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"The Day the Earth Moved" by Taylor Quest Chapter Fourteen Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Thirteen On to Chapter Fifteen Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
You ready," Tay asked
as he tickled me on the side."As ready as ever, but I'm looking forward most to later tonight," I winked at him.
"I know, just the two of us, we'll figure out something to do," he smiled.
We jumped out of the limo, into the mob. The police were doing everything they could to keep the crowd back far enough for us to pass through. It was impossible to hear one another the screaming was so loud. Then the next thing I knew we were in the elevator and away from all the noise.
"That all happens so fast," I exclaimed.
"Well that's a good thing, if it took any longer, I'd be afraid to imagine what could happen," Tay replied.
"Does the term three dead Hansons in ten trash cans make any sense," Zac smirked trying to be funny.
"No, but it didn't help my stomach any," I sneered back at him. He laughed.
The elevator doors slid open and we stepped into the hallway. The next few moments were a blur. First we were being geared up with wireless microphones. Then they were talking a mile a minute about the schedule and then they were ushering us up to the stage area in the studio.
It took me about five minutes of arguing before they'd allow me to sit down with the crowd and not stay on stage with Tay. For some reason they kept trying to stick us together on camera. I wasn't hip on the idea and didn't want to appear to be trying to take the spot light. At first I had thought I'd want to sit with the crowd, then the feeling of being surrounded by all those people had me nervous so I got up and walked over a few feet where Ananda was standing.
"Tell me you don't mind me standing over here, please," I asked.
"No not at all, it's cool with me," she smiled.
"Why don't you wanna be over there at the stage," she asked.
"Because this is their moment, I don't wanna even think about taking away from it by being there," I replied.
"That's really sweet, but everyone loves you, they all are so glad you saved Taylors life and all."
"Well, you know I just rather be in the back area of it all and not up there," I replied.
"I see."
Total Request Live started not too long thereafter. It started with them singing their new single which was to be released later this month. Of course I while I thought I had escaped the act of mooching from their spot light one of those damn camera men trotted up to me and started zooming in on my face while Tay was singing. As annoyed as I was I just smiled and watched Tay as best I could.
Surprisingly the fans didn't ask anything about me and the brief question and answer session was over as fast as it started. Taylor moved toward me and I joined him on his retreat to the green room.
"Dude had me worried for a moment there," he exclaimed.
"Why what's wrong?"
"I looked down to where you had been sitting and you were gone, it wasn't till I saw you on camera that I knew you were still here."
"I moved so I wouldn't get bothered by anyone, or put on camera, seems it didn't work out that way," I replied.
"Oh ok, that's cool."
We came around the corner and bumped into Britney Spears. She was looking down at her microphone and she looked up.
"Oh, hey guys," she smiled.
"Hey Britney," Tay smiled back.
"You guys are so lucky," she replied.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"You two can be with each other, no one cares, they are all on your side," she replied.
"Well," Tay started.
"Believe me, you're lucky," she said as she trotted off.
"What was all that about," I asked.
"No clue, she's always been kinda weird," Tay replied.
We went down around the corner to the green room, where the Backstreet Boys were leaving toward the stage.
"Oh look out it's the back door boys," Tay whispered with a giggle.
"Stop pretending Tay, you know you wanna bone Nick," I snickered quietly as we walked closer.
"Eww," Tay nearly yelled, suddenly covering his mouth as Nick looked over at him confused.
We both snuggled against each other like school girls with our mouths covered giggling as we ran past. Not one of them even said anything to us, they just walked right past looking kinda annoyed.
"That was, different," I commented after they had passed.
"Not really, they usually are pretty stuck up, they've never liked the fact that we paved the way for their success," Tay commented as he entered the green room.
"Yeah I know, you and the Spice Girls were the revivors of bubble gum in early 1997," I smiled.
"Yeah, we lead, they follow," Tay grinned as we came into the green room.
