Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Seven
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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"Well it looks like you're gonna do ok, you just need to take it easy," the doctor said to a very pale and weak Taylor.

"Any idea what caused it," Will asked with a worried face.

"Not really sure, some kind of anemia, but exactly what caused it has all of us puzzled."

"You'd think with modern science you guys could figure it out," Will said with a frown as he gave Tay a hug.

Tay glanced out the window. The sun was shining, the skies were beautiful. A tear trickled down his cheek. Will turned around and saw him crying quietly.

"What's the matter," he said quietly.

"We just got here, and now, because of me, we're having to go back home," Tay said quietly.

"Babe, no, I don't want to be here with you this way, I want you to be well, and fit, we can always come back," Will reassured him as he hugged him close.

"But, I mean, we're going back home, then to the studio, it's going to be so boring for you," Tay said looking up at him. His blue eyes sparkling.

"Babe, you forget, in my world, it's heaven on earth when you're close to me," Will smiled softly.

*          *          *          *          *

"So, have you decided how we are going to tell them," Shiye asked.

"Not yet, I've just now had the time to sort it out, all last night I was totally wrapped up worrying about Tay, since we got the call that he's pulling through this morning, I've just now been able to think," Ike replied quietly looking out across the back yard.

"Well, I think we can wait for Tay to get back, from what I heard, he and Will are supposed to be coming home as soon as possible," Shiye said quietly.

"I know, I want them all to be here when I tell them we're getting," Ike began as Zac walked outside.

"Getting what," Zac said flopping down on a deck chair.

"Uh," Ike replied trying to think of something to say.

"Not another dog," Zac said with a groan.

"What," Ike laughed suddenly.

"No, please not another one," Zac said with a pained look on his face.

"What's wrong with dogs," Shiye asked.

"Nothing, it's the teenies that drive me insane about OUR dog," Zac said with an annoyed look on his face.

"Come again," Shiye asked in confusion.

"You don't get it, every time we get a new pet, or shit even a new tooth brush, the teenies find out and start asking us about them like they have met them or pet them or something, and it gets annoying, because sooner or later one of them is gonna die, the pets I mean, and then some teenie is going to have just found out about it and ask us and it will be like, well just crap all over again, so I say again. NO MORE PETS," Zac commanded as he jumped up and ran into the backyard.

"That was easy," Ike smiled.

"No, I'm still confused about the pet thing," Shiye laughed.

"Don't worry about it, Zac has this manner of thinking that would have the Bainbridge Scholars themselves confused."

"The who," Shiye giggled.

"Never mind," Ike smiled as he leaned in and gave her a kiss.

*          *          *          *          *

"Monique called," Anthea said with a very devious smile on her face as Crystal got out of her car.

"Last night," she replied.

"Actually early this morning, it was kept out of the press, but Taylor was in the hospital in France."

"Oh my God, what happened, is he ok," she asked.

"Oh yeah he pulled through, but, there's more to the story," Anthea said as she and Crystal walked through the gate into the back yard.

*          *          *          *          *

"We've got two seats booked on the next flight out," Will said quietly as they headed toward the small hotel in the back of a taxi.

"I wish we didn't have to go back so soon," Tay mumbled quietly.

"It's for the best babe," Will exclaimed as he looked out at Paris.

A city he had yet to see, one he had hoped to love. But deep inside Taylor came first. He smiled quietly to himself, knowing someday he'd be back.

*          *          *          *          *

"Oh my God," Crystal stammered.

"Yeah, makes no sense whatsoever," Anthea replied.

"He was making out with a dude in the alleyway," she stuttered.

"You're so slow," Anthea growled.

"Did I miss something," Crystal asked as Anthea stood up and began to pace back and forth.

"Yah, I just said he was bitten by a vampire and it didn't even phase you."

"Well, I mean yah, you couldn't mean a real one though, I just thought it was an expression," Crystal said looking confused.

"Well from what Monique told me, this guy took off in a flash and left Tay in the alleyway, that's when she and her friends walked up."

"Have you noticed, I mean someone's always in the right place at the right time," Crystal said with doubt in her eyes.


"Meaning, it's like these teenies, who claim they saw this, and claim they saw 'that' but they never have photos, they just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

"I guess I see what you mean, but, whatever, Monique has no reason to lie to me, I mean, what would she get out of it?"

