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"Granny's Pride and Joy" by Chris James Chapter Four Back to Chapter Three On to Chapter Five Chapter Index Chris James Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view > Young Boys/Older Boys Adventure Sexual Situations Rated Mature 18+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
Dawn came and without even thinking about the cold, I slid from my sleeping bag and ran towards the river. The plunge, the shock. The water was like ice and in less than a minute I was out and shivering on the bank. God ... today was the final day, and then I smiled ... I owed Tally something.
Creeping back in the shelter I slowly pulled back the sleeping bag and admired the body I had come to love. Tally came awake and balled up.
"Cold ... Jeez, have you been swimming?"
"Yeah, I wanted to be awake when I did this ... " And with that I fell on Tally. He giggled at my kisses, and groaned when I grabbed his stiff cock.
"Gotta pee, Evan ... now," Tally said and I let him go. He came back only to pounce on me and I rolled on my back as he lay on top.
"Gonna give you a smile, sweet boy ... you ready?" I asked.
"Oh God ... yes," Tally gasped.
It was a long passionate bout of lovemaking I desired, despite Tally wanting to go faster and harder. I didn't want to hurt the boy, this was all too new for us both. I was feeling romantic while he was just plain horny.
He sat on my cock and I groaned as the wet heat of his body absorbed me. And when he finally nestled his bottom against my balls the feeling was electric. Tally smiled down at me and I could feel the shudder as his body adjusted to the intrusion.
Everything about this boy excited me beyond belief, and then he began to rise and fall in my lap. Tally arched his back and leaned his head with it, impaling himself fully on my cock. The vision of his beauty ravished my senses and drove me wild, exactly what he wanted.
I guess it was this exact moment when I realized he would always lead the way in our lovemaking. I would always be a slave, a mere puppet to his desires. I could only be grateful that he had chosen me. Finally his moans and groans filled the shelter as he bounced up and down. His hips ground that sweet muscular ass in my lap and I was over the top before I knew it.
The gasps and shudders as I came seemed to do the trick on him as well. Tally grabbed his cock and in three quick strokes plastered me from chin to navel with his seed. That final burst made us both quite vocal and I suddenly realized Jerry must have heard us.
Tally's final groan filled the shelter, and then so did Jerry's. The little brat had been watching us the whole time while jerking off. Maybe Jerry didn't want to participate any more but he didn't seem to mind watching. I smiled, not the least bit ashamed of what Tally and I had done to turn the boy on ... Jerry wasn't all that straight.
Tally lay down in the mess on my body and I tried to keep from slipping out. He pulled my face to his and kissed me long and hard, at least until I heard Jerry scream. The little dummy had gone and jumped in the river to wash off. I started laughing which set Tally off, out I popped and we both groaned.
"That cold, huh?" Tally asked.
"Freezing, but you'll find out when we go in," I said.
"I think it would be sexy if you wore my sperm all day ... but that will never do. OK, let's do it quick," Tally said and I got up.
Jerry was back shivering. "Fucking hell, my balls froze up."
"At least you got to empty them first," I said, and could swear he blushed.
Tally and I took the plunge, and I figured we had about thirty seconds before it became unbearable. "Push it all out Tally or your pants will stain. Don't want to explain that one to Granny do you?"
His face showed the effort he was making and the sudden release made him smile. "All gone ... until next time," Tally laughed, his teeth chattering. I rubbed my body a bit and then we bolted for the river bank. The morning air felt damn warm after that and we all dressed for the final leg of the trip.
We shared out the final jar of peaches and ate the rest of the bread, no fire this morning, I wanted a swift escape. Packing took a few minutes and then we were back on the water. The mountains loomed in the distance and the sight was so peaceful, and yet I paddled hard for a while. Tally matched my zeal, what a fine kid he was. No, he was a young man in a boy's body; I would have to remember that.
