Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Two
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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"Here," Tay said as he tossed Will's hat to him.

"You think we'll need 'em," Will asked.

"You remember the other day, the mass of people that were at Hard Rock," Tay asked.

"Oh, yeah good point," Will replied as he tucked his hair behind his ears and pulled his hat on.

"The fan base here is ten times bigger than nearly anywhere else," Tay said quietly as they exited the gateway into the large hall.

A mass of people stood waiting for their friends or relatives as they left the plane. It appeared that no one recognized them.

"All passengers on United Flight 007 to Paris departing at gate G14, will need to hurry," the gate attendant exclaimed as Tay and Will walked past.

"Is everything ok," Tay asked.

"Yes, but your flight was delayed a bit and the flight to Paris is leaving in less than half an hour."

"How far away is our gate," Will asked.

"On the other side of the airport," the attendant replied.

"Do you think you can get us an escort?" Tay asked quietly.

"And who are you?" she started but was suddenly bombarded with questions from a group of Japanese tourists who must have been lost.

"Oh great," Tay said rolling his eyes and stepping back from the desk.

"You up for a run?" Tay grinned.

"Hey, I'm not the one with the carry on, I'm up for anything," Will smiled.

"You know, we're gonna end up drawing a lot of attention doing this, but if we plan on making the flight," Tay smiled grabbing Wills hand pulling him toward the main terminal hall.

"Well if we keep running," Will replied.

"Ok, let's go then," Tay smiled as he squeezed Wills hand and started charging down the hall.

People jumped out of the way as they zipped past. While Taylor had been working out and exercising and was sure he would end up having to slow down for Will, he was caught off guard. He hadn't taken into account the fact that Will was pretty tall, and his legs were pretty long. Plus he wasn't carrying anything and was able to take full strides.

"Not bad," Tay exclaimed as they rounded a bend.

"Say what," Will laughed.

"You're in good shape," Tay smiled as a drop of sweat ran down his cheek.

"Well duh," Will giggled trying to keep his pace.

"No one's caught on yet," Will replied as quietly as possible.

"Shut up man, don't jinx us," Tay exclaimed.

They bolted down a hallway and down an escalator toward the concourse train leading to the branch of the airport that contained gates E, F, G and H. The doors were about to slide shut as Tay and Will slid in and crashed against a group of people in the train.

"Excuse me," Tay gasped catching his breath.

The girl turned around and started hyperventilating.

"You're, oh my God, you're," she stuttered shaking like a leaf.

"About to regret I got on this train," Tay mumbled over his shoulder.

"Holy shit, Tracie it's Taylor Hanson," a voice called out.

"Oh God where's Zac," another rang from behind them.

"Taylor," a girl screamed.

"Oh my god I love you," another voice rang out.

"Taylor are you really gay," another voice called. Which was met with numerous people telling them to shut up.

"This is hell," Tay whispered to Will.

"Taylor where are you going, where are the guys," a girl asked.

Up to this point Taylor had managed to not reply or answer anything. But this was a blunt question you couldn't ignore.

"I'm, we are going on a vacation, the guys are back home," Tay replied trying to be as brief as possible.

"Who's we," a girl near the front of the train yelled.

"Will's with him," another girl yelled from behind will.

"Whoo-hoo," a few girls cheered.

"Don't let our Taylor die," a girl called out. A slight roar of laughter sprinkled over the crowd.

Taylor was obviously not enjoying this spontaneous press conference. To his left he noticed a girl shoving and pushing her way through. Tay stepped back slightly.

"Oh my god I love you, please," she exclaimed as she started clawing for him over a mans shoulder.

"Uh, Will," Tay exclaimed pushing back against him trying to distance himself from the teenie.

"Please calm down, come on relax people," Will called out.

"Yeah chill girlfriend," a fan beside Will exclaimed.

"Would you lay off," the man she had been reaching around said as he stepped to the side.

The girl got around him and lunged for Tay. Tay yelped out loud as he brought his arms up to defend himself. The girl wrapped her arms around him and furiously tried to kiss him.

"God, let go of him," Will said prying her arms from around Taylor.

