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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Twelve Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Eleven On to Chapter Thirteen Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?" Isaac yelled as we entered the room.
The hallway was deserted, I noticed.
"We went swimming," Tay said smiling winking at Will.
"ARE YOU GUYS NAKED," Ike exclaimed in shock.
"Yeah, we kind of lost our clothes," I told him.
He sighed and commented, "Okay, you guys get dressed. I'm going to go grab a flashlight and see if I can find any of your clothes. I'll be back, and Zac give Daph a sweater or something. She looks really cold."
"Okay," I replied.
Isaac grabbed a flashlight out of his suitcase and ran out the door.
Zac pushed me into their other room where he had moved his suitcase earlier when he was looking for a shirt for me to wear. Oh my, gosh I lost his ZZTop shirt!
"Sorry about your shirt," I apologized.
"Hey, don't worry about it," he replied closing the connecting door on our side.
We stood there underneath the towel.
"Whoa, it's a lot different now that we can see each other," I added.
"Yeah, hold on, I can fix that," he whispered as he switched off the light in the room.
Darkness enveloped us.
He kissed the back of my neck and asked, "Is that better?"
I couldn't fight the smile that came to my lips. Just like I couldn't stop the warm feeling that surged through my body.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Do you think Ike has figured it out yet," Will asked me with a worried face.
"I think he knows something is up, to what extent I'm pretty sure he has no clue,"
I smiled.
I watched as my smile had its effect on Will's face. All the worry that had painted across it washed away instantly as I smiled.
We stood there for a moment. The cool air of the room nipped at my legs.
"You know," he said quietly.
"Hmm," I whispered.
"Are we going to stand here all night?"
"I hope not," I smiled. He was so adorable.
"Well, um, do you wanna put something on in the bathroom, or should I," he began to ask. I stopped his questions with my mouth.
Pressing my lips to his cut his voice off. His eyes fluttered and shut. I could feel the breath blasting out of his nose as we kissed. My hands relaxed as his did. The towel dropped to the floor. I slid my hands up across his bare hips to the small of his back. I pulled him closer. His height, while only a few small inches more than mine was enough to cause me to slightly reach up to kiss him. I smiled lightly as I heard him whimper. We staggered back a few steps. I felt him pull me towards him as he fell back onto the bed. I opened my eyes as I came to rest on my elbows. Our stomachs pressed together.
"Are you ready to take it to this level," he asked quietly.
"Well, I kinda figured we were on the way here already, what with your giving me head up on the roof," I smiled.
"Yeah," was about all he could manage as I slid downward.
"What are you," he started to ask as I took him in my mouth.
"Holy monkey," he gasped causing me to snicker.
I looked up, my mouth full of him and grinned.
What is happening to me, I wondered as we both rummaged through my suitcase in the darkness searching for clothes. Could I really be falling in love with her? I've known her so long and the attraction has always been there... then again, the feelings have always been there too. Just they weren't ever this strong. I was able to ignore them before... before the kiss. I pulled on a pair of boxers and then stopped. I'm going to bed in a few minutes anyway!
"You decent," I asked.
"If you call boxers and T-shirt decent then yeah," she replied.
"Great," I leaped up off the floor and turned the lights back on.
I then rushed into the bathroom and began to towel-dry my hair. When I was finished I grabbed a new towel and rushed back into the room. Daphne was sitting on the edge of the foot of the bed. I climbed behind her and began to towel-dry her hair.
"Zac, you don't have to do that -" she began.
"Shh, Daph, I want to," I replied.
"Okay, I have to ask you something," she said.
"Go ahead," I told her.
Daphne took a deep breath and then asked, "How come you never contacted me after the kiss in the hotel room? I mean, we did kiss, right? Or am I completely psycho?"
"Uh, yeah, we did kiss. It did mean something, too. I was just really confused, and then when Tay started to fall deeper and deeper into depression, well, I just didn't feel prepared or willing to go there with you. You understand, don't you?"
She nodded
I continued, "Now, I have two questions to ask you. First, would your group be interested in possibly opening for us? I mean we'd need a copy of the songs you'd want to do, and you'd have to sing to us acappella."
"You want us to open for you," Daphne gasped in delight.
"If you are nearly half as talented as you are beautiful than yes," I replied.