The mountains got closer but I knew our destination was closer still. A valley opened up on our right and we began to see a few houses. In the distance a bridge loomed, we had arrived. Tally and I sprinted the last quarter mile with Jerry laughing at our efforts but hanging onto the rocking canoe for dear life. Then there was the dock and a truck sat beside it with that now familiar logo.
The college boys in the American River T-shirts lifted the canoe from the water with ease.
"You guys have a good time?" One of them asked.
"Awesome," Jerry replied. "I never saw so much nature."
"Yeah, it's a great trip," the guy replied. "We came here just to get you, don't think anyone else is coming along so if you're ready we can go."
The canoe went up on the roof rack and we all climbed into the extended cab. The two river guys sat up front and talked on the hour long trip back. Jerry dozed and Tally covertly held my hand. I could feel his emotions, he didn't want this to end, but it had to.
We arrived back and I was never so glad to see my old blue Jeep. I slipped the river guys a few dollars tip and we dumped our trash in the handy barrel before loading our stuff into the back.
"Anyone hungry?" I asked. Silly question, we all were.
I had an idea about where Tally lived so we headed that way.
"There's Kelly's in town, you want lunch?" Tally asked.
"Yes boss, you lead the way," I replied and Tally grinned.
Kelly's was a small place, the smell of breakfast still lingered as we ordered hamburgers all around. Jerry looked at me with a sheepish grin.
"I ... I don't have any money, I hate to be asking you to pay for me," He said.
I ruffled up his hair and laughed. "I'll pay because I owe you both for having such a good time; I have to thank you somehow."
Jerry smiled. "It was a pleasure, thanks for taking me."
"You're welcome, should I take you home before we go to Tally's?"
"Yeah, you better. I need a real shower and some clothes for dinner, and then I'll come back over."
"Oh ... right, I probably need some clothes too, damn," I said.
"You have time to run home, is it far?" Tally asked.
"Asheville? Maybe forty miles, about two hours round trip if I catch a quick shower."
"Uh, can I come with you?" Tally asked. "We don't have to be back for dinner until six, you could spend the night if you want."
"Yeah, stay over Evan, I'll sleep at home," Jerry said.
"OK Tally, but no foolin around, I don't want us caught," I said.
"Yeah, we can take a walk after dinner, I'll show you the barn," Tally said, his grin said the rest. Horny little devil.
Our food came and Tally talked to Jenny, our waitress. He told her we'd been down the river and how much fun they'd had. The woman seemed to know the family quite well and asked after his granny. Tally gave her a response and then tore into his food. Fifteen minutes later we were done, we ate like wolves.
The ride out of town took us back towards the river and then Jerry pointed the way into a driveway towards his house. Of course his mom came out at the sight of a strange car and Jerry introduced me. He explained that I would be workin for his Uncle Jim and she smiled at me gratefully. The woman must miss her husband, but she knew Jerry did as well.
As if to seal the deal, Jerry gave me a hug before I got back behind the wheel. I saw his mother watching, a sad smile on her face. Yes, she had to know the boy's thoughts. I hoped to see her later on, I just wanted to tell her what a great kid she had, but I was sure she already knew that.
OK, now to face Granny once again ... or were the parents back yet? Tally had me turn right and follow a dirt track that led up a rise and finally into a cow pasture.
"Stop here," Tally said and I did, shutting off the engine. We were sitting on a hill and below us spread Granny's farm, I could even see the river off in the distance.
"Now you see what we deal with every year," Tally said. He pointed towards the corn fields and then the distant fields of grain. The house sat way off near the trees and mostly what I saw was the roof of the barn.
"Big place, no wonder your daddy hires on," I said.
"Mostly Mexicans, they have some trailers up under the trees on the far side of the house. Good workers, some of them been with my daddy since the tobacco days. You'll meet most of them in a few weeks, they know when to arrive for the harvest. Come winter they go further south, Texas or maybe even home to Mexico. We take care of the farm in winter, I kinda like that, makes it feel more like it's ours."
"It's a big farm, I had no idea," I said.
Tally smiled. "Last chance to back out, Evan."