"Leave him alone," a girl yelled.

"Lay off will you," Will yelled at her.

"Please stop," Tay managed to growl at her.

"Ok lil missy that is enough," an older taller man behind her said as he pulled her off of Taylor.

Tay yelled in shock as she ripped the beater he was wearing. Unwilling to let go she kept pulling until the entire front was split down the middle.

"Now approaching gate G," a female voice came over the compartment.

"That's ours," Will muttered to a girl who had been defending them that was beside him.

"Ok girls slide over they gotta get off," she whispered to the girls beside her.

The girls slid back and to the side quietly as Will wrapped his arms around Taylor and moved closer to the doors.

"Hold them off please, you guys are the only ones who know we are here," Will whispered.

"Not a problem guys," one of them smiled.

"Where ever you're going be safe ok, come home safe," a girl whispered quietly.

"Thanks you guys," Taylor finally whispered after the incident with the teenie. All three girls eyes lit up when he spoke directly to them.

"Anything for you Taylor," one whispered.

"I'm counting on you, hold them off, I'll owe you," Tay smiled.

The doors rolled open and Will and Tay bolted out of the train. The girls behind them pushed and held back as hard as they could. Trying to give Tay and Will enough time to get out of eye shot.

"Will you stop," an older woman exclaimed.

"Let us out," a man yelled.

"We're not after them," another guy exclaimed.

"Yeah but they are," the girl in the front said looking toward the mass of teenies who were totally freaking out behind them.

The train doors slid shut. They smiled triumphantly knowing they hadn't let Taylor down.

"Flight 007 to Paris boarding," the indicator screen blinked.

"Oh shit," Tay yelled as they charged down toward G gate.

"Oh my god," a voice screamed out.

"It's Taylor," another yelled.

"Run," Will exclaimed rushing up behind Taylor and grabbing him in a full run.

"My leg," Tay yelped as the muscle clenched up.

"What," Will exclaimed as Tay started limping, which slowed him down tremendously.

"My muscle cramped up I can't run," Tay winced stumbling.

Will glanced back, the four or five girls a few yards back seemed to have tripled. It looked more like an angry mob.

"Give me your carry on," Will said snatching it off of Tays shoulder and putting it over his head and under his arm.

"Now turn around," Will said as Tay hopped around and faced him.

"Hold on," Will said.

"What are you, oh shit Will," Tay yelled as Will hoisted him up onto his shoulder and started bolting down the hall.

"Are you ok," Tay yelled out.

"I'm fine," Will replied as he charged down the hall.

The teenies had lost space when Will had tossed Tay over his shoulder. The simple act of doing it had caught them off guard.

Up ahead Will saw the G gate. The last person was entering the door way as the gate attendant started to reach for the handle.

"Hold that plane," Will screamed out.

The attendant looked up with a totally confused look on her face.

"It's a Hanson," a flight attendant Will ran past yelled out.

"What," the gate attendant yelled as Will charged toward her.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed as she saw the mass of people running up behind Will and Taylor.

"Here, get in here," she yelled as Will ran into the jet-way hall.

She slammed the door shut as about five gate attendants darted in front stopping the mob.

"Is he ok," she asked as Will set Tay on his feet.

"Yeah, muscle cramp," Will gasped out of breath.

The jet-way shook and shifted from side to side.

"Oh fuck they're about to disconnect," she exclaimed reaching for a microphone that was on the wall.

"Abort, abort, we have people in the jet-way," she called out.

"What the hell," a voice came back over.

"Confirm that jet-way is secure," she replied.

"Jet-way is secure proceed to airlock," the voice replied moments later.

"Come on you two, I swear we've not seen this much action in months," she exclaimed shaking her head.

"What the hell gives Arlene," a male gate attendant exclaimed coming up the jet-way.

"Seems this plane is short two passengers," she exclaimed.

"Better be important," he replied.

"Yeah, it's a Hanson," she said.

"A who," he asked confused.

"The, uh, you know Hanson, it's the, middle one," she replied pointing to Taylor.

"Oh, yeah, yeah ok, my niece loves you guys, aren't you the gay one," the attendant asked.

