Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Eight
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Taylor stared off to the side. The dark clouds moving past. His mind had gone numb. The feeling in his body was near gone totally. He could hear the slowing of his heart beat. Ivan sat up and looked down at him. Taylors face was nothing more than a shadow of what it had been. Not a drop of color remained. His eyes, glassy, his skin damp and cool. He heaved a breath and blinked.

"You are at the door of death," Ivan said quietly, Taylors blood staining his chin.

"If I leave you here, now you will die surely," he said quietly.

Taylor looked up slowly. His vision was blurred, his stomach felt nauseated. The energy in him seemed gone. Just the act of turning his head made him feel as if he had just ran a thousand miles. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he looked up.

"I will die then," he said quietly.

"Are you sure of this," Ivan asked as he took his finger nail and slashed a small incision in his neck. A thin stream of blood began to trickle down his chest.

"I could never live a life as you do," Taylor whispered. His mind was beginning to fail, his eyes started to fill with fog.

"Nothing could change your mind," Ivan asked as he leaned in close, allowing Taylor to smell the coppery tinge of the fresh blood running from him.

"Nothing could cause me to do what you have done to me, to another living thing," Taylor gasped as his eye lids fluttered.

"Not even your love, not even Will," Ivan asked his eyes gleaming.

The breath caught in Taylors throat. His eyes instantly welled with tears. In the entire draining ordeal his mind had shut out Will. Only at that instant did everything rush back to him.

"So you doubt yourself," Ivan whispered.

"I can't, I would have to watch him grow old, and die as I remained young," Taylor cried.

"No you wouldn't, you could bring him across as I am bringing you now," Ivan said as he leaned even closer, a drop of blood landing on Taylors cheek.

"I love him, more than you could ever understand," Taylor cried looking up.

"Why did you do this, why have you curse me," Taylor cried.

"It can be looked upon as a curse and a blessing, now you can live with him forever," Ivan smiled.

"Oh God Will, what am I doing," Taylor cried as he turned his face towards Ivans neck as the first drop of blood splashed into his mouth.

*          *          *          *          *

Zac threw up. Standing in the shower, the water running over him, he threw up. He stumbled back against the shower wall and heaved again. He groaned as he heaved a fourth time. Losing his balance he gabbed a hold of the shower curtain. The metal rings bending and racking across the metal rod. He heaved again and lurched to the side ripping the curtain from the rod tumbling onto the bathroom floor. The curtain rod shooting off and crashing into the sink. Knocking everything onto the floor.

"What the hell is, oh God Zac," Ike yelled as he threw open the bathroom door.

"Zac are you ok, Mom, Dad," Ike screamed as he dropped to his knees.

"Taylor, he's, help him," Zac muttered as Ike lifted his head and put it in his lap.

"Zac, oh God," Ike cried as Diana and Walker burst into the bedroom.

"Diana call an ambulance," Walker exclaimed as they ran into the bathroom.

"Zachary, come on son, wake up," Walker said as he reached down and lifted Zac effortlessly up into his arms.

"What happened," Walker asked Ike as he turned and took Zac into the bedroom.

"I don't know, he woke up talking about some nightmare he had, and then he went into the bathroom. I went down stairs to get some stuff and when I was coming back into the bedroom I heard him falling out of the tub," Ike rambled all at once.

"Is there anything we need to know before the paramedics get here," he asked Ike with a serious look on his face.

"Yeah, he was stoned last night, I don't know how much he smoked, but he was pretty out of it," Ike said looking down at the floor.

"Where is the weed," Walker asked looking around.

Ike reached behind the headboard of Taylors bed and pulled the bag out.

"This is all I know about," Ike said handing it to his father.

Walker opened the bag and took a bud in his hand and looked at it.

"I doubt this could have done anything more than fry him out," Walker exclaimed as he stuffed the bag into his pocket.

"They are on their way," Diana exclaimed as she walked into the room.

"He was stoned last night," Walker exclaimed. Diana frowned.

"Unless it was laced weed wouldn't do this to him," she said quietly as she lifted his head and put it in her lap.

"I know, and I believe it was Taylors stash," Walker exclaimed looking at Ike who nodded sheepishly.