We were all alone up here with just the cows; I took him in my arms and kissed him deeply. "I'm not goin anywhere without you, I'm gonna be here for the rest of your life."
Tally got tears in his eyes, and I realized this was the first time we had ever been alone together without Jerry around.
"You mean that ... forever?" Tally said as the tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Yes, I love you to death. I promise to take care of you, get you through school and spend the rest of my life making you happy," I said.
Tally smiled and wiped at his face. "God, I am such a baby."
"You're my baby now, Tally." And I kissed him again.
We groped one another and then our hard cocks had to be dealt with before we could be presentable to Granny. I sucked him gently, allowing him the full range of pleasure. Tally grasped at my hair when he came and I tasted what I knew to be the sweetest meal of the day no matter what Granny made for supper.
Tally went straight for my cock and I lay my head back on the headrest and marveled at the boy's skill. I rubbed his head gently, unwilling to force an end to this wonderful feeling. But Tally knew how to please and I soon came, amazed that he could swallow it all.
He sat up and we kissed, sharing the taste of one another. Then we had to go down and face Granny. Tally's brothers had been off in Charlotte visiting friends and the parents had gone north to Roanoke to visit Tally's other grandmother on his mother's side. The extended family was due to gather this afternoon and Granny was cookin up a storm.
"Tally ... Evan, how was it?" Granny asked.
Tally babbled for a while as she moved about her kitchen, she nodded at the boy's account of our adventures and gave me the occasional smile.
"How wonderful," She said when Tally ran out of breath. "Evan, you are staying on for supper, aren't you?"
"Yes ma'am, it smells wonderful."
"Nothin fancy, just good home cookin."
"I need to run home and shower, get some clothes. Then I can help you with any last minute preparations," I said.
"That would be sweet, would you stop at the store for me on the way, I ran out of vinegar, imagine that," She said.
"Sure, no problem ... white or cider?" I asked.
"Cider, gives the collards a crisp taste. You goin with him I suppose," She asked Tally.
"Yes ma'am, I was about to ask if I could."
"Yes you may, but go shower first and change out of those damn overalls. I don't want people to think we're dirt farmers even if we are half the time. Go on shoo."
Tally laughed and smiled at me before he ran upstairs.
"So were the boys good?" She asked.
"Very helpful. I tried to get Jerry out of his shell a bit, I think the trip helped him relax."
"That's a blessing, poor kid. My son had to join the damn Reserves and go off bein a hero, look what it's done to that boy."
"He's very proud of his father, just scared of what he doesn't understand," I said.
"Tom is a capable man, he'll do just fine. I haven't told Jerry but they have him in Kuwait training other men. Jerry thinks he's out shooting bad guys but I don't think he's in any real danger. He can tell Jerry all about it when he comes back, until then he's a hero."
"No wonder your kids love you so much," I said, and then realized maybe I shouldn't have said that.
"Oh, what's Tally been saying now?" She asked.
"He has a lot of faith in you, and that's about all I know," I said.
She smiled. "You're very observant for such a young man. I see Tally has taken a shine to you right off." She stopped cutting carrots and put the knife down. "You must understand by now, he's been looking for his own hero for a long time now, I imagine he's found himself one."
I was stunned, what was she saying? I couldn't ... I didn't feel right admitting I loved the boy, not to her, not to anyone in this family. But she smiled once again.
"He wants you to stay on I imagine, work for us so's you can stay close by his side," She said, resuming her cutting duties.
Oh God, she did know ... but how?
"I was thinking of asking your son if I could work, Tally suggested it might be possible."
This time she put the knife down and walked over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders and looking me straight in the eye. "I know his mind Evan, that's all a granny has to do is watch her grandkids grow up. Tally is my special boy, the best boy. I don't know how far he's gotten his claws into you but I do know what he's thinkin."
I felt myself blush and that gave her more of an answer than I was prepared to deliver, it made her smile.
"I'd welcome you into the family except I don't think anyone else would understand. If you want to work here and stay close to Tally then I will abide by it. I think he's made a wise choice, probably the best thing he's ever done. Just understand, I will do what I can to help. I love him that much, more than you will ever know."
