ... ."

But the need Brian felt to sacrifice his virginity to their relationship was what really mattered. It would bring them closer together, as close as two people could get. And it was an expression of love, something Brian felt but didn't know how to explain with only words.

Brad's only experience had been with girls, and as a star athlete there had been quite a few of those. But those moments had been a sham; a means to make sure no one knew what he really felt. Brian could almost understand that, he had been on the verge of doing the same thing before Brad came along.

The mechanics of intercourse with a girl was different, something Brian had never tried and so he didn't know what to expect. So when the moment came Brian wasn't prepared for the intrusion and neither was Brad.

The shock hit Brian like a tackle from a three hundred pound lineman. The level of pain would have been about the same except the lineman would have helped him to his feet after knocking him down. From Brad's point of view he was entering a tight sexy place, and that only encouraged his activity.

But Brian was face down on the bed and Brad couldn't see the tears or the grimace of pain. He should have called out, should have made Brad stop, but he didn't. He could hear Brad's groans of pleasure. The pain was his fault for being unprepared.

It got better after that first time, and Brian chalked it all up to his inexperience. Brad never knew what a sacrifice Brian had made, and then he was gone, but the memory wasn't.

"I knew after that I couldn't be reckless if my partners had never had the experience. But I was so wounded by Brad's death I didn't have any other relationships in high school, and then I met Tim. He was kind and gentle, and he had so much more experience than I did. That was part of the attraction ... I knew he wouldn't hurt me."

"You had other boys ... " Mark began.

"None like you, sweetie. They were all in the sex trade, and that was the difference. Some of those boys wanted it rough, but I wasn't any good at that. I imagine there's a certain amount of self-loathing when you prostitute yourself, but I don't see any redemption in asking for pain.

"If we are going to get more involved then we have to make sure you don't get hurt. Do I make myself clear?" Brian asked.

Mark nodded. "Whatever you say. I just want to make us both happy."

"I understand, it's a sign of commitment. But if you get at all uncomfortable I want us to stop. No more heroics like you pulled in the desert."

"I'm never going to live that down," Mark said.

Brian smiled. "No ... you probably won't. But you started having sex when you were entirely too young to know anything about it. I know the gay feelings happened early, but you didn't have to act upon them."

"I told you about the cereal commercial director," Mark said. "He wasn't anything more than a pervert who used his position to get what he wanted. His wife eventually found out, and thankfully he wasn't with me when he got caught."

"I don't see any way to relate what you want now to what happened with him. Having sex with a ten year old just sounds absurd," Brian said.

"It was, except that I did all the work."

Brian shook his head. "I'm surprised that Rosie would even leave you alone long enough for that to happen."

"Oh, he was quite clever. We went for the audition and he took me into his office. He had a big lounge chair to sit in and he pulled me up on his lap for a chat. But his hands were all over me, testing me to see how I would react to being touched. He started off talking about the commercial, and then drifted into talking about boys and their bodies.

"His hands went under my shirt and then down the front of my shorts. By the time he touched me I was already hard. I may have been ten but I wasn't stupid, I already knew all about sex. I knew what one man could do with another, and yet I had never considered myself even close to achieving something like that.

"The door was locked so I wasn't that surprised when he tugged my shorts down to see what he was handling. This was my first audition and I knew if he got what he wanted then the spot was mine. I decided right then to make sure I got the part, so I grabbed his cock, pulled down his zipper and went for it."

"You'd never ... I mean that was your first time?" Brian asked.

"It was, but I had fantasies, lots of them. I wasn't going to let my first real opportunity slip past, and I wanted the part. So I shocked the hell out of him and he gave me the role. It happened a lot after that, and each time Rosie sat out in the waiting room without a clue in the world."

"That's terrible. She would feel so guilty if she knew."

"Exactly, so she will never find out. It was my call. I made the decision. Then I went into stage work and he found another little boy to play with in his office. Fortunately, he didn't get busted until much later, and no one ever asked me about him." Mark smiled. "I didn't feel like he used me because I knew I had used him."

"Still, that was not right for either of you," Brian said.

"So it's been quite a few years since I learned to suck cock, don't you think it's time to learn something new?"

"I don't know how this is going to work."

"I do ... you just lay back and let me do everything," Mark said.

Perhaps that's how Mark got this far ... he took charge. However it happened, the boy seemed to get his way ... tonight would be no different.

On to Chapter Five

Back to Chapter Three

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"Adam Conquers Earth" Copyright © 2011 Chris James. All rights reserved.
This work may not be duplicated in any form (physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise) without the
author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional
with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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