Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Five
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Will felt a draft. He rolled over and pressed his face against Tays back. It was cold and damp. Will's eyes flashed open. Taylor was asleep, trembling.

"Tay, babe, Tay are you ok, wake up," Will said shaking Taylor.

"Ivan," Tay mumbled. Will's face frowned slightly.

"Tay wake up, you're having a bad dream," Will said rolling Tay onto his back.

"Oh, God where am I?" Tay cried, his eyes still closed.

"Tay, wake up, sweetie, you're having a nightmare, Tay," Will called gently shaking Taylor.

"Oh, I, oh God, Will," Tay cried sitting up throwing his arms around Wills neck hugging him.

"Shh, it's ok it was just a dream," Will tried to calm him.

"It was awful, I," Tay cried.

Will glanced over at the floor, there were damp foot prints on the wooden planks, the window was open and the curtains were drawn back. Will's skin crawled and he got a strange feeling.

"Tay you're ok, you're safe," Will said quietly holding Tay as they both lay back on the bed.

"It was horrible, I couldn't stop myself, Will," Tay cried quietly.

"It was a dream, it's ok I'm right here," Will whispered as he kissed Tay on the cheek.

Will got up and pulled the window shut, locked it and drew the curtains closed.

"Just try to relax, we'll be out of here in a few hours and we won't ever come back," Will whispered as he hugged Taylors cold body close.

"I'm so cold," Tay muttered as he pressed himself against Will.

"I love you Tay, everything is gonna be fine."

*          *          *          *          *

"Zac, stop playing with your food, are you ok," Diana asked.

Zac didn't reply. He pushed the remnants of his food around on his plate with his fork. His mind was restless. He kept thinking of Taylor, he kept feeling like something wasn't right.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my appetite just kinda, left," Zac muttered standing up and walking outside.

"Ike," Diana started.

"I'll find out," Ike said standing up, following behind Zac.

Zac walked outside and stood next to their car.

"You ok dude," Ike asked walking up.

"Yeah, I mean yeah and no, something's up with Tay," Zac said quietly.

"What do you mean," Ike asked looking slightly nervous.

"I don't know, I just know something weird is going on," Zac replied as he put his hand up to his mouth and bit on one of the hard blisters on the palm of his hand.

"Don't do that you'll make it worse," Ike said pulling Zac's hand away from his face.

"Leave me alone," Zac said quietly putting his hand back up to his face.

"Well, all I know is they are going to be in France tomorrow, they got diverted because of a storm," Ike said quietly.

"Just like, tell mom that I'm just not feeling well, that my stomach hurts, I don't want her getting worried about anything," Zac finished getting in the car.

"You gonna come back to the table," Ike asked.

"No, I'm just gonna sit here," Zac said as he pulled the door shut.

Ike walked back inside the restaurant. Zac reclined the seat and closed his eyes. He was sleepy, and his stomach actually didn't feel too good.

He glanced around. It was dark, the old road was rotting away at the edges. Surrounded by gnarled old trees on either side. Lightening crashed in the distance. Thunder rumbled through. Zac jumped slightly and started walking. He thought he caught the sound of something running through the bushes off to his left. But he continued. A gust of wind rushed over him. He shivered.

He glanced to his right and saw that the road now wound dangerously close to a cliff edge. Far below was a gorge, he shivered as he moved back closer to the other side. Suddenly he smelled Taylor. He caught the scent he knew anywhere. Taylor was near. The smell of his cologne, his hair, his odor was in the air. Zac picked up his pace.

He came to a halt as a bolt of lightening crashed over head. The scene around him illuminated for a split second. Not more then fifteen yards ahead of him stood an old ruined castle. Towering turrets of stone, fallen walls, old stone archways reached into the howling night sky. He rushed forward. Over an old stone bridge with broken and rotting wooden planks. He caught himself as his foot pushed through. He ran up the old stone steps and threw himself against the door. It groaned open.

"Taylor," Zac screamed as a gust of wind rushed through the door and thunder rumbled through the ruins.

"Taylor where are you?" Zac screamed as he tried to peer into the dark shadows all around him.

Another bolt of lightening flashed followed by an ear shattering crack of thunder. A tree that had grown up through the side of the wall split in half. Sparks rained down and a blast of fire roared up from the branches as the wind rushed through.

Zac's skin crawled, his blood ran cold. There no more than ten feet in front of him he saw the naked form of a man. Skinny, long brown hair, bent over facing the other direction.

"Will, is that you?" Zac asked walking up.