"Oh now THAT'S polite," Will said with wide eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I mean, damn that WAS rude," he said shaking his head.

"No kidding, and his name is Taylor," Will snapped.

"And I'd like to sit down," Tay exclaimed rubbing his leg.

"Let me see your boarding passes and passports," the lady exclaimed.

"Come on," she said a moment later.

"There goes our quiet flight over, now everyone's going to know we're on the plane," Tay frowned as they got on.

"Captain Jon Mitchell nice to meet you Mr. Hanson," he exclaimed as Tay boarded the plane.

"Nice to meet you too," Tay winced as he realized the entire crew was waiting to see him.

"And you thought being in that train was hell," Will giggled in Taylors ear.

"Fuck you," Tay sneered.

"Pardon me sir," the head stewardess said in shock as she reached to shake Taylors hand.

"Oh not you mam," Tay said turning bright red.

"You are going to get it," Tay whispered over his shoulder.

"Is that a promise," Will smirked.

*          *          *          *          *

"What's the deal, you've never taken a leave of absence," Serena asked Shiye as she shuffled through some papers at her desk.

"Something's come up," Shiye said casually.

"With Isaac," Serena said quietly leaning in close.

"I'm not saying a word," Shiye replied without reacting.

"Oh man, this is going to really chap their asses," Serena smiled.

"The fact that I won't comment is neither denying or admitting anything," Shiye replied.

"Well what can you tell me," Serena asked with baited breath.

"Nothing, just what I told Ross, I need a leave, I have one coming, and I'm taking it."

"You're no fun," she replied.

"Yeah, well tough crackers," Shiye smirked.

"Uh hm, ok well call me, you have my number," Serena said as she walked off.

Shiye's cell phone rang, causing her to flinch. She glanced at the caller id, it was blocked.

"That's not Ike," she thought to herself.

"Hello," she said picking up.


"Hello," she said glancing around.

More static.

She punched the 'off' button and stared at the phone. It rang again. She looked at the screen, it was still blocked. She punched the off button sending the call to her voice mail. She glanced around and rubbed her arms trying to calm the goose bumps. She couldn't figure why she was spooked.

Shiye tossed her phone in her back pack and headed down to her car. She sat in the driver seat and turned her phone back on and called up her message service.

"There are no new messages."

She frowned and punched the code and put her ear to the phone.

"Hey, it's Shiye, ok," she said.

"Hey babe, did you call earlier," she asked.

"No, I've been out with Zac all day," Ike replied.

"Weird, well I took my leave of absence, it's all settled here," Shiye said turning her car on.

"You heading back home to get anything before you come on down here," Ike asked.

"Yeah just some cloths I can send for the other stuff later," she replied.

"Ok, hey does anyone know yet," Ike asked quietly.

"Nope, haven't said a word, Serena was being nosey and all but I didn't tell her anything."

"You mean that blond chick with the news department," Ike asked.

"Yup, you've met her," Shiye said as she rolled up to the exit of the parking garage.

"Good, let's keep this to ourselves till everyone important knows," Ike replied.

"Have Taylor and Will already left?"

"Yeah, early this morning when I was dropping you off at the airport, I got home just after they left," Ike replied.

"How long are they gone for?"

"Two weeks, one in Paris one in London."

"Two whole weeks, Ike this will be torture," Shiye sighed.

"Yeah, but Tay would kill me if he wasn't here in person," Ike explained.

"I know, I just, well it just seems like, I don't know I'm feeling kind of weird right now," Shiye said as she sat at a stop light.

"What's wrong," Ike asked.

"Nothing's really wrong, I just feel weird, not about us or anything just, I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm a girl," Shiye chuckled.

"You're starting to sound like Zac now," Ike replied.

"Am I, oh well," she smiled.

"Call me when you get to the airport," Ike replied over static.

"Ok, the static is bad in this area anyway, love you babe, talk to you soon," Shiye smiled.

"You too, take care, love you," Ike replied before the connection was lost.

"Stupid cell phones," she exclaimed tossing it onto the passenger seat.