It was pretty trashed. Soda cans all over, candy spilled on the table and crumbs from chips and all kinda of crap were on the sofa.
"And this is MTV," Tay said with a smirk.
"This is shit if you ask me," I replied.
"You wanna get out of here," he asked.
"Is it that obvious," I replied.
"Kinda," he smiled.
"Well dude I'd love to split, but you've got more to do here."
"Not exactly, all they wanted us to do was sing, then sit around and watch the other performers."
"Not what I'd call thrilling,unless you consider watching Britneys thighs jiggle" I replied.
"Exactly, besides I'd have a hell of a lot more fun escaping with you," Tay smiled.
"Ok what the hell, go tell Ike," I replied.
"He already knows."
"He does, and," I asked.
"He told me to go for it, something about doing things like this so I could talk about them when I'm old or something," he laughed.
"You're too cute," I smiled.
"Ditto," he replied kissing me.
Every time we kissed it was nearly like the first all over again. We would have probably kissed longer if someone hadn't walked in.
"Oh dang, excuse me guys, I was just getting my bag," a very cute Latin boy exclaimed as he reached over the couch and grabbed a duffel bag.
"Have I seen you somewhere before," I asked.
"Uh, well I'm a dancer," he replied with this very nice white smile.
"Dude, you dance for Britney, um damn, your name is, uh, TJ right," I asked.
"Yeah, how did you know," he smiled.
"I try to keep up, besides you're like the only dancer in her videos that actually looks like he's havin' fun," I replied.
"Well I try, I, shit, you're Taylor, and Will," he replied suddenly shocked.
"Yeah," Tay smiled.
"I didn't even think, wow, you guys are so cool," he smiled.
"Thanks man it's great to have support," I replied patting him on the back.
"What are you doing," he asked.
"Uh, honestly," Tay replied.
"We're about to cut out of here," I whispered.
"Good luck, this place is surrounded," he said glancing down the hall.
"Oh, man I didn't even think about that," Tay said looking up.
"Here, these are Britney's, if you put them on and some hats and sunglasses you might be able to get out of here," TJ said as he handed Tay a jet black one length wig.
"Just pull it back in a pony tail, here put these shirts on over those," he said handing me a one length blond wig and a two shirts.
"See, you don't even look like the same people," TJ giggled.
"Yeah but these wigs itch," Tay said scratching.
"Is it worth it," he asked.
"Totally," we both replied.
"Now I think you can go down the far hall to the back elevator and take it down to the lobby, from there it's up to you, good luck," he exclaimed giving us both a hug.
After sneaking down the back hall and getting into the elevator we relaxed for a few moments.
"Is it me or is your adrenaline pumping too," I asked Tay.
"Oh it's both of us, this is gonna be like so wild," he smiled.
The doors rolled open and we walked out. The main lobby was fairly calm, and no one seemed to pay much attention. A girl off to the left of us glanced up and covered her mouth but winked and kept quiet. Then she walked up to us.
"Hey guys, want me to get a cab out there so you can go right away," she smiled quietly.
"Yeah, that'd really be great," Tay smiled at her.
She squealed to herself quietly and scampered out the door. A few moments later she came back in.
"It's right out there," she whispered.
We walked out the door and the crowd paid us no attention, they were all looking up at the windows above. Apparently Britney was performing right then. We climbed into the cab and it rolled away.
Tay pulled off the wig and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Wild how no one even noticed us," he laughed.
"Neah not really, Britney was up there doing some bootie shakin' so that's why no one was watching."
"I've got no complaints," he smiled as he leaned in.
His gorgeous blue eyes shined at me. His face lightly shining with a sheen of anxious sweat from the rush of excitement of breaking out and running. He truly had me lock stock and barrel. We kissed. The rush was amazing, as usual I felt like I was falling at a million miles an hour. My senses were filled with nothing but him. He slid against me and leaned in. I could feel him pressed against my leg. My heart jumped and I gasped slightly. His eyes opened slowly and he looked at me and smiled.
