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"Disaster in Paradise" by Taylor Quest Chapter One Book 2 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series On to Chapter Two Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Did you see them on MTV," the teenaged twang of a Oklahoman female accent burst through the cordless phone.
"Yeah I did, it was disgusting," Anthea replied as she looked over the latest issue of Teen People of which Hanson graced the cover.
"Everyone is saying you turned Tay gay," the voice giggled.
"Who's saying that, I didn't do anything to him," she snapped quickly in reply.
"Uh, no one any ways if I know you, you've got something planned haven't you," the voice replied quickly changing the subject.
"I don't know yet, but do me a favor and call him up and ask him what he's doing," Anthea replied.
"I don't know his cell number, I doubt he's back from New York any ways," she replied over the temporary static on the cordless.
"No you dumb ass call him at home, he and Will came back earlier today."
"Oh, ok want me to find out what's up," she asked.
"No I want you to find out if the sex is good, Crystal what the hell do you think," Anthea yelled as she slammed the phone down.
"Stupid nit wit," Anthea grumbled as she tossed the magazine across the room and switched on the television set.
Anthea Treylor walked across her room and switched off the lamp. The room flooded with darkness, lit only by the television set. She picked up the binoculars beside the window and focused across the street three houses down, the Hanson home.
Anthea and Taylor had secretly been seeing each other during the first year of Hansons big explosion on to the pop scene. Both fourteen at the time. Anthea had been angry by the fact that Tay made her swear not to tell anyone that they were an item. She really didn't care about his public image. She wanted everyone to know that he was her Tay and no one else's. They had made out twice at the movie theater, and she had felt him up once. He was always too shy to do much more than feel her chest. Which at the time wasn't all that well developed.
Now nearly four years later Anthea had grown seven inches. Bloomed from an A cup to a obvious double C and had the figure of a runway model. Her beautiful appearance was shattered by her obnoxious attitude and very possessive nature. Since Taylor she had gone through nine boyfriends.
Tay had broken up with her because of reasons he wouldn't speak about. She had no idea actually. She remembered vividly the day that the letter arrived. Tay was in Japan, and he had written her a long letter. One which seemed to explain why he was doing it, while at the same time made no sense at all. When the whole scene with Will unfolded before her on MTV she had become furious. She knew Tay hadn't been seeing anyone, she still had connections inside the Hanson camp. One call would tell her what he had been up too and who he had seen. Then out of nowhere, this 'Will' person popped up, all he and Taylors relationship had become public knowledge.
What enraged her the most was the fact that Tay had proclaimed his love for Will on television. The fact that he wouldn't be seen with her in public had made her very upset. But to see her embrace Will on television, and announce to all how he felt only caused to make her clench her fists so tight that her French manicured nails dug into her palms causing a thin line of blood to trickle out between her fingers.
She scanned the front of the house. The sun had just set, the dining room light was on. The rest of the house seemed dark. She scanned the side yard and followed the fence until it was out of site behind the neighbors garage. Up until a few months back she had an easy view of the backyard and the construction of the pool. She was thrilled by this, a pool meant possible views of Tay naked. But why Walker added the extra high wooden fence she had no idea. It didn't serve to make her spying any easier.
The top far right window lit up ...
"I swear, swimming has never taken this much out of me," Tay giggled as he looked at me switching on the bathroom light.
"Well you didn't help matters," I smiled slapping him on the butt.
"Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark," he yelped.
"I'll show you a mark," I replied pinning him to the wall.
"Ooo are you gonna hurt me," he giggled.
"Never," I whispered as I pressed my mouth to his.
Both of us giggled, Tay pushed me forward and we staggered to the middle of the bathroom. I pushed back and he fell against the door. He yelled into my mouth as he made contact.
"Dude, the door knob is cold," he yelled.
I pulled him against me. Our bare bodies pressed together, every nerve in me tingled.
"What's for dinner," I smiled.
"I don't know, what do you feel like," he replied looking into my eyes.
My body twitched and he smiled.
"I said dinner, not desert," he giggled.
"Oh you perv-ass," I laughed out loud.
"You're calling me a perv-ass," he snickered.
He turned toward the toilet and peed.
"How charming," I giggled.
"If you think this is charming, hang around for the encore," he laughed as he ripped out a fart.
"I'm not hearing this," I yelled as I plugged my ears running out into the hall leaving him laughing hysterically in the bathroom.
"Dude you made me pee on the toilet seat," he yelled.
"Not my fault if you've got bad aim," I replied as he walked into the hall way.
"Don't you just love being naked," he asked.
