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"Dumb Luck" by Chris James Chapter Sixteen Back to Chapter Fifteen On to Chapter Seventeen Chapter Index Chris James Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Adventure Drama Sexual Situations Rated Mature 18+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Hermosillo was where their adventure in Mexico had its beginning and CJ would always remember it as the place where he first met Thomas. The Mexicans had been kind to them and CJ had developed a real affection for the people. But this was the place where Thomas would part company and sadness had descended on his family. CJ had booked him a Delta flight to Atlanta, connecting to New York where his family would pick him up.
He had made Thomas call his mother that afternoon and she had insisted on talking with him. CJ wasn't quite sure what to say and was grateful when she said it all. Mrs. VanClief was quite a lady, she had been most thankful that her son had been involved in such an exciting event; although it was apparent she had a hard time understanding his importance to the dig. Poor Thomas was probably still a child in her eyes; she would soon discover the error in her thinking.
Blake was sad that he was losing all these new friends after such a short time together, he would miss Thomas terribly. Always sensitive to the thoughts of his new friend, Thomas kept himself close and ready for affection when needed. Matt had gone to find supplies for the trip north and CJ had booked them rooms back at the Araiza. It was a glum threesome that walked into the room and dropped their bags by the door.
"I'm sorry guys; this is the hard part I know. Just think about where we'll be in a few months, all back together again."
"That's fine for you," Blake said, "I'm the one being left behind."
"Look, everybody sit down, we need to talk. We've been on such a big high with this wonderful adventure but I'm afraid its time to deal with reality. Thomas, you know that Blake and I will miss you, but it's what we can't express that hurts all our feelings. I hate to make this sound like a lecture so forgive me. Both of you now have a great responsibility to each other and to me. To bring this family back together in the fastest possible manner both of you have school and grades to work on. You were so motivated out there at the dig, use that energy, build on it.
"Thomas will have less time than you Blake, but he will have to face a university first and that isn't going to be fun, just more hard work. You have the longest road and you've heard both Thomas and I say we'll be there every step of the way. I'm here for you guys; we're family now, nothing changes."
"I know, thanks," Blake said.
"I'm actually looking forward to going home and better yet, going back to school. Wait until I can rub Rudy's nose in everything we've accomplished," Thomas said.
"That's the attitude," CJ replied. "We may very well mourn the loss of this adventure, but it isn't over yet. What if they find something else down in that hole? Ever think of that? Maybe something we'd never expect to see down here, bones or even a whole skeleton. The possibilities are endless. I think that's what drives Dr. Diaz, a secret passion to find something like that."
"Yeah, I'd love a job like his," Thomas said.
"And you may have one in the near future," CJ said.
"I'm tired," Blake said with a yawn, "Can we go to bed?"
And so they did, here on their last night together they slept. Blake fell asleep in Thomas' arms, something he would miss in the weeks ahead. CJ listened to the two boys breathing as one.
If only he had found a boy friend like this at an early age. He envied their friendship, their love and their understanding of each other. If only he had, he thought, it would have set me free a lot sooner. I would have known myself and been able to give to others sooner.
He gently kissed each boy and smelled the warmth exuded by their naked huddle. It brought tears to his eyes. Thomas with the true heart, and Blake the brave warrior and spirit guide. Side by side they had inspired him, given his life greater meaning. I deserve to be here, he thought.
They took Thomas to the airport in the morning, the silence in the taxi was excruciating and before CJ could say words to fill that gap Blake began to cry which got Thomas going too. He was glad when the tears began to dry up and Blake once again became the warrior.
"Thomas, my brother, hozjho naninaa doo, may you walk in beauty until we come together once again."
"Thank you, my brother," Thomas replied. "Keep well and know that I love you always."
CJ held them both one last time and then Thomas was gone. They watched as the plane soared into the distance and vanished. A sad day but a most necessary first step, how could Blake be made to understand?
The boy remained pretty glum throughout most of their trip north and didn't cheer up until they were almost at the border with Arizona. Matt had been quiet as well but he was driving and CJ couldn't see his face.
