Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Three
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Taylor clicked a few more keys on his lap top and closed the screen down. His eyes were tired, he laid his head back against Will's shoulder and closed his eyes.

Will stretched, his neck ached. He opened his eyes. Taylors head was resting in his lap, he was asleep. The lights in the cabin were now very dim. First class was once again nearly empty, save for one or two people a few rows up, and a few rows back. Taylor shifted in his sleep.

Will looked down at his lover. Taylor's calm face, his hair shimmered slightly in the dim light. His gorgeous skin and delicate features only made Will's heart beat faster. Every time he looked at Taylor Will was reminded of how in love he was with him.

"I see you're awake," the head stewardess whispered to Will as she walked up.

"Yeah, do you have any aspirin or anything," Will asked rubbing his neck.

"Well, I'm not supposed to but, yes I do let me get you a coke," she smiled as she returned to the station a few rows up.

She returned a moment later with a pill bottle and a coke.

"One or two," she asked.

"Actually three would really help," Will winced as he tilted his head from side to side.

"Ok," she smiled handing him three aspirin.

"Thanks," Will winked.

"How is he?" she asked quietly kneeling down in the isle.

"Tired, very tired, this is a long needed vacation," Will replied quietly, gently running his fingers through Tays hair.

"I heard there was some kind of commotion at the gate," she asked.

"Yeah, we were mobbed."


"Yeah pretty much, one person recognizes him, usually him rarely ever me, and then they start multiplying and the next thing you know we've got a herd of girls chasing us," Will said resting his head back.

"Pretty tough for two gay guys huh," she smiled.

"You know, I wouldn't classify ourselves as 'gay' per-say."

"Excuse me," she asked confused.

"Taylor and I both like girls, we both have been attracted to them, we've both still found some very pretty, but we just happened to meet each other," Will explained.

"Well, then that makes you bisexual," she replied.

"No, it makes us 'us,' why does everyone have to label, we like who we like, we are true to the emotions inside of us," Will explained.

"Well, call it whatever you want, just so long as you're happy," she smiled.

"Yeah, that's the whole point some fans have lost sight of," Will said closing his eyes.

"I'll let you get some rest," she said as she stood up.

"How much longer do we have?"

"Well it's two in the afternoon New York Eastern time," she said looking at her watch.

"How long have we been in the air," Will asked.

"About three hours, so it's about five in the afternoon where we are right this second," she replied counting her fingers and looking at her watch.

"And when will we be landing in Paris?"

"By your watch, sometime tomorrow morning Paris time," she said as she stared off trying to calculate.

"Oh gawd, this is gonna take forever," Will winced.

"Well look at it this way, at least they banned smoking on international flights, otherwise, you'd be really in a bad mood," she grinned.

"No kidding, I can imagine what his brother Zac would say," Will smiled.

"What's that?"

"Someone open a window already," Will tried not to laugh.

In the distance beneath them he noticed a slight flash of light.

"What was that," he asked concerned.

"A storm, in the Atlantic, we're way above it though so it shouldn't be any trouble," she smiled reassuringly.

"Good," Will said shifting slightly, still uncomfortable.

Taylor yawned and opened his eyes.

"We there yet," he asked the head stewardess.

"Far from it sweetie, want a soda," she asked.

"Yeah, Dr. Pepper," Tay grunted as he sat up.

"Welcome to the land of the living," Will smiled.

"How long was I asleep?" Tay asked.

"A little over three hours," Will replied.

"Man we've still got ten more on this flying tin can," Tay groaned.

"Yup, did you know there's a storm beneath us," Will asked.

"How could I? I've been asleep, besides we're thirty thousand some odd feet up, it's way beneath us."

"Someone is in a crummy mood," Will said glancing over at Tay who actually looked a little pissed off.

"I'm sorry, I've gotta pee," Tay said standing up and walking off.

"I hope he leaves the attitude in the bathroom," Will muttered to himself.

Lightening flashed beneath them. Will shuddered slightly and tried to forget about it.

