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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Six Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Five On to Chapter Seven Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
I dropped all of the snacks I had collected on the counter. As the convenience store clerk started to dig through the pile slowly ringing everything up, my cell phone went off.
"Ike, honey, its mom. Are Tay and Zac with you?"
"Uh, no. I left them with Will, remember?"
"Yes, I know. It's just I called over to Will's and nobody answered."
"Oh, well Zac said something about them running out to get something to eat. If you want I can track them down for you. I think Tay's got his cell phone on him."
"I would appreciate it, Ike because I really need you guys back here. Did you get the snacks?"
"The clerk is ringing them up now. I would have gotten them sooner, but it's so hot down here so I had to wait in all this traffic full of people trying to get down to the beach."
"It's okay, they are currently distracted by the movie on television. Just hurry up and get back here, okay? The same goes for Zac and Tay."
"Alright mom. Bye!"
"Bye, Ike."
I hung up the phone and punched in Tay's number.
"Hey, man. What's up," he answered.
"Tay, where are you guys?"
"Oh, we're just leaving Johnny Rockets now."
"Okay, well go straight to the hotel. Mom says it's urgent."
"Hold on, Tay. I have a call on the other line."
I clicked send on the phone and then returned the phone to my ear.
"Isaac, it's Jammer."
"Oh, hi," I said in a less than enthused tone.
"I just wanted to call to tell you that I've been slightly detained, but I'll be there soon. Are you boys okay?"
"Yeah, we're fine."
"Anything happen while I've been gone?"
I immediately thought of Tay's latest nightmare, Zac's little girlfriend, and Will.
"Nope," I lied.
"Okay, well I should be there later tonight or early tomorrow."
"Later," I said clicking back over to Tay.
"Tay, you still there?"
"Yeah, man. Anything wrong?"
"Just that Jammer should be joining us either later tonight or tomorrow."
"That totally sucks," Taylor groaned. The cashier finally finished ringing up the mountain of snacks.
"Yeah, I know. Anyway, I have to go. I'll meet you back at the hotel. Later."
"Peace," Tay replied as I clicked 'End.'
"That will be forty-six dollars and twenty-five cents," the cashier said smiling. I handed him a fifty.
"Out of fifty," he continued, "your change is three dollars and seventy-five cents. Have a nice day."
"I will," I replied stuffing the change into my pocket before I loaded my arms full of snacks and headed out of the store.
Roswell New Mexico
August 2nd 2002
The sun burned down on the sandy desert surface surrounding the Area fifty-one compound in Roswell New Mexico. Agent's Mulder and Scully pulled up in their rental car.
"Agent Dana Mulder," she exclaimed as she held her badge up to the officer standing at the security checkpoint.
"Miss Mulder, I'm afraid," the officer started.
"We're here on official Bureau business," Dana started.
"Miss, this is a government installation, the FBI has no authority," the officer started.
"We have clearance from General Stone," Scully said as he held the slip of paper up.
The officer stepped back and allowed them to pass.
"A parking ticket," Dana asked with a smirk as they rolled away.
"It was the only thing I had in reach," Fox grinned.
They pulled up to a small white building. No other cars were in sight.
"The compound time forgot," Fox smiled to himself as he stood up and closed the door.
They entered the doorway. A small office, with a metal desk and an elevator greeted them with a chill from an overactive air conditioner. Behind the desk, sat a thin rail of a woman wearing a black suit and a photo identification badge.
"Special Agents Dana Mulder and Fox Scully," she said as they both held up their badges.
"Yes, I was notified of your arrival, we are prepared to do whatever we can to assist you," she said as she stood up and walked toward the elevator.
"Talk about a stark contrast to the reception at the checkpoint," Dana said quietly as they followed behind.
"Maybe I should flash my parking tickets around more," Fox laughed quietly.
The small thin woman glanced back. Fox closed his mouth and shot me a sheepish look.
"That mouth is going to get him in trouble some day," I thought to myself.
"We are currently ionizing level five, so that area will not be open for you," she said with a tight voice.
"I'm sure this facility has the proper gear needed for that," I commented still staring at the elevator doors.
She didn't reply. Only a bit of a hiss escaped her mouth. This peevish little woman was going to be trouble. I could already tell.
"I'm sorry I didn't get your name," Fox said, breaking the silence.
"Margaret Connor," she replied quietly without turning around.
"No rank," Fox asked raising his eyebrows.
The elevator doors opened.
"Agent Mazola," I exclaimed with surprise.
He held up his finger as he finished a call on his cell phone.
"I should be there later tonight or early tomorrow," he said as he clicked off the phone.
"Mulder, Scully, I wasn't expecting to see you two here," he said with slight surprise.
"The feeling is mutual," Fox replied.
"Anything in particular bringing you here," he asked.
"Just business," I replied. I never liked him.
He was stocky, or to be honest, fat. Bleached out blond hair, and he always seemed to be in the worst mood. In fact Scully once joked that the only time he ever saw Tommy smile was when he was sure he had just dropped a file he had been working on in the shredder.
"I see," he said looking at both of us, then at Miss Connors.