"Well I never really thought about it, but I love that you love being naked," I giggled as I playfully pinched his right nipple.
"I never really had anyone to be naked with, the whole deal with Zac running around with no clothes on up until his tenth birthday kind of made the whole idea seem fairly unappealing," Tay chuckled.
"I can imagine," I smiled.
"Don't it's not a pretty picture," Tay laughed.
"So dude, what's for dinner?"
"How about pizza," he smiled.
"This feels like a cheesy teen fan fic you'd read on the internet," I snickered as we walked into the bedroom.
"So no pizza," he asked facing me.
"Why do you say that," I asked.
"I've got a hankering for pepperoni and sausage," he smiled.
"I'll give you some sausage," I laughed as I tackled him knocking him on to Zacs bed.
He giggled and laughed as our bare bodies pressed together. The cool sheets under us. I came to rest straddling on top of him.
His eyes were heavy. I looked down at him, beautiful. His eyes scanned over my body. He reached up and pulled the scrunch out of my hair letting my long, still damp brown locks drop down around my shoulders. I bent down and lightly licked at the center of his chest. He moaned slightly. I nibbled on his right nipple, sucking it into my mouth. His back arched and I felt him stir underneath my butt. I leaned down allowing him to position and slowly leaned back up. Wincing I whimpered quietly. Tay looked up into my eyes.
"Are you ok," he breathed in a whisper.
"I'm fine," I smiled.
Our bodies pressed together. Pain became pleasure, my mind spun out of control. Tay writhed beneath me, frantically thrusting against me. His hair matted to his forehead with sweat, his face flushed, his eyes pinched tightly shut. His eyebrows furrowed together. He let out a gasp, and I felt explosions. My back arched as I trembled from within. He gasped and arched his back and moments later I collapsed on top of him.
"I love you, God I love you," I breathed into his neck.
He reached up and held my face. Smothering me with kisses.
"You are everything to me Will," he cried as he kissed me deeply.
I laid my head on his shoulder with my face in his neck. His sweet odor filled my nostrils. His moist skin against my face. This was heaven, being here, with Taylor.
"Ok, now I'm really hungry," Tay giggled into my ear.
"Me too, pizza actually sounds awesome right now," I smiled sitting up, wincing slightly.
"God look at the mess you made," he giggled looking down on his chest and stomach.
"Uh, mind if we get up this isn't too comfortable right now," I grunted as I started to lift out of his lap.
"Oh dude I'm sorry, no problem," Tay said laying back and remaining still.
"Let me go to the bathroom clean up and get some clothes on."
"No problem, I'll use the one down the hall," he replied as I heard him pad out of the room.
After showering I put on a pair of shorts and a beater and went to the kitchen.
"Pizza will be here in about an hour," he smiled.
"What happened to that whole fifteen minutes or less thing," I giggled.
The phone rang.
"Hello, oh hey Crystal," Tay said with a frown.
"Uh, no plans, uh actually yeah, no I'm sorry that's cool," Tay replied as he pulled out his cell phone and hit a button.
"Can you hold on that's my other line," Tay said as he clicked over.
"Who's that," I asked.
"Crystal, this annoying girlie I know, she's the biggest busy body," Tay said as he put his finger up to his mouth.
"Hey, listen that's my mom I'll have to let you go," he said and clicked the phone off and put up the cell phone.
"What's her deal," I asked.
"Just being nosy, probably trying to weasel her way over here, she lives about half an hour away," Tay said looking off.
"Ugh, I take it you don't care for her that much?"
"Not since she started calling here all the time."
"How did she get your number?"
"Zac made the mistake of repeating it out loud to one of his friends when she was over here, ever since she's called like every other day."
"Why don't you just tell her to stop calling," I asked.
"Because she hasn't actually done anything except call a lot, so we don't wanna be mean," Tay replied.
"Let's see what's on cable tonight," he said as he pulled me down to the garage.
"Oh yeah baby, 'So I Married an Ax Murder,' is on, I love that movie," he exclaimed.
"Isn't that the movie with Mike Myers and that chick from the 'Three Men and a Baby' movie?"
"Yup, Nancy Travis," Tay said as he pulled a pile of mail out of the bean bag.
"That's a lot of mail."
"Yup, it's all ours too, ugh man."
"Look at that," Tay said pointing to a mag they had gotten.
It was a magazine called 'Gurl' and it had Hanson on the cover.
"Yeah so?"
"Read the 'headline.'"
"Hanson is hot, and guess what, they're all single, so?"
"Do you have any idea how annoying that is?"
