Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter One
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

On to Chapter Two
Chapter Index

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Taylor fell against Will's chest, exhausted. His body glistening with sweat, Will still inside him. His heart pounded, his mind spun. Every nerve in his body tingled.

"God that was amazing," Tay gasped as he collapsed. Will didn't reply. Only gasps of air.

"Things couldn't be better," Tay sighed.

"I know, babe, only one more album with Island and you guys can break away and get an entire new team behind you," Will smiled. His body reeling from the sex.

"I love you babe," Taylor sighed as he kissed Will on the mouth.

"Now, where have we decided to go," Will asked quietly.

"I've got the perfect place," Tay grinned.


"France baby, yeah," Taylor chimed in Austin Powers style voice.

"Oh that's gonna rock," Will giggled.

"Yeah and I can't imagine anything bad happening there, so everything should go smoothly, one week in Paris, one week in England and then back here to the States when we go into the studio to record the new album."

"I don't think anyone could have planned it better," Will giggled.

"Well I sat here, trying to think of a place where nothing could go wrong, and beautiful amazing France came to mind, then there was England," Tay smiled.

"I think you hit the nail on the head," Will smiled.

"Ok, let's get a shower," Tay replied quietly.

"Why don't you get one first," Will giggled.

"No, you go first," Tay smiled.

"Why don't both of you go now," Zac barked out from his side of the room.

"Oh, sorry dude," Will laughed. Forgetting that while Ike may have gone out with Shiye for the night that Zac had stayed home and was indeed on the other side of the room.

"Man I hope you weren't awake through all that," Tay blushed sitting up.

"It's ok I've heard worse," Zac grinned.

"What," Tay replied shocked.

"You talk in your sleep dude," Zac laughed.

"Wait don't say anymore," Tay turned bright red.

"Oh Jonathan, yes baby give it to me," Zac giggled.

"Zac I'm gonna kill you," Tay growled at him.

"Put some cloths on first nature boy," Zac laughed.

"Jonathan?" Will asked confused.

"You really don't need to know," Tay said pulling Will towards the bathroom.

"Let's just say when Taylor watched "Home Improvement" he really had his own lil 'Tool Time' going on," Zac laughed as he saw Tay's face turn bright red.

"Ok, you know I'm gonna find something, just give me time," Tay said shoving Will into the bathroom slamming the door.

"I didn't know you had a crush on Jonathan Taylor Thomas," Will smiled.

"I didn't, I mean I well, you know but it wasn't," Tay stuttered.

"Dude it's ok, besides I've got you now an I'm never letting go," Will said wrapping his arms around Taylors bare hips.

"Not even to let me pee," Tay giggled back.

"Nope," Will snickered.

"I didn't know you were into that," Tay said trying not to laugh harder.

"Well, what are you going to do about it," Will smirked.

"I guess I could go right now," Tay replied slowly starting to loose the funny part in it all.

"Oh God Taylor I was kidding," Will yelped suddenly struggling to pull away.

"Oh no babe it might be sexy," Tay laughed seeing how Will had been bluffing.

"Babe, please don't pee on me," Will whined trying to pull away. Taylor snickering trying to keep a hold on him.

"Ok, guys," Zac said throwing open the bathroom door.

"Geeze," Taylor yelped pulling Will's body against him.

"You know, fucking, sucking all that is one thing, but when you guys start talking pee," Zac said looking very serious.

"Um Zac," Taylor replied.

"Dude, at least we're not gonna do anything else," Will grinned an evil grin.

"What else is there," Zac said looking slightly horrified.

"Well there's always," Taylor grinned catching on.

"Oh you two are sick, screw this I am going home," Zac said pulling back.

"You are home brainiac," Taylor laughed as he kicked the door shut.

"Do you even think he noticed we are totally naked," Will asked.

"Uh, well now that you mention it, I kinda forgot we were for a moment there," Tay giggled.

"And put some cloths on, you freaks," Zac snapped through the door before he slammed it again.

"Guess not," Will laughed.

*          *          *          *          *

"Ok, honey everything is set, the tickets are already purchased, you're staying at the Ritz in France and," Diana rambled on as she walked with Taylor and Will toward the sedan that sat at the front of the house.