The person threw their head around and hissed at him. Zac yelled as he stumbled back. Instantly he knew this was not Will. He glanced beneath him and saw Taylor, lying, naked on the cold stone floor. His eyes glassed over, his face as white as snow. A line of blood ran down across his neck. His breath was shallow.

"You, you shall forget you saw this," the man said turning toward Zac as he stood up.

"FUCK YOU," Zac screamed.

The man hissed at him and opened his mouth as a lion might just before a roar. As his mouth opened Zac saw the long white fangs which extended longer than anything human. Zac screamed as the creature rushed towards him. He fell backwards catching himself on a old stone pillar. He glanced down at Taylor. His eyes were staring blankly up into the sky. The light from the burning tree reflecting in them.

"Taylor get up," Zac screamed as the creature came closer to him.

"Taylor get the fuck up," Zac screamed as loud as he could.

Some how Zac managed to skirt his way around the side of the wall and get between the creature and Taylor. He tripped and fell to the ground. The creature sprang through the air towards him. Zac felt his hands fumbling around on the ground. He grasped two wooden sticks and smacked them together in the air in front of him.

The creature howled and hit the ground screaming as it's eyes met with the Holy symbol of the Cross Zac held out in front of him. Zac slid over beside Taylor still holding the sticks together. The only thing that seemed to keep the creature at bay.

"Damn it Taylor wake up," Zac said shoving his knee against Taylors hip.

"I," Tay muttered his head rolling to the side.

Zac stood up.

"You can't have him," Zac yelled.

"Ah, but you see, I already have," the creature said standing in the distance with his hand shielding his eyes.

Zac glanced down, he was unsure exactly what the thing meant. Taylor was naked, it was obvious he had been aroused and came on himself but it wasn't until Zac saw the two small holes on Taylors neck that he understood. Zac's heart dropped. He felt dizzy.

"Taylor, no," Zac cried as he felt his arms go limp. The wooden sticks clattering to the stone floor.

The creature sprang through the air again. Zac fell on his back and screamed as he saw the vampire just before he landed on him.

"Zac, unlock the door," Ike yelled knocking on the window.

Zac screamed and threw himself against the dashboard, swinging at the air. Ike jumped back from the car window and fell over the hood of the car parked beside them.

"SHIT," Ike yelled.

"I, what, Tay," Zac panted looking around.

"What the fuck?" Ike said standing up looking in the window.

Zac threw the door open and stood up.

"What the hell was that about, shit you scared the hell out of me," Ike yelled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Tay's in trouble," Zac said glancing around like a scared cat.

"What, Zac, you," Ike started.

"No, I mean it, Tay is in trouble," Zac said trembling.

"Come on, we've gotta go get Shiye at the airport she called while we were eating, mom is gonna take the kids home in the van," Ike finished walking around to the driver side of the car.

"Ike, Tay," Zac started.

"Tell me in the car, dude if mom hears you freaking like this you're gonna get her all scared," Ike said getting in as Zac sat down and closed the door.

"Now tell me what happened," Ike said as he turned the car on and put it into reverse.

"You don't understand, it's worse than before," Zac said quietly.

"Well, now is the best time to talk because no one can hear us so, tell me," Ike said as they pulled out onto the road.

*          *          *          *          *

"Come on babe, wake up," Will said smiling as the sun shown in through the window.

"What," Tay yawned.

"The airline called, the front desk just left us a note, our flight leaves in two hours, we can get something to eat and take the transport back down to the airport," Will smiled as Tay sat up.

Will gave Tay a kiss on the cheek and went into the bathroom.

"It's kinda chilly outside, you might wanna put something warm on," Will exclaimed from the bathroom.

"Yeah ok," Tay replied quietly standing up, opening his suit case.

"You ok," Will asked as he walked into the bedroom and opened his bag.

"Yeah, just, a little out of it, I didn't sleep well last night Tay said.

Will was slightly worried. Tay was looking very worn out. His skin was fairly pale, his eyes looked very dark, large circles under them. He figured it was just because Taylor despised where he was, and that he didn't sleep well either.

Ten minutes later they walked down the stairs. Taylor wearing a thick tan woven turtle neck sweater and a pair of brown suede pants and brown boots. Will smiled to himself.

"What are you smiling about," Tay grinned.

"Oh, nothing just that you're actually matching for once," Will chuckled.

"Huh," Tay asked.

"Nothing, but I must say the lace up fly on those pants are deadly on you," he smiled.

Tay blushed as usual. Will smiled to himself, wondering if a day would ever come when he could compliment Tay and Tay wouldn't blush. He shrugged the idea away. Some how the idea of Tay remaining slightly embarrassed by those things made him even more adorable.

"Is there anywhere we can grab a bite to eat," Will asked the woman at the desk. Tay flinched slightly at the comment.