"Well you aren't really single are you," I asked giggling.
"Well I was then, this was back before we met, the problem is they still printed it," Tay replied as he flung the mag across the floor near me.
"What's wrong, I mean so it's a little dated," I replied picking it up.
"No, not that, do you have any idea how disgusting it is to do an interview and these magazines ask you the questions you really like to answer. Like development and style and artistic moves in our sound just so they can bombard us with dating questions. I'm so sick of it."
"But you can see why they'd ask," I replied in defense of the magazine.
"Yeah but, isn't there anything better to talk about than dating," he replied.
"Yeah I know," I said flopping down beside him giving him a bear hug.
"All that's far away now, you don't have to worry about them asking you anymore dating questions," I smiled.
"Nope," he smiled back.
The movie must have started and the door bell rang a few times before Tay and I noticed that we had been making out again.
"Shit, the pizza's here," he said breaking our kiss, with a little spit flying.
"Now I know what those microphones feel like," I giggle wiping my chin.
Tay returned with the pizza and a six pack of Dr. Pepper.
"Do your parents have any rum," I asked.
"I think so, I never really looked for it, but if they did it'd be in the bar next to the kitchen," Tay said going up the stairs. I jumped up to follow him.
Tay got glasses out of the kitchen and I looked around in the bar cabinet. Some vodka, a bottle of Scotch, and a bottle of Puerto Rican Rum.
"Oh yeah baby," I exclaimed pulling out the bottle.
"You gonna slip me a mickey," Tay giggled.
"Only if you want me too," I laughed.
"Why not one or two won't hurt, besides I'm almost eight teen," he smiled.
"Uh try again, isn't the drinking age twenty one here too," I smiled.
"Bitch," he laughed as I followed him back down stairs.
"So you put rum in Dr. Pepper?"
"Yeah, it's better than Coke, the rum brings out the flavor of the Dr. Pepper," I smiled, and put an inch or so of run in the glass of ice and then poured in the Dr. Pepper.
"Tell me what you think," I handed him the glass.
"Oh cool, not bad, it's like Dr. Pepper with a kick, and a warm fuzzy feeling," he smiled.
"I'll give you a warm fuzzy feeling," I smiled back.
He leaned in and kissed me with out warning.
"Whoa, what was that for," I asked with a confused smile.
"Do I need a reason to kiss you," he asked.
"No, I just kinda."
"I felt like it, it feels good to go on an impulse," he smiled.
"You better eat something before you get too tipsy," I smiled.
"Oh look 'Too Wong Foo' is coming on in a minute," I exclaimed through a mouth of pizza.
"Is that good, I saw previews," Tay asked.
"Totally, it's one of the funniest movies, it's so much better than 'Priscilla,'" I replied.
"What's that?"
"An Australian movie that came out first, people compare the two all the time."
The movie started and we finished up the pizza.
"Make me another drink," Tay said handing me his glass.
I made another and one for myself, a slight buzz was coming on but no more than that.
"You ok," I asked before I handed him a glass.
"Dude, I just ate almost five pieces of pizza," Tay laughed.
"Ok," I smiled handing him the drink.
The movie had been going for about an hour and Taylor really seemed to be enjoying it. It and the rum Dr. Peppers.
"Can I have another," he asked.
"Dude, you've still got almost a full glass, and that's your fourth one," I replied.
"Ok, geeze God it's hot in here," he said pulling off his socks running his toes through the shag carpeting.
"It is kinda warm," I said standing up to turn the air on. My head swam, I apparently had a little too much myself.
I sat back down and watched the movie. Tay pulled off his shirt and then pants, sitting there in a pair of gray boxers. He stood up, and staggered.
"Are you ok, you better sit down before you hurt yourself."
"I'm fine, watch this," he said dropping his boxers.
"Dude what are you doing," I asked as he turned around positioning himself.
"Hello big boy," he giggled at me.
"Oh God Tay that's so gross," I yelled laughing. He had tucked himself back between his legs and crossed them. He shrieked with laughter.
"Dude, that's so not cool, your dick looks like it's gone," I laughed.
"Now I really do look like a girl," he laughed as he fell to his knees.
"But I don't want a girl I want you," I laughed.
His legs parted and his manhood bounced back up between them.
"That's much better," I smiled staring at it.
He grinned an evil grin and swung his hips back and forth, his package slapping from side to side loudly.
"Oh my God," I choked through a swallow of drink.
"I think I've had a little too much to drink," Tay exclaimed dropping to his knees.
"Uh I think so too, what time do we leave for Hawaii tomorrow," I asked.
