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"The Day the Earth Moved" by Taylor Quest Chapter Nine Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Eight On to Chapter Ten Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
I decided to use the shower
connected to the brothers room. That way I'd not have to worry about the rest of the family forgetting I was in the bathroom like the night before. Which got me to snickering."What's so funny," Tay whispered as he grabbed a towel and a pair of clean boxers from his dresser.
"Oh just remembering last night, I almost pissed on your rollerblades," I laughed.
"What the," Tay started kind of shocked.
"I forgot you had said on the left not the right, but it was ok, only Ike walked in on me."
"He has a tendency to know exactly how to get to the bathroom with his eyes shut," Tay smirked.
"Yeah, you should have seen the look on his face when he saw me taking a piss," I chuckled.
"I can only imagine, probably trying not to stare at your pecker the entire time. I'll asure you, he is totally straigh, so you only have to be afraid when I'm around," Tay said as he kissed me.
"Yes, be afraid be very afraid," he giggled as he rushed off to take his shower. Leaving me standing there confused.
I tip toed past Ike and Zac, who were both still sound asleep. Ike was pressed face against the wall in his bed, while Zac was thrown all scatter brained across his mattress.
"He must have some wild dreams," I thought to myself as I went into the bathroom.
As wild as it was, taking a shower in Tay and the guys bathroom was actually pretty normal, clean too. I had finished my shower and was pulling open the shower curtain when Ike walked in.
"Shit, you're everywhere," he replied as he jumped a little.
"No, you've just got bad timing," I said as I pulled the towel off the shower rod and wrapped it around myself, allowing Ike to relax a little bit as I covered up.
"Tay's under the impression that you're going to take us out in a few minutes.
"Tay's under many impressions," Ike said as he went to the bathroom as I turned my back to dry off.
Strangely, we had only met a few days before but it seemed like we were brothers or something.
"So I'm guessing we aren't going anywhere," I replied over my shoulder.
"No, we probably will, if I know Tay he'll stand there beside my bed and rag on me until I get up, or until Zac starts bitching that we're making too much noise."
"I see," I snickered.
"So how did you to sleep last night," Ike asked putting himself away and flushing the toilette.
"Quite well actually, I was exhausted and Tay was pretty pooped too," I replied.
"Oh, ok," Ike replied plainly.
"Something wrong," I asked turning around.
"No, not really I guess, it's just something that I think some of us will have to adjust too," Ike replied.
"How do you mean," I asked.
"Ok, well you two were together all through that earthquake, and all and you are a lot closer to Tay than the rest of us, Tay is used to you, but we are all trying to catch up you know," Ike replied.
"Yeah I guess so, I understand where you're coming from, and Tay and I don't plan on rushing anything," I replied as Tay walked in.
"Ike, you can relax we've not really done anything yet, I mean we've done stuff but not like stuff, stuff you know," Tay said wrapping his arm around me.
"Tay, mom and dad are taking this really well, I mean really well. Better than I think many other parents, it's obvious to us that separating the two of you would only force you to fight to be together, and plus it would hurt you more than help," Ike replied.
"We just want what's best for you, but we also want you to know that even though we are all smiles, we are still trying to adjust, so in front of mom and dad and especially the little ones I hope you'll try to, I don't wanna hurt your feelings but try not to be so touchy feely, kissy kissy. Around me and Zac, we can handle it, but the kids and all wouldn't understand," Ike finished.
"We understand totally," both Tay and myself replied instinctively at the same time.
"Which also reminds me that you need to be ultra careful how you act out in public, if we go out you've got to act like you're just friends, no hand holding no hanging off of each other and definitely no kissing, unless you want to put everyone into an awkward position," I finished.
"I can do that, but there will be a point Ike where we'll be, 'out' and it won't matter," Tay replied.
"That's fine, just until then let's keep it strictly hetro in public, otherwise you're sure to see it on MTV News or something," Ike replied heading into the bed room.
After Ike had left the room we hugged, tightly.
"You know it's going to be the hardest for us out in public," Tay said into my ear.
"Yeah I know, but sometimes I think it will make us cherish our private time more," I replied.
Tay turned toward me and kissed me just as Ike came back into the bathroom.
"If we're going to go anywhere, you two better get dressed and ready,otherwise mom and dad are sure to find something for you to do," Ike said to Tay.
"He's got a point," Tay replied to me, kissing me quickly again on the mouth before trotting back into the bedroom.
About thirty minutes later and three changes of cloths on my part, namely because Taylor wasn't happy with my choice in cloths. We stood just inside the front door.
"Ok, after this it's totally 'friends,'" Ike reminded us.
"Well, might as well make it count," Tay said throwing his arms around my neck and planting the wettest, sloppiest kiss I had ever received. Full out tongue all over my mouth drool running down our chins.
I returned the favor. As usual we became lost in the moment. The silky feel of each others warm wet tongues lashing against one another became intoxifying.
"Ok ok, dudes that's enough, jeeze pull yourselves together," Ike said looking a little shocked. I was sure I could actually hear him loosing his appetite for breakfast.
