Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Nine
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Taylor stretched, he looked down and noticed that Will had fallen asleep. Most of the entire flight he had sat in deep thought. He had closed his eyes simply because he didn't like the idea of staring at the back of the seat in front of him. He glanced out the window, his side faced the northern pole of the earth. The sun had not yet risen. The entire flying backwards through time always seemed amusing to him. It was now nearly one in the afternoon in Paris. Yet outside his window, it was still early in the morning, or late at night. However he wanted to look at it.

He glanced down at Will as he shifted. Wills head now rested in his lap. His face pressed against the lowest part of his stomach facing his torso. Wills right hand had slipped around behind his waist and his left was tucked under Tays right thigh. Taylor smiled. He watched Will sleep.

Taylor began to wonder just how powerful he had become. He remembered reading about vampires when he was younger. The world of fantasy, ghosts, goblins, monsters and vampires had caught his interest at a young age. Now, he felt it was funny how he himself had become one of the very things he was intrigued by. Somewhere he remembered that vampires were supposed to be able to read minds. Or be able to invade or concentrate hard enough to move into someone's dreams. Taylor grinned to himself.

Taylor rested his head back, closed his eyes and concentrated. He had no idea how to actually go into Wills mind so all he did was concentrate on Will. Visualizing him in his mind, and then concentrating on him. At first he felt nothing. All he could see was with his minds eye. Nothing seemed to change. Until Taylor totally relaxed. He felt a tingling and suddenly, while his eyes were closed his vision was instantly flooded with images.

Random scenes, flashes of light and bits of things flashed before him. He felt himself surrounded by Will. Taylor trembled slightly. The entire flood of emotion almost too much to handle. Taylor for once was within Wills heart and soul seeing through Wills mind, feeling with Wills heart. He saw himself, through Wills eyes. Will was dreaming of him. Taylor felt a gentle smile cross his mouth.

He and Will were lying in each others grasps on a white sandy beach. The bluest water lapped at their feet. A bright green frond palm leaned over, the wind making it sway lazily in the sunlight. The sky was black, with sparkling pin points of light. Which contrasted the beach, and water below.

The most unadulterated flow of peace, love and joy flooded Taylor. His heart ached, resting within a part of Will no one had ever seen Taylor found himself crying. Suddenly dark clouds seemed to rush up from no where, the waves turned black in the ocean, the sand faded into a dull gray. Taylor watched as a mass of people rushed up and pulled him away from Will. Will screamed in agony, trying to stop them. But it was too late, Taylor watched the mob carry the dream version of himself away, leaving Will alone.

"They can't take me away from you," Taylor said to Will.

Will suddenly spun around and faced him. Wills eyes suddenly large, his breath short.

"No one can take me from you, never ever fear that," Taylor said as he walked up to Will.

Taylor noticed the beach around them instantly flashed and had returned to the amazing beauty it had been only moments before. Dolphins leaped in the water in the distance. Tears flooded Will's eyes.

"I love you so much, I've been so scared Tay," Will cried as he hugged him close.

"I love you too, there is no reason to be scared anymore," Tay reassured him.

"Zac has been coming to me here, warning me that you are in danger, but I can't understand it," Will said looking up.

"Coming here, where is here," Taylor asked.

"Here in my dreams, Taylor I know none of this is real, but Zac has appeared here, to warn me that something was going to happen to you, but I could never figure it out. I always woke up just before it became evident."

"You know you're dreaming," Tay asked.

"Yes, and I know you won't remember any of this," Will said quietly.

"I will, believe me I will," Taylor reassured him.

"You've said that before, over a year ago, when we had not yet met, I saw you here," Will said quietly.

"What," Taylor asked with confusion.

"Back before we had ever met, you used to come here, to me, to see me and talk to me," Will said with a faint smile.

"Tell me what happened," Taylor smiled sitting down in the sand.

"This is the captain speaking," suddenly ripped through their ears. As the sound rushed past them it appeared to leave ripples in the vision around them.

"I'll be waking up now," Will said with a frown.

"No, we can stay," Taylor said suddenly as he concentrated. Blocking out the sound coming from reality.

The vision around him seemed to blur, the sky warped and suddenly he began to see the cabin of the airplane becoming visible, yet still dim and transparent.