"I don't know, those French girls can be weird, like that one girl who was in my Science class, she was really," Crystal started to ramble on as Anthea looked out the window of her bedroom.

"I'm surrounded by fools," she muttered.

"You're buying a pool," Crystal suddenly chirped with a smile.

"No you twit! Never mind geeze go home ok?"

"God, what's your problem," Crystal said as she walked out.

"We'll just see how truthful Monique was when Tay gets back," Anthea thought to herself as she flipped through Bram Stokers 'Dracula.'

"Funny, one way to kill a vampire, a wooden stake through the heart," she grinned to herself.

"This might be fun," she laughed quietly.

*          *          *          *          *

"God bless," Will yelled slamming the phone into the receiver.

"What," Tay said rolling over.

"They say the flights been delayed, something about a storm coming in."

"A storm, it was bright and," Tay started when a clap of thunder rattled the windows.

"About five hours ago," Will said as he pulled open the curtains to reveal heavy dark clouds surrounding the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Wow," Tay muttered as a bolt of lightening crashed behind the tower.

"Yah, one big lightening rod," Will giggled.

"Actually, I am ready to go home," Taylor said silently as a strange feeling began to creep up around him.

"You ok babe," Will asked with concern as he saw Tay shiver slightly.

"Yah, I will be," he said as Will sat down beside him.

"Will, never forget, I love you, I always will," Tay said quietly.

"I know sweetie," he smiled.

"Just never forget that," Tay replied again.

"What brought this on," Will asked slightly puzzled.

"I just want to know, that you'll always remember that, no matter what happens," Tay said quietly as he looked out the window as rain began to splatter on the glass.

"You're gonna be just fine, you're already almost back to normal, just rest up, we'll be leaving in the morning," Will said as he laid down and pulled Taylor close.

"Thanks," Tay said quietly.

"For what?"

"I need to feel you close to me," he sighed as he closed his eyes.

Will stared up at the ceiling, somewhere, deep inside he felt strange. Taylor's mood right now had him feeling really odd. Almost as if he felt he were about to loose him. He shrugged it off and closed his eyes. The sudden urge to sleep rushed over him.

*          *          *          *          *

Zac rolled over, the sun had just started to rise. He shoved his face back into the pillow, trying to forget that it was morning. He was tired, and rightfully so. All night he had tossed and turned. The visions of vampires and monsters had clouded his peripheral dream vision. Everything in his dreams seemed dark and sinister. He had tried to be dumb like Ike and shrug it off. But deep down he knew something was wrong.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor rolled over. He scratched at his neck and winced. His fingers tearing at the scabs that had formed. His eyes opened and he looked around. It was dark. The small bedside table lamp cast a dim yellow glow over Will's sleeping face. Taylor put his chin down on Will's chest and watched him.

Somehow watching him sleep always had calmed him. The rising and falling of his chest. The faint thumping of his heart. Taylor felt the knot in his throat swell. A faint smile crossed his face. The love in him for Will always made him happy. Will was there for him, always. Taylor never once, since the moment they had come this close worried about that. He knew Will would die for him. Taylor also knew he would die for Will as well. The connection between them was something he had always dreamed and hoped for.

For so many years Taylor felt as if he could never quite meet someone on a common ground. On a level they both shared. Either they were just fans. Screaming, crying obsessive fans. Or they were just acquaintances. But never, before Will had someone met him on all levels. Will was a fan, deep in heart. But he also was a friend, an acquaintance, a lover and a dreamer. Tay smiled to himself as he recalled the moment they met in the elevator in the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Chris had been reading off some of the questions they were to be asked later on. He had been bored with the entire ordeal since the moment they walked out of the hotel room.

Taylor loved playing, that he knew for sure. But the interviews, and the questions and the reporters. That was what got old. The same old questions, the same old shit. It never ended. What made it all worth while was that time on stage. Those two short hours where he felt he was connecting with everyone he saw. The music was their common bond.

Just the thought of no longer playing music made a tear form in his eye. Sometimes he felt the deepest emotions, the most relevant and meaningful things in his life could only be expressed through the music. Because if he tried to say it out loud, with nothing but his voice and thoughts backing it up, that no one would care. Or they would shun him for having his own mind, feelings and ideas. Definitely, the music was more to him than he thought anyone could understand. Until he met Will.

