Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Ten
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Taylor turned the knob in the shower. The hot water blasted down. After adjusting the temperature he stepped inside. He glanced up, noticing the rod was bent.

"Weird," he muttered to himself as he began to wash away the dirt and dust that had caked to his skin during the fight back in Paris.

He stared down at the drain. Watching the dirty water spiral downward into the metal circle. He blinked. Leaning forward he pressed his palms against the cold porcelain tile. His head was spinning, he felt drained of energy. His stomach turned slightly as he thought of eating some of the spaghetti he smelled cooking downstairs. He sucked a breath of air in. Tracing his tongue across his teeth he felt the canines slowly extend. He was hungry, and he knew he had to get out of the house fast.

*          *          *          *          *

"Is Crystal in yet," Anthea asked Crystals mother as she answered the phone.

"No, she's still out, I told you sweetie, I'd have her call you when she got in," Crystals mom replied.

"Just tell her I need her to do me a favor," Anthea replied.

"I will, thanks," she said as she hung up.

"Why is she avoiding me," Anthea asked herself as she sat back on the bed.

*          *          *          *          *

Taylor pulled on a pair of jeans, slid his sandals on and walked out the back door. No one had noticed he had even left to begin with. He walked down through the back yard. His movement too fast for the motion detectors to recognize. The back yard remained dark.

"Holy shit, Taylor," Zac yelled as he ran smack into him.

"Whoa, I'm sorry dude, I didn't even see you," Tay stuttered as he stood up.

"Man, I didn't even hear you coming," Zac said as he gathered himself up from the grass.

"Sorry, I was just," Taylor muttered.

"What are you doing out here," Zac asked

"Uh, well I was about to ask you the same thing, I mean, it's like what, nine o'clock at night and you're walking around in the back yard," Tay asked.

"Dude, you're out here too, don't pin the weirdness on me alone," Zac smiled.

"Oh, yah," Tay muttered.

"Are you ok," Zac asked as he noticed Taylor had a weird look on his face.

"I'm fine, just, well, just feeling odd, I was gonna go for a walk or something," Tay said quietly as he looked out across the woods behind Zac.

"Uh, same here, listen, I do kinda need to talk to you about something, you know, stuff I've needed to get off my chest," Zac said as they turned and began to walk away from the house.

"About what," Tay asked.

"Well, first of all, I smoked all your weed, I'm sorry," Zac said quietly.

"Oh, hah is that all," Tay smiled.

"Well, there's more, I mean, while you were out of town in Paris, I kept having these really weird dreams," Zac started. Taylor stopped in his tracks.

"Something wrong," Zac asked as he realized Taylor was no longer walking beside him.

"Well, no, I mean, well Will told me he was having strange dreams too, that you were in them."

"He was in mine as well, Taylor ok you know," Zac started.


"Mom, Dad, Ike and all of them think I've lost it, they think I'm nuts but, I have to tell you, while you were gone I kept seeing you being attacked by something," Zac said quietly as he tried to keep composure.

"Something, or someone," Tay asked.

"Well, kinda like both," Zac replied.

"Ok, well now you're confusing me too," Taylor lied.

"A vampire, ok," Zac said plainly looking away.

"A vampire what," Tay played stupid.

"I kept seeing you being attacked by a vampire," Zac said turning to face him.

"Well, do I look like a vampire," Tay laughed.

"Dude, don't laugh at me, you know how I saw that hurricane before you and Will even left for Hawaii," Zac defended.

"I know, listen dude," Tay started.

"No, you listen, I've been told to be quiet, to stop being so weird, to relax to stop jumping to conclusions, I'm sick of it," Zac snapped.

"Now damn-it Taylor, are you a vampire or not, because if you are, at least I'll be able to rest, because I swear this whole thing has made me almost go insane," Zac yelled.

"Keep your voice down," Taylor replied quietly.