"Mom, mom I know, we know," Tay smiled as she checked things off of the list she held in her hand.

"We'll be in France for a week, then England for another, then we'll be back home just two days before we go back into the studio," Tay smiled.

"I know, you know Taylor, I'm doing my best here, but babe you're growing up on me too fast," Diana smiled through tear filled eyes.

"Mom, I know," Tay hugged her.

"Everything is going to be great," Will smiled at her as he gave her a hug.

"You two love nerds aren't going to leave without saying goodbye to me," Zac yelled running out the front door in his boxers and night shirt.

"We tried to wake you but you were totally out," Tay explained.

"Whatever man, take care," Zac hugged Taylor.

"Anything we should know before we go out," Will smiled.

Zac smirked, put his fingers to his temples and closed his eyes. He swirled his head around in the air, as he hummed quietly.

"Nope all seems clear in the cosmos," Zac laughed.

"And that's all from the Psychic Hanson Network," Tay laughed.

Tay hopped into the sedan and looked back.

"Mom, tell Ike I'll talk to him once we get to Paris, I wish he and Shiye had been here," Tay frowned slightly.

"I will hon, he and Shiye needed some alone time," Diana replied handing Taylor a bag.

"Will," Zac started pulling Will back a few steps.

"Yeah dude," Will asked.

"Take care of him."

"You know it goes without saying," Will smiled.

"I know, but he can be tough to handle sometimes, remember, I'm his brother, I know how he can be," Zac said quietly.

"Everything is gonna be ok, if anything starts getting weird or anything I'll call home ok," Will said putting both his hands on Zacs shoulders.

"Ok, just be careful, I mean you've never been to Paris, I have, it can be pretty freaky in areas, I mean all of Europe can be kinda 'different,'" Zac said.

"Thanks dude, I'm glad to know you care so much," Will said giving Zac a hug and a friendly peck on the cheek.

"Whoa," Zac said putting his hand on his cheek.

"Relax stud, it was a friendly kiss, I'm not after you too," Will laughed.

Zac laughed and shook his head. Will gave Diana a hug and hopped into the sedan.

"Please be careful," Diana exclaimed.

"Mom, I'm a big boy now, I can take care," Tay started.

"I can take care of him for you," Will grinned.

"Will I'd like to talk to you for one moment," Diana replied as Will stepped back out of the sedan. Tay slightly rolled his eyes.

"William, I'm putting all my faith and trust in you, take care of my son," she said quietly.

"I will, believe me, he is everything to me, he is my sun, my moon and my stars, I will do everything in human power to take care of him, you have my word," Will said giving her a big hug.

"Somehow, that makes me feel better," Diana smiled back.

"Can we leave now," Tay asked from within the sedan.

"Yes honey," Will giggled sitting down beside him.

The sedan rolled away from the home. It was not more than a little after five in the morning Tulsa time. Their flight left at six thirty, connected in New York and followed directly into Paris. The trip to the airport seemed to flash past the both of them. The first few moments filled with kissing and hugging, the final moments of nothing more than dozing in each others arms.

"We're here," the driver called out.

"Woah, that was fast," Tay groaned as he stretched.

Taylor pulled a baseball cap out of his duffel and pulled it on. Will pulled his hair back into a pony tail and pulled a cap on as well. The sun was barely cresting over the horizon, morning dew still shined and glistened wherever daily life had yet to disturb it. The airport was already buzzing with activity.

"United Air Lines Flight 893 from Tulsa to New York departing at Gate A5 in thirty minutes," a female voice echoed through the terminal as Taylor and Will walked up to the line that had formed at the gate entrance.

"No carry on's," Tay asked noticing that he was the only one with a duffel.

"Yeah, I don't like the hassle, with connecting flights and all, a carry on is too annoying for me."

"Don't you wanna read or anything," Tay asked knowing a the flight ahead would be pretty boring.

"You forget, I've got everything I need right here," Will said as he pulled Tay close and nuzzled his neck.

