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"Dumb Luck" by Chris James Chapter Seven Back to Chapter Six On to Chapter Eight Chapter Index Chris James Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Adventure Drama Sexual Situations Rated Mature 18+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
They bumped over rough asphalt and dodged numerous potholes, the air suspension on the bus cushioning the ride, but it was more than just the slow pace that upset Matt. First Justin and then Martin had been left behind. Both of them had been real people, guys he would have liked to know better. They were out here looking for companionship and then just passing it by. God, this was getting to him. And CJ was still talking about this idealistic extended family.
Road construction signs were everywhere and traffic had been moving at a crawl for at least sixty miles. Welcome to New Mexico the sign had read, would they ever get out of here? Matt mumbled under his breath as he braked again for the thousandth time, just his luck to be at the wheel.
CJ was reclining on the couch, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the night before. Maybe I shouldn't have even spoken to the boy, but glad I did thoughts running through his head.
"Hey Matt, how many miles to Albuquerque do you guess?"
"About two hundred and forty," Matt replied," but it may take the whole damn day just to get there. This is awful slow going."
"Well, it's barely noon but we could look for a place to siesta if you want?" CJ said.
"Naw," Matt said," I'll bite the bullet and keep going."
CJ slapped another cassette in the player and the strong lead line of a blues piece spun out of the speakers, this seemed to appease Matt.
They were approaching the truck stop at Cuervo, and Matt decided to fuel up since the slow traffic had increased their consumption. CJ was lost in the music and Matt didn't want to bother him. After paying the attendant, he swung back up the steps and resumed his driver's seat.
As he pulled away from the pumps, he noticed a figure standing beside the on ramp in the distance. The hitchhiker's stance slumped as the bus approached. As the distance decreased he now noticed it was an attractive boy standing there by the curb. Matt looked over his shoulder with a smile.
"Hey, CJ. Want some company for the ride?"
CJ sat up as Matt slowed down and they both peered at the kid through the windshield. The boy stared back. The face looking up at them was cute and hopeful. A duffel bag and guitar case lay at his feet so Matt pulled over and popped the door on the bus. The kid's face smiled expectantly.
"Thanks mister, you going to Albuquerque?"
"Trying to," Matt said, "care to join us?"
"Sure," the kid said, "thanks a lot."
Dragging his bag and battered guitar case up the steps he dropped into the seat beside the door. As Matt pulled out into traffic he turned to catch a better glimpse of just what they had picked up. The boy wore faded jeans, a checked shirt and combat boots. Coal black hair hung over his ears and framed a dark complexion that was nearly flawless. He looks Hispanic, Matt thought, very nice. The boy's eyes were alive and warm as he took in the plush surroundings.
"Thanks for stopping. I've been standing there all morning with no luck. Names Miguel, by the way," the boy said.
"I'm CJ and that's Matt at the wheel," CJ replied, "Are you from this area or just passing through?"
"I'm from Wisconsin actually," Miguel said, "been a long road these past two weeks."
"You've been hitching all the way here from Wisconsin?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, sounds crazy, doesn't it?"
"You'll do," CJ said. "Welcome to the lunatic travelers club, Miguel. So, without being too nosey, what the hell brings you down from the north?"
"My mom was from Wisconsin and dad is Mexican, strange mix, huh? But they split up a long time ago. Mom was sick a long time before passing on last Christmas. So now I'm on my way to find my dad."
"Sorry to hear about your mom," Matt said," I know how rough that can be."
"Yeah, hard way to go," Miguel said, "but she drank herself into the grave so I'm over it now."
"Where is your dad living?" CJ asked.
"Good question, I don't actually know," Miguel said, "I got a card he wrote about five years ago on my twelfth birthday and it was posted in Sonora but it may take me a while to find him."
CJ mulled the story over in his head for a moment, seems they were only running into troubled kids on this trip. Matt wasn't sure what to say next so he changed the subject.
"Hey, Miguel, looks like we might make it to Albuquerque before the day is out, do you have a place to stay?"
"Where did you stay last night, Miguel?" CJ added.
"Uh, I stayed on a bench at the rest stop, it was ok."
"Right, sure it was, you can stay with us," CJ said, "I know you don't really know us but we haven't eaten more than two or three boys in the last two weeks and I'm not hungry right now. How about it? There's lots of room on the bus and you can have your own space."
Miguel laughed and said, "I would be pleased to sleep here with you."