"There is a pastry shop about three doors down, on the left, very nice food," she replied with a smile.

"Thank you," Will said as he and Taylor walked toward the door.

Tay glanced back at the woman. She was staring at him with wide eyes.

"Probably a fan," he thought to himself as he walked out the door.

*          *          *          *          *

"Was that the Hanson boy," an older man asked as he walked out of a back hallway.

"Yes, I am afraid he isn't well," she said quietly.

"Why do you think such things," he asked her.

"I saw it in his eyes, he has fallen prey," she sighed.

"Svetlana, that is an old wives tale, this is the twenty first century," he laughed as he walked away.

"New century or not, the danger still lurks as it has for over four hundred years," she said quietly.

*          *          *          *          *

"This is amazing," Will smiled through a mouthful of pastry as he chewed.

"Looks like it," Tay smiled.

"Here," Will offered Tay some.

Tay took a bite. It was good, but it just didn't taste as good as he thought it would. Not that it was bad, but the flavor just seemed, mellow.

"Do you want one?" Will asked.

"No, I'm not really all that hungry," Tay replied quietly.

"Well I know you'll want some coffee," Will smiled as he handed Tay a cup.

"Ok, that I can do," Tay grinned.

Tay smiled at Will. He stared at him for a moment. His heart fluttered inside. He truly loved him, he knew that nothing would change that. But somewhere he felt something strange moving around inside his heart. It frightened him. Will glanced up at him and smiled and continued to eat.

Tay glanced around at their surroundings. For the first time the sun beamed down and the weather was nice. A chill hung over the town, but other than that it was actually pleasant. They sat at a small table outside the pastry shop. Tay sipped his coffee and glanced down the walk way. His chest sucked in air. His skin prickled.

Standing in the distance, a tall pale man. Long brown hair, slender with piercing eyes. He smiled slightly. Taylors hands trembled. He tried to set his coffee down and knocked it over on the table.

"Whoa babe, whoa," Will yelped jumping back trying to avoid the spill.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," Tay replied trying to soak the spill into a cloth napkin that was on the table.

"Let's get moving, I think the sooner we are out of here, the better," Will said noticing that Taylor was visibly shaken.

"Yeah," Tay muttered as they stood up.

"You're trembling," Will said with concern as he wrapped his arm around Tay's shoulder.

"I'll be ok," Tay said quietly.

"You sure babe, you're white as a sheet," Will asked with concern as he traces his fingers over Tays pale cheek.

"I said I'll be ok, alright," Tay almost snapped.

"Ok," Will muttered.

Tay could sense he was hurt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so bitter," Tay said kissing him on the cheek.

"It's ok, let's just get out of here," Will said glancing around as a strange feeling washed over him.

*          *          *          *          *

"Ok, hurricanes are one thing, but vampires," Shiye asked as they shoved her luggage into the trunk of the car.

"Why is that so hard to believe," Zac defended himself.

"I don't know, I mean come on, how do we know it wasn't just reaction from some bad weed," Shiye asked smiling.

"I haven't had any in two days," Zac snapped as he sat down in the back seat.

"Well what if it is true, what are we supposed to do about it, I mean," Ike started.

"Yeah, exactly, I mean, we can't exactly do anything from here," Shiye exclaimed.

"And I'm not up for chasing after them into Europe," Ike replied with a laugh.

Zac sat back in the seat.

"Fine, ok, I warned you, ok?"

"OK, but none of this to mom, she's got enough to worry about," Ike replied without looking back.

Zac pressed his head back against the seat and squinted his eyes shut. He knew something was wrong.

*          *          *          *          *

"So where are they," Crystal said as she sat down at the foot of Antheas bed.

"I have no fucking clue," Anthea replied without looking up.

Crystal clicked on the TV set. Flipped through the stations, and landed on MTV.

"This is MTV news," the screen flashed over the typical crap MTV is known for showing.

"Nothing ever good comes on anymore," Crystal said absentmindedly as she watched the screen.

She clicked through some more stations and stopped.

"Coming up on Uncovered, Taylor Hanson fleeing the country with his beau, where are they going and why," the voice announced as candid video footage showed Taylor and Will running through an airport.

"Holy shit," Crystal barked jumping up.

"What the," Anthea said rolling over onto her stomach to watch the screen.

A few moments pasted with commercials and the show returned.

"It wasn't much past nine in the morning New York time, but Taylor Hanson and his boyfriend Will Quest were seen bolting through New York's LaGuardia airport," the voice exclaimed as footage of Taylor and Will hand in hand bolted down a hall way.

"Oh my god, I swear it was like amazing," one teenie said into the camera.

