Taylor Quest Book 2 Disaster in Paradise    "Disaster in Paradise"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Three
Book 2 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Taylor Quest Book 2 Disaster in Paradise
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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"Thank God the fans have no idea we're even in town," Tay chuckled as we got out of the van at the airport.

"I know, it'd be mayhem right now, it's nice, I can actually hear," I laughed.

"What do you mean," Tay asked.

"I can hear you, it's not this muffled roar with your mouth moving and nothing coming out.

"Oh yeah, good point."

"You are a natural blond," I giggled.

"Oh shut up," Tay smirked as he slugged me in the shoulder.

We managed to make it all the way to the plane without anyone noticing us. We boarded early and got seated in first class. About half an hour later the plane started allowing the other passengers to board. It was then that two girls who were making their way to some area of coach noticed us.

"Oh my God, Taylor Hanson," the brunette nearly screamed.

Tay jumped in his seat and looked up from a magazine he had been reading. His face was smiling but I knew him better. His smile only masked an expression of regret.

"Oh my God, I don't believe it, we came to Tulsa just to see you, but you weren't home," the blonde with her almost yelled.

"Oh, uh thanks, I'm uh," Tay stuttered trying to find the things to say.

"We love you, and we can make you straight," the brunette said.

I never thought I'd see Taylor literally flinch like he did when she made that comment. He was silent, a pained expression came over his face and he looked over at me with an expression I could only read as 'help.'

"It's sad, you don't love him, you just wanna screw him, you sick snobby, teenies, haven't you stopped to realize that Taylor is NOT this fantasy figure you've cooked up in your warped little brains, you think you know so much, but you want to know a secret. It's comments like that, and people like you that give real Hanson fans a bad name, now leave us the hell alone," I snapped seeing how Tay looked absolutely speechless.

"How the hell would you know what we feel about him," the brunette started but was cut off as two security guards escorted them off the plane.

Tay trembled slightly. He looked down at his magazine. The pages vibrated from the trembling in his arms. I heard his breath heave.

"Babe don't listen to those bitches, they don't have a clue about anything," I said pulling him against me.

He put his head on my shoulder and then looked up at me.

"You are so amazing," he smiled.

"Naw, not really, you're just used to being left to defend yourself or ignore crap like that. I mean come on, how wrong was that" I asked.

"I was so blown away by the fact the she actually thought it was ok to say what she said, I mean, God that hurt so much," Tay whispered.

"Don't let it get to you, she's not worth getting all that worked up over," I replied hugging him closely.

The plane soon filled, thankfully with no more problems. The flight attendants had directed the rest of the passengers across the isle and around the other side of first class. Not many people even paid us any attention.

"Do you think we will have to deal with anymore people like that,' Tay asked.

"I hate to say it, but I'm sure we will, this world is full of close-minded people, and every day will be a challenge," I replied quietly.

"I know, but you know something?"


"I wouldn't have it any other way, or do it for any other person," Tay said as he kissed me.

I wasn't sure if the feeling in my head was from Tay's kiss or the plane taking off. But I was positive about one thing, the feeling was mutual.


Anthea dug through her mothers purse and retrieved her Visa Platinum card. After logging on to the internet, a few mouse clicks and key strokes later she had booked herself a seat on the next flight to the islands. Two hours later, and thirty thousand feet up Anthea was close on the trail of her exboyfriend.

"I'm not going to give you up that easy Tay, not to some fag," she muttered to herself as she reclined in her seat and went to sleep.


Shiye tried to take a nap, but Zacs gum chewing was making it impossible.

"Do you really have to chew it like that," she asked.

"Why, is it bothering you," he asked with a smirk as he smacked his gum extra loud.

"No, it's reminding me of my childhood on the farm," she replied.

"What," Zac replied honestly confused.

"You sound like a friggin' cow chewing it's cud!"

"Oh ha ha ha, geeze fine," Zac said spitting his gum into a napkin.

At that moment Ike returned.

"Everything cool?"

"Yeah now it is, ever since Mr. Ed over there laid off on the gum chewing," Shiye smiled.

"Oh believe me, it's worse when he eats regular food," Ike laughed.

"You two talking about me still, man I must be amazing," Zac laughed.

"You could put it that way," Shiye said over her shoulder.

"Gee thanks!"

"No, I said 'you' could put it that, but I won't," she replied.

"Dork," Zac muttered as he put on his head phones.

"Is he always like this," she asked.

"No, he has his bad times too," Ike replied trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh God," she laughed hugging him.

"Think Tay and Will are ok," Shiye asked.

"I'm sure, they have that really weird knack for watching out for each other."

"Yeah, I guess, I've not seen them together out of the public eye."

"Believe me, if you think they are mushy in public, you'd be shocked at how even more mushy they are in private," Ike replied.


"Yeah, it's obvious they are really in love, if they weren't I don't think mom and dad would be very thrilled about it all, but Tay's never been better."

"Was there something wrong with him before?"