"That's another issue entirely," Matt said.
"I didn't mean...oh," Miguel said.
"Great Matt, now you've let my secret out and the poor lad will run away."
"You two are crazy," Miguel said, "but I like that. Yes, it would be nice to sleep in a bed again."
"But whose bed do you want to sleep in, is that the question?"
Miguel paused for a heartbeat and a smile crept slowly upon his face.
"Are you guys gay or something?"
"Now that's a good question. We are definitely not something," CJ said.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's ok with me if you're gay," Miguel said.
"Glad you don't mind, it's a long walk to the next rest stop," Matt said.
"Would you throw me out if I didn't like gay guys?"
"No," CJ said, "Only if you couldn't deal with it."
"I can deal with it. I'm in the family too."
Matt and CJ said together, "You're gay?"
"Why? Can't you deal with it?" Miguel replied.
"Ouch, a brilliant return," CJ said.
"I wonder what the odds are of me hitching with two gay guys?"
"About the same as us picking up a cute gay boy hitching a ride," Matt said.
"You think I'm cute?"
"He thinks anything in pants is cute, Miguel," CJ said.
"Don't listen to him, Miguel," Matt said," he likes them anyway they come"
"Only if they're well cooked," CJ said, "truthfully, Matt is referring to the kid I was talking to last night in Cuervo."
"The dance hall place at the truck stop?" Miguel said.
"You went through there too?" CJ said.
"Three days ago. Lousy food and some stoned out looking kid mopping floors, oh no, not him!" Miguel screamed.
"Yeah, sorry," CJ said.
Miguel was in hysterics now and Matt laughed along with the boy.
"I'm sorry," Miguel said with tears in his eyes, "it's too funny. Randy and I got stoned together. Brown hair, cute ass, told me he was seventeen but he was really only fourteen I found out. Hell, he sucked dick like there was no tomorrow."
Matt almost went off the road, but the peals of laughter did not include CJ.
"That lying little shit," CJ said, "I suppose I deserve it though, damn, only fourteen. He played so innocent 'til I figured out he was hustling me."
"He was a brat," Miguel agreed, "but loco too. He said he was having sex with all those truckers on the road. That's just crazy."
"Yeah, we know," Matt said. "Look Miguel, you might as well know," CJ said. "We've met a lot of young guys since we started out ten days ago. Some of them seem to come out of nowhere, just like you. We should get to know each other better but that doesn't necessarily mean in bed, ok? I'd like you to tell us about your adventures on the road."
Miguel agreed it would be fun to swap stories. He told them about growing up in Wisconsin, memories of his dad when he was young and how the hardest thing was discovering his true sexuality.
"It blew my mother's mind," Miguel said, "she was a real hard ass after dad split, workin two jobs and trying to make ends meet. I guess I was pretty selfish too. I was about twelve when I realized my life would be different.
"I started fooling around with some of my male friends and mom found out. She thought I was sick and took me to a shrink. Oh, I did the head games for two years with that lady doctor and finally had to tell her to fuck off. Mom said she was going to send me to a military school to straighten out, boy was she wrong. So I did my last four years in Marshwood Military Academy. Those were the best and worst years of my life."
"Damn, that's scary," CJ said, "Those schools give me the creeps."
"I thought so too when I first arrived. I was thirteen and scared shitless but I fell into the routine easily and just did what I was told. We were two hundred and thirty-seven boys all jammed into dormitories, twelve to eighteen years old.
"I got my first blow job within two days of landing there. He was a senior and he blew me several times and I thought I was lucky. But then he wanted something back of course, and it was the first time I'd ever been fucked. So we started doing it regularly and as you would expect we got caught with our pants down. There was an investigation and the guy got thrown out. He was the lucky one though, I got a reputation."
"That's the worst part of anyone finding out, especially at that age," Matt said.
"Yeah, that's how I see it too," Miguel said. "That incident really put a label on me and every horny wacko in the place was trying to corner me. Eventually I even got an offer from one of the faculty. He seemed a really sweet man, at first he just wanted to watch me jerk off so I did. He gave me money and took me out on weekend outings to the zoo. The school thought he was a hero just trying to straighten me out. I thought he was a nice and like a fool fell in love with him. Our relationship lasted for almost a year before I found out he was doing it with other boys too. I don't know if I want to tell you how stupid my life was after that."