*          *          *          *          *

"Ouch," Tay exclaimed slightly as Will put his hand on his shoulder.

"What's the matter," he asked.

"My shoulder's a lil sore," Tay exclaimed.

"Lemme see," Will asked pulling Tays shirt buttons open and sliding it down off his shoulder.

"Geeze babe, what happened," Will asked looking at a red line that ran across the top of Tays shoulder down near his arm pit.

"I guess that's from where that lil bitch ripped my beater," Tay sighed looking out the window.

"Shit," Will exclaimed.

"I'll be ok," Tay said quietly.

"I love you," Will whispered as he gently kissed Tay on the neck.

"I love you too," Tay smiled gently as he leaned back against Will.

"Don't let that get to you, we've got a whole week in Paris a head of us," Will whispered.

"I know, I keep trying to just throw it off, just let it go but a part of me keeps wanting to go back there and just bitch her out and make her feel awful for doing that."

"I know, I understand totally, if I hadn't been behind you, I might have been able to do more," Will sighed.

"Well, you did manage to wrench her hands off of me, I swear I was having a hard time breathing," Tay chuckled.

"She had a tight squeeze eh," Will snickered.

"You know, I never really did care for it when they'd wrap their arms around me, or jump on stage and grab a hold and not want to let go, it just seemed so stupid," Tay said.


"I mean, why would they want me to remember them for attacking me, or ripping my shirt open or pulling out some of my hair, I mean shit I'm more likely to remember a girl if she's kind and sweet like Ariel," Tay exclaimed.

"Taylor, you know Ariel just flinched," Will grinned.

"What," Tay smirked looking up and behind him at Wills face.

"Somewhere she knew you just said her name," Will stifled a laugh.

"Oh please," Tay laughed.

"Well I do know she'd be happy you remember her," Will exclaimed.

"How could I forget, she was so sweet, and unabrasive," Tay sighed.

"Too bad they all can't be that way," Will said quietly.

"I've tried it all, first cutting my hair shorter, and shorter and hell now it's like Ikes hair, that didn't work," Tay said.

"Yeah, I noticed they haven't even reacted to it," Will said as he ran his fingers through Taylors hair.

"I almost grew a goat tee, but it was kinda pathetic, I mean it was too thin," Tay said scratching the almost non existent stubble on his chin that had started to show up in the past two days.

"Well, I'm glad you got rid of whatever it was, because I kept thinking of Alicia Silverstone and what did she call them," Will asked.

"Chin pubes," Tay frowned.

"Yeah," Will chuckled.

"It's ok, Zac already called them that on more than on occasion."

"No kidding?"

"Yeah, something to the effect of 'hey Tay, ya got about the same amount on your chin as you do on your balls,' or something like that."

"Oh man," Will laughed.

"Shut up," Tay giggled.

"You know I just now noticed something," Will said looking at Taylors left ear.

"Where did your ear ring go?"

"Uh, well, long story short, I left it in for too long and it got all infected so I had to take it out, and it closed up again."

"That would explain the lil bump on the back," Will replied.

"Yeah, a draw back from trying to be cool," Tay yawned.

"Look at you Mr. Sleepy Head," Will smiled.

"Yeah, I know," Tay yawned again.

"And I was the one lugging your ass through an airport," Will ribbed him.

"Don't even, it was just the last little bit," Tay defended himself.

"Please, it was the home stretch, if I hadn't made like Frankenstein and snatched you up," Will started.

"Ick, don't compare yourself to a big tall reanimated thing," Tay exclaimed scrunching his nose.

"Ok, well if I hadn't made like Calgon and taken you away," Will laughed.

"Could you be anymore corny," Tay laughed.

"Well Calgon is better than Frankenstein isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well think of it this way, which would you rather have in your bath tub," Will asked.

"Oh, I'll have to get back to you on that one," Tay smirked. Will laughed.

*          *          *          *          *

"Will you knock it off with all the secretive shit," Zac snapped at Ike as they rode home from Baskin Robbins.

"What am I being secretive about," Ike asked.

"All I know is something is up with you and Shiye," Zac said licking chocolate syrup off the pink spoon.