*          *          *          *          *

"Sweet little old lady at eight o'clock," Zac whispered over the walkie-talkie.

"Zac, no elderly people," Ike came back over.

"Aww come on, can't I just make her THINK I'm gonna hose her down," Zac begged over the walkie-talkie.

"Yeah alright, just try not to give her a heart attack."

Zac shot out onto the sidewalk and flew down the street on his blades his super soaker behind his back. As he neared the older lady he whipped out the super soaker and took aim. Before he could squeeze off a stream the older lady pulled out a hand held water gun and squirted Zac in the face. Zac shot into the bushed and flipped over.

"Zachary, you should know better," she laughed as she kept walking.

"Totally not fair," he yelled from the bushes. Ike's voice laughing over the walkie-talkie.

"You got hosed by an old lady," Ike roared with laughter.

"Bite me," Zac snapped with a grin at the mouth piece.

The walkie-talkie got quiet, Zac glanced around.

"Ike, where are you?" Zac asked.


"Ike come in, where are you?" Zac asked again.

"Right here," Ike's voice rang out behind him as he blasted Zac with water.

"You asshole," Zac yelped jumping from the bushes laughing.

"Got yah, whoo-hoo for me," Ike laughed.

"Got you back," Zac yelled as he hosed Ike down.

"No, the phone," Ike yelled trying to shield the cell phone from the water.

"You dork, it's not like we can't get another," Zac roared as he took off on his blades down the sidewalk.

Ike jumped off the grass onto the sidewalk and flew down behind Zac.

Zac's hair, wet in areas flowed in the wind, smiling Zac was having a blast. Ike followed close behind grinning. He was actually starting to feel like he was sixteen again. The sun beamed down on them as they flew around a turn and down the next hill.

*          *          *          *          *

"Hey," Tay said as he sat down next to Will.

"Are we in a better mood now," Will asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I just hate being stuck in the plane for so long," Tay said flopping into his seat.

"Let's get some champagne," Will said quietly.

"Think they'll let me have any, the last time I tried they wouldn't," Tay said.

"If I ask for the bottle they can't say anything," Will smiled.

"Good thinking."

Taylor lifted the lap top up from the floor and placed it on the tray table.

"What's that," Will asked as he reached up and pressed the call button.

"Nothing yet really, just kind of dorking around a little," Tay said skimming over something on the screen.

"Hope it's music, you know Ike is gonna expect you to have cranked out something good while we're gone," Will grinned.

"Yeah," Tay laughed absentmindedly as he closed the screen and slid it under the seat in front of him.

A few moments later Taylor and Will clinked their glasses and swigged back the champagne. About fifteen minutes later Will started to stand up and lost his balance falling on top of Taylor.

"Whoa," Tay laughed.

"What gives man," Will asked confused.

"I never get this drunk this easily," Will said looking at the champagne as the stewardess walked past.

"It's the altitude, you're thirty thousand feet up, the alcohol rushes to your brain faster," she smiled.

"Thank you Miss Science," Will laughed, Taylor giggling hysterically.

The stewardess looked at the both of them, smirked and walked away.

Will turned toward Taylor and raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, Mr. Spock," Tay snickered.

"Just realizing how much I wanna stick my tongue in your mouth," Will laughed.

"Oh," Tay coughed in slight shock.

"Anything wrong with that," Will giggled.

"No objections here hot stuff," Tay laughed trying to keep from getting too dizzy.

Will pressed his mouth to Taylors and shoved his tongue in. Tays eyes got wide and he started laughing. A lady was passing by them from the first class bathrooms and her mouth hit the floor. Tay's eyes teared up as he tried to stifle the giggles. Wills tongue nearly hitting the back of his throat.

"Oh dude," Tay tried to say through the kiss.

"What," Will said pulling back spit trailing.

"This lady, she, it was, she was shocked," Tay tried but couldn't stop laughing.

"Huh," Will replied confused.

"It must have looked like we were reenacting that kiss scene from 'Dumb and Dumber,' you know with Jim Carry and Lauren Holly," Tay asked.