CJ called a halt at that point and they pulled over for some lunch. I really like this kid, he decided. He's open and honest and I think Matt's really interested, boy, wouldn't that be nice. In some ways CJ felt like he was hogging all the fun on this trip. But it wasn't that really, he was looking for something, or was it someone?
When they were back on the road, Matt just couldn't resist learning more about Miguel's past.
"Is there any more to the saga of your youthful indiscretions?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, but it doesn't paint a pretty picture," Miguel said.
Matt thought about that and said, "You've been pretty blunt about the rest of it."
"Did you leave the school?" CJ asked.
"Hell no. Mom liked me being there, it gave her more time for drinking and her fucked up boyfriends. No, I ran away. I was fourteen and guess I was pretty self-confident so I split for Chicago. I'd never been there before but I knew they had a gay scene and it seemed like the best place to go.
"When I got off the bus I picked up a local paper and was looking in the back at the want ads for something gay. That was when this other kid walked up to me and started a conversation."
"Uh oh, I don't like the sound of this," Matt said.
"I told you it gets worse," Miguel said, "the boy was about sixteen and asked me how old I was and I told him eighteen. He gave me a wink and we spent the last of my cash taking a cab over to this house he knew about where I could stay. His name was Louis and he told me he did favors for some guys he knew to make cash, I told him that was ok, I was already gay.
"But everything went downhill from there. Several guys at this house started messing with me and they fought with Louis...he lost and so did I. They took turns with me, forcing pills down my throat and gang banging me until I wasn't sure what day it was. But one night Louis snuck back in the house and dragged me out of there when everyone else was passed out.
"Louis and I lived on the streets for two weeks, he hustled his ass to feed us and I was scared most of the time. But the cops caught him and he was dragged off to jail I suppose....never saw him again, so I turned myself in.
"I told the cops I was a runaway from the Marshwood School. They called the school and my mom. I just couldn't tell anyone the truth about what happened in Chicago, I was just too ashamed. It was stupid I know, and until now no one has ever heard the whole story, thanks guys. You know, you're the first real gay friends I've ever had."
Matt was pretty upset by the boy's tale but he was trying hard not to show it so CJ just had to bring it all to closure.
"You picked the right audience for that story, Miguel. Matt and I seem to be on a crusade to heal the wounds of gay youth across the country. It's either fate or your good fortune that brings us together, but either way, I'm happy to have you as a friend too. Will you tell us what happened after you returned to school, how did you get yourself back together?"
"Music," Miguel said, "I discovered music was the other half of me. The school had a music teacher, Paul Doubois, a French Canadian with more talent in his fingers then I'll ever possess. He played a concert one night and I just knew that's what I wanted. The guy took me under his wing, really taught me to play. So I stuck it out after that and even got myself on the dean's list. Best of all, I graduated a year early, about three weeks ago in fact. Guess I figured that no one was going to do it for me.
"I now realize that when you're different, a gay kid, that you have to become self motivated because nobody else seems to give a damn. With Mom gone I just hit the road after graduation. There was no place else I wanted to be. I thought it was time I found my dad."
"Well, congratulations on your diploma," Matt said, "seems to me like you've come to terms with yourself quite well."
"Thanks," Miguel said, "I hope so."
"How come you hit the road, aren't there relatives you could have turned to, won't someone be worried about where you are?" CJ said.
"Not really, besides I'm too independent and my relations are all too straight for my liking. Out here I get to meet guys like you and learn what it means to be gay in America. You know, I had a boyfriend last year in school but he dated some girls too. I'm such a sucker for good looks but he was honest at least, kept telling me he was just bi-sexual and only in it for the sex. It was like tug of war with this guy, he just wanted to have sex all the time and guess I just wanted love. I haven't found it yet either."
"Oh, please. You're seventeen, just at the beginning of your life," Matt said.
"I know, but I've been out to myself for years. You'd think I would have been able to find just one decent guy in all that time."
"Maybe you've been looking in all the wrong places," Matt said.
Miguel gave Matt a long look and smiled. CJ could tell the chemistry between them was changing, it was fun to watch. That moment when two people recognize something they share.
"Maybe you're right," Miguel replied.
"Well, time for me to take over Matt," CJ said, "maybe you and Miguel can find us a place on the map to stop for dinner. Miguel why don't you grab this seat here while I drive."
They rolled into Albuquerque about four-thirty that afternoon where CJ and Matt exchanged knowing looks. It was time to see what the boy was planning to do and Matt was definitely hoping Miguel would stay with them for the ride.
