Taylor Quest Book 1 The Day the Earth Moved    "The Day the Earth Moved"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Seven
Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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The Day the Earth Moved
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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I sat there momentarily snickering over the comment Ike had made while leaving the room. Then I looked over at Taylor. Here he was, Taylor Hanson. The boy of my dreams standing inches away from me smiling about to watch me get dressed. It was mind blowing. Not more than forty eight hours ago I was merely dreaming of just meeting him. Now here I was, with him!

He looked so cute, sleep still in his eyes, his hair slightly muffed. At that moment I realized that he was standing there in his boxers, socks and a shirt. The reporters had barged in so fast he hadn't time to get dressed further. What was even stranger is they didn't seem to notice.

"Penny for your thoughts," he asked me snapping me back to reality.

"Just you, I can't get over this, here you are, right before my eyes it's a dream come true Tay," I whispered.

"Gee whiz, I mean it's just me. Tay the same guy who sings MmmBop and drinks Dr. Pepper I'm nothing to freak out over," Tay replied.

"Oh no, I just can't get over how our lives have been slammed together so suddenly.

"Wanna know a secret," he asked.

"Sure, I'm all ears."

"I really wouldn't have had it any other way," he said leaning in.

His mouth touched mine and we kissed again. My head spun and I fell back on the bed. Taylor crawled up on top of me straddling my waist. His blonde hair falling around his face. I could fell his body pressing down on my waist. The feeling was overloading. Our tongues danced and sweat formed on our faces.

"Whoa, dude if you don't get up you're going to get a surprise," I said shifting as my hardon pressed up against him.

"I love surprises," he grinned as he ground his butt against my crotch.

"So do I, but I don't think nurse McGilicuttie can take anymore today," I said snickering.

"Yeah, besides this is a hospital, I mean this isn't where I pictured us," Tay said sitting up and sliding off the side of the bed.

We both started getting dressed when Taylor turned around abruptly.

"Who's nurse McGilicuttie any ways?'

"Hell if I know, I just made her up," I replied smiling.


He turned back around and slid his jeans up. Even in a pair of jeans he had the cutest little ass I had ever seen. He turned toward me as he buttoned up his fly. Taylor always managed to wear pants that showed off his flawless package. Which I realized I had yet to see. I smiled at him and he returned it with a cross-eyed sneer. I didn't think it was possible, but I knew I was beginning to love him more and more with each passing second.

I sat down and put on a pair of shoes that Diana had brought in. Taylor walked over to the window and looked and down toward the parking lot. He was staring at something intensely. A worried look came over his face.

"Is something wrong babe," I asked walking up behind him resting my hands on his shoulders.

"Look at all of them," he replied without breaking his stare.

Down in the parking lot was a huge mass of teenage girls milling around. Some were holding signs saying 'get well Tay,' or 'Tay took on the Big One and won.' I didn't see anything particularly interesting though.

"Yeah, I see them," I replied as I began to rub his neck. His muscles were extremely tense. I knew immediately this boy was under tremendous stress. More than a boy his age needed.

"They all love me, but they don't even know who I am, I mean. They only know what I say in interviews, and in books and magazines. Each and everyone of them has this image of what and who I really am," he said.

"Yeah, that's normal."

"But, what really makes me sad, is if they all knew who I really was, that parking lot would be almost empty in less than ten minutes."

"Oh I don't know Tay, seriously. I mean there are teenies out there yeah, but I'm sure there are plenty of mature teens and fans out there that would still care for you just like they do know, perhaps even more," I replied to him pulling him close and hugging him.

"I know, it's just so frustrating, I can't say or do anything without management giving it the approval or something, you do know they are going insane because of what you and I have going now," Tay asked.

"What do you mean," I was suddenly worried, Tay sensed it too.

"Will, don't get all worried, I'm never letting you out of my sight, you and I will be joined at the hip if I can help it. But I won't lie, Chris and everyone at Island is fuming over you and I being together. I found out yesterday afternoon while you were asleep. Mom came in and spoke to me and asked me what I wanted to do. I told her, you saved my life, and that I love you more than anyone else I had ever met. Mom, Dad, the entire family is behind us, they want me to be happy, that's all that matters. I just wanted you to know that we will get some flack from the label for putting the 'cute, clean, all American Straight' Hanson image in to hot water."

"I'm here for the long run Tay, nothing's going to make me change my mind, I'm here for you, don't forget. You also saved my life that day. In the elevator, if you hadn't pulled me up I'd be run through with turbine parts. Taylor I love you more than anything and I'd give anything I have to be with you," I said as tears welled up in my eyes.

No more was spoken as we hugged. I buried my face in his neck and cried. Tears of sorrow for how lonely he must have felt all this time. But also tears of joy, because now I was here to wipe away that loneliness and he wanted me there. That was the most important part. I was wanted by him, needed. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Not more than a few moments later there was a knock at the door and Taylor told them to come in without breaking our embrace.

"Oh, whew, I was worried you guys were boning in the bed or something," Zac said peering in.

"No, we're just spending some quality time together," Tay replied.

"Yeah quality time now, boning later," I replied trying not to laugh.

It was no use, Tay felt my stomach muscles tense up as I tried to hold back the giggles. Taylor busted out laughing at the same time as Zac.

"I swear," Tay said pulling away laughing.

"Ok dudes, mom said we've gotta get going if we're going to make it home through the traffic," Zac replied.

"Whoa, we're in Tulsa," I asked suddenly realizing I had gone all this time without knowing where I was.

"Yeah man, and our house is about an hour away so if we're going to make it back before Monday rush hour," Tay replied.