"Taylor, what's happening," Will said with shock as he stared at Taylor.

"What," Taylor asked suddenly worried he didn't know how to leave Will's mind.

"I can still see you but the dream is fading," Will said his eyes filling with shock.

"I'll see you here again," Taylor said quietly as he suddenly snapped back to reality.

Taylor's eyes flashed open. He glanced down at Will. Wills eyes were still shut, yet his eyebrows were furrowed together. He looked confused. Just as his eyes began to flutter open Taylor smiled at him.

"Tay, do you," Will asked suddenly.

"Huh, come on sweetie, we're about to land," Tay smiled. The look on Wills face changed as he assumed it had been nothing more than a dream. Taylor bit his lip, something told him it wasn't the right time yet.

*          *          *          *          *

"No one knows they are here yet," Shiye said to Zac as they walked down the hall towards the gate where the plane was already parked.

"I kind of figured that, there aren't any screaming teenies with signs," Zac laughed.

"I know, lets just get them and get back out to Ike," Shiye said.

The doors to the jet-way were still closed. A crowd of people milled around waiting for them to open. Shiye and Zac stood off to the side of the doorway.

The gate attendant picked up a telephone, said a few things and then went and pulled the doors open. The first few people through were airline personnel. Zac shifted waiting and watching. An elderly couple came out first. Then two older women, a group of business men exited next.

Zac shifted again, now becoming worried. But that feeling washed away as Tay and Will rounded the bend in the hall and stepped through the double doors. No one reacted, no one screamed no cameras flashed. Zac walked up and wrapped his arms around Taylor and hugged him.

"Good to see you too bro," Tay smiled at Zac.

"Good to be home," Will sighed, he looked physically exhausted.

"You doing ok," Shiye asked Taylor as they headed down the hallway.

"Yeah I feel great," he smiled.

"Will you ok, you look beat," Shiye asked with concern.

"Just tired, I'll be fine," Will exclaimed. His face tired, bags under his eyes.

"I don't think he's used to those international flights yet," Tay smiled.

"Dude, you look amazing," Zac said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Thanks, I didn't know you cared," Tay laughed.

"No, it's just, well I mean with you being sick over there and all, I expected you to look, well more like," Zac stuttered as Will looked over.

"More like me," Will asked with a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"Well," Zac said sheepishly.

"You try sitting up all those hours watching over him, worried he might not pull through, scared you might never see him again," Will started as tears filled his eyes. He staggered against Taylor.

"Whoa, whoa, guys, Will are you ok," Tay asked suddenly pulling Wills arm over his shoulder.

"I'm gonna, be," Will stuttered as his eyes rolled back and he fell totally against Taylor.

"Shit, guys come on before you make a scene," Ike exclaimed as he rolled up at the curb as Tay and Will stumbled forward.

"Uh, a little late," Zac said as he saw some teenies running towards them.

"Quick get him in," Shiye nearly yelled as Zac and Tay helped lower Will into the car.

"What happened to him," Ike asked with concern.

"I think it's just pure exhaustion, with him watching over me, and the long flight," Tay explained.

"Not to mention Zac being a prick," Shiye snapped as she slammed her door shut.

"Hey, I didn't do anything," Zac defended.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Ike retorted as they pulled off. The mass of teenies just reaching the curb, though it was too late.

*          *          *          *          *

"Is Crystal there," Anthea asked as Crystals mom answered the telephone.

"Anthea, Crystal is, uh, not home right now," her mother said with an odd tone.

"Oh, do you know when she'll be back," Anthea asked.

"Not sure, she went out with her, cousins, I'll tell her you called though, bye," Crystals mom hung up without waiting for a reply.

"That's weird," Anthea thought to herself as she hung the phone up.

*          *          *          *          *

"That was Anthea," Crystals mom said to her as she walked into the kitchen.

"Ugh," Crystal replied.

"Sweetie, what's the matter, you and Anthea used to be great friends, now, I don't even know."

"Mom, the chick has totally lost it, she's obsessed with getting Taylor back," Crystal replied with an annoyed look as she sat down at the table.

"Isn't dating that boy?"