Somewhere inside him Taylor felt angry. Yet also he felt compassion for his brother, and that he worried so much for him. Yet, an even more frightening feeling seemed to be shaping, Taylor was afraid to recognize it, but it was becoming more and more evident. Taylor found himself becoming attracted to Zac. Something deep inside, the animal magnetism, the hunger and desire of the vampire within Taylor had begun to develop more and more.

"Dude," Zac said stepping backward.

"Yeah," Tay whispered.

"Why are your staring at me like that," Zac asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, I didn't even know I was," Taylor lied.

"Ok well, yah you know I'm going back home," Zac said as he turned to pass Taylor.

"No wait," Taylor said quietly grabbing Zac by the arm.

"What," Zac snapped looking annoyed.

"You mean a lot to me, I really am glad you care so much," Taylor said, the true Taylor deep within. The Taylor that loved his brother, the one who cared, and wanted to protect him.

"It's ok, just you know," Zac said feeling uncomfortable.

Taylor looked at him. His eyes shifted and glinted. Zac suddenly stopped pulling away. Yet fear seemed to swell in his eyes.

"Tay, what's going on," Zac squeaked quietly.

Taylor didn't reply but pulled Zac closer. Taylor breathed in, the smell of Zacs hair, the tinge of perspiration on his cloths. Taylor felt his teeth begin to elongate.

"Tay, you're scaring me," Zac said quietly.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Taylor whispered as he leaned in close pressing his body against Zacs. His breath blowing on Zacs cheek.

"Dude," Zac gasped quietly as he felt his knees going weak.

"Zac," Taylor whispered as his lips brushed against Zacs mouth, cheek and neck. Taylor pulled him closer.

"Taylor what are you doing," Zac cried quietly.

"So beautiful," Taylor muttered as he watched the vein in Zacs neck pulse.

"Taylor, no please," Zac whimpered. Unsure exactly what Taylor was doing. Not sure if he was going to kiss him or what. All Zac knew was this was very not cool.

"Stop," Zac cried quietly.

A dog barked in the distance. Taylor felt himself struggling inside. Part of him was battling, trying to let go of Zac. Yet the other part was trying to squeeze tighter. To hold on with all his strength.

"Tay, Zac," Diana's voice called from the back door.

"Mommy," Zac whimpered voiceless.

Suddenly Taylor Hanson broke through and released Zac.

"Mom," Zac screamed as he ran forward.

"Zac, no wait," Taylor suddenly yelped tears flooding his eyes.

"Mom help," Zac screamed as if he was about to die as he ran forward, the back yard now visible through the woods.

"Zac is something wrong," Diana called out.

"It's," Zac started suddenly he was cut short.

*          *          *          *          *

"I don't care, don't scare your brother like that anymore," Diana scolded Taylor as he and Zac walked up the back steps.

"I didn't know he'd freak out like that," Taylor muttered as he eyed Zac.

"Yes you did, you know I don't like it when you drop out of trees like that on me," Zac snapped.

Taylor smiled to himself. The mental command, and power of suggestion was stronger than Zacs memory. Taylor was sure now that he had to get away long enough to feed. It was too risky to be around the family when he was hungry. Family or not, the vampire in him wanted to feed. Taylor understood that part of himself now. No one was safe when he needed blood.

*          *          *          *          *

Will stretched and opened his eyes. The morning light beamed in through the window. Taylor was stretched out asleep beside him. He glanced over, the clock read eleven thirty in the morning.

"Taylor," Will whispered as he snuggled close.

"Hmm," Tay muttered half asleep.

"I love you," Will smiled through sleepy eyes.

"I love you too babe," Tay grinned as he rolled over to face Will.

"Feeling ok," Tay asked.

"Yeah, a lot better," Will smiled.

"You should, you slept all day and night yesterday," Tay grinned as he ran his fingers through Wills long brown hair.

"I'm starved," Will yawned.

"Wanna go out and get something," Tay asked.

"Well, I guess, or I could cook something," Will suggested.

