Taylor Quest Book 3 Eternal Night    Eternal Night
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Eleven
Book 3 in The The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Etrnal Night by Taylor Quest
Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Zac walked up to the bedside. Taylor still slept. He glanced from left to right nervously. Will and Ike had left the room for a moment. Zac reached into his pocket and pulled out a small hand held mirror. He knelt down and held the mirror over himself and Taylor. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he saw Taylors reflection in the mirror.

"I swear, I'm such a dumbass," Zac said quietly as he stood up.

"Zac," Tay muttered.

"Yeah bro," Zac said sitting down beside the bed.

"What time is it," Tay asked quietly.

"Around nine pm," Zac said looking at the clock.

"Help me up," Tay said quietly.

"The doctor said you should stay in bed," Zac replied.

Taylor opened his eyes, Zac flinched slightly. For a second he swore they looked like cat eyes.

"Ok," Zac whispered.

Zac helped Taylor stand. His face, shoulders, arms and lower legs were a deep shade of red. On the top of his head there were patches of hair missing.

"To the bathroom," Zac asked.

"No, outside," Tay whispered.

Zac helped him out the back door without even asking.

Taylor turned to him.

"You will walk inside, close the door and turn out the light, if they ask you how I am you will tell them I am asleep," Taylors words echoed through Zac's mind as he closed the back door and switched off the light.

Taylor trotted through the woods. The moon shining down on his sliver fur. He glanced from left to right. He heard the sound of something rustling around in the brush up ahead. He quietly crouched down and watched. Gizmo, the neighbors dog dug at the ground.

Taylor crept closer, slowly. Gizmo looked up, glanced from side to side and continued to dig.

Taylor crept closer, now only a few feet away. His large canine body blending effortlessly with the brush around him. Gizmo didn't have a clue as Taylor sank his teeth into the back of the little dogs neck. The yelp was heard by no one.

Taylor dropped the small dogs body in the brush deep in the woods and attempted to wipe the blood from his mouth. He glanced down, his chest and hand were covered in blood. He dropped to his knees and once again assumed the shape of a wolf. Glancing up at the moon he howled.

He loped through the woods. Picking off small rabbits, a few cats and yet another dog. Each small animal helped to restore his energy. The moon now sat low on the western horizon. The sky in the east began to glow a dim purple. Taylor glanced up as he threw the dead carcass of a large rabbit into the weeds. The sun would rise soon. He glanced at himself. The deep red burns now gone. He ran his fingers through his hair. It was again soft and full. He smiled to himself. He walked back to the house. The pool looked amazingly inviting. He dove in and swam. Washing the dirt and blood from his skin in the cool water.

"Taylor, hell what are you doing out here," he suddenly heard as the back door opened.

"I needed some air," he replied quietly his eyes shining in the light.

"Are you sure you feel all right," Will asked as he sat down beside the pool.

"I'm fine," Taylor replied smiling. His canines extended, his eyes glinting in the dim blue light reflecting from the pool surface.

He saw Will visibly shudder. He closed his eyes and concentrated.

"Something wrong," Taylor asked quietly.

Will focused again on Taylors face, he looked normal again.

"No, I guess it was the reflection," he muttered.

"Come in," Taylor said quietly.

"It looks kinda chilly in there," Will replied as he eyed the water.

"It's actually pretty nice," Tay smiled.

"Ok," Will replied, not even knowing why he replied.

Will slipped off his boxers and beater and stepped into the water. Amazingly it was actually very nice.

"Eww," Will grimaced as he glanced near the water filter.

"What," Tay asked.

"There's a big wad of fur in the water," Will frowned.

"The dog was probably in the water again," Tay lied.

"Gross," Will replied slapping the water at the wad of fur causing it to drift into the side filter.

"Come here," Tay called quietly.

Will walked across the pool to him.

"I am sorry for how I acted earlier today," Tay said quietly.

"It's ok, it wasn't you, I was the one who was being weird," Will replied as Taylor pulled him close.

"No, I wasn't being very nice, I sat there in the bedroom, asking you to be here for me, to listen to me and all that, and then I sat there ignoring you, it was wrong and I hope you will forgive me," Taylor said quietly.

"Of course I will, I already have, Taylor I," Will said as he put his hands on Taylors shoulders.

