Craig by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer    "Craig"
by Jevic
The Tarheel Writer
Chapter Three
"A Summer to Remember"

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"The Campout"
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Craig by Jevic, The Tarheel Writer
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Teen Drama
Explicit Sex/Rated 18+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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steaks on the grill

The sizzle of the meat as it hits the grill is one of the smells that are oh so wonderful to someone who has the munchies. Danny looked over at Craig after he flipped the steaks and grinned.

"I love being naked outdoors."

"I love looking at you naked outdoors," Craig said grinning.

"After we eat these steaks, let's eat each other for dessert."

"I like that idea, a lot!"

"Grab the tongs and get the potatoes. These steaks will be done in just a minute," Danny said as he poked at the sizzling meat.

"You got it." Craig grabbed the tongs and pulled the potatoes from the coals. He carefully unwrapped them and put them on the two plates.

"Get these ears of corn too." Craig leaned over Danny and snatched an ear off the grill. When he reached back for the second one, something warm and moist between his legs. Looking down, he saw Danny sucking happily away on his dick.

"Hey, that's dessert," said Craig. Danny sucked on it hard and moved his head back slowly until it popped out of his mouth. He looked up at his best friend and smiled.

"Just sampling the menu." They both cracked up in a fit of laughter. By the time Craig was finished unwrapping the tin foil from the corn and placing the ears on their plates, Danny stabbed a steak with his fork and held it up.

"Here ya go, bud. Medium rare." Craig held out his plate. Then he held out Danny's plate for the other steak. Some people will tell you that food cooked outdoors over a campfire is better than food prepared anywhere else. Maybe it's because you've been playing hard all day, and drinking, and smoking, and drinking, and smoking ... whatever the reason, the meal on the plate didn't stand a chance. Nothing was left but two cobs of corn. Craig helped Danny clean up and when everything was put away, they laid back on their sleeping bags and rested.

"That was a fantastic meal, Danny," Craig said patting his stomach.

"Thanks. It was pretty good."

"This whole day has been really cool, but there's something missing." Danny arched an eyebrow and leaned up, propping himself on his elbow.


"Tunes." Danny jumped up and took off like a rocket. Craig sat up quickly and watched as Danny's bubble butt disappeared into the darkness. A few moments later he started chuckling to himself as the sounds of the Doobie Brothers' "China Grove" came echoing up the trail. The familiar guitar riffs and the 'have to sing along lyrics' got louder and louder until a huffing and puffing Danny appeared out of the darkness carrying a small black box.

"What the hell is that?" Craig yelled out over the music.

"Duh! It's the Doobies!"

"No, the radio." Danny beamed and turned the music down a bit.

"It's the top of the line Marantz Superscope portable AM-FM Radio and cassette player. We're listening to the Doobies Captain and Me album on cassette. It's dads. Cool, huh?"

Marantz Superscope portable AM-FM Radio and cassette player

"Where was it?"

"Dad keeps it on the boat so he can listen to Frank Sinatra and Perry Como while he's fishing."


"Really. I forgot all about it until you mentioned tunes."

"Cool, Danny. Really cool." Danny cranked it back up, sat it down and started rolling a joint. Craig watched his best friend. As Danny worked intently on getting it just right, Craig's eyes roamed over Danny's body. Craig's best friend was sitting cross-legged on his sleeping bag. He cock was hidden from view, but his other features were highlighted by the soft golden glow of the fire.

"Fuck, he's absolutely beautiful," Craig thought to himself. "And he's my best friend and my, ah ... " Craig frowned for a moment as he gave that thought, some thought.

"Danny, how would you describe us?" Danny held the joint up to his lips and sensuously licked the gummed edge. He expertly finished rolling it and handed it to Craig.

"What do you mean, how would I describe us?" Craig dropped his eyes to the ground. "Here, take this and light it." Craig took the offered joint and slowly brought it to his lips. Danny held out his Zippo and gave the wheel a quick turn. Craig leaned the end of the joint into the flame and started to inhale. The whole time he looked directly into Danny's eyes. He drew a lung full of smoke and handed the joint to Danny.

"Danny, are, are we queer?" Danny took a long slow draw. He held it for what Craig thought was forever. Finally, he exhaled very slowly.

"Craig, to be honest, I've never been one to put labels on anything. We're just best friends doin' what feels good." He handed the joint to Craig.

"But everything I've ever been taught, says this is wrong." Danny leaned over to Craig and kissed him lightly on the lips. He looked deeply into Craig's eyes and kissed him again, much more passionately. As they finished the kiss, Danny leaned back.

"What can possibly be wrong with that?" The Danny saw the hard on between Craig's legs. He reached out and softly caressed it. "Or with that?"