"Naw, we need time alone, out somewhere," Tay said stretching.

"Taylor, you know, there's something about you," Will said.

Taylor instantly tightened up.

"Uh," Taylor said quietly.

"Something so amazing, and wonderful," Will smiled as he hugged him close.

"Someone's in a mushy mood this morning," Tay smirked as he kissed Will on the forehead.

"Naw, I'm just finally feeling myself again, that entire ordeal was so draining," Will said quietly as he rested his cheek against Taylors chest.

"Well, the next time we go out of the country, it will be different," Tay replied quietly.

"Tay," Will started.


"Do you think you'll ever tire of me," Will asked quietly.

"Tire of you," Tay asked in confusion.

"Yeah, you know," Will replied not looking up.

"Nope," Tay replied quietly.

"You're so young, and there's so much more out there, you have such a long life ahead of you," Will started.

"Don't do this," Tay said quietly.

"What," Will asked looking up.

"Don't start the whole 'I'm not worthy' stuff," Tay replied looking him in the eye.

"No, I wasn't doing that, I simply, well I don't know, I just," Will stuttered.

Tay smirked.

"What's so funny," Will asked.

"You, for once you're the one stuttering, it's a nice change," Tay giggled.

Will smiled and put his head back down.

"I've told you time and again babe, you're stuck, right here," Tay said placing his hand over his heart.

"I know, I guess I just doubt myself sometimes," Will sighed.

"I understand, I do too sometimes," Tay said quietly.

"What could there possibly be that you feel doubtful of," Will asked turning his head over to face Taylor.

"So many things, so many things," Tay said quietly.

"Would you mind clueing me in on a few," Will asked.

"It changes from day to day, sometimes, I feel everything is right, everything is perfect. Then suddenly, out of the blue, other days are like the picture of disaster," Tay said quietly.

"I know the feeling," Will replied.

"Since we've met though, you've been the only constant, the one thing that I have never had to second guess," Tay said, a slight tear in his eye.

"I," Will started.

"There are a lot of things about me, you've yet to find out," Taylor continued.

He shifted and looked down at Will.

"Things that have been apart of me since I was born, things that have come about as I grew up, things that I have recently found myself."

"Ok," Will said quietly.

"I might seem kind of odd for a while, just be here for me, to listen, when I talk to you. I may not be asking for your advice, or your opinion, I just need to know you'll be here to listen," Tay said quietly.

"You got it," Will smiled.

"No, I mean this, you think I'm just kinda, rambling on here, but things have been changing inside me, I can't explain it now, soon but not right now, all I can ask you to do is continue to love me and be here for me, because right now I'm very scared," Tay said quietly, tears beginning to flow.

Wills eyes began to well up too. His eyebrows furrowed as he propped himself up on his elbow. Suddenly worried something really bad had happened that he was unaware of. His dreams of Zac suddenly rushing back to him.

"Tay, I, well, I mean, ok I'll be here, whenever you need me, to talk, to listen, or to just hold, you," Will said as he traced his fingers across Taylors cheek.

"That, right now means more to me than I think you could possibly imagine," Taylor sighed quietly.

"I love you so much," Will whispered as he scooted up and wrapped his arms around Taylor, pulling him close.

"I love you too," Taylor whispered.

Tay glanced over at the window, the sun was beaming in, he knew this would be difficult.

"If we're going out I need to get ready," Tay said sitting up.

"Uh, ok," Will replied slightly confused.

"I'll be back in a few," Taylor said as he walked into the closet.

Standing in the closet he looked over the cloths that hung on the rung. Lots of long shirts, different colors and styles. Numerous styles of slacks, jeans and leather pants. Taylor frowned.

"Damnit, why can't it be winter," he thought to himself.

The temperature was set to be in the mid eighties, and thick, long sleeve clothing would not only look strange, but he also would be uncomfortable.

"How bad can it be, it's only been two days," he thought to himself as he pulled on his Joan Jett shirt and slipped on a pair of capri slacks.