"Then it's not the weed," Diana said quietly.

"Zac, wake up sweetie, come on, what's the matter," she cooed quietly in his ear.

"Mom, Taylor, he's in trouble," Zac cried quietly.

"Tay's gonna be ok, he's coming home, both he and Will are gonna be back home soon it's ok," she said quietly running her fingers through his hair.

"Isaac, I want to talk with you for a moment," Walker said standing up walking into the hallway.

"Yes sir," Ike replied quietly as he followed him out.

"That was Taylors weed right," Walker asked.

"Yes sir, it's the same stuff he's always gotten," Ike replied.

"Listen, I know you boys are getting older, you two are both over eightteen, your mother and I feel you have the right to make your own choices, but Zac. Son he's still young, you two both don't seem to realize that sometimes. He's always tried to keep up with you and Taylor. He looks up to you guys, so I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't let it happen again, ok," Walker said quietly.

"Yes sir," Ike replied quietly.

"It's not your fault, I want you to know I believe that, but just try to pay a little bit more attention to him, when he gets bored and has no one to be with he'll start to look for trouble, he's always been that way," Walker replied.

"I know, I'll do my best, when Tay gets back we'll both make sure to spend extra time with him," Ike said giving his dad a hug.

"I was so scared Dad, seeing him like that on the floor," Ike cried quietly.

"I was too, believe me I was too," Walker said as he looked out the window.

*          *          *          *          *

Will thrashed in the bed. Sweating, he cried out slightly and fell still again.

"Taylor, what is happening to you," Will cried as he held Taylor in his arms.

He looked around, everyone had grown silent. They all continued to jump and bounce to the music no one could hear. Ike still strummed away at the guitar but no chords were emitted. Will looked, the man still stood there staring down at Taylor.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor felt his energy shooting back to normal. His mind spun out of control as he wrapped his arms around Ivan's neck. He bit down harder as the blood began to gush from Ivans neck.

"That is enough," Ivan gasped slightly.

Taylor locked his arms in tighter as Ivan began to struggle slightly.

"No more," Ivan gasped, as he staggered backwards.

Taylor growled.

"No," Ivan yelled throwing Taylor off of him.

Taylor flew back and crashed against the elevator doors. He hit the floor and landed on his back. A sensation he had never felt rushed through his body. His brain, at first thought it was an orgasm, but as it grew stronger and stronger he knew it was something else. The feeling, electrifying and orgasmic began to sky rocket. Intensifying by the second, the feeling now excruciating, Taylor screamed. His back arched, every muscle in his body flexed. He clenched his teeth, he clawed at the metal floor. His vision went, his ears went deaf, and his body felt as if it had exploded.

Taylor fell limp. Moments later he opened his eyes. Everything seemed different. He could see better, hear better, even smell better. He stood up. He traced his fingers over his neck, the wounds were gone. Not even scars were left to show what had happened. He looked over, Ivan sat on the floor, weak, tired, drained. Taylor smiled to himself.

"Now look who's drained," Tay said walking over in front of him.

"Yes, but unlike you, I was prepared for it, and I can handle it," he hissed slightly.

"We shall see," Taylor replied as he hoisted Ivan up forcing him to stand.

"What are my weaknesses," Tay asked with a strong voice.

"Everything you have always heard, except daylight, you can move in day light but you must remain covered," Ivan muttered.

"Garlic," Tay asked.

"Will be nothing more than a nuisance to you, as a mosquito bite," Ivan replied quietly.

"And crosses," Tay asked.

"You might grow a immunity towards them, but right now, upon looking at one you will feel as if a massive headache is crashing through your brain."

"What about mirrors," Taylor asked.

"You shall have no reflection, within three days," he replied.

"Any special powers," he asked.

"Everything you have heard, is possible," he said quietly.

"That is what I wanted to know, now, from this point on you will no longer follow me, you will no longer stalk me or anyone I know, if you do I will wipe your presence from the fabric of time," Taylor said as he turned toward the railing and threw Ivan over the side and watched him plummet into the darkness.

*          *          *          *          *

"I'm fine," Zac said as he heard the ambulance pull up outside the house.

"Are you sure," Diana asked with a worried face.