"Blake, I'm sorry to interrupt your thoughts, what will your father say about you going to school in the east?" CJ asked.
"Don't be sorry, I'm not dying over here, I've been thinking about that. I'm the youngest child and that makes it harder. I know mom wants me to stick around but my brother and sister are working in the trading post so I'm not stuck doing that at least. Will they let me go? I say yes."
"Why so confident?" Matt asked.
"My father put great faith in the powers of my grandfather who was our medicine man before my Uncle John. Before he died, Grandfather and Uncle John shared a dream together, powerful medicine, something like the Dineh haven't seen in generations I'm told. But Uncle John keeps that knowledge to himself and I might be considered a challenge. I think the presence of two nadleeh among the Dineh right now would cause conflict. As CJ knows, my uncle's vision created this conflict and it would be wise if I stepped back and worked quietly for a while.
"Whenever the spirits call us to a task we must be allowed to accomplish it. My father thought I was called to be a medicine man, and I believed it as well. Since the calling comes from inside us, I have been waiting for the spirit to move in me. Now I've had the most moving experience ever and I see that my task isn't only to guide my people in the ways of the spirit or to heal their sickness. Thomas and I discussed this the other day; he understands where I want to go."
"Is there some way that your father can be made to understand what you mean? Can we help?" CJ asked.
"I'll leave the school part up to you, you know the territory better. I need to take my father up to the canyon; you know where I'm talking about. He's never seen it. I'll let him make the choice in that place, where my spirit is strongest, he will like that. My hand print on the wall is something that will no longer happen."
"Maybe not there Blake, but I see plenty of places where you can leave your mark in many different ways."
Matt was totally lost in this conversation, so in deference to his friend, CJ changed the subject.
"Does anybody want to stop in Nogales tonight?"
"Not really, how about Tucson?" Matt replied.
Good, I think that's a better choice than Red Rock."
They crossed the border in late afternoon and as darkness began to fall they rolled into
Tucson and found a motel. CJ was looking forward to spending the night alone with Blake. Matt was just looking forward to a bath and bed.
Lying in one another's arms felt so good that CJ wanted to cry out with joy. Fortunately Blake was in a talking mood.
"Did Thomas tell you that he loved you a lot?"
"Yes, it was a thing with us, we promised to say it every day to each other. He needed the reassurance, dear boy, I suppose we all need to know how much we're loved. He always gave me a kiss too, especially every time I told him how much I loved you."
"Oh stop, you did not," Blake said.
"Don't try and turn this into a contest, sweetheart, I'm still amazed that either of you came into my life, and I'm so very thankful."
"I love you more."
"No, I love you more or did you mean more than Thomas?"
"I mean I love you more than I do Thomas, I love him too, we're family. He's my brother now, didn't I tell you?"
"Not exactly, was this a ritual thing?" CJ asked.
"Yes, I adopted him as my brother. We did the ceremony two weeks ago, the night you drove into Guaymas with Matt and Miguel. I kept it simple but it was a real ceremony."
"What will your father say?"
"I've been meaning to tell you, I think we're gonna adopt you too."
"What? Thanks for the warning. How can you do that? My God, you're serious. Can I really become part of your clan? Now you better tell me everything I need to know about this ceremony."
"No, just let it happen. It's an honorary thing, you know, not a blood ritual. There will be a dance, lots of talk and chanting, you'll exchange gifts and the adoption will be proclaimed, it's simple."
"What kind of gifts, I don't know what to give your father. What will he be giving me?"
"His son, CJ…me."
They were both astonished when CJ began to cry, tears rolling down his cheeks in joyful abandon. Blake held him, kissing him again and again, afraid he had done something wrong.
"I'm sorry CJ, I didn't mean to upset you…please, don't cry."
"I'm not upset," CJ sobbed, " I'm happy, you silly boy."
Wiping the tears away as Blake squeezed him so hard, CJ fought to control his emotions, he had to explain.
"I have always thought of us as family, sweetheart. I just never realized how much I wanted that to really be true. I know you made this happen, your father would never know how much this would mean all by himself." CJ knew that Blake must have orchestrated the whole thing, somehow the feather in that little red pouch had only been the first step and now he said so.