I was still in shock when Tally came back downstairs, all clean and dressed in smart looking clothes. He was a beautiful boy in overalls, now he was simply stunning.
"Go on, you boys run off, I'm sure Evan would like to clean up too. Your daddy will be home about four so don't dawdle, you hear?"
"Yes ma'am," we both said at the same time and Tally giggled. Granny gave me a smile and nodded at Tally. She knew I would tell him about our chat, she seemed to know everything.
Tally and I walked out to the car, but I wasn't sure I was prepared to drive quite yet. We got in and I sat there, my hands gripping the steering wheel, not willing to move.
"What? Evan, are you all right?" Tally asked.
I looked over at him and his eyes got wide, I had no idea what showed on my face, it felt numb. "She knows," I croaked," She knows damn near everything about us."
Tally looked shocked. "Oh My God ... what did she say?"
About that time Granny came out on the porch and I felt like I had to move. I started the car and we waved as I pulled away. We drove in silence until I got to the end of the drive and I threw it in neutral.
"She said no one else would understand but she does. She said you'd made a wise choice picking me. I blushed like hell; it was like she saw right into my head," I said.
"OK, calm down ... this is a good thing," Tally said. "I figured she understood me, it's like she's almost said something to me a couple of times this past year. Now she's talked to you instead."
"Tally, it's wonderful, she said she would help us. God, she must love you something fierce."
"Then she will. Guess I can tell her how much I love you, just not about what we do with that love." I blushed again and Tally caught that. "She knows that too?" He asked.
"Maybe ... a little, she asked how far you'd gotten your claws into me."
"Oh Lord, she does know," Tally said.
"How, what does she mean?" I asked.
"You ever watch cats do it? The male digs his claws into the female and holds onto her while they fuck, I bet that's a turn on," He laughed. "My Granny is so cool; I hope she didn't scare you."
I held up my hand and it was still trembling. "Fuck yes."
Tally took a quick look around, no cars on the road, so he leaned over and kissed me long and hard. "We need to go Evan. Drive and we'll talk, OK?"
I put the car in gear and pulled out slowly. This woman was like no other I had ever met, but I knew Tally was the reason she accepted me. There would be further talks with her, I was assured of that. When it happened I wanted to be more assertive, to tell her how I felt, the things I wanted for Tally. It would be safe ground, she wanted only the best for him and I shared that view. We had a common goal, but somehow she already understood that.
The trip to Asheville took me an hour. Long enough for Tally and I to formalize what my parents would be told at this point. I had met Tally and his cousin on the river and with Granny's permission taken them camping with me. I would say what a great help they had been and chat about what a wonderful view of nature we saw.
I would tell them I'd been invited to dinner to repay my kindness, they would understand the gesture. There would be no talk about working on the farm, since that would come later. And that's just about how it went, only I knew better than to leave Tally alone with my parents. He sat in my room while I showered.
Tally was on his best behavior, a little sobered by meeting a judge. But my folks were pleasant to him. I said I might spend the night there if it got too late, maybe even go to church with them in the morning. That sold my mom; she was the church lady in the house. My dad just smiled and never took his eyes off Tally.
I was an only child, something I'm sure wasn't my parents fault but God's unwillingness to let me have brothers and sisters. My dad regretted it most and I saw that look in his eye as he gazed at Tally. He would understand my friendship with the kid; Tally was just an excellent boy.
With that over we headed back to the farm, stopping at the Bi-Lo for a gallon of vinegar along the way. "Tally, how come your family never named your farm something, or is it just known as Winslow's Farm?"
Tally laughed. "I used to call it Moo Town when I was little. My grandpa even painted a sign saying that and tacked up on the side of the cow barn. But he died of cancer about eight years ago and Granny had us take it down."
"She ever thought about getting re-married?"