"Smashing," Will smirked as Tay walked out.

"What, these old things," Tay giggled.

"You look great," Will smiled as they walked out into the hallway.

"Awfully quiet," Tay commented as they noticed no one was home.

"They may have gone out," Will replied as Tay walked over to the fridge and pulled the note off.

"Yup, they went out, doesn't say where, but they'll be back sometime after four," Tay said as he grabbed the keys up off the side table.

"Where we gonna eat," Will asked.

"Well, I'm not really hungry, so it's up to you," Tay replied as they stepped outside.

Taylor winced as the heat hit his face.

He locked the front door and started down the front walk.

Will had walked to the car when he stopped to look back at Taylor. He stared in confusion. Taylor seemed to be skirting side of the house. The sun beamed down on the walk, only shaded in a few places by the eaves of the house, and a few tree branches. Will almost opened his mouth to say something but shrugged it off. Still, Will found himself wondering why was Tay dodging the sunlight.

Taylor slinked around the side of the car. Wincing as the sun hit his skin. It seemed to feel as if it were actually burning him on contact. He got the car unlocked and slipped in, a sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he sat down.

"You ok?" Will asked confused.

"Yeah, just real touchy about skin cancer," Tay said without looking at him. Will shrugged.

"Where to?" Tay asked.

"You pick a place," Will replied smiling.

"Uh, great," Tay commented as he put the small black sports car into reverse and backed out of the driveway.

Will, again looked at him with a puzzled look, but didn't say anything.

After driving for a while Will began to wonder where exactly Taylor was taking him. They had made three left hand turns, and actually were back in the same place they had started. Taylor had been driving in circles for about half an hour.

"Uh, hey you know," Will started.

"IHoP," Tay exclaimed suddenly.

"Oh, ok," Will replied as he looked out the window.

They pulled into the parking lot. Taylor hopped out of the car and sprinted into the entrance. Will stood up and closed the door.

"What the hell is all this about?" he asked himself quietly as he walked up to the glass door.

"Come on I got us a table," Tay said quietly as he led Will by the hand to the table.

"Ok, hey why did," Will started to ask.

The waitress walked up before he could finish.

"You know what you want, or do you need more time," she asked.

"Uh, I'm just having coffee, black no sugar, you ready yet," Tay asked.

"Uh no, actually I do need some more time," Will replied, it was obvious that he was slightly agitated.

"Ok, be right back with that coffee," she said walking off.

Taylor stared out the window.

"Ok, you know what, spill it, right now," Will asked suddenly making Taylor jump a bit.

"What," Tay asked honestly confused.

"You're being really weird," Will said as he set his menu down.

"Oh," Tay said quietly.

"Listen, I told you I'd be here to listen, to do whatever I can do, but you've gotta let me in on what's going on behind those baby blues of yours," Will replied quietly.

"There is a lot, and I'm trying to sort it out," Tay replied.

"Well, all I know is you've been acting nutty since we left the house," Will replied.

"I'm just feeling weird, ok, I'll stop being 'weird' ok," Tay smiled.

"Ok," Will said as he looked back at his menu.

He placed his order and stared at Taylor in silence. Every time he considered opening his mouth to talk, or ask a question he changed his mind. Taylor wasn't even looking at him. He kept staring out the window.

Will ate his food and had gone through three cups of coffee before Taylor realized he had finished.

"Oh, hey, you ready to go," Tay asked.

"Yeah, ok," Will said looking off. The hurt in his eyes was obvious.

"Check," Tay called out as the waitress passed by.

"Be right back," she said as she walked to the register.

Taylor once again went back to staring out the window.

"Taylor," a female voice called out.

Taylor turned around, Crystal was standing at the entrance.

"Oh good grief," Tay muttered through a fake smile.

"Who's that?" Will asked, hoping now Tay might start talking.

"That chick, who calls us all the time," Tay replied.