"Yes, you're right. I sent my spirit on the journey with you in that feather, I wanted to be with you always," Blake admitted. "After you had been gone only a single day, I couldn't sleep. I cried all the time and my father began to worry so I finally told him about us."
CJ was startled. Edgar now knew CJ was in love with his son? What was he walking into when they arrived in Cameron tomorrow? What had the boy done? But Blake was one step ahead as usual.
"I know you didn't expect me to be that honest with my father, CJ, but I had to tell him. On the third night you were gone I took my father out to our boulder and we sat in the darkness together. He was waiting for me to explain but I didn't know where to begin and my emotions had me all tied in knots. The stars were bright that night and one of them fell across the horizon, leaving a blaze of light that flickered out in a few moments and that is how I began.
"I told my father that you had come to me like that star, blazing across my life in a few brief moments and then leaving my sky empty. That is why I cried. I told him that I loved you, that nothing would ever take your place in that love. I asked him to understand that I now knew what Uncle John had seen in the dream vision and I accepted my place as nadleeh and welcomed it in the name of our love."
"Oh, Lord…" CJ began.
"No, let me finish," Blake said. "It's alright. My father was shocked I guess and he thought quietly while we stared at the heavens. Then he asked me three things about you and I answered him honestly. He asked if we shared this love and I said yes. He asked if we had shared our love in a physical way and I said no, that you respected my body. He finally asked if it meant giving up all that I had, would I want to be with you always, and I said yes.
"My father is the wisest of men, CJ. I told you that he has always watched over me and guided me when I needed him most. So I was not surprised when he finally asked what he could do to help me achieve my dream, to keep my love and share my life with you. I've been keeping this secret for a month now, I'm sorry. To be fair, I had to give him time to think about what I asked and what he could do to help us. I suppose that I was selfish too, I wanted to see what was going on with you and Thomas. Forgive me, CJ, I doubted your commitment to me when you first brought me down to the dig."
"No apology needed, dear boy. I feared the worst when I finally had to accept telling you about Thomas. In my own mind I kept thinking about you telling me that I walked with beauty all around me. I honestly thought you had paved the way for Thomas to come into our lives, maybe that's silly of me."
"Why? I knew that I could never be the only boy in your life. I just want to be the only boy who shares your life. You are pursuing this foundation to help so many young guys just like me. If you thought I meant only physical beauty then that's where you made the mistake. Thomas may be beautiful on the outside but it's what we both see inside that makes us family. I accept how you found him, you saw a need and your spirit reached out so he came to you. You often refer to it as dumb luck but I know better, we feel it on the same level. It's a gift we share and the reason we love so deeply."
Blake had often referred to the ultimate truth of their relationship, they shared hozjho. However he thought about it, CJ realized that luck wasn't behind it, they had come together due to need. As opposite as their lives had been, they had zeroed in on one another across thousands of miles and bridged the gap. Here in his arms was the one thing he needed to become a whole person, a kindred spirit, one that was so very aware of life and wise beyond his mere seventeen years of life.
"Blake, how will your father ever accept me as your lover?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to think about it. I don't imagine many parents like to think about such things."
"So he accepts me because that's what you want? That's the most incredible display of love I could ever imagine."
"Yeah, I suppose I'm spoiled," Blake replied. The boy yawned and snuggled closer, sleep was not far away.
"Lord, what could I ever give him in return," CJ asked.
"I know you, white man, you'll think of something," Blake mumbled. He drifted off to sleep, secure in the arms that held him.
CJ didn't know what he was going to do tomorrow. How could he face Edgar? Was it embarrassment? After all, how many guys could face the father of the boy they loved? Especially the father of a boy like Blake? Shit, this wasn't going to get any better. Thank God Blake had told the truth.
He had to trust Blake's assessment of the situation. If the boy was wrong Edgar would just show him the door and that would be the end. No, it wouldn't happen that way he was sure. So what could he give the man who would soon adopt him into the family? Lord, will Edgar be my father? That would be alright but what did Blake mean, how was he going to be my gift?