"They ran right past us, it was like out of a movie or something," another giggled.

"When we tried to find out from Hansons representatives where Taylor and Will were going they had no comment, except that both of them needed time away from the spot light," the voice continued.

"I can't believe, they didn't," Anthea started when Crystal swatted at her trying to hear the TV.

"When we asked officials with United Airlines they too had no comment, all that we were able to confirm was the flight they were boarding was departing for France, could this mean wedding bells for the couple? We'll keep you informed," the voice finished as a still frame photo of Taylor and Will flashed onto screen with hearts floating around it.

"Oh fuck this, just fuck it," Anthea growled.

"God," Crystal whispered covering her mouth, still staring at the screen.

*          *          *          *          *

"Ladies and gentleman, we will be landing momentarily," the voice called over the intercom.

"Will rubbed his eyes, and looked out the window, the skies were blue. The sun sparkled.

"We're here," Will smiled brightly as he lifted Taylor's head from his lap.

"We, I, oh," Tay muttered as he sat up.

"Already," Tay sighed looking out the window.

"Already," Will asked slightly confused.

"Yeah," Tay sighed.

"If I didn't know you better, I'd say you looked as if you were missing Romania," Will said slightly confused.

Tay sighed quietly, closed his eyes and opened them. Then Will for the first time since he had set eyes on him, knew Taylor was forcing a smile. Will's heart sank.

"Oh no, I'm just really tired," Tay smiled. Not knowing Will could see right through it.

"Ok," Will said quietly looking out the window.

Suddenly no longer feeling right, with Tay unhappy, Will felt the knot in his throat expand. He swallowed hard and squinted trying to keep the tears back. His mind was reeling.

"What is wrong, why is he acting like this," Will asked himself as he looked down at Tay who had put his head down again and closed his eyes.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor's heart burned, it ached and twisted. His mind struggled to understand these feelings inside him. His love for Will was fighting with this dark foggy feeling that crept around inside him while he slept. He tried to understand why he wasn't happy about being in France. His stomach turned slightly and his head spun. He was hungry, but his appetite vanished every time he thought of food.

He lay there quietly struggling with his emotions, battling with his thoughts when he felt a drop hit him in the cheek. His eyes, closed, wrapped up in his own internal turmoil, Taylor knew instantly that drop was a tear. The dark feeling inside him seemed to streak away, the gloom over him seemed to dissipate. Taylor threw his eyes open and looked up to see Will weeping silently.

"Oh God, Will, don't cry please don't cry," Tay said sitting up wrapping his arms around him, pulling him close.

"I'm sorry, I," Will stammered through sniffles.

"No, don't you dare be sorry, you've done nothing wrong, oh God Will I love you, please know that," Tay said tears forming in his eyes.

"I know that, but just now, you didn't even seem to be the same person, Taylor I felt like you were someone else, the Taylor I've fallen in love with felt so distant, so far away," Will cried.

Tay shivered, he saw pure fear and abandonment in Will's eyes. He looked so frightened and alone, as if he had been stuck somewhere forever, without him. Tay cried and hugged him.

"I'm right here, I'm not leaving," Tay whispered as he hugged Will close.

"But do you want," Will started to ask.

"Yes, there is no where else on earth I'd rather be than right here with you," Tay said smiling as he leaned in and kissed him.

The plane bounced and jerked slightly as they kissed. Their mouths parted and they glanced around. The intercom came on.

"Ladies and gentleman, we might experience a few more of those little bumps, just air pockets, we'll be on the ground in less than fifteen minutes," the captains voice reassured them.

"In less than fifteen minutes you and I will be in Paris, the first time since we were here promoting Middle of Nowhere, and this time, it will be better you know why," Taylor asked quietly.

Will shrugged.

"Because, I'm here with you," Tay smiled.

"God I love you," Will sighed as he looked into Taylor's sparkling blue eyes.

"I love you too," Tay said kissing him again and then sitting back in his seat.

Taylor smiled. His mood was better. He was happy, and content and very excited. Will was with him, they were about to land in Paris and things were going to be amazing.

Somewhere in the distance Taylor felt a cool draft. Not around him, but inside him. Something stirred distantly. Not as it had only moments before, but more subdued, and quiet. Taylor trembled slightly but shrugged it off.

He looked over at Will. Once again Will was lost in his eyes. Staring at him, smiling. Taylor swallowed the small lump down in his throat and smiled back. He shot a wink at Will, who trembled. Taylor giggled inside, winking at Will was still just as fun as it had been the first time. Tay sighed happily, this was gonna be a blast.

On to Chapter Six

Back to Chapter Four

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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