"Uh ok," Will replied trying to remember if Tay had ever mentioned a girl that called all the time. As she walked up he remembered.

"Oh my God, you look amazing," she smiled as she sat down.

Tay glanced over at Will. The look on his face made Will giggle. It was a perfect 'Zac' face which totally said.

"Did I ask her to sit with us?"

Crystal looked over.

"Hi, Will right," she smiled offering her hand.

"Yeah, Crystal, right," Will replied shaking it.

"Yup, so anyways, God, Taylor we were all so worried about you," she replied.

"Well, I'm fine there's nothing to worry about."

"You know Anthea," Crystal started, Taylor suddenly got stiff.

"She's like stalking you," Crystal said plainly.

"Still," Taylor replied.

"Uh huh, she's got some crazy idea that you're a," Crystal started when Taylor suddenly stood up.

"Uh, hey come here for a second," he said as he pulled Crystal away from the booth. Will never looked more confused as he watched Taylor pull Crystal away.

"Tay," Will called out.

"Be right back," he replied without looking back.

"Well fuck me," Will said flopping back in his seat.

"Hey what's the deal," Crystal asked as Tay pulled her over to the back hall.

"What does Anthea know," Taylor asked.

"Oh, uh, well her friend Monique, who lives in Paris said she found you in an alley way, and that some dude had been kissing you, is that why you freaked out just now," Crystal asked.

"What," Tay asked confused.

"I thought you got freaked out because you didn't want Will to know you had a lil squeeze going on, on the side," Crystal replied.

"First off, I do not have a little squeeze on the side," Tay started.

"Oh, sorry, well anyways," Crystal continued, cutting him off.

"Monique and all her friends said the guy was a vampire," Crystal finished.

"Do I look like a vampire?" Tay asked plainly.

"Ha, well," Crystal laughed nervously.

"Ok, lets add things up, it's after twelve noon, and I'm out side," Taylor began.

"Yeah ok."

"Secondly, do you see any bite marks," Taylor replied turning his head from side to side.


"And third, look right there," Tay said pointing to the windows to their right.

"What, it's your car," Crystal said looking out the window.

Taylor rolled his eyes.

"No, the reflection."

"Oh, yah I see us," she replied.

"Ok, now do you still think I'm a vampire," he asked.

"I never thought you were one, Anthea does," she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh," Taylor said suddenly off guard.

"Listen, she's gone all looney toons, ok, you need to be careful, I don't know what that chick has planned, but, ok look at it this way," Crystal continued.


"I'm a ditz, you know it, I know it, we all know it, and I decided she was too weird to hang out with anymore, that should tell you something," she said plainly.

"You know, Crystal, I think I figured you all wrong," Taylor replied with a smile.

"Uh, ok," Crystal smiled.

"Thanks for the warning, and by the way, don't mention to Anthea that you saw me, ok?"

"Yah, right like why would I do that," she laughed shaking her head as she walked away.

Taylor walked back into the main entrance, Will was no longer sitting at the booth.

"Your friend said he was going to walk home," the waitress said as she walked up to Taylor.

"Oh shit," Tay muttered as he smacked the counter top with his hand. "Thanks," Tay said as he turned to leave.

"I said he's walking home, I didn't say he paid your bill," she said suddenly.

"Oh, sorry," Taylor replied tossing her a twenty as he rushed out the door.

"Kids," she muttered.

*          *          *          *          *

"Zac, ok make up your mind dude," Ike said as they stood inside the Baskin Robbins.

"Lay off, there are over thirty flavors here, you gotta combine them properly," Zac said looking through the glass frosted windows.

"Not all of them," Ike almost yelled.

"Shut up," Zac yelled.

"Geeze, you'd think you were twelve years old again," Ike replied looking off.

"Hey, ice cream is the only thing I can still feel the same way about, now shut up," Zac growled as he pointed to a bin.

"What the hell?" Ike said walking up to windows.

"Holy shi-," Zac started.

