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"The Day the Earth Moved" by Taylor Quest Chapter Eight Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Seven On to Chapter Nine Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
I awoke to the sound of tires screeching,
and the crashing of metal on metal. I opened my eyes. The room was dark, save for the light from the TV nearby. In front sat Zac in his pajamas playing a racing game on the Playstation 2. Someone had covered us up with a thick comforter. Taylor and I were lying in the typical spoon fashion. Me behind Tay with him in my arms.He snored lightly, the warmth from his body calmed my nerves after waking up to the sound of a car slamming into a guard rail at one hundred plus miles an hour. I had to pee terribly, but I was determined to be with Tay when he woke up.
"I didn't think you'd ever wake up," Zac replied as he saw me watching him play the video game.
"What time is it," I whispered.
"Almost three in the morning, you two came in and slept straight through dinner," Mom came in to check on you back around midnight and I guess she covered you two up," Zac replied clicking off the TV. Only the soft warm glow from three lava lamps cast a dim multicolored light across the floor.
Zac scooted over toward us and just looked at Taylor and I for a few minutes.
"You know, I think he's finally going to do ok," Zac said quietly.
"What do you mean?"
"For the past few months, he's had these mood swings, and all, he didn't tell anyone but I sleep above him and I feel it when he can't sleep."
"Well that's in the past now, I'm going to be here for him every waking second," I whispered back.
"That's good, I mean mom and dad can only be with us so much. I mean with Zoé and all, mom's almost always got her hands full. Ike is eight teen now and always off running around if he can, which usually doesn't work out, Tay's needed a real friend, or well lover to be with him all the time."
Tay shifted, turned over on his back and rubbed his eyes. After stretching for only God knows how long he opened his eyes and looked right at me. At first he looked a little confused, then the expression turned into one of the most adorable faces I had ever seen. He smiled and pursed his lips. I leaned down and kissed him gently, once then twice. The third time our lips locked and our tongues danced again. I'm not sure just how long we kissed before Zac started making gagging noises. We broke out kiss and looked over to see him covering his eyes and peering between two fingers grinning.
"You're such a dweeb," Tay said shoving him onto his back.
Tay rolled back over facing me and hugged me hard, harder. I shivered as I felt his chest, arm and stomach muscles flex around me.
"That's quite a bear hug you've got there," I gasped.
"I'm not all flesh and bone you know," he smiled.
"Speaking of bones, I'd better go to the bathroom," I replied giggling.
"Ooo it's chilly in here," he replied as he pulled his bare feet up under the comforter and pressed them against my inner thigh.
"Oooooo cold feet! Cold feet! Very BIG cold feet," I nearly screamed.
Tay and Zac both burst into a fit of laughter. Zac falling back again and Tay running his icy toes up under my boxers into the depths of my crotch.
"Whoa boy, that's cold," I yelled out.
"But it's so nice and toasty and warm," Tay said smiling as he wiggled his toes.
"Don't do that, I've got to pee," I yelled sliding back from him.
I jumped up and stood there trying to hide my boner both Zac and Tay laughing.
"Hey wait a minute, where did my pants go," I asked suddenly aware that I had only my boxers and a pair of socks on.
"Well mom covered us up a while back and after she left I decided that we were wearing too much," Tay replied with an evil little grin.
"Just how much did you take off," I asked.
Tay lifted the comforter ever so quickly flashing his beautiful naked body at me for a split second. So fast details were impossible to obtain, plus it was nearly pitch dark in the room.
"Oh now that was just wicked," I replied shocked.
"What, what I didn't see," Zac replied as he yanked the back of the comforter up and peered under.
"Jordan Taylor Hanson, you've got no clothes on," Zac said shocked, trying not to laugh.
"You wanna say that again only louder, I don't think mom and dad heard you clearly enough the first time," Tay sneered back at Zac.
"Would you please tell me where the hell the bathroom is," I said breaking the impending noogie that was about to be inflicted upon Zac's head.
"Yeah top of the stairs, down the hall on the left," Tay replied pulling the comforter up to his neck.
I trotted up the stairs and down the hall and opened the door on the right and nearly fell into a closet with the kids rollerblades all piled up on the floor. Then I remember he said the door on the left. I turned around and saw the bathroom illuminated by a small night light. So as not to wake anyone since I wasn't sure exactly where the bedrooms were I closed the door and started to pee by the dim light from the night light. I heard soft foot steps out side the bathroom, but before I could say anything the door opened and Isaac switched on the light, closed the door and pulled down his boxers when I cleared my throat.
"Shit," he said opening his eyes and jumping back yanking his boxers back up.
"Actually I had to piss," I snickered as I continued to pee.
"Man, I'm sorry, I, wow, oh uh sorry, I um I'll let you pee in peace," Ike said trying not to look at me below the waist.
"No problem, I'll be out in a second," I replied.
"And I thought it was crowded before," Ike said closing the door.
I finished and returned to the dark hallway. There was no one around, so I figured that he had gone back to bed. I walked back down the hall and down the stairs to the garage. When I got to the bottom of the steps the room was pitch dark.
"Tay, where are you, I can't see shit," I whispered.
"Shh just stand still I can see you fine," I heard him reply.
"Oh, ok," I replied slightly confused.
I stood there unable to see anything around me at all. Then I felt my boxers being pulled down. Naturally my instinct was to grab a hold of him. But oddly enough I didn't move. Soon they were on the floor. I felt a hand take hold of mine and I was lead to the bean bag and I laid down on it. Soon I felt the comforter pull up over me and then the warmth of skin against my side.
"Tay, is that," I started but was cut off.
"Shh, don't say anything, just close your eyes and see with your hands," Taylor's voice whispered in a heavy tone.