"Any place in particular you guys want to go," the driver asked over his shoulder.
"Plaza Hotel," Tay said without looking away from me.
"I want to take a nap and get rested up for this evening, we've got the whole night ahead of us and I want to spend every moment with you," Tay whispered.
"Sounds like a plan to me," I smiled.
Moments later the cab pulled up to the hotel and we got out. Tay paid him and we went inside.
"How about we get a bite to eat before our nap," I suggested as we got onto the elevator.
"Sure, that's cool, I'll call room service and have them send some stuff up."
We got to the room and Tay ordered some kind of lunch special from the restaurant down stairs. It was a beautiful late afternoon outside. I flopped into a chair next to the window. The sun was just barely below the tops of the sky scrapers outside. I never ever once thought I'd see this view.
"What'cha thinking about," Tay asked as he ran his hands across my shoulders.
"Nothing much really, just soaking in the view," I replied quietly as I slid over allowing him room in the chair.
His reflection almost totally transparent against the skyline out side. My heart fluttered and my eyes welled up.
"Will what's wrong," he asked slowly turning me around to face him as he sat down on the arm of the chair.
"Nothing, everything is actually wonderful," I smiled up at him.
"Aww babe, it's ok," he smiled as his eyes got misty.
We hugged tightly. The feeling of being wrapped tightly in his arms was pure heaven. I never in my life had felt more secure. It was a feeling I never wanted to lose.
"Have you ever felt so 'right,'" I asked.
"No, this is the first time," he replied.
"I feel, I can't describe it," I whispered.
"Complete," he asked.
"Yeah, complete," I replied quietly as I laid my head against his chest, hearing his heart beating soothed me.
He ran his fingers through my hair, his soft fingers gently brushing my temple. The smell of his body, the feel of his skin was making me so sleepy. My mind sank down deep in my head. The rhythm of his heart beat and the soft stroking of his hand in my hair lulled me into sleep.
Momentarily I felt a shifting and almost weightlessness. I heard a slight groan distantly and felt the bed beneath me moments later. At first I felt alone, then I felt his warmth against me and with a reassuring embrace my mind drifted into sleep, feeling his breath on my ear.
I slowly opened my eyes. It was dark and soft pale skin filled my vision. I focused and realized I was looking at Taylors gorgeous bare chest. I looked up and his eyes were closed. The satin sheets trailed over my body, which was when I realized I was naked. They draped across his bare hip, falling over his thigh, concealing the object of many adolescent fantasies. I rolled on to my back and glanced over at the window. The sky was dark and the lights from the buildings shined.
The clock by the bed read seven in the evening. We had slept for about three hours. I glanced back over at Tay and saw his beautiful blue eyes looking at me. He reached out and slowly ran his fingers down my chest over my stomach and under the sheets with a wicked little grin.
"I see we're very awake," he giggled.
"Can you blame me," I smiled as I swallowed up some courage and traced my way under the sheets to his soft thigh and the region beyond.
His eyes fluttered when I made contact. Slowly and gently I traced my fingers over his warm flesh. His breath became shallow and sweat formed on his upper lip. He rolled across the gap between us and came to rest on top of me. Pressed against me tightly he kissed me. His smell was intoxicating, I felt ticklish all over. He pressed against me and moaned quietly. Our kissing became frantic as did our body movements. Taylor slowed and pulled away, stopping short of an impending explosion of sensations I looked over confused.
"I wanna save up, the energy, not yet," he breathed heavily.
"Oh, ok, that's cool," I replied.
"Just testing the water, you know," he giggled.
"So where are we going tonight, I'm starved."
"I've already got it all planned out, we need to get dressed our ride will be here in half an hour," he said hopping up.
"What are we doing," I asked.
"We've got a lot to see tonight," he said as he walked toward the bathroom.
"But the view from here is amazing," I giggled as I watched his beautiful bare butt wiggle away from me. Tay looked back over his shoulder and smirked.
