Memories ... of a Forgotten Past    "Memories ... of a Forgotten Past"
by Taylor Quest
Chapter Thirteen
Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past
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Hanson FanFiction
Rated PG 13+

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Daphne and I were naked underneath the covers. Nothing kinky happened, we're not a bunch of weirdoes. We just laid in each other's arms and talked. It was really innocent and comforting. I had never felt so close to anyone before in my entire life. I couldn't believe I was actually naked with a girl and not freaking out or attempting to get my freak on. Then again we did kind of rush underneath the covers, but hey underneath the covers we were both naked. She began to fall asleep in my arms. I reached my arm out and hit the lamp on the end table off. I then turned back to Daphne. I ran my fingers over the soft skin of her face. Her breath came out slow and steady. Daph was either asleep or close to it.

"Daphne? Daph, you awake," I asked in a hushed tone.

There was no reply. I laid there with her sleeping in my arms and for once in my life I truly felt complete. Dad has Mom, Ike has Shiye, and I have Daphne...

"I love you," I whispered before I fell asleep.


"No, I'm telling you Shiye, the four of them were naked!"

"How do you know," she asked from over the phone.

"Well they were sharing towels and anywhere there wasn't towel there was bare skin. Plus Zac told me," I told her.

She laughed and commented, "Are you jealous, Ike, because we've never gone skinny-dipping?"

I felt a smile come to my lips as I teased, "You know it."

We both laughed.

"So what's the problem, Isaac," she asked.

"Well it seemed like they had coupled off, and Will and Taylor..."

"Will, the guy with the long brown hair," she asked.

"Uh, yeah, how did you know?"

"Um, I've met him," she told me.


"What do you mean, how? I met him through you guys."

"That's impossible, Shiye. We've only met him like once, and that was before we even knew you, before I even knew you."

"That's so strange. I could have sworn…maybe I met him somewhere else or maybe I'm thinking of someone else."

"Maybe," I added unsure.

"Whoa, let's move on because now I'm freaked out."

"I'm freaked out too," I agreed.

"So Will and Taylor were coupled off?"

"Shiye, I think Will and Taylor are into each other," I confessed.

"Taylor's gay?!?"

"That's what I mean! I've never seen him into a guy before. I mean the three of us have always joked, well, Zac and Tay have always joked, but then we'd all chase after girls together. He's even dated girls! That is what's so confusing. Then again Anthea would've turned any man gay." I paused, then continued, "I don't understand. We watch TV, he checks out the chicks. We go out, he flirts with the waitress."

"Tay was always looking for a connection though. Maybe in a weird twist of fate he found that connection with Will. He's probably not gay. He probably still likes girls. Taylor just found his soul mate. Imagine that I was a guy, would you not love me?"

"Of course, I'd love you. It would just be really weird. For one thing, you'd be a really ugly guy..."

"Thanks a lot, Ike," she laughed.

"But I'm not sure I'm comfortable with it completely," I admitted.


"Shiye, he's in our room with a guy making out and possibly even more. Meanwhile, Zac and Daphne are getting closer - I'm just waiting to find Mackie with some chick."

"Aw, are you getting protective of your little brothers?"

"Maybe, I don't know. I've always felt sort of responsible over my younger siblings, especially my brothers. I mean I'm the older brother. I'm supposed to set the standard for them, and as for my sisters, I'm supposed to protect them from guys. I never thought I'd be protecting Tay from guys too, and since when has Zac actually fell for girls? He's always been the one to flirt, but to actually -"

"Okay, Ike, let's take this one step at a time. Would it bother you if Taylor and Will were dating?"

"As long as Tay was happy, I would try to be happy. It would be weird at first, but I think I could get used to the idea as long as Will treated him right. Taylor's my best friend and my brother. I'm not going to hate him if he does chose to be with another guy."

"Okay, that's good. Now what about Zac and Daphne? I have met her before right?"