"Oh my God, Taylor," Will gasped.

"Yeah," Tay asked.

"Your burns," Will replied in shock.

"What about them," Tay asked.

"What about them, Taylor they're gone," Will replied as he ran his hands over Taylors arms.

"Uh," Tay replied quietly.

"Oh dear God, and your hair is back," he gasped as he ran his hands through Taylors wet hair.

"I, uh," Tay stammered.

"What happened, I mean, today you, and your skin, and," Will stuttered.

"Will, I'm better, don't question it ok," Taylor said quietly.

"But," Will objected.

"Will, don't question it," Taylor repeated now, only with his mind.

Will grew quiet.

Taylor pulled him close and kissed him.

The first faint chirps of the morning birds could be heard distantly. Taylors eyes flashed open.

"We need to get inside," he said suddenly. Catching Will off guard.

"Eh, uh, yeah um ok," Will said glancing around confused.

"Didn't the doctor say to stay out of direct sunlight," Tay exclaimed as he stepped out of the water.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Will replied getting out behind him.

Taylor directed a thought at Will.

"Yeah, I think he did," Will replied confused.

"The sun is on it's way up, lets go take a shower and get in bed," Will said as he opened the back door.

"You gonna leave your cloths all over the back yard," Will asked glancing back at them in the grass beyond the pool.

"I'll get them later," he replied as they walked in.

*          *          *          *          *

"I think today is the day," Ike smiled at Shiye over the cup of coffee he held.

"For real," she smiled.

"Yeah, for real," Ike replied as they stepped out onto the back deck.

"I, hey, what are Tays cloths doing out in the yard," Ike asked as they sat down.

"Who, knows," Shiye shrugged.


"When do you think, eww," Shiye jerked in her chair.

"What," Ike said sitting up.

"God, you need to clean the water in that pool, that's sick," Shiye frowned.

"What the," Ike said standing up.

The water in the pool looked horrible. Clumps of dirt, bits of fur, it even smelled bad.

"Looks like something died in there," Shiye frowned.

"I'll call the pool man today," Ike said sitting back down.

"Anyways, uh so when do you think we'll tell them," she finished.

"How about dinner, tonight," Ike asked.

"Sounds good," Shiye smiled.

"It's been a long time coming," he grinned.

"No kidding," she smiled as she leaned over to kiss him.

*          *          *          *          *

"Dude, eww," Zac's voice echoed out of the bathroom.

Tay sat up, his eyes still half asleep.

"What," he grunted.

"What the heck is in the bottom of the tub," Zac called out.

"Beats the hell out of me," Tay replied flopping back in the bed. Will shifted and snuggled against him.

Zac walked back into the bedroom and looked at Taylor.

"Holy shit," Zac yelped.

Both Will and Taylor sat up in bed suddenly.

"Uh, what, where, who," Will asked suddenly.

"Dude, Tay, you're all better," Zac said in shock.

"Oh, that," Will said laying back down.

"What do you mean, 'oh that,' yesterday he looked like a side of roast beef, now he looks like the poster boy for perfect skin," Zac said his mouth hanging open.

"Don't question it, just let it go," Taylor directed at Zac.

"Wow," Zac muttered as he walked back into the bathroom.

*          *          *          *          *

"Hey you guys gonna eat dinner," Zac said walking into the bedroom.

Will sat up in bed.

"Dinner," he asked in shock.

"Yeah, it's like seven at night," Zac replied.

"Crap," Will leaned over to Taylor.

"Babe, we need to get up it's like already night," he whispered.

Taylor smiled.

"What's the schedule," he yawned as he sat up.

"Dinner, Ike cooked, something is up," Zac smiled.

"Yeah, wow," Tay smiled.

"Ike cooks," Will asked as Zac left the room.

"Yeah, on rare occasions, so it must be something big," Tay said pulling on his boxers.

"I'm starved," Will replied.

"Me too," Tay lied.

*          *          *          *          *

"Well I guess you guys are all wondering why I cooked all this," Ike started.

The entire family sat at the huge dining room table.

"The thing is, I've got some good news," Ike started. Walker and Diana smiled.

"With mom and dads blessings, Shiye and myself are getting married."

Zac dropped his fork, Taylor's eye brows jumped up and Will smiled.