CJ didn't get to sleep until almost dawn. At least by then he knew what he wanted to give Edgar as a gift, he just didn't know how he was going to make it happen. It was still early as he slid out of bed without disturbing the boy and showered. At least the hot water brought back some life back into his tired body and he watched Blake snoring gently as he dressed. Slipping quietly out the door of the motel room, he went next door and knocked.
Matt was already on the phone and motioned for him to have a seat.
"Yes, Miguel," Matt said, "We'll be back about the last week in August I figure."
He nodded as the boy on the other end of the line replied.
"Sure," Matt continued, "CJ says you will have your own room so you could practice there, but you know where you'll be sleeping." Matt laughed along with the boy on the phone.
And then it hit CJ, Miguel of course, he would have the perfect solution to the problem. He motioned for Matt to hand him the phone.
"Hi, Miguel, it's CJ. How are you?" He took the phone off the desk and stretched the cord into the bathroom, closing the door and leaving a puzzled Matt standing there with his mouth open.
"Miguel, I need a favor if you would...I need a gift."
Their conversation went on for ten minutes before CJ was sure he had the facts right and Miguel understood perfectly what was needed. The boy thought the adoption was wonderful and typical of something Blake would do for their love. He congratulated CJ and said he would take care of everything as promised. He expressed his regrets at not being able to attend the ceremony and sent his love to Blake before he hung up. CJ leaned against the wall. This was going to be a very long day indeed.
Matt was sitting on the bed when he returned the phone to the desk. "Sorry about that, Matt. Miguel says he'll call you tonight, ok? I had to ask a favor of him and the wonderful boy promised to help me out. Since your already sitting down I'll tell you, Edgar Watahomigie is planning to adopt me into his family."
"What, you're kidding? No, you're not. Oh Lord, does he know about you and Blake?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, he knows we're in love but better yet, I suppose, Blake says he's being given to me at the ceremony, but I don't know what that means."
"What? Oh my God, how did all this happen?"
CJ had to go and explain the entire conversation he had with Blake the night before and the fact that they would be staying in Cameron again for a few days. Matt was relieved and shared CJ's joy at the successful outcome that was sure to be unique in the annuls of the Dineh.
Blake's entire family and a large crowd of several hundred from the reservation had turned out for their arrival. Matt and CJ stood back and watched as the boy was given a hero's welcome by the mob. The story of the discovery had even brought out a few reporters and a photographer who started taking pictures of them all. Edgar finally approached them and shook their hands. Matt decided he forgot something on the bus and made a hasty exit.
"I am happy to see you once again, Mr. James, it's a proud day for my family," Edgar said. "We should allow the welcome to be finished and then you and I will speak of other matters."
"Yes sir, I suppose we have much to discuss."
The noise and excitement of the crowd ended their brief conversation for the moment, much to CJ's relief. He was cornered by one of the reporters and had to endure the man's questions for half an hour. He guessed that Miguel had been doing his job well and contacted the Flagstaff paper about Blake's achievements. The guy seemed pretty excited to learn about the dig and the expressions of gratitude given them by the Mexican government. He promised them a great story in the morning paper before he left.
Edgar's wife cornered him next, thanking him profusely for the boy's good fortune. She told him that they had planned a welcoming dinner and things had gotten out of hand a little bit. CJ assured her that they welcomed the party and that this was something that the Dineh should all share with the boy. It was obvious the woman wasn't aware of his relationship with Blake, at least not the details.
It was only after several hours of this festive greeting and the men were gathering to set up the evening campfire ceremonies that Blake finally found him alone. The boy dragged him through the trading post into the family quarters at the rear and up the stairs to his room.
CJ had never been upstairs before and found the sparse decoration in the rest of the house didn't extend to the boy's private space. The walls of the room were covered with artwork, paintings and photographs of dancers in full costume. Blake had probably the finest collection of historical artifacts on the reservation, objects he had found and collected for many years. He took CJ slowly around the room explaining every item and its source. On his dresser sat a new photograph, one they had taken together in Desert View after the trip to the eagle painting. CJ looked at his joyful face standing next to the boy, arms around each other.