Half an hour later after finally settling on what we were both going to wear. Not to mention after fending each other off long enough to get our pants on we walked out the front of the hotel. There waiting at the curb was a horse drawn open carriage. My mouth dropped open.
"Is this for us," I asked.
"You bet your yummy ass it is," Tay giggled.
"Oh man, this is too cool," I replied hopping up into the carriage.
"I thought you might like it," he replied smiling as he climbed in behind me.
"Just follow the schedule," Tay said to the horseman.
Tay flopped back in the seat with me. Covered in red velvet and very deep and soft we were nearly out of site sitting down. The air was warm, the sky was clear and the stars barely peeked through above the bright city lights. The moon was bright and full and the crickets chirped in the distance. Slowly we pulled away, the clopping of the horses hoofs and the smooth rolling of the wheels filled our ears. Tay reached down and a moment later the quietest music started to play.
"Will this is going to be a night we will never forget," he whispered just before we kissed.
The carriage rolled along, down through the park. Before I knew it we were at the docks. There waiting was a small cruise ship.
"This is where we get off," he smiled.
"Right here on the docks, don't you think it's a little public, I mean," I started giggling.
"You perv, you know what I meant," Tay laughed as he slugged me in the arm.
"You got the Spirit of New York all for us," I asked in slight awe.
"Yep, but I got the Ritz to cater, since the ship food usually sucks," he smiled.
"Where did you come up with all this," I asked.
"Some of it was my idea, some of it was Ike's."
"Well I like it, I just wish I could have been a little bit more prepared, I mean you're doing all this and I'm just you know," I started. Feeling a little bad since I hadn't' done anything yet for Tay.
"Dude don't worry about it, this is something I've wanted to do," he smiled.
We boarded the ship and moments later it pulled away. The entire ship was empty, save for a small staff that prepared the food and those who ran the ship. It was all dark except for the many small candles placed all over. The same music that we heard in the carriage was playing quietly.
"Where do you want to sit," he asked.
"Some where with a good view," I replied.
"Ok, top floor bow of the ship," he replied as we climbed the stairwell.
We seated and the waiter brought us a bottle of champagne, poured it and retreated for a while.
"This is amazing, you and me alone, here, the candles the music, the champagne, it's all so unreal," I whispered quietly.
"I'm glad you like it," Tay smiled.
"Are you buttering me up for something," I giggled.
"Not really, by the end of the night you'll know what I've got planned."
"Do I need to worry, or is it all good stuff," I asked slightly nervous that something was going to happen that I wouldn't like.
"Will, we'll be together always, don't ever doubt that, I know you're gonna be thrilled."
"Well, so far everything is amazing, and whatever they've got cooking in there is really getting me hungry, I'd better lay off the champagne or I'll be drunker than a skunk," I giggled already feeling giddy from the alcohol on an empty stomach.
Tay leaned over and kissed me. We continued to kiss until we heard the waiter coming. Diner consisted of the most amazing chicken fetucinni alfredo I had ever eaten with the most amazing wine sauce. French bread and the best tasting dessert I had ever eaten.
"What is this," I asked as I cut through layers of chocolate wafer and ice cream.
"I don't know I just circled the pictures of the things that looked best and they made them," he replied with a full mouth.
"You've got a little chocolate on your lip," pointed out to him.
Tay leaned forward with a grin, as if to ask me to wipe it off, only I decided to lick it off which caught him off guard. He smiled and kissed me.
"You're so adorable," he smiled.
"Aww, I bet you say that to all the guys," I giggled.
"Actually no, no one comes close," he replied quietly.
I kissed him, not knowing how to reply with words. His sweet mouth was even more wonderful with chocolate and the faint taste of champagne.
Tay poured us another glass of champagne and took my hand leading me out to the deck. The night air was cooler over the water, but still comfortable. The sky was amazing. Out over the water it seemed endless, off to our right stood the Statue of Liberty. She stood beautiful and blue in the night, her golden torch glowing. It made my heart jump.