"Watch it," Ike replied without looking away from the scene outside.

"What the heck is going on?" Zac said as they watched Will walk past them on the sidewalk. Taylor driving along side him in his car.

"Beats the hell out of me, come on," Ike replied as he rushed out the door.

"Dude, the ice cream," Zac yelped as he skipped from side to side between the door and the counter like a confused squirrel.

"Later," Ike yelled.

"Damn," Zac snapped as he took off out the door.

*          *          *          *          *

"Will you get in the car," Taylor pleaded as he drove along side Will.

"I need some time alone," Will snapped not looking at Taylor.

"You don't even know how to get home from here," Tay yelled as he kept tapping the brakes.

"I'll manage," Will replied his voice catching in his throat.

"I'm sorry ok, please," Tay replied.

"What the heck is up with you two," Ike yelled suddenly as he ran up.

Will stopped walking and turned to Ike.

"Shit," Tay yelled as he realized he had driven past them. He hit the brakes and turned into the parking lot.

"Ike I don't know what's wrong with your brother, but God help me if I don't think I'm about to loose my mind," Will cried as he hugged Ike.

"Whoa," was about all Ike could figure out to say.

"Tay are you being a diva again," Zac yelled as he ran up.

"Don't start with me Zac," Tay snapped as he pulled up beside them.

"No, uh-uh, don't you start with me this little soap opera of yours just cut in on ice cream," Zac snapped.

"Oh geeze," Tay replied throwing his head back against the head rest.

"Tay, ok obviously Will is up set, what the hell happened," Ike asked as he pawned Will off on Zac.

"Hey man you ok," Zac asked Will quietly.

"Nothing that we can talk about out here," Tay said as he pulled his arm into the car out of the sunlight.

"What's the deal," Ike said looking at Taylor confused.

"Fine," Tay yelled as he threw the car into park and jumped out.

"Will I'm sorry, I love you with all my heart, I didn't mean to upset you, I already told you that," Tay replied trying to pull him away from Zac.

"You just sat there, the entire time ignoring me, staring out the damn window while I ate, then that Crystal chick came by and you were all up and out of the booth with her in the back hall," Will snapped as he spun around.

"Dude, Crystal," Zac said in disbelief.

"Zac, cut it," Tay snapped.

"What?" Zac replied.

"What the hell is all that about?" Will asked.

"Listen, can we please talk about this at home?" Tay panted, sweat forming on his forehead.

"Taylor, dude are you steaming," Zac asked in shock.

"What," Tay replied jerking his head to the side.

"Shit, Taylor there's like smoke coming off your head," Ike said walking up close.

"Oh my God, Taylor, your skin is bright red," Will gasped as he reached for Tays arm.

"I, uh, I mean," Tay replied looking dizzy.

"Tay," Will said quietly, confusion on his face.

Taylor staggered forward, Will caught him by the arm. His grip slipping as the top layer of skin peeled off in his grasp.

"Holy fuck," Will yelped.

"I'm taking him home, Ike I'll follow you," Will yelled as he delicately helped Taylor into the car.

Ike and Zac jumped into the van.

"Tay, you'll be ok," Will kept saying out loud. The tears in his eyes flooding out his vision.

"I'm sorry," Tay muttered quietly.

"No, I am, I'm sorry I was being such a dick," Will cried quietly as he followed behind Ike.

"It's just beginning," Taylor muttered.

"What is?" Will replied.

"Please don't leave me," Tay cried quietly.

"Oh God, Taylor never," Will cried.

Driving behind Ike Will cried. Taylor unconscious beside him in the car, covered in second and third degree burns. Will didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to think. He couldn't begin to figure out what to do. All he knew was something was happening. Something he couldn't begin to explain.

He gripped the steering wheel, as if it was his only anchor to reality. Because at that very moment Will felt as if his perfect existence had been swallowed by a living nightmare.

On to Chapter Eleven

Back to Chapter Nine

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
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