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"Disaster in Paradise" by Taylor Quest Chapter Four Book 2 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Three On to Chapter Five Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Don't be so loud," Tay giggled as I looked up at him squinting.
"Then try not to point that thing at my eye when you do that," I sneered.
"Sorry, I couldn't really do much, it just happened," he replied helping me up to my feet.
"It's all over your face," he giggled.
"Right now, it's what's in my eye that bothers me the most," I laughed walking into the room.
I rinsed my eye out and washed my face. In the main room Tay sat spread eagle on the couch bare naked.
"You know, they outta charge admission to this view," I giggled.
"Oh man shut up," he smirked.
"So, other than the desert I'm looking at right now, let's make up our minds on what to have for dinner tonight," I said flopping down beside him.
"Let's just go out and walk on the beach and see what comes up."
"You know I don't like sea food," I laughed.
"I said, 'comes' up, not 'washes' up," he giggled.
"Keep talking like that and I'll need a cold shower," I grinned wickedly.
"That sounds nice too," Tay grinned as he stood up and took me by the hand.
"Where are we going," I asked?
"You need a scrub down, after that session of torrid oral pleasures," he said his voice cracking near the end as he tried not to laugh.
"Oh god, Tay you're such a cheese!"
The plane touched down in Tulsa. Thirty minutes and a shuffling of luggage later Walker, Isaac, Shiye and Zac were on a flight to Honolulu.
"Ike, I'm scared," Shiye whispered quietly.
"Me too," I replied.
"Ever since those two hooked up our lives have gotten so, dramatic," Zac exclaimed.
"I seriously think that," Shiye started.
"No, that's a good thing, it was majorly boring before, only now I wish I had brought my video camera, this would have made a kick ass video," Zac laughed.
Ike and Shiye remained quiet. The plane headed for Hawaii, closer to Taylor and Will. Yet at the same time closer to the hurricane that was looming up from the southern regions of the Pacific Ocean.
Tony rolled over on his bed. He opened his eyes. It was dark outside and he couldn't see much more than the glow from his desktop computer. His stomach growled. He got up and went to the fridge. It was empty, except for one remaining Eggo in the freezer. It was when he saw Hanson on the box he remembered that Tay and Will were in town. He ran into his room and changed cloths. Five minutes later he was rocketing down the sidewalk towards the hotel.
"Hey Carlo, is Karla still on shift," Tony asked the little bell hop.
"No, Miss Karla left an hour ago," he replied.
"Thanks," Tony waved as he trotted up to the front desk where a thin young Hawaiian boy smiled at him.
"Hey Keno, mind if I use the computer for a second," Tony asked knowing Keno wouldn't mind one bit. The guy had a crush on him, and Tony sadly had began to use it to his advantage.
"Sure Tony, watch the front for me I've gotta go to the bathroom," Keno replied over his shoulder as he rushed off.
It had taken him three months to see the password when Karla had typed it in one day. But it had taken him no time to learn the booking system the hotel computer used.
He first ran through the names he'd expect Taylor to register under. None were listed. He then ran a search to show up the rooms occupied by their reservation date. Most were reserved only a day or so in advance. All except one which was booked nearly two weeks before. It was registered to a 'Mr. Wong Foo.'
"That has got to be them," Tony exclaimed quietly.
"What'cha lookin' at," Keno asked as Tony clicked clearing the screen.
"Friend of mine is coming into town, he wanted me to find out if there were any available rooms, looks like he's gonna have to find another hotel," Tony replied as he rushed off toward the elevator.
Keno looked as if he was going to say something then didn't. Tony didn't notice as he rounded the corner out of sight. He was nearly to the elevator when reality hit him.
"I can't do this, I can't just walk up there knock on their door and say hello," he thought to himself.
"That'd be majorly wrong, that'd be just as bad as a teenie or something," Tony thought as he changed his direction to the bar in the restaurant to his left.
"Tony, you know I can't let you," the red headed lady behind the bar started.
"I'm not looking for a drink, I'm looking for a place to sit and think, ok," he nearly snapped.
Angie looked a little surprised, shrugged her shoulders and walked to the other end of the bar.
Two hours later, Angie came back to his end of the bar and headed out to the door. It was nearing nine in the evening and her shift had ended. André walked over and patted him on the back.
"Am I going to have to sit here and look at that sad mug all night, or what," he asked with his Australian accent.
"Naw André, just leave me alone right now, I'm not in a good mood," Tony replied looking away.
"Rum and coke, coming up," he smiled as he walked behind the bar and made Tony the drink.
It was nearing ten thirty, Tony was in a much better mood, and had finished off about four drinks. He was deep into a conversation with a woman sitting beside him.
"Told you it stung," I said to Tay as he rubbed his eye.
"Geeze, ok ok enough it's gonna be fine," he replied squinting a little.
"Lets just get something to eat here at the restaurant," I said pointing to our left.
"Sounds good to me," Tay replied.
I noticed a busty blond girl about seventeen years old standing in the lobby looking our way. She looked pretty pissed off. Normally I would have said something to Tay, but I figured she was just angry because all the rooms were full.
Anthea had returned. She was sure she could woo the boy behind the desk since the other woman had left.
"Are you sure you don't have any rooms," she smiled through gritted teeth leaning over exposing her cleavage at Keno.
"Well, I'm not supposed too, but a room just opened up and it's been reserved for a couple coming in the morning, I really shouldn't," Keno replied.
"Oh, please, I'll be out before they get in, I just need a room for the night," she batted her lashes at him.
Strangely Keno felt himself giving in and he gave her the room. He knew he'd hear about it the next day.
