A note from Chris James
This story is considered adult fiction, persons under the age of 18 are not encouraged to read this material.
Years ago I began writing stories without a lot of sex, if any at all. This story contains little sexual activity but the entire story is about sex. Some of you may shy away from the subject matter but I felt compelled to write about it.
I am not a great genius on the Internet, to me it's a wonderful tool. This is a story about those who use that tool for bad purposes. No character was terribly hurt in the writing of this story, the hurt is past. Now we will see what the future can bring. Chris James, 16 November 2008
Little birdie on the wire, just too tired to fly much higher?
Are you hungry, are you weak, can you move your little beak?
Sing a song before you go, away down south before the snow.
Fly now on your feathered wing, return again when comes the spring.