"Yes," I laughed, "you met her once."

"Okay, because if not than I was about to be seriously freaked out."

"No, you've met her."

"Okay, well from what I remember about her she wasn't the Anti-Christ or anything. She was pretty, funny, and seemed to get along great with your family…Come to think of it, Zac was always trying to be around her."

"You're right, but Zac has a lot of female friends. The odd thing is that he actually said the word 'girlfriend' and Daphne in the same sentence, and didn't seem freaked out."

"Seriously? Zac must really like her. Daphne and Zac, hmm, actually I can kind of see that. Zac has always been a bit lonely. I think it's due to the age difference between the three of you. Taylor and you have always been really close, and Zac was just always rushing to keep up. Geeze, one of the first things he ever said to me was, 'I just want some action too.' Plus I never did see him with any of those girls in Tulsa that you guys hang out with. It suits him to fall for a tough little New York chick..."

"Who happens to be a drummer," I added.

"Oh yeah! She's the one with the girl group, I almost forgot that."

"Yeah, I think we're actually going to let them open for us."


"If Zac likes this girl than I want him to have a chance with her. Plus, she's good friends with Will. If she brings him with her, then it won't 'cause any commotion from the fans, and Will and Tay will be able to get to know each other better. Unless you think they will be too distracted…"

"No, I think that's actually a good idea. Plus you're going to have me, so why can't they have someone to be with?"

"I love you, Shiye."

"I love you, too," she yawned.

I looked over at the clock.

"Oh, Shiye, it's late, and in your condition, you need your rest. I'm so sorry, honey."

"Isaac, it's okay. We miss you. It's good to hear your voice. It makes me happy, and I know it makes our little one happy."

"Oh, Shiye, I wish I could be there with you right now."

"Ike, I'm fine. Just get what you have to do done, and come back as soon as possible. I love you."

"I love you, too, Shiye. Get some rest. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Kermie," she replied before hanging up the phone.


"Damn it to hell," I muttered to myself, the plane delay, that annoying flying waitress on the plane. It was proving to not be my day.

Well, at least I can get the guys up and moving, some how, throwing them into high gear in the early morning before they can get adjusted always seems to cheer me up.

"Let's see, this should be the spare room," I thought to myself as I put the card key in the lock.

I opened the door. The curtains were drawn, a thin line of light pushed out of the bathroom. Unmistakably, there were two people in the bed closest to me.

"Shiye," was about all I could think to myself as I gave the bathroom door a slight shove.

No, this was not Shiye, long dark brown hair, long slender, muscular arms wrapped around Taylor's waist from behind.

I clenched my teeth and nearly threw my brief case across the room. There he was, mother fucker. The bastard is back.

"Zac," Tay muttered looking up at me.

"No, definitely not Zac," I whispered quietly.

Even in the dim light I saw his eyes grow wide. I turned and walked to the connecting door. Yet another shock awaited me. I knew it was coming, but I wasn't expecting it this soon. Now Zac had his own little slut. That whore, from that no name group from New York. I pulled the door shut and walked back across the room. Glancing over I watched Taylor blink his eyes a few times.

I laughed quietly to myself.

"He's not sure if he's dreaming or not," I chuckled.

No need for a scene here. I'll leave that up to Walker and Diana.


The door closed and I sat up. Oh shit. I pushed Will.

"Will wake up!"

He moaned in his sleep. I felt my heart skip a beat. Okay, no, not now Tay.


He sprung up in bed.

"WHAT?!? WHAT," he exclaimed.

"Jammer caught us. You have to get out of here before my parents get here."

"What about Daphne," he asked.

"Shit," I jumped out of the bed and threw on a pair of boxers, "um, I'll go get her up. You get dressed in some of Ike's clothes, and don't wait for her. I'll tell her that you'll meet her on the sixth floor by the elevators."

"Okay, I love you, Tay."

"I love you too, Will."