"Yes, I'm sure, geeze, I just got nauseated and all the blood rushed to my brain and I lost my balance," Zac said suddenly worried that the paramedics would find out he had been smoking pot the night before.

After about ten minutes, of poking and prodding, and some minor questions the ambulance pulled away, with Zac still in his bed.

"Honey, we know about the marijuana," Diana said quietly to Zac.

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"It's ok, I think you've learned your lesson," she said.

"Yeah," he muttered as he realized none of them had paid any attention to his warnings about Taylor.

Zac put his head back and began to question them himself.

"Am I off the mark on this one," he asked himself.

"Is this all just some really screwed up dream, Taylor's going to come home and be fine," Zac heard himself repeating over and over in his mind.

*          *          *          *          *

Anthea sat at her computer and typed in a few words and clicked the 'search' button on her screen.

"Vampire, vampirism, vampyre results five thousand plus," she muttered to herself as she read across the screen.

"The more I know about you Taylor the better," she thought to herself.

Anthea had become obsessed by now. Crystal had not stopped by, or even called her in the past day. She was almost sure that Crystal had totally shunned her. But it didn't mater to Anthea, snuffing out Taylor was all she could think about. Now that he was a vampire she was justified beyond the simple means of revenge for his dumping her. Now she would be doing humanity justice. Stopping a force of evil before it spread across the Hanson teenie fandom.

"Yes, this will be fun," she thought out loud as she looked over the items she would need to put an end to Taylor Hanson.

*          *          *          *          *

"Will, babe, wake up," Taylor sighed into Wills ear.

"Stop, no you can't, Taylor are you ok," Will muttered quietly into the pillow.

Taylor's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned over and saw that Will was crying in his sleep. Instantly he rolled Will over and pulled him close and began rocking back and forth.

"Wake up, babe it's ok I'm here, wake up," Tay called to Will quietly.

"I, no, what," Will stuttered as he opened his eyes.

"You were having a nightmare," Tay said quietly as he wiped the sweat from Wills forehead.

"Are you ok," Will asked suddenly sitting up, taking Taylors face into his hands.

"Yes, sweetie I'm perfectly fine," Taylor lied.

"Are you sure, I mean, my God you're gorgeous," Will gasped as the light from the bedside table illuminated Taylors face.

"What," Tay giggled.

"Oh dear sweet God, what has happened," Will asked as he felt himself becoming faint.

"Will, are you ok," Tay asked suddenly concerned.

"Taylor, my God you've never looked better," Will gasped.

"Uh, ok," Tay said standing up and moving towards the mirror.

He looked at his reflection and was slightly startled.

He did look different. His skin was the creamiest shade, the clearest complexion, his lips were full and red, his cheeks touched with that youthful glow his eyes sparkling, no shining. His hair shimmered in the light. Taylor blushed when he saw himself.

"Uh, look the same to me," he lied as he turned around.

Will stared up at him, his mouth hanging open, his eyes wide.

"I love you babe," Tay said sitting down on the bedside.

"I love you too," Will whispered.

Tay leaned in and kissed him. Will melted into his embrace. Taylor kissed and licked across Wills cheek and down his neck. The smell of his skin, his hair, his body made something inside Taylor growl. He nipped at Wills neck gently. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he breathed in. Will fell limp in his embrace, his breaths short. Taylor glanced over, his reflection cast in the window pane, his eyes were ice blue, only the perfect circular pupils were now slits, as a cats. His canines had extended and were protruding from his normal bite line making his upper lip push out slightly. He gasped and turned away. Will jumped slightly as Taylor let go of him and turned away.

"Is something wrong," Will asked quietly, confused.

"No, I'm fine, just got carried away," he smiled looking back at Will. His eyes and teeth had returned to normal.

"Come here," Will said quietly.

Taylor turned back to him as Will kissed him. Their mouths locked as Taylor pulled his cloths from him and slid under the sheets along side Will. The moon shined through the clouds casting it's blue glow down on them as they made love.

*          *          *          *          *

"We've got to take him with us," Ike replied to Shiye as she walked into the room.

"I thought you and me were going to have a quiet dinner alone tonight," she asked confused.

