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"Memories ... of a Forgotten Past" by Taylor Quest Chapter Seventeen Book 4 in The Story in Your Eyes Series Back to Chapter Sixteen On to Chapter Eighteen Chapter Index Taylor Quest Home Page ![]() Click on the picture for a larger view Action/Adventure Hanson FanFiction Rated PG 13+ Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet! Tarheel Home Page |
"Oh God," she gasped as I slid my hand up under her bra.
"God Zac what the hell are you doing," my mind yelled at me.
"You know what you're doing," I replied back to my mind.
"You shouldn't be doing this man," I heard myself argue.
"Great Zac, you're here with the most gorgeous girl you've ever seen, you've got your hand in her bra and you're having a schitzo episode at the same time?!"
"You ok," she said suddenly as she realized I wasn't kissing her anymore.
"Uh, yeah," I said trying to scatter those arguing voices to the depths of my mind.
"Ok, you just kinda, zoned out there," she smiled.
"Sorry," I smiled back as I leaned in again.
"You ok with this," I asked just before our mouths met again.
"Uh," she started.
"There you go, she started with 'uh' exactly! She's not ready, dude back off," shit since when did my conscience sound like IKE?!
"No, if it feels right then go for it, if you've got that connection man don't loose it," I frowned, now the Boy Fruit had found his way into my mind. Ok now I was totally loosing it. I can't even get free time away from them as it is! Now they are moving into my brain!?
"What the fuck," I actually said out loud by accident.
"Say what," she asked shocked.
"I mean, I didn't, thought, but," I stammered.
"Great Zac you're not gonna' make any points with her, talking like Taylor. Talking like Taylor never helped anyone, INCLUDING TAYLOR."
"Are you sure you're ok," she said sitting up, reaching for my hand which was still planted under her bra.
"Yeah, I'm just kinda," I said trying to find the right word. The word that would describe how nuts I was feeling inside, while still being kind, I mean. I can't be mean now. I mean shit, look at what's going on?!
"Kinda, out of place," she offered.
"No, I mean I feel," I started.
"Great Zac, ok you've totally lost the whole game here, now she's got the upper hand, you look like a dork, you're talking like Taylor and you're making as much sense as Ike, this is definitely the end."
She smiled suddenly.
"D'oh," I replied wanting to smack my forehead.
"You're adorable," she grinned.
"No, I'm not, shut up," I snapped not sure how to react.
She smiled bigger.
"What's so fucking funny," I growled now actually starting to get annoyed. What was it with her laughing when I was struggling here?
"That's some ... package you got there," she giggled as she glanced downward.
"Oh God," I gasped as I realize I had popped a boner on her.
She giggled.
"I, uh, I mean I," I stuttered. Here we go, down with the ship, children and all. I winced.
She kissed me. She damn straight kissed me. Of everything she could have done she kissed me. My heart jumped into my throat. I felt my head spin.
"Fuck it Zac you're in it deep dude," I heard MYSELF say inside. I smiled.
Finally those two dorks went back to their own brains.
I snapped back to consciousness. I couldn't move. My arms were strapped down.
At first I thought I was surrounded in darkness. But just as I realized I wasn't, I saw a laser beam pointing at my head.
"It would be in your best interest to remain still," a voice said.
"Where am I?" I yelled.
"Don't worry about that Mr. Quest, just a few more moments and you won't remember a thing," the voice replied.
Suddenly I felt like I understood it all. Suddenly I thought I knew.
Suddenly I remembered.
Taylor, the earthquake, the hurricane, suddenly it all made sense.
"Oh God Taylor," I screamed out just as everything in my mind went numb. My eyes fluttered and I went unconscious again.
"Why are bra's so hard to unhook?" I growled to myself as I struggled with the strap.
"Trouble," she snickered.
"Yeah, the bra that wouldn't budge," I laughed.
"Its not like your pants were that hard to get off," she quipped sarcastically.
"Would you help or," I started.
In one fast movement her bra popped loose.
"Holy shit," I yelped quietly.
"The miracles of being a girl," she laughed.
"No, I mean," I said staring at her chest.
"Oh," she blushed.
"Cool," I sad as I buried my face between them.
"Oh God," she half laughed, half gasped.
"Damn," was about all I could think. This was fun.
"Oh my God," I screamed inside. This is too much! This can't be happening, I mean, God, Daphne snap out of it, it IS happening.
"Whoa what an ass," I giggled as I reached down with both hands and squeezed his cheeks.
He jumped a little and looked up.
"Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for a long time," I confessed.
"There's something I've been wanting," he grinned.
"Oh God, his eyes, I swear," I gasped to myself.
He rolled onto his side and showed me is affliction.
"Lord have mercy," I muttered.
His chest heaved slightly.
"Great Daph, you've only inflated his ego even more," I thought to myself as I wrapped my hand around it. I glanced over at his face. It was so beautiful, sweat on his upper lip, his nostrils flaring. He was panting, heavily. He was so worked up. He rolled back on top of me.
"ZAC," I heard Taylor yell.
"Whoa," Zac grunted as he over rolled and began his decent off the side of the sofa.
"Ow," I groaned as we landed with a thud on the floor.
"Dude," Taylor started as he reached for the light switch.
"Don't," Daph almost yelped.
"What, are you two," he started.
"Just shut up, go away or something," I growled. This time I was mad.