"No, not really wrong with him, he just would get into these moods and they'd last for days at a time."

"So he's not been in those moods anymore?"

"Nope, plus he even looks happier and everything, we all agree it's too bad that they had to meet under the circumstances in which they did, but it's a great match up," Ike finished.

"You know, you've told me what your mom and dad think, but you've not said anything about how you feel about this."

"I'm pretty much with mom and dad, I mean well, yeah it's kinda hard to handle at times, especially when they have their tongues down each others throats and everything. But I mean, that's my brother, it's still Tay. I want him to be happy, and I see he really is, so that over rides the desire to reject the situation."

"I have to say you guys have to be the coolest family on earth," Shiye smiled.

"Well, we have our moments," Ike replied.

"Well hopefully I'll be around to see them."

"If Chris keeps up the crap he's been dishing trust me, you will."

The plane neared Tulsa, Ike and Shiye deep in conversation. Zac, deep within his own little realm, CD head set blasting looking over a recent copy of Rolling Stone.


No one even seemed to notice us as the squatty plump Hawaiian woman behind the desk of the Crown Royal Hawaiian Hotel pulled up our reservations. Then again Tay was wearing his sun glasses and black baseball cap as he usually did when trying to divert any recognition of his face. I on the other hand simply had my sun glasses slid back on the top of my head. Which not only kept them in place, but served as a means of keeping my hair out of my face. Unfortunately Tay had to untangle the nose rests from my hair a few times.

"Yes, we have your room all ready Mr. Wong Foo," the lady exclaimed as I nearly busted out laughing.

"Wong Foo," I whispered into Tay's ear.

"Hey, it's definitely nothing a fan would ever think to look up."

"Just tell me in advance so I don't laugh loud enough for your mom to hear," I smiled.

"We're in Hawaii," Tay said confused.

"You've never really heard me laugh," I smiled giggling.

"Oh, I get it," he smiled.

I clapped my hands and he playfully slugged me in the arm. The hotel room was amazing, it was twice the size of the room we had in New York, and it had a balcony which looked out over the ocean.

"What time is it anyways," I asked.

"I have no clue, all the traveling confuses me especially with the time changes and everything."

I opened the balcony door and walked out. The wind was blowing gently, the sun was nearing the horizon. The palms wagged lazily in the air, down below a hula lesson had begun. Classic hula music wafted up to us, I thought I smelled food cooking. This truly was paradise. Taylor wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Didn't think it could get any better I bet," he asked quietly.

"Wonders never cease," I smiled as I took my hand reaching back and running my fingers through his hair.

"Tell me babe," I started.


"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Oh, geeze, dude that's so cheesy!"

"It ain't easy being cheesy," I giggled.

"God I love you," Tay whispered as his eyes welled up.

"I love you too."

There in the warm island wind on the twelfth floor as the sun set Tay and I kissed. Every time seemed like the first with an urgency that made it feel like it might be the last. The wind picked up slightly catching us off guard as the balcony door slammed shut.

"Whoa," Tay flinched.

"Windy up here ain't it," I smiled.

"Yeah," he smiled as he leaned in on me.

"I'm starved," I whispered.

"We can go out to eat, I've got a car reserved for us," Tay smiled.

"I'm starved for you," I panted as I lifted his shirt over his head.

"Oh, how nice," he giggled.

I smothered his face with kisses, working my way down his soft neck. Taylor moaned slightly as I made contact with his left nipple.

"Every time you do that, I think I'm gonna pass out," he gasped.

I smiled wickedly at him and dropped to his navel. Devilishly poking it with my tongue.

"Ok, now that tickles," he laughed as his stomach tensed up and became rock hard.

"Wow, what a stomach you have, it's hard as a rock," I admired.

"That's not the only thing," he said as he thrusted against my neck.

"Ooh," I said as I dropped his Capri slacks with one fluid movement.


"Maude, I don't care how drunk you are, you're sixty nine years old, and you don't need to go out on the balcony naked," Seymour called from the bed in the room directly beneath Will and Taylors.

"But it's so gorgeous out and the wind feels great," she replied in a New York accent.

"You're gonna kill the tourist attractions if you don't get back in here," he laughed.


Tay's body tensed, his back arched and my mouth filled. I pulled away to swallow and get a breath. He groaned again.

"Oh God," he screamed as he shot in my eye.

"My eye," I yelped.


"See I told you, you just blinded some poor couple now get back in here," Seymour yelled.

Maude covered her self and ran in, quickly glancing over the balcony edge with a worried face.

"I had no idea."

"If we see anyone with an eye patch you're going to personally apologize!"


Walker hit the redial button on his cell phone. It rang, again.

"Hey it's me, I'm not available leave your voice or numeric message at the tone, peace," Tay's voice mail replied on the third ring.

"Tay it's dad, call me we are worried."

Ike came out of the bathroom and noticed the worried look on his father's face.

"I've not been able to get a hold of Tay, I think his cell is off."

"Is something wrong," Ike asked.