"Yeah, he dumped Anthea over two years ago."

"And she's still trying to get him back?"

"Yah, she's really insane," Crystal replied.

"That's too bad, does Taylor know?"

"I'm sure he has some kind of idea, it's so obvious how she tries to plant herself wherever they are, but who knows, anyways, I'm going over to Kaitlyns house, I'll be home later, if Anthea calls again just tell her I'm not back in yet."

"Ok, be careful."

*          *          *          *          *

"Is he going to be ok," Diana asked quietly through the bedroom door.

"Yeah, he's just really tired, he didn't sleep a wink while I was in the hospital," Taylor whispered as he laid next to Will.

"I'm proud of him," Diana said quietly.


"For sticking by you, for making sure you were ok," Diana smiled in the dim light.

Taylors heart sank, she had no idea what had happened to him. She had no idea that Will couldn't have stopped it if he had tried.

"Yeah," Tay replied quietly.

"I won't let anyone wake you guys up early tomorrow, you just sleep in," she replied quietly as she pulled the door shut.

Will turned over in his sleep and buried his face against Taylors bare chest. Taylor looked down at him. The moon light beamed through the window shade. Will looked aged, older than he was. The bags under his eyes had began to shrink but the way the light hit him, and the angle he was lying made his eyes look older. The blue light made him look pale, and thin. Some of the natural high lights in his hair appeared to be gray.

A tear trickled down Taylors cheek. His heart ached as he began to understand that every day Will would grow older. As the years would progress Wills body would slowly start to break down. His joints would stiffen, his muscles would tire. His hair would turn gray, his face would begin to loose it's youth. The entire time Taylor would remain young, would continue to appear strong, healthy and beautiful.

Emotions began to flood out of Taylor. His heart burned and ached. His mind screamed in anger as his blue eyes flared and glinted, once again appearing cat like. He felt his canines extend as he looked up at the moon. He was angry, no beyond angry. The wrath he felt towards Ivan was stronger than the burning fires of hell.

In a flash Taylor was standing beside the bed looking down at Will. His eyes piercing, his teeth elongated, his fists clenched.

"I have changed my mind," Taylor hissed quietly staring out the window. Will remained quietly sleeping.

"Ivan, you now will die," Taylor hissed as he suddenly vanished from the room. A slight mist remaining where he had been only moments before.

*          *          *          *          *

Ivan curled into a ball in the corner of the basement of the old stone house near the Left Bank. He trembled in terror. His body had not yet restored to the strong youthful appearance it had when he met Taylor. Only three small children had been his sustenance since Taylor nearly drained him totally up in the Eiffel Tower. He still appeared a weak old man.

Had he known what a strong individual Taylor Hanson was, he would not have dared to change him into one of the Undead. He had felt the growing hostility, and anger ebbing from Taylor. Even though he was thousands of miles away Ivan felt it reach a breaking point.

Now, he knew his time was short, and that in mere hours, if that long, Taylor Hanson would be there to put an end to him for what he had done. It was something all vampires knew could happen when they brought another over to their side. They all had been taught and warned to never bring another over that could possibly be stronger than themselves.

They had been told to always find a weak human, who could be taught, who would be loyal. But as history would prove, some of the most seemingly weak humans, ones who appeared to be no threat would easily become the strongest vampires. Who would lead largest kiss from many different regions of the world. Ivan knew he had brought this to pass with Taylor. He knew that his existence was now over and that Taylor would most likely begin a new era in the ranks of all those who still walked among the living.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor appeared in an alleyway. The sun was setting, the bright beams of light now hitting high atop the buildings. The streets and walks now bathed in shadow. Taylor knew he was safe. He stepped out onto the walk and began following his instinct. He passed numerous shops, and restaurants. One or two people seemed to recognize him. Taylor became amused as he realized many people were easily misguided. A simple short direct command from his mind would have them shrugging him off and ignoring him as he passed by.

"This might come in handy after concerts," he laughed quietly to himself.

He walked down the road and stopped. His senses sparked. He glanced to his left, towards the river. Something urged him towards it. He rounded a few corners and walked up to the edge of a balcony on the waterfront. In the distance across the river sat an old stone house. Taylor felt the anger in him surge, instantly he knew Ivan was in that home.