"Oh yeah," Will cracked up.

"Hey, wanna join the mile high club," Tay snickered quietly.

"The what," Will asked.

"Do you, you know, wanna," Tay asked with this glaze over his eyes. His lids heavy, his upper lip moist with sweat. Will knew that look all to well.

"Where on Earth," Will whispered giggling.

"We're both skinny, and I'm sure if we're quiet no one will notice," Tay giggled.

"If a stewardess walks by I'm pretty sure she'll notice," Will laughed.

"No, in the bathroom," Tay smiled.

"Dude, naw come on we can wait," Will said ignoring the growing hunger he had for Tay.

"Listen," Tay said leaning in.

Will gulped a breath as Tay leaned in so close he could see only his face.

"I'm going to get up, go into the bathroom, about a minute later you're going to get up and knock on the door once, I'll let you in," Tay whispered with a husky voice.

"And," Will trembled slightly.

"You and me are gonna fuck like rabbits," Tay said, sweat breaking out on his forehead his cheeks flushing.

"This champagne has brought a side out of you I've never seen before," Will whispered.

"I know," Tay smirked.

"I like it," Will giggled quietly.

"Me too," Tay snickered.

"Just how," Will started.

"Right now I don't care about any of that, I want you to shag me rotten, I want," Tay continued.

"I get it, chill or I'll shoot in my pants just hearing you say it," Will whimpered as he licked at Tays upper lip.

Tay grinned and slid back. His hard-on totally obvious through his leather pants. The armpits of his shirt were soaked his hair was slightly matted at his temples. He glanced back at Will and flicked his tongue in the air and strutted off towards the bathroom.

Will's mind spun, this was totally unexpected. He sat back in his seat and closed his eyes trying to slow the spinning in his head. He glanced at his watch, he couldn't tell if a minute had gone by or not, so he stood up and headed to the bathroom.

He gripped the tops of each seat steadying himself as he walked down the isle. Ahead to his right was a bathroom. The occupied light was on, Will knocked once.

"I'll be out in a moment," a females voice came out.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," Will giggled. He stepped back and turned to the other door. The occupied light was on too. He knocked once. The door slightly opened and he heard Tay giggle. He slid in and turned to face Taylor and gasped.

Taylor stood back against the wall, totally naked. His gorgeous body glistening with sweat, a raging hard on and the most erotic smile on his face.

Will pulled the door shut and clicked the little bolt through. The occupied light blinked back on again.

Frantic, from the moment they started kissing. Will shrugged off his shirt and Tay pushed his pants down off his waist, hooked his thumbs through his boxers and yanked them down in one fluid movement.

"Practice," Will giggled.

"Nope, this is my first in flight fuck," Tay smiled.

Tay tried to bend down, but the space was too small, he tried to squat but that didn't work either.

"Doesn't look like you'll be getting any head," Tay laughed as he turned around and presses his butt against Wills crotch.

"Yeah, but what I'm seeing now will be just as fun," Will whispered looking down at Tays backside.

Will positioned himself, Taylor pressed back against him and let out a groan as Will entered.

Outside the bathroom the head stewardess passed by. Her head jerked to the side when she heard the groan. She glanced down the isle and saw that they were not in their seats. She smirked and covered her mouth and stepped closer to the bathroom door. She put her ear up.

"Oh God fuck me," Tay whimpered quietly.

"You want it, tell me baby," Will panted.

The stewardess tried not to giggle. She was totally shocked, she had been a flight attendant for ten years and she had never ever caught anyone having sex on the airplane. She heard the sound of skin hitting skin. Then a louder groan. She stepped back and glanced around hoping no one would hear them. She fanned herself. She couldn't believe she was getting turned on. The service light blinked on to her left.

"Damn," she muttered as she headed back down to see what the passenger in seat E2 wanted.

"Oh God, I'm gonna," Will groaned grabbing Tays hips, thrusting harder.