"Whoa," Zac muttered.

"That's great," Will smiled.

"How long have you guys been planning this," Taylor asked.

"Well, we actually have been waiting for the right moment," Ike replied sitting down beside Shiye.

"Ike asked us just after you guys left for Paris," Walker said to Will and Taylor.

"Why didn't anyone let me in on it," Zac asked.

"Zac, I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone," Ike smiled as he hugged Shiye.

"Oh," was about all Zac could say.

"Tay, what do you think," Ike asked.

"I think it's great, I think you two are perfect for each other, even though I've not been around enough to actually see you two in action," Tay replied. Zac started snickering.

"Not like that you dork," Tay said flicking Zac in the ear.

"Thanks man," Ike smiled.

"Taylor, aren't you hungry," Diana asked.

"Huh," Tay replied.

"Well sweetie, I mean I could understand if it was my cooking, but seriously, you've not eaten a bite," she replied.

Ike looked over at Tays plate and frowned.

"I'm just not hungry, Ike you know I love your food, I just don't have an appetite."

The phone rang.

"I'll get it," Walker said as he went to answer the phone.

The table remained quiet.

Walker sat back down, a slight frown on his face.

"What's the matter," Diana asked.

"The Tates can't find their dog," he replied.

"Gizmo," Mackie asked suddenly.

"Uh huh," Walker replied as he took a bite of food.

"That's odd," Diana replied.

"They said he's been missing since last night, he went out like usual but hasn't come home yet," Walker finished.

Taylor looked down at his plate and then back up.

"Tay you feeling alright," Walker asked as Taylor pushed away from the table.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired."

Taylor stood up and walked into the den.

"I'll be back," Will said scooting back from the table.

"Will, how's he doing," Walker asked.

"He's going through a lot," Will replied.

"Is he," Walker started.

"I don't know what's going on yet, but as soon as I do, you know I'll let you know," Will finished as he walked out of the room.

"What happened yesterday, I know Taylor was sunburned but," Diana asked.

They all looked at each other confused. While they all knew that something had happened, they all couldn't quite remember the details. It all seemed fuzzy.

*          *          *          *          *

"Babe, what's the matter," Will asked as he closed the outside door.

"I'm," Tay started.

"Yes," Will asked.

"I don't know how to go about saying it," he replied.

"It's ok, just let it out, whoa, whew, what is that smell," Will said covering his nose.

Taylor glanced up and then at Will.

Taylor chuckled.

"What's so funny," Will smiled.

"You said let it out," Tay laughed.

"No you dork, God I hope that didn't come out of your ass," Will groaned.

"Gross," Tay said as he noticed the smell too.

"Smells like, dead animals," Will exclaimed.

Taylor suddenly looked down at his feet, then back up. Tears were in his eyes.

"Babe, whoa, what's wrong," Will asked pulling Taylor to him.

Taylor began to cry.

"I'm scared Will," he said quietly.

"Of what," Will asked.

"Hey boys," Walker said sticking his head out the back door.

Taylor snapped away from Will quickly. So fast it startled him.

"Yeah dad," Tay asked.

"Just got a call, the studio opened up early, everyone wants to know if you guys are up for starting early?"

"Uh," Taylor looked at Will.

"Fine with me, it's up to Tay," Will replied.

Taylor stared at the deck. He thought of the dark studio, the hotel room, the dark vans that would take him there. The seclusion, and the fact that he could spend hours a night there, sleep during the day and no one would start asking questions.

"Yeah, but only if we leave tonight," Taylor replied.

Walker twitched slightly.

"Funny you should say that, that's when we had planned if you said yes," Walker said with a funny smile.

"Then we'll go get packed," Tay said as he pulled Will inside past Walker.

Walker started to close the door when the odor outside caught his nose.

"Geeze," he muttered as he shut the door.

"Diana, I think something died out in the woods," he said with a frown.

"Huh," she asked.

"Yeah, smells like a dead animal," Walker repeated walking over to the sink.

"Don't say that too loud, or Mackie will wanna go out and find it," she cautioned.

"A dead what," Mackie asked as he brought his plate in from the kitchen.

"Nothing sweetie, go help Zac bring in the rest of the dishes please," Diana smiled as she patted him on the back.

"Yes mam."