Suddenly I felt his soft hand on my stomach, the feeling was electrifying. It moved up my chest and to my neck. I sucked up the courage and slowly reached over and placed my hand on his soft warm thigh. My body was quivering, just the feeling alone of touching bare skin had my mind reeling. I heard him breathing heavily as my hand lightly trailed up his thigh, over him lingering between his legs briefly, lightly tracing my fingers across his flesh and then further up his stomach to his chest. I ached to kiss him, and soon I found out the feeling was mutual. We rolled towards each other and our mouths met.
Our warm bodies pressing against each other. Legs intertwined, arms wrapped around one another. Flesh to flesh, mouth to mouth. I lost all sense of gravity, all I could feel was Taylor, his flesh, body, mind, soul, spirit all over and around me. Our hug turned into a spasming a frantic squirming and squeezing. As if we both were trying to become apart of each other.
I pulled my mouth away from his, gasping for breath. Our bodies were covered in sweat. Hugging him tightly as we writhed against one another.
"I love you Taylor, God I love you," I whispered to him.
"I love you too, more than anything," he replied.
An intense pressure was building, I began to feel as if I was going to faint. We kissed again, only this time it was more of a frantic play of mouths. Almost as if we wanted to taste each others faces and mouths. Before I knew what was happening a jolt of energy shot through my body, I tensed up, sensations I had never felt flowed through me.
I looked into Tay's eyes and he began to whimper and jerk. The strongest flow of love I had ever felt rushed between us. The feeling was amazing, slowly it subsided and we lay together. A warmth had spread from our laps between us. We had both experienced the most amazing thing two people in love could have. Tay's face was beautiful, glistening with sweat, cheeks flushed, hair matted eyes shining. My love for him had doubled. I couldn't even being to describe the feelings that were surfacing in me.
"I didn't know that could happen without really doing anything," Tay whispered out of breath.
"Well we weren't exactly just lying here, I mean there was friction and all," I smiled at him.
"You know what is different about this," Tay asked me.
"What," I replied.
"You couldn't see me, the me everyone see's. You felt me, the real me, the me that I am only with myself and no one else. What happened was from the real me, and it didn't matter that you couldn't see my body or face, until the last few moments it was just you and I. Two people, not you and Taylor Hanson, or me and a 'fan.' In that last fleeting moment before it happened we saw each other for the people we really are. You have got to be the kindest, gentle, most loving person I've ever met. I can't even begin to image the things that you have behind that gorgeous face. But I know that I love you, and I don't ever want us to be apart," he finished.
"That's exactly what I realized just before you started talking. We were with each other, not the people everyone else knows. The private side, the public side and all other facets of our soul. I love you more than anything I've ever loved. You're mind, your ideas, that funny face you make sometimes, your humor. Everything and I want to do anything and everything I can to make you happy," I replied.
No more was said, we just looked into each other's eyes. His eyes were the bluest I had ever seen. So deep and full of emotions that spilled out onto his face. That gorgeous face. His entire body and soul was covered in a aura that I had never seen before on another person. This vibration that told you he was more than just a pretty face that could sing. More than the fans ever dreamed of. More than anyone ever could have dreamed of or expected. More than everyone could see. Even more than I was aware of. But one thing was for sure, I planned on being around to see it all and be with him through everything.
I drifted asleep, my thoughts filled with him, all of him. Everything I knew and everything I hoped to know. I was asleep but I could feel his arms around me, his body pressed against mine. Each time my eyes drifted open again he was there, either smiling at me or asleep too with a faint smile across his sleeping angelic face. Even in sleep he was an angel. A face no one could resist. My mind drifted again and deeper this time. All I could see was darkness, I heard his breath, felt the moist touch of his skin against mine, smell of his hair, his body, sweet young and beautiful. I could feel the love, the desire to have me there, that alone was the most important part. I only wanted what he wanted, nothing of my own desires mattered. If he had not wanted me there I would have gladly returned to my home in Miami. It was all his choice, and he knew that.
I was awoken by Taylor's gentle rocking. Light hit my eyes from the curtained garage windows. I looked over and Tay was beside me wrapped up with me in the comforter. His hair was a mess but he looked so unbelievably happy.
"Will, we've gotta get up, it's five in the morning. Mom and dad wake up at five thirty," Tay whispered.
"Yeah so," I replied.
"Dude, they like you and want the best for me, but I'm not sure they can handle us naked together in this mess, we really need to get up and get cleaned up," he said as he sat up.
"Yeah you've got a point," I replied.
Tay stood up and grabbed his boxers. The view was lovely, his beautiful pale bottom, each cheek round and full followed downward by two gorgeous legs. Lightly dusted with blond hair. This view was then suddenly encased in the first pair of boxers I would have gladly traded places with.
I grabbed my boxers and slid them on as I stood up. Tay tossed my shirt and pulled his on over his head.
"There is a shower off of my bedroom and then down the hallway, which one do you want to use," he asked.
"Depends on which one you're using," I smiled.
"It's not a bad idea, but bad timing, let's hold off on that, as much as I'd love to soap you down, again this morning is too risky," he replied as he kissed me wetly on my mouth and then licked my lips.
"God you're so unbelievable," I replied.
"Yeah well we all can't be perfect can we," he snickered.
"I'll get my shower and wake up Ike, he won't let anyone go out in his van with out him so if we're gonna go out and hang then we need to get him up, there are cloths in the dresser in our room so pick out what you want, I'm sure anything of Ikes or mine will fit you ok," Tay said as he kissed me again and trotted up the steps.
"This is only gonna get better, I just know it," I replied looking at the drawings on the wall as I went up the steps to take my shower.
On to Chapter Nine
Back to Chapter Seven
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