Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Six
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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"Bonjour," the small French gate attendant smiled as they exited the plane.

"Wow," Will smiled as they rounded the corner.

Suddenly flash bulbs pulsed and they covered their eyes.

"Oh shit," Tay groaned.

"Taylor I love you, Taylor," numerous French accented female voices cried.

"We must have made the news back in the states," Tay said glancing at the mob that was waiting at the gate.

"Miseur Hanson, we have a transport prepared for you," the French gate attendant said as he pulled Will and Tay to the side.

"Ok, just a second though, be right back babe," Tay smiled as he squeezed Wills hand and walked over to the line of girls.

Will grinned as he watched Taylor work his magic on them. He smiled, twinkled and grinned as he signed photos and shook hands. He thanked a few for coming to see him and for welcoming him to France. Everyone was very sweet and kind. Will was surprised that not one of them freaked out. Taylor parted from the crowd waved one last time and he and Will got on the small transport cart and headed off down a side hallway.

"I love the French," Tay smiled.

"They seemed pretty cool," Will grinned.

"Yeah, they've always been really calm."

"Your mother reserved a van for you," the man in the cart exclaimed as they arrived at baggage claim and picked up their luggage.

"That's mom for you," Tay smiled.

"Huh," Will laughed.

"She reserves a van for two people," Tay giggled.

"Oh, yeah force of habit I guess."

"We'll rent something later on I guess," Tay said as they climbed in the back seat of the van.

"Where are we staying," Will asked.

"A small lil hotel on the Champs Eleseys, no one would expect us there," Tay smiled.

"Good point," Will smiled hugging him.

"A place like the Ritz or anywhere big and fancy will have fans stalking the halls at three in the morning," Tay smirked.

"I can imagine," Will grinned as they rolled up to the curb outside.

"Whoa, I forgot they drive on the other side of the road," Will commented as he saw the van was driving on the left side of the road.

Tay smiled, Wills enthusiasm was charming.

*          *          *          *          *

"So are you going to France," Crystal asked as they rolled through the drive through at Wendy's.

"Number two please," Anthea replied.

"I can't believe you still eat that," Crystal replied glancing out the window.

"How do you figure I can afford a trip to France when I just stole my moms credit card for a trip to Hawaii," Anthea snapped as they rolled up to the window.

"Hell if I know, I just kinda thought," Crystal started.

"Well do me a favor then and STOP," Anthea yelled as they screeched to a halt in the parking space.

"You know you probably need to move on, it's useless, I mean," Crystal started.

"Keep it up, and you're walking home," Anthea replied. The look in her eyes made Crystal shudder.

*          *          *          *          *

Zac sat down on the bed. His mind was a mixture of confusion and fear. His heart and soul told him Taylor was in trouble. That something horribly evil was closing in on him. But his brain, his reasoning and everything he thought he knew to be real was arguing with it.

"How the hell can vampires be real," he muttered to himself as he flopped back on the bed, kicking off his shoes.

He glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. It was after nine at night. Ike and Shiye had dropped him off at home and gone back out.

"This sucks," he thought to himself as he stared at the ceiling.

After staring at the ceiling for about ten minutes a wicked grin landed on his face.

"Please let him have left it here," he muttered as he reached back behind the mattress on Tays bed.

He chuckled as he retrieved a fat plastic sack of weed from behind the bed.

"Thank you," he giggled looking up at the ceiling.

"Zac, do you," Ike started as he walked into the room.

"No, you two go on, I'm gonna be just fine," Zac grinned as Ike saw the sack of weed in his lap.

"Don't let mom catch you with that," Ike said.

"It's not like she doesn't know about it," Zac smiled.

"Yeah but still," Ike said shaking his head.

"It's not your stash anyways, it's Tays," Zac laughed.

"Oh even better, do you even care what a diva fit he's gonna throw when he gets back and sees his stash is missing?"

"I think the better question would be, 'do I care,'" Zac laughed again as he pulled out the pipe wedged under his mattress.

"Well, you say that now, but wait till he starts," Ike replied walking towards the door.

"Ah, it's ok, Will can handle him when he gets like that," Zac smiled.

"Ok, you know I'm going now," Ike said as he shut the door.

"Come to daddy," Zac smiled as he brought the pipe to his mouth and sparked the lighter.

*          *          *          *          *

The afternoon sun sparkled in the blue skies over Paris. The top of the Ifle Tower visible in the distance. The faint sound of lilting Parisian music wafted by the open window of the quaint little French hotel room. The door burst open as Tay and Will tumbled into the room laughing.

"Stop laughing at me," Will demanded, trying not to laugh.

"You walked right into that wall," Tay laughed as he flopped onto the bed.

"Yah well you mooning me didn't help matters, I'm sure that old woman in the hallway was pretty shocked.

"Not as shocked as you were," he laughed.

