Taylor Quest Book 1 The Day the Earth Moved    "The Day the Earth Moved"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Fifteen and an Afterword
Book 1 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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The Day the Earth Moved
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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I opened my eyes. The bright morning sun beamed in. My neck was cradled against Tay's arm. I looked over at his beautiful face. His eyes were shut. He was dreaming. His eyes rolled around under the lids. His mouth would move slightly now and then. Slowly his head rolled over toward me and his eyes slowly lifted.

"Good morning," he whispered.

"Morning," I whispered back.

"This is it," he smiled softly.

"The first day, I know," I replied quietly.

"The first day of the rest of our lives," he breathed against my ear as he hugged me close.

"What are we doing today," I asked.

"Well, in about two hours we are getting on an airplane and going back home, getting a few things and heading to Hawaii," he smiled.

"Whoa, I've never been there," I replied sitting up.

"You're gonna love it," he replied sitting up beside me, stretching.

Tay took a deep breath and gazed off into space momentarily.

"Is everything ok," I asked concerned.

"Oh yeah I'm just thinking," he replied still looking off.

"About," I asked.

"Last night," he replied quietly.

"Oh, Tay I hope you're not upset, I mean if I did anything that," I started.

"Will, babe no nothing like that, I'm only praying that every night from now on can be as beautiful."

My eyes welled up. Just when I thought I loved him as much as possible he said something that made my feelings double.

"Taylor, as long as I'm alive, my mission in life is to make sure that you are as happy as possible," I cried.

Tay, crying too threw his arms around me and cried. Slowly he started laughing.

"What's so funny," I asked through a teary smile.

"You've got your job cut out for you," he giggled.

"You doof," I giggled back.

We got up and packed up what was strewn about the rooms. Tay slid into a pair of leather pants a wife beater with a looser tan button up shirt over it. Looking totally earth shattering. His gorgeous blond hair caught the sunlight and his eyes sparkled. He was radiant, enough to make me faint on command.

"You know dude, in those pants, you can, er um see your package clear as day," I exclaimed.

"Huh, no kidding, oh well, give 'em something to stare at besides my face," he smiled as he glanced down noticing the outline in his pants.

"You're wicked," I laughed.

"Not as wicked as you think," he smiled at me with an evil glint.

"We need to swing past the guys rooms and let them know we're heading out," Tay exclaimed as he walked toward the door.

"Wait a second," I called to him running up.


"Can I have a hug," I asked.

"Sure," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

The feeling was amazing. Being able to ask the guy I loved more than anything Taylor Hanson for a hug, and have him happily oblige was more than a dream come true. His strong arms around my back, the feeling of his chest and stomach against mine, it was just beyond amazing. His neck and hair smelled wonderful. My heart fluttered and I felt a little faint. Tay pulled his head back and looked at me.

"You ok dude?"

"Oh, I'm fine, my body just isn't used to being bombarded with all these sensations and emotions, I love you so, so much, more than I'll ever be able to express with words," I cried.

"Oh babe, I love you too, just saying it doesn't even seem to do it justice," he replied quietly as he leaned in slowly.

My eyes glanced back and forth from his left eye to his right eye. Then to his mouth. His beautiful mouth. Soft, smooth and wonderful, the same mouth that sang those wonderful songs that uplifted me in my darkest hours. The same face that I looked to when I felt like there was nothing left to live for. Our lips touched. A shiver ran through me. My knees went weak and I crumpled against him. My eyes fell closed as I tasted is sweet mouth mixed with the salty taste of our tears.

"I don't deserve this," I cried pulling away. Taylor looking a bit surprised.

"Will what are you saying," he whimpered as he sat down beside me on the couch.

"I don't deserve to have something as wonderful as this, to be with someone as wonderful as you, I'm just a guy who's," I started.

"Who's saved me in more ways than he can ever imagine, I've told you all this before," Tay replied with tears in his eyes.

"But don't you see, somewhere deep in side me something keeps telling me that if it had been someone else in that elevator that you might have felt the same way about them as you do me," I replied quietly.

"Never, no chance in hell," he replied matter of factly.

"Why do you say that, how can you be so sure," I asked.

"Because I fell in love with you the second I saw you outside the elevator when we were on our way down to the press meeting."

"That was the first time we both saw each other," I replied.