Will, who had loved him for him, who had taken him as he was. Who had not allowed any preconceived notions of what 'Taylor Hanson' was, cloud his mind. Who loved him enough, and knew him enough ,to remind him of how the music was what mattered. That the music was the common bond between himself and the world. That music, unlike many other things in every day life could touch everyone in some form.

Taylor sat back and wiped a tear from his eye. He slid around and stood up. Walking over to the window he drew the curtains back. The rain had stopped. Only slight drops spattered against the windows. The Eiffel Tower looming up in the distance. The spot lights beneath casting twisted shadows on the clouds that almost appear to be frantically trying to choke the highest point of the Tower.

Taylor sighed quietly. A strong feeling of gloom seemed to rush over him. As he stared up at the tower he began to feel like Atreyu, from 'The Never-Ending Story,' gazing up at the Ivory Tower floating detached from all of creation, after The Nothing had destroyed all of Fantasia around it. He felt a tear run down his cheek as he stared into the darkness.

"Taylor," he heard.

He glanced around suddenly. Unsure if the voice was one he head with his ears or with his mind. He looked back outside.


Taylor returned to the bed and sat down. His strength had begun to return. He was hungry. He reached to wake Will but saw how peaceful he was and decided to let him sleep. He stood up and pulled on a pair of jeans, slipped on his sandals and left the room.

*          *          *          *          *

Anthea stood up and walked into the kitchen, carrying the book in her hand as she skimmed over some of the pages.

"Decapitation works as well," she muttered as she passed her mom in the hall.

"Pardon me," her mother asked in slight shock.

"Nothing mom," Anthea said as she closed her bedroom door.

Her mother rubbed her neck and walked back in to the living room.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor slipped the key into his pocket after locking the room door. The hall was quiet, it appeared as if no one was up in the hotel. He walked down the hallway to the short flight of stairs that led down into the lobby. The front desk was empty. A shiver ran over his body as he stepped towards the doors. The hair on the back of his neck prickled and stood on end.

"Taylor," he thought he heard again.

He stopped, stood there for a moment and looked around. He felt himself begin to turn back to the room. To go back and wake Will up. But before he could make one step he suddenly felt himself walking away from the stairs, towards the doors and out into the street. Taylor felt himself trembling as he walked down the dark streets. His mind struggling to regain control of his legs, to turn around and go back, but that control never came.

*          *          *          *          *

Will turned over, his mind was lost. His dream of sitting on the beach in California had twisted now and he was staring at darkness. Nothing seemed to be happening. Until he slowly began to see Zac walking towards him.

"Zac," he called out, his voice echoing in the darkness.

"Will, you gotta wake up," Zac called to him as he walked closer.

"Why, what, Zac what are you talking about?"

"Tay's in danger, you gotta get up and stop it," Zac said as he walked up.

Before Will could reply the darkness was suddenly blasted with light and he was standing on stage. The spot light blinding him. He winced as he looked from his left to right. Ike and Tay, he heard the drums kick starting and Taylor began beating away at the keyboard. For some reason he was holding a microphone. Will looked around confused, he realize he was naked at that very moment. He jumped and covered himself with his hands. He noticed no one seemed to notice but himself.

Suddenly he heard Zac again. He turned back and Zac was sitting there behind the drums.

"There he is," he said quietly, his voice amazingly audible over the rolling of the drums.

"Who," Will asked confused.

Zac didn't reply only continued to stare at the front row.

Will turned back to the crowd and looked. First all he saw were teenies. Screaming, crying, chanting, mouthing the words to the song he had never heard before. But then he looked again, there in the front row in front of Taylor stood a man. Will felt the hairs on his neck stand as he looked at him. The man, looked very Romanian, and very very evil. He wasn't focusing on Will, but staring intently at Taylor. Even though Will had never seen him before he knew instantly this man was bad.

Taylor pounded away on the keyboards as he belted notes into the microphone. Not even noticing the man in the front row. Will stepped forward then turned back and looked at Zac.

"Him," Will asked.

"Yes, he's going to try to take Taylor away," Zac replied quietly.

"How, what?"

Will looked back and trembled. The mans eyes were glowing red pinpoints now. And he was now standing on the edge of the stage just three feet in front of Taylor.

"Hey you, you're not supposed to be here," Will yelled stepping forward. The man didn't move, or stop staring at Taylor.

Will looked over at Tay. Taylor had stopped playing the keyboards, he was still slightly singing but he was now looking back at the man. He looked frightened.