"That was the day we first shared our spirits, remember?" Blake asked.
"How could I ever forget, my life started anew that day," CJ said. "I have to talk with your father later, any suggestions?"
"Be honest about your feelings," Blake said. "He'll respect that. He told me the ceremony for your adoption will be held Saturday night, that gives you two days to prepare, is that all right? We'll sit down tomorrow and go over the whole thing. I'll be your coach for the ritual."
"I'm nervous, what should I expect?"
"For you a bit like a graduation ceremony, speeches, the passing of sacred objects and some chanting. You'll be expected to speak and give thanks for your blessings. I'll be there sitting right beside you. Tomorrow we'll drive up to the canyon, I have to take my father but I want you to come along too. I will speak to him in our language so you won't understand but he may wish to speak with you as well so it's better if you're there to give him answers."
They could hear the party going on outside and from somewhere the sound of a drumbeat began. Blake gave him a big hug and a long tender kiss.
"That's the dinner bell I think, are you hungry?" Blake asked. "My mother and sister are great cooks, come on, let's go back and join the party."
"One thing before we go, does anyone else know about us, besides your father I mean?"
"Only my Uncle John, he'll be here by now and I know he wants to meet you."
"The nadleeh, your uncle, my…won't this be interesting," CJ said.
Blake laughed, "Yeah, he's just one of us you know. I don't know a lot about his taste in boyfriends now but I know he's had a few, you saw Johnny's work on that garage wall."
"The artist was his lover?" CJ asked.
"Sure, Uncle John encouraged his work. Don't be afraid of him, CJ. He's really a good man and his powers only extend to the Dineh."
"You forget, Blake. I'm gonna be one of them real soon."
"Good, glad you're looking forward to it, I know I am," Blake said. "Uncle John will be on our side remember, you'll be a part of his family too."
The thought did offer some comfort to CJ's fears and he kissed Blake long and hard. Then CJ followed the boy back down the stairs and out the back door into the crowd.
CJ trailed behind Blake as they made their way through the gathering back to the campfire site where the men had gathered. Most of them were wearing simple work clothes except the one man who had to be the nadleeh medicine man, John.
He had on a brightly colored shirt and a scarf around his neck, CJ also noticed he wore an apron decorated with beadwork and assumed it was a symbol of his status. He didn't have time to ask before Blake introduced them and John scooted over on the bench making room for CJ to sit. Edgar was there and handed CJ a beer before the whole group of men moved off a respectable distance and resumed their talking.
"You know you're not the first gay white man I've ever met," John said. Jumping right in with both feet, CJ thought.
"Blake was telling me you supported that wonderful artist who made the wall paintings, his work is stunning," CJ threw back.
"Johnny, what a sweet boy. Yes, I was sad when he ran off to California. You'd be surprised just how many of our youth run away from here."
"I've heard. The streets of San Francisco and LA are full of runaways. I'm trying to reach out to them myself, at least the gay ones," CJ said.
"Blake told me what an unselfish man you were," John replied, "I'm glad he has such good judgment. You know this is a most unusual relationship for my people, some of them may not like it one bit."
They talked for almost an hour, pausing only when some of the women brought them plates of food. John proved to be a warm and interesting character and he expressed great interest in supporting the foundation. But CJ knew that it was only a matter of time before the man would voice his own opinions on the matter of Blake.
"Right now only Edgar and I are aware of the relationship you have with my nephew," John finally said. "The boy told me you were reluctant to become his lover due to his age and I respect you for that. But in the same breath he told me that you had been sleeping in the same bed together and I just wanted to give you peace of mind. You know that our Blake is one special kind of boy, actually he is man among us now, I stand corrected. I suppose he told you about the dream visions I've had?"
CJ nodded his assent.
"Then you should understand by now that we believe your relationship with him was preordained and there was little you could do to resist his…charms." What John said was serious but the smile slowly crept back onto his face. "It's not every man that gets seduced by a beautiful boy who is driven by the gods," he sighed, "did he tell you about Monster Slayer in the legends?"