"Mmmm. Nothin's wrong with that." Danny passed the joint to Craig and watched Craig take a long draw. Craig carefully tipped the ashes off the ever shrinking joint and passed it back. The smoke was having its desired effect as Craig felt the numbness feeling start to come to the edges of his mind. He exhaled slowly and looked over at Danny's eyes.

"Man, how do you see? You ain't got eyes. You've got slits."

"I see just fine, thank you very much. Here, lemme give you a gun," Danny said as he put the joint between his lips backward. Craig leaned up. Danny blew gently and sent out a stream of smoke. Craig inhaled deeply. "Cool. Now gimme one back." Craig continued to hold his breath, keeping the smoke in his lungs as long as possible. He took the joint from Danny and knocked the ashes off the end. He looked up at the night sky and slowly exhaled. As he did, he felt a warm breath on his cock that was followed quickly by a hot mouth sliding down on his hardness.

"Oh fuck yes," Craig moaned. He stretched out on his sleeping bag and spread his legs to give Danny more room. Danny wasn't wasting any time in preliminaries. He plunged down until his nose was buried in Craig's pubic hair. For just a moment, he remained there and savored the taste of precum and the feel of the pulsing hot cock in his mouth. He slowly eased back and let his tongue work its magic on Craig's super sensitive head.

"You like?" Danny asked as he slid his tongue back and forth over Craig's piss slit.

"Oh yeah. I like. A lot." Danny tightened his lips and took another plunge. "Oh, Danny. Suck it, baby." Craig's words pushed Danny to new heights of cocksmanship. The buzz from the pot erased all his inhibitions as he happily bobbed up and down. On each downward move he tightened his lips and buried his nose in pubic hair. On each upward move he would swirl his tongue around the head and then plunge back down. Craig's breathing was becoming labored. His entire world was centered on the fantastic feelings between his legs. Danny cupped Craig's balls in his hand and felt his saliva there. He massaged them gently and then moved a spit covered finger even further down until he came into contact with Craig's puckered hole. Danny massaged his finger against it while he continued to bob up and down on Craig's cock. The moans were getting louder and Danny knew his best friend was getting close. More saliva slid down and lubricated Danny's finger.

"I'm close! Oh, God. I am so close," Craig gasped out. Danny buried his nose in Craig's pubic hair and at the same time, he pushed his finger into Craig's hole and buried it knuckle deep. That was all it took. The first hot thick blast went straight down his throat. He easily slid his spit covered finger further until it was all the way in. The second blast followed the first one straight down his throat. Danny eased his mouth back. The third blast washed over his tongue. The fourth and fifth filled his mouth. He swallowed greedily and once again buried his nose in pubic hair. His own orgasm surprised him. The feeling of Craig's cock pulsing in his mouth, the taste of the cum and the super hot feeling of Craig's ass clenching down on his finger was incredible. His cock unleashed its load onto the sleeping bag. Danny moaned with each shot. Craig felt the moans reverberate along his cock and gasped at the wonderful unexpected feeling. As Danny's cock spit out its shots of creamy hot cum, he couldn't believe how hot it all felt. He swallowed again and his throat muscles massaged Craig's cock. Danny pulled up about half way and plunged back down again. He twitched his finger in Craig's ass and started easing it in and out. Despite cumming just seconds ago, Craig felt the familiar build up in his balls. He thrust his hips upward trying to force more of his cock into Danny's mouth.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum again!" Craig screamed. He took both of his hands and grabbing Danny's hair, forced his cock deep into his throat. Danny felt the cock expand again and was rewarded with a thick spurt of cum. Two more followed before Craig dropped back onto the sleeping bag gasping for air. Danny eased his finger from Craig's ass and slowly squeezed Craig's cock with his other, drawing out any remaining cum. When he was satisfied there was no more, he sat up and grabbed his own cock. He pumped furiously for a few seconds, then sat up on his knees and blasted out a rope of cum across Craig's balls. Two more followed before Danny fell forward on top of Craig. Their arms grabbed on to each other and held on while both boys desperately tried to catch their breath.

"Fuck, that was hot," Craig panted. Danny laughed out loud.

"No shit! We've got to do that again," Danny said as he rolled off Craig and on to his back.

"And soon," snickered Craig. Danny rolled to his side and looked his best fiend in the eyes.

"You know I love you, right?" Craig smiled and nodded his head.

"And I love you too. This is going to be a summer to remember," Craig said reaching out to pull Danny in for a lingering hot kiss.

It was a summer they would never forget ... a summer that started a lifelong relationship.

The End ... of their beginning

Back to Chapter Two
"The Campout"

Chapter Index

Jevic's Story Page

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"Craig" is Copyright © 2004 by The Tarheel Writer. All rights reserved.
This work may not be duplicated in any form (physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise) without the
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