"Nope, says she's a one man woman. She's got lots of friend in town, you met Jenny. They play ladies poker on Wednesday nights. Sinful as hell she says but then she goes to church every Sunday. She says God lets her sin just so she can be redeemed once a week." Tally laughed at that.
"I'm really starting to like your granny," I said.
"You better, she has us by the balls," Tally said.
"How does she do all that work by herself. I mean she must have a huge garden, it has to be weeded, and the house, cooking for all those people ... it must wear her out."
"We all help, even the hired hands. You and I will do some weeding, the Mexicans do the rest. We have damn near an acre in the garden, she grows tons of stuff and the Mexicans get a lot to take back. They like her peppers, hot as hell."
"So you eat a lot of stuff, ever think about cooking?" I asked.
"Hard to with her around, she says I get in the way. But I expect she'll let you help out, you know your way around a kitchen better than the rest of us."
"I want to learn what she knows, maybe even start a restaurant in a few years. I think that would be so much fun," I said.
"Could I work for you then?" Tally asked.
"No, but we could be partners in that too."
Tally scooted over far as the seat belt would allow and put his hand on my thigh. "You're so good to me, no wonder I love you so much."
"Your Granny said something about you lookin for heroes all your life, what does that mean?" I asked.
"You never saw my room, I'll have to show you later," Tally said. "But now you're my hero, Evan ... I hope you know that."
"I love you too, Tally ... I'd love to be your hero."
We drove straight up to the house and I saw several pickup trucks in the drive along with a late model Caddy. "Everyone's here ... just don't be nervous."
"After what Granny did to me this afternoon? Piece of cake," I replied.
The first shock was that Tally's brothers were my age, one a little older. Rick and Barry looked alike, maybe even twins, Brad was the older one, maybe twenty-one or so. Tally's mom was the blonde, and still quite a pretty lady. Tally's dad was tall and looked like a bear in the house. Brad favored him; the rest looked more like the mom. But now I knew, Tally was like a carbon copy of his mother and that made me like her right away.
By now Granny had told them all what Tally and Jerry had done to me, I was the poor guy that had been forced to take them camping. Jim Winslow was dad, although he insisted I call him Jim. He clapped me on the back and laughed.
"Hope the boys weren't too much of a pain, Tally can be pretty strong minded when he gets down to it," Jim said.
"Not at all, I made him work for his supper. All that paddling wasn't easy for him." I said.
"Smart move, would you like some cider?" He asked, I nodded in reply.
Good religious folks didn't drink liquor down here, but a little strong cider was God's gift to a working man since a bit of fermentation just happened naturally. Fresh squeezed apple cider set in a cool place for a while started to turn and it gave you a decent buzz; I knew what Jim was offering me. I would have one glass and stop, he would respect that.
Tally started telling his brothers about the bear story I'd told and we all stopped to listen. Of course he embellished it a bit ... no a lot, and we all laughed like crazy by the time he was done describing how Jerry had beat me half to death.
Tally's mom gave me a smile of thanks for keeping her boy safe, she asked that I call her Sam since her name was Samantha. These were good folk and I liked their company, but I followed Granny out to the kitchen when she left the room.
"So are you giving up on cooking school to stay here?" She asked.
"I could probably learn a lot from you if you'd allow me to help when I can," I said. There that was out in the open.
She smiled. "Then you better call me Granny ... or Dorothy if you prefer. We can't be all formal if we're rubbin elbows in this tiny space all the time."
I smiled. "Thanks, I appreciate that. But this is no tiny kitchen; you have lots of room, more than some cooking spaces in restaurants."
"I start canning next month when the tomatoes come in full, and then you'll see what I mean. Two meals a day and the canning, it gets to be too much. Sometimes I think of just sayin no to it all, let's just buy from the grocery and stop the canning. Maybe get a hired cook for all these folks." She smiled at me, and shook her head. "I'm sorry, shouldn't be runnin my mouth like that."
"No, I understand ... this is all hard work, that's why I want to help," I said. "One of these days I want to own a restaurant, everything I learn from you will be invaluable when that day comes. Please ... let me help."