CJ was on the phone with Danny back in Delaware so Matt decided it was a good time to broach the subject.
"Miguel, how about staying on with us?" Matt asked. "We're going to Arizona for a few weeks of sightseeing but then we'll be headed towards the border and we can take you the whole way if you want."
"I really should be heading south," Miguel said, "but, I've never done Arizona before. Will we see the Grand Canyon?"
"Absolutely, I'm a genuine tourist," Matt replied.
"Sure I won't be imposing on you? I don't exactly have much money."
"You let us worry about the money, besides CJ's loaded and I'd like you to come with us."
"Ok, I'll stick with you guys," Miguel said, "give us a chance to get better acquainted."
"Good," Matt replied, "I'd like that."
CJ had heard about half of that conversation but was catching the warm glances between Matt and Miguel as he hung up the phone. Lordy, he thought, that sure happened fast.
They pulled out of Albuquerque after a dinner stop and were firmly planted in a rest stop fifty miles west of the city by nightfall. The living room seemed cozier somehow this evening as CJ told Miguel about most of the events that had brought them this far. Matt sat close to the boy on the couch and they touched frequently as the story ran from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the hills of North Carolina. CJ skipped the part about Martin, figuring that Matt would tell it in his own good time. He watched thoughtfully as Miguel took Matt's hand and held it affectionately.
"Miguel, do you play that guitar or just carry it around?" CJ asked.
"Hey, I'm damn good."
"We're waiting for a concert you know," Matt said.
Miguel balanced the case on his lap and opened it to reveal a worn but immaculately well kept classical guitar. In the process he dropped some items from the case and Matt bent to pick them up.
"Never knew you needed a hash pipe to play guitar?" Matt said.
"Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean to keep that during my trip, Randy gave it to me."
"Hell, all I got was half a lousy joint," CJ said.
"I thought he had some pretty good stuff," Miguel said, "do you mind?"
"We've been known to indulge on occasion," Matt said, "but I don't think we intend to carry it around with us, too dangerous."
"I have a stash in the inside pocket of my case, but I'll throw it away if you think it's risky," Miguel said.
"What, and waste good weed?" Matt said.
Miguel pulled out a good size baggie of Randy's home grown weed. It was really a danger to them all to have it around but CJ knew that it probably wouldn't matter until they crossed the border. Now that's funny, just when had they made the decision to include Mexico as part of this trip? But it was clear in his mind that Matt would want to go with Miguel in search of the boy's father and so would he.
"We'll either have to consume or throw that away before we get to the border," CJ said.
"No problem with us." Miguel and Matt agreed.
As they passed the pipe, Miguel picked up his instrument and began to tune the strings. CJ and Matt were enticed by the sound as the boy brought the strings together in harmony.
Miguel closed his eyes and began to play. The boy's hands seemed to caress the instrument rather than play it, but the sound was soft and yet so very rich. The piece was definitely of Spanish origin and it filled the small space with a wonderful brocade of sound. CJ had never heard this classical guitar piece before but knew it had to be centuries old and the boy's skill was tremendous. His fingers sped along the frets as the right hand gently plucked out each perfect note, CJ was sad as it came to a close.
"Wow, I've never heard something so lovely, you have a real gift," Matt said.
"Wonderful, and you've been playing how long?" CJ asked.
"Not long, couple of years and I've only had this guitar for about two months. My only other one was a second hand steel string that mom gave me. But Paul gave me this for graduation. It was one of his favorite instruments I know, one that he used to play years ago on the stage. I almost didn't accept it from him. I knew how much he favored the action. But he insisted and it was the only graduation present I got so I finally agreed. I'm glad I did, it's a real joy to play, just seems to fit in my hands so well."
Miguel segued into a short blues piece that he was sure they would like and the beautiful sounds carried them into the night. Now I know Matt is a goner, CJ thought, musical and cute, the boy has found his two greatest weaknesses. They deserve each other.
Although Matt had offered his bed, Miguel decided to go it alone in a sleeping bag on the couch. This may have puzzled Matt but he wasn't in a hurry to push this boy who definitely had his own way of doing things. Young and independent, CJ knew those words accurately described Miguel. The kid was definitely in control of his budding relationship with Matt and best of all he seemed in no hurry to screw it up.