I saw the smile creep across her lips and light up her face. My heart jumped into my throat, and I took a deep breath. I stared at her for a second. So I'm attracted to her, that's not a bad thing. At least she's human.
"Okay, second question," she asked me.
"Huh? Oh yeah, right. Well this has no bearing on whether or not you get to open for us, but um, do you think that maybe we could hang out sometime," I asked.
"Isn't that what we're doing now?"
"Uh, yeah, I mean no. Um, I kind of wanted to know if we could like go out somewhere alone," I replied.
"Zac, are you asking me out on a date," she said with a smile.
"Not a date just a - okay, a date. Will you," I asked.
"Sure. When?"
"Oh yeah, I guess I should have thought about that."
"No, it's okay. This takes the pressure a bit off of you planning-wise. Let's do something cheap because I don't really have that much money at the moment," Daphne commented.
"Uh, Daph, you do know that a guy is supposed to pay for the date, right?"
"Zac, you don't have to pay for the date," she assured me.
"Daphne, I want to. Plus I make a hell of a lot more money than you do, at least right now I do. If you end up selling more records than we'll have this discussion," I teased.
"Um, okay. Deal," she laughed.
"How about we just keep this simple, Daph. We'll see a movie and pig out at the theater. Unless you want to go to a fancy restaurant or something."
She made the cutest little face of disgust.
"I have to go to enough of those stupid formal dinners for the group. Let's just go out and be normal teenagers for once or at least try," she suggested.
"Sounds good. Know any good movie theaters," I asked.
"No, but I'm sure Tay, er Will would know where we could find a good secluded movie theater," she replied.
"Good point. He does live here. So how long are you guys in town?"
"Next week is my last week rehearsing and then we start planning our tour, you?"
"A few weeks here and then we start planning the tour which should prove interesting," I sighed.
"Yeah," she whispered.
The door opened and Isaac peeked his head in.
"Hey, Ike," I greeted him.
He entered the room dumping a pile of wet clothes in the bathroom tub.
"Hey, Zac. Um, I just wanted to tell you that I got another room for myself for just tonight. I, uh, well I didn't want to keep Tay up all night due to my late-night conversations with Shiye."
A moan came from the other room. Daphne's hand flew to cover her open mouth.
"I'm sure he'll be up all night anyway or least fifteen more minutes," I joked.
Ike grew pale and nodded.
"Um, have fun in here. Goodnight."
"Night," we replied as he rushed out of the room.
"You don't think they are actually…," Daphne trailed off.
"I don't know, but if they are then Tay is really brave."
"Brave? What do you mean," she asked.
"I would never feel comfortable being naked in front of the person I loved. I mean people tell me to have sex when I feel it's the right time and right person, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable pulling my pants down in front of a girl or anyone I'd plan on being intimate with," I commented.
"Um, all four of us were just naked a few minutes ago," she pointed out.
"Uh, I know, Daph, but it was dark, and we were covered with water or a towel. It was just different," I replied.
"Okay, well, then let's see if we can destroy our phobia, Zac."
"Our phobia," I pried.
"I'm not really that comfortable with my body either," she confessed.
"Great, a gorgeous girl thinks she has a bad body. That does a lot for my self-esteem."
"Oh shut-up, you're hot and you know it. You're as little girls in my brother's class would call, 'a hottie with a body' and 'a cutie with a nice booty.'"
"You have a little brother?"
"Yes, I have two brothers."
"Oh, so are you the youngest," I asked.
"No," she answered, "I'm the middle child."
"A beautiful feminine middle child…can I call you Taylor," I teased.
"Not if you want to live beyond tonight," she smirked.
She smiled at me, and I felt my heart skipped a beat.
"Take off your shirt," Daphne commanded.
"Excuse me, what? Did comparing you to my brother turn you on," I asked.
"Will you stop changing the subject? You have a phobia, and I have a phobia, which is pretty stupid, because we both just went skinny-dipping. Now you heard me.
"Take off your shirt," she replied, "Come on Zac. If you do, I'll do it."
Okay, Zac, let's evaluate this. A beautiful girl just offered to take her shirt off, and you know that she's not wearing a bra because it's floating out somewhere in the ocean if it's not over there in the pile Isaac brought in. I took a deep breath and pulled my shirt off. She bit her bottom lip and pulled her shirt off.