Her eyes went soft, and she grinned, a trait I found so dear in Tally. "We'll see what I can manage. Now you go slice up them potatoes and set them to boil, we got souls to feed, eleven today if I counted right."
I went about the chore while she basted the roast in the oven. I saw pans of fried chicken, baskets of home made biscuits and three kinds of vegetables on the stove. Her refrigerator held bowls of salad, cole slaw and beneath it two pies and a frosted cake. The woman was tired, and this was why.
I put the potatoes on to boil and joined her at the kitchen table. She poured me some cold sweet tea and nothing tasted better.
"I spoke to Jim when he got home, told him you was hired for the harvest and would help me can next month. You can start next week when the men get to workin on the machines. Tally has a spare bed so you can become part of the house and bunk in with him, I know he wouldn't have it any other way."
Here she paused, and I knew exactly what she would say next. "I imagine you two will get along, just remember his age. Boys will be boys, I understand that. He's easily hurt, I know that too. I sense that you two have already become acquainted; I expected that might happen if he went along with you.
"I don't hold with what most folks think. Love is what God gives us and if that's what you end up sharing with Tally so be it. I studied the Bible when I was younger; my husband did a little preaching before we got this place. I can't see where God forbids people from loving one another, it just isn't in there. The Word isn't literal as some would have us believe, it's a roadmap so we can find our way.
"So if Tally feels you are the way then he has a right to those feelings ... once he's a man. Until then I expect you will treat him as a child and never hurt him, it's what I see in your heart anyways. That boy has his whole life ahead, and God willing you'll want to share it with him and may it bring you both peace and happiness."
I nodded. "Amen." It was all I could think of to say. Her words had been like a prayer from deep in her heart and mind. And I felt guilt because Tally had dragged me across that line already. Now we would have to rein back the passions, Granny would be watching.
I mashed the potatoes to Dorothy's satisfaction and Sam set the table, and then everyone helped carry out the food. Tally had left me alone with his granny for nearly an hour, but Jerry's mom and little sister had arrived so he had something to do.
The table was laden and we all sat down, my place being on Jim's right, the seat usually reserved for guests. Tally was down at the other end with Jerry and the sister, and then Jim bowed his head to give the blessing.
"Lord, we thank thee for this bounty and the ability to be so fruitful in your good earth. As always we have to thank my mother for this wonderful meal and the effort she makes on our behalf. And today we thank thee for Evan's presence, the only person who has ever found a way to keep Tally well behaved. Yes Lord, miracles do occur." Some snickers around the table and I was one of them.
"Give us a bountiful harvest and a gentle winter, we ask all this as humble farmers who share in the joy of your creation. In God's name we pray. Amen"
Amen's went around the table and then the food quickly followed. Everyone smiled and complimented Dorothy for the meal, but I noticed she ate little herself. Tally and the rest of the boys chatted and laughed at their end of the table, the adults had quiet conversation, I guess that included me.
"So Evan, you willing to get a little greasy with us next week," Jim asked.
"Sure, I took auto mechanics in high school, I'm no stranger to getting dirty," I replied.
"Mechanic and a cook, you'll never want in making a living," Jim said. "So what besides Tally roped you into farm work?"
"You run the food chain, without farmers we all starve," I said.
"Lord, you'll be runnin the local Grange in a few years, but amen to that as well."
"I wouldn't mind learning about land use, crop rotation, fertilizer and the effects of weather on the harvest. I suppose that even includes raking out the barn when necessary, it's all a part of the whole thing," I said.
Jim laughed and nodded towards the other end of the table. "If you can keep them interested in those things we might get another generation of farmers out of this lot. Your little buddy Tally works his tail off, I suppose that's why we cut him so much slack. But I know his mind; he won't be a farmer that much longer. Whatever he chooses he'll do it right, I know that much."
"I hope you don't mind me looking at this as a learning experience, I doubt I'd make a great farmer either," I said.