"Will, I've come to a decision," Tay exclaimed snapping me out of my gaze at Lady Liberty.
"Yeah, about what," I asked sipping the champagne.
"Us, you and me, our future," he replied as he turned toward me.
"Whatever you've decided I'm behind you all the way," I said taking his hand.
He was so gorgeous, the wind blowing his hair around his face. His face pale and beautiful, the shorter style did his features such wonderful justice. His eyes sparkled, they were full of excitement and love, I knew that whatever he was about to say to me was going to make me the happiest I had ever been.
"I'm leaving the band," he said quietly.
"You are," I replied slightly shocked.
"Temporarily," he replied.
"How long is temporarily," I asked.
"Until the fall, when we start the tour," he said.
"Does," I started to ask.
"Yes, they all know, Ike actually said it would be good for us, get settled with each other, relaxed and less frantic you know, about each other, so I can concentrate on singing and all."
"I'm behind you all the way, but what about the fans and everything," I asked.
"I'll make it known that I care about the fans, but I also want a life, I've been cooped up in a studio for too long, and I've been forced to be alone for way too long, I am going to live my life, with you here it's only made that more apparent to me. It's time that I do something for me, I'll return to the group and sing, but for now I want to take time to be with you," he replied tears welling in his eyes.
"Taylor, I love you, with all my heart, and I'll support everything you do," I said hugging him.
"Will please also be able to voice your opinions, if you think I'm doing something stupid, or something of that effect just tell me, I might need to hear it now and then," he cried into my shoulder.
"Ok, well, don't leave the band, just cut the appearances and start the tour in the fall, then make monthly appearances with them and that way no one will know," I replied.
"You think that's a better plan?"
"Yes I do, no one will know the difference, once or twice a month we go to wherever appear and then go back to where ever, that way the fans won't have to know and we'll have our time," I smiled.
"That is a better idea, that way no one will get pissy," Tay smiled.
"I love you Taylor," I whispered.
"I love you too Will."
"Let's get outta here," he laughed as we realized the boat had docked.
"Where are we going to go," I asked.
"Let's go back to the hotel, it's almost one am and I want to be able to get up early tomorrow, it's our first day," he smiled running to the waiting limo.
The door to the hotel room slammed and I fell onto the floor laughing an empty bottle of champagne rolling across the floor and clinking against the sofa leg. Tay pulled me up and kissed me. We both fell staggered backward through the doorway and fell back on to the bed.
I looked into his eyes, my heart raced, my mind spun, my body craved him. I saw my desires reflected in his eyes.
"God I want you," I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"I want you too," he breathed as he dove in and kissed me again.
Our tongues lashed madly in each other's mouths. I felt my hands pulling off his pants. His hands pulled at my shirt, the buttons snapped and scattered. Our kiss continued. I kicked off my pants and rolled onto my back kissing his face all over.
"Oh God, I've been wanting this," he groaned as he kissed me.
Our bare bodies pressed together, my mind spun. My gaze fell over his beautiful body, his flushed cheeks. I fell onto my back and we rolled across the bed. He looked down at me and growled like a lion just before he devours his prey. I rolled my head to the side and bared my neck, awaiting him to attack. My mind spun, sensations rushed all over, first pain, then a sparkling explosion and ripples of pleasure rushed over me. I screamed out loud, Tay groaning loudly above me. I felt his chest press against my back. My brain scrambled, the onslaught of sensations overpowered me. I rolled back onto my back, Taylor pinning me.
"I love you," he gasped as he winced and his eyes rolled back into his head.
My body convulsed. Feelings sparked through me. Taylor bucked against me moaning, my lids strained to open but all was a blur. Then release. Electricity ran over me, through me and through Taylor. He fell forward on top of me, his face pressed to mine. Sweat pouring all over us. I never had felt closer, his warm most flesh against me, his breath in my ear.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," I replied quietly as we fell asleep.
On to Chapter Fifteen
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