It was several hours after sunrise when the first rays of light crept through the blackout shades in sufficient strength to stir Matt and CJ. The smell of coffee and toast brought them both out of their stupor from last night's pot party. Miguel had two mugs waiting on the table and was inquiring about breakfast.
"We have got to keep this guy," CJ said," Miguel, want a job?"
"Sure, but only until my hair grows back, then Matt and I will look like twins," Miguel said, "maybe we'll hit the road as a sister act."
"Queens," CJ said, "what am I going to do with you two? Miguel you're a dear for fixing breakfast, thank you."
"Hell, I've done enough KP for punishment, I could cook for an army," Miguel said.
"I'll remember that when I start my army, " CJ said, sipping at the steaming mug.
"How far are we going today, do you think?" Matt asked.
"We're sitting in the foothills of the Continental Divide guys, and there's a huge mountain range ahead so I don't expect to go far," CJ said. "I think we should head uphill, maybe sightsee and find a nice motel for the night. I've reached that point again where I need a solid bed under me and a bath sounds real nice."
"Oh, I'd love to hike in the mountains, can we?" Miguel chimed in.
"Anybody that makes such good coffee can have whatever they want from me," CJ said.
Miguel smiled and gave CJ a kiss on the cheek before returning to the kitchen to rinse the dishes.
"Well he seems to like you," Matt said.
"Give it up dear, we both know who he has eyes for and it ain't me."
"Does it bother you?"
"Only until I find one of my own and I'm looking real hard," CJ said.
"Thank you, CJ."
"What for?"
"The motel, I know why you said that," Matt said.
"I thought you two might need a little privacy to kick off this relationship. Only have your best interests at heart, my dear."
With the San Mateo Mountains off to their north, the bus rolled onwards and upwards, passing an entrance to the Zuni Indian reservation and entering the Cibola National Forest. Matt ran into the ranger station to get some information on hiking trails. CJ sat at the wheel, taking in the scenery when Miguel wiggled his way into the man's lap.
"I love you both you realize, is that pushing things too fast?" Miguel asked.
"Why? You have a good head on your shoulders. I respect your feelings kiddo and I would never reject your love."
"I hope Matt feels the same way. I felt kinda strange last night. I know he wanted me in his bed, but it was too soon."
"My dear, you have a lifetime to discover what makes that man tick. Matt's a big boy, you can't disappoint him that easily. I want to see you two have a great time together."
"I hope I'm choosing the right man, you're a sweet guy too CJ," Miguel said.
"I'll hold that thought close to my heart," CJ said with a smile.
"Maybe we can find you a boyfriend along the way."
"I don't seem to have trouble finding guys to sleep with," CJ said. "It's the relationship thing that seems to elude me."
"Then I'll work overtime on the situation," Miguel replied.
"Don't worry about me, but thanks for the offer. You know, this Cherokee lady back east told me I'm gonna find something good for myself out here so keep your eyes open in case I miss it."
Matt returned with a map of the forest and the closest trails, so they set off up the road until it ended in a parking lot. They donned hiking boots and after locking the bus set off into the beautiful hill country. CJ tagged along behind the other two, noting the small bits of body language they threw, the subtle touches and smiles. To look you couldn't tell there was twenty years between them, aah he thought, to be in love again.
CJ realized that in Miguel they had found another member for the family, now they were seven. The boy would be a great asset and even if he found his father and stayed in Mexico, well, CJ still would always think of the kid as one of their own. This was turning out pretty good so far. Hell, even Danny had confided that he and Bobby had gotten together and were sleeping in the same bed. Where's mine, he thought?
The view was absolutely spectacular. Mt Taylor towered at nearly twelve thousand feet on one side with others ranging away into the distance. There was something about this tall majestic mountain that inspired him. He felt a renewal deep inside, as if his spirit had been lifted and been given strength. Something was going to happen. In the shadow of the mountain, she had said, he was coming closer to whatever purpose would finally speak his name.
But there was no shadow off this mountain. The sun was shining brightly here. Oh, that meant the shadow would be on the other side. He felt exhilarated beyond belief; it was so weird that he became almost frightened at the view. Did that mean his spirit was destined to find a mate in Arizona? CJ was relieved as they walked back into the tree line.
The air was so clean and invigorating that after four hours on the trail they were starved and decided to head back. Matt and Miguel were holding hands by now and CJ had to warn them when the ranger station came in sight.