We broke our kiss and wiped our mouths, but glancing back at one another giggling quietly we followed Ike out to the car.
The street was quiet, more than I would have expected for a Tuesday morning. We jumped into the van and Ike started her up. The engine roared and sputtered and conked out. Ike pumped the gas pedal and goosed the engine back to life again. It was a little chilly, the smell of exhaust, a tinge of gas and the smell of metal and carpet filled my nose. It wasn't as nice as Taylor's neck which I caught myself nuzzling without thinking.
Tay just smiled and tilted his head back, his hair falling over half of my face. I buried my nose against his soft warm skin. The tip brushing against one of the leather cord chokers. The smell of his body made me so happy. Everything about him was beyond words. I saw Tay smile briefly in the reflection of the rearview mirror on his door. I let out a sigh and Ike turned and looked at us.
"This is going to be impossible," Ike muttered as we backed out of the driveway and rolled away from the Hanson home.
The ride was uneventful. Ike pointed out area's of interest to most people. But he didn't realize that the most important and wonderful part of Tulsa was right there with us in the seat in front of me. Ike mentioned that the mall was up ahead but that it was only around seven am and that it wouldn't be open for another two hours. My stomach grumbled and Tay glanced over.
"Ike, let's make the first stop an IHoP," Tay exclaimed rubbing his tummy.
"Yeah that actually does sound pretty good, and this time of morning all the kids will be at home getting ready for school," Ike said as he hit the turn signal and moved over to the entrance of The International House of Pancakes on the right.
"Remember guys," Ike started.
"Would you just shut up already, we know, besides I'm so damn hungry I'm interested in eating," Tay exclaimed cutting off Ike who got out of the van.
"Interested in eating some nice thick sausage," Tay finished with a wink at me.
"You're so bad," I giggled.
"Yeah but I'm so good at it," Tay smiled back at me.
I glanced around the windows to see if anyone was watching, Ike had his back to the front of the van. Other than that the parking lot was empty save for an old Honda and a Nissan parked off near the back of the restaurant.
"Lets get a quick one in now," I said pulling Tay's mouth near mine. He smiled as our mouths touched.
This kiss was a frantic urge to release the tension that had built over the past hour, our mouths smashed together, our tongues lashing madly around in each other's mouths. Before I knew it Tay had his hand fiddling with my fly and I had broken out in a heavy sweat.
"No," I gasped, knowing Ike would throw a fit.
"Wha," Tay asked through the kiss.
"We can't not here, it's too dangerous," I replied.
Tay ignored my desperate plea and within seconds I was free and exposed from the front of my jeans. His mouth parted from mine only as his head lowered.
My mind reeled, sensations rushed all through my body. I felt like jolts of electricity were pounding through me. Taylor's head bobbed madly, I couldn't hold out much longer. The pressure was building. Before I knew it I was being rocked with the most explosive feeling I had ever felt. I fell back against the back of the front seat and groaned. My hips bucked and I clenched my fists trying not to scream. The release was amazing, torrents of sensations rushed through my body as I began to relax. In the few seconds that had passed it seemed as if I had lived an entire hour.
Tay sat up and returned my boxers and jeans to their original positions and winked at me.
"Oh my God," I exclaimed out of breath.
"I told you I wanted some sausage," Tay giggled.
"Oh my God," in a bit higher pitch.
Tay leaned in and kissed me quickie and threw the door open and jumped out. I gathered my thoughts and jumped out behind him.
"Damn man, what took you guys so long," Ike replied to our arrival.
"Oh, Will's zipper got caught in the carpet," Tay exclaimed before he realized that didn't sound all too clever.
"What," Ike asked looking over at me, all red in the face and sweating.
"Tay, um that's just, oh man never mind, just damn lets eat," Ike said as he saw a bit of something on Tay's chin.
"Oh God Tay wipe your chin," I exclaimed seeing what Ike had just seen.
"Oops," Tay laughed as he wiped his chin with his sleeve.
Ike walked into the restaurant with Tay behind, and myself taking up the tail, which was a nice one at that. An older heavy set woman in her mid fifties walked up to us and asked us where we wanted to sit.
"Non smoking," Ike replied.
The waitress ushered us to a booth and asked us what we wanted to drink.
"I'll have a glass of milk and an ice water," Ike replied.
"I'll take an orange juice, and coffee," Tay replied.
"Coffee for me, regular," I replied.
"You sure, you know coffee stunts your growth," she replied trying to make conversation.
"Oh no mam, actually he's coming along fine," Tay replied with an evil grin. Ike covered his face.
There was no reply from the waitress, the only thing that signaled that she had heard him was that suddenly one of her eyebrows jumped up behind the thick bifocal glasses which were perched on the end of her pointed nose.
"Sugar is on the table, you want cream," she asked as if she hadn't heard Taylor.
"Oh yeah lots of cream," Tay replied with an even more evil grin.
"I'll be back in a moment," she said as she shuffled off to the kitchen.
"What was all that about," I replied.
"Just having fun, she doesn't even know who we are," replied Tay.