"I told you, you aren't supposed to be here," Will yelled now walking up closer.

*          *          *          *          *

"Oh God," Taylor whimpered to himself as he realized his mind was phasing in and out. He realized he was standing at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

He looked forward, the elevator door was open. He took a few steps forward and got on. The doors automatically shut and the car started upwards.

"Will, oh God Will help me," Taylor whimpered quietly.

*          *          *          *          *

"Oh God Will help me," he heard Taylor mutter.

Will turned towards Taylor in a flash.

"Babe, Taylor, are you ok," he asked frantically as he moved closer to Taylor.

Tay stared blankly forward.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor stared at the side of the elevator. Unable to move, he thought of Will.

"If you can hear me, oh God you've gotta help me," he muttered to himself as the elevator reached high up the tower.

*          *          *          *          *

Zac rolled over, deep in sleep.

He saw Will standing at the front of the stage looking at Taylor. The vampire still standing directly in front of Tay. Still staring at him with those glowing red eyes. Finally he had gotten Will to notice what was wrong. Now it was up to him to stop it.

*          *          *          *          *

The elevator came to a stop. Taylor swallowed, his ears popped. He looked up through the glass windows on the elevator. Paris sat far below. His mind spun slightly as he stepped off the elevator and began to walk around the side near the railing. He glanced downward, it was so far down.

"You heard me calling you," the voice said as he looked up. His eyes met with Ivans.

"No," Taylor said quietly as Ivan pulled him close.

"Yes Taylor," he said as he lunged for him.

The sudden rush of movement seemed to snap Taylor out of the delirium he was in and he quickly threw himself to the side as Ivan crashed into the railing tumbling forwards. Taylor whipped around, caught him by the back of the neck and pushed forward. Ivan's feet slipping off the metal surface kicking in the air. Taylor took one final heave and pushed Ivan over the railing.

Gasping Taylor turned and rested against a metal conduit. His heart was racing, his mind was spinning. Everything seemed so unreal. He stood up slowly and began to turn when Ivan rushed back over the railing and tackled him to the floor of the plat form. Taylor screamed in shock as he crashed down, the back of his head striking the metal. He winced and struggled to keep conscious.

Ivan leaned in close, Taylor found him locked in his eyes again. Suddenly he felt that sick familiar arousal deep inside him. He turned his head to the right and bared his scabbing neck. Ivan ran his pale fingers over Taylors cheek and down to his neck where his long finger nails tore the scabs free from the puncture wounds. Taylor cried out loud as he felt Ivans teeth sink once again into his neck.

*          *          *          *          *

Will screamed as he watched Taylor fall to the stage floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. Ivan suddenly no where to be seen. Zac bolted up from the drums knocking them over as he rushed up.

"Do something damn it," Zac screamed as Ike continued to play as if nothing was happening.

"What can I do, I don't know what's happening.

"Are you blind, that guy was a," Zac started as he suddenly vanished right in front of Will.

*          *          *          *          *

"Zac, wake up," Ike yelled as he kicked the bed with his foot.

Zac jerked and thrashed in the sheets.

"Zac, you need to get up it's almost three in the afternoon," Ike yelled from the bathroom.

Zac rolled over kicking the sheets off the bed.

"A fucking vampire," Zac yelled into the pillow as his eyes opened.

"Watch your mouth, you know mom hates it when you cuss," Ike said leaning in.

Zac sat up, naked in the bed sweating.

"Taylors in trouble," Zac said suddenly looking around.

"Yeah, well you need to get dressed and get downstairs before mom has a conniption fit, you're already behind enough as it is with your studies," Ike finished as he walked into the room.

"Did you hear me," Zac barked pulling the blanket over his 'morning wood.'

"Yah I did, and I think you need to lay off the weed," Ike said as he dug through some papers on his bed.

"The weed has nothing to do with it," Zac said standing up as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Yeah right, well it's not good for your body either, they say it stunts your sex drive, and can make you go impotent," Ike replied still looking through paperwork.

"Do I look worried about impotence," Zac said turning around, pointing at his erection.

"Uh, dude, please," Ike said looking up and then at Zac.

"Whatever man, fine don't listen to me," Zac said turning around walking into the bathroom.

"Just relax, they'll be home tomorrow afternoon," Ike said as he walked out of the room.

"By then it'll be too late," Zac muttered as he flushed the toilet.

On to Chapter Eight

Back to Chapter Six

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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