"Yes, and I couldn't take my mind off of you from that moment on, you were in my thoughts, I couldn't hardly think, it was something I was unprepared for. In the past I've met people, guys and girls, where I could talk to them and really like them a lot. I'd have really liked to see them again too, but it wasn't this urgent nagging inside me. Usually they were gone after a concert or something I'd almost never see them again and it didn't bother me. But after we parted outside the elevator my mind didn't shift back to work and the press it was still remembering your face and your hair and how soft your hands are. Through the press conference you were right there in my mind, that conference lasted for an eternity in my mind, I was so eager to run out of there and talk to you, I wanted to sit for hours and hours talking to you," he continued.

"After the conference was over I looked for you but didn't see you, so I told Ike I was gonna run up to the room and change cloths and stuff, I remembered you were going to be up there soon, I hadn't even thought to give you the room number until I was in the room, that's how wrapped up thinking about you I had gotten."

I sat there listening, this was something I needed to hear. I needed this to shut that voice up in the back of my head that had constantly been nagging me and telling me that he would have reacted like this to anyone saving him.

"Will, this is kind of embarrassing but, I was jerking off when you knocked on the door," he said quietly looking down at the floor.

"I know, I heard you just before I knocked," I smiled.

"But you know who I was thinking about," he asked and answered before I could reply.

"You, you were the one I was seeing in my mind, I was so worked up by you so taken that I had been afflicted with instant wood from the moment we shook hands, I was positive it was noticeable but, well I wanted you to know this."

"Tay you've got no idea how much I needed to hear that, there has been this nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me that I'm no one special that you would have fallen for anyone that saved you," I replied.

"Will there's no way, I would have been grateful, grateful beyond words, I'm sure I'd be good friends with them and see them often, but I sure as hell wouldn't have fallen in love with him simply for saving my life they would have to have done so much more than just that. It's human nature to try to save others when they are in danger. Besides, only chicks fall in love with their rescuers," he giggled.

"True," I smiled back.

"Ok now it's your turn, I've told you how I feel, now I need you to tell me how you feel," Tay replied.

"Huh," I asked kind of confused.

"Tell me how, why and all that," he replied.

"Oh, well this might run us late but here goes," I started as I sat back in the couch, Tay scooting closer to me.

"The moment I saw you on MTV back in 1997 I was in a daze, honestly I couldn't tell at first if you were a boy or a girl. Honestly, I hadn't really thought much about guys up to that point. Then I found out you are a guy and I didn't care, I still liked you a lot. Over the years that 'like' came to a kind of love. I learned everything you guys made public, which really isn't a whole lot. I fell in love with your voice and your soulful way of singing. You sing with so much emotion, it's mind boggling. Your songs touched me, and helped me through some really rough times in my life. Your music changed me, and made me a better person, a stronger person. At the same time that I was falling in love with your music, I was falling in love with you, or at least what I knew about you."

I paused to compose my self.

"Then when I met you, granted there was only a brief period of time before that damn earthquake, in that short period I knew that you were everything I had ever dreamed of, and for. I love you so much that I only want for you what you want. If it had happened in a way that you weren't inclined to be with me and you told me we could be nothing more than good friends, I would have been happy. That's what I'm always telling you Tay, I want ONLY what you want. It makes no difference to me, so long as you are happy," I paused.

"You've made me happy and you've done so much for me that I couldn't dream of being so selfish as to want you to be with me against your will or under pity's sake. I love you Taylor, with that I love the boy you once were, the boy you are now and the man you'll become. I love the way you think, the way you talk, the way you react to people. The way your mouth fills up with spit when you talk to fast and too long before swallowing. The way you smile and the generosity that you show to your fans. The kind way you look at people and the way you flow with such artistic enthusiasm. You're full of so much emotion and energy, you effect people in ways they've never been affected before. You are just a boy, but you are so much more than that at the same time. You are beautiful inside as well as out. True inner beauty is the greatest, but outer beauty sure does make a person wanna find out more, and boy you've got it," I smiled.

Tay's eyes welled with tears, he trembled slightly.

"I've never heard that from anyone. I mean sure my mom tells me things, and all but that's just from a mother you really don't take much of it as public opinion. Hearing you tell me that confirmed so much for me, and shattered any and all lingering doubt I might have had about anything concerning us. I know in my heart now, more than I ever have that I want to be with you forever," Tay cried.

"You know while we will have people supporting us, we will have those condemning us for this," I replied quietly.

"I know, that's something that I'm so confused with," he replied quietly.

"Do you want to know how I see it," I asked.

"Do you really need to ask me that," he smiled.