"No, shocked isn't the word," Will said distantly as he squirmed slightly.

"Whoa," Tay muttered glancing down seeing the obvious bulge in Wills pants.

"Yeah, exactly."

"Come here," Tay said quietly, his voice suddenly commanding and mesmerizing all at the same time.

Will walked over to him quietly. His mind spinning as it always did when sex was close at hand.

"Kiss me," Tay muttered quietly. Will trembled slightly, enjoying the feeling of having Taylor tell him what to do.

Will leaned in and kissed him. His mind spun as their lips touched. The soft silky feeling of Tay's mouth made him weak. He dropped to his knees and felt his hands roam across Taylors chest, down toward his stomach. Coming to a rest on his lap.

"Suck me beautiful," Tay said quietly with smirk.

Will gasped slightly, it almost appeared as if Taylors eyes were spiraling. Blue vortexes of hunger, sex, and desire. A part of Will shuddered as it realized at this moment love was not there. Yet he obeyed.

In a few swift moves Taylors pants were down around his ankles and he was enveloped in Will's mouth. He gasped and moaned as he felt Wills tongue dance around the sensitive areas. The wetness, combined with the suction and heat of Wills mouth making his head spin. He groaned out loud as he grabbed a hold of Wills long brown hair. Without thinking as he reached climax he pulled Wills face into his groin. Pulling his hair madly as he bucked against Wills face.

Will gasped for breath, struggling to consume all Taylor had to give him. While at the same time choking and gasping for breath as he felt the searing pain in his scalp as Taylor pulled on his hair.

The flux of energy subsided. Taylor fell back onto the bed as he let go of Wills hair. Will pulled his face back and coughed quietly as he regained his senses. Somewhere deep inside he felt scared. Something in him felt violated. The bond of love wasn't there moments ago, he sat back on the floor and covered his face with his hands and began to tremble.

Taylor stared up at the ceiling. Somewhere deep in the back of his mind he heard himself. He was crying, a part of him was afraid and alone. He closed his eyes, confused.

"What is happening," he thought to himself.

He tried to reason, he tried to understand. Only moments after they entered the room he was suddenly overtaken by this overpowering desire to have Will consume his seed. He flinched slightly as he realized, amidst all the rush of sexual tension not one drop of love was present. His heart screamed, his mind scrambled, all of this, as the sound of Will crying silently met his ears.

Tay sat up suddenly. He looked around. There lying on the floor in a fetal position was Will. Balled up and clutching himself. Crying silently. Taylor's eyes flooded with tears. His heart screamed as he saw the one he adored in such heart wrenching turmoil.

"Will, oh my God Will, please," Tay said throwing himself down to the floor beside Will.

"Please, oh God Will I'm sorry," Tay pleaded as tears flowed from his eyes.

"Please, I'm sorry," Tay cried pulling Will toward him.

"What happened," Will cried quietly as Tay pulled him close.

"I don't know, please don't cry," Tay whimpered.

"I'm scared," Will cried quietly.

Tay looked up, his eyes filled with tears. Confused, scared and lost.

"What is happening," he thought to himself as he held Wills trembling body close to his.

*          *          *          *          *

Zac fell back onto the bed. His mind twirling. The television set blasting as he laughed at things no one else would find funny. He sat up, and glanced out the window. The sun was setting, the light outside had grown dim. His mood shifted, something seemed to be calling to him from the distance.

"You can't stop me," the voice chuckled.

Zac trembled.

*          *          *          *          *

Will sat up. The room was dark, and empty. Taylor was no longer beside him. His heart twinged, the feeling of loneliness crept up around him. He glanced to his left and right. The bed, was empty. Taylor was gone.

*          *          *          *          *

Tay walked down the dark street. The moon shining down on the city. It was nearing three thirty in the morning. He felt lost, but at the same time he felt as if he was being drawn towards something. He was confused. Somewhere he hear a reflection of the person he once was crying and screaming for him to run away, back to Will and the life he felt he knew. While at the same time, another voice, one of what he was to become called him further forward. He rubbed his neck. His fingers brushing against the small sore open holes. They itched slightly. A sign that they were healing. His heart beat faster as he felt his fingers trace over them.

He rounded a corner. The moonlight casting it's blue and silver glow across everything he saw. For a moment he thought he heard something. Almost like a voice whispering his name. He glanced to his left and right. There was silence. No one was visible. He took a few steps forward when he heard his name again. Only this time it was obvious and clear. Right beside him.

"Taylor, I see you have come looking for me," the voice said as Tay turned his head to the right.

He gasped slightly as he saw the face of Ivan smiling at him in the blue glow.

"I see you have not forgotten me," Ivan grinned.

"I thought it was a dream," Tay whispered quietly.

"No my sweet young thing, it was no dream."

"I," Tay started as Ivan moved closer his mouth now only a hair distance away from his.