*          *          *          *          *

"Hey, is it alright if we bring Shiye with us to the studio," Ike asked Taylor as he left the bedroom.

"Since when did I make all the decisions," Tay asked.

"Uh, I just thought I'd give you the decency of asking, instead of telling you," Ike frowned.

"Fine with me bro," Tay said pushing past him.

"Would you find out," Ike whispered to Will as he stopped him in the hallway.

"Believe me, I'm trying," Will whispered back.

Will walked in the room and sat at the foot of their bed.

"I get the impression, you're not used to everyone asking you for the game plan," Will said quietly.

"No, I'm not, they call me the diva, but the never treat me like one," he smirked.

"But that's a good thing," Will smiled.

"Get packed, I'm sure we're gonna be leaving out of here in the next hour," Tay almost commanded.

"Yes master," Will said slapping his arms over his chest while blinking.

"Very funny," Tay smirked as Will pulled him over.

"Sit down for a second," Will replied.

"Ok, what," Tay asked.

"What's going on in there," Will asked quietly, as he stared into Taylors eyes. He ran his hand across Taylors cheek through his hair.

Taylor sighed, that always melted him. The way Will touched his face, like no one else ever had.

"I don't know how to tell you yet, believe me, I want to, it's just, I have to feel the right time, when the words, when everything will flow right," Taylor sighed.

Will leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Pulling him close he hugged Taylor.

"You're gonna be ok, I won't let you go through this alone," Will whispered into Taylors hair.

Taylor trembled slightly. Tears trickling down his cheeks.

"When the time comes, when you feel everything is how it should be, and you can explain whatever it is you need to explain, I'll be right here," Will smiled as he looked Tay in the eyes.

"Until then," Taylor asked.

"I'll be right beside you holding your hand," Will smiled again.

"Please know that if I do anything, or say anything that hurts your feelings, that I am not doing intentionally," Tay whispered.

"I know, we've been through too much, I didn't stop to think about that the other day at IHoP," Will said glancing down.

"We can do this right, we can make it through," Taylor asked. The pleading in his eyes made Wills heart ache.

"Yes we can, and we will," he replied kissing Taylor on the mouth.

"Hey, listen," Zac said walking in.

"Whoa, sorry," he replied as he turned to walk out.

"No, it's ok we're done," Tay said as he stood up.

"Oh, ok, well anyways, mom and dad are gonna stay home until Friday, then they'll fly out and meet up with us," Zac explained.

"That means," Tay asked in confusion.

"That means we'll have two whole days without someone trying to watch over us every moment," Zac grinned.

"Zac, mom and dad are pretty cool as it is about all that, let's just keep focused once we get out there, otherwise we'll end up pushing the release date back again and piss off more fans," Tay replied as he folded up a stack of cloths and placed them in his suit case.

"Geeze, you know, you used to be fun," Zac frowned.

"I still am, I just know how you get when you get in the studio," Tay replied.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Zac mumbled as he grabbed a handful of cloths and tossed them into his bag.

"You know you can fit more in there if you fold it neatly," Will said walking over.

"Dude, it's a losing battle," Tay exclaimed from the closet.

"This is how I always pack, so buzz off," Zac smirked slugging Will in the arm.

"Ouch, don't do that," Will said as he rubbed his arm.

"Oh yeah I forgot, you and Tay are all skin and bones," Zac smiled tossing another handful into the bag.

"No, you're just stronger than you realize," Will said slugging him back.

"Oooh, that hurt," Zac laughed.

"Ok ok, stop, otherwise you'll both be on the floor in a second," Tay said walking in.

"Uh," Zac asked.

"Wrestling," Tay confirmed.

"Oh, ok good," Zac replied relieved.

"Don't worry, only Tay and I wrestle like that," Will smirked as he slapped Taylor on the butt.

"Hey man," Tay yelped as he glanced back slightly shocked with a grin on his face.

Will laughed.

"Ok guys, wrap it up, we're leaving in just a few," Ike called from the living room.

"Nag nag nag," Zac exclaimed as he waved at the wall.

"Looks like I'll just take the cloths I was taking to Paris," Will said as he realized he never had fully unpacked his things.

"Then you're already," Tay smirked.

"Oh, great, and once again I am the last person to finish," Zac growled as he sat on his suitcase.