"Ok," he said quietly turning back toward the hallway.
Instantly I felt a sting inside, I felt bad.
"No, it's ok Tay come back," Daph said pulling her shirt on.
"Yeah man," I said hoping to redeem myself.
"No it's ok, you two need time together," Tay said. I could hear him holding back the tears.
"No dude, it's cool, come on man," I said pulling him by the arm.
He turned to face me.
"Zac," he started. I coughed, damn it, he had been smoking again.
"Tay, damn, you and those cigarettes," I snapped pulling him back to the living room.
"Sorry," he said looking down at the floor.
"You know you get sick when you smoke them," I said patting him on the back.
"I know," he muttered quietly.
He started to cry.
"Oh God, Zac," I thought to myself. I looked over at Daphne, she moved in quickly and wrapped Tay in her arms.
"It's ok, he'll be back, I'm sure of it," she reassured him.
I sat there, watching him cry, I couldn't even begin to imagine what I'd feel like if Daphne were suddenly gone. How I'd feel, what I'd be doing. The lump in my throat expanded.
"Damnit," I cursed as I stood up.
"Zac," Tay sniffled as he turned around.
"Yeah," I said looking back.
"I love him," he whispered.
"I know," I replied.
"I can't live with out him, it's killing me inside, I can't breath, I can't move, it hurts so much," Tay cried quietly clutching his heart.
"Damnit," I thought to myself.
"You don't hate me do you," he cried.
"No, dude no, I'm mad, where the hell is he," I asked glancing around.
The clock on the wall read four am.
"Shit four am," I almost yelled.
"Yeah," Daph said quietly looking at the clock as Tay soaked her shoulder with more tears.
"This night has lasted forever," I muttered sitting down.
"Did you hear that," Daph said suddenly.
"What," Tay said sitting up.
Daphne shushed us.
"I thought I heard someone outside the front door."
I stood up.
"I just heard a car door close," I exclaimed.
Before anyone could react Taylor bolted from the couch and grabbed the knob of the front door and flung it open.
He fell to his knees.
"Oh God Will," he screamed.
"Will, oh God Will," I screamed pulling him into my arms. He was warm, he was alive, but what had happened. I looked up, a car sped off in the distance.
"Will, wake up," I cried shaking him.
His eyes slowly opened, and he looked at me.
"Who, what," he stuttered.
"Will, oh God it's me Taylor," I screamed as I felt Daphne and Zac pulling me up from the floor.
"Come on," Daph said to Zac as they heaved him up from the front porch and pulled him inside.
"What's happened?" I almost screamed. I didn't care if I looked weak, frantic, any of that crap. Something was wrong.
"I don't know," Daph said shaking Will as he looked around.
"Who," Will muttered.
"It's me, Daphne, it's Zac, and Taylor, Will what's wrong," Daph asked.
"I, can't, I mean it's," he stuttered as he began to sit up.
He looked at all of us. His eyes looked at us as if he had never met us. My heart screamed.
"Tay, oh shit, Tay," I heard Zac yelping as I felt myself feeling faint. I felt his arm catch me from behind as I stumbled backwards.
"Daph," Zac screamed at me as he struggled to hold Taylor up. His eyes had rolled into the back of his head.
"Tay," I yelled jumping up to help.
"Taylor," I said shaking him, trying to slowly set him down on the sofa.
"A fucking nightmare," Zac said looking at me. Tears in his eyes.
I looked around. Will on the floor looking more lost and confused than I had ever seen him. He didn't even look like he knew me. For once I felt true fear starting to creep over me.
"Come on, ok everyone relax," I said trying to get a grasp on everything I was seeing and feeling.
"That's," Will said slowly standing up.
"That's Taylor," I said confused. How on God's Green Earth he could forget who Taylor was.
"Taylor," he said quietly. Tay's eyes fluttered open.
"Taylor," he repeated, his eyes blank.
"Will," Tay said slowly as he sat up.
"Yes," Will said slowly sitting down beside him.
"Where were you," Tay asked quietly.
"Who are you," Will asked, pure, honest confusion in his eyes.
Tay swallowed hard. I could see it.
"It's me, Taylor, you remember me, don't you," Tay almost squeaked.
"I think, I, I mean," Will stuttered rubbing his head. That was when I noticed the red line across his wrist.
"What happened to you?" I asked suddenly as I took his wrist into my hand.
"I don't know," he said looking at his wrists, both which were marked like he had been restrained.
"Ow," he winced as I examined his wrists.
"Will, it's me, Daphne, and Zac and Taylor, come on man you have to remember," I exclaimed still in total shock.
"I remember you Daph," he whispered looking around.
"But I can't think straight, I," he stuttered.
"Will," Zac said looking at him.
"Yeah," he asked.
"Who did this?"
"Hell if I know," Will barked as he looked around the room.
His head turned and he looked at Taylor. His eyes grew wide.
"I love you," Will half asked, half exclaimed as he ran his fingers through Taylor's hair.
"Oh God," Tay whimpered quietly.
"I don't know how, or who, or what, but I know I love you," he said quietly, confusion still painted across his face.
Tay leaned in and kissed him.
"I think we better give them some breathing room," I exclaimed as I pulled Zac towards the kitchen.
On to Chapter Eighteen
Back to Chapter Sixteen
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