"I can't see how God could condemn a person for feelings they can't control. I could see someone choosing something and making it a point to do something or be something they aren't. But I seriously can not see God banishing someone to eternal hell for a feeling and emotion that they didn't ask for, I didn't ask to feel this way, I didn't try or choose to feel this way, I just do. I wouldn't change it for the world. After all it brought us together. I feel as long as I am a good person, as long as I try to do my best and be my best that I'll be ok. The God I pray to is a god that loves me for me, loves me unconditionally, that doesn't say 'oh I'll love you if you're 'this' way or 'that' way but if you're not your going to rot for all eternity when you die.' The Christ I pray to and look to for help loves me for everything about me and understands me and knows what I'm going through."

"I've never thought of it that way, but it makes so much sense. It's like my mother and father, when I told them about you and me they were behind me. They told me that I could never do anything to make them stop loving me, and if I was truly in love with you then they would support me and back me up all the way. Ike was the hardest to talk to, I almost feel at times a bit closer to him than anyone else. By the time Zac was old enough to really understand me when I talked to him I had already been confiding in Ike for years. He feels that while I may have these feelings that I should fight them and try to control my actions you know that whole 'the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak,' thing. I didn't know how to reply to him but he told me that he loves me and that he's behind me," Tay replied.

"You've got a very supportive family, that's a wonderful thing, they've done such an amazing job bringing you up," I smiled.

"The only thing that they were weary about in the beginning was your age, when I told them you were twenty one they seemed a bit apprehensive, mom wasn't happy about the age gap between us, but I think after she saw us together she felt better, I mean you really don't act like a twenty one year old," Tay giggled.

"No I don't, and if I were to cut my hair it would knock off quite a few years on my appearance," I replied.

"They were behind us from the beginning, but now as time has gone on they have become even more supportive of us," Tay finished.

"I'm so happy to hear that," I smiled hugging him.

No longer did that voice make snide comments in the back of my head. All was silent, the only unspoken communication was between myself and Tay. A relay of unadulterated love flowing between us. I knew now, finally that I could move further forward without fear of anything.

"Well, we had better get going if we are going to make the flight out of here on time," Tay said standing up quickly kissing me on the forehead.

We went two doors down to Ike and Zac's room. Being eight in the morning we were sure Ike would be the only one awake. To our surprise both brothers were wide awake sitting quietly on the couch when we walked in.

"Hey, whoa you're both up, this is a first," Tay smiled as he walked in.

"You guys I'm guessing are on your way out," Ike said distantly.

"Is everything ok," I asked.

"Oh, yeah I guess," Zac replied in a voice I hadn't heard before.

"Oh man, guys I'm not going to be gone forever, I'm just going home to grab some things, then we are going to Hawaii we'll be back in two months," Tay said sitting down between his two brothers.

"It's not the fact that you're leaving that's got us all down in the mouth Tay," Zac started.

"It's because you're growing up, I mean yeah I know that sounds so cheesy but it's true, it seemed like yesterday that we were pitching our selves at every record producer, God anyone who would listen to us," Ike started.

"Now like four albums later you're breaking away for a while and you're going to be gone," Zac finished.

"Guys, you knew that some day we would all grow up, granted I'm not leaving the group like I had planned originally, Will talked me out of that," Tay replied.

"I know, it's just going to be kinda weird being here with just Zac," Ike replied.

"Hey dude, you're not exactly my first choice either," Zac snapped.

"Guys, whoa relax," Tay replied glancing up at me with a look of guilt.

"Zac, I didn't mean it like that," Ike quickly replied.

"I know, I'm sorry, it's you've met this really cute girl and all," Zac started.

"Girl," Tay asked.

"Yeah, her name is Shiye, she works with MTV she's really sweet, I think there could really be something here," Ike smiled.

"So. Tay we'll be ok, dad is going to be here later tonight, and we'll be home sometime in the next few days, and I'm hoping to spend some time with her soon, then we have to start doing radio spots," Ike said looking up.

"We'll work something out, don't worry Ike it's gonna work out," Tay said giving him a hug.

"I know dude, it's just strange seeing you go, even if it's just for a while," Zac said.

"You know something," I asked.

"Huh," they all replied.

"Why don't you two go on vacations yourself, and we'll pick a date to all meet up somewhere," I exclaimed.

"Well," Tay said glancing at his brothers.

"Uh, well I guess that could be cool," Ike replied.

"Why the hell not anyways, we're not doing anything for a month," Zac cheered.