"I'm," Tay gasped as his body convulsed as he threw his arms back, wrapping them around Wills neck. Without control Tay shoved himself back against Will with all his might. Will felt himself slamming against the bathroom door. He gasped as he felt the climax hit him.

"I'm coming," Will gasped as the door latch popped loose and the door swung open behind him. They fell back and hit the floor. Tay's naked, sweaty body facing up, convulsing. Will beneath him still thrusting against him. The head stewardess nearly tripping over them as she walked back into the alcove.

"Oh shit, guys get up quick," she gasped as she saw Taylor totally in the throws of climax.

"Oh God," Tay groaned with an ear to ear grin.

"Come on," she said trying to grab a hold of Taylor. Her hands slipping because his skin was wet with sweat. In the distance she heard two passengers walking toward the alcove.

"If you two don't get up, I'm gonna," she begged.

Tays eyes flashed open.

"Oh fuck," he gasped sitting up, grabbing Wills hands and pulling him up behind him in one fluid movement.

"Get back in there," she gasped, the passengers only feet away.

"Ow, ow, ow," Tay groaned as he and Will shuffled into the bathroom.

"Dude I'm still in you," Will groaned as the door shut.

"No shit," Tay winced.

"This one is, er, um occupied," the stewardess blurted while throwing her arms across the bathroom door as the two passengers started towards her.

"Oh, that's fine," the lady said as she turned to the other bathroom.

After she stepped in and closed the door the stewardess smacked the door with her hand.

"You two better hurry up in there," she snapped shaking her head.

Will and Tay giggled.

"Ok, dude," Tay said slowly as he pulled away from Will.

"Much better," Tay sighed as Will came out.

"Oh dude," Will laughed as he looked at the wall.

"What?" Tay asked.

"You came all over the wall," Will giggled.

"Oh, my bad," Tay said grabbing a tissue.

"You're smearing it around," Will laughed.

"I can't see it that well the wall is white," Tay laughed.

"Leave it," Will snickered.

"Oh yeah right, I'm sure they'll really appreciate me squirting a load on their bathroom wall," Tay said trying to clean the mess off the wall.

A few moments later Tay had pulled his pants back up and they stepped out quietly into the alcove. The head stewardess stood there tapping her foot.

"You know, you guys could be in a lot of trouble," she said with a stern face.

"We're sorry, I mean, it's thirteen hours, what are we supposed to do," Tay asked batting his lashes.

"You're charms don't work hon, I've seen it all now," she giggled.

"Uh, you might wanna put a sign on that one saying out of order," Will whispered.

"What happened," she asked glancing over their shoulders.

"Well, let's just say he kinda hosed your wall down," Will laughed as Tay turned red again.

"You peed on the wall?" she asked in shock.

"Uh, it's not pee," Tay blushed looking at his feet.

"Oh, that's, oh that's just wonderful," she said as she pulled out a key closed their bathroom door and turned a lock. A small illuminated sign turned on over the door "Temporarily out of order."

"Now back to your seats, or else, and no more champagne," she barked as they took off for their chairs.

"I hope no one finds out about that," Tay said quietly.

Me too, otherwise teenies from around the world will wanna fly this plane so they can press their faces to that wall," Will laughed.

"Ok that's sick," Tay replied.

"But is it out of character for most teenies," Will asked.

"Ok, shut up," Tay smirked.

"Taylor's cum dripped here," Will sighed in a girlie voice as he stroked the wall in mock adoration.

"Ok, enough out of you," Tay laughed covering Wills mouth.

"I'm sure club owners in Utah have to check their roofs for psycho teenies looking for the spot you pissed on," Will laughed as he pulled Tay's hand from his mouth.

"I know, I should've just kept my mouth shut," Tay winced.

"I can't believe you actually admitted to that, I mean yeah, piss on a roof, sure, but talk about it on the radio," Will asked laughing.

"It seemed funny at the time," Tay defended himself.

"What pissing on the roof or telling everyone about it," Will shrieked with laughter.

"You know what I mean dork face," Tay laughed.