One or two people looked at them with a slightly uncomfortable look. It was obvious they didn't know it was Taylor Hanson and his boyfriend Will. But the simple male/male affection that they saw made them uncomfortable. Taylor noticed.

"Lets save the face sucking and neck nudging for first class, we don't want to get people staring at us," Tay whispered quietly.

"Oh ok," Will exclaimed slightly disappointed.

"Well one lil kiss won't hurt," Tay grinned his eyes sparkling.

Tay leaned in and kissed Will on the mouth. His tongue slightly dipping in, tasting Wills tongue. Tay's head got dizzy and he felt himself leaning into will. His tongue frantically lashing and licking against Wills tongue and teeth.

"Excuse me," a small female voice was heard to their left.

Tay snapped out of the kiss and pulled his mouth back, a slight string of saliva still hung from his lip trailing from Wills mouth.

"Oh, uh, hi," Tay stuttered wiping his mouth.

"I absolutely love you guys," the girl said quietly.

"Thanks," Tay smiled.

"I don't wanna bother you but could I please get a photo with you and, well, maybe an autograph," she asked very quietly with a very shy voice.

"Sure, no problem," Tay smiled kindly. Glancing over at Will who had just recovered from the 'small' kiss Tay had just inflicted him with.

"Uh yeah, that's cool," Will replied quietly.

"I didn't want to bother you, or draw any attention, but I probably will never see either of you again for the rest of my life," she said quietly.

"Oh it's ok, really, what's your name," Tay asked with a smile as he held a slip of paper and pen she had handed him.

"It's Ariel, you know like the mermaid," she smiled.

"That's a very pretty name," Will smiled back.

"Yeah, very unusual, I've never met an Ariel," Tay smiled at her. His eyes working their charm. It was obvious, she was totally in heaven with him smiling at her.

"You don't think the camera flash will draw any attention," she whispered.

"Well, kinda but it's ok," Tay smiled.

"Sure, we're kinda used to it," Will smiled back with a chuckle.

"Well I noticed you were both in hats, and standing pretty close and you had your heads tilted down," she said quietly.

"Well, it's not that we don't want to take photos or sign autographs, we just don't want to stand out and get mobbed," Tay explained.

"I understand, besides this is your private time, I mean I already feel bad for coming over here, you two started kissing just a second before I said anything so I felt really bad," she tried to explain.

"No it's ok, really, we shouldn't have been doing that here anyways, I mean really how many times do you hear people say shit like 'get a room,'" Tay chuckled.

"Yeah well, I have nothing but respect and support for you two and the other guys, and all, I just wanted to tell you."

"Thank you, really you don't know just how nice it is to hear that," Will smiled.

"What do you mean," she asked.

"Well there are still some fans out there that would rather see us dead than together," Tay replied.

"That's awful," she gasped covering her mouth.

"Yeah, I know," Will said looking down.

"Well I only want you two to be happy, I'll be honest, Taylor I've always, well you could say 'loved' you, out of the three of you, but I have always only wanted you to be happy, for you to have what we all want, someone to love us," she said quietly a tear dropping from her eye.

"And seeing you two together, yeah I'm envious, and I wish I was the one you loved, but I'm not, but it's all good, you two are happy and that is all that really matters to me," she smiled.

"Thank you so much," Tay said quietly as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"I wish all fans could be as sweet and kind as you," Will said hugging her.

"Now boarding, we will begin with the first class passengers please," a woman's voice was heard.

"Oh, damn, here give me your camera," Will said as she handed it to him.

"Wait I want you in it too," Ariel exclaimed.

"Uh, excuse me would you take a photo real quick," Will asked an elderly lady who was standing behind him.

"Surely dear," she smiled at him.

"Thanks, ok Tay take off the hat please," Will said knocking it off his head Tay catching it.

"Geeze," Tay replied.

"Trust me dude, she didn't want you wearing it," Will laughed. Ariel blushed as if Will had read her mind. The elderly lady took the photo and Ariel thanked them.

"Thank you so much," she smiled.

"Here, write your number on this," Tay said handing her a piece of paper from his duffel.

"Oh, I, I mean, oh ok," she stuttered in shock.

"Here," she said handing him the paper with her number.

