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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Ten Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Nine On to Chapter Eleven Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"What is taking them so long," I groaned.
Daphne had just kicked my ass again. She hit the 'Start' button on her controller pausing the game.
"Zac, if you want we can play another game," she suggested.
"No, let's just stop. I'm getting tired of letting you win all the time."
She laughed and went to turn off the Playstation. I watched her leaning over it and sighed. What the hell is taking Will and Tay so long? Didn't they know that leaving me alone with her was torture? Daphne reached her arm around and tried to scratch a part of her back that she couldn't seem to reach. I scooted closer to her.
"Need some help," I asked as I began to scratch her back.
"Yeah, thanks," she whispered.
She had the most amazing back. It was…sexy. I smirked. Who would have thought I would actually find a chick's back sexy one day? I remembered the way her lips had felt pressed against mine back in the hotel room in New York. How scared I had been later on…mostly because it had actually meant something to me.
"Zac," she asked, "are you okay?"
I realized that my hand was simply placed against her back now.
"Sorry," I muttered beginning to scratch her back again.
"No, it's okay," she whispered.
Will and Tay entered the room at that moment. I jumped up and rushed over to them.
"Did you get it," I asked.
Will held up a brown bag with a smile.
"Got it," he replied opening the back and pulling out a tape with a big-breasted blonde on it.
"Ugh! Why do guys always go for the big-breasted blond chicks," Daph exclaimed in disgust.
"Hey, it's not our fault that most of the porno models have blond hair! If it upsets you so much, Daph, than why don't you sign up for the porno business. I'll be your repair man, your teacher, your... whatever," I teased.
Daphne shot me an amused look. I glanced over at Will and Tay, they both looked kind of, 'puffy.' I shrugged it off.
"You wish," she replied shoving me.
"Right, anyway," Tay interrupted grabbing the tape out of Will's hand and walking into the other room, "Come on guys, we'll watch it in here."
Will raced after him and jumped on the bed as Tay popped the tape into the VCR.
I looked back at Daphne who was still sitting on the floor in front of the Playstation. I walked over to her and got down on one knee.
"Daph, if you don't want to watch it I'll stay in here with you, and we can watch something else."
She smiled at me.
"That's really sweet, Zac, but I think I'll be okay. Come on."
She stood up and reached out for my hand. I grasped her hand, and we walked into the other room.
"I'm thirsty," Zac whined.
We had been watching the video for what seemed like forever.
"How many times can these people possibly do each other," Tay asked with a yawn.
"Obviously a lot," I commented.
"I guess fixing the toaster wasn't their main prerogative," Zac cracked.
"Geeze, Ike sure has been gone for a while," Tay stated.
Zac stood up and walked over to the phone.
"Want me to call him," he asked.
"Yeah, that would be good because I'm not really sure I want him walking in here finding the four of us watching porn with no warning," Tay continued.
"Good point," Zac agreed as he dialed Ike's number.
"Hey, while you guys do that, I'll go find a vending machine and get us some drinks," I suggested.
"Great idea, Daph. Here," Tay said throwing me his wallet, "get us some Dr. Pepper's or whatever. I think there's a key to at least one of the rooms in my wallet. If not, don't worry about it, just knock, and we'll open it."
I stared down at his leather wallet in disbelief. I have Taylor Hanson's wallet.
"This is way too cool," I thought with a smile.
"Do you want me to come with you," Will asked.
"No, that's okay. I'm sure someone would miss you too much, and I think I can handle a bunch of Dr. Pepper's," I replied.
As I opened the door I looked over at Tay and Will on the bed holding hands. Taylor leaned over and kissed Will on the neck as he snuggled closer to him. I smiled and walked out into the hallway. Okay, if this is anything like our floor there should be a vending and ice machine at the end of the hallway. I sighed as I passed the elevators. The elevator doors opened and I almost collapsed in shock and to be truthful, a little bit of fear. A hoard of teenyboppers carrying walkie-talkies came out of one of the elevators. A short fat red-haired one saw me.
"Excuse me. Can I ask you a question," she asked.
"I'm a bit busy," I replied continuing my journey to the vending machine.
They all scurried after me.
"Are you staying at this hotel," she continued ignoring me.
"No, I'm just here stalking people," I retorted.
"Really," one asked.
"No, not really. Geeze, I'm here on business."
"Oh, are you staying on this hallway," one questioned.
"No, I'm just visiting some friends," I answered.
"Friends? Are you a hooker," one asked her eyes growing wide.
I should tell them I'm the Hanson's hooker because the boys can't even possibly perform, unless I perform for them first. I held back the urge to scar them for life though.
"No, I'm not a hooker," I replied.