Taylor walked around, down a flight of stone stairs to the docks. Off to his left sat a cement boat ramp leading directly into the water. He walked down to the water and looked out. The sky had now grown dark but visibility across the river was crystal. Taylor knew his crossing could easily be seen by anyone from either side, or on a boat. While he was sure he could throw them with a simple mental command he did not want to risk it.

Taylor closed his eyes, and concentrated. The wind began to blow, he clenched his fists and forced the mental image into reality. As he opened his eyes, he saw that it had come true. A thick, white fog had settled in the river. Thicker than paint, he could walk through it without being seen. He stepped out onto the water and began to walk across.

*          *          *          *          *

"He is nearly here," her voice called to him from the upstairs.

"I know, I have felt him since he arrived in Paris," Ivan replied.

"Shall I stop him," she asked.

"No, he is here to right something he believes to be wrong, he is acting with righteous furry, you will not be able to stop him," Ivan replied quietly.

"But I do not wish to loose you," she replied.

"It is my time to go, I have been yours for nearly two thousand years," Ivan breathed quietly.

"The fog has cleared, he has crossed the river," she replied.

"Promise me you will not prevent his entrance," Ivan asked.

She did not reply.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor glanced back, the fog had cleared, a few people passed by in a boat looking very confused. He chuckled to himself. Up ahead sat the stone wall of the home Ivan was in. Taylor walked up and looked at it. It must have been nearly twelve feet high. He glanced up toward the roadway behind him and saw that a guard post blocked an easy entrance through the main gates. He walked around toward a group of high shrubs and stepped into them.

*          *          *          *          *

"No Madame we have see no one," the guard replied into the telephone in heavy French.

"Yes Madame, we shall keep a look out."

"What did she ask," the other guard said glancing over.

"Something about a visitor that herself and Master Ivan were expecting," he replied glancing down the road.

"My word, look at that," the guard gasped as he pointed down the road.

"What, what do you see," the other jumped from his seat.

"Why that must have been the biggest bat I've ever seen, it just shot out of those bushes into the air," he replied with a pale face.

"Should we call in," the other asked.

"What, and tell her there's a big flying rat swooping around out side, and give her a heart attack? I don't know about you but I'd like to keep my job," he finished as he sat back in his seat.

The other guard drew his collar up around his neck and frequently would glance over head.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor felt slightly dizzy, the view was amazing. The stone wall had dropped far below as he soared up into the air. He looked downward and saw the house. No lights were on, but he felt Ivan deep with in. He drew up and dropped down into the tree beside the house, landing on a branch he eyed the situation. His mind slightly struggling to focus and determine the best way to enter while hanging upside down. He dropped from the tree downwards into the bushes by the trunk.

Moments later he trotted out from the bushes. The fur that covered his body made him sweat. He found himself panting as he crossed the front walk. He looked around, everything seemed even more strange than he expected. He had forgotten that all dogs and wolves are color blind. He climbed the front stairs and looked around. The front door was slightly open. Something within him felt danger, and he stepped backwards.

*          *          *          *          *

Will turned over, he opened his eyes and noticed Taylor was not beside him. He rolled back over and closed his eyes. Being at home, he felt he could relax.

"He's probably downstairs or something," he muttered to himself as he fell back asleep.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor walked barefoot around the side of the house. The weeds sticking to the bottom of his feet. The wind blew past him causing him to shiver. He heard the sound of an approaching car. Ducking into the bushes he crouched down. He eyed the car as it rolled up in front of the house. Someone stepped out of the car, a girl no more than seventeen years old. She skipped up the front steps and opened the door.

Taylor stood and walked out from the bushes and towards the front stairs. The girl stood peering into the house. Something suddenly began to feel strange about what he was seeing. Just before he could turn back the head lights of the car flashed on, their bright beams shining on his naked body. He turned around quickly and then darted to the left. To any human his movement would have seemed instant, as if he had vanished. But the occupant of the car was not human, and she saw quite clearly that he had landed quite quickly and quietly on the roof of the car.