"You can never be sure Tay," Ike replied as he picked up his menu.
We flipped through the menu and I decided to have some kind of cheese crepe thing, Ike decided on a grand slam pancake breakfast. The waitress returned to the table with our drinks.
"You boys decided on what you want or do you need more time," she asked.
"I'll have a Grand Slam with eggs over easy, bacon not sausage," Ike replied shooting Tay an evil look.
"I'll have this crepe thingy," I exclaimed.
"Gosh, I'm not sure what to get," Tay exclaimed.
"Sure you're still hungry," Ike sneered with a bit of a giggle.
There was an audible thump as Tay must have kicked Ike in the leg because Ike jumped and winced.
"Oh I guess, I'll have the Rooty Tootie Fresh and Frutie," Tay said busting out laughing.
I did all I could to keep my composure but I lost it and began laughing hysterically. Even Ike was covering his mouth trying not to smile.
The waitress took our menus and walked off.
"Tay I don't think she likes us," I said to him as he looked at the cream packets in the dish next to my coffee.
"Oh well you can't win 'em all, besides, if she can't take a joke it's not our fault," Tay replied as he picked up a cream packet. Tay picked up the miniature carton with the peel off top and pulled the top ever so slightly.
"You see, if you just barely break the seal nothing happens," Tay said demonstrating by holding the carton upside down and no cream leaking out.
"But if you squeeze it," Tay said as he pointed it at my coffee and squeezed it off an on.
"It goes, like, oh, yeah, oh baby, just like... that," he screamed in mock orgasm as the cream packet squirted a stream about a foot into my coffee cup.
I busted out laughing, Ike turned bright red and sunk down into his chair. Tay giggling like a school girl. We finally calmed down and Ike sat back up.
"What's with you man, you been spending too much time with Zac I swear," Ike replied with a small grin.
We had just barely eaten our breakfast when Ikes cell phone rang.
Tay continued to eat his food which he had soon finished off. Then he started picking at what was still on my plate.
"Good grief child, you do eat don't you," I asked as Tay stuffed a mouthful.
"Why," he replied through the food.
"You're so thin," I replied.
"Fast metabolism," he replied after he had finished that bite.
"Same here," I replied.
"Guys we've gotta go, that was mom and we have to leave for New York in like two hours," Ike replied drinking up the last of his milk and getting the woman's attention at the front register.
"Will that be all," she asked.
"Yeah we've gotta split," Ike replied as he put a twenty down.
"Keep the change," he said as he rushed out the door.
"Thank you, oh excuse me," she said tapping Tay on the shoulder.
"Yes mam," he replied turning around.
"Could you autograph the back of this ticket for my granddaughter," she asked.
Tay looked a little surprised that this woman did in fact know who he was.
"Sure what's her name," Tay asked taking the pen.
"Melanie, she loves you guys but you most of all," she replied.
Tay wrote, "To Melanie, thanks for the support, love Taylor Hanson."
The lady thanked him and we rushed out the door. We hopped in the van and Ike pulled back out into the street.
"What took you guys," Ike asked.
"That waitress knew who we were," Tay replied.
"See, I told you, what did she say," Ike asked.
"She wanted my autograph for her grand daughter."
"That's nice."
"Hey what's up, why are we going to New York today, I thought that wasn't for a week," Tay asked suddenly.
"Not sure, but MTV is doing some kind of Aid for the disaster relief in California, and Chris just got us booked to appear on Total Request Live," Ike replied as we got onto the free way.
"Damn, that's wild, I wonder who else will be there," Tay said to the wind shield.
"This is going to be so cool," I replied.
Ike winced but didn't say anything, I was guessing it was post grand slam gas or something. We got off the free way and soon were pulling into the drive way. There was another car there in the drive way along side their parents.
"That's Chris's car," Tay exclaimed as we pulled in.
Ike got out and walked in, Tay and I jumped out and followed.
"Taylor, your things are all packed, your ride will be here soon, you three will be meeting with Haydon, he's the only bodyguard available on such short notice," Diana said as we walked in.
"How long are we gonna be in New York," Tay replied.
"About three days, then you're going to California to do another appearance for disaster relief," Diana replied as she handed Tay Ike and Zac their things.
"You better hurry, or you're going to be late," Walker exclaimed as he walked up looking at his watch.
Suddenly I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. There were three sets of luggage. One for Ike, one for Tay and one for Zac. There was no luggage for me. At first I didn't think much of it because I had been wearing Tay and Ike's clothes. But then I saw Diana hand Ike a set of three tickets which he then handed to each Tay and Zac.
"Whoa, mom there are only three tickets here," Tay exclaimed looking over at me and then his mother.
"Yes dear I know, I need to speak with you and Will in private," Diana said as Tay dropped everything all over the hall floor.
I knew instantly I wasn't going to like this one bit. Suddenly I felt as if it were all about to end in an abrupt buzzing of my alarm clock.
Or that Tay would be whisked off to New York leaving me behind. I wasn't happy, but I was doing my best to keep the tears from welling up in my eyes. The lump in my throat was bigger than the Rock of Gibraltar.
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