Anthea walked toward the bar. Now she was even more angry than before, seeing Will with her man made her furious. She walked to the other side of the restaurant entrance and was seated five tables away from Taylor and Will. Who had not noticed her as far as she knew.
"So what does the inimitable Taylor Hanson want to eat for din-din," I giggled.
"Oh brother," Tay smirked as he tucked a lock of his hair behind his ear.
The strand fell back into his face. He played a game of tag with the hair for a moment or so, retucking it each time it fell. Finally he sat back in his chair looking kinda pissed.
"Something the matter," I giggled.
"I don't even know why I cut it, I can't do jack shit with it," he pouted.
"Why did you cut it anyways," I asked.
"You know, you go for so long with something and it seems fine until one day you stop and realize it's giving you so much grief, and the frizzies were hell."
"Oh," is all I could get out of a fit of giggles seeing Tay get so ripped about something as silly as his hair.
"Ok stop laughing at me already, damn."
"No babe, it's just seeing you so, so serious about something like your hair, I mean," I tried to explain.
"It's my image, I've gotta look good for the fans," he snapped.
"Who fed you that line of shit," I replied quickly.
He appeared a bit taken off guard.
"What," he replied.
"Who told you, who told you that you had to look a certain way all the time, who fed you a line convincing you that you had to be the perfect person," I asked again.
"Uh," Tay replied looking confused.
"Damnit Taylor, you're beyond gorgeous, and beyond wonderful with messy hair, with frizzies, with food in your teeth, you are gorgeous and beautiful just being you. Late at night with drool coming out of your mouth."
"I don't drool!"
"Or early in the morning with bed head and puffy eyes stubbing your toe and hopping around cussing. Taking a piss, burping, farting, picking your nose, you're beautiful and wonderful just as you are, don't ever buy into this stupid Hollywood line of "Image is Everything." You are you, if you bend and become something your not you're going to wind up really screwed up."
"Will, I," he started getting teary eyed.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap on you like that, I just hurt inside when I think you feel you need to be more, or something else, you're..." I tried to finish but he jumped up and ran from the table and out of the restaurant.
Tony was in mid sentence when he saw Taylor Hanson bolt past him. Then soon followed by a blonde chick with big boobs. Two seconds later he grabbed Will by the arm as he tried to run past.
"You're Will Quest aren't you," he asked with a slight slur.
"Yeah, listen now is not a good," Will tried to reply.
"That was Tay wasn't it," he asked.
"Yes it was, listen I can't," Will tried to pull away.
"Who was the chick," Tony asked.
"What chick, I didn't see any chick, oh God, I've gotta catch up," Will struggled with Tony and finally broke free.
I couldn't imagine what had upset Tay except how I had snapped at him. I was so mad at myself, for being so harsh. But it hurt me inside to see him worrying about what other people thought of him. I ran into the main hall, there was no one to be seen except some guy behind the front desk.
"Did you see a blond guy go running past with a girl chasing after him," I panted as I ran up.
"Yeah, wasn't that Taylor Hanson," he asked.
"Yes it was, now which way did they go, he's without security," I gasped trying to breath.
"Oh man, he ran out that way and she followed," he replied as I took off running.
"I swear, if she gives him any shit, I'm gonna wreck her world," I muttered to myself as I pushed through the glass doors.
The outside air had cooled dramatically, the sky was clouded up and the wind was blowing. The front of the hotel and street were empty. Taylor was gone, and I didn't know where. I ran down the steps and to the bell hop.
"Did you see anyone," I asked frantically.
"No one has been through here for a while now, except a boy and a girl that ran toward the beach," he replied over a gust of wind and pointed toward the dark waves crashing just off to our left.
"Oh God," I yelled as I took off running.
"But wait, there's a," I heard him start but ignored him running toward the dark beach.
Inside the hotel Tony looked up at the TV set over the bar. The sports broadcast had been interrupted by a weather alert. His mind was slightly blurred and he couldn't decipher what exactly the warning was about. He turned back to the girl he had been talking too but she was gone.
"Hey Andrea, what's all the commotion," Tony asked as he saw groups of people leaving the restaurant.
"Tony, you better get someplace safe, they just put us on Hurricane Alert," Andrea replied as he pulled Tony by the arm leading him out of the now empty bar.
"A hurricane," Tony nearly yelled.
Tony's mind snapped back to reality, probably one of the fastest soberings ever known to man. He glanced back into the bar and saw Will running down the beach.
"Oh shit," he yelled as he turned to the side pool doors and ran out after Will.
Taylor ran down the front steps, stopped for a moment and then headed for the beach. Tears streaming down his face, his heart racing. He had to get away, from everything. From the world. Will was too much for him, the love, the emotion, the constant unbending desire Will had to make him happy. He couldn't handle it, he was used to being the one that had to make people happy. He was the one who was supposed to spend his life doing that.
He couldn't figure it out, but he felt like it was his position in life to make the sacrifices, to loose his summers while performing for masses of screaming fans. To grow up secluded and put away from the world with his family. His life had been segregated from the rest of the world. While he had become resigned to this, he also hated it. While being in pain, he had grown comfortable with it.
Now with Will by his side, he knew that it wouldn't have to be that way anymore. He didn't need to cry himself to sleep at nights. He didn't need to keep everything he felt and thought a secret. He was free to be himself. Free to do what he wanted to do. That scared him. He loved Will, more than anything, but he felt that he would only end up destroying it all. Why he didn't know but something kept telling him he would.
Now alone on the dark beaches of Honolulu Taylor stood. Facing the ocean, watching the waves crash, the clouds in the distance flashed and pulsed with lightening. The wind whipped at his hair and cloths. He shivered.
Then from out of the darkness Anthea walked up.
On to Chapter Five
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