"Well I'm sorry, but you kind of sounded like one, and the way you're dressed," the girl began, but halted when I stopped and turned around to face them.
"That's funny 'cause you sort of look like a cow, but did I ask you if you'd been grazing in the pastures? No. Oh, and on top of that you're sort of sounding like a bitch, but did I ask you when the pups were due? Don't think so," I snapped.
Oh my gosh, I did not just say that. I closed my eyes and shook my head. This is all the publicity the band needs. I began to walk off again before I started a fight and more importantly before I was recognized.
"Hey! Wait! My friend, Natalie's a dork. Um, you said something about friends ... anyone we would know," another inquired.
"Nope," I responded.
"Are you sure? You look awfully familiar?"
I stopped and turned towards them.
"Look if you guys don't stop bothering me," but I was stopped mid sentence.
A tall skinny underdeveloped blonde gasped, "I know who you are. You're one of those girls from Freezer Burn!"
"No, I'm not," I lied.
"Yes, you are! I have a promo poster of you at home," she screamed.
"Okay, you got me. Why? Do you want an autograph or something?"
A few of them started searching for something for me to sign. I couldn't believe they still wanted my autograph after I had dissed their friend. Then again teenies don't have friends. They travel and hunt for Hanson in packs, but when it comes down to it, it's each teenie for themselves. I knew they were here for Hanson. I mean all of them were either wearing a Hanson shirt; had Ike, Tay, Zac written all over their faces; or just screamed 'teenie.' After signing a few autographs I turned to walk into the room with the vending and ice machines. I opened up Tay's wallet forgetting for one minute that this was Taylor's wallet. His license was in clear view of all the teenies. One gasped as I slammed it shut.
"Was that," the one who gasped began.
"That was my license," I lied as I tried to pull dollar bills out of it without having to open it again.
The teenies had now sort of surrounded me. I groaned in annoyance.
"Your license, huh," the redhead said in disbelief.
"Yeah," I replied managing to pull out of handful of bills.
I stuffed the wallet back into my pocket and sorted through the bills. I ran the first dollar bill I saw into the machine and hit Dr. Pepper. The teenies almost fell over. Shit, why does everyone have to know that Hanson drinks Dr. Pepper? I smirked. Too bad there's not a coffee machine here. I could order a black coffee and really make them flip.
Wait, stop that Daph. That's just horrible.
"The person on that license had blond hair. When did you ever have blond hair," a girl asked.
"What is this a damn interrogation? And my hair was not blond on my license, you must be mistaken. Now if you could excuse me I'm trying to buy a couple of drinks here!!!"
"For your friends," one sneered.
"No for myself because I'm fucking thirsty. SO BACK OFF!"
I immediately turned back towards the machine as I heard a few gasp. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can't believe I just cursed AGAIN in front of people who know I'm part of Freezer Burn. Cristin and Amber are going to kill me. Oh well! I opened my eyes and continued to order a few more Dr. Peppers. One of the teenies tried to reach for the wallet that I had stuffed in my back pocket.
"Excuse me? Could you please not grope my ass, I don't swing that way," I snapped.
She stuttered, "Oh, no, I'm not - I wasn't - I'm sorry…"
"Yeah, you should be," I replied as I stuffed the change into another pocket. I grabbed all of the sodas and started to push through them.
"Don't you know Hanson," one asked.
"I've met and hung with them a few times. Why," I asked playing dumb.
"Oh, well, we heard they were staying at this hotel," they told me.
"Why would they be staying at this hotel," I continued.
If there is one thing I know about teenies it's that if you always answer with questions and play dumb, they will eventually tell you everything they know, and not even realize it. Meanwhile they'll think they had you fooled the entire time, and go home feeling so proud of themselves.
"Oh, Hanson's in town, and someone saw their family checking into this hotel earlier, and their dad was seen leaving this hotel earlier. So we just know they are here, and this bellboy we bribed told us that he thought he heard they were on floor 8. So here we are," they told me.
"Oh that's a cute story, but I haven't seen them or even heard about them staying here. As far as I know my group's the only Rock group staying in this hotel. If I do see them though I'll be sure to tell you guys. Later," I replied walking back towards the room.
"She is so nice," I heard one of them mumble.
I got to their door. I went to knock, but thought better of it. I walked next door to the room with the Playstation. I placed a few of the drinks on the floor and then pulled out the wallet. The teenies had started walking towards me. I looked inside and found two hotel keycards. I pulled them both out and then shoved the wallet back into my pocket. I tried the first keycard. A red light appeared when I pulled it out.
"Shit," I mumbled.
"Is that your friends' room?"
I ignored the teenies and tried the next card. A green light appeared, and I opened the door.