I gasped out loud as he entered. Looking up, I forced a smile. His gorgeous body flexing, his face concentrating as he gripped my ankles.
"Are you ok," he asked quietly.
"Yeah, it's just," I tried to explain.
"I'll stop if you want me too," he said, I could see though, the look in his eyes told me he didn't want to.
"I'll be ok, just gotta get used to, uh this," I grinned painfully as he pushed against me.
I squeezed my eyes shut, wracking my brain trying to remember where I heard that this was supposed to feel good. I was sure whoever I heard it from must have been seriously delusional.
"I'll stop," Tay said quietly as he began to withdraw.
As he pulled away, an emptiness seemed to fill me, a loss of some kind. My heart jumped in my chest.
"No," I gasped as I slammed my legs around behind him pulling him closer again.
"Are you sure?" he asked with concern. His gorgeous face was shining with a slight sheen of sweat.
"Yes, just," I started trying to figure out what kind of advice to give him.
As he sank into me as the space closed between us, I felt a twinge inside.
Something felt different. The pain definitely was still there. He thrust against me a few more times. Each time the new feeling seemed to grow stronger.
"Go faster," I gasped, shocking myself as I realized what I just said.
"Faster?" he almost asked in shock.
"Oh God, yes," I groaned as I began to realize what this new feeling was.
"I don't want to hurt you," he said quietly.
"You're not, oh God you have no idea," I moaned slightly as he began to pick up the pace my back arched.
My mind began to spin as the pain began to turn into a stinging surge of pleasure.
With each thrust the discomfort seemed to melt into a warm tingling. As he moved faster against me I felt myself gasping for breath. My back arching, I wanted more, I needed more, thrusting myself up against him. I finally understood what it was all about, and why this felt so good, because it was Taylor and I was in love.
I almost yelled when he wrapped his legs around me, telling me not to stop. I had started to feel really bad. The look on his face was one of sheer pain. His eyebrows had been pinched together from the moment I nudged into him. It looked as if it only was going to get worse. But God in heaven did I not want to stop. The feeling was like nothing I've ever experienced before in my entire life. The tightness, the heat made me want to scream with happiness. That combined with the fact that it was Will, it was his body; it was him I was inside of. The feelings for him in me seemed to double with each thrust. Then when he asked me to go faster. I had to control myself, I wanted to pound into him like a rabbit. Sweat poured off of my face, I gasped as I fell forward, both his legs swinging to the side. Before I knew what was happening in one swift movement he was on his knees, I was behind him and I hadn't withdrawn an inch. I leaned down and swiped his hair off his back into my left hand, kissing his neck.
"I love you," I gasped as I humped against him.
"I love you too," he whimpered, he looked back at me.
The look in his eyes, it seemed so familiar, the way his lids drooped, the sweat on his face, the glassy look in his eyes. His voice had dropped a bit, now more husky.
"Tay," he whispered deeply.
"Yeah," I whispered through the kisses I was raining down on his bare neck.
"Fuck me," he groaned.
My heart leapt into my throat. I felt my back arch and my body quiver.
"Pull my hair and take me home," he panted as he licked at my cheek.
"I'm gonna drive you all the way to Albertane and back," I growled in his ear.
I leaned back onto my knees again, reaching forward with a handful of his dark brown hair and took a deep breath.
"Are you ready," I breathed.
"Born ready," he groaned as I pulled back his hair and let loose every ounce of energy against him.
"Oh God," I yelled. I didn't care if they heard me out in the ocean. I was in love, and even better, I was horny. Damn horny, for once I was with the person I loved, nothing was between us, literally. I never thought for one moment I would ever hear my mouth saying it.
"Will, I love you be with me," I groaned as I thrust against him.
"Forever," he gasped as he bucked back against me.
"You make everything in me feel right, with you it all makes sense," I groaned.
"You make me feel confident, strong, I can't imagine it any other way," I almost yelled.
"Oh God, yes," he gasped.
"Oh God, I'm gonna," I groaned as I felt that familiar feeling in my groin.
"Tay, I'm," he gasped as I felt his body flex internally.
On to Chapter Thirteen
Back to Chapter Eleven
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