"Oh, man," Will sighed.

Tay squirmed in his seat.

"What's wrong," Will asked.

"Uh, well you came in me, and well," Tay said with a displeased look on his face.

"So, I always have, you do the same with me," Will replied quietly concerned.

"No, it's not that, it's just before I've been able to take care of things, but here, I've gotta sit here," Tay said shifting.

"Just go to the bathroom, and do whatever," Will said.

"I don't think she'll let me back in there again," Tay giggled.

"I don't think she can honestly stop you," Will replied.

Tay stood up and grabbed his carry on and walked down the isle. Will giggled at him, he was walking funny.

A few moments later he returned with a smile on his face.

"Feeling better, Mr. Messy Pants," Will giggled.

"Say that a lil louder, I'm sure the peeps in coach eating the fettuccini with cream sauce wanna hear you again," Tay said sitting down.

"Hey I'm hungry too," Will whined looking around.

"I forgot I had a pair of extra undies in my carry on," Tay smiled.

Will giggled furiously.

"What now?" Tay asked in annoyance.

"You said undies," Will cracked up.

"You dork, geeze," Tay smiled.

"And where are the other ones," Will asked.

"Flushed them," Tay grinned.

"You better hope no one tries to auction those off," Will laughed.

"Dude, I don't think anyone is even gonna know to look for them, besides, they empty that stuff into some containment and disposal system," Tay replied.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a degree in airline septic procedure," Will smiled.

"Yeah, mom figured it might be something I could use to fall back on, you know if singing didn't pan out," Tay giggled.

"I guess it beats elevator science," Will laughed.

"What," Tay asked confused.

"Never mind," Will smiled.

"Ok you boys hungry," the stewardess asked walking up.

"Starved," they both replied in unison.

"Steak or chicken," she asked.

"Chicken," they both, again replied in unison.

"Grilled or alfredo," she asked.

"Alfredo," they both smiled.

"To drink, Dr. Peppers," she replied for them.

"You mean no white wine," Tay whined.

"Are you kidding," she laughed as she walked off.

"No actually I wasn't," Tay frowned sitting back in his seat.

"It's ok, I've still got this," Will giggled as he lifted the bucket with the champagne still in it half full.

"You know, you rock," Tay smiled.

"Yeah, I know but you rock more," Will replied kissing him gently on the mouth.

*          *          *          *          *

Shiye tossed her suit cases into the trunk of the cab. Her cell phone rang. The ID was blocked.

"Hello," she asked.


"Hello," she asked again.


"Time to change numbers," she said after she turned the phone off.

"Yeah, LaGuardia," she said sitting down in the backseat closing the door.

The cab rolled away. It was about five in the afternoon, traffic would be bad.

*          *          *          *          *

"It's almost four in the afternoon, and you boys have been gone since noon, you had me worried," Diana exclaimed as Ike and Zac trudged into the house soaking wet.

"We were just having fun," Ike replied.

"Well I guess it's ok, what do you want for dinner?" Diana asked.

"Did Shiye call?" Ike asked ignoring the question.

"No, not yet, was she supposed too?"

"She said she'd call when she was at the airport in New York," Ike replied.

"Oh, well no she hasn't yet, so what do you want for dinner?" Diana asked.

"Why don't we go out?" Zac replied from the bathroom.

"Oh boys come on," Diana groaned.

"It's not like we can't afford it mom, really," Zac said walking up squishing puddles from his socks leaving wet foot prints on the floor.

"You know it's gonna leave marks," she said looking at the puddles.

Zac got a towel and wiped them up.

"Now lets go eat or something," Zac said returning from the cloths hamper.

"You boys get changed, I guess I'll call them up over at Rex's see if they can put us off in a private area," Diana exclaimed.

"Awesome," Zac roared as he took off down the hall nearly slipping.

"We're gonna have boneless Zac if you don't be more careful," Diana yelled after seeing Zac nearly bite it in the hall way.

On to Chapter Four

Back to Chapter Two

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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