"You could do live phone in interviews with radios too, so that would solve the appearance problem," I replied.

"Yeah and no more of those horrible mall experiences, what with how awful those people were acting at the Monroeville Mall," Tay said shaking his head.

"Hey they weren't all bad," Ike chimed in.

"No, just the really strong ones in the front who kept shoving the table into us," Zac sneered.

"Listen, we've gotta run the plane leaves at nine and it's already eight fifteen, we'll call you when we get in and figure out how this will all work, but seriously guys this would be a great break for us all," Tay smiled.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Ike smiled.

They all hugged and Tay jumped up.

"Bye dudes, see you soon," I smiled as we walked toward the door.

A few hours later high above the clouds we flew to Tulsa. The sun shown in through the window, casting a spot light on Tay's leather clad leg. His head nodded back a few times, his eyes lazy with sleep. His tray table was down and a half drank coke sat in the circular indention in the plastic top. First class was next to empty. Only a couple two rows ahead of us and a young man three rows back were around.

I looked out the window, clouds. The view next to the window was in comparison no contest. His soft features, the little moles under the left side of his mouth. The small speck under his right eye. The way his hair was multi layered not only in length but in color. Darker at the roots, naturally. The light shimmering shade of wheat near the ends. His skin, flawless. Shaving only every week or two. Being blond had it's advantages, fair skin, nearly no visible facial hair, plus the fact that his body was gorgeously smooth.

I exhaled, while his face was mesmerizing in photographs, to gaze upon it in living breathing color was nearly more than I could bear. While my heart exploded with in my chest and my breath became shallow I could not look away. A small part of me wanted to drink in as much as possible. While another part wanted to look away from a bit of embarrassment, while another part was afraid it might be my last chance to look upon him.

He stirred and looked over at me. My face flushed and a spark of electricity rushed through me. Like a small child being caught looking at someone for too long. He smiled, a sweet gentle smile. That same wonderfully sweet smile, where his lower eye lids puffed up, and his lips curled out to those cute smile lines in his cheeks. My heart felt like it would burst. He leaned closer to me, I knew I was in for it. Our lips touched briefly, I could smell his skin. They brushed closer again, he was either playing coy with me or just teasing me.

I pursed my lips, extending them a bit further gently pressing against his. His lips parted, my mouth touched that moist inner region just inside the closure of his mouth, where outer skin met with moist soft delicate tissue. My nose brushed against his left nostril. His eyes were closed. In one smooth fluid movement I leaned in closer, running my hand back behind his neck, cradling his head. Our mouths closed over one another, our tongues dancing. His soft neck in my hand, his silky hair brushing my wrist. My heart pounded faster, my eyes fluttered. A tear ran down my cheek.

The movement in our mouths slowed. The kiss broke and became small lunges and nudges of our mouths and faces. Both our eyes heavy with passion, that all familiar look of hunger in his eyes must have seen the same in mine. Lids heavy with internal emotional hunger, his blue pools of light twinkling ever so often behind those thick heavy golden lashes. His upper lip glistened with a sheen of perspiration. His cheeks flushed. His breaths too were shallow.

"I love you," his voice husked, deeper than I had ever heard.

"I love you too," I giggled quietly.

He smiled with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's so funny," he asked.

"Your voice for a moment there, was verging on Barry White, it tickled me, I thought I had pushed you right on out of puberty straight into manhood" I smiled.

"Oh," he giggled.

"It still does that," he smiled.

"I wonder when the day will come when kissing you won't do that to me," he asked.

"I hope that day never comes," I smiled.

"Ditto," he winked.

I sighed, Tay looked at me.

"What are you thinking about," he asked.

"Nothing really, I'm not thinking about anything in particular. Just the fact that I'm so blessed to be with you, the mere fact that you feel towards me the same way I feel towards you. There are people who live their whole life without this, without the ability or blessing of finding someone who matches them, emotionally. Who loves them back," I whispered as I looked into his eyes.

"Wow," he smiled back.

"Nah just me and my brain going all gooey," I smiled.

"I think we match pretty good, you seem to think a lot like I do, I mean when you say things like that, I stop and kinda think 'whoa I totally agree.' It's like you bring out this side of me that no one else ever has," he replied.

"Oh Tay come on there have to have been people out there that sparked your interests in some ways," I asked.

"Sure, I mean yeah of course there were, but I never felt like I was making a connection with them. When I'd talk to them they seemed all wrapped up in the whole 'Taylor Hanson' thing. They didn't listen to me, they watched me intently but didn't hear a thing I was saying."