The afternoon drive took them all the way to Gallup, New Mexico where CJ chose a real nice motel with a pool. CJ laughed as he thought of the guys gathering at the beach this first weekend of the summer season and how they were probably wondering what he and Matt were doing.
"Let's send them a post card, CJ. Maybe we should take some pictures and send them to Danny, he'll be sure to share the wealth," Matt said.
"You guys talk about Danny a lot. Is he a close friend?" Miguel wanted to know.
"Knowing Danny, he's got the beach house full of cuties and barbecuing on the porch right this minute," Matt said.
"He's a close friend of mine," CJ said, "we grew up together in Maryland and he is probably my oldest acquaintance. I only met Matt last summer, so he's relatively new by comparison."
"Really?" Miguel said, "I thought you two had been together forever."
"Time flies when you're having so much fun," Matt replied.
They checked into their rooms and promised to meet at the pool in half an hour. CJ wasn't surprised at all when they arrived quite late. Miguel had a big smile on his face. Matt had forgotten to call Danny and returned to the room. CJ and Miguel sat by the pool in the late afternoon warmth.
"Sorry, we didn't mean to leave you sitting out here alone," Miguel said.
"You had the best reason in the world. Enjoy your youth while you can," CJ replied.
"I want to contribute something, CJ. I feel pretty useless."
"You just enjoy the ride and let me play big brother. You and Matt make nice family. Besides, you contribute a great deal to my morale with your music."
Miguel, forgetting himself, gave CJ a big hug, which brought a disapproving glance from the lady sitting under the umbrella on the far side of the pool. CJ jumped into the near side of the pool and Miguel joined him, waiting for Matt's return. They sat in the cool water and watched the sun fade towards the horizon.
Matt brought news that Danny wasn't home but that Bobby had answered the phone and had already found himself a job on the boardwalk for the summer. CJ had to explain how Bobby fit into the scheme of things, which lead to a deeper discussion.
"Do you really think Danny and the kid will get into something?" Matt said
"I think they're both at about the same level in discovering themselves," CJ said. "Bobby may be a few years younger but he's actually the more mature of the two. Danny's been through some pretty tough times so he's a lot more street wise. A good balance if you ask me."
"So which one am I?" Miguel asked. "Mature or street wise?"
"No way I'm going to fall into that trap," Matt said.
"I'll take a crack at it, "CJ said, "I'd vote against street wise since that episode in Chicago proved just how lucky you are to be alive. As for mature, I think you have all the intelligence and charm of a seventeen year old housewife."
The latter comment was followed with a laugh as CJ grabbed Miguel by the shoulders and dunked him. This commenced the water fight that drove the disapproving lady from poolside and since they were sure she was off to find the motel manager they made a hasty exit to dress for dinner.
Matt and Miguel were again late for the appointed meeting time so CJ got them a table in the restaurant and waited. He was enjoying a minor flirt with the young waiter when they arrived with red eyes and a few giggles.
"Hey," CJ whispered, "look at our waiter. Now I know what I want for dessert."
"Go for it," Miguel encouraged.
"Now that will be enough from both of you kids," Matt said. "Let me tell you Miguel, CJ usually gets what he wants. You don't have to encourage him."
CJ's waiter was getting a little warm under the collar at the attention he was receiving, much too straight for the game they all decided. It was getting on ten o'clock when they returned to their rooms with the promise of an early start. CJ fell asleep watching the tube and dreamed of Jackie swimming naked in the mountain pond.
Matt and Miguel lay on one of the double beds and hugged while watching a less than exciting nature program. While the lions stalked their prey, Miguel stalked his prey in Matt's boxers once again. Finding what he wanted there, he proceeded to caress the object of his affection which finally got Matt started. They shared a brief yet passionate bout of lovemaking before they lay back and started at the ceiling.
"Hope you don't think we're done tonight?" Miguel said.
"Oh, I think we're just beginning," Matt replied, "but we need a shower first, don't you think?"
It was a pretty bleary eyed crew that greeted CJ in the morning and the lovebirds dozed on the couch together as CJ drove them across the border into Arizona. It was about ten o'clock when he woke them as they approached the visitor's center at the Petrified Forest National Park.
They stumbled along the tourist trail to look at the remains of the oldest trees in the world, fossilized remains of the once mighty North American forest. They walked for several miles, mindful to look for the snakes and scorpions the ranger had cautioned them about. Miguel didn't look too pleased about the snake business. But a snake is a rather shy creature and they didn't see a single rattler in sight. The desolation was stunning after the lush mountain forests of the day before. But it was soon time for them to move on.