"Not the life for everyone, but it does give you a focus on tomorrow," Jim said. "Stay with us for as long as you want. I know my mom and Tally want you here, I could sure use a steady hand working with those two."
The conversation turned to the needs of their harvest and before I knew it there was coffee and pie on the table. Everyone had risen and delivered the other dishes to the kitchen, covering the kitchen table with the leftovers. When I got back to the table I discovered everyone had switched seats, this allowed me to sit between Jerry and Tally who had carefully saved me a place.
"Hey guys, some meal, huh?" I asked.
Tally laughed. "Now you know why we work so hard, otherwise we'd be fatter than the pigs."
"I had a nice talk with your dad about farming," I said.
"Good, I hear Granny had you hired before we even got home ... she likes you just like I said."
"Yeah, the rest we can talk about later, OK?" I said. "So why did everyone switch seats?"
"Tradition, you get to share dessert with different people. Granny says it's an old southern trick to keep you from having to listen to the same old boring people all night long. Then the women and children retire to clean up the kitchen while the men smoke cigars, but we skip the smoking part. Just watch out if my dad brings out the cider jug again, that stuff sneaks upon you."
"Oh? Do I hear the little voice of experience?" I laughed.
"Me? I never been drunk in my life, but that stuff did give me a headache. Please don't tell dad about that, he'll take the belt to my bottom."
"I would never be responsible for damage to a perfectly functioning bottom," I said, and all with a straight face.
Tally stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed, then I saw most of the table was watching with amusement. I did the only thing I could think of, I rapped Tally on the head with my knuckles.
"Ow," he yelped, "You made me bite my tongue."
Everyone broke up laughing, the Evan and Tally show was over. We ended up in the kitchen with the ladies. Tally scraped and I rinsed the dishes off and placed them in the dishwasher. Granny looked grateful as she and Sam put the leftovers up.
Everyone else was watching television when we were done but Tally dragged me upstairs before we got to the living room.
"You need to see my room ... our room," Tally said.
The comment about heroes came back to me as Tally opened the door, and now I understood. Every square inch of wall space was covered in posters, pictures and drawings of superheroes from the comic book world and films. They were all there from Superman to James Bond ... Tally's heroes one and all.
"I started collecting when I was six," Tally said. "Everyone gives me stuff like this for Christmas and my birthday."
"You have a birthday coming up soon ... is it next month?" I asked.
"Three weeks, July twelfth, you better not forget that date. Because three years after that I'm a free man."
He shut the door and leapt into my arms. The kisses were sweet but I didn't want to become aroused, it was already too late for him.
"I love you, Tally. But later we need to talk about your Granny."
"What did she say?"
"Basically, she knows we're in love or at least that you love me, and that worries her. She doesn't want me having sex with you until you're older."
"Oops, too late now. We'll just have to be careful," Tally said.
"Yeah, like not being alone and then walking out with erections," I said, looking down that the bulge in his pants.
"I can't help it, I have to kiss you," Tally groaned.
"I'll start lending you my shirts, they're long enough to hide the evidence."
"Cool, I would love to wear your clothes."
I started examining the walls, looking at the smaller less obvious photos. I came to one and recognized the Winslow family, and there was Tally barely six years old I would guess.
"Aww, you were adorable at that young age," I said.
Tally walked over and looked at the photo. "That's my grandpa," he said pointing at a man in the picture. "The week after this was taken he died. And upon his death we formed a new family tradition. We take a new photo every Sunday after church out on the porch, just like this one. Tomorrow you'll be in it Evan."
"Why me?"
"Granny will insist. We take the photo in case something happens to someone we love, that way they will live on forever ... just like grandpa." Tally kissed the photo and I felt tears form in my eyes. Some traditions were too good to miss out on, I would stand with the others and become immortal.
Tally turned and saw the tears in my eyes. He nodded at my understanding. If anything ever happened to either of us we would have this as a memory, a memory of the best kind. For despite the death, his grandfather lived on in his heart and mind. I could only think the Winslow's a wise and wonderful family, and felt awe that they had taken me in as one of their own.