"I'm off," he said walking away quickly.
I noticed he glanced back a few times before he walked out the door.
The elevator doors closed and Miss Connors punched the level one button.
"Someone's got an admirer," Fox chided me.
"Please," I muttered in reply.
I hate it when he acts like that, especially in front of other people. It's one thing to be a FBI Agent. It's an entirely different thing to be a FBI Agent, and partner to Fox Scully.
I shot him a dirty look. He chuckled quietly.
"Level One," a female voice exclaimed from above us.
"They pulled out all the stops in this base," he replied trying to smile at Margaret Connors. Who simply stared at him.
I had to hand it to her. The woman had control. Even though he was corny, he was strangely cute. Comments like that had gotten me into a fit of snickers in the past which only made me look more immature.
"We're interested in future projects and development," he said as we walked out into the hallway.
"That is on level," she began.
"Five," he cut her off. She sneered at him.
This time it was me who was trying to keep a straight face.
"Well, show us to the coat closet, we'll need some gear to survive that ionization you've got going on down there," he smiled unresponsive to her bitter attitude.
"Follow me," she exclaimed as we returned to the elevator.
I had to smirk at him. True, I had to be the reserved one but it paid off to let him know I could appreciate his humor. No matter how misdirected or poorly timed it was.
"Level five," the voice chimed as the elevator arrived at the bottom floor.
"I believe the ionization is complete," she said as the doors opened.
"Perfect timing," he smiled at me.
"That's it on your left," Tay said pointing as Will turned into the parking lot of our hotel.
"OH SHIT," Daphne exclaimed.
"What" I asked.
"My day just doesn't get any better. Will do you know which hotel we're at?"
Will looked around and grinned, commenting, "Yeah, I know."
We all jumped out of the car and raced to get in the building. As we got in Daphne grabbed my arm and glanced down at my watch.
"I'll be right back," she mumbled.
"What? No! Why?"
"Zac, I just have to go get something. Just tell me what room you're in," she replied.
"Uh, we're on the eighth floor. Our room is the third one on the right when you turn left out of the elevator."
"Um, and the number is?"
"Hell if I know! It's not on the key."
"How do you know you're not going to go to the wrong room then?"
"I'm not going to the wrong room. We're the third room on the right after you turn left out of the elevator, and our room is on floor eight. Why? What's the matter? Is that too complicated for you?"
"You are so odd," she commented before she raced off for the stairs.
I turned to look at Will who just smiled and shrugged. Tay raised one eyebrow at him, but Will just shrugged again. Okay, hide it from me now, but I'll figure out what this is all about sooner or later.
I hit the 'up' button on the elevator and waited. I sighed running my fingers through my curly hair that had poofed out due to all the heat and humidity.
"Oh my God" I heard a girl exclaim from behind me.
I froze. My whole body screamed, 'TEENIE ALERT!' It's okay, Ike, I thought, they probably haven't noticed you. Don't give yourself away.
She continued, "Did you see 'Charmed' last night?"
I felt my whole body relax. Thank goodness for the WB and it's lineup of shows to distract teenies. The elevator dinged open, and I jumped inside. Two girls followed me into the elevator. I tried to stay out of the way as they laughed about what happened on that show with the three sister witches. I watched the two girls out of the corner of my eye. Why did they look so familiar?
"Sixth floor," the automatic elevator voice called out.
"Oh," one of the girls exclaimed, "I wonder if Daphne's gotten back yet. I'm starving, and I was hoping maybe we could go out to eat."
The door closed. Daphne? No, I'm sure it's just another Daphne, although I must admit I don't recall every meeting anyone with that name.
My thoughts were interrupted, when the elevator announced it's arrival on the eighth floor.
I heard the door to the open as Cristin and Amber's laughter filled the room.
"Hey, Daphne, you here," Cristin called out.
"Yeah, I'm in the bathroom," I replied.
"Okay," Cristin commented.
I opened the door to the bathroom and then turned back towards the mirror as I styled my hair up.
"What's up, you guys" I asked.
"Oh, we were just hoping we could get something to eat," Amber commented.
"Okay, well, I'd love to come, but Will and the guys took me out to eat at Johnny Rockets only twenty or so minutes ago."
"The guys," Cristin asked with a twinkle in her eye.
"Yes, yes. Those same guys. Geeze, is it that obvious?"
Amber laughed, "Yep, it's just the look you get in your eyes."
"Whatever," I mumbled in reply.
"So do you want to just come out with us anyway," Cristin asked.
"I would you guys, but I have to go to the eighth floor, turn left outside of the elevator, and then knock on the third door to my right," I explained.
"Right, and I have to save humanity later tonight," Amber kidded.
"Who's room is that anyway," Cristin questioned.
"The guy's," I replied pushing by them.
"Yes," I answered as I opened the door to our room.
"Okay, well tell them we said hi. Oh, and don't forget that we have an appointment tomorrow with Monique around noon, and you have drum lessons at seven tomorrow night with Maurice."
"I won't forget. I'll be back before midnight. Later!"
As soon as we made it into the room I ran over to my suitcase and threw it open.