They spent an uneventful night in a Flagstaff motel only to discover they had a flat tire the next morning. CJ was the one who sat cussing as they waited for the repair truck to arrive.
"This is a fine mess. What say we head north to Page and the Grand Canyon today?" CJ suggested.
"Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing Hoover Dam," Matt said
"Certainly is different from Wisconsin out here, I think the desert is cool," Miguel added.
"Just as long as there aren't any snakes around," Matt said.
"You mean like that one on the rock behind you?" CJ said.
"Where?" Matt screamed and nearly jumped into Miguel's arms.
Miguel nearly choked with laughter and Matt thought about finishing the job when the repair truck arrived to fix the tire.
Flagstaff sits at the highest elevation in Arizona and the San Francisco Mountain range runs northwards from there. CJ had that funny feeling again as they drove past the towering peak that dominated the view. What were these feelings trying to tell him?
It wasn't until they headed north and down from the mountains that the heat began to hit them. They passed volcanic formations and were soon at the edge of the Painted Desert where the unusual rock formations varied in wonderful colors and shapes. Here they passed a sign informing them they were now on Navajo reservation land.
Matt and Miguel were staring out the windows not quite sure what to expect. All they could see was more vast open land, clusters of trees and a few buildings at the side of the road. The land was rich in space and texture but looked too poor to support much life.
"The inhabitants are a proud nation of people whose main source of commerce is the tourist trade, sheep and the corn they grow. Their heritage and traditions are rich and still wonderfully alive," Matt said, quoting from the guide book.
CJ was all for making it to Page before dark, but then they hit Cameron. The crossroads here were only a small township on the reservation but it had quite a large Navajo population. Native American wares were for sale at various spots along the highway so it seemed like they had to stop and buy gifts for Danny and other friends back east.
CJ passed several small places and then suddenly stopped at a two story adobe building.
"Here," he said. And he stared at the building wondering why his inner voice said this was the place.
They entered the trading post belonging to Edgar Watahomigie, according to the sign out front. The walls were hung with brightly colored woven blankets, shelves filled with baskets and pottery all carefully hand crafted. Glass cases stood on one side filled with beautiful Navajo jewelry, but to CJ there was only one thing that caught his eye and he was standing behind the counter.
The boy was the most magnificent specimen of young manhood that CJ had ever beheld. The strong native features, deeply tanned skin and huge brown eyes were framed by a glory of black hair that hung to the boy's shoulders.
At first it was the face that held his attention and then the boy moved across the room and CJ watched that lithe body move like a predatory cat. Absurdly the Navajo boy wore moccasins, jeans and a Pink Floyd T-shirt. But as CJ's eyes traveled up the boy's body to the face he froze.
The boy stopped his motion and turned, returning the glance and a smile crept across his features. Somehow the boy knew him, he could see it in those eyes, and then the face came closer. He stopped in front of CJ and with that smile he said,
"You have come a long way, welcome to Dinehtah, the Navajo Nation. Have we met before?"
"No, I'm sure I would have remembered. Should I know you?"
"Maybe, we are all children of the same Earth Mother," the boy replied.
"The Earth Mother," CJ said, "the giver of rainbows."
"Yes," the boy seemed delighted CJ knew her. "She has sent you here, I'm sure. My name is Blake."
The eyes seemed to sparkle as they gazed at him. It was as if the boy could see into CJ's mind and touch some part of him. But Blake also seemed embarrassed and after a moment he turned away, moving back to his tasks about the store.
CJ stood stunned. "She has sent you here" the boy had said and his mind rolled back to the medicine woman, Jackie's mother, Mrs. Morningstar. "You will go where you are needed, the Earth Mother, giver of rainbows will guide your way. Your spirit is strong but I see another beside you, stronger and braver."
Those had been her parting words and now this boy had brought them back and laid them at his feet. He now knew what had happened the day before as they stood at the base of Mt. Taylor. It had been a premonition of this meeting. Earth Mother had been calling to him, sending him here to this boy.
He looked at Matt to see if he had noticed any of this and saw his friend had been watching the whole thing.
"Miguel," Matt whispered, "I know that look. We'll be setting up camp here for a while."
"Good," Miguel said, "I see that my prayers have been answered."
On to Chapter Eight
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