"Listen just because I'm not going into extreme detail about what goes on with me and MY girlfriend," Ike started.

"Fine, don't tell me, just don't talk about her around me," Zac said staring out the window.

"Zac, dude," Ike replied in slight shock.

"You know, I was kind of figuring with Tay all up in Will's stuff now that I'd still have you to confide with and talk to, but now, I've got no one," Zac said still looking the other way.

"Dude, what's the matter" Ike said pulling into a park.

"Tay and I were like this," Zac said turning toward Ike holding his fingers up about an inch apart. His eyes were misty.

"Yeah, ok," Ike said calmly.

"But now it's like, he doesn't talk to me anymore, since Will's been around he's been totally absorbed with Will."

"Dude, they're, well they're a couple, I mean it happens to everyone," Ike tried to explain.

"I just wish, that we could have what we used to have, with Will here and now Shiye it's like I've got no one to talk to, no one wants to confide in me anymore," Zac said looking down at his melting ice cream.

"You're not mad that Will and Shiye are a part of our family now are you," Ike asked.

"No, I mean, kinda, I guess jealous in certain ways, but, no I'm not mad at them," Zac said digging his spoon in the plastic dish.

"Just wait Zac, when you find someone you really like, you'll suddenly think the entire world revolves around them, you'll talk about them, you'll think about them, you'll confide in them, they will become your priority, I know it's been rough, the earth quake and all, all the hell with Christopher and stuff" Ike said looking out the window.

"Have you noticed Tay has been distancing himself and Will from us," Zac asked not looking up.

"A little," Ike confessed.


"I think he's just a little burned out that's all, he needs a break, even mom and dad agree on that. But I also think he doesn't want to make us uncomfortable, with all their touchy feely stuff," Ike explained.

"That stuff doesn't bother me," Zac said.

"Have you seen them make out," Ike said with a slightly displeased look on his face.

"They were doing it in Tays bed last night," Zac laughed.

"They what," Ike nearly yelled.

"Relax, you weren't there, I was, I'm not scarred for life or anything," Zac smirked.

"They shouldn't do that with someone in the other room, they should like go away to do that or something," Ike stuttered.

"Yeah, well I know, you don't think he'll leave, you don't think Will might talk him into leaving the band," Zac asked not looking up.

"Zac, hello, Will talked him into STAYING with it," Ike reminded him.

"Oh yeah," Zac said glancing out the wind shield.

"Are you ok," Ike asked.

"Yeah, I'm just in a funny mood, I don't know why," Zac replied.

"You and Shiye both are in weird moods," Ike exclaimed.


"Yeah, I talked to her earlier you know, and she even said she was feeling weird."

Zac shrugged his shoulders and finished off the last of his ice cream. He turned his back to Ike and rested his arms on the window.

"Ever wonder what that might have been like," Zac asked looking out the window.

"What," Ike replied looking over his shoulder.

There in the park were children. Some playing in a sandbox, others on a swing set. A group of boys kicked a soccer ball around in the field in the distance.

"You mean, like if we hadn't been in music and all," Ike asked.

"Yeah, just to have school and play and all," Zac replied.

"Yeah, I have, but when I catch myself asking that question you know what I say?"


"I bet they look at us and go 'I wonder what that was like for them,' and then I don't think about it again," Ike said patting Zac on the back.

"Yeah, I mean we got to see the stuff most kids only look at in books," Zac laughed trying to cheer himself up.

"You feeling a lil left out aren't ya," Ike asked.

"Yeah, kinda I guess."

"We'll why don't we go blading," Ike smiled.

"Just you and me," Zac smiled.

"Yeah, I'll tell mom I think we need to burn off some energy and get some fresh air and sun," Ike smiled.

"I'm gonna bring my Super Soaker," Zac said with an evil laugh.

"Me too," Ike laughed.

"The neighborhood will never be the same," Zac exclaimed in a voice very much like Dr. Evil.

"You know you scare me sometimes," Ike laughed.

Zac laughed.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better," Zac thought to himself and smiled.

On to Chapter Three

Back to Chapter One

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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