"Oh god," Tay laughed as he watched Zac struggle with a sock that refused to stay inside.

"And again your fast packing methods resemble what some might consider mugging your luggage," Tay laughed.

"Shut up!"


"We're coming already," Zac yelled.

"Let's leave the two of them alone," Tay laughed as he pushed Will out of the room, leaving Zac to wrestle with his luggage.

"Where's Zac," Ike asked.

"Fighting with that sock again," Tay laughed.

"I swear," Ike almost roared.

"This happiness a lot I'll assume," Will smirked.

"Yes, every time we try to leave he's the last one, you'd think with how he jams everything in there he'd be ready in a minute," Ike frowned looking at his watch.

"Score," Zac yelled from the room.

"Huh," Will asked.

"Obviously the sock lost," Tay laughed.

"Ok, I'm ready," Zac said hauling down the hall way.

"Finally," Ike sneered.

"Geeze ok ok," Zac defended running up.

"The plane leaves," Ike started.

"Yeah, it's gonna leave without us if you don't stop your bitching," Zac yelled back.

"Guys," Walkers voice boomed as he walked into the room.

"Sorry," Zac muttered.

"Ok, we'll see you in two days, take care and promise us you'll focus," Walker said giving them all hugs.

"We will," Tay smiled.

"Tay, feel better ok," Diana whispered as she hugged him.

"I will mom," Tay smiled.

"The van is here," Shiye said sticking her head in through the front door.

"Ok come on," Ike said sheepishly.

"You mean the van wasn't even here yet," Zac yelled.

"Hush, hush, come on," Diana said ushering Zac out the door behind Will and Taylor.

"Geeze, I," Zac started but stopped.

"Call us when you get in," Diana said through the passenger side window.

"We will," Ike smiled.

The van pulled away.

"Think everything," Diana started.

"Yeah, they're home, it's gonna be fine, if they can just survive that first week," Walker started.

"I know," Diana smiled.

*          *          *          *          *

Anthea pushed through the last set of bushes behind the Hanson house. She had been holding her nose for the past half hour. The stench behind their house was awful.

"What the hell died back here," she asked herself numerous times.

She walked up the back stairs and looked in the window. The kitchen was empty. She tried the handle and the door opened.

"I'll make that phone call now," Walker could be heard as he walked down the main hallway.

Anthea pulled the door shut and slipped around the corner.

The hallway was empty. She reached into the sack on her back and pulled out a long wooden stake. Tip toeing down the hall she got to the bedroom door.

"He's not gonna even know what happened," Anthea laughed to herself quietly.

She pushed the door open. The room was empty. She glanced around herself, there were scatterings of coat hangers. She looked in the closet, large sections were empty.

"Fuck," she growled, she realized they must have just left town.

"What did I tell them about leaving the lights on," Diana said as she passed by the room. Reaching in she flipped the switch. Anthea was surrounded by darkness.

"The flight was full so it'll be on Saturday," Walker exclaimed as he walked down the hall.

"That's fine, you'd think a flight to Los Angeles would be easier to book," Diana replied distantly.

"So, you went to LA," Anthea said to herself.

"That's fine, I can follow you there too," she replied as she lifted the bedroom window.

"Mommie," Mackie called.

Anthea lowered herself out the window and dropped to the ground.

"Mommie, you in here," Mackie called as he pushed open the bedroom door.

"Downstairs sweetie," she replied.

Anthea ran into the woods behind the house. Her foot kicked something as she rounded a clump of bushes.

"What the hell was that," she muttered as she clicked on the flash light.

"Oh my God," she almost screamed.

"Gizmo," she muttered as she knelt down.

"I know who did this," she muttered as she looked at the lifeless little corpse drained of all it's blood.

"So he's gone all Brad Pitt eh," she asked herself.

"That's alright," she muttered as she picked Gizmos body up and carried him over to the Tates house. She set him down on the front stoop and walked away.

"You don't have much longer Taylor," she muttered as she walked down the street.

Something had snapped in her. Before she was suspicious, now she was sure. Taylor was a vampire and now she had crossed the point of no return. He was going down. Him and Will too.

On to Chapter Twelve

Back to Chapter Ten

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Eternal Night is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise – without the author's written permission.
All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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