I pulled him into a tight embrace and passionately kissed him on the mouth. He broke the kiss.

"I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," I replied as I ran over to the connecting room door.

"Promise me," he said as he stood at the hall door.

"I promise, now go," I smiled as I felt tears beginning to rush up.

I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I grabbed a key by the television and ran out in the hallway.


Taylor burst into the room waking Zac and I up.


"Oh shit," Daphne mumbled throwing a sheet around her as she got out of the bed, "where are my clothes?"

Zac jumped out of the bed. Okay, they were in bed naked together. I shot Zac look, but his eyes avoided mine. He threw her shirt and shorts to her. I turned around as she quickly got dressed.

"Great my underwear is floating in the ocean somewhere," she laughed.

"Well that would surprise a fisherman," Zac teased.

"Tell me about it," she laughed.

I turned back around to face them.

"Will is waiting for you on the sixth floor by the elevators."

"Okay, thanks Tay. I better go now before they catch me in here with you naked, Zac. Bye," Daph said giving Zac a quick kiss on the cheek before she ran out of the room.

"Now what?" Zac asked me.

"Get back in your bed, and I'll get back in mine. When Mom and Dad arrive with Jammer act like you have no idea what he's talking about."


"Who is it," I muttered sitting up in bed.

"Walker it's Jammer, I need to see both of you right now, it's an emergency," he said all in one breath through the door.

"Di, wake up," I almost shouted as I threw a robe around me.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know, Jammer said there is an emergency," I said opening the door.

"What's the matte?," I asked.

"Taylor and Will were sleeping together," he started. I felt my mouth hit the floor.

"What?" Diana asked as she walked up.

"What's worse is Zac was sleeping with Daphne, the girl from the other band," Jammer rattled as he walked towards the boys room.

"Are you sure you saw?" I started as he turned around. The look in his eye almost made me flinch.

"Something the matter," Ike said walking up.

"Your brothers," Diana started.

"Asleep, as far as I know, they stayed up late last night online," Ike said pushing the bedroom door open.

"Zac," I said walking in behind Ike, Jammer and Diana behind me.

"Huh," Zac muttered rolling over in bed.

"Looks pretty empty in here," I said facing Jammer.

He was the picture of confusion. He looked over at Zac, then at me more than once.

"Are you sure you saw what?" Diana started.

"Positive," Jammer said throwing open the joining door.

"Ah," Tay yelled suddenly.

"Taylor," Diana jumped rushing forward.

"God mother I'm not wearing anything," Tay yelled from inside.

"Oh," Diana muttered blushing.

"What is it?" Tay asked walking up wrapping his robe around himself.

"Where is Will?" I asked.

"Uh, at his place I think, want me to call and find out?" Tay asked confused.

"No, son, um, did you have him over last night?" I asked.

"He was here earlier, him and Daphne, but they left a long time ago, like before we went to bed," He said scratching his head.

"I need to speak to the both of you," Jammer said as he nearly took me by the arm.

"Calm down, I'm sure you just got confused," Diana said as Tay Zac and Ike stood in the distance. I knew the boys didn't care for Jammer. I almost smirked knowing they were loving watching him squirm like this.

"No, I saw both of them, Will was in bed with Taylor, naked, and Daphne was in bed with Zac," Jammer insisted.

"Alright ok, let me talk to them," I said as he turned and left the room in a huff.

I knew for now the best thing to do was to simply tell the guys they needed some distance from their friends. It was after all time to get down to business.

On to Chapter Fourteen

Back to Chapter Twelve

Chapter Index

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Memories ... of a Forgotten Past is Copyright © 2000 by Taylor W. Quest.
This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. In no way does the author suggest,
alude to or imply the sexual orientation of it's characters or the real life people depicted in the story.
The actions of the characters in these stories are not aimed to suggest as fact the real life tendencies
of any real life person depicted fictionally in these stories.

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