"Thank God," I exclaimed as I reached down to grab the sodas and entered the room.
The teenies tried to look inside.
"Oh my God, there's a Playstation in there! HANSON HAS A PLAYSTATION!"
"So does a couple other million people," I replied slamming the door in their face.
"HOW RUDE IS THAT," I heard one shout from the other side of the door.
One minute I'm nice, and the next I'm rude. Oh well, I thought as I walked over to the connecting door. It was barely open. I pushed it open more with my foot and entered the room. Snacks and empty alcohol containers were everywhere. Taylor and Will were both just laying on the bed in a beaters and boxers. Zac had simply lost the button-up shirt, and he was laying alone on the other bed. The porno movie was playing loudly.
"How you doin', Daphy," Zac said imitating 'Joey' from Friends, well, if 'Joey' from Friends was drunk.
"OH MY GOD! I can't believe you guys are actually drunk," I cried out in shock.
"Took forever!!! Do you know how many teenies are out in that hallway looking for you guys?!? And I had to play dumb," I defended.
"There are teenies out in the hall," Tay laughed in disbelief.
"You want to go open the door and find out," I snapped.
"Sure," Tay said as he stumbled towards the door, "Will, you got my back, right babe?"
"You know it," Will replied grinning.
Tay threw open the door and a surprised teenie who had her hand raised like she was going to knock almost died. She started to stutter. More teenies squealed. Taylor slammed the door shut.
"I told you," I said.
"Damn," he commented.
"Damn they saw you in your boxers," Zac asked.
"No," Tay cracked, "damn they were ugly!"
They all burst out laughing.
"Taylor! That is so mean," I yelped.
"I'm kidding," he replied, "Geeze, calm down."
"Yeah," Zac agreed, "Daphne, come calm down over here with me."
"Right," I commented dragging out the word as I sat down on the bed Zac was laying on.
At that moment there was a knock at the door and a bunch of giggles were heard from outside the door.
"Hmm, I wonder who that could be," Zac said, rolling his eyes.
"Hold on. Let's see, baby," I answered, then calling out, "WHO IS IT?!?"
"Um ... room service," the small voice replied.
All of us burst out laughing.
"Since when has room service had to think about who they were," Tay questioned with a snicker.
"Aren't you guys going to call security or something," Will asked annoyed.
"Eh, it's really not that big of a deal unless they like wake up our parents. Now if that continues for a few hours than we probably will, and that will be extremely fun because you've never heard anything frightening until you've heard my parents after they've been woken up in the middle of the night by teenies," Tay replied.
Time passed. The giggles started to die down and the three of us were beginning to get really bored. Tay and Will were really wasted and everything just seemed really funny to them, not to mention the fact that they kept tickling each other. Zac and I had mixed some Rum with Dr. Pepper, and it kind of gave us a weird buzz.
"Let's go swimming," Tay commanded suddenly.
"Swimming? Okay, sure, but uh…teenies in the hallway, dude," Zac reminded.
"Plus the pool is closed," I added.
Tay gave me a look and announced, "The pool is never closed for Hanson."
"Oh, I'm sorry," I said throwing my hands up.
Tay looked at Will who had began to fall asleep on the bed. He climbed on top of Will and leaned down.
"Will, you awake," he asked.
"I am now," Will teased pulling Tay down so he could kiss him.
I glanced over at Zac. He didn't seem bothered by it. He watched them kiss and just sort of shrugged and took another sip of his Dr. Pepper and Rum. Taylor whispered something to Will who leaped off the bed and ran to look out the peephole.
"You guys won't believe this, but the teenies are camped out in the hall," Will whispered.
"Define 'camped out,'" Zac stated.
"Uh, they have sleeping bags, pillows, and teddy bears, and they are asleep in the hallway surrounding your room."
"How many," Tay asked.
"Uh, not sure," Will replied taking another look, "but by the way they're packed in it looks like they continue to at least the elevator. Of course that's just a guess on my part, I can't see that far it's only a peephole."
"Well, screw that. I want to go out. Let's just climb out the window or something," Tay said getting up.
"TAY! We're on the eighth floor, AND we're wasted! I don't think so," Zac told him.
"Come on Zac, don't you know how to live," Tay asked tauntingly.
"Exactly, I want to live, that's why my drunk ass and everyone else in here isn't gonna go climbing out an eighth story window!"
"But Zac, what about the teenies," Tay whined.
"They can jump for all I care," Zac responded, as I snickered.
"Do we have to go swimming now? I don't exactly have a bathing suit," Will commented as if the argument between Tay and Zac hadn't even taken place.
Tay grinned and asked, "Who said anything about bathing suits?"
On to Chapter Eleven
Back to Chapter Nine
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