"Well, they've been in Honolulu for two hours now, I just got word in from Trevor in the Tulsa storm center, the National Weather Service is tracking a possible tropical storm depression in the South Pacific. I can't get ahold of them to tell them to get out of there. I think we had better take a connecting flight out to Honolulu the second we get into Tulsa, I mean leave right away," Walker finished.

"Whatever you say dad," Ike replied in a worried tone.

"I'm just worried about Tay."

"Dad, he's with Will, I don't think we have a thing to worry about," Ike reassured his dad.

"I know I know, it's just those two have the worst luck."

Ike got back to his seat and explained the situation to Shiye and Zac. It was settled, they would take a direct flight out to Honolulu before the airlines started diverting from the islands.


Anthea's cab rolled up at the Royal Crown Hawaiian Hotel. She remembered that Tay had once stayed there and she figured that it would most likely be the same one he'd take Will too. She walked in to the lobby.

"Yes, I'm trying to locate a friend of mine, he was supposed to meet me here, I'm sure he's staying in this hotel," she smiled.

"Do you know his name," the same small plump lady asked.

"Yeah, it's Johnny Namelis," Anthea replied.

"I'm sorry, there is no Johnny Namelis registered here."

"How about Will Quest?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"Mr. Albertane?"

"No, I'm very sorry," the lady replied.

"Well I'd like to get a room anyways," Anthea said as she slid the lady her mothers Visa.

"I'm sorry ma'am but all the rooms are booked up."

"Booked up," Anthea almost snapped.

"Yes, this is the height of the tourist season, plus there is a convention being held," she replied.

"No rooms at all," Anthea said becoming increasingly angry.

"I'm sorry, not even a single room, if you have a cell phone I could contact you when one becomes," the lady began.

"Fuck off," Anthea snapped as she stormed out of the lobby.

"What was all that about," a young bell hop asked.

"Don't worry about it Tony, just some stupid teenager stalking that poor Hanson boy," she replied.

"Which Hanson," he replied quickly with a start.

"Tony, I swear if you do anything or bother him," Louise replied.

"I just wanna know which one," he begged.

"Taylor I think, the one with the boyfriend," she replied quietly.

"Oh, Taylor, I like Zac the most, nevermind," Tony replied perfectly masking his utter excitement.

"Uh huh, I bet, now get up to the dinning hall they need some extra help," Louise replied with a smirk.

"Sorry, my shift ended thirty minutes ago, I'm going home," he laughed as he trotted off.

Tony was eight teen years old, about six feet tall, chin length nearly platinum blond hair that he tucked behind his ears. Shining green eyes, a perfect tan and a body to kill for. He had moved to Honolulu two years ago after living with his sister in Los Angeles. The only reason he had moved away was because he always dreamed of having a life down in the islands, going to the beach every day and surfing. Unfortunately, his sister Karen was right, life is never that easy and he ended up having to room with a friend and work his ass off to make just his portion of rent.

Karen did send money to him when she had it to spare. Even though she was one of the top supervisors at work she didn't make a whole lot of money. Tony was angered by this, working for the National Severe Storm Laboratory wasn't easy work. Sometimes Karen would be in the office way past midnight and she was still paid shitty wages.

Ten minutes later, Tony tossed his rollerblades into the corner of his room and flopped onto his bed. He was ecstatic that Taylor and Will were staying in his hotel. He knew he could swing by there later that night when his cousin Louise wasn't on duty and he might have a chance at tapping into the computer system and finding what room Taylor and Will were staying in. Right then though he was exhausted and decided to take a nap. He didn't notice the exclamation point blinking next to the mail icon at the corner of his lap top sitting on his desk.


Karen Montgomery finished up her paper work and faxed it off to one of the other divisions. She had been exhausted for most of the day and she looked forward to getting home to her bed.

"You heading home," Ed asked as he walked past.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted," she said as she got up and headed for the elevator.

Five minutes later Karen was back at her desk.

"What's the matter," Ed asked.

"I forgot my purse, got all the way to the car and remembered, I'm telling you I'd forget my head if it weren't attached," she laughed.

"I know the feeling, I've got a headache right now that feels like a hurricane," Ed winced as he walked away.

A half hour and a shower later Karen snuggled down into her bed. Her dreams were next to non existent. She tossed and turned, and bolted up right to the sound of her phone ringing.

"Hello," she answered.

"Karen you better get back here," Ed's voice came across the line.

"What's the matter," she asked.

"That system we were looking at yesterday morning," Ed started.


"Well it's developed, it's progressing into a category four hurricane right now, we're about to release the news and send out the warnings," Ed replied.

"Already a category four, I'll be there in five," Karen replied.

"Good, Karen if it keeps up in the speed it's in, this one is gonna be bigger than Iniki."

"Shit," Karen replied as she slammed down the phone and threw on a pair of jeans.

"I knew this was going to happen, damnit Anthony why the hell did you have to move down there."

On to Chapter Four

Back to Chapter Two

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Disaster in Paradise is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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