"Yes, he's been very honest with me about everything," CJ replied.
"To the Dineh, a nadleeh is a powerful thing, a creature of legends and myths and my presence here is viewed as a necessary eccentricity of our culture. Maybe your vision of a medicine man is some old guy with rattles and colored smoke, way too Hollywood. But I suppose I'm more like a historian and storyteller, with a bit of magic thrown in as the occasion requires. I like to think of myself as a modern Native American, CJ, at least I did until Blake grew up. But just as any position like mine depends on the support of the Dineh it can be distracting when two of us appear at the same time. The knowledge I have inside my head has linked me directly to the Holy Ones upstairs. In good faith I cannot share these things with Blake. He must find them on his own."
"Yes," CJ said, "Blake said it would be best if he stepped aside."
"See what I mean," John said. "That young man is always one step ahead of me, how would that look to the Dineh if they knew. No, I support his request to leave and get a decent education at some fancy private school. I think the nation would be better served if he was a doctor or lawyer; someone with his knowledge in high places is what is really needed around here. You've come along at just the right time, don't you think? Can you imagine that this was coincidence?"
"I love Blake," CJ said, "I thank heaven every day that he chose me. He makes me a whole person. I can't imagine my future without him in it, but I had doubts until I met you that your people would accept me. I want to thank you for all you've done, John."
"Please," John said, "I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Blake's white man for weeks now and I welcome you into the family. We must seem a strange people to the outside world I guess.
"You know, just last month I went down to Phoenix to visit friends and do a little fooling around and this white man walked up to me. I could tell he was Mormon and then he began telling me all about how I was from the lost tribes of the Old Testament. Well, I've heard all that stuff before, Mormons have been plaguing my nation for a hundred years with their religious theories and I don't buy it one bit. It made me chuckle to think that I might be Jewish in this man's eyes but he would really go off the deep end if he knew I was homosexual.
"Things as seen by others are not always what they appear to be, you are the wheel that steers your own life CJ. If you wake up each day and give thanks to the gods or God if you have only one, that is not enough. Our lives speak more about us than all the words in the world could ever say. I warn you, Blake will become quite a handful as he grows and takes his rightful place in this world. He will need your guidance in matters both temporal and spiritual and I know you may not always feel equal to the task. For as long as I live I will be here to help you. Edgar may adopt you into his clan but I hope you will always consider me your uncle as well. Now let's get on with this charade, life awaits us both, will you please stand up with me?"
They stood and John put his hand on CJ's shoulder. There in front of the crowd of men John hugged CJ. He pointed at the ground and dropped a sprinkling of corn pollen, the men all grew silent as the ritual was performed. John touched his breast, his face and placed his hand on the white man's head, saying a few words and sprinkling him with the dust.
CJ realized that he had passed some form of initiation because the whole group gathered around him now and they each touched him on the back before moving away and resuming their conversation. John approached him with a fresh beer, they clinked bottles and John said, "La'chiam, CJ", they both roared with laughter at the man's joke.
He hadn't seen Blake for a while and as the sun was now on the horizon the men lit the fire in the ceremonial pit. The crowd moved back making a large clearing around the blazing logs. CJ finally caught a glimpse of Matt through the crowd, realizing he hadn't seen him most of the afternoon either.
"Where you been, buddy," CJ asked.
"I was watching them make a sand painting over by that big hogan. I ducked out on you earlier, sorry. I went back in the bus and fell asleep almost immediately, only woke up about an hour ago when Miguel called. He said to tell you that everything was set and you'd see the results on Saturday afternoon. I have no idea what he meant and I suppose you mean to keep it that way. Did you eat?"
"Yeah, real good cooking," CJ said. "I've spent the past hour with Uncle John the medicine man."
"Oh? How did that go?"
"John's quite a character, I think you'd like him, want an introduction?"
"Uh, ok. But maybe later, looks like the dancing is about to start, I don't want to miss any of that," Matt ventured.