"What are you doing" Taylor asked confused.
"I need to find something else to wear. Help me, please," I replied.
"Why all of the sudden do you care what you're wearing," Isaac asked entering the room.
"I think our little Zac has finally fallen for a girl," Tay answered smirking.
I threw a shirt at him.
"SCREW YOU! I have not!"'
"I have not," Taylor mimicked.
"Guys, don't start," Isaac said walking in-between us.
"I don't have a crush on her," I replied.
"Crush on who, honey," mom said entering the room.
Ike spoke up, "Tay seems to think that Zac has developed a crush on Daphne."
"Daphne? The brunette drummer from New York? The one in that girl band about the elements or whatever ... "
"Freezer Burn," I corrected her.
Everyone exchanged looks and I groaned.
"I have not fallen for her!"
My mother nodded.
"Um, how did she get from New York to here?"
Taylor smiled.
"Oh, sorry, mom. We went to go visit Will, and as it turns out they happen to be really good friends. You remember Will, don't you?"
My mother's face lit up and she reached out to shake Will's hand.
"Yes, how could I forget you. We've met so many times."
"Actually, we've only met once Mrs. Hanson," Will corrected her.
"That's funny," she answered, "it seems like so many more."
Mackie ran into the room and jumped on my back. I rolled him off, and he watched me as I dug through the pile of clothes.
"What do you think? Led Zeppelin shirt good," I asked him.
Mackie nodded and said, "Zac, what's this for?"
"Oh nothing. I just need to change shirts, Mack," I replied switching shirts.
I noticed Taylor roll his eyes.
"What," I snapped.
"Do you need some help, um, getting dressed," Isaac asked.
"What is wrong with the way I'm dressed," I answered.
"Oh, nothing, except that you look exactly like you always do, and no offense Zac, but you don't exactly dress to impress," Tay commented.
My mother stifled a laugh and came over grabbing Mackie's hand.
"Come on, Mack. Let's leave your brother's alone for a while. Ike, Tay, Zac, after Daphne gets here, please come to the other room. You have some paperwork to look over concerning the tour."
Mackie shot me a confused look as he followed my mom out of the room.
"Okay," Taylor said pulling out his silver makeup case, "let's get to work."
The elevator opened, and I stepped out.
"Okay," I said to myself, "turn left, walk, walk, walk, third door on the right.
"Okay, room 838." I sighed. "I swear Zac if you lied to me I will so kill you when I find you."
I lifted my hand up and knocked on the door.
"Oh shit, quick…" I heard come from behind the door.
Finally the door flung open and Zac stood there before me. I almost passed out.
His hair was pulled back. He was in a pair of jeans and an orange dress shirt. The first several buttons were unbuttoned showing off a white beater.
Will, Taylor, and I smiled at each other as we watched Daphne's eyes light up.
"Wow," she mumbled.
"What?" Zac asked
"Did you pluck your eyebrows while I was gone?"
Zac's hand went up to his eyebrows, and he asked, "Huh?"
"Oh, I didn't mean to embarrass you. They look nice. However next time maybe you should put some concealer or foundation on to cover the redness."
I smacked Taylor's arm and he whispered so only Will and I could hear.
"What?! I was going to, but she knocked on the door, and Zac hadn't plucked in a while! I just didn't have the time!"
"It's okay, Tay," I replied, "I don't think she really cares."
I cleared my throat. Zac had just closed the door behind Daphne and his arm had just sort of drifted around her side. I tried to hide my smile.
"You guys, I realize we now have guests for the night, but we do have to remember why we came to Florida. It wasn't to hang out with people. It was to get business done. Will and Daphne if you don't mind -"
Will interrupted.
"Oh, no! It's fine with us. If you would like some privacy, Daph and I will be more than happy to just walk around the hotel a bit."
"We would feel really bad just leaving you in the hallway -" I began.
Daphne interjected.
"No, it's cool. We can just hang out in my room until you guys need us."
"Damn, you work quick," Zac teased.
"I didn't get a room here because of you guys. I was actually already staying here with the other members of Freezer Burn. I already told you guys that we were in town working on our dancing and instruments. I'm sure you guys would laugh at what we call work, but - "
"No way," Tay assured, "We know how hard it can be learning instruments, and we did the whole dancing thing when we first started, and it was just an absolute disaster!
We admire that you guys have the dedication and determination to do what you want to do. It's really refreshing to see all these other young acts popping up."
"So what room are you in," I asked her knowing by the look on Zac's face that he was wondering the exact same thing but was too shy to ask.
"Oh, my room is on the sixth floor. You turn left out of the elevator and it's the very last door at the end of the hall on the left."
"Last door on the left after you turn left out of the elevator, after the elevator stops on the sixth floor," Zac said.
"Yep," she answered with a smile.
"And the room number would be," he continued.
"Hell if I know! It's not on the key! Why? What's the matter? Is that too complicated for you," she kidded.
"You are so odd," he replied with a smirk.
"Oh God," Tay mumbled, "they share the same twisted sense of humor."
On to Chapter Seven
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