"I can imagine, you're so damn gorgeous it's hard for me at times not to just get lost in your eyes," I smiled.

"Stop," he blushed.

"You don't realize, and this is a good thing. You don't realize just how beautiful you really are, you're this boy who has so much going on in that brain of yours and so many people look at you and go gooey over your looks and it stops there. Ever since I saw you I've wanted to sit and talk to you about everything under the sun. I want to know your feelings and ideas, what you think about everything. I want to know all there is and all there will be to know about you. You are so much more to me than just a gorgeous guy, if you ever see me staring at you or I look like I'm lost in your eyes, believe me I am. Only I'm lost thinking about everything you are and not just what I am seeing," I finished.

His eyes welled slightly, he blinked heavily and a tear tinkled down his cheek. I gently brushed it away with my thumb. He smiled, I leaned in and kissed him. Our kiss was interrupted by the captain.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are now making our landing approach, please hand all trash to the flight attendants fasten your seat belts and place your tray tables and seats in their upright, locked positions. We are landing on time and as scheduled, thank you for flying Delta and we hope to travel with you again."

The plane landed and taxied to the gate. We exited, no crowds, no screaming fans. No one knew we had left New York and arrived in Tulsa. It was mid afternoon Tay pulled on a baseball cap and put on a pair of sunglasses, I did the same.

"I've got a car waiting for us, we'll head to the house and get some stuff together, we'll leave tomorrow for Hawaii," Tay said as he wrapped his arm around me and we headed down the hall way.

There were no sudden recognition in the airport. No one seemed to notice us. We exited out the front into the near ninety degree heat and got into a black sedan which took us home. Back at the 'ranch' as he called it. Strange as it seemed I felt more home here than I did at my apartment back in Florida. We walked in, a note was on the refrigerator.

"Tay & Will, we weren't sure when you guys would be in or if you'd be hungry, Dad's gone to NY and me and the kids are out visiting some old friends we'll be back later this evening, if you're hungry you know the number for Pizza Hut, Love mom."

"Looks like we've got the whole house to ourselves," Tay smiled.

"What are we going to do," I asked honestly.

"What do you want to do, we could sit on the porch and wave at people who drive by slow, we could go out to the pool, we could get on the Internet," Tay rattled off.

"Let's get online for a little while," I jumped up.


"What speed modem do you have," I asked as we walked to the garage.

"Cable dude, the best."

"Awesome I wanna check some stuff out," I replied.

"We can read email too and all, get on AOL and chat with people and see what they say," he laughed.

"You get on AOL," I asked.

"Yeah, I get on when I can, we've still got MmmBop@aol.com but we removed the profile and blocked email and all and privacy blocked everyone so we wouldn't get hounded. But I don't use that screen name, we've got another one that no one knows," he smiled.

"Do you get on and let on to who you are," I asked.

"Neah, no sense in it, we told everyone that MmmBop was our only real name," he replied as he logged on to the net.

"Yeah, I remember something about that, I did talk to a few guys who claimed to be you a few times," I laughed.

"Really, what did they say?"

"Some were pretty convincing, others were just plain obvious, just the usual stuff," I replied.

"Did you ever tell them about your feelings for me," he asked.

"Nope, I knew it wasn't you and I didn't think it was anyone else's business," I replied.

"That's cool."

We logged on and looked around. Strangely it was a lot more boring online than I expected it to be. I looked around the room thinking, it was cool but still pretty warm.

"Wanna go swimming," Tay asked.

"Sure," I said jumping up.

Tay laughed and we ran upstairs to the bedroom.

"Here's a towel, hold on a second," Tay said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, mom, yeah we got in a while ago, where are yah... oh ok, when will you be back... uh huh, ok... yeah we'll be cool, we're not leaving until tomorrow, ok, that late... oh yeah that makes sense, ok love you too, bye," Tay said as he hung up.

"What's up," I asked.

"Mom is seeing one of her old school friends, she's got all the kids they probably will be in around nine or so," Tay said kicking off his shoes.

"That's six hours from now, geeze."

"Come one let's go swimming," he smiled as he ran out of the room.

We ran out back to a nice sized pool, in a fairly large back yard that was surrounded by a tall wooden fence.

"Dad just had all this put in recently, before it was just a boring yard," he said has I looked at the the old rickety tree house and the fence behind it.