"Noon or so I think," he said shuffling on his knees closer.
"I want you in the worst way," he exclaimed in perfect Robin Williams voice from 'Mrs. Doubtfire.'
I bust out laughing. He giggled and fell on top of me knocking me back into the bean bag. His boner pressing into my stomach, his face in my neck. He was still.
I waited, he didn't move. I felt his chest rise and fall. I smelled his rum spiked breath in my neck. He snored slightly. Taylor had passed out.
"Oh shit, I've gotta get you to bed, your mom's gonna be home soon," I nearly yelled as I noticed it was already after nine o'clock.
I heaved him up to his knees and crouched down to pick him up. Even passed out drunker than a skunk he was gorgeous. I heaved him up and carried him asleep and naked up the stairs to the bedroom. I set him in the bottom bunk and pulled the covers up to his chest.
"Shit, the rum," I exclaimed running out of the room clipping the door frame and almost falling.
I ran down into the garage and grabbed the glasses and the bottle of rum now half empty and stumbled back to the bar and slid it to the back of the cabinet where I had gotten it from. I put the glasses in the dishwasher and turned it on. Stumbling back to the bed room I closed the door and flopped onto the bed beside Tay. My head spun, I had left the pizza box down in the garage with the Dr. Pepper cans. I'm sure Diana wouldn't get as ticked about that as she would have finding a bottle of rum sitting open down there.
My head got heavy and my mind sunk back into my brain. I switched out the lamp and rolled over onto my side. Taylors face was faintly illuminated by the moonlight which shown dimly in through the window blinds. Tay mumbled something. I slid closer to him to hear what he was saying.
At first it was too faint to understand, then I began to hear that he was upset about something. He trembled.
"No, I told you he stays," he muttered.
"I don't care, I love him..."
"He loves me, I know it, you can't ..."
He started to tremble again. His head rolled from side to side he sounded like he was about to cry. I put my hand up to his face and ran my fingers through his hair.
"Shhh, I'm here, I'm with you," I whispered.
He slowly calmed down. I ran my fingers through his hair and back to his cheek. His head rolled and pressed against my hand. His eyes fluttered and opened slightly. A look of sadness was in his eyes. He breathed in and his eyes rolled over and looked at me.
"I'm here Tay, I love you, you're safe," I whispered.
"Don't ever leave me, please," he whimpered.
"Never," I whispered to him.
My heart ached. I leaned in and kissed him. His response was slow from the rum. He kissed back slowly and his eyes fell shut. He began to snore again. He was asleep. I pressed my nose against his soft cheek and closed my eyes.
It was dark, quiet and I felt alone. I opened my eyes and the bed was empty. I bolt up in the bed and looked around. The room was dark, there was a small glow of light coming from the bathroom. I heard coughing. I stood up and weaved still pretty bent from the rum. I tip toed into the bathroom and slowly pushed the door open. Tay was on his knees over the toilet. He looked up at me. Pale, his face was totally pale, he was sweating.
"God, I think I've thrown up my kidneys," he groaned.
"Have you ever drank before," I asked him.
"No wonder, do you have any bread," I asked.
"Yeah in the kitchen next to the fridge."
I went got bread and came back.
"Here eat this slowly."
"The bread will soak up any of the alcohol that's left in you," I replied.
Tay took a few bites and sat back on the side of the tub and jumped up a little bit.
"Tub's cold," he smiled.
"Hot balls on cold tub, not fun," I giggled.
Tay giggled.
"Dude, don't make me laugh I'll barf," he groaned holding his tummy.
"Do you need to anymore?"
"I think I threw up all I could," he replied standing up and weaving a little.
I helped him to the bed and we slid in, I kicked off my cloths.
Ever since we had been sleeping together we hadn't worn anything. It just felt right.
"Mind telling me why you're not blowing chunks," he asked quietly.
"My metabolism is too fast, and I've been drinking longer than you."
"My system processes the alcohol too fast for it to sit in my stomach and make me sick."
"Lucky, I feel awful," Tay groaned as he rolled against me and pressed his body to mine.
"God it's cold," he complained.
"What time is it," I asked.
"Three am," Tay said as he pressed the glow button on his watch.
"Diana must already be home," I replied.
"Yeah I'm sure I never left the room though."
I rolled over onto my side and draped my right arm and leg over Tay and held him.
"Night handsome," I whispered kissing him on the side of the mouth.
"I love you," he kissed me back.
"Tomorrow, Hawaii," he sighed, smiled and closed his eyes.
On to Chapter Two
Chapter Index
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