My mind spun, it was already Monday?! I couldn't believe it, the weekend flew past. Now I was on my way to Tay's house.

"What's up with the tour," I asked as we walked out of the hospital room. We were escorted by two police officers.

"It's going to start in New York in a week, so we've got a week to decide what and how we're going to handle this, er um 'development,'" Tay replied.

"Oh," was about all I could manage as the staff elevator doors opened and we stepped into the front lobby.

Not more than fifteen feet away were the outer glass doors leading to the front walks. Which were jam packed with girls of all shapes and sizes. When they caught sight of Taylor, before we had even stepped out of the elevator they started screaming. Tay flinched and stepped back a little, he grabbed my hand and held on tight.

"Are you ok," I asked.

"Yeah, I just never get used to that first blast from the scream team," he replied.

"You sure you're ready to hold my hand," I asked.

"They won't even notice, just watch, don't be surprised if they don't pay you any attention," he replied as we started toward the doors.

The police officer called over his radio some kind of code and about four more appeared outside parting the crowd. After a few seconds we could actually see a black limo sitting at the curb.

"Damn, there must be more out there in cars, looks like we'll be decoying today," Tay muttered.

We walked out of the doors. The screaming was ear splitting. I couldn't understand why they had to scream like that when they could have actually said something and he could have heard them. But they just kept screaming and flashing their cameras and reaching for him. He was right too. They didn't even look at me, or notice me. He held on to my left hand with his right, and my elbow with his left hand. If I had see him from their viewpoint I would have known instantly he was scared out of his mind.

We got into the limo and the door closed behind me. Now they were all tapping on the windows and roof with their hands and pushing on the sides. Zac was sitting at the other end with a cell phone.

"We're gonna go around through the back gate into the emergency area and we're going to change out to an ambulance," Zac nearly had to yell.

Tay put his head against my shoulder and closed his eyes. He was shaking and his lip was quivering. We pulled away from the mob and went around to the back of the hospital and out of sight. When we were no longer in the view of the fans we jumped out and got into the back of an ambulance and the limo pulled back out into the parking lot and out into the street where a mass of cars started to follow it.

"That's why we do the decoy," Zac said pointing to how the limo was getting tailed.

"Oh, man, that's scary," I replied. I knew they were just fans, but images of the wreck Princess Diana had died in flashed through my mind.

The cell phone rung and Zac talked to their mom briefly and hung up. He shifted on the gurney and tried to rest against the wall. The ambulance pulled out of the back lot and past a group of fans that were still lingering in the parking lot. The windows were tinted on the ambulance so they couldn't see in. But that sure didn't stop them from trying as we passed.

A while later we were sitting at a stop light when the phone rang again. Zac said it was their mom and she was right behind us. Sure enough when we looked out the back window Diana was in a gray Lincoln Navigator. We jumped out of the back of the ambulance and got in the car. Not one person had paid much attention to us and we were safe from the mob of fans.


"Amber, did you see him, he didn't look sick at all, what was he doing in there any ways," Kristie asked.

"I don't know, maybe his cousin or something was sick, that guy with the long brown hair that was with him."

"Amber, that wasn't his cousin, that was the guy that saved his life or something, did you see how Tay was holding his hand?"

"I didn't notice, maybe he was just weak," Amber replied.

"He looked fine to me, I don't know why he was holding that guys hand, I mean like Taylor would really do something like that, I know Taylor and he's not like, that you know?"

"Honestly Erin, I really wouldn't care what Taylor was, I mean he's human too geeze get a grip biotch," Amber replied rolling her eyes.


We rolled up to the Hanson home, a nice slate blue ranch style home with tan and grey stone built into it. All around it were no trespassing signs and such. It was a nice house, with a three car garage and a large back yard.

"Funny, this actually is one of the most peaceful places. You'd expect there to be ton's of people camped out all over but they don't," Tay said as we walked up to the front door.

"Yeah you're right, it is strange, but who's complaining," I replied with a smile.

The house was very nice. Very clean and well decorated. I guess the oil business was very lucrative, though I wasn't quite sure exactly what Walker did.

"This is the room," Tay said as we walked into a medium sized room that had two bunk bed sets in it, along with two dressers, a table with only God knows what kind of junk piled on it.

"I only sleep in here, I spend most of my time in the garage," Tay said rather quietly as he walked away toward the stairs that led down to the garage.

The garage was large, one portion was a living quarters of sorts, shag carpeting and huge white walls with numerous drawings and paintings all over it. The other portion had band equipment and recording junk piled up in it.

Tay flopped down in a large bean back and closed his eyes. I knelt down beside him.

"Is everything ok," I asked quietly.

Tay opened his eyes and looked at me. A wave of sadness passed over me, his eyes were watery and weak looking.

"I can't explain it, I get these mood swings that I can't control and it rips me up for so long and then it goes away," he whimpered.

"Is there anything I can do," I asked.

"I don't know, no ones ever really tried, I've not told mom or dad about it, but I think they know something is wrong," Tay cried quietly.

I slid down beside him in the bean bag and pulled him close to me. His body trembled in my arms. I did something I didn't think I'd ever have the courage to do. I quietly began to sing the Beach Boys, "God Only Knows...What I'd be Without You" to Taylor. I must have found strength in his weakness because after the first few verses I found more strength to continue. Amazingly enough my voice didn't sound too bad either. He continued to cry, but by the end of the song, he had gotten quiet and I looked down and he had fallen asleep.

"I love you Taylor, from now on you don't ever have to worry, I'm always here with you," I whispered.

On to Chapter Eight

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The Day the Earth Moved is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
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The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
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