Tally looked at his clock and said we had two hours before bedtime.
"I suppose, we do have church in the morning," I said.
"Yeah later on, but we have a farm to run first. Cows get milked and turned out to pasture, chickens get fed and eggs get picked up. My dad usually walks the fields after that and examines the crop ... lots to do before and after church. We mostly eat leftovers for supper, Sunday is a day of rest and that includes Granny."
"I see what your dad means by studying tomorrow, today is just too busy to get anything new done."
"Exactly, now you're catchin on. I know ... you wanna picnic tomorrow before you go home?" Tally said.
I had forgotten, I might be gone all week long and Tally would be here without me.
"Sure, you know a good spot?" I asked.
"Yup, if you drive, otherwise it's a long walk."
"OK, we drive. Now we better go back downstairs before they get suspicious"
Another kiss with promises of more to come and we walked back down. The guys were in the living room and the women and kids in the dining room playing cards. Granny smiled as I walked in the room.
"See what you mean by heroes," I said. "Wow, it's like a museum."
"I used to watch Superman on television when I was a child," Dorothy said. "I got him that one."
"I got him Batman," Jerry threw out.
"Sean Connery all the way, he was the best James Bond," Sam said.
Tally laughed. "I bought Captain Fantastic because nobody here knew who he was."
"You have the comics to go with all those guys?" I asked.
"Nope, those things were way too expensive," Tally said. "Do you collect?"
"I have a few," I said. More like eight hundred and forty-two, but then I wasn't going to tell Tally that. I had just figured out his birthday present.
Tally and I got a deck of cards and sat down across the table to kill the hours until bedtime. Jerry and his little sister Lynn joined us and we played Go Fish so the ten year old could play with us. After a while they had to go home and Tally and I played on alone.
But soon enough the television was turned off and the family started to head upstairs. Granny had a room on the first floor behind the kitchen and she went around kissing the kids good night, then she got to me. I just stood there as she cracked a smile and kissed my cheek, and then she grabbed me in a hug. "Be nice," she whispered in my ear and then she was off to bed.
Tally and I went up to the room and took our turn to brush teeth and pee before bed. His brothers made a few comments, especially Rick who told me not to sleep on my stomach with Tally in the room. I smiled and asked him who was guarding the heifers tonight. He was so shocked he damn near tripped over the rug in the hallway.
Tally burst out laughing once we got back to the room.
"Oh no, you didn't say that ... he would have beat my ass for even thinking that."
"Let him try that on me if he wants a surprise. I hate jerks that make stupid sexist comments like that," I said.
"You were just defending me, I like that," Tally said.
"So should I worry about sleeping on my stomach?" I asked with a grin.
"Just don't bawl like a heifer or Rick won't leave you alone for long," Tally said, and we both laughed.
Tally crawled in his bed and patted the mattress beside him. I didn't know if this was such a good idea.
"Just for a while," Tally said. "I'll make sure you wake up in your own bed."
His body was warm and familiar, except for the boxers, but those soon came off. I didn't now how thin the walls were, if we were heard things would go badly. But I made love to Tally's cock as he held a pillow over his face and groaned. I worked him hard; this couldn't go on long, I was too afraid of being caught.
But quite soon Tally gave me that long orgasmic groan and he filled my mouth with his seed. I would go to sleep with the taste of him in my mouth and that alone was worth the effort.
He snuggled up to me afterwards and I rubbed his back until he fell asleep. I slipped out of his bed and into my own barely four feet away.
The dim light from the hallway seeped under our door and my eyes beheld the pantheon of heroes around me. For Tally to count me among them was an honor, but they were merely images, fictional characters from someone's imagination. To be his hero was a grave responsibility, after all Tally was a very real young boy.
I closed my eyes and thought about him ... and where this was all
going. It would be years before we could be open about our relationship,
but then two days ago I wasn't even sure of myself ... but Tally was. If
anything he was my idea of a hero, and more than that, he was the boy of my
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