CJ now caught sight of Blake and excused himself. The boy had just walked back up the path with a group of dancers, most of them already in costume. CJ figured they had been down to the water pool to wash before the ceremonies. Cool, he thought, I'm learning.
"Hey," he said to Blake.
"Sorry, didn't mean to disappear, how did it go with Uncle John?"
"He loves me like a brother now," CJ replied.
"Fantastic," Blake said. "Look, for the dance I want you to sit on my father's right, a place of honor. The leaders of many clans will be here tonight, you will gain a lot of face with them, and it will raise your status. I'm sure he's expecting you to take your place in a few minutes and then after the dancing you two can have a talk if he still wants. He may not though, I asked him to wait until tomorrow. I though you needed a break."
"Oh, thank you, dear boy, I'm getting worn down."
"Well stick around after the dancing, I'll come sit next to you and explain some of the stories they'll be telling. Maybe after that we can sneak off and, you know. I gotta go, wish me luck, I'm gonna need it"
"Why, what's up?" CJ asked.
"I'm telling them the story of our discovery tonight, the artifacts in the Mexican desert and my version of how they came to be there. I wrote the story myself but sorry, it won't be in English except for two words."
"Two words?" CJ said.
"Sure," Blake replied," you're in it and I say your name, bye."
CJ found himself in the crowd surrounding the fire pit and the dance circle. They parted for him and pointed towards the place where he was expected to sit. He found himself on the edge of a wide space left for dancing where Edgar stood and motioned him over to a place on his right. CJ gratefully accepted his seat, a folded blanket with a little padding underneath. John was seated several places away and nodded graciously as their eyes met. CJ realized that he was sitting in the group of the elders. Blake never mentioned Edgar's status in the Dineh Nation but surely he was on the council.
"You are most welcome to our circle, Mr. James," Edgar said.
"Thank you, please won't you call me CJ or Chris," he replied.
"Yes, forgive me, I have been too formal, CJ," Edgar replied with a smile. "We are going to see a special performance tonight, did Blake tell you?"
"He did, I'm looking forward to it. He said he wrote the story himself, how wonderful."
"He is a special boy. I have known since I first held him in my arms that the gods have marked him for greatness, he is my last child and yet the most promising. But I have seen your eyes upon him. You too understand my son and I know how deeply you care for him. It is rare that a white man has come so close to our family and to an understanding of the ways that move our people."
CJ was thinking of some way of answering the man when the drums began in earnest. The circle of people parted and six men entered the ring in brightly colored costumes. They wore strange masks, their bodies uncovered from the waist up. Feathers and hundreds of colored beads adorned their arms and leggings. They walked slowly around the ring displaying their finery and CJ realized with a shock that one of them was Blake. The boy looked so different behind a mask, his hair pulled back and tied and his half naked body painted with red and white. He no longer looked like a boy but as a warrior should, a man of power and grace. Then the dance began.
The group moved in steps, twirling about with abandon that had no rhythm or syncopation of movement. CJ saw Matt sitting across the way and somehow he had found a chair, the lucky bastard. The chaos of the dance soon dissolved into choreographed movement and the five men parted leaving Blake to dance at their front. From the orchestra of drums and singers came a slow chant, growing in pitch and fervor. CJ turned his head slightly and saw Edgar nodding away in time with the rhythm, his focus strictly on the boy.
Blake spun and turned his body, spreading his arms in what CJ knew as the flight of an eagle. The chant grew stronger now and the bird's flight soared round and round the fire, weaving first towards the flames and then the crowd of onlookers. CJ wished he knew what was being represented so his mind turned towards what he knew about their discoveries.
The fragments of pottery were chunks of a larger piece or pieces of containers. Either food or water was held in them, Diaz had said. They must have been carried for hundreds of miles since the natives had no pack animals back then only their strong backs.
He looked up to see Blake stooped over as if he were carrying a heavy weight and realized this is what the boy was portraying, it brought a smile to his lips, he understood the dance. The eagle had soared for these hundreds of miles, emblazoned on the jars in the intricate designs of the Northern craftsmen. They had traveled these many miles to the south, maybe to trade for the riches found with other tribes or groups along the Gulf of Mexico. Possibly they had been escaping from enemies or seeking another source of food. Either way, they may have decided to stay and set up their own community. That would explain the trash dump and the beginnings of post hole foundations the crew was beginning to uncover. The answers were still too elusive now, it would take more time.