"Behind that is a chain link fence about three feet further out," Tay commented as he pulled off his shirt.

"Why a chain link too," I asked.

"Don't ask me, ask my dad."

"Oh, ok, um where are some swim trunks," I asked.

"Up in the room, but I wasn't planning on wearing any," he smiled as he pulled off his leather pants and his boxers making a flying leap in to the pool. Mouth agape I stared into the pool as he surfaced, his fair skin and anatomy reflecting and warping under the rippling blue water.

"You gonna stare at me or jump in too," he giggled wickedly.

"Oh, God, why not," I grinned.

I pulled off my shirt kicked of my shoes, and faster than an 'MmmBop' I jumped into the pool. The water, while warm was refreshingly cool and the feeling of being naked was unreal. Tay swam over to me.

"So, have you're wildest dreams come true yet," he smiled.


"No, what else is there," he asked.

"My wildest dream will come true when I've lived my entire life by your side," I smiled.

"Oh man," he said as he floated up to me.

His smooth body pressed against me. His nipples hard from the water, among other things. He wrapped his arms and legs around me and kissed me.

"I'll never be able to stop saying it, I love you," he smiled at me.

His gorgeous face reflected in the icy blue light from the sun gleaming off the surface of the water. His blonde locks hanging in clumps around his face, his lashes wet and clumped together. We kissed again, our bodies pressed together, my hands roamed down his back to his beautiful butt.

"That tickles," he giggled.

"If you quit squirming," I giggled back as I ran my fingers over his sides and up his rib cage to his arm pits as he slapped his arms to his sides and laughed out loud.

This turned into a tickle fight, which then turned into a splashing fight. Slowly we calmed down and held each other. We both gazed into each others eyes. The light casting rippling lines of blue across our faces. His beautiful eyes gleaming, his cheeks flushed. I trembled.

"Are you cold," he asked quietly.

"No, I'm just trying not to let my heart explode," I smiled with teary eyes.

"Aww," Tay replied hugging me tightly.

I felt his heart beating fast within him. The thumping filtering through him against my chest. I began to cry. This time from pure happiness, nothing in me was sad. For the first time in many, many years there was nothing in me that was hurting. I was completely at peace, totally happy and hopelessly in love.

Taylor looked at me, from his eyes poured the purest love I had ever seen. His lower lip quivered, I felt him shiver. He blinked his eyes and a single tear ran down his cheek. No words spoken, not only were they useless they were not needed. No words could express the feelings we were showing toward one another.

Complete togetherness, two as one. I took his face in my hands, as he did mine. Our faces came together and we kissed. If we had been standing I would have fallen over. With the sun beaming down upon us, the cool water around us and our bodies pressed together we kissed. Uncaring if anyone saw, uncaring if anyone cared, all we needed was right there in our grasps. I knew that I would never ever again need for anything else.

People live their lives, carry on through each day hoping and praying for a miracle. Some people live a lifetime and see nothing from it. Others are blessed by God and receive that which they so desperately need. Two miracles in one sparkled and beamed between us. Two lives that had moved through this world needing each other, feeling lost and alone. Then one day amidst certain death and destruction they collided together, never to be torn apart. Two lives that would never be the same, and forever together. That one day, the day the earth moved.


There it is. The Day the Earth Moved. The final chapters nearly unchanged since it's creation and posting on the internet in April of 2000.

This story was the first Hanfic I ever wrote. Apparently it got more attention than I thought. At the time of my writing this afterward the website has had over twenty thousand unique visits. Talk about a big reading audience.

Not too long thereafter I started getting emails. Readers demanding a sequel. Seemes they wanted to hold onto the plot and theme of my writing a little longer. Everyone tells me they've never read a story with the type of events I write into it. In keeping with that style I started out to write a story that would read and be better than the first.

"Disaster in Paradise" the sequel to The Day the Earth Moved. This story showcases my attempt to write a story that is told from more than one point of view. During most of this past story it was all within my own point of view. 'Disaster' hopefully will turn out as I've imagined it and you won't get too confused. I've added some new characters, changed the locations and yet again conjured up another natural disaster. Don't ask me why, I just seem to like the way characters react under out of this world scenarios.

Depending on the reaction and response from 'Disaster in Paradise,' I may continue to write a series of stories. Or this next one might simply be the final one. It's all up to you, the readers. If you really like what you're reading, email me and let me know. That way I can continue and keep it interesting.

Thanks for reading my first work of literature.

Taylor Quest

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The Day the Earth Moved is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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