"Now, we shall move closer to the destiny that awaits you," he said quietly as he pressed his mouth to Taylors.

Taylor gasped as their mouths touched. He felt himself become hard instantly. Something in him was attracted to this, creature. Yet something else, the human part of him recoiled and screamed in terror as he felt the sharp fangs from with in Ivan's mouth brush against his tongue.

"Do not fight it," he heard Ivan's thoughts in his mind.

"I can't, it's," Tay tried to say as he felt the piercing stab of Ivan's fangs sink into his neck.

Tay felt himself go limp as the energy seemed to drain from his body. He felt himself try to become aroused but the loss of blood made it impossible. He groaned in agony as he felt himself fall limp in Ivan's arms. His mind became foggy and delirious. Somewhere in the distance he felt Will, worried and scared. His mind slipped and he fell into a deep quiet darkness.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor's eyes flashed open. His mind was drowsy, his body weak. He couldn't move. A chill rushed over him. He squinted to focus. Just as he began to see where he was he heard footsteps rushing towards him in the alleyway. The female voices spoke in French. All he understood was his name. He tried to move but found he was too weak.

"Taylor, Taylor, please wake up," a French accented female voice called to him as she pulled him to a sitting position.

He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was no more than sixteen years old. Her face sweet and kind. She looked scared and shocked. He gasped for air and opened his mouth.

"Will, get Will, I'm at the Chéz Moutaré hotel," Tay whispered as his strength began to drain away again.

"Will, oh yes, will your lover, Monique will get him," she said quietly as the other girl rushed away.

"What, I," Tay muttered quietly.

"Taylor, you look so ill, what has happened to you," she asked him quietly.

Tay tried to answer but felt even more weak. Distantly he heard more footsteps coming closer. Then the sound of Wills voice.

"Oh my God, Taylor, oh God Taylor," he heard Will gasping as he felt himself being lifted from the cold pavement of the dark alleyway.

"Will, please I'm so sorry," Tay whispered as Will ran down the walk, the two girls rushing close behind.

"Someone call an ambulance," Will screamed as he burst into the front lobby of the small hotel.

The lady behind the desk gasped as she saw Will stumble towards the desk. Taylor's skin was death pale, even his beautiful red lips were wax white. A waxen color had washed all over his beautiful face. His finger tips had turned blue. His breath shallow, Will cried, as Taylor's breath grew short.

*          *          *          *          *

Zac bolted up in bed, the weed had worn off. It was nearing five in the morning. The sun had yet to break over the horizon. His mind scattered as he tried to understand why he was suddenly jarred out of a deep sleep.

He glanced around the room, Ike was not there. Tay's bed was empty. He glanced around again. Suddenly he felt something was wrong. The telephone rang. He jumped and ran into the front hall as his mother answered.

"Hello, yes, Will, please calm down, oh god, what has happened," she said as she covered her mouth.

Ike walked in as she hung the phone up.

"Will is at the hospital of the American Embassy in France," she started quietly.

"What happened," Ike asked suddenly.

"Taylor is sick, they are suspecting some sort of anemia, they don't understand how or what has caused it but he is under going blood transfusions right now, they don't know if he will survive," she said quietly as a tear welled up in her eye.

Zac looked over at Ike. Not one word was needed, Ike knew Zac was right. At least part of it. But somewhere inside him Ike refused to believe that Taylor had been attacked by a vampire.

*          *          *          *          *

Will sat at the foot of the bed. The color in Taylors cheeks had slowly began to return. His lips still remained a very pale shade of pink. He had slept solidly since he had been admitted to the hospital. Will glanced up at the television, there were crowds of fans standing outside the hospital there at the American Embassy. Will glanced over as Taylor shifted.

"Will, where are you," Tay muttered quietly as his eyes opened.

"I'm here babe, right here," Will exclaimed as he held Taylors hand.

"What happened," Tay asked as he tried to remember what exactly had happened to him.

Distantly Taylor had vague memory of Ivan in the alleyway. He remembered the pain, and the sudden draining feeling, but he couldn't place anything. His neck was sore, and his body felt weak.

"We're going home just as soon as you can manage," Will said quietly kissing Tay on the cheek.

"But we just got here," he whimpered quietly.

"Sweet heart, I'm not going to have you out here, in some foreign country with this crap happening to you, we're going back home and I'm gonna take care of you until you are well," Will finished.

"I love you Will, remember that, I always will love you," Tay said quietly as his eyes fluttered.

"I know, I love you too, and we'll be ok just as soon as we get you home."

Will sat there as Taylor drifted back into sleep. His eyes focused on Taylors gorgeous yet weak face. He didn't even notice the figure which seemed to hover out side the third story window of the hospital. Ivan, watching and waiting for the final moment he needed to complete the process.

On to Chapter Seven

Back to Chapter Five

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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