His focus came back to the dance just as Blake spun in his tracks and stopped by the fire as he removed his mask. The drums ceased and the chanting became a low background as Blake started to speak. His voice was strong and carried across the whole circle but CJ could not understand the language. His arms spread wide, Blake walked slowly around the circle speaking clearly to the assembled clans. He was telling a story and every ear was tuned into his words, even the chant ceased now and only the crackling of the fire accompanied his words.
Blake came their way and stood before the council members, his arms still pointed skyward to keep their attention and in the speech he turned slowly towards CJ and spoke his name. When Blake said "Chris James" he felt the eyes of the whole assembly turn his way and he blushed deeply.
Fortunately the story went on and Blake kept moving back around the circle to his original position. He stood at the fire now and paused. Whatever he said next caused the whole crowd to whoop wildly and the drums began their cadence once again. The dance resumed and the men twirled and stamped their feet with the rhythms. Many in the crowd joined in the song and a few youths joined in the dancing. CJ could feel the joy around him, they were a happy and proud people he was learning and his spirits soared until the final drumbeat broke off abruptly.
The crowd whooped once again and the dancers ran around the ring to the odd whooping sound that CJ would learn was their way of showing appreciation. The crowd broke up into smaller circles now and the drums began again as some of the groups began singing. A group of boys took up hoops of willow wood and began to twirl them around, dancing and jumping in and out of the spinning circles.
Blake came and stood before the elders who spoke to him with great smiles on their faces; his story was an obvious hit. Finally the boy came his way and spoke quietly with his father. CJ sat quietly by, studying the boy now with new insight. Those boyish muscles were all pumped up and his body gleamed with sweat but the eyes still shone with a twinkle that CJ had long ago learned to love.
Edgar stood and clasped the young man's arms with affection, smearing paint on his good shirt but not caring. CJ stood also, grateful for the chance to stretch his legs and then Blake came his way. He could think of nothing better than to hug the young man, he saw Edgar smiling at them as he looked over Blake's shoulders.
"Oh, what a wonderful performance, Blake. You know I actually understood some of it?" CJ said.
"Really, I was hoping you might. You knew more of the story than they did. When did you first catch on?"
"I saw you carrying the jugs of water on your back and knew that the soaring of the eagle represented the hundreds of miles that the journey must have taken," CJ said.
"Wow, yes, you got it exactly," Blake cried, as he hugged CJ again but quickly let him go. "Maybe we better get away from here, will you come with me while I wash off?"
"Sure, I'm right behind you."
They didn't go into the hills to the hidden pool but retraced their steps back to his room. Blake stripped naked and pulled him into the bathroom, shutting the door. CJ helped wipe away most of the paint and sweat with a towel before Blake hopped in the shower.
He sat quietly on the top of the toilet tank, his feet resting on the seat and his elbows on his knees. There was something subtle that had happened this evening; he found it hard to put into words. Standing behind that curtain is the person I love who has just given the performance of his life in front of the most important people in his Nation or at least those who showed up.
I watched this wonderful…boy? No, the word didn't fit anymore, he was a man now, John had said. That was it. He had watched the boy change over the past several weeks and had brought home a young man. In some ways he missed the bright boy sneaking up on him in the dark and scaring him half to death and yet he now clung to the memory of the crowd as they cheered his performance, the dance of a warrior, a man. Blake would be eighteen in a few short weeks but he was already a man in the eyes of the Dineh, his Nation.
"What are you thinking?" Blake said. CJ realized that the water was off and the young man was staring at him now.
"Did I tell you that I love you today, my eagle?" CJ said.
A smile spread slowly across Blake's face and he stepped out of the tub. He took CJ's head in his hands and kissed him deeply. They walked back to Blake's room and shut the door behind them.
On to Chapter Seventeen
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