"Yeah, but after what happened earlier today, mom and dad want me to try and include him with the stuff I do," Ike replied.

"I see, so I guess there's no more alone time for us," she asked slightly annoyed.

"No, I didn't say that, Will and Tay will be home tomorrow, and Zac seems to tag along with them better, so lets just see how things go," Ike smiled.

"Ok," Shiye replied.

*          *          *          *          *

"Wake up, we've got a flight to catch," Taylor said as he shook Will gently.

Will opened his eyes, the sun still was not up.

"It's not even day light yet," Will asked.

"Yes, I know, our flight leaves in an hour, at six, so we can make it in by nine in the morning at home," Tay finished.

"Whoa, three hour flight?"

"No it's longer than that, it's the time difference, it's eight in the evening in Tulsa right now," Tay explained.

"So our flight leaves here at six am, but it's nine pm there, we fly to Atlanta, arrive there at six am because the clock turns back as we fly west, then we fly to Tulsa and land right around eight in the morning," Taylor said as he tossed a pair of jeans at Will.

"Sometimes, you are such a blond, then other times I swear, I don't know where you get it," Will laughed.

Tay looked confused momentarily, then shrugged it off.

"Let's split babe," Tay said as he walked out of the bathroom as Will pulled the pants on.

"Going commando," Tay grinned.

"Yeah, didn't think it mattered," Will said as he hung out of the lace up front.

"Naw, it just turns me on majorly," Tay said kissing Will on the mouth.

"Whoa, if you wanna make that flight we had better keep moving," Will laughed as Tay grabbed his crotch.

Will walked into the bathroom.

"You packed all my stuff up," he exclaimed as he flushed the toilet.

"Yeah, so you could sleep later, everything is ready just pull a shirt on and we can go," Tay smiled as he walked in.

"That rocks," Tay said as he watched Will lace up the front of the pants.

"Uh, oh kay," Will laughed with a strange look on his face.

"Anyways, lets go," Tay said walking back into the bed room.

"You sure are antsy," Will replied as he followed behind.

"Here run a brush through that mass and put a hat on," Tay said ignoring the comment.

"Yes mother," Will smirked.

"Naw, call me daddy," Tay laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me," Will said in slight shock and amusement.

Tay leaned in and kissed him.

"Tell me, who's your daddy," Tay giggled as he pulled back.

"You corn pone," Will laughed.

"Oh, come on! Who's your daddy!"

"Oh God, ok ok YOU ARE, you hot lil thing," Will laughed as Tay tickled him.

"See was that so hard," Tay asked.

"No, but that is," Will smiled wickedly as he grabbed Tay's hard-on through his pants.

"Shit, ok we gotta go, or we really WILL miss our flight," Tay said as he kissed Will on the mouth.

"We were here all of three nights," Will said glancing back at the little room.

"We'll be back babe, it's not going anywhere," Tay smiled as he wrapped his arm around Will.

"I know, let's blow this joint," Will smiled as they walked out the door and through the lobby.

"Something wrong," Will asked as Taylor and himself stood at the curbside as a taxi rolled up.

"No, everything is fine," he said in an odd tone as he looked down the street.

"Ok then, lets go," Will said watching Taylor staring at something.

"Babe," Will asked.

"Yeah, lets go," Tay said as he got in.

Taylor looked out the side window as the cab rolled past. Ivan, sitting in the side of an alley way, covered in dirt, looking as if he were sixty years old looked up at him. A slight smirk crossed Taylors face. Ivan was no longer a threat, Taylor knew this now.

"We are gonna be pooped when we get to Atlanta," Tay said.

"Yeah, but with the way you slept last time," Will grinned.

"But I'm wide awake now," Tay grinned.

"Yeah I noticed that, you know you seem, energized," Will said as he ran his fingers through Taylors hair.

"I feel really good," Tay smiled.

"Me too," Will replied as he hugged him close.

Will was happy, and safe, the threat of Ivan was now eliminated. Taylor felt he could relax now, all he had to do was find the right moment and right place to explain to Will what had happened to him. Little did Taylor know, that back home, another threat was growing stronger.

On to Chapter Nine

Back to Chapter Seven

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
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