Taylor looked at the front door of the house. The girl no longer stood there. He hissed quietly as he realized that yet another vampire had caused him to hallucinate, and had drawn him out with that hallucination. He was angry now, surely whoever was beneath him in the car was in league with Ivan. Taylor leaped from the roof of the car up onto the over hanging roof of the front porch.

"I see you Taylor Hanson," the female voice called out as she exited the car.

"And I see you, you who's name I do not know," Taylor replied.

"You are young, but very strong," she said as she walked toward the house.

"You, are old and very foolish," Taylor replied with a hiss, his teeth now elongated, his eyes flashing.

"Stand and face me then," she replied with a wicked smile.

Instantly Taylor dropped in front of her landing on his feet.

"I see we have been shape shifting," she chuckled as she stared at Taylors naked body.

"I see someone's been shopping at the vintage shops," Taylor replied coldly as he stared at her old style clothing.

"You shall not take Ivan from me," she said plainly.

"Ivan has wronged me, I did not wish to become a vampire, but it has happened," Taylor said his blue cat eyes flashing in the light.

"You chose this on your own," she said as she walked closer.

"I chose nothing, I had no choice, to die, and leave my love alone, or to become a vampire and remain with him, that is no choice," Taylor hissed.

"It is the same choice I had," she replied.

"You will not stop me," Taylor replied.

"But I can, and I will," she smiled.

"Allow me your name, so I may remember more than that you were one of the first foolish ones of our kind to stand between me and something I have set forth to do," Taylor said with an even more wicked expression.

"Chloé," she replied.

"No last name," he asked.

"Chloé Gaston Tepish," she replied as she held her head high.

"So then, 'Ivan' as he calls himself is indeed Dracul himself," Taylor replied quietly.

"Yes, the first of our kind, therefore you now see that you have no right nor the power needed to vanquish him," Chloé replied stepping closer.

"I thought he had two more wives," Taylor replied with a chuckle.

"He did, but I did away with them, I do not like competition," she hissed as her green eyes shifted and her teeth elongated.

"Yes, and I don't like snide bitches who think they have the right to tell me what to do," Taylor hissed back.

"There is where you have me wrong, I am not here to tell you what you can do, I am here to tell you what you will not do," she screamed as she lunged through the air at him.

In an instant Taylor fell back onto the ground, throwing his foot up he tossed Chloé up into the air through the glass windows on the front porch. Instantly he lunged to his feet and flew through the window at her. Suddenly he felt the guards attention, the glass breaking had been heard, he threw a mental command and they shrugged and went back to the small TV set that sat in the booth in front of them.

Taylor stepped inside the window. Instantly he was hit in the face, knocked across the front porch were his back crashed through the old wooden railing, bruises would rise in his skin soon. He tumbled into the bushes and shook his head. He scrambled and stood up, his hand clutching a splintered wooden post from the railing. Just before he could gather his thoughts he saw her rushing form fly through the air.

As she impacted with his body he held up the splintered wood. They fell back onto the ground. Her ear splitting scream pierced through the night as suddenly Taylor was covered in dust and ashes. Chloé was no where to be seen. The wooden post had impaled her, and sent her to the pit of darkness.

Taylor stood up, dusted himself of her remains and walked up the front steps.

"I will not fight you," Ivan said as he slowly creeped forward.

"I had to dispose of her," Taylor replied quietly.

"I know, I told her not to fight you," Ivan said quietly.

"Vlad Dracul," Taylor said quietly as he stood naked before the father of all vampires.

Vlad looked up at him.

"Now is the moment where you are vanquished, you now shall rest," Taylor exclaimed.

Before Vlad could react Taylor thrust the same splintered wooden post through him. Stepping back Taylor watched as his form slowly crumbled and turned to dust.

"I have been avenged," Taylor said quietly as he turned to leave.

He glanced back at the pile of ashes, the remains of Vlad the Impaler scattered across the floor.

"Yours was a legacy of nobility and of insanity, brought to an end in an age where the past has no power against the the strong of heart and determined of mind, I only hope my legacy will not die out in such a disgraceful way," Taylor exclaimed as he turned to leave. His figure never exited the front door, only the remains of a slight finger of mist slinked away as he stood in the bedroom of his home, thousands of miles away.

On to Chapter Ten

Back to Chapter Eight

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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