"We'll call you when we get back in town," Tay smiled.

"Thanks, take care guys," she smiled as she trotted off to her parents who were smiling like she had just won the lottery.

"Sure that was wise," Will asked.

"Yeah, I asked for her number, I didn't give her ours," he replied.

"Ah, gotcha," Will replied as they started down the ramp.

"Ticket please," the stewardess exclaimed.

"You're in seats A1 and A4," she exclaimed.

Tay glanced down the row and saw that A4 was across the isle from him.

"Miss, I purchased seas A1 and A2," he exclaimed showing her a slip of paper.

"Well I," she started as he and Will unthinkingly pulled off their hats as Tay put them in his duffel.

"Taylor Hanson," she nearly shouted.

"Geeze lady," Tay replied glancing around.

"I'm sorry, yes don't worry you two are welcomed to sit in A1 and A2," she said letting them pass.

"Thank God we took off our hats," Will laughed.

"Yeah but did she have to scream my name," Tay said with a pained look on his face.

"Babe it's gonna be great, let's just relax, we've got a three hour flight to New York and then it's like, what twelve or so to Paris," Will replied.

"Shit, I forgot just how long international flights are," Tay said rubbing his forehead.

"But you've got me," Will smiled.

"Yeah, that's something I never had before, so, I think I'll manage," Tay giggled.

"Think, think, you think you'll manage" Will asked repeatedly as he tickled Tay in the sides.

"Ok ok I give yes, it's gonna be fine," Tay smiled as he kissed Will.

"Then let's just relax, hours from now we'll be in Paris," Will smiled as he pressed his cheek to Taylors shoulder.

*          *          *          *          *

"How were they," Ike asked as he sat down at the dinner table.

"Fine, I think this break is gonna be good for them," Diana replied as she put a slice of pizza on his plate.

"Where is Shiye," Zac asked.

"She's back in New York, she'll be home tomorrow afternoon," Ike said with an odd look on his face.

"Is something up," Diana asked.

"No, she's just getting something's," he replied.

Zac stared at his brother. He knew something was up. He wasn't sure what, but it was rare that Ike had that look on his face. He wanted to ask right then, but he knew if Ike was playing off on something to their mom that it would be useless to ask now. He could wait.

"So, anyways, have you been writing anything lately," Zac asked.

"Yeah I've gotten a lil time out to write some stuff," Ike smiled.

"Well you better get to it dude, with Tay in Paris with Will you know he's going to come home with some ballads all written out," Zac chucked through a mouthful of pizza.

"I know, I know, I've got some good heavy stuff written out, I'll play some of it for you later," Ike replied as he gulped down the can of Dr. Pepper in front of him.

"Mackie, don't tease your sister," Diana exclaimed as she turned around.

"Mommie," Mackie started but got quiet.

"Dude, she doesn't like mushrooms don't stick them in her face," Zac exclaimed pulling the mushroom that had gotten stuck to Zoe's upper lip.

"Who does," Ike mumbled.

"If you boys want me to ever order another pizza again," Diana started.

"It's cool mom, she's ok it's fine," Zac said as Zoe cracked an ear to ear grin as Zac tickled her sides.

"You boys," Diana mumbled with a smile as she returned to the counter to get herself a piece of pizza.

*          *          *          *          *

"Babe, wake up," Will nuzzled Taylors mouth.

"Hm," Tay asked turning his face to Wills.

"We're here," Will smiled.

"Oh," Tay said licking him on the mouth.

"Silly wake up, we're in New York, we just landed," Will smiled kissing Tay gently on the mouth.

"Wow," Tay yawned as he stretched.

"Yeah I know you slept most of the way," Will laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't normally do that," he smiled. Sleep still in his eyes.

"It's ok, I nodded off two a few times," Will replied.

"You know we've got nearly thirteen hours ahead of us before we get there," Will exclaimed.

"I know, I've got a recorder and some paper and pens to write some stuff on, I was thinking of some songs earlier," Tay replied as he unbuckled.

"Sweet, well let's get moving, before we have to battle with coach getting out," Will said as they stood and moved